Documentación sobre la Sociedad de la Información. La selección de documentos procede de distintas organizaciones nacionales e internacionales y tiene el propósito de difundir información sobre los distintos aspectos de la Sociedad de la Información: económico, social, tecnológico, etc. Actualización 30/03/2015 UNIÓN EUROPEA (Informes * Estudios) Ten technologies which could change our lives: potential impacts and policy implications EPRS, European Parliament Research Service Enero 2015 The ways in which the selected ten technology trends are set to transform European daily life are described as a series of two page notes. Each trend has been chosen to reflect the diverse interests of stakeholders from across Europe and is aligned with the research priorities of the Parliament's STOA (Science and Technology Options Assessment) Panel: mobility; resource security; e-government and ICT; improving and maintaining public health. Digital Agenda for Europe: engagement for growth and jobs: Lot 3, ICT and innovation EY, Tech4i2 European Commission, DG Communications Networks, Content & Technology 2014 The report is aimed at identifying relevant initiatives and involving stakeholders in the formulation of policy recommendations to foster ICT and Innovation in the EU by addressing different challenges to help bridging the gap between research and market competitiveness, in two perspectives: in and through ICT. eGovernment factsheets European Commission, ISA, Interoperability Soluctions for European Public Administration Marzo 2015 These “factsheets”, of some 40 pages each, aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the eGovernment activities of the given Pág. 1 de 5 Documentación sobre la Sociedad de la Información. country he national eGov strategy ( the relevant legislation, the main players, the eGov Infrastructure in place and the services offered to both citizens and businesses). They can also support comparisons between countries. INFORMES – ESTUDIOS Akamai's: state of Internet report : Q4 2014 Akamai Marzo 2015 The report provides insight into key global statistics such as connection speeds and broadband adoption across fixed and mobile networks, overall attack traffic, global 4K readiness, and IPv4 exhaustion and IPv6 implementation. Technology, broadband and education: advancing the education for all agenda Broadband Commission, working Group on Education Febrero 2015 Los teléfonos móviles, las tabletas y los lectores de libros electrónicos con conectividad de banda ancha podrían llegar a ser la tan buscada panacea en los esfuerzos mundiales por facilitar oportunidades educativas de calidad, ubicuas y multidisciplinares a la población donde quiera que se encuentre, en particular en las comunidades más pobres y más aisladas del mundo, según la Comisión de la Banda Ancha de las Naciones Unidas. Big & fast data: the rise of insight-driven business Capgemini, EMC Marzo 2015 The report explores how far companies have got with their initiatives to gain and use insights from big data. Although everybody has realized it is time to move, there are still barriers to big data adoption. Shop the world: consumer attitudes towards global distance selling Deutsche Post, DHL eCommerce 2015 The main conclusions drawn are that consumers search for information online, their choice of online stores is guided mostly by attractive prices and free deliveries, they order online, pay by credit Pág. 2 de 5 Documentación sobre la Sociedad de la Información. card, and want their purchases delivered promptly. However, the survey also identified important differences between the respective countries such as, acceptance of payment methods. Living longer: wellness and the Internet: the impact of the Internet on consumer attitudes to health and fitness Ericsson Consumerlab Marzo 2015 This report examines how satisfied consumers are with their overall wellness, and how it relates to their use of the internet for health and fitness purposes. The report draws together data from several recent consumer surveys covering up to 49 countries. Protecting and promoting the open Internet FCc, Federal Communications Commission 12/03/2015 The FCC has long been committed to protecting and promoting an Internet that nurtures freedom of speech and expression, supports innovation and commerce, and incentivizes expansion and investment by America’s broadband providers. But the agency’s attempts to implement enforceable, sustainable rules to protect the Open Internet have been twice struck down by the courts. The digital communications infrastructure strategic Gov.UK 18/03/2015 Looking ahead, the market is mobilising to deliver ultrafast services, including gigabit services on demand. Government’s role in supporting industry is to remove barriers to investment, to cut the red tape that increases the cost of rollout, and to ensure the continuance of the stable regulatory framework that makes the UK such an attractive place to invest. La microfinanciación colectiva en España SE ConsultE Ministerio de Industria, energía y Turismo, Secretaría de Estado de Telecomunicaciones y para la Sociedad de la Información, Agenda Digital para España Marzo 2015 La microfinanciación o crowdfunding supone una herramienta de financiación alternativa a la vía bancaria, en clara expansión y que repercute de manera contrastada y efectiva en proyectos reales. Pág. 3 de 5 Documentación sobre la Sociedad de la Información. The Internet of the Things 2015: state of the market: discover how IoT is transforming business results Verizon Marzo 2015 Organizations are seeing measurable benefits from Internet of Things (IoT) projects. Transportation companies are saving millions of dollars by reducing fuel consumption using data captured, transmitted, and analyzed in near real-time. Local governments are making budgets go further with LED smart street lighting that doesn’t need regular maintenance, but can automatically report when it needs to be repaired. New vision for education: unlocking the potential technology Boston Consulting Group WEF, World Economic Forum Marzo 2015 In response, numerous innovations in the education technology space are beginning to show potential inhelping address skills gaps. These technologies have the potential to lower the cost and improve the quality of education. ARTÍCULOS Planet of the phones: the smartphone is ubiquitous, addictive and transformative The Economist 28/02/2015 This article looks at how smartphones are enriching lives, remaking industries and transforming societies. By 2020, 80% of adults will own a device that is as powerful as yesterday’s supercomputers. That will bring unimagined benefits, but also ask hard questions of society. PUBLICACIONES CON INDICADORES * DATOS INFORMACIÓN TIC * SOCIEDAD DE LA Nota prensa Comisión Europea. Estrategia para el Mercado Único Digital: la Comisión Europea acuerda ámbitos de actuación. 25/03/2015 AIMC. 17º Navegantes en la red. Marzo 2015. 12/0372015 Pág. 4 de 5 Documentación sobre la Sociedad de la Información. CNMC. Nota mensual. Diciembre. 6/03/2015 CNMC. Informe sobre comercio electrónico en España a través de medios de pago. 2º trim. 2014. 13/03/2015 CNMC. Informe sobre los consumos y gastos de los hogares españoles en los servicios de comunicaciones electrónicas (primer semestre 2014) 18/03/2015 INE. Índices de precios del sector servicios.17/03/2015 INE. Indicadores de actividad del sector servicios. 24/03/2015 Pág. 5 de 5
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