catálogo de semillas - Bjorn Malkmus Rare Seed Nursery

Lista de Semillas
Primavera/Verano 2015
Ésta es la lista de semillas completa del 17 de julio de 2015. La disponibilidad de todas las semillas se pone al día
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Abelmoschus (Okra, Aibika & Musk Mallow)
Okra, Lady Finger, Aibika, and Musk Mallow are cultivated as annuals or short-lived perennial plant from East Africa (Ethipia) to
Asia within the mallow family (Malvaceae). They have been cultivated for centuries for their edible seed capsules and/or edible
leaves and fiber-rich stems. They maka extremely showy, large, pale lemon yellow flowers with a black eye on tall stems, and
elongated, finger-like (Okra) to pointed-oval (Aibika) and upright hold seed capsules. Especially from Okra, unripe fruits are watered
for several hours, cooked and added as a vegetable to various traditional dishes from Africa to the Middle East and India. For any
rich, well drained substrate in full sun and sufficient watering in summer at a minimum of some 20°C. In colder regions best grown
under glass.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained soil in mid spring at some 25°C. Seeds may not germinate and seedlings will not develop
well at lower temperatures. Best grown as an annual at a constantly rather high temperature in a greenhouse or wintergarden.
10 semillas por sobre.
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Todos los derechos reservados.
Abelmoschus esculentus
(Red Okra)
Abelmoschus manihot
150 (200)cm, Red Okra or Red Lady Finger is an annual to short-lived perennial with utmost
beautiful, large pale lemon-yellow flowers above deeply lobed reddish leaves and up to 20cm long,
deep red, finger-like seed capsules. These are taken unripe, watered for several hours, cooked and
added to various traditional dishes from Africa to the Middle East and India as a vegetable. For any
rich, well drained substrate in full sun and sufficient watering in summer at a minimum of some
20°C. Best cultivated as an annual vegetable at a constantly rather high temperature in a
greenhouse or wintergarden. Not only for the edible fruits but for the color this is a splendid
ornamental plant as well. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 8378
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
150 (200)cm, Aibika, Sunset Muskmallow, Sunset Hibiscus, or Hibiscus Manihot is an annual to
short-lived perennial with extremely showy and beautiful, large pale lemon-yellow flowers with a
small dark center and pointed-oval, densely pubescent seed capsules above broadly lobed leaves.
In Asia and Australia very young leaves and still smoothly pubescent seed capsules are used as
vegetables, the semi-woody stem is used for being rich in fiber. For any rich, well drained substrate
in full sun and sufficient watering in summer at a minimum of some 20°C. Best cultivated as an
annual at a constantly rather high temperature in a greenhouse or wintergarden. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 8379
sobre de semillas
Abrus (Jequirity Beans)
Jequirity Beans is a monotypic genus with only one species It grows as a twining, perennial woody vine with large toothed
feathered leaves and white, pale rose or pale bluish-rose pea like flowers followed by brown seedpods containing showy scarlet red
seeds with a black base. Easily grown as pot plants in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. Keep plants
drier in winter at a minimum of some 10°C. Plants require a climbing aid.
Prior to sowing scarify seed (e.g. carefully scratch the seed coat with fine sandpaper) and soak them in luke warm water for some
48h. Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil at some 20°C.
7 semillas por sobre.
300 (700)cm, Coral Jequirity Bean is a climbing, woody perennial with feathered leaves, white to
Abrus precatorius
pale bluish-pink flowers followed by brownish seedpods with most ornamental brilliant scarlet seeds
(Coral Jequirity Bean)
with a black spot. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 0108
sobre de semillas
Abutilon (Flowering Maple)
The genus of Flowering Maple covers some 100 herbaceous species from the Mallow family (Malvaceae) and is found in tropical to
subtropical areas throughout the world. Several species have beautiful, five-petaled, and usually nodding flowers, and are easily
cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of
some 10°C. If plants become to large, they may be cut back in spring.
Sow at some 20°C throughout the year in any rich, very well drained soil. Keep seedlings in full sun, especially if they are sowed in
winter months.
20 semillas por sobre.
50 (120)cm, Large-leafed Indian Mallow is a biannual to perennial species with large, densely
Abutilon grandifolium
pubescent, heart shaped leaves and numerous slightly nodding, orange flower cups over a very long
(Large-leafed Indian
period. After flowering it makes some typical, upright hold seed pods. For any rich, well drained soil
in a sunny spot throughout the year, reduce watering in winter and keep plants at a minimum of
some 15°C. VI-XI.
Abutilon sonneratianum
No. de artículo: 3441
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
40 (70)cm, makes a semi-woody perennial, low subshrub with nice orange-yellow flowers. For any
rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of
some 10°C. VII-IX.
Abutilon theophrasti
(Indian Velvet-leaf Mallow)
No. de artículo: 6016
sobre de semillas
€ 2,79
120 (180)cm, Indian Velvet-leaf Mallow is a fast growing annual from South Asia with branching
stems and showy yellowish- orange flowers above serrated, heart-shaped, pubescent leaves. Easily
cultivated in any rich, well drained, rather rocky soil in full sun. Sow directly to the ground after the
last freezing nights in late spring to early summer. VII-IX.
Abutilon vitifolium
(Vine-leafed Abutilon)
No. de artículo: 4773
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
200 (400)cm, Vine-leafed Abutilon is a perennial, woody shrub with numerous, most ornamental
bluish-mauve flower saucers above vine shaped, pubescent leaves. It is native of open spots in
temperate forests in Chile. A fast growing species for any rich, well drained soil in a sunny (winter) to
partial shaded (summer) spot. In winter keep drier at a winter low of some 7°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3889
sobre de semillas
Acacia (Wattle Shrubs)
Acacia or Wattle Shrubs are in general subtropical to tropical woody shrubs to trees from a broad genus with numerous species.
They have usually elegant feathered or crescent-shaped leaves and ornamental, dense clusters of pure white to bright yellow
flower balls. Cut branches of many species are widely used in the floristry. In general wattles are easily cultivated as container
plants in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny and frostfree spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants cooler at a minimum of
some 10°C with reduced watering. Some species may lose several leaflets in winter, especially if they are kept rather cold,
however they will resprout vigorously in spring. Plants which have become to large may be cut back in spring before the new
Prior to sowing scarify seed (e.g. carefully scratch the seed coat with fine sandpaper) and soak them in luke warm water for some
48h. Sow flat at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year in any leafy-sandy, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Keep seedlings
in full sun.
2,50 (5) m, Gold-dust Wattle or Round-leaved Wattle has ornamental bluish green, oblong-elliptic to
Acacia acinacea
broad-ovate pseudo-leaves and lose golden ball-like flowers on long pedicles. Native of southeastern Australia growing in sandy soils in open woodlands. VII-IX.
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Acacia acradenia
No. de artículo: 3712
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
4 (7)m, has ornamental bluish green, elliptic to ovate pseudo-leaves and dense cylindrical spikes of
bright yellow flowers. Native of arid areas in sandy, stony soils throughout N Australia. VII-IX.
Acacia ancistrocarpa
No. de artículo: 3713
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (4)m, decorative bluish green narrow leaves and axillary cylindrical, dense inflorescences with rich
yellow flowers. Native of tropical areas of Australia (Western Australia, New Territory, and
Queensland), occurring in sandy soils. IV-VII.
Acacia auriculiformis
Acacia baileyana
Acacia bivenosa
No. de artículo: 3714
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
7 (30)m, Northern Black Wattle or Ear-pod Wattle is a tall tree with linear to narrowly elliptic, falcate
pseudo-leaves and numerous long inflorescences of bright yellow flowers. Native of Cape York
Peninsula in Queensland and New Territory, Australia, as well as Indonesia. Prefers a sandy-loamy
soil. IV-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3715
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (10)m, Cootamundra Wattle makes a fast-growing tall woody shrub to medium sized tree with
ornamental, bluish-grey feathered-leaves and numerous, terminal and axillary bright yellow flowerballs. From the Temora, Cootamundra, and Stockinbingal district in New South Wales (Australia),
where it grows in stony soils in open woodlands. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3716
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
1 (3)m, Two Nerved Wattle is a small woody shrub with beautifully colored bluish green, oblongelliptic to ovate pseudo-leaves and several deep golden flower-balls on long pedicles. Native of arid
regions throughout Western Australia, New Territories and Queensland, where it prefers sandy to
rocky soils in shrub lands and open woodlands. VI-VIII.
Acacia brachybotrya
No. de artículo: 3717
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
1 (3)m, Grey Mulga or Grey Wattle makes a small, dense shrub with grayish green, asymmetrically
oblong-elliptic to ovate pseudo-leaves and a terminal raceme of bright yellow flower-balls. From
semi-arid regions in south-eastern Australia growing in rich, well drained soils. VI-VIII.
Acacia brunioides
No. de artículo: 3718
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2m, Brown Wattle is a medium sized shrub with densely packed small, narrow pseudo-leaves and
beautiful pale lemon yellow terminally arranged flower buds. Naturally occurring in mountainous
areas in New South Wales and Queensland. VI-VIII.
Acacia calamifolia
No. de artículo: 3719
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (4)m, Wallowa or Reed-leaf Wattle medium sized shrub narrowly linear pseudo-leaves and several
golden yellow flowers loosely arranged in terminal racemes. From South Australia (Flinders Ranges,
Mt. Hack to Tothill Ranges) and New South Wales. Grows easily in any rich, well drained sandy to
slightly loamy soil. VI-VIII.
Acacia conferta
No. de artículo: 3720
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (4)m, Crowded-leaf Wattle makes a medium sized shrub with quite short, narrowly oblong-elliptic
pseudo-leaves and a dense terminal raceme of rich yellow flower-balls. Occurs in New South Wales
to Queensland preferring dry sandy or loamy soils. V-VIII.
Acacia cretata
No. de artículo: 3721
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
4 (7)m, tall single-stemmed shrub to medium sized tree with grayish green, falcate foliage and long
axillarily born, rich golden yellow inflorescences. Native of Queensland (Great Dividing Range) in
sandy to stony soils in open Eucalyptus woods. VII-IX.
Acacia cultriformis
No. de artículo: 3722
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (4)m, Knife-leaf Wattle or Half-moon Wattle grows a medium sized shrub with ornamental bluish
green, short pseudo-leaves and densely packed, bright yellow, axillarily born flower racemes. From
New South Wales (Narrundera) to Queensland (Stanthorpe and Inglewood area), where I occurs in
sandy to loamy soils. V-VIII.
Acacia cyanophylla
(Blue-Leaf Wattle)
No. de artículo: 3723
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (5)m, Blue-Leaf Wattle is a tall woody shrub to small tree with richly bluish-green colored leaves
and numerous, axillary bright yellow flowers. For any rich, well drained substrate in full sun
throughout the year, keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 5°C. IV-V.
Acacia cyclops
No. de artículo: 6323
sobre de semillas
€ 0,39
1 (4)m, Western Coastal Wattle is a medium sized shrub with grayish green narrowly oblong to
elliptic or ovate pseudo-leaves and dense terminal racemes of bright yellow flowers. Native of sandy
soils in coastal areas throughout Western Australia. V-VIII.
Acacia dealbata
Acacia debilis
No. de artículo: 3724
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10 (25)m, Silver Wattle tree with smooth, grayish brown bark, bluish green to silvery green feathered
leaves and numerous racemes densely packed with bright yellow flower-balls. Form rich sandy to
stony soils in subalpine slopes and tablelands of New South Wales (Guyra, Tom Groggin, and
Mudgee to Albury), Victoria and Tasmania. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3725
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (6)m, tall shrub to small tree with a grayish green to reddish green bark, ornamental grayish green,
feathered leaves, golden yellow flower buds in terminal racemes. From south-eastern Queensland to
New South Wales, where it grows in sandy to stony soils. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 3726
sobre de semillas
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Todos los derechos reservados.
Acacia decora
1 (3)m, Western Silver Wattle or Western Golden Wattle is a shrub with linear pseudo-leaves and
numerous small golden yellow flower buds in lose terminal racemes. Form rocky soils throughout E
Australia. V-VIII.
Acacia decurrens
No. de artículo: 3727
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
7 (12)m, Black Wattle or Green Wattle makes a tall woody shrub to medium sized tree with dark
green feathered leaves and terminal racemes of rich golden flowers. Native of stony to rocky soils in
New South Wales (Hunter Valley area). VII-IX.
Acacia dictyophleba
No. de artículo: 3728
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
1 (3)m, medium sized shrub with short grayish green to yellowish green oblanceolate pseudo-leaves
and terminal clusters of golden flower buds. Naturally occurs throughout arid areas in N and central
Australia (Pilbara region to the Simpson Desert). For any sandy to rocky, well drained soil. V-VIII.
Acacia falcata
Acacia falciformis
Acacia filicifolia
Acacia genistifolia
Acacia implexa
Acacia iteaphylla
Acacia jennerae
No. de artículo: 3729
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (5)m, Burra or Hickory Wattle medium sized woody shrub with ornamental, eucalyptus-like,
falcate, bluish green pseudo-leaves on reddish brown branches and axillary racemes of cream
flower buds. Native of coastal regions and slopes in New South Wales, where it prefers well drained,
stony soils. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3730
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
5 (11)m, Mountain Hickory or Black Wattle is a tree with eucalyptus-like, narrowly falcate, grayish
green to bluish green pseudo-leaves and terminal lax racemes with numerous small, rich yellow
flower buds. From loamy to sandy soils in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3731
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (12)m, Fern-leaved Wattle makes a tall shrub to small tree with fern-like, feathered leaves and lax
terminal racemes of pale yellow to lemon yellow flower buds. Native of south-eastern Queensland,
(Stanthorpe) and New South Wales (Legume to Bateman’s Bay and central tablelands), growing in
sandy o rocky soils, VII-X.
No. de artículo: 3733
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
0.5 (3)m, Spreading Wattle or Early Wattle small shrub with needle-like foliage and terminal pale
yellow to creamy flower buds on long pedicles. Native of south-eastern Australia (Dubbo,
Grampians) and N and E Tasmania, where it naturally occurs in well drained soils in dry woods. VVIII.
No. de artículo: 3734
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (12)m, Hickory Wattle or Fish Wattle grows as a tall shrub to tree with falcate, elliptic leaves and
almost pure white to cream flower buds in lose axillary racemes. Native of open forests throughout
Queensland (Atherton Tableland to Shoalwater Bay), New South Wales, and Victoria. For any rich,
well drained, preferably sandy to stony soil. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3735
sobre de semillas
2 (4)m Flinders Range Wattle or Winter Wattle is a spreading shrub with narrow, grayish green
pseudo-leaves and axillarily born, pale yellow to cream flower-balls on long pedicles. From S
Australia (Gawler Range and Flinders Range), growing in rocky positions. IX-XII.
No. de artículo: 3736
sobre de semillas
2 (6)m, Coonavittra Wattle is a medium sized shrub with eucalyptus-like, bluish green to grayish
green, narrowly elliptic pseudo-leaves and golden yellow terminally born flower buds. From arid
areas in W Australia (Kununoppin), New South Wales (Wilcannia) and Queensland (Simpson
Desert). For any rich, well drained, preferably rocky soil. IV-VII.
Acacia karroo
(Sweet Thorn Acacia)
No. de artículo: 3737
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (7)m, Sweet Thorn Acacia an evergreen to semi-evergreen South African species with feathered
leaves on greyish stems with very long spines and terminal to axillary yellow flower balls. For any
rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at
a minimum of some 5°C. VI-VIII.
Acacia lateriticola
No. de artículo: 6687
sobre de semillas
0.5 (1.5)m, a small shrub with short, lanceolate, dark green leaves and nicely contrasting bright
yellow, quite large flower-balls. Native of sandy positions in woodlands of Western Australia
(Chittering, Manjimup, and Dunsborough). V-VIII.
Acacia leucoclada
No. de artículo: 3738
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (18)m, tall shrub to spreading tree, very variably in size. Makes ornamental silvery green feathered
leaves and numerous, small, rich golden flower buds in terminal racemes. From south-eastern
Queensland (tablelands, Pilliga Scrub, and Howes Mountains) ad New South Wales (Hunter R.
Valley). For any rich, well drained, rather rocky to sandy soil. V-VIII.
Acacia ligulata
No. de artículo: 3739
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
1.5 (3)m, Dune Wattle or Sandhill Wattle small shrub with linear pseudo-leaves on light brown
branches and terminally born rich golden flower-balls on long pedicles. Native throughout arid areas
in usually sandy soils in central and S Australia. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3740
sobre de semillas
3 (5)m, Zig-Zag Wattle is a medium sized shrub with narrow, dark green pseudo-leaves and
numerous terminal and axillary racemes of small, bright yellow flower buds. Naturally occurs in
south-eastern Queensland (Clermont to Surat), growing in stony and sandy soils. V-VIII.
Acacia macradenia
No. de artículo: 3741
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Acacia maitlandii
Acacia montana
Acacia oxycedrus
Acacia paradoxa
Acacia penninervis
Acacia podalyriifolia
Acacia pulchella var.
Acacia pycnantha
Acacia pyrifolia
Acacia retinodes ssp.
Acacia spectabilis
Acacia suaveolens
Acacia terminalis
1 (3)m, Maitland’s Wattle or Spiky Wattle forms an open, medium sized shrub with short, narrowly
elliptic, dark green pseudo-leaves and solitary, golden flower-balls. A widespread species from
usually sandy soils in arid areas in Western Australia V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3742
sobre de semillas
3 (8) m, Australian Blackwood is native to Eastern Australia and has ornamental bluish green,
oblong-elliptic leaves and numerous whitish flower globes in terminal spikes. Easily grown in any
rich, well drained substrate in full sun and at a minimum of some 12°C in winter with reduced
watering. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 9113
sobre de semillas
1 (4)m, Mallee Wattle is a small to medium sized woody shrub with narrow, linear, dark green
pseudo-leaves and terminally born golden flowers. Native of south-eastern Australia (Eyre
Peninsula, Victoria, and Stanthorpe in south-eastern Queensland). Easily grows in any rich, well
drained, slightly stony soil. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3743
sobre de semillas
1 (7)m, Spike Wattle makes a woody shrub to small tree with thorny branches, lanceolate, dark
green pseudo-leaves and golden flowers. A widespread species found in rich, well drained, stony
soils in S Australia. VI-X.
No. de artículo: 3744
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (4)m, Kangaroo Thorn or Prickly Wattle makes a medium sized shrub with short, ovate, grayish
green pseudo-leaves and globular pale yellow to yellowish-cream flowers. Native of south-eastern
Australia (Eyre Peninsula, Victoria and New South Wales). Easily grown in any rich, well drained,
preferably rocky soil. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3745
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (7)m, Hickory Wattle or Mountain Hickory is a medium sized to tall shrub with broadly lanceolate to
elliptic, grayish green to bluish green pseudo-leaves and axillary born pale cream globular flowers.
From south-eastern Queensland to New South Wales, and Victoria. Easily grown in any rich, well
drained, preferably rocky soil. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3746
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
2 (7)m, Queensland Silver Wattle or Mt. Morgan Wattle is a small spreading tree with bluish green
elliptic to ovate pseudo-leaves and terminal whitish racemes with bright yellow flower-balls. Native of
Queensland (Mount Morgan to Caernarvon Range, and Stanthorpe), where it occurs in stony, well
drained soils. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 3747
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
0.5 (1.5)m, Prickly Moses forms a small shrub with small bluish green leaves and rich golden flowerballs in dense terminal clusters. From south-eastern Australia, growing in rocky, well drained soils. VVIII.
No. de artículo: 3748
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (7)m, Golden Wattle or Broad-leaved Wattle is a tall shrub to small tree with ornamental, falcate,
bluish green leaves and bright yellow, globular, terminally born flowers. A widespread native of
Victoria and South Australia (Eyre Peninsula and Kangaroo Island), growing in sandy to loamy soils.
No. de artículo: 3749
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (3)m, Kanji Bush makes a medium sized shrub with most ornamental shortly elliptic to ovate,
bluish green pseudo-leaves and globular, golden flowers on long pedicles. From sandy to loamy
soils in West Australia (Caernarvon, Rudall Range, Wallal Downs Stn, and Kimberley region). V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3750
sobre de semillas
3 (10)m, (recently separately as a species of its' own: Acacia provincialis) is a tall woody shrub to
medium sized tree with narrowly lanceolate, dark grayish green pseudo-leaves and lose terminal
clusters of pale yellow, slightly sweet fragrant flower-balls. From south-eastern Australia (Eyre
Peninsula and Wilsons Promontory) and Tasmania (King and Flinders islands). For any rich, well
drained, rather rocky soil. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3751
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (5)m, Mudgee Wattle or Pilliga Wattle is a medium sized to tall shrub with bluish green feathered
leaves and terminal racemes densely packed with quite large, globular, golden flowers. From southeastern Queensland (Eidsvold, Fraser Island, and Darling Downs) and New South Wales (Pilliga
Scrub, Cowra, and Condobolin), occurring in sandy to rocky soils. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 3752
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
1 (3)m, Sweet Wattle or Sweet-scented Wattle is a small, loosely branching shrub with linear grayish
green pseudo-leaves and axillarily born pale cream globular flowers. Native of coastal and nearcostal areas in Queensland (Bustard Bay) , New South Wales, Victoria (Cape Otway), and
Tasmania, where it grows in sandy to rocky soils. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3753
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
2 (6)m, Sunshine Wattle forms a medium sized spreading shrub or small tree. Has a gray to brown,
smooth bark, pubescent, feathered leaves and terminal pale lemon yellow flower-balls. Native of N
New South Wales to central Victoria and Tasmania, growing in sandy soils in woodlands V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3754
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Acacia tetragonophylla
Acacia verticillata
2 (5)m, Curara makes a medium sized shrub to small tree with spiny branches, small linear pseudoleaves and single golden flower-balls. Native throughout arid areas in Western Australia, Northern
Territory, Queensland and New South Wales. From rich, well drained rocky soils. V-VIII,
No. de artículo: 3755
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (10)m, Prickly Moses forms a spreading, tall shrub to tree with short, linear, dark green pseudoleaves and terminal, cylindrical racemes densely packed with whitish-cream flowers. From rich, well
drained, sandy to rocky soils throughout South Australia (Gulf Saint Vincent), Victoria, New South
Wales and Tasmania. VII-XI.
Acacia victoriae
No. de artículo: 3756
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (5)m, Elegant Wattle or Gundabluey is a tall shrub with short, ovate, grayish green pseudo-leaves
and pale yellowish-cream globular flowers in dense terminal racemes. Occurs in central Australia,
growing in loamy and sandy soils. V-VIII.
Acacia williamsonii
No. de artículo: 3757
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
1 (2)m, Whirrakee Wattle forms a small shrub with narrow, linear, grayish green pseudo-leaves and
dense terminal racemes with quite large, golden flower-balls. Native of Victoria (Inglewood to
Rushworth in loamy soils in Eucalyptus woods and open scrubs. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3758
sobre de semillas
Acanthopanax (Winter Hardy Finger Aralia)
Finger Aralia (Acanthopanax spp., syn. Eleutherococcus spp.) are fully winter hardy, woody, deciduous woody shrubs with loosely
branching, upright to arching stems.
The Ricepaper Shrub (Tetrapanax papyrifera) belongs to a monotypic genus with only one half-hardy species from mild temperate
regions in Taiwan and China. They make terminal ball-like to elongating clusters of small yellowish-green flowers followed by
ornamental black berries in late summer and autumn similar to the related ivy (Hedera spec.) above fresh green, palmately divided
leaves. Native of woods in East Asia and Japan. For any humus-rich, slightly moist soil in a partially shaded spot.
Tetrapanax papyrifer should be given a good winter protection in colder regions.
Sow seeds of Acanthopanax species flat in any humus-rich, well drained soil, keep pots in a protected, sunny spot outside during
winter. Transplant in summer or following spring as soon as seedlings are strong enough.
Sow seeds of Tetrapanax papyrifer flat in any humus-rich, well drained soil at some 20°C throughout the year in a partially shaded
to sunny spot. Seedlings are best grown under frostfree conditions with a minimum of some 5°C in winter before they may be
planted out in late spring.
Todas las plantas del género Acanthopanax son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática
Tetrapanax papyrifera es de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 9.
20 semillas por sobre.
3 (5)m, Henry's Finger Aralia is a woody, loosely branching deciduous shrub with upright to slightly
Acanthopanax henryi
arching stems, fresh green, palmately divided leaves and up to five terminal round clusters of
(Henry's Finger Aralia)
decorative black fruits in late summer and autumn. For any humus rich, well drained, slightly moist
soil in partial shade. IV-V.
Tetrapanax papyrifera
(Ricepaper Shrub)
No. de artículo: 3401
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (6)m, Ricepaper Shrub or Ricepaper Aralia is a most ornamental tall shrub with semi-woody
annual to perenials stems and perennial rhizomes. The stems have been traditionally used to make
ricepaper in China. This spectacular plant has huge annual, tropical looking leaves which die back
with first freezings in autumn. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a protected spot in full sun to
partial shade. In colder regions protect stems and rhizomes in winter. If stems die back as well for a
severe and prolonged freezing period, plants will usually regrow from the rhizome.
No. de artículo: 8339
sobre de semillas
Acanthosicyos (Gemsbok Cucumber)
Gemsbok Cucumber is a herbaceous perennial sprawling or climbing wild cucumber native of dry areas from South Africa. It makes
fast growing annual vines from a perennial underground rootstock and ornamental oval fruits (non edible) for decoration purposes.
Easily grown in any rich, very well drained soil in full sun with sufficient watering in summer. Keep dormant plants almost
completely dry in winter at a minimum of some 10°C. Alternatively the fast growing plants can be grown as annuals as well.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, very well drained soil at some 20°C throughout the year.
7 semillas por sobre.
2 (4)m, Gemsbok Cucumber is a herbaceous South African perennial with annual creeping vines
from an underground rootstock and ornamental, yellowish brown fruits (non-edible) with large
hunches. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. In winter keep the dormant rootstock dry at a
(Gemsbok Cucumber)
minimum of some 10°C. Alternatively grow as an annual. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3687
sobre de semillas
Acanthus (Bear's Breeches)
Bear's Breeches are excellent solitary plants for the rockery garden or any soil in a sunny position where the dense and large
racemes of creamy-white to purplish-brown flowers can be enjoyed.
Sow large seeds spring to early summer in any well drained rocky or sandy soil. Transplant rhizomes in autumn after leaves have
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
7 semillas por sobre.
100 (120)cm, Bear's Breeches makes a dense basal rosette of dark green, glossy and strongly
Acanthus mollis
dissected leaves and erect, white and purplish-brown flower racemes. A very ornamental and long
(Bear's Breeches)
lived perennial from the central and western Mediterranean region for any sandy or rocky and even
dryish soil in full sun. VI-VIII.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
No. de artículo: 8042
sobre de semillas
Acca (Strawberry Guave or Feijoa)
Acca is a Guave-like, evergreen shrub with blackish-green, oval leaves, light brown haired beneath, and a smooth, brownish stem.
Delicious fruits will develop even on mature container plants. For any rich, peaty soil in full sun.
Sow tiny seeds flat on any peaty, well drained soil at some 20°C throughout the year. Slightly cover seeds with soil. Seeds need
time to germinate, until germination keep soil moist but not wet and pots in full sun. Keep drier and cool at a minimum of some
10°C in winter. Larger plants are very frost resistant and might be tried in a sheltered spot in the open garden with some good
winter protection (e.g. a thick layer of dry mulch).
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 8.
30 semillas por sobre.
200 (350)cm, Feijoa Guave is native in warm temperate climates in South America. Its' large rosyAcca sellowiana
red flowers and silvery shiny leaves make this species an excellent ornamental container plant.
(Feijoa Guave)
Freely develops delicious fruits with a flavor between pineapple and strawberries. Few people know,
that the somewhat succulent flower petals are edible as well and have a nice musk-rose flavor perfect for sorbets or as decoration in fruit salads! Acca sellowiana is easily grown in any rich, well
drained soil at a minimum of some 10°C in winter with reduced watering and full sun. I-XII.
Seeds are not available for a delivery to the U.S.
No. de artículo: 2101
sobre de semillas
Acer (Maple)
Maples belong to broad genus of usually deciduous tall woody shrubs to trees from temperate to suptropical climates in mostly the
Northern hemisphere. Several species have most ornamental foliage and some show a fantastic color display in autumn. All
species offered on this page fully winter hardy and easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot.
Sow seeds in any rich, well drained substrate and keep pots in a protected spot outside from autumn to spring. Transplant young
plants to the final spot in the garden as soon as they are strong enough or in autumn after leaves have withered.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557zona climática USDA 6.
10 semillas por sobre.
5 (8)m, Paperbark Maple is a small tree from Central China and has a distinct, cinnamon-brown
Acer griseum
peeling bark and utmost beautiful leaves in autumn turning to a brilliant scarlet-orange. For its
(Paperbark Maple)
overall small size in comparison to other Acer species this maple suits private gardens as well.
Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 8115
sobre de semillas
Achillea (Milfoil) & Tanacetum (Tansy)
Milfoils, Tansies and Feverfews are perennials from the northern hemisphere and have deeply dissected, feathered, usually
strongly aromatic leaves on upright stems crowned by bright yellow, white or rose terminal inflorescences. Many species are
ornamental plants and easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot in the garden.
Sow dustlike or fine seeds flat on any rich, well drained soil. Do not cover seeds with soil and keep the latter always slightly moist
from beneath. Keep pots in a sunny an protected spot outside. Transplant seedlings to the garden as soon as they are strong
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
Achillea clypeolata
Tanacetum audibertii
(Audibert's Tanacetum)
No. de artículo: 8109
sobre de semillas
100cm, Audibert's Tanacetum makes strongly aromatic, dark green leaflets and lose terminal
umbels of rich yellow floral disks. Native of rocky, sun-exposed spots in Corsica (France) and
Sardinia (Italy). A fully winter hardy species for any rich, well drained soil in full sun in a protected
spot. VI-VII.
Tanacetum balsamita var.
No. de artículo: 8032
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
160 (180)cm, Costmary is a fully winter hardy Caucasian herbaceous perennial with broad, light
green, aromatic leaves with serrated margins. The shoots are crowned by terminal umbels of small
yellow flower disks. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. VVI.
Tanacetum balsamita var.
(Camphor Plant)
No. de artículo: 8281
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
140 (160)cm, Camphor Plant is a fully winter hardy perennial with broad, light green leaves with
serrated margins and an utmost pleasant and incredibly strong camphor-like fragrance in this variety
native from Turkey to Central Asia. The shoots are crowned by terminal umbels of small daisy-like
flowers. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 7172
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
80cm, Dalmatian Chrysanthemum makes finely cut, greyish-green leaves on tall stalks crowned by
white daisy-like flowers. Native of meadows and open spots in woodlands in the Balkans. This plant
is the natural source for a well-known insecticide (Pyrethrum). Easily grown in any rich, well drained
soil in a sunny spot. V-VI.
Tanacetum corymbosum
ssp. corymbosum
(Scentless Feverfew)
No. de artículo: 8012
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
120 (150)cm, Scentless Feverfew (syn. Chrysanthemum corymbosum) is an utmost showy, fully
winter hardy perennial with tall annual stems covered with large, deeply dissected, dark green
leaves and terminal inflorescences of white, daisy-like flowers with a central yellow disk. Flower
stalks are excellent, long lasting cut flowers. It is native of meadows and open spots in woods from
Belgium to Eastern Europe. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in full sun to partial shade. VVI.
No. de artículo: 7185
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Tanacetum macrophyllum
(Large-Leafed Tansy)
Tanacetum parthenium
120 (150)cm, Large-Leafed Tansy (syn. Achillea macrophylla) is an utmost showy rhizomatous
perennial with tall annual stems covered with large, deeply dissected, strongly aromatic dark green
leaves and dense terminal inflorescences of numerous small white flowers. It is native to from southeastern Europe to Turkey and the Caucasus. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in full sun to
partial shade. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 6383
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
90 (120)cm, Feverfew is a beautiful fully winter hardy perennial native of mountainous areas from
the Balkans to Asia Minor. It makes strongly camphor-fragrant, feathered leaves and terminal
clusters of white flowers with a central yellow disk. Dried leaves are uses in several herbal teas and
medicines. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 7167
sobre de semillas
Acinos (Basil Thyme), Ballota (Horehound) & Scutellaria (Skullcaps)
Basil Thymes, Horehounds and Skullcaps are aromatic annuals to perennials within the mint family (Labiatae). Several species are
used in the pharmacy for their medical properties. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny, preferably protected spot.
Excellent in the rock garden.
Sow seeds flat on top of any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots outside in a protedted spot and transplant to the garden as soon as
seedlings are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
Ballota nigra ssp. uncinata 30 (50)cm, Black Horehound is a perennial with greyish-green, broadly serrated, pubescent leaves
on several upright stalks with whorls of pure white to pale rose flowers. Native of rocky soils in full
(Black Horehound)
sun in the Mediterranean. Original seeds collection from eastern Sardinia at some 350m. For any
rich, well drained soil in full sun, an excellent rock garden plant. VI-VII.
Scutellaria alpina
(Alpine Skullcap)
No. de artículo: 6369
sobre de semillas (ex Cerdeña)
€ 0,99
12cm, Alpine Skullcap is a beautiful perennial species with quite large flower with a violet-blue crown
and lower white lip in spring and early summer. It is native of mountain meadows and rock crevices
in European mountain ridges from the Pyreness to the Alps, Ventian mountains and mountains in
the Balkans. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. An excellent rock garden
plant. V-VI.
Scutellaria baicalensis
(Baical Skullcap)
No. de artículo: 8009
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
25 (40)cm, Baical Skullcap is amongst the most beautiful perennial members within this genus and
has uncountable rich violet-blue flowers in early sumer on medium tall stalks with densely arranged
narrow leaves. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VI.
Scutellaria cypria ssp.
(Cyprus Skullcap)
No. de artículo: 7178
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10cm, Cyprus Skullcap is a rare dwarf perennial endemic of rocky slopes in high elevations of the
Troodos mountain range on Cyprus. It makes short stalks with bicolored flowers from rose yellow to
orange lilac above dark green, aromatic leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Excellent in a protected spot in the rock garden. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 6370
sobre de semillas
Aconitum (Monkshoot)
Aconitum or Monkshoot have a perennial rootstock from which emerge several, very ornamental flower stalks above usually
strongly divided, rather large leaves. Most species are native to slightly moist spots in full sun to partially shaded places throughout
Europe extending eastwards to Japan. Very easy and free flowering in cultivation, excellent cut flowers.
Sow seeds flat in any humus rich, well drained soil from early autumn to late spring. Keep pots in a partially shaded spot outside.
Seeds need a cooling period of several months prior to germination. If they are sowed too late, they may take another winter before
they will germinate in following spring. Turn pots to full sun after germination will have occured in mid spring. Keep soil only slightly
moist. Transplant dormant rhizomes or rootstock from late summer to mid autumn. Aconitum flower usually within 2 to 3 years after
sowing and are very long-lived ornamental perennials.
Aviso: ¡Todas las partes son tóxicas si son ingestidas!
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
120 (180)cm, Chinese Monkshoot is a semi climbing herbaceous perennial native of mountain
meadows and open spots in woods in China. It has strongly serrated round leaves and mid blue
flowers from late summer through. Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soiled in a sunny
(Chinese Monkshoot)
spot. VIII-IX.
Aconitum carmichaelii var.
No. de artículo: 5203
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
150 (200)cm, an impressive species with tall upright stems with deep azure blue to dark purplish
blue flowers above 3-lobed leaves. Its' flowers are taller than broad. For a partially shaded, slightly
moist spot in any humus rich soil. This species flowers very late in the year from late summer to the
first freezings in autumn. VIII-X.
Aconitum ferox
No. de artículo: 1056
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
100cm, a very showy species from mountain meadows and open spots in the Himalaya region. It
makes pale blue and quite large flowers. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in partial shade
to full sun. VI-VIII.
Aconitum hemsleyanum
(Climbing Monkshoot)
No. de artículo: 6538
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
180 (280)cm, Climbing Monkshoot is a perennial with tall growing, twining annual shoots with
bicolored flowers in blue and white. It is native of open spots in woods, forest margins and scrubs in
central China. Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soiled in a sunny spot. VIII-IX.
No. de artículo: 5224
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Aconitum napellus
(European Monkshoot)
100 (150)cm, European Monkshoot is native to moist, open places in woods throughout central to
eastern and has becoming extremely rare in nature. Very large, rich dark blue (sometimes white)
flowers. A very long lived and easily cultivated species for any rich soil in full sun to partial shade. VIVII.
No. de artículo: 1060
sobre de semillas
Aconitum pseudohuiliense
Aconitum sachalinense
ssp. nemurense
(Sakhalin Monkshoot)
No. de artículo: 6815
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
120 (180)cm, Sakhalin Monkshoot is a showy, tall herbaceous perennial from Eastern Asia and
Northern Japan. It makes upright to semi-inclining tall annual shoots with numerous ink blue flowers
and strongly cut leaves. Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soiled in a sunny spot. VIII-IX.
Aconitum scaposum var.
No. de artículo: 8995
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (160)cm, has showy, quite large, strongly serrated round leaves and upright stems with pale ink
blue to lilac blue flowers. It is a herbaceous perennial native of mountain meadows and woods in
western China (Szechuan). Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soiled in a sunny spot. VIIIIX.
Aconitum seoulense
(Korean Monkshoot)
No. de artículo: 5202
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
100 (160)cm, Korean Monkshoot is a showy species with quite large ink blue flowers on upright
stems. Native of mountain meadows and open spots in woods in Korea. Easily grown in any humus
rich, well drained soiled in a sunny spot. VIII-IX.
Aconitum vulparia
No. de artículo: 5201
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
120 (150)cm, threatened Aconitum from E Europe to Caucasus, growing in slightly moist shrubs on
steep slopes. Makes yellowish green to creamy white flowers. For a sunny to partially shaded spot in
any humus rich, leafy soil. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 1061
sobre de semillas
Actaea (Baneberry)
Baneberries and Bugberries (including the formerly separate genus Cimcifuga) are almost unknown wood plants from moist and
humus rich soils in the northern hemisphere with some 25 species at present. They make racemes of small white flowers on long
stalks above most ornamental dissected (feathered) and serrated leaves. Flowers are followed by very decorative bright colored
berries in summer to autumn. All are long-lived perennials, once established do not disturb plants.
Two red fruiting species are very difficult to be distinguished in nature: Actaea erythrocarpa Fischer and Actaea rubra (Aiton) Willd.
In general Northamerican plants of Actaea rubra have slightly broader leaflets and a laxer infrutescence than East Asian plants of
Actaea erythrocarpa. As even scientist are not sure if both forms are to be treated as separate species, we do not follow either this
difference and offer all seeds under Actaea rubra.
Sow flat from early autumn to early spring in any moist, yet well drained soil. Transplant rootstock in autumn after leaves have died
down. Sometimes seeds make take up to two years to germinate successfully. They require a cooling period of several months
prior to germination.
Note: All parts (especially the colorful berries) are poisonous if ingested.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
70 (100)cm, Asian Baneberry, makes upright spikes with white flowers above broadly dissected and
Actaea asiatica
serrated leaves, followed by glossy black berries on long pedicles (i.e. elongated stems) in mid
(Asian Baneberry)
summer. Seeds from a Korean population. Easily grown in any humus rich, slightly moist soil in a
sunny to partially shaded spot. IV-V.
Actaea pachypoda
(North American White
Actaea rubra
(Red Baneberry)
Actaea rubra f. alba
(White Baneberry)
Actaea rubra ssp. arguta
(Western Red Baneberry)
No. de artículo: 1062
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (140)cm, North American White Baneberry (syn. Actaea alba), has pure white fruits on swollen,
nicely contrasting reddish to pink pedicles on rather tall stalks which makes it distinct from the white
fruited form of Actaea rubra. For any leafy, rich, slightly moist soil in partial shade to full sun. Plants
sold in commerce usually are not this species but white fruited Actaea rubra. Our seeds descend
from the real species! VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 1064
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
80cm, Red Baneberry (incl. Actaea erythrocarpa) makes terminal racemes of small white flowers
followed by most ornamental crimson red, shiny berries in late summer above strongly dissected
and serrated leaves. It is native of open spots in deciduous woods from north-eastern Asia
(Novosibirsk to Kamtschatka region) and North America. Easily grown in any leafy, rich, slightly
moist soil in partial shade. Seeds are from red-fruited plants only, yet some seedlings may naturally
have red fruits. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 1065
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
80cm, White Baneberry (incl. Actaea erythrocarpa) makes terminal racemes of small white flowers
followed by most showy snow white, shiny berries in late summer above strongly dissected and
serrated leaves. It is native of open spots in deciduous woods from north-eastern Asia (Novosibirsk
to Kamtschatka region) and North America. Easily grown in any leafy, rich, slightly moist soil in
partial shade. Seeds are from white-fruited plants only, yet some seedlings may naturally have red
fruits. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 1066
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
50cm, Western Red Baneberry is an overall smaller subspecies from western North America with
terminal racemes of small white flowers followed by ornamental crimson red, shiny berries in late
summer above strongly dissected and serrated leaves. An extremely rarely cultivated plant which is
easily grown in any leafy, rich, slightly moist soil in partial shade. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 8938
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Actaea spicata
(European Black
100 (120)cm, European Black Baneberry, with glossy deep black fruits above broadly dissected and
serrated leaves. Native throughout Europe and NW Asia, growing in woods in a leafy, rich, slightly
moist soil in light shade. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 1067
sobre de semillas
Actinidia (Kiwi Fruit)
Actinidia or Kiwi Fruit are perennial, mostly deciduous, fast growing Asian climbers with ornamental foliage. Their whitish flowers
are followed by sometimes quite large fruits ripening in autumn and which are edible in several species. As several species are
strictly dioecious (i.e. female and male flowers are born on different plants), various young plants should be grown together until
their first flowering, after which one male plant should be kept for about two to three female plants. All Actinidia species grow well in
any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. In the first years some winter protective mulch layer is recommendable.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sunny spot protected from permanent freezing outside during winter. All
species require a cooling period of several months prior to germination. Keep young plants preferably frostfree for the first two
years at a minimum of some 5°C in winter with reduced watering. Transplant seedlings in spring before the leaves emerge as soon
as they are large enough to handle.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7 unless stated
20 semillas por sobre.
5 (7)m, Yellow Kiwi is a fully winter hardy species with walnut-sized, green to golden-green, smoothActinidia arguta
skinned ovoid fruits with a golden-yellow to greenish-yellow, deliciously sweet aromatic flesh in
(Yellow Kiwi)
autumn. Ripe and soft fruits can be eaten raw as they are without peeling off the skin as in the
common Kiwi (Arguta chinensis) - a simply perfect fruit! It makes dense, shining foliage from
vigorous vines with fragrant white flowers. An excellent and still rarely seen Kiwi plant. Easily grown
in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Plants require a climbing aid. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 8188
Actinidia arguta var.
(Purple Kiwi)
Actinidia chinensis
(Kiwi Fruit)
Actinidia kolomikta
(Silvervine Kiwi)
Actinidia polygama
(Japanese Kiwi)
sobre de semillas (precio especial)
No. de artículo: 2102
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
3 (5)m, Purple Kiwi is a rarely cultivated variety with showy dark purple, ovoid, edible sweet fruits in
autumn. Plants require a climbing aid. Easily cultivated in any humus rich, well drained soil in a
sunny spot. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 4868
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (9)m, Kiwi makes showy cream white flowers in spring, both on male and female plants, followed
by brownish egg sized fruits on female plants, having a sweet sour aromatic green flesh. Fruits are
ripening in late summer. Ornamental, heart shaped leaves. A strictly dioecious species, requiring
both male and female plants in order to set fruits. For any humus rich, well drained soil in full sun to
partial shade. Plants require a climbing aid. V.
No. de artículo: 2103
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
5 (10)m, Silvervine Kiwi, makes small fragrant white flowers, which produce yellow green edible kiwi
fruits in late autumn. The deciduous foliage has most ornamental silver and rose patches on the
upper surface. A strictly dioecious species, requiring both male and female plants in order to set
fruits. For any humus rich, well drained soil in full sun to partial shade. Plants require a climbing aid.
No. de artículo: 2104
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
4 (7)m, Japanese Kiwi is a fully hardy, medium sized, vigorous twining deciduous climber with large
heart shaped leaves. Its small whitish green flowers are followed by small, non-edible and bitter
greenish yellow to orange yellow fruits in early autumn on female plants. Easily grown in any humus
rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Plants require a climbing aid. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 2105
sobre de semillas
sobre de semillas
Actinotus (Flannel Flower)
20 semillas por sobre.
Actinotus helianthi
(New South Wales Flannel
No. de artículo: 8890
Adansonia (Bao-Bab Tree)
Bao-Bab Trees or shortly Baobabs are a small genus with only some 6 species from Madagascar, one species from continental
Africa and one species in Australia. They are most ornamental evergreen to deciduous trees with massive, swollen trunks and
short and flat crowns. Adansonia digitata is the only species with showy white flowers on older specimens. All Adansonia species
are moderately growing and easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants
completely dry, when the will shed most leaves and keep at a minimum of some 15°C.
Sow large seeds flat in any rich, well drained substrate at a minimum of some 24°C throughout the year.
7 semillas grandes por sobre.
2 (30)m, African BaoBab Tree is the only species native of tropical Africa. It makes a massive and
Adansonia digitata
broad trunk and a rather short crown with numerous braod branches. The beautiful white flowers are
(African Baobab)
to be expected on container plants as well, but only on older specimens. This most ornamental
species makes an excellent bonsai plant. For any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot
throughout the year. In winter keep almost completely dry and at a minimum of some 15°C.
No. de artículo: 8360
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Adenium (Desert Rose)
Sow flat in any rich, rather inorganic soil at a minimum of some 20°C in full sun. Young seedlings are best grown at higher
temperatures with careful watering and full sun in winter.
10 semillas por sobre.
Adenium obesum var.
(Desert Rose)
No. de artículo: 8820
sobre de semillas (250 semillas)
€ 69,00
Adenocarpus (Sticky Broom)
Sticky Brooms are floriferous, Genista-like woody, evergreen shrubs with numerous axillary or terminal bright golden yellow flowers
on racemes with small, dark green, sticky leaves. They are easily cultivated as pot plants in any humus rich, well drained soil in a
sunny spot. Keep frostfree in winter at a minimum of some 10°C in full sun with watering reduced to a minimum.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained, slightly sandy to rocky soil at some 20°C throughout the year. Keep seedlings very sunny,
especially in their first winter.
10 semillas por sobre.
Adenocarpus complicatus 150cm, a perennial woody shrub with loosely branching stems and axillary born, bright yellow
flowers. From open spots in mountainous areas on Madeira (Portugal) and the western
Mediterranean. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep
plants slightly drier at a minimum of some 10°C. VI-VII.
Adenocarpus foliosus
No. de artículo: 6455
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
200 (300)cm, upright growing, woody shrub with numerous bright golden yellow flowers and dark
green, small, sticky leaves. Native of all western Canary islands including Gran Canaria, where it
grows in open, sunny spots in the termophilic shrub zone. Easily cultivated pot plants for any rich,
well drained soil in a sunny spot. Winter minimum 10°C with reduced watering. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3290
Adenocarpus telonensis
(Rascavieja Sticky Broom)
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
No. de artículo: 6478
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife - Montaña del Cuchillo)
€ 4,99
100 (150)cm, Rascavieja Sticky Broom an upright growing, woody shrub with numerous bright
golden yellow flowers and small dark green leaves. It is native of lower and medium elevations in the
western Mediterranean region. An easily cultivated pot plants for any rich, well drained soil in a
sunny spot. Winter minimum 10°C with reduced watering. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 9309
sobre de semillas
Adlumia (Climbing Bleeding Heart)
Climbing Bleeding Heart or Allegheny Vine is a monotypic genus with only one annual to biannual, fast growing species native of
fresh soils in woods in North America. It has ornamental, fern-like foliage and bleedingheart like (Dicentra spp.), pendulous white to
pale rose flowers. An easily grown vine for any humus rich, slightly moist soil in a partially shaded to sunny spot. Plants require a
climbing aid.
Sow seeds flat in any well drained, humus rich soil preferably in spring. Keep pots outside in a protected spot. Transplant seedlings
as soon as they are strong enough from end of spring to early summer.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
2 (5)m, Climbing Bleeding Heart or Allegheny Vine is a fast growing annual to rarely biannual vine
Adlumia fungosa
(Climbing Bleeding Heart) with ornamental, fern-like foliage and bleedingheart like (Dicentra spp.), pendulous white to pale
rose flowers. Native of humus rich and fresh soils in woods in North America. Sow in any well
drained, humus rich soil preferably in spring. Keep pots outside in a protected spot. Transplant
strong seedlings from end of spring to early summer. VIII-X.
No. de artículo: 5044
sobre de semillas
Aechmea, Billbergia & other Bromeliads
Aechmea, Billbergia and other bromeliads belong to a large family with mostly epiphytic growing species within the pineapple family
(Bromeliaceae) from Central to South America. Most species make a dense leaf rosette with usually serrated margins which collect
rain water inside. On maturity plants make a central branching inflorescence with white, yellow, yellowish-green, rose to purplishlilac flowers which are followed in several genera by ornamental bright colored berries. Propagation is either by seeds or by offsets
which are formed after flowering and before the mother plant will gradually die down. Despite being epiphytes in nature, where they
grow on tree trunks and on branches, all Aechmea species can be easily grown in pots in any rich, well drained substrate. Keep
plants in partial shade (summer) to full sun (winter) with reduced watering in winter and at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the
Sow fine seeds on top of some water-permeable foam material (e. g. a cleaning sponge, cut into thin layers) and finely spray daily
with water so that the sponge is always slightly wet. Keep sowings at some 20°C to 30°C in bright light, yet not full sun.
Germination starts after 4 to 8 weeks. As soon as the fifth to seventh leaf appears, carefully transplant into a small pot with soil. In
general, all epiphytic bromeliads are slow from seeds, thus growing bromeliads from seeds requires patience!
20 semillas por sobre.
20 seeds per package.
At present we have almost 600 different bromeliad species in cultivation and we are looking forward to offer seeds from many more
species in the closer future. The full list of our cultivated plants is available on this page: page.asp?id=BromeliadsBromeliads
Aechmea lueddemanniana 40cm, a fantastic and easy gowing Achmea species from Southern Mexico to Central America
(Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Belize). It makes a broad mid-green leaf rosette with a brownish to
reddish tinge in full sun and a slightly branching inflorescence with rose flowers followed by most
ornamental white berries turning pale lilac-blue at maturity. Easily grown in pots in any rich, well
drained substrate at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year. VI-IX.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Aechmea mexicana
Billbergia brasiliensis
Werauhia gladioliflora
(syn. Vriesea gladioliflora)
No. de artículo: 8950
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
80cm, a large Aechmea species from Guatemala to Mexico. It makes a broad mid-green leaf rosette
and an upright hold (later arching) inflorescence with small pale blue flowers followed by white fruits
at maturity. Easily grown in pots in any rich, well drained substrate at a minimum of some 20°C
throughout the year. II-III.
No. de artículo: 9491
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
40cm, a very ornamental and easy gowing Billbergia species from Brazil and Bolivia with a narrow,
tuber-like, greyish-green, striped white and shaded purplish leaf-rosette. It bears showy deep lilac
flowers in a nodding inflorescence surrounded by rose bracts. Easily grown in pots in full sun in any
rich, well drained substrate at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 9118
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
110cm, a large species from Central to norther Couth America. It makes a broad mid-green leaf
rosette of unserrated leaves and a compact and tall flower spike with creamy-yellow flowers which
are pollinated by bats. Easily grown in pots in any humus rich, well drained substrate at a minimum
of some 20°C throughout the year. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 9481
sobre de semillas
Aeonium (Giant Houseleek)
Giant Sempervivum or Giant Houseleek is made up of some 47 known plus a couple of recently discovered species, out of which
only 6 naturally occur outside the Canary Islands. They are typical succulents from this beautiful archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean,
where they conquered almost all habitats: the lower dry succulent zone, the dry pine tree forest, the rather moist, evergreen laurel
forest and last but not least the subalpine zone at some 2.200m (on Tenerife). They are still rather uncommon plants with
sometimes astonishingly large, usually bright yellow to white, compact inflorescences (in Aeonium nobile these are intense orangered) with numerous flowers. They are easily cultivated if kept rather dry and sunny in winter at a minimum of some 15°C. For more
cultivation information please have at look at this page:prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=558 Sowing and cultivation of
Aeonium, Aichryson and Greenovia.
Sow dust-like seeds flat on any well drained soil, keep soil slightly moist from beneath. Do not cover seeds with soil.
50 semillas por sobre.
Aviso legal: De acuerdo con las leyes alemanas nacionales (BNatSchG y BArtSchV) tan bien como las convenciones a nivel
europeo (Convención de Berna) e internacional (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora - CITES) no vendemos ningún material tal como semillas proveniendo de plantas salvajes protegidas. Las semillas de dichas
plantas protegidas derivan exclusivamente de plantas propagadas artificialmente en cultivos hortículos en Alemania
respectivamente en el Líbano, donde las plantas se han tomado en cultivo a finales de los años 70 y al principio de los años 80 del
siglo pasado.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Aeonium Collection
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse"
bordercolor="#111111" width="100%
<td width="33%" align="left" valign="top
<img src="uploads/images_products/6447.jpg" width="188" height="135" alt="Aeonium
<td width="33%" align="left" valign="top<img src="uploads/images_products/6450.jpg" width="188"
height="135" alt="Aeonium cuneatum</td>
<td width="34%" align="left" valign="top<img src="uploads/images_products/6457.jpg" width="188"
height="135" alt="Aeonium glandulosum</td>
<td width="33%" align="left" valign="top
<img src="uploads/images_products/9637.jpg" width="188" height="135" alt="Aeonium
<td width="33%" align="left" valign="top<img src="uploads/images_products/6470.jpg" width="188"
height="135" alt="Aeonium palmense</td>
<td width="34%" align="left" valign="top<img src="uploads/images_versions/389.jpg" width="188"
height="135" alt="Aeonium subplanum</td>
<td width="33%" align="left" valign="topSpecial offer
Seven separate packages with a min.
of 50 seeds each from:
=> Aeonium canariense
<strike><font color="#808080Aeonium cuneatum</font></strike> *
=> Aeonium glandulosum
=> Aeonium longithyrsum
=> Aeonium palmense
=> Aeonium subplanum
=> Aeonium tabuliforme
=> Aeonium virgineum</td>
<td width="33%" align="left" valign="top
<img src="uploads/images_products/6486.jpg" width="188" height="135" alt="Aeonium
<td width="34%" align="left" valign="top<img src="uploads/images_products/6492.jpg" width="188"
height="135" alt="Aeonium virgineum</td>
The regular price for all eight species is € 47,92 - you save more than 35% on single packages!
* This species is protected by Spanish law. It will not be available anymore from Monday, 07 March
2011 onwards until we will have received a permit to artificially propagate and commercialize this
species on Tenerife. Until then please select any other Aeonium species at your free choice and let
us know in the comment field during checkout. If you do not chose any alternative, we will select one
Aeonium species at our discretion of equal or higher value. We kindly ask you for your
Aeonium aff. holochrysum
(El Hierro) Exclusivo
No. de artículo: 3432
€ 29,99
90 (140)cm, native of the El Golfo region in western El Hierro and similar to the closely related
Aeonium holochrysum from Tenerife, yet differing in various aspects from the latter. It is a strongly
branching, perennial shrub with terminal leaf rosettes and rounded cylindrical to conical bright yellow
inflorescences. During summer dormancy leaf rosettes will shed most of their leaves and make a
compact plate. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In
winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C in full sun. II-IV.
No. de artículo: 5053
Aeonium appendiculatum
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9139
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 49,90
30 (50)cm, from Aeonium urbicum recently separated by Bañares Baudet, Á in 1999. A monocarpic,
new species reaching up to 50cm, sometimes more, in height. Native of La Gomera, where it occurs
rather locally in rocky spots in full sun in the southern central parts. Makes a large single rosette (up
to 40cm ø) of shiny, glaucous green, long spathulate leaves on a short, grayish white, broad stem.
Large flattened cylindrical to conical, whitish-rose inflorescence. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 9165
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 79,90
No. de artículo: 1069
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Aeonium calderense sp.
nov. ined. Exclusive
Aeonium canariense
Aeonium castello-paivae
100cm, only in 2001 this plant was recognized by Malkmus-Hussein, B. as a distinct species.
Apparently it is native of the upper part of Barranco de las Angustias and especially the southern
lower parts of the Caldera de Taburiente of La Palma at between 930 to 1.300m. This species is
rather widespread in this area and thus has probably not been recognized as a distinct species, but
has surely been included to Aeonium davidbramwellii from which it greatly differs in various aspects.
In contrast to the latter its leaves are oblong-spathulate, yellowish green with a red shade and a
layer of white wax. Unlike Aeonium davidbramwellii these plants branch freely and gain up to 100cm.
Rosettes are slightly smaller, up to 20cm ø. Its inflorescence is of a perfectly cylindrical shape (in
Aeonium davidbramwellii it has always a flattened conical shape) and reaches up to 40cm in height,
flowers have not been observed so far. It is growing in completely open and sun exposed rocky
soils. In general Aeonium davidbramwellii prefers rather partially shaded positions.
No. de artículo: 1072
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50cm ø, endemic to the upper succulent shrub on either E and W parts of Tenerife, where it grows
in lava soil in full sun. It makes large, light green, cup shaped, highly succulent rosettes of up to
50cm, and a yellowish green inflorescence from May to July. Usually it produces some offsets
before flowering, however it is easily propagated by seeds and fast growing. For any well drained,
rather rocky soil (e.g. crushed lava) in full sun. Faro de Anaga, close to the small village of
Chamorga, at some 580m.
No. de artículo: 9140
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas) (ex Anaga)
€ 49,90
No. de artículo: 6481
sobre de semillas (ex Teno)
No. de artículo: 9166
Aeonium ciliatum
Aeonium davidbramwellii
Aeonium decorum
No. de artículo: 1073
sobre de semillas (ex Anaga)
€ 4,99
30cm, a very attractive, yet uncommon and rarely cultivated small species, which reaches only up to
30cm in height. It shows very glaucous leaves in dense rosettes of up to 10 cm in diameter and has
pure white flowers in a lax inflorescence, occurring in July. La Gomera, Monte del Agua (800m).
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 79,90
No. de artículo: 1074
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
100 (200)cm, a moderately offsetting and a rather large species (up to 2m in height) from Tenerife,
commonly seen in the Anaga region on the eastern part of the island. It shows large, dome shaped
inflorescences of pure white flowers in June/July. Many hybrids between this species and Aeonium
urbicum have been reported from the wild, this is the real species with non-pubescent (i.e. hairless)
flowering branches. Original collection may descend from a large population at Cabeza de Tejo
No. de artículo: 1581
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
30 (50)cm, an only recently from Aeonium ciliatum separated and newly described species from La
Palma, named in honor of David Bramwell, former head of the Botanical Garden "Viera y Clavijo" at
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, working in the conservation of endemic plants from the Canary
Islands. This species is somehow similar to Aeonium ciliatum from Tenerife at first sight, yet more
compact in all parts with larger rosettes (up to 30cm ø) of dark green leaves with reddish brown
margins. It features a larger, flattened conical inflorescence of white (sometimes slightly rose
colored) flowers. Southern La Palma, where it is growing in rocky soils in partially shaded pine forest
above Fuencaliente (740m).
No. de artículo: 3039
sobre de semillas (ex Bco. de Las Angustias)
No. de artículo: 1633
sobre de semillas (ex Fuencaliente)
No. de artículo: 3038
sobre de semillas (ex Puntagorda)
No. de artículo: 9141
sobre de semillas (ex Fuencaliente) (1.000 semillas)
€ 49,90
25 (50)cm, a multi-offbranching, medium tall and very polymorphic species from La Gomera.
Several populations from southern central and southwestern parts show significant differences from
this basic taxon which occurs in eastern to southeastern La Gomera. It has very decorative brownish
to reddish green leaves in medium sized rosettes and makes whitish, whitish-green to rosy-white lax
inflorescences. It is growing in rocky soils in full sun. An ornamental plant for any well drained soil in
a sunny spot. VI-VII
Aeonium decorum var.
granreyense var. nov.
ined. Exclusivo
No. de artículo: 1688
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
35 (50)cm, only in 2001 by Malkmus-Hussein, B. discovered new variety of polymorphic Aeonium
decorum. It is more robust in all parts similar to Aeonium decorum var. guarimariense var. nov.
ined., yet with slightly taller and narrower stems, which is a persistant trait in cultivated plants. It has
erect, branching woody stems with dark green, shiny leaves with reddish and ciliated margins. A
very ornamental variety from Barranco de Valle Gran Rey in southwestern La Gomera, 350m. VI-VII.
Aeonium decorum var.
guarimiarense var. nov.
ined. Exclusive
No. de artículo: 9001
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
25 (40)cm, only in 2001 by Malkmus-Hussein, B. discovered new varietey. It is more robust in all
parts in comparison to the species. This variety makes erect, woody stems of up to 1cm in diameter
and has dark green, shiny leaves up to 10cm in length with dark red, ciliated margins. A very
ornamental variety from Barranco de Guarimiar, 570m. VI-VII.
Aeonium escobarii
No. de artículo: 1737
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
40 (70)cm, an new species discovered in 2001 by Malkmus-Hussein, B. but only validly described in
2013. A most decorative Aeonium species from strictly limited locations in between the laurel and
the pine forest at some 700m to 1.350m growing at exposed rocks in full sun in the NW of La
Palma. Another monocaulous (=not making offsets) species related to Aeonium urbicum from
Tenerife, reaching up to 70cm in height with ornamental, distinct, bluish green, strongly succulent,
broadly spathulate leaves with red margins in a rosette of up to 50cm (!) in diameter. A very
decorative plant due to its unusual leaf color and growth habit!
No. de artículo: 1780
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Aeonium glandulosum
Aeonium glutinosum
Aeonium goochiae
25 (40)cm ø, one out of the two known Aeonium species native of Madeira. It prefers shaded to
sunny spots on vertical cliffs in the North of the island. It is very alike Aeonium tabuliforme and
belongs to the subgenus within Aeonium (Canariensae), however its leaves are broader and
rhombic at the end. In contrast to Aeonium tabuliforme, its' rosettes produce a couple of offsets.
They will gain up to 40 cm ø with a yellowish inflorescence of up to 30cm in height, which appears in
May to July. In cultivation a very rare species, which is even rarely seen in Botanical Gardens.
Plants derive from a collection made by the Frankfurt Botanical Garden on Madeira - Ribeira de
Santa Luzia, at some 550m.
No. de artículo: 9167
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas) (ex South Coast)
€ 59,90
No. de artículo: 6474
sobre de semillas (ex costa del Sur)
No. de artículo: 1818
sobre de semillas (ex costa del Norte)
€ 4,99
20cm ø, one of the two known species from the Madeiran archipelago, somewhat related to
Aeonium nobile from La Palma. It is a very attractive species with lax and large rosettes (up to 20cm
in diameter), offsetting freely and shows its yellow inflorescence in May to July. Leaves are dark
green, broadly spathulate and very sticky (hence its name !). Material from Madeira, above Ribeira
Brava at some 400m where it grows in open, sunny spots on cliffs and rocky soils.
No. de artículo: 1868
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20cm, a rather unusual Aeonium, not looking at all like a typical Aeonium with its yellowish green,
flat, sticky, broad leaves on narrow, woody branches. Makes only slightly succulent, but highly
pubescent leaves with an utmost pleasant, heavy balsamiferous fragrance if grown in a very sunny
location. Pale rose flowers in terminal umbels. It is native of shaded to sunny rocky cliffs in the North
of La Palma. For any humus rich, slightly moist soil in a sunny (winter) to partially shaded (summer)
spot. Keep plants drier in winter at a minimum of some 10°C. VIII-X.
Note: Plants are available for a delivery within Europe (with exeption for Switzerland and Norway)
only !
Aeonium hierrense
(El Hierro Giant
Houseleek) Exclusivo
Aeonium holochrysum
Aeonium korneliuslemsii
(syn. Aeonium arboreum)
Aeonium lancerottense
(Lanzarote Giant
No. de artículo: 1952
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
50 (100)cm, El Hierro Giant Houseleek is a very impressive monocarpic species native to sunny
spot in rocky soils on the island of El Hierro. A species with leaves and a stem more than twice the
size as the already very huge Aeonium urbicum! Its single rosette has beautiful glaucous (i.e. bluish
green) leaves with some red patterns in full sun and may reach up to 1m ø (!) or even more in welldeveloped specimens with leaves up to 0.40 m in length, which makes this species, if only by its
size, one of the most impressive ones in the entire genus. Its inflorescence is similar to Aeonium
urbicum, yet only broader. Makes thousands of almost pure white tp pale rose flowers. Easily
cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep slightly
drier at a minimum of some 10°C in full sun. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 9145
sobre de semillas (10.000 semillas)
€ 479,00
No. de artículo: 2003
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9142
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 79,90
100 (200)cm, large, branching shrub with leaf rosettes of maximum 30cm in diameter with long, light
green spathulate leaves and slightly orange margins under sunny conditions. The large light yellow,
flattened dome shaped inflorescences appear in July/August. A very showy species ! Some
populations from La Palma with dry leaves which will remain at the stem for a long time have been
misinterpreted as this species. In fact they make a clearly separated species (Aeonium vestitum,
see below). Plants offered here correspond to a real Aeonium holochrysum population on Tenerife,
Valle de la Orotava on the North side of this island at 400m.
No. de artículo: 2008
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
100 (150)cm, the real species from Western Morocco and not the red-leafed cultivar, commonly sold
under this name by all nurseries. It is looking very similar to Aeonium manriqueorum or Aeonium
holochrysum, but has more oblongate lanceolate leaves and branches at 1m in height with several
dome shaped sulphurous yellow inflorescences. These are the first specimens ever brought to the
public, only very few plants are available.
No. de artículo: 2006
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (100)cm, Lanzarote Giant Houseleek grows in pure lava formations and is a very rare and highly
endangered species on the island of Lanzarote, due to increasing touristic activities in its habitat.
The specimen shown on the photo is still being a young plant, perhaps some 2 years old. Adult,
flowering-sized plants will reach up to 1m and more in height and will look nothing at all like a
member of the usually small and shrubby Crassulaceae ! For a rather inorganic soil in full sun.
Mirador de Haría (400 m).
No. de artículo: 2009
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
30cm, Lindley's Giant Houseleek is found on the souther and northern sides of the Anaga Mountain
Aeonium lindleyi
(Lindley's Giant Houseleek) Range in the Northwest of Tenerife. It is one of the smaller species, growing only up to some 30cm
in height. It occurs in the succulent shrub formation together with several Euphorbia spp. and
Aeonium canariense at some 500m to 700m. This species has a very strong and pleasant
balsamiferous fragrance. Its sap is used to heal wounds caused by the poisonous latex sap of the
Euphorbia species, which share its habitat on Tenerife. It has larger, but fewer yellow flowers as
other Aeonium species which will show in July and August. Igueste de San Andrés, 400 m.
No. de artículo: 2019
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Aeonium longithyrsum
Aeonium manriqueorum
Aeonium palmense
(La Palma Giant
Aeonium percarneum
"form 1" Exclusive
Aeonium percarneum
"form 2" Exclusive
Aeonium percarneum ssp.
guiaense Exclusive
30cm ø / 50 (80)cm height, closely related to Aeonium palmense and sometimes described as syn.
Aeonium palmense ssp. longithyrsum. Makes a saucer shaped, stemless rosette of densely packed,
mid green, highly viscid (i.e. sticky) leaves with an utmost pleasant balsam fragrance, few basal
offsets and a tall, narrow cylindrical inflorescence with numerous pale yellow flowers. Native of north
and northwest facing rocky slopes and cliffs in the El Golfo region on the island of El Hierro. Easily
cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep slightly
drier at a minimum of some 10°C in full sun. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 9143
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 79,90
No. de artículo: 4088
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 2085
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
40 cm ø, La Palma Giant Houseleek is from La Palma and forms very large cup shaped rosettes
with highly succulent and slightly oblong spathulate, yellowish green leaves, which are sticky and
show a nice pleasant balsam fragrance in full sun-light. Rosettes will reach up to 40 cm in diameter
and develop a huge cylindrical sulfuric inflorescence of about 1 m in height (!) in April-July. Plants
will produce few offsets, but are easily propagated from seeds. Barranco de Las Angustias (700m).
No. de artículo: 1087
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100cm, an ornamental species, endemic to Gran Canaria, growing in open lava rock formations at
lower elevations in the eastern and central parts of the island. It has most ornamental, light green
leaves, often shaded white / rose and deep red margins in a sunny position. Rosettes on broad
stems are quite large, gaining up to 30 cm in diameter, the approx. height of adult plants is some
100cm. Nicely dense, white inflorescence. Plants descend from a populaton at an rather high
elevation for this species in the vicinity of Tafira Alta at some 1.150m and are more tolorable in
winter than plants from lower and warmer elevations. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 1089
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
100cm, a slightly differing, locally encountered form from the north central parts of Gran Canaria,
with a more compact habit and some shorter stemmed inflorescences. As the species it makes
grayish green leaves, often shaded white / rose and with some deep red, strongly toothed margins,
especially if cultivated under very sunny conditions. Rosettes are rather large, up to 30 cm in
diameter, the approximate height of adult plants is some 100cm. Nicely dense, white inflorescence.
El Sao, above Bco. de Agaete. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 2425
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50cm, more compact subspecies growing in short stemmed, dense cushions up to 50cm in height.
Makes decorative, smooth, strongly succulent, dark grayish green leaves in rosettes of up to 25cm
in diameter and has entire and not ciliated margins as in the species. Leaves show nice orange red
shades and are only lightly covered with white farina (wax) under sunny conditions. Native of the
upper succulent shrub in a population from the upper parts of the Barranco de Guía on Gran
Canaria at some 450m. Rose white inflorescence. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 9168
Aeonium pseudourbicum
Aeonium puntallanense
sp. nov. ined. Exclusivo
Aeonium rubrolineatum
No. de artículo: 9144
sobre de semillas (10.000 semillas)
€ 479,00
120cm, woody shrub, native to Gran Canaria, and often mixed up with Aeonium holochrysum from
Tenerife. It has a very alike look, however rosettes are slightly larger with broader leaves, which
usually have moderately undulated margins. In full sun this species shows a significant pleasant
balsamiferous fragrance, which Aeonium holochrysum does not have. The flattened conical
inflorescence with numerous bright yellow flowers appears in July / August. Caldera de Bandama,
situated in the eastern part of Gran Canaria (some 800 m).
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 49,90
No. de artículo: 2427
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (250)cm, tall, monocarpic stem, topped by a broad, light yellowish green rosette, leaves' tips
turn deep red under sunny conditions. Makes a large, conical to broad pyramidal whitish rose
inflorescence. Due to its impressive size and nice pastel flower color a very ornamental Aeonium,
which is endemic to Southwest Tenerife, growing in recent, sun exposed lava fields, mainly around
the village of Santiago del Teide at some 850m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 2430
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (150)cm, a monocarpic and monocaulous species native of the xerophytic shrub in the northeastern and NW of La Palma, which has been formerly included in Aeonium pseudourbicum from
Tenerife, though it differs greatly in various aspects, so that it merits a status of a distinct species.
Makes very long, spathulate, dark green leaves with large marginal teeth and a reddish shade under
sunny conditions. The rosette may reach up to 100cm in diameter and the broad pyramidal
inflorescence with greenish white to rose white flowers may become taller than the stem. An
impressive and ornamental species. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3037
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (150)cm, a rather recently described species from La Gomera, which is close to Aeonium
holochrysum and Aeonium manriqueorum, yet larger in all aspects, with very long, spathulate leaves
of bright yellow green which may show some orange to brownish shades in full sun. It may reach up
to 150cm with a highly succulent stem with few branches. An ornamental, conical inflorescence of
bright yellow and slightly orange shaded to yellowish-orange flowers, which is an uncommon color in
this genus and can only be found in this species and Aeonium nobile (dark orange red). VIII-X.
No. de artículo: 1090
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Aeonium sedifolium
20 (30)cm, multi-branching dwarf species native of Tenerife and probably in the south-eastern parts
of La Palma. This Aeonium hardly exceeds some 15cm in height and looks very alike a Sedum (thus
its name!) with its ovoid and strongly succulent leaves, which are very sticky. The from La Palma
shows much broader, almost ovoid leaves, and shall be treated at a variety status. Most attractive
species with nicely red stripes all over the leaves in combination with dense inflorescences of bright
yellow, yet rather small flowers in April and May. During dormancy rosettes will loose most leaves
and will look like needle pins. Plants from populations on Tenerife, Barranco de Masca (500m) and
El Time, La Palma (380m) respectively.
No. de artículo: 3041
Aeonium simsii
No. de artículo: 9169
Aeonium smithii
Aeonium spathulatum
Aeonium spathulatum "La
Gomera form" Exclusive
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 39,90
No. de artículo: 2446
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
20 (40)cm, extremely rare and highly endangered species native to few sites on the South-Western
part of the Cañadas depression, Tenerife, where it grows at an elevation of up to 2.200 m. Frostresistant to -5°C at night in its habitat during winter, but supposedly not winter hardy in Europe,
unless cultivated in an unheated green-house, providing shelter from excessive humidity. Very
unusual species as stems and leaves are highly succulent, densely covered with white hairs. Bright
yellow flowers in June/July. This species requires extra drainage and careful watering, and is best
grown in pure grit sand or lava. Southern side of Valle de Ucanca (2.000m).
No. de artículo: 2577
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (50)cm, small sub-shrub consisting of many rather narrow branches (max. 50cm in height). In
summer rosettes will close completely, which will open again at lower temperatures in autumn, when
its numerous inflorescences of bright yellow flowers will develop. The most ubiquitous species,
growing on Gran Canaria and all Western islands. Seeds originally derive from populations in
Aguamansa, Los Órganos, Tenerife at some 1.000m and above Las Playas, El Hierro at some
800m. The El Hierro is smaller than the typical form from Tenerife. III-V.
No. de artículo: 2579
Aeonium spathulatum
"Gran Canaria form"
sobre de semillas (ex La Palma)
No. de artículo: 1279
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
€ 9,99
10cm ø, by first sight one might think that Aeonium simsii belongs to the family of Sempervivum, as
this species has dense, perfectly round rosettes with plenty of offsets as well. But the bright yellow
flowers, which appear in June/July reveal that it is indeed an Aeonium. Leaves' margins are densely
ciliated as in Aeonium smithii. Aeonium simsii is one of the few species in this genus which cannot
be convinced to grow on in summer and to have a rest in winter, thus it requires a very sunny
location and careful watering in winter. Rosettes will close completely in summer and unfold in
autumn. Plants are endemic to the central mountain areas of Gran Canaria. Cruz de Tejeda (at
some 1.200 m).
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
No. de artículo: 5124
sobre de semillas (ex El Hierro)
€ 5,99
30 (50)cm, grows as a densely branching, woody small shrub with numerous middle sized leaf
rosettes. A more compact form with slightly larger, strongly sticky leaves with a triangular like, broad
flattened tip. It is native of central parts of Gran Canaria, where it is only locally found, e.g. Base of
Roque Grande in the Tenteniguada Valley. As the other forms within this species it makes showy,
compact, bright yellow inflorescences. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 2608
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
40 (100)cm, a nice form from La Gomera, makes a densely branching, woody shrub up to 100cm in
height with numerous small rosettes, up to 200 in adult plants. A much higher and more upright
growing form with slightly smaller and sticky, fresh green leaves with acute tip on grayish brown
stems. Restricted to few, isolated, south facing, rocky spots in the central part of La Gomera (Roque
de Agando, 1080m and between Montaña de las Negrinas, 1392m and Lomo de la Mulata, 1382m).
Makes a lax, bright yellow inflorescence with some 100 single flowers. VIII-X.
No. de artículo: 2594
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, a dwarf form found in a remote and very small population with some 25 mature plants at
Aeonium spathulatum
(subalpine form) Exclusive an subalpine elevation growing in NW facing rock crevices at Roques del Cedro (Cañadas Crater) at
some 2.040m. Makes much more compact woody sub shrubs and smaller, more compact bright
yellow flower heads and very small, strongly succulent, slightly glossy, more or less non stocky
leaves than the type species. The rosettes will close completely in summer and open again with
lower temperatures in autumn. Probably the most cold tolerant of all forms from Aeonium
spathulatum. Has a frost resistance down to -7°C/20°F for a short period, an ideal plant for the
unheated greenhouse or the cool wintergarden if grown in a very well drained soil and kept
absolutely dry from October onwards. V-VII.
Aeonium spathulatum var.
cruentum Exclusive
No. de artículo: 2474
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, very distinct variety growing in sunny spots in the open pine forest of La Palma. It has
smaller rosettes and very succulent, slightly leathery, glossy more or less non sticky leaves, with
reddish protuberances as well as broader and woodier, brownish red stems reaching up to 30cm in
height. Its leaf stems and flowers have a most decorative, reddish shade in a sunny spot. Montaña
del Pino, above Fuencaliente (780m). Flowers much earlier than the type species. IV-VII.
No. de artículo: 2589
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Aeonium subplanum
40 (70)cm ø, almost unknown Aeonium from the group of Canariensae, native to partially shaded
rock crevices on La Gomera. Makes as closely related Aeonium canariense very large, cup shaped,
flattened rosettes of to 70cm ø (!), with light green to dark green, pubescent leaves with a typical,
pleasant balsam fragrance. Leaves' tips are elliptical at their very end, which identify this species
easily. Large, yellow, cylindrical to conical inflorescence up to 70cm in height from April to August.
Makes only very few if any offsets, yet easily propagated by readily set seeds. Seedlings are
growing fast. For any well drained, rather inorganic soil (e.g. crushed lava) in a sunny to partially
shaded spot. South side of La Gomera at some 750m.
No. de artículo: 9148
Aeonium tabuliforme
(Saucer Giant Houseleek)
Aeonium undulatum
Aeonium urbicum var.
€ 79,90
No. de artículo: 2045
sobre de semillas (ex Teno)
€ 5,99
150 (250)cm, the tallest of all Aeonium species, native to Gran Canaria, with single stems reaching
up to 250cm! Another uncommon feature in the genus Aeonium is, that the complete stem will die
down after flowering and offsets will emerge only from the underground parts of the stem. Rosettes
are up to 1 m in diameter with sulphurous yellow conical inflorescence. Plants are one year old
seedlings (rooted), about 1.5cm/ 0.6" in height, will double size this year. Barranco de la Virgen
No. de artículo: 2730
Aeonium urbicum
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
No. de artículo: 2729
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
20 (30)cm ø, Saucer Giant Houseleek from the North coastal cliffs of Tenerife, where it usually
grows completely flattened to the ground. Under very dry conditions the usually bright green leaves
might turn yellowish red. The very dense rosette might gain up to 30 cm in diameter and the green
yellowish inflorescence, which appears in June, reaches up to 50cm in height! As plants will die
down after flowering they can only be propagated generatively or by leaf cuttings, which have to be
taken carefully from the central part of the rosette. Barranco de Los Silos in the Northwest of
Tenerife (600m).
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9170
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 39,90
100 (150)cm, one out of few species which will not branch unless the vegetative central point of the
rosette is being injured or destroyed. Forms a broad rosette of about 0.5 m in diameter (!) on a stout
stem, which will raise up to 1m in height. It has a large dome shaped, yellowish green inflorescence
in July. Plants will die down after flowering and can be propagated either by cuttings (the vegetative
point of the rosette has to be cut off) or, more easily, by seeds. Seedlings will reach flowering-size
within only 3 years after sowing, sometimes in even less time as seedlings are heavy growers.
Barranco de San Andrés, 200m.
No. de artículo: 2737
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
100 (200)cm, an only 1999 by Bañares Baudet, a validly described new variety which can easily be
separated from Aeonium urbicum and might be treated at a species rank in the future as it is very
distinct from the species. It makes a much taller monocarpic stem reaching up to 150cm in height,
oblong spathulate, mid green to fresh green leaves with strongly ciliated and red tinged margins
under sunny conditions. The large, broad pyramidal whitish green inflorescence emerges in April
through June. A very ornamental, tall species native of exposed spots in rocky soils on either the
western and eastern parts of northern Tenerife, e.g. in the Barranco de Los Silos and Chinamada,
each at some 550m. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 2740
sobre de semillas (ex Teno)
€ 3,99
40 (70)cm, Valverde Giant Houseleek is associated to Aeonium ciliatum (Tenerife). However all
Aeonium valverdense
(Valverde Giant Houseleek) parts are more compact as in Aeonium ciliatum and it makes only few branches. Large, highly
succulent, dark green, strongly ciliated leaves, which are slightly covered with white farina (wax).
This species is becoming very rare in nature and might be regarded as threatened as its single
location on El Hierro is being destroyed by ongoing housing construction ("urbanisación"). Fuente de
Tinco near the city of Valverde (700m).
Aeonium vestitum
Aeonium virgineum
No. de artículo: 9147
sobre de semillas (10.000 semillas)
€ 359,00
No. de artículo: 9146
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 59,90
No. de artículo: 2742
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
100 (150)cm, virtually similar to Aeonium holochrysum, but clearly distinguished from the latter by
having a tunic of old, dried leaves around the stem, which are persistant for years (hence its name
!). It makes a large shrub up to 150cm in height and rosettes of maximum 0.25 m in diameter with
long, light green spathulate leaves and yellowish, slightly ciliated margins. Leaves are shiningly
pubescent. The large yellow inflorescences appear in July/August. La Palma, Tijarafe (600m).
No. de artículo: 2744
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20cm, grows in half-shaded rock crevices in the upper mountain ranges of Gran Canaria. It makes
compact, cup shaped rosettes with highly succulent and slightly pubescent leaves, which are sticky
and show a pleasant balsam scent. Rosettes will reach up to 30cm/11.8" in diameter and develop a
huge, cylindrical, sulphurous yellow inflorescence of about 0.5m/19.5" in height (!) in April-July.
Plants will produce many offsets as the specimen shown on the left and have a typical red tinge at
their leaves' base, which distinguishes this species from related Aeonium in the subgenus
Canariensae. Original collection made several decades ago at Cuevas del Cinerón, 800m in the
North of Gran Canaria.
No. de artículo: 2756
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Aeonium viscatum
20cm, limited to La Gomera. It is similar to Aeonium lindleyi, namely very sticky but apparently
without any hairs. Leaves look fresh green. Grows rather flat, up to 20 cm in height with rosettes
less than 10 cm in diameter. Few yellow flowers which will show in September through October. A
rather common species on la Gomera (Hilva, Monte del Agua at 600m), where it grows in shaded
rocky places. Extra drainage is essential for this species in order to grow compact and healthy
No. de artículo: 2760
sobre de semillas
Aethionema (Stone Cress)
Sow seeds flat in any well drained, preferably rocky soil. Carefully transplant in autumn or spring to the final spot.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
Aethionema cordifolium
No. de artículo: 6997
sobre de semillas
Agastache (North American Hyssop)
North American Hyssop make upright growing stems with anise, mint or menthol fragrant leaves and terminal spikes with white to
rose flowers. These annual to perennial species are native of rich soils in sunny spots in prairies and open spots in woods in North
America. The biannual to perennial plants are easily grown in any rich, well-drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow the fine seeds flat on any rich, well drained soil, cover seeds only slightly with soils. Keep pots in a sunny, protected spot
outside. Transplant seedling to the final spot in the garden as soon as they are strong enough. Alternatively sow directly to the
ground at the end of spring.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 6.
30 semillas por sobre.
60 (90)cm, Arizona Hummingbird Mint is a perennial from Southwestern USA and makes branching
Agastache breviflora
stems with fragrant, greyish-green leaves and terminal rose flower spikes. Easily grown in a rich,
(Arizona Hummingbird
well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. VII-IX.
Agastache foeniculum
(Anise Hyssop)
No. de artículo: 9175
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
90 (150)cm, Anise Hyssop is a rhizomatous perennial with slightly hairy, deep green, very aromatic
leaves with an anise-like flavor on usually unbranched stems. The dense terminal clusters consist of
numerous fragrant pink to lilac flowers. This species is native of rich soils in open spots in woods
and dry prairies in the northern USA. Easily grown in a rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially
shaded spot. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 0001
sobre de semillas
€ 2,79
90 (150)cm, White Giant Hyssop is a fast growing annual to short lived, densely branching
perennial, terminal narrow flower spikes with small white flowers and extremely aromatic narrow
leaves with a strong menthol fragrance. Native of Southwestern USA and Mexico. Easily grown in
any rich, well drained soil in full sun. In colder regions it is best grown as an annual sowed under
glass in mid spring and transplanted to the final spot in the garden after the last freezing nights from
late spring to early summer. VI-IX.
Agastache nepetoides
(Yellow Giant Hyssop)
No. de artículo: 9174
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
120 (180)cm, Yellow Giant Hyssop is a rhizomatous perennial from central and eastern USA. It
makes all braching stems with terminal spikes of pale yellow flowers above midgreen, serrated,
aromatic leaves. Easily grown in a rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. VII-IX.
(Purple Giant Hyssop)
No. de artículo: 9277
sobre de semillas
120 (180)cm, Purple Giant Hyssop is a perennial makes impressively tall, upright stems with
numerous white, rose to lilac-blue flowers in dense terminal spikes above broad lanceolate-oval
leaves. Native of meadows throughout northern USA and southern Canada. For any humus rich,
well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII.
Agastache urticifolia
(Nettle-leaf Giant Hyssop)
No. de artículo: 4846
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
90 (130)cm, Nettle-leaf Giant Hyssop is a perennial with aromatic, serrated leaves and terminal
spikes of rose flowers in mid summer. It is native in western North America from British Columbia
(Canada) to California and Colorado (USA). Easily grown in a rich, well drained soil in a sunny to
partially shaded spot. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 9274
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Agave (Winter Hardy Century Plants)
All Century Plants offered on this page are native of southwestern USA and northern Mexico and reputedly winter hardy in Central
Europe. However please note that we cannot give any warranty that these will indeed prove winter hardy in your local climate ! The
cultivation of century plants outside in temperate climates is still in a more or less experimental phase, thus, if you would like to be
on the safe side, grow these in pots and move pots outside in summer. All species have ornamental, succulent leaves in a cupshaped basal rosette and an upright inflorescence on mature specimens. All winter hardy species can be successfully grown in any
very well-drained, preferably rocky soil with protection from winter rains, which is essential for a successful overwintering plants
outside in the garden, as winter wetness will inevitably lead to rotting in most species. Keep plants completely dry from end of
September and cover with a protective glass frame. All species will die after flowering and either reproduce by offsets or (in few
cases only) by seeds. Most plants are slow growing, yet very robust and long lived. Alternatively, plants can be grown in pots under
frostfree conditions throughout the year. In winter keep pots in full sun completely dry at some 5°C to 10°C.
Sow seeds flat in pots at some 20°C to 30°C throughout the year in any rich, very well drained soil. Cultivate seedslings in pots
under frostfree conditions for at least 2 years. After that carefully transplant young plants to the garden at the end of spring.
Excellent in a protected spot in the rock garden.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 8, si no se menciona
algo diferente.
20 semillas por sobre.
50 (80)cm ø, an Agave species with grayish green leaves. Native of the Chihuahuan Desert in
Agave bracteosa
Northern Mexico (Coahuila, Nuevo León). Unlike other Agave this one has soft leaf tips. For any
rich, very well drained soil in full sun. In winter give some protection from moisture. Zona climática
Agave chrysantha
(Goldenflower Century
No. de artículo: 1223
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (150)cm ø, Goldenflower Century Plant has a very limited range and is only found in the
mountains of central Arizona at elevations up to some 2.150 meters. it grows in open, rocky slopes
in high desert scrub and makes a solitary rosette with glaucous gray to yellowish green leaves and
brown to gray teeth at margins.
Agave cupreata
No. de artículo: 1224
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
70 (100)cm ø, makes a showy rosette of broad, grayish-green with very large marginal teeth. Native
of high altitudes in Mexico (Guerrero and Michoacýn). For any rich, very well drained soil in full sun.
In winter give some protection from moisture. Zoan climática USDA 9. VII-IX.
Agave deserti var. deserti
Agave deserti var. simplex
Agave flexispina
Agave gentryi
Agave harvardiana
(Harvard Agave)
Agave inaequidens ssp.
No. de artículo: 7194
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
60 (90)cm ø, makes broadly lanceolate, light green to light glaucous-gray leaves and stoutly armed
margins. Native from Southern Arizona and Southern California to Sonora and Baja California
(Mexico), growing at elevations up to 1.500 m. For any rich, very well drained soil in full sun. In
winter give some protection from moisture. Zona climática USDA 8/9. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 1225
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm ø, a showy variety with short, stiff bluish leaves with serrated margins and a terminal
black thorn arranged in a dense rosette. Native from Southern California to Arizona and the NorthWestern parts of Sonora (Mexico). For any rich, very well drained soil in full sun. In winter give some
protection from moisture. Zona climática USDA 8. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 7192
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
60 (90)cm ø, makes a showy rosette of broad lanceolate, glaucous-gray leaves with stoutly armed
margins. Native of high altitudes in Mexico (Chihuahua, Durango, and Zacarecas). For any rich, very
well drained soil in full sun. In winter give some protection from moisture. Zona climática USDA 8/9.
No. de artículo: 7193
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
110 (180)cm ø, Maguey is a still rarely cultivated species which is similar to Agave montana and
shares the habitat with the latter in northeastern Mexico where it occurs in mountain forests
receiving moisture throughout the year. It makes showy, very large, solitary rosettes of dark green,
strongly toothed leaves in a more open arrangement and an impressively tall inflorescence reaching
up to 3m in height.
No. de artículo: 4227
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm ø, Harvard Agave is a medium sized, very resistent species with utmost showy bluish
green leaves in an usually solitary rosette with black marginal teeth. It is naive of open shrublands
and grasslands in western Texas (USA).
No. de artículo: 4226
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150 (300)cm ø, makes a very large, showy solitary rosette of broad, mid green leaves with strong
blackish marginal teeth. It is native of dryish shrublands in central Mexico. This very large species is
not as winter hardy as others. Thus give some extra insultating protection in winter (e. g. transparent
plastic air foil) or grow frostfree in pots at a winter minimum of some 5°C and plants kept absolutely
dry. Zona climática USDA 8/9.
No. de artículo: 4225
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30cm ø, Shindagger Century Plant is a smaller species native of the Chihuahuan desert (TransAgave lechuguilla
(Shindagger Century Plant) Pecos Texas, souhtern New Mexico, and northern Mexico South to Hidalgo). It makes glaucous blue
leaves with nicely contrasting black teeth.
Agave mckelveyana
No. de artículo: 1241
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40cm ø, rare Arizona endemic (Mojave and Yavapai), occurring on open rocky slopes in upper
desert scrub. Varying leaf color: glaucous green to yellowish green or dark green and small teeth.
Zona Climática USDA 9.
No. de artículo: 1243
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Agave montana
(Mountain Agave)
130 (200)cm ø, Mountain Agave is called the queen of winter hardy century plants and was only
discovered some 10 years ago and is still a rarity in cultivation. It makes showy, very large, solitary
rosettes of dark green, strongly toothed leaves and an impressively tall inflorescence reaching up to
4m in height. In comparison to the related Agave gentryi it has much broader leaves in a very dense
rosette. It is native of northeastern Mexico where it occurs in mountain forests receiving moisture
throughout the year.
Agave neomexicana
(New Mexico Agave)
No. de artículo: 4224
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (60)cm ø, New Mexico Agave grows from Sacramento Mountains, in southern New-Mexico, to El
Paso and Culberson Counties in Texas, as well as in Coahuila, Mexico, where it occurs in rocky
limestone slopes or open grasslands. Has showy gray to light green leaves.
Agave palmeri
(Palmer's Agave)
No. de artículo: 1244
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
60 (100)cm ø, Palmer's Agave is native of the Sonora Semi desert, where it grows on rocky hillsides
and open spots in grasslands and oak woodlands from south-eastern Arizona, to south-western New
Mexico, and NW Chihuahua in Mexico. It forms bluish green leaves with spines on the margins.
Agave parrasana
(Noah Century Plant)
Agave parryi ssp. parryi
(Parry's Agave or Mescal)
No. de artículo: 3678
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (80)cm ø, Noah Century Plant from Coahuila (Sierras west of Saltillo) makes an ornamental,
small compact rosette of very broad, silvery thorned grayish green leaves. Zona climática USDA 9.
No. de artículo: 3677
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (100)cm ø, Parry's Agave has an extensive range from central Arizona and south-western New
Mexico, South to Sonora, Chihuahua and Guanajuato in Mexico. It makes large, light green, grayish
green to silvery rosettes and offsets freely.
Agave salmiana ssp.
No. de artículo: 1245
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (250)cm ø, native of Guanajuato, Oaxaca, and Puebla (Mexico). Makes a broad and tall rosette
of dark green, shiny leaves with strong marginal spines. Zona climática USDA 10.
Agave salmiana var. ferox
(syn. Agave ferox)
No. de artículo: 3676
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
250cm ø, a giant agave with 30cm broad, recurved, blackish green leaves and contrasting large
brown-black teeth. Very decorative as a solitary plant in a large container. Zoan climática USDA 11.
Agave scabra
(Rough Agave or Maguey
No. de artículo: 1236
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
40cm ø, Rough Agave or Maguey Cenizo naturally occurs in Mexico (Coahuila, Nazas, Durango,
Zavatecas, San Martín, and San Luis Potosí) as well as S Texas. Even young plants make narrow,
rough silvery grayish green leaves. Zona climática USDA 9.
Agave schottii var. schottii
No. de artículo: 1246
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
25 (40)cm ø, Schott's Century Plant is native of rocky slopes and open, sunny spots in Southern
Arizona, Southwestern New Mexico, USA and Nothern Mexico. It has narrow, dark green leaves,
with smooth margins covered with thread-like fibers and a terminal spine. Zona climática USDA 10.
Agave striata ssp. falcata
(Espadín Agave)
No. de artículo: 8913
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
30 (80)cm ø, Espadín Agave makes broader leaves than the species in an almost perfectly round,
bowl like rosette, growing in dense clusters with age. Native of Mexico (Chihuahua, Coahuila, and
Nuevo León).
Agave striata ssp. striata
(Narrow-leaf Agave or
No. de artículo: 3671
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (70)cm ø, Narrow-leaf Agave or Espadillo makes narrow leaves in an elegant, almost perfectly
round, bowl like rosette, growing in dense clusters with age. Native of northern and eastern Mexico
(Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas, South to Hidalgo). It is amongst the most decorative
medium sized species.
Agave toumeyana var.
(Fairy Ring Agave)
No. de artículo: 1247
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
25 (40)cm ø, Fairy Ring Agave in its variety bella from Arizona, USA makes narrow, dark green
leaves, with brown, smooth margins which are almost entirely covered with thread-like fibers and a
terminal blackish brown spine. A most striking species! Zona climática USDA 10.
Agave toumeyana var.
No. de artículo: 8912
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
30 (50)cm ø, naturally occurs on rocky slopes and open, sunny spots in pine and juniper woodlands
of Arizona. Makes narrow, dark green leaves, with brown, smooth margins with white, thread-like
fibers and a terminal blackish brown spine. Zona Climática USDA 10.
Agave utahensis var.
No. de artículo: 3811
sobre de semillas
15 (25)cm ø, Kaibab Century Plant is a rare subspecies from the Kaibab Plateau in northern
Arizona, where it can be found on rocky limestone slopes. Makes narrow, lanceolate leaves in
shades of dark green to glaucous bluish gray. Its' leaf margins are armed with thick light brown
teeth. A very robust and excellent rock garden plant.
Agave utahensis ssp.
(Utah Agave or Pygmy
No. de artículo: 1249
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10 (20)cm ø, Utah Agave or Pygmy Agave is amongst the most frost tolerant species. It is native of
dryish, stony slopes in mountainous areas of the eastern Mojave Desert. Makes ornamental, dwarf
dense rosettes of grayish green leaves with spiny margins.
No. de artículo: 3810
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Agave utahensis var.
Agave utahensis var.
(Nevada Agave)
10 (20)cm ø, this dwarf form is amongst the most winter hardy species and is native of dryish, stony
slopes in mountainous areas, e.g. the Las Vegas Mountain Range. It makes smaller and more
compact, and almost ball-like rosettes than the species with strongly spiny, grayish green leaves. A
must have species! Seed is always very scarce. Zona climática USDA 7. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 3809
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
15 (20)cm ø, Nevada Agave is amongst the most winter hardy species. It is native of dryish, stony
slopes in mountainous areas of Nevada in California (USA). In contrast to other subspcies it has
slightly larger rosettes with broader, bluish green leaves with strong marginal teeth.
No. de artículo: 3808
sobre de semillas
Agrostemma (Corncockle)
Corncockle is a small genus with only 2 species: the larger Agrosthemma githago from Asia Minor and the smaller Agrostemma
gracile from Farsala in central Greece. Both species are fast growing annuals to biannuals with linear leaves on tall upright stems
crowned by several showy pink flower cups from early to mid summer. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in full sun.
Sow seeds flat directly to the ground in any rich, well drained soil in spring. Plants greatly dislike to be transplanted, thus leave
undisturbed. Will readily selfsow under appropiate conditions. In a mild winter seedlings will survive outside if they are not burnt by
strong freezings. Alternatively collect some seeds in summer to be sowed in following spring.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7/8.
20 semillas por sobre.
100 (150)cm, Commnon Corncockle is a beautiful annual, losley branching species from Asia Minor
Agrostemma githago
with narrow, pubescent leaves and showy, quite large, rose flower cups with a pale rose center and
(Common Corncockle)
purple streaks. Easily cultivated in any rich rich, well drained soil in full sun. Sow directly to the
ground in the garden in mid spring. Will readily self-sow under appropriate conditoons. V-VII.
Agrostemma githago ssp.
(Dwarf Corncuckle)
No. de artículo: 4529
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
30 (40)cm, Dwarf Corncockle is a beautiful annual subspecies from Russia and Asia Minor. It is
similar as the species, yet stems are much shorter with narrow, pubescent leaves and showy, quite
large, rose flower cups with a pale rose center and purple streaks. Easily cultivated in any rich rich,
well drained soil in full sun. Sow directly to the ground after the last freezing nights in spring. Will
readiyl self-sow under appropriate conditoons. V-VII.
Agrostemma gracilis
(Graceful Corncockle)
No. de artículo: 6376
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
70 (100)cm, Graceful Corncockle is a beautiful annual, losley branching species from Asia Minor
with linear, pubescent leaves and showy, pale rose flower cups with a pale rose center and purple
streaks. Easily cultivated in any rich rich, well drained soil in full sun. Sow directly to the ground in
the garden in mid spring. Will readily self-sow under appropriate conditoons. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 4654
sobre de semillas
Aichryson (Mice Ears)
"Oreja de Ratón" (Mice Ears) are called most plants of this small genus by the Canary people. They are close to Aeonium in the
family of Crassulaceae and grow in rather shaded and slightly moist places in the laurel or pine tree forest on the islands. They
make lose racemes of several hundred sulfur to greenish-yellow, miniature star like flowers above usually densely pubescent
succulent leaves. All are easily cultivated in any rich, slightly moist soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot throughout the year.
Require careful watering and preferably full sun in winter. Will readily self-sow after flowering, when most plants will die down. For
more cultivation information please have at look at this page:prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=558 Sowing and cultivation of
Aeonium, Aichryson and Greenovia.
Sow dust-like seeds flat on any well drained soil, keep soil slightly moist from beneath. Do not cover seeds with soil.
50 semillas por sobre.
Aviso legal: De acuerdo con las leyes alemanas nacionales (BNatSchG y BArtSchV) tan bien como las convenciones a nivel
europeo (Convención de Berna) e internacional (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora - CITES) no vendemos ningún material tal como semillas proveniendo de plantas salvajes protegidas. Las semillas de dichas
plantas protegidas derivan exclusivamente de plantas propagadas artificialmente en cultivos hortículos en Alemania
respectivamente en el Líbano, donde las plantas se han tomado en cultivo a finales de los años 70 y al principio de los años 80 del
siglo pasado.
Aichryson bollei Exclusive 10 (15)cm, small Aichryson reaching only some 10 to 15cm in height. Native of shaded to sunny
spots in rocks crevices in only few places in western La Palma. Makes densely hairy, transverse
elliptic leaves, shaded in red with red striped beneath in a sunny place. Rather large, dark yellow
flowers from May to June. Barranco de Izcagua (740m).
Aichryson divaricatum
Aichryson laxum
No. de artículo: 2766
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20(30)cm, endemic of partially shaded and slightly moist soils mainly in the laurel forest zone on the
island of Madeira, as the other three Aichryson species from Madeira, it is rarely seen in cultivation.
Makes small plants of 20(30)cm in height with ovoid, smooth, dark green, shining leaves and many
greenish yellow to bright yellow star like flowers from July to August. Usually grows as an annual to
biannual, but it may be easily propagates from seeds or by means of cuttings from branching
specimens. From semi-moist rock walls in the Calderão do Inferno.
No. de artículo: 2768
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (50)cm, can be found on almost all islands and is probably one of the most attractive species
within this genus due to its large ovoid dark green leaves which are very hairy on both sides. The
inflorescence is freely developed and consists of up to 50 large star-like, yellow flowers. In order to
promote vegetative growth, the inflorescence should be cut off in time, otherwise this species will
naturally grow as a biannual. Seeds are produced in abundance and will easily sow themselves. For
any humus rich, well drained soil in a partially shaded to sunny spot. Seeds from populations in the
drier laurel forests in Los Erjos (Tenerife), Barranco del Río/Roque Faro (La Palma), and Barranco
de Moya (Gran Canaria).
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Aichryson laxum ssp.
gomerense ssp. nov. ined.
Aichryson palmense
No. de artículo: 3040
sobre de semillas (ex La Palma)
No. de artículo: 3413
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
No. de artículo: 2769
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
No. de artículo: 5123
sobre de semillas (ex El Hierro)
€ 3,99
40 (60)cm, an only in 2001 by Malkmus, B. recognized new subspecies, much larger in all aspects,
reaching up to 60cm in height. Makes strongly pubescent leaves up to 6cm ø at their tip. Its
inflorescence reaches an impressive 25cm ø and more with some 200 to 500 bright yellow star-like
flowers. Flowering from June through August. Native of La Gomera, where it is very common in
partially sunny, slightly moist spots in the laurel forest. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2795
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20cm, similar Aichryson laxum, yet more compact (reaches up to 20cm in height) and has leaves
twice the size, which are very sticky. This rarely seen species is endemic to slightly moist, open
spots on rocky walls in the lower parts of the laurel forest of La Palma. Makes a compact
inflorescence with rather large, bright sulfur yellow flowers. Easily raised from seeds, which are set
in abundance. On good conditions plants may grow as perennials, yet cuttings from non flowering
plants will root easily. Seeds from two populations are available: from the Barranco del Agua at
some 620m and Las Moraditas/Barranco de Gallegos.
No. de artículo: 3420
Aichryson parlatorei
No. de artículo: 3416
Aichryson punctatum
Aichryson villosum
sobre de semillas (ex Bco. de Gallegos)
No. de artículo: 2815
sobre de semillas (ex Bco. del Agua)
€ 3,99
5 (10)cm, an annual dwarf species, which is native to all western islands, where it prefers rich and
slightly moist soils in partial shade. The bright yellow flowers are rather large for the overall plant's
size. The small rhomboid, fresh green leaves show few blackish markings on their edges. Seeds
from two populations are available: Valle del Gran Rey, 540m, La Gomera (formerly listed as
Aichryson spec. 1) and Barranco de Izcagua, 450m, La Palma.
sobre de semillas (ex La Gomera)
No. de artículo: 3415
sobre de semillas (ex La Palma)
€ 4,99
10 (20)cm, similar to Aichryson pachycaulon, yet smaller in all parts, reaching some 10cm to 20cm
in height. The dark green rhomboid leaves have margins with small blackish dots and all parts are
covered with short fine hairs. From shaded, slightly moist rock crevices on all western islands
including Gran Canaria. Makes numerous intense yellow flowers in a lax inflorescence. Easily raised
from seeds when plants have died down after flowering. For any humus rich, always slightly moist
soil in a partially shaded spot. Seeds from four populations are available: small-leafed plants from
sun exposed rock walls in the north-eastern of La Palma (Fuente de San Marcos, Barranco del Río)
in the Fayal-Brezal zone (formerly listed as Aichryson spec. 2), Pico de Garajonay, La Gomera,
large-leafed plants from Artenara, Gran Canaria and El Golfo, El Hierro at some 900m. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2820
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
No. de artículo: 3417
sobre de semillas (ex La Gomera)
No. de artículo: 5125
sobre de semillas (ex El Hierro)
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, endemic of partially shaded to sunny exposed and slightly moist rock walls on the island
of Madeira, rarely seen in cultivation. Makes small plants of some 20cm in height and has fresh
green, broadly ovoid, densely pubescent (=hairy) leaves, which show a reddish tinge under sunny
conditions. Makes quite large, clear yellow star like flowers in June to July. Usually grows as annual
to biannual, but it may be easily propagated by seeds or cuttings, which have to be taken before
plants are maturing to flower.
No. de artículo: 2952
sobre de semillas
Akebia (Chocolate Vine)
Akebia are still very rare, but highly decorative and easy vines from Eastern Asia, growing in moist woods in shaded places, where
they wind up trees. Make clusters of medium sized flowers in spring, followed by large, Passiflora like fruits in early autumn, which
open half-way to show their transparent fruit pulp, in which the blackish seeds are embedded. For any humus rich soil in half shade
to full sun. Will grow moderately and thus stay manageable for many years. A very rare but excellent genus! Very decorative
Sow preferably at a minimum of some 10°C in spring in any well drained, humus rich soil. Transplant in early autumn or late spring.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
2 (8)m, Chocolate Vine has multi-foliated leaves and is slightly smaller than the closely related
Akebia quinata
Akebia trifoliata with more maroon red flowers and pale lavender rose fruits in late summer and early
(Chocolate Vine)
autumn. An easily grown, vigorously growing deciduous vine for any rich, well drained soil in full sun
to partial shade. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 2215
sobre de semillas
Albizia (Brush Wattle)
Albizia is a broad subtropical to tropical genus of low trees to tall shrubs with elegant feathered leaves and clusters of white, yellow
to rose flower brushes. Easily cultivated as container plants in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. Keep
cooler at a minimum of some 12°C in winter with reduced watering. Some species may lose most leaves and will go semi dormant
in winter. Plants which have become to large may be cut back in spring before new growth.
Sow flat at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year in any leafy-sandy, well drained soil in a very sunny spot.
10 semillas grandes por sobre.
200 (500)cm, White Wattle Brush is a tall woody shrub with large, dark green feathered foliage and
Albizia lophanta
axillary clusters of cream white flower brushes even on small plants of roughly some 150cm in
(White Wattle Brush)
height. Native of south-eastern Australia. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun throughout the
year. Winter minimum 12°C with reduced watering. IV-VI.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
No. de artículo: 3335
sobre de semillas
Albizia (Winter Hardy Silk Tree)
Silk Tree is a winter hardy, tropical looking member native from Iran through Japan. This species makes most ornamental, Mimosa
like, finely feathered, large foliage, which folds back during night. It makes numerous whitish rose flower balls in early summer. This
deciduous tree adapts well to any rich, well drained soil in full sun.
Sow flat in any sandy, well drained soil in early spring. Keep pots outside in a sheltered spot. Plant out to the garden as soon as
seedlings are strong enough in summer. In the first years give some good winter protection, e. g. a thick dry mulch layer. In regions
with a colder climate, keep pots with seedlings in winter sunny, cool and frost free at some 5°C.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7.
10 semillas por sobre.
5 (10)m, Silk Tree is a tropical looking, winter hardy tree with elegant, Mimosa like, finely feathered,
Albizia julibrissin
large foliage, which folds back during night. The entire tree is covered with numerous whitish rose
(Winter Hardy Silk Tree)
flower balls in early summer. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. V-VI
No. de artículo: 4315
sobre de semillas
Alcea (Mallow or Hollyhock) & Althea (Marsh Mallow)
Mallow, Hollyhock and <b<Marsh Mallows are perennials for an open position in the rock garden. They make tall inflorescences
with showy, maple tree-like leaves and several large, bight colored flowers in white, pink, bluish-red to yellow shades.
Sow flat in any well drained soil, transplant after third pair of real leaves appears.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
10 (20)cm, Stemless Hollyhock is a rather odd Alcea member with a basal leaf rosette and short
Alcea acaulis
stalked, rich magenta to pale rose flowers. A rarely seen biannual to semiperennial species from
(Stemless Hollyhock)
open, rocky spots in the Middle East. Best grown in pots in a very well drained soil and full sun
throughout the year and frostfree conditons at a minimum of some 5°C in winter. VII-VIII.
Alcea cannabina
(Hemp Leaf Mallow)
No. de artículo: 8859
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
120 (200)cm, Hemp Leaf Mallow is a perennial species with tall branching stems with numerous
pale pink flowers above three-lobed leaves. Native of dryish soils in the Mediterranean region and
Asia Minor. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny and protected spot. IV-V.
Alcea pallida
(Pale Rose Hollyhock)
No. de artículo: 6222
sobre de semillas
150 (200)cm, Pale Rose Hollyhock is an evergreen perennial from the eastern Mediterranean
(Turkey). It makes a tall inflorescence with numerous soft lilac rose saucer shaped flowers. It is
easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VII-VIII.
Alcea rosea
No. de artículo: 3804
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
150 (200)cm, Hollyhock is a biannual to semiperennial species found in open, rocky spots
throughout the Mediterranean. It makes an impressive stalk with very large flowers in shades of
white, rose, winered and lilac. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds are
from mostly rosy-red to winered flowering plants, wild collected in south-western Cyprus. VII-VIII.
Alcea rosea
(White Hollyhock)
No. de artículo: 6372
sobre de semillas
€ 1,99
150 (200)cm, White Hollyhock is a white flowering form from Alcea rosea which may spontaneously
occur in nature. As the normal form it is biannual to semiperennial species found in open, rocky
spots throughout the Mediterranean. It makes an impressive stalk with very large, pure white
flowers. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds are from a single white
flowering plant found within hundreds of normal winred specimens. It may naturally split up (but not
necessarily) into various shades of white, pale rose to winered in the second generation. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8662
sobre de semillas
150 (200)cm, Yellow Russian Hollyhock is an evergreen biannual to semiperennial and native of
Alcea rugosa
(Yellow Russian Hollyhock) Ukraine (Russia). It makes a tall inflorescence with numerous soft yellow saucer shaped flowers
above deeply lobed leaves. It is easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Under
favorable conditions it readily self-sows. VII-VIII.
Alcea setosa
(Bristly Hollyhock)
Althea officinalis
(Marsh Mallow)
No. de artículo: 3803
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
150 (200)cm, Bristly Hollyhock is a rarely cultivated biannual to semiperennial species found in
open, rocky spots restricted in the Eastern Mediterranean. It makes several flower stalks from a
basal leaf rosette with large rich pinkish-rose flowers. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a
sunny and protected spot. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8757
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
170 (250)cm, Marsh Mallow is a tall herbaceous perennial from North Africa with impressive stalks
covered with numerous small, pale rose flowers above greyish-green leaves. Several parts of this
plant are used for their medicinal properties. An extract from the roots adds a special flavor to a
middle eastern sweet (Halva). Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VIIIIX.
No. de artículo: 8036
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Alisma (Water-Plantain) & Pontederia (Pickerel Weed)
Water-Plantains and Pickerel Weed are not closer related perennial aquatic plants with beautiful, intense lilac-blue flower heads
(Pontederia cordata) or small whitish-rose flower in losely branching racemes (Alisma lanceolata) above narrow arrow-shaped, light
green leaves. They are native of shallow waters throughout North and South America, respectively Eurasia. All are easily cultivated
in a humus rich soil at the edge of a pond or in waterfilled pots.
Sow seeds on receipt flat in any humus rich soil. Keep soil always completely wet and pots in a sunny, protected spot outside.
Transplant as soon as seedlings are strong enough. Both Alisma lanceolata and Pontederia cordara are very fast growing and if
sowed in mid spring they may flower in summer already.
Todas las plantas son de la Zona climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
20 (40)cm, Lanceolate-leafed Water-Plantain is an aquatic herbaceous perennial with narrow arrowAlisma lanceolata
shaped leaves and a losely branching, filigree spike with very small, whitish-rose flowers. It is native
(Lanceolate-leafed Waterof wetlands and in shallow fresh waters throughout Eurasia and has been naturalized in many parts
of the world. It is easily cultivated in any humus rich soil always saturated with water or at the edge
of a pond or watercourse. Will grow well in large plastic pots filled with humus rich soil topped by
some 10cm of water: create your own small pond on a terrace or balcony ! V-VI.
Pontederia cordata
(Pickerel Weed)
No. de artículo: 9512
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
20 (40)cm, Pickerel Weed is an aquatic perennial with broad arrow-shaped leaves and a terminal
dense spike with showy bright blue flowers. It is native of wetlands and in shallow fresh waters from
the USA (Minnesota and Nova Scotia, southward to Texas and Florida) to South America
(Argentina). It is easily cultivated in any humus rich soil always saturated with water or at the edge of
a pond or watercourse. Will grow well in large plastic pots filled with humus rich soil topped by some
10cm of water: create your own small pond on a terrace or balcony ! V-VI.
No. de artículo: 4670
sobre de semillas
Allium (Chives)
Most Allium or Chives species are best grown in a well drained soil in a partially shaded to sunny spot. The larger the leaves and
flowering stalks the sunnier the place should be. Dwarf forms are excellent for the rock garden. Others, especially smaller Allium
species, such the majority from E Asia (China and Japan), are best cultivated in a slightly moist and peaty soil in partial shade (e.g.
Allium beesianum, Allium japonicum and Allium sikkimensis).
All offered here are very easy to raise from seeds. Sow flat in any well drained, yet humus rich soil from autumn to early summer.
Plant into the garden in autumn in the first or spring of the second year. Most Allium will flower within 2 to 3 years. Larger species
such as Allium stipitatum may take up to 4 years to gain flower size.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6 si no se meciona algo
30 semillas por sobre.
20 (30)cm, Chives is native of most of Europe and occurs in damp meadows in the mountains,
Allium schoenoprasum
forming dense clumps. Many linear-round leaves and dense umbels in lilac to pink. Very easy
species. The leaves have a nice taste and widely used in salads. The edible lilac flowers may be
added as well for decoration. IV-VII.
Allium tuberosum
(Chinese Chives)
No. de artículo: 1154
sobre de semillas
€ 0,39
30 (40)cm, Chinese Chives is widely cultivated in East Asia. Makes numerous flowering stalks with
many white flowers and contrasting black stamens very late in summer to fall. The leaves have a
nice garlic taste and are used in salads and soups. The edible white flowers can be used in the
cookery as well. VII-IX.
Allium ursinum
(Bear Garlic)
No. de artículo: 1174
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
30 (40)cm, Bear Garlic is native to damp open woods in most of Europe, forming large clumps with
numerous broad and fresh green leaves and white, star-like flowers. Its leaves as well as flowers
have a fine garlic taste and are used in salads and soups. Will readily naturalize in any humus rich,
slightly moist soil in partial shade. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 1177
sobre de semillas
Allium (Ornamental Chive)
Most Allium or Chives species are best grown in a well drained soil in a partially shaded to sunny spot. The larger the leaves and
flowering stalks the sunnier the place should be. Dwarf forms are excellent for the rock garden. Others, especially smaller Allium
species, such the majority from E Asia (China and Japan), are best cultivated in a slightly moist and peaty soil in partial shade (e.g.
Allium beesianum, Allium japonicum and Allium sikkimensis).
All offered here are very easy to raise from seeds. Sow flat in any well drained, yet humus rich soil from autumn to early summer.
Keep sowing pots in a protected spot outside in the garden during winter. Most Allium species require a prolonged cooling after
sowing before seeds will germinate from mid spring to early summer. Plant to their final spot in the garden in autumn or spring teh
following year. Most Allium will flower within 2 to 3 years. Larger species such as Allium stipitatum may take up to 4 years to gain
flower size.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6 si no se menciona algo
30 semillas por sobre, unless not mentioned differently.
100 (130)cm, from Asia Minor occurring in rocky mountain areas. Makes broad, recurving leaves in
Allium aflatunense
a dense rosette, emerging long stalk with deep purple violet blooms. Very showy Allium for sunny
spots. V-VI.
Allium altissimum
No. de artículo: 1092
sobre de semillas
€ 1,99
120 (160)cm, a showy, very tall species with densely packed umbels of violet tubular flowers with a
deeper veining inside. Similar to Allium aflatunense, yet taller. For a sunny spot any well drained
soil. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 1252
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Allium amethystinum
140 (160)cm, an utmost beautiful species with as its name suggests, a deep purple flower ball on a
very tall stem. Native of rocky soils in full sun in the Mediterranean. An excellent cut flower for any
rich, very well drained soil in full sun. VI-VII.
Allium ampeloprasum var.
No. de artículo: 8398
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
180 (220)cm, from sunny spots in S England through Central Europe. Very tall variety with broad,
recurving leaves with leaves' sheaths surrounding the stem. In contrast to the species this variety
makes a dense, quite large umbel of intense dark lilac flowers and rarely sets few, small bulbils. For
any sandy or rocky soil in a sunny spot. As easy as the species above. VII-VIII.
Allium angulosum
No. de artículo: 1097
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
30cm, rare and threatened species from central to N Europe, growing in damp lowlands. Small lilac
flowers, but numerous flowering stalks. For a moist and peaty soil in full sun. V-VII.
Allium atropurpureum
Allium caeruleum
(Blue Globe Onion)
Allium campanulatum
(Sierra Onion)
Allium carinatum ssp.
No. de artículo: 1098
sobre de semillas
€ 3,79
100 (120)cm, an most ornamental species which is native from central Turkey to eastern Iran
growing in limestone rocks at some 200m to 500m. It bears tall flower stalks and flattened umbels in
an utmost showy, deepest violet with yellow anthers, which make perfect cut flowers. Easily grown in
any well drained soil in a sunny spot. Fully winter hardy in Central Europe. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 1100
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
15 (20)cm, Blue Globe Onion is an ornamental species from East Europe to central Asia, where it is
found in steppes and salt marshes. A still rather rarely cultivated species with showy pure sky blue
flowers. Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 1258
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20cm, Sierra Onion is a rarely cultivated bulbous plant with pendulous, pale rose flowers above
basal, grass-like leaves. Native of mountainous areas in California, Nevada, Oregon and
Washington State. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Four Corners, Plumas County, California,
USA at some 1.200m. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot. Excellent in the rock
garden. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 6503
sobre de semillas
15 (25)cm, subspecies is similar to the above, yet does never set any bulbils in flower heads. As
easy as the above and will naturalize well under sunny condition in the rock garden. VI-VII.
Allium cassium var.
No. de artículo: 3066
sobre de semillas (forma arosada)
€ 3,99
20 (30)cm, a Cyprus endemic similar in appearance to Allium hirtellum with a lax umbel of white
flowers with a slightly pale rose shade. A spring flowering and summer dormant species from rich,
slightly moist soils in mountains on Cyprus. For any rich, well drained soil in a partially shaded to
sunny spot. Do not water bulbs during their dormancy in summer. V-VI.
Allium cernuum
No. de artículo: 6292
sobre de semillas (ex Psilo Dendron, Chipre)
25cm, medium tall Allium with pale to bright pink flowers in nodding umbels. From North America
(New York State to British Columbia southwards to Arizona), growing in rocky places in the
mountains. VII-VIII.
Allium christophii
No. de artículo: 1109
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
30cm, large flower heads up to 20 cm across with numerous star shaped, lilac flowers. From N Iran
to central Asia (Kopet Dag). For a sunny and well drained spot. V-VI.
Allium cilicium
No. de artículo: 1110
sobre de semillas
€ 1,99
20 (30)cm, a rhizomatous Allium with elegant recurving glaucous leaves and umbels of small rose
flowers. For a rich soil in full sun. A highly endangered species rarely seen in cultivation. V-VII.
Allium cratericola
(Volcanic Onion)
No. de artículo: 1112
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
10cm, Volcanic Onion is a rarely cultivated dwarf species from rocky mountainous sites in California.
It has basal leaves and a short-stemmed dense umbel of bright rose flowers. For any rich, well
drained, rather rocky soil in full sun and a preferably protected spot. Seeds from a certified wild
collection in Cherokee, Butte County, California, USA at some 400m. V-VI.
Allium falcifolium
(Sickle Leaf Onion)
Allium flavum
Allium insubricum
Allium junceum Exclusivo
No. de artículo: 4631
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
10 (15)cm, Sickle Leaf Onion makes short but broad, flattened stems with broad, falcate leaves
tinged red in full sun and a quite large, lax umbel of intense bright purple, narrow, bell shaped
flowers. A very showy species which is native throughout the western USA growing in dry, sunny,
rocky mountain slopes. Requires a well drained soil in a sunny spot, excellent in the rock garden.
Seeds from a wild collection in Josephine County, Oregon, USA at some 700m. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 4161
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
15 (25)cm, a real gem from mountains of S Europe (France to Greece), with beautiful yellow flowers
and perfectly glaucous gray, delicate foliage. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 1118
sobre de semillas
15 (20)cm, dwarf Allium with rather large rose to pale lilac, nodding bell-shaped flowers. For any
humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Excellent for the rock garden. A rarely seen and
ornamental species. VI-VII.
15 semillas por sobre.
No. de artículo: 1272
sobre de semillas
10 (20)cm, a dwarf species with deep lilac flowers edged white and grass-like leaves. From open
rocky spots in south-eastern Greece, Cyprus and Turkey. For any rich, very well drained soil in a
protected spot in full sun. IV-V.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Allium lacunosum var.
(Pitted Onion)
No. de artículo: 6331
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30cm, Pitted Onion is a medium tall North American species from rocky hillsides and meadows in
Southern California. This variety makes pale rose to pure white flowers on somewhat twining stalks
and narrow leaves. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds descend from
white flowering plants with a greenish-rose midrib on each petal. IV-V.
Allium lemmonii
(Lemmon's Onion)
No. de artículo: 7186
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20cm, Lemmon's Onion is native to mountainous regions in the western United States. Makes a
nice umbel of bright rose to rarely white flowers on a medium tall stalk. Seeds from a certified wild
collection in Doyle Crossing, Plumas County, California, USA at some 1.700m. For any rich, very
well drained soil in a sunny spot. Excellent in the rock garden. VI-VII.
Allium lenkoranicum
No. de artículo: 6500
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
35 (50)cm, an only in 1987 discovered endemic species of the Talysh Mountains near the Caspian
Sea. Has pale lilac to rose flowered, open umbels, each petal with a darker lilac central stripe. Thin,
grass like leaves. For any well drained, rich soil in full sun. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 1132
sobre de semillas
Allium lusitanicum
Allium macleani
No. de artículo: 7027
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
100 (120)cm, erect flower stalks, similar to Allium stipitatum with dense umbels of numerous rose
colored flowers. Leaves have withered by flowering time. For any well drained soil in full sun.
Excellent solitary plants. IV-V.
Allium macropetalum
(Largeflower Onion)
No. de artículo: 1135
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (25)cm, Largeflower Onion is a medium sized species with white to pale pink umbels. Flowers
show an ornamental purple middle vein. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds from a
certified wild collection in Grand County, Utah, USA at some 1350m. V.
No. de artículo: 5271
sobre de semillas
15 (20)cm, dwarf species, makes a compact umbel of mid-pink, nodding, cylindrical flowers with
nicely contrasting yellow anthers above elegant, narrow leaves. Native of sunny, rocky slopes in
Turkey. For any well drained soil in a sunny spot, excellent in the rock garden. A rarely offered
species. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 1137
sobre de semillas
20cm, native of E Spain and south-western France, growing in shady rocks at 1.500m. Perfectly
yellow large flowers and broad glaucous leaves in V.
Allium moly
Allium narcissiflorum
(Daffodil-flowering Chive)
No. de artículo: 1138
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
15 (30)cm, Daffodil-flowering Chive makes small, daffodil-like, pale rose nodding flower cups above
bluish-grey thin foliage. It is a rare native of mountainous meadows and rock crevices in southern
France and northern Italy. It prefers a slightly moist, humus rich soil in partial shade to full sun. V-VI.
15 semillas por sobre.
Allium neapolitanum
No. de artículo: 3805
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (45)cm, from grassy places and fields in the Mediterranean. Makes snow white umbels and
nicely contrasting dark to almost black anthers. For a sunny place in any well drained soil. Ideal for
the rock garden. III-V.
Allium meteoricum
No. de artículo: 1139
sobre de semillas
Allium nigrum
Allium obliquum
No. de artículo: 3057
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
40 (50)cm, makes medium sized, yellow umbels on tall stalks above some 1cm broad leaves. It is
native from Romania to Siberia and nort-western China, growing in mountain meadows and cliffs.
For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. V-VI.
Allium obtusum var.
(Red Sierra Onion)
No. de artículo: 1141
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
10 (20)cm, Red Sierra Onion makes a basal rosette of narrow leaves and a basal, dense umbel of
cream-white flowers with a central brownish stripes. Native of mountainous areas in California
(Sierra Nevada). For any rich, very well drained soil in full sun. Excellent in the rock garden. Seeds
from a certified wild collection in Keddie Ridge, Plumas County, California, USA. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 0059
sobre de semillas
Allium ochotense
Allium orientale
(Oriental Onion)
No. de artículo: 7025
sobre de semillas
80 (120)cm, Oriental Onion makes a broad umbel of perfectly white to pale rose flowers on a tall
stem emerging from a rosette of broad light green leaves. A very showy species and an excellent
cut flower. For a sunny spot in any rich soil. Rare. V-VII.
Allium oviflorum
No. de artículo: 1296
sobre de semillas (ex Chipre)
€ 2,99
20cm, makes broad and flat leaves from strong creeping rhizomes. Nodding umbels in creamy-pink.
For any rich, well drained soil in the rock garden. VI-VII.
Allium parvum
(Dwarf Onion)
No. de artículo: 1145
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10cm, Dwarf Onion is a rarely cultivated dwarf species from rocky mountainous sites in the western
USA. It has narrow grass-like basal leaves and an almost sessile dense umbel of bright rose
flowers. For any rich, well drained, rather rocky soil in full sun and a preferably protected spot.
Seeds from a certified wild collection in Long Valley, Plumas County, California, USA. V-VI.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Allium platycaule
(Broad-Stemmed Onion)
No. de artículo: 4630
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
20cm, Broad-Stemmed Onion is an ornamental dwarf species with broad and short, slightly falcate
leaves crowned by a dense rich lilac umbel. Native of mountainous areas in California. For any rich,
very well drained soil in full sun. Excellent in the rock garden. Seeds from a certified wild collection
in Beardsly Grade, Plumas County, California USA. VII-VIII.
Allium polyanthum
No. de artículo: 0058
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (60)cm, a Mediterranean wild garlic from rocky sunny spots with a dense umbel of whittish-green
to pale rose flowers and broad basal leaves yellowing at flowering time. Plants are fully hardy in
Central Europe. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
Allium pyrenaicum
No. de artículo: 7153
sobre de semillas
€ 2,49
40cm, makes a nice clump of short, flat, minutely toothed leaves and dullish white, mid green
veined, star-like flowers in dense umbels. For any well drained, rich soil in a partially shaded spot.
This is the real species and not rose-flowered Allium angulosum usually offered in trade. V-VI.
Allium rosenbachianum
(rose form)
No. de artículo: 1149
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
130 (160)cm, stout flower stalks with large, light pink flower umbels. The basal broad leaves have
withered by flowering time. For any well drained soil in full sun. A very ornamental species, not only
for its enormous height. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 1151
sobre de semillas
130 (160)cm, stout flower stalks with large umbels of pure white flowers. The basal broad leaves
have withered by flowering time. For any well drained soil in full sun. Very decorative form due its
unusual color, which is rarely seen in taller Allium species. IV-V.
Allium rosenbachianum
(white form)
No. de artículo: 1152
No. de artículo: 7071
sobre de semillas
20 (30)cm, Chives is native of most of Europe and occurs in damp meadows in the mountains,
forming dense clumps. Many linear-round leaves and dense umbels in lilac to pink. Very easy
species. The leaves have a nice taste and widely used in salads. The edible lilac flowers may be
added as well for decoration. IV-VII.
No. de artículo: 1154
sobre de semillas
40cm, slightly smaller in all parts than Allium scorodoprasum with deep-violet flowers and usually
without any bulbils in flower umbels. Easy and robust. VII-VIII.
Allium scorodoprasum
ssp. rotundum
Allium senescens ssp.
No. de artículo: 1157
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
20cm, subalpine dwarf Allium from hay meadows in the Alps at up to 2.000m. Numerous umbels of
rose flowers on 20cm stalks. For moist places in any soil in full sun. VI-VII.
sobre de semillas
Allium saxatile
Allium schoenoprasum
Allium simillimum
(Simil Onion)
No. de artículo: 1158
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
5 (10)cm, Simil Onion is a dwarf species with ice white flowers above narrow leaves. For any rich,
well drained soil in a sunny spot with protection from winter wetness. Excellent in the rock garden.
Seeds from a certified wild collection in Blaine County, Idaho, USA at some 2650m. V.
No. de artículo: 5272
sobre de semillas
Allium sordiflorum
Allium spec. 001
"Lebanon - Ma'asser ech
Allium spec. 004
Allium sphaerocephalum
No. de artículo: 7074
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (130)cm, quite tall, unidentified wild species found below Ma'asser ech Chouf (Lebanon) at
some 1500m. Has dense global heads (some 4 to 6 cm in diameter) on an unleafed flower stalk
above a basal rosette. From sunny spots in open scrub in stony hillsides. For a well drained, rather
rocky soil in full sun. A winter dormant species. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 1161
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
30 (40)cm, an unidentified species from Cyprus which is similar in appearance to Allium cassium
var. hirtellum, yet larger in all parts. May be the same species being taller for growing in richer and
moister soil. Makes a lax umbel of white flowers with a slightly pale rose shade on a tall stem. A
spring flowering and summer dormant species from rich, slightly moist soils in full sun above
Perikklishia in south-western Cyprus. For any rich, well drained soil in a partially shaded to sunny
spot. Do not water bulbs during their dormancy in summer. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 6293
sobre de semillas (ex Perikklishia, Chipre)
€ 4,99
50 (80)cm, from Central Europe extending to the Caucasus and Israel. Long linear, gray green
leaves and dense lilac flowers on erect stalk up to 80cm in height. Showy and easy for dry soils. VIVIII.
Allium stellatum
(Prairie Onion)
No. de artículo: 1163
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
50cm, Prairie Onion is native to prairies in the USA. Makes nice, dense umbels of upright, dark pink
flowers. Easy if bulbs are planted fairly deep. For a sunny spot in any rich, well drained soil. V-VII.
Allium strictum
No. de artículo: 1165
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
60cm, makes flat leaves and large stalks with a densely packed umbel of small rose flowers. VI-VII.
Allium suaveolens
(Fragrant Leek)
No. de artículo: 1167
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30cm, Fragrant Leek makes many small, white, honey scented flowers with a rose tinge on upright
stalks. For a sunny spot in any wich, well drained soil. A very robust and easily cultivated species. VVII.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Allium subhirsutum
No. de artículo: 1168
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
20 (30)cm, delicate stems with a lax umbels of pure white flowers above basal, rather broad leaves.
Native of the Mediterranean (from Crete to Portugal and N Africa), growing in partially shaded to
sunny spots in humus rich, well drained soils in rock crevices. III-IV.
No. de artículo: 3311
Allium subvillosum
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca, España)
No. de artículo: 7132
sobre de semillas (ex Sicilia, Italia)
€ 2,49
20 (30)cm, makes upright stems with showy pure white flowers. This species is similar to Allium
subhirsutum, yet it has longer anthers with yellow pollen. Native of the Mediterranean (from Crete to
Portugal and N Africa), growing in partially shaded to sunny spots. Easily cultivated in any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 4516
sobre de semillas
Allium tanguticum
Allium textile
(Textile Onion)
Allium tricoccum
(North American Ramp
No. de artículo: 3054
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, Textile Onion or Prairie Onion makes several grass-like, dark green leaves from a
purplish base and an upright flower stem crowned by a dense umbel of white flowers. Native of dry
prairies and open sunny spots in woods in North America (Saskatchewan to South Dakota,
Montana, New Mexico and Arizona). Easily grown in a rich, well drained soil in full sun. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 0002
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20cm, Ramp or North American Wild Leek is similar to the Eurasian species Allium ursinum and
naturally occurs in moist woodlands throughout North America. The broad, dark green leaves have a
pleasant onion-garlic-like taste, which can be used in salads and soups. The inflorescence consists
of a small terminal umbel with white flowers. Easily grown in any humus rich soil with sufficient
moisture in summer and a sunny to partially shaded spot. Will readily self-sow and multiplies by
bulbs in an appropriate place. VI.
15 semillas por sobre.
Allium trifoliatum
(Rose Onion)
No. de artículo: 1004
sobre de semillas
30cm, Rose Onion is a Mediterranean, very diverse species with pale rose to almost white petals
with a darker rose middle stripe and channeled, slightly hairy leaves. This species is sometimes
confused with Alium roseum, which is a distinct species with much different leaves. For any rich,
well drained soil in sunny and protected spot. V-VI.
Allium triquetrum
(Threecorner Leek)
No. de artículo: 8362
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
20cm, Threecorner Leek is native of humus rich, slightly moist soils from the Mediterranean region
to Uzbekistan. It makes nodding umbels of pure white, flattened flowers with a fine green middle
line, triangular stems and glossy, broad leaves. For any rich, slightly moist, well drained soil in
preferably partial shade. III-IV.
Allium tschimganicum
No. de artículo: 8043
sobre de semillas (ex Sicilia, Italia)
€ 3,99
70 (100)cm, makes large and dense umbels of rich pinkish-violet flowers. From a collection made on
stony hillsides on Mount Chimgan in Uzbekistan. For any well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI.
Allium tuberosum
(Chinese Chives)
No. de artículo: 1173
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (40)cm, Chinese Chives is widely cultivated in East Asia. Makes numerous flowering stalks with
many white flowers and contrasting black stamens very late in summer to fall. The leaves have a
nice garlic taste and are used in salads and soups. The edible white flowers can be used in the
cookery as well. VII-IX.
Allium turkestanicum
No. de artículo: 1174
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
30 (50)cm, almost unknown Allium from W Asia growing in open rocky and dry places. Showy lilac
rose flowers on quite long pedicles arranged in lax umbels. Belongs to the Allium japonicum group.
For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 2443
No. de artículo: 1175
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca, España)
sobre de semillas
Allium ubsicola
Allium unifolium
No. de artículo: 7075
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, very showy smaller Allium with large flowers in dense umbels of pinkish shades. Native
to N California and S Oregon, USA from moist, yet well drained soils in sunny spots. Bulbs reform
each year at the side of last year's bulb. IIII-V.
Allium ursinum
(Bear Garlic)
No. de artículo: 1176
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
30 (40)cm, Bear Garlic is native to damp open woods in most of Europe, forming large clumps with
numerous broad and fresh green leaves and white, star-like flowers. Its leaves as well as flowers
have a fine garlic taste and are used in salads and soups. Will readily naturalize in any humus rich,
slightly moist soil in partial shade. IV-V.
Allium validum
(Pacific Onion)
No. de artículo: 1177
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
30 (50)cm, Pacific Onion or Swamp Onion makes showy, long stalked, bright rose flowers umbels
above rather broad leaves. Native of humus rich, slightly moist, mountaineous sites in the Pacific
region of western USA. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds from a certified wild
collection in Plumas County, Bear Creek Road, California at some 1.550m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5184
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Allium victorialis
(Victory Onion)
20 (30)cm, Victory Onion is a rarely cultivated rhizomatous Allium from hay-meadows in the Alps. It
has tall and broad leaves with prominent veins and semi-nodding umbels of creamy to greenish
blooms. For any partially shaded spot in any well drained soil. Increases well from seeds only. VI-VII.
20 semillas por sobre.
No. de artículo: 1178
sobre de semillas
Alocasia & Englerarum
Alocasia is a very broad and diverse genus, whereas Englerarum is a monotypic genus with only one species, namely Englerarum
hypnosum which was separated from the genus Alocasia in the year 2013. All are ornamental foliage plants from subtropical to
tropical areas from Asia to Australia and Oceania. Many species have extremely showy, large oval to arrow-shaped leaves and/or
beautiful leaf patterns and are easily grown in any humus rich soil in a partially shaded (summer) to sunny (winter) spot. Smaller to
medium sized Alocasia species can be grown in pots, the larger species may require a container. In winter keep plants slightly drier
at a minimum of some 15°C.
Sow seeds flat in any humus rich substrate at a minimum of some 24°C throughout the year. Keep seedlings in partial shade
during summer months.
7 semillas grandes por sobre.
Note: All corms are available for a delivery within Europe only ! Seeds are shipped worldwide. For Non-European customers only:
We do ship dormant tubers outside Europe, provided that all risk is upon the buyer. We do not issue any phytosanitary certificate,
which is officially required for most countries. We kindly ask you to check with your local import regulations before placing an order!
3 (4)m, Giant Taro is an ornamental, easily grown species with very large oval, fresh green, slightly
Alocasia macrorrhizos
glossy leaves on a stout stem with time and pale greenish-yellow, slightly perfumed inflorescences
(Giant Taro)
followed by showy, bright orange berries. For any rich, humus rich soil in a sunny spot and reduced
watering in winter at a minimum of some 20°C thoughout the year. IV-IX.
No. de artículo: 9095
sobre de semillas
Aloysia (Lemon Verbena) & Lippia (Lemon Shrub)
Lemon Verbena and Lemon Shrub belong to small genera within the vervain family (Verbenaceae). They usually are evergreen,
woody shrubs, several species grow as annuals or perennials and are native from Southern North America through South America,
in South Africa and in southern Asia. Many species have nicely fragrant leaves and make showy pot plants. All are easily cultivated
in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of some 10°C. If
plants become to large, they may be cut back in spring.
Sow fine seeds on top of any rich, well drained soil at some 20°C throughout the year. Do not cover the dustlike seeds from Aloysia
with soil. Keep seedlings in full sun, especially if they are sowed in winter months.
30 semillas por sobre.
150 (200)cm, Lemon Verbena (syn. Aloysia triphylla, syn. Lippia citriodora) is a woody small shrub
Aloysia citriodora
from Southern South America and has strongly lemon scented, long leaves and filigree terminal
(Lemon Verbena)
rose flower clusters in autumn. An excellent pot or container plant for any rich, well drained soil in a
sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants drier and preferably frostfree at a minimum of
some 5°C. VIII-VII.
Lippia alba
(Oaxaca Lemon Verbena)
No. de artículo: 8320
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
100 (150)cm, Oaxaca Lemon Verbena is a small woody shrub from Southwestern USA to Mexico
and the Carribbean and has strongly mint-lemon scented, oval, finely pubescent leaves with
prominent nerves and axilliary dense flower buds with small unconspicuous white to pale rose (our
plants) or pale yellow flowers. Leaves are traditionally used for aromatic herb teas against fever. An
essential oil is distilled from the leaves (Lippia Oil) and the plant is said to repel mosquitos. An
excellent pot or container plant for any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In
winter keep plants drier and preferably frostfree at a minimum of some 5°C. VII-X.
No. de artículo: 8424
sobre de semillas
Alpinia, Costus, Hedychium (Ginger Lily) & Tapeinochilos
Alpinia is the broadest genus within the ginger family (Zingiberaceae) from tropical to subtropocal areas in Australasia, whereas
Hedychium or Ginger Lilies has some 50 species from warm temperate regions in Madagascar and Asia. Pineapple Gingers or
Wax Gingers (Tapeinochilos spp.) with some 16 species from Asia and Spiral Ginger (Costus spp.) with some 80 species from the
Americas and Oceania belong to the closely related Costaceae family. All are are evergreen to herbaceous perennials with strong
underground rhizomes. Many species have most ornamental stalks with showy whitish, creamy-white, yellow, orange or purplishred flowers surrounded by sometimes most colorful bracts (e.g. bright red bracts in Alpinia purpurata, and intense red or dark
brown bracts in most Tapeinochilos species). All are easily grown in large pots or containers in any humus rich, well drained soil in
a sunny (winter) to partially shaded (summer) spot. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of some 15°C. Several species
will do dormant in winter and resprout in spring.
Sow flat at minimum of some 20°C throughout the year in any well drained, humus rich substrate in full sun.
10 semillas por sobre o por rizoma (longitud indicada en cm).
90 (140)cm, Australian Wavy-Leaf Ginger is a very ornamental, medium-tall species from
Alpinia caerulea var.
Queensland (Australia). It produces upright stalks covered with dark green, glossy leaves and it is
crowned by whitish-rose flowers, which are followed by bright blue bruits on maturity. Easily grown in
(Blue Wavy-Leaf Ginger)
any humus rich, well drained substrate at a minimum of some 15°C in winter with reduced watering.
Alpinia purpurata
(Red Ginger)
No. de artículo: 8658
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
100 (150)cm, Red Ginger is a medium tall Asian species with upright stalks covered with dark green,
glossy leaves and crowned by deep red flower heads in this form and nicely contrasting white fruits.
Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained substrate at a minimum of some 15°C in winter with
reduced watering. V-X.
No. de artículo: 8249
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Costus pulverulentus
Hedychium greenii
(Red Butterfly Ginger)
Hedychium hasseltii
(Java Butterfly Ginger)
Hedychium horsfieldii
Tapeinochilos brassii
Tapeinochilos dahlii
(Black Wax Ginger)
Tapeinochilos palustris
(Black Wax Ginger)
(Solomon Wax Ginger)
80 (100)cm, Spiral Ginger is a variable medium sized species from tropical rainforests from Mexico
to Costa Rica and Northwestern Sout America. It makes dark green, leaves arranged in spirals. Our
seeds are from a Clone from Colombia with a rather compac terminal red spike with quite large
orange-red flowers. Easily grown in pots in any humus rich, well drained substrate in a partially
shaded (summer) to sunny (winter) spot and at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year. VIVIII.
No. de artículo: 9197
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150 (180)cm Red Butterfly Ginger belongs to the most colorful of all Hedychium species and makes
dark green leaves with a slight maroon tinge on the lower side and terminal racemes of large bright
orange-red flowers. All cultivated plants are sterile, however they make plantlets in the inflorescence
which serve for propagation. It is a semi-evergreen to herbaceous perennial which is easily grown in
any humus rich, well drained substrate at a minimum of some 15°C in winter with reduced watering
to a minimum during dormancy. Offered rhizomes are 6 months old plantlets with at least one new
eye. They will need only one more year to reach flowering size. VI-VIII.
Rhizomes can only be delivered within Europe!
No. de artículo: 8839
Rizoma (05,0 cm)
€ 7,99
40 (60)cm Java Butterfly Ginger is a small to medium sized species from Western Java (Indonesia),
where it occurs as an epiphyte. It has short broad leaves and elegant flower spikes covered with
brownish hairs and narrow-petaled white, fragrant flowers fading to yellow with age. Easily grown in
pots in any humus rich, well drained substrate in a partially shaded (summer) to sunny (winter) spot
and at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 9172
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (60)cm Java Butterfly Ginger is a medium sized species from Java (Indonesia) and makes short
broad leaves and small pale yellow flowers in terminal spikes which are followed by very ornamental,
bright orange seed capsules with red-fleshed seeds. Easily grown in pots in any humus rich, well
drained substrate in a partially shaded (summer) to sunny (winter) spot and at a minimum of some
20°C throughout the year. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 9196
sobre de semillas
€ 2,79
100 (150)cm, a medium tall species from Papua New Guinea with branching leaf stems and basal,
stemless flower heads with bright orange-red bracts and protruding rich yellow flowers. For any
humus rich, well drained substrate at a minimum of some 20°C and in winter with slightly reduced
watering. Sowings require sufficient heat to germinate. The optimal temperature range is between
25°C and 30°C. Lower temperatures will significantly slow down the germination process or may
even inhibit it. V-XI.
No. de artículo: 9078
sobre de semillas
€ 14,90
200 (300)cm, Black Wax Ginger is an oustanding, evergreen and very rare species from the
Bismarck Archipelago (Papua New Guinea). It makes tall, branching stalks with a dense head of
extremly dark winered bracts which appear almost black and protruding yellow flowers with a orangebrown tip. For any humus rich, well drained substrate at a minimum of some 20°C and in winter with
slightly reduced watering. Sowings require sufficient heat to germinate. The optimal temperature
range is between 25°C and 30°C. Lower temperatures will significantly slow down the germination
process or may even inhibit it. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 9079
sobre de semillas
€ 19,90
200 (300)cm, Black Wax Ginger is a rarely cultivated, evergreen tropical species. It makes tall stalks
with a dense terminal head of dark greyish-maroon to almost black bracts. For any humus rich, well
drained substrate at a minimum of some 20°C and in winter with slightly reduced watering. Sowings
require sufficient heat to germinate. The optimal temperature range is between 25°C and 30°C.
Lower temperatures will significantly slow down the germination process or may even inhibit it. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 9466
sobre de semillas
€ 24,90
150 (200)cm, Solomon Wax Ginger is a stunning, evergreen and rarely cultivated species from the
Solomon islands east of Papua New Guinea. It makes medium stalks with a dense head of utmost
showy bicolored, yellow and orange to brown bracts and pale yellow flowers. For any humus rich,
well drained substrate at a minimum of some 20°C and in winter with slightly reduced watering.
Sowings require sufficient heat to germinate. The optimal temperature range is between 25°C and
30°C. Lower temperatures will significantly slow down the germination process or may even inhibit it.
No. de artículo: 9077
sobre de semillas
€ 19,90
Alstroemeria (Inca Lily)
Inca Lily or Perrot Lily are beautiful South American perennials with a perennial underground rhizome that develops annual vertical
shoots with lose foliage and showy, bright colored, wide-opening, trumpet like flowers. Plants require a very well drained, humus
rich and rocky soil in full sun. They are excellent in the rock garden in mild climates. In colder regions cover dormant rhizomes with
a thick mulch layer in winter to protect from freezing through and from excessive moisture. Alternatively grow in pots in a frostfree
greenhouse or cool wintergarden at a winter minimum of some 10°C.
Sow the round seeds flat in any rich, well drained soil in autumn under frostfree glass in a sunny spot or in pots outside in mid
spring at some 15°C to 25°C. Keep pots always frostfree throughout the year. Germination is extremely slow and takes several
months in most Alstroemeria species. Some seeds may need even one year and more for germination, thus do not discart sowing
pots too soon and please be patient! Young plants should be grown under frostfree conditions for at least two years. During
dormancy keep pots slightly drier and cool at some 10°C. Transplant rhizomes in late spring.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 7/8.
10 semillas por sobre.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Alstroemeria angustifolia
(Flor de Gallo)
Alstroemeria aurea
(Yellow Inca Lily)
Alstroemeria ligtu ssp.
(Flor del Gallo)
70cm Flor del Gallo is a showy bulbous perennial with pale rose flowers with yellowish markings on
the upper petals. Native of dryish rocky spots in montane shrub lands in Chile. May be tried in the
garden in any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot with shelter from winter wetness and an
insulating protection from freezing through (e.g. a thick dry mulch layer). Better for a frostfree
cultivation in a cool greenhouse or unheated wintergarden at a minimum of some 10°C with watering
reduced to a minimum. Seeds from a wild collection in the Metropolitana region, Caleu at some
1000m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5019
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
130cm, yellowish-orange flowered Inca Lily native from open spots in woods of Chile (Puerto Mont).
For any well drained, sandy and rocky soil in a protected spot in full sun. In winter give some good
winter protection (e.g. dry mulch layer) so that bulbs will not freeze through. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 1184
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
70cm Flor del Gallo is a showy bulbous perennial with salmon pink flowers with a yellowish throat.
Native of dryish rocky spots in montane shrub lands in Chile. May be tried in the garden in any rich,
well drained soil in a protected spot with shelter from winter wetness and an insulating protection
from freezing through (e.g. a thick dry mulch layer). Better for a frostfree cultivation in a cool
greenhouse or unheated wintergarden at a minimum of some 10°C with watering reduced to a
minimum. Seeds from a wild collection in VII region, Paso Vergara at some 1900m. VI-VII.
Alstroemeria ligtu ssp.
(Chilean Inca Lily)
No. de artículo: 5031
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
90cm, Chilean Inca Lily is a herbaceous perennial with upright stem and bright rose flowers in a
terminal umbel. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot. Protect from winter wetness and
give some extra winter protection (e.g. dry mulch layer). Alternatively grow in pots, in winter keep
dormant bulbs completely dry and frostfree at some 5°C. VI-VII.
Alstroemeria ligtu ssp.
(Flor del Gallo)
No. de artículo: 4000
sobre de semillas
80 (120)cm Flor del Gallo is a showy bulbous perennial with bright orange flowers with yellowish
markings on the upper petals. Native of dryish rocky spots in montane shrub lands in Chile. Not
reliably winter hardy. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year in a cool
greenhouse or unheated wintergarden at a winter minimum of some 5°C with reduced watering.
Seeds from a wild collection in the Metropolitana region, Pirque at some 600m. VI-VII.
Alstroemeria pelegrina
Alstroemeria presliana
ssp. presliana
Alstroemeria pulchra
(Flor de San Martín)
Alstroemeria pulchra var.
(Flor del Aguila)
Alstroemeria revoluta
Alstroemeria umbellata
No. de artículo: 5022
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20cm, a showy short stemmed inca lily with salmon pink flowers above fresh green, glossy leaves
densely arranged in whorls. Native of coastal and low arid areas in North-Central Chile. Not winter
hardy. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year in a cool greenhouse or
unheated wintergarden at a winter minimum of some 10°C with reduced watering. Seeds from a wild
collection in IV Region, Los Vilos, Chile roughly above sea level. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5404
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50cm, herbaceous perennial with upright stems with a terminal umbel of soft pink flowers, the upper
petals have showy red streaks. For any rich, very well drained, rocky soil in a sunny spot. Protect
from winter wetness and give some extra winter protection (e.g. dry mulch layer). Alternatively grow
in pots, in winter keep dormant bulbs completely dry and frostfree at some 5°C. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 4001
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (140)cm Flor de San Martín is a showy bulbous perennial with pale rose flowers with yellowish
and dark purplish marking on the upper petals. Native of dryish rocky spots in shrub lands in Chile.
Not winter hardy. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year in a cool
greenhouse or unheated wintergarden at a winter minimum of some 10°C with reduced watering.
Seeds from a wild collection in VII Region, Dunas de Putu at some 100m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5023
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (140)cm Flor del Aguila is a showy bulbous perennial with pale rose flowers with yellowish and
dark purplish marking on upper petals. Native of dryish rocky spots in shrub lands in Chile. Not
reliably winter hardy. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. Better for a
frostfree cultivation in a cool greenhouse or unheated wintergarden at a minimum of some 10°C with
watering reduced to a minimum. Seeds from a wild collection in V Region, Cuesta Las Chilcas
(close to Llay-Llay) at some 600m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5032
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100cm, is a tall herbaceous perennial from S to central Chile with upright stems with a terminal
umbel of pale pink flowers. For any rich, very well drained, rocky soil in a sunny spot. Protect from
winter wetness and give some extra winter protection (e.g. dry mulch layer). Alternatively grow in
pots, in winter keep dormant bulbs completely dry and frostfree at some 5°C. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 4003
sobre de semillas
€ 4,79
30cm, is a herbaceous perennial from the southern and central Chilean Andes. Makes short stems
densely covered with showy bluish green, slightly succulent leaves with undulated margins and a
terminal umbel of pale pink flowers. For any rich, very well drained, rocky soil in a sunny spot.
Protect from winter wetness and give some extra winter protection (e.g. dry mulch layer).
Alternatively grow in pots, in winter keep dormant bulbs completely dry and frostfree at some 5°C. VIVII.
No. de artículo: 4004
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Alyogyne (Australian Hibiscus)
Australian Hibiscus is a small genus made up of only five, xenomorphic, woody shrublike species, which are all native of Australia
growing in rocky to sandy sites in full sun. They have ornamental, dissected, hairy foliage and make numerous bright rose to lilac
(white in one species) flowers cups. They are excellent, fast growing and very floriferous container plants for any well drained,
preferably inorganic, rocky soil in full sun throughout the year. In winter reduce watering and keep plants at a minimum of some
15°C, always in full sun.
Sow at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year in any very well drained soil. Keep seedlings in full sun.
20 semillas por sobre.
70 (140)cm, Australian Desert Rose is a medium sized woody, branching shrub with numerous
Alyogyne hakeifolia
bright mauve (rarely yellow or pure white) flower trumpets with an usually dark red center. The hairy
(Australian Desert Rose)
leaves are deeply lobed and almost needle-like. Easily grown as large pot or container plant in any
rich, very-well drained and preferably sandy to rocky soil in full sun throughout the year. Keep drier
in winter at a winter low of some 15°C.
Alyogyne huegelii
(Australian Lilac Hibiscus)
No. de artículo: 3881
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (180)cm, Australian Lilac Hibiscus is a woody, strongly branching shrub with numerous flower
cups in variable colors from pale rose to intense deep lilac blue. The hairy leaves are bright green
and 5-lobed. Easily grown as large pot or container plant in any rich, very-well drained and
preferably sandy to rocky soil in full sun throughout the year. Keep drier in winter at a winter low of
some 15°C.
No. de artículo: 3882
sobre de semillas
Alyssum, Arabis (Rockcress) & Draba (Whitlow Grasses)
Rockcresses and Withlow Grasses are very diverse genera within the mustard family (Brassicaceae) and include many
horticulturally interesting dwarf perennials which are ideally suited for the rock garden where they will make dense, floriferous
cushions or carpets with time. Some species have fragrant flowers. All grow well in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow flat from autumn to early summer in any well drained, rather rocky soil in full sun. Do not cover seeds with soil. Sowings
require a prolonged cooling period before they will germinate in mid spring. Carefully transplant seedlings as soon as they are
strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas pro sobre (Alyssum spp.), respectivamente 40 semillas pro sobre (Arabis y Draba spp.).
10 (15)cm, Troodos Alyssum is a beautiful evergreen perennial species with woody stems, silveryAlyssum troodi
white leaves and numerous racemes with bright yellow flowers in spring. It is native of rocky soils in
(Troodos Alyssum)
the upper elevations of the Troods mountain range on Cyprus. For any rich, very well drained soil in
full sun. Excellent in a protected spot in the rock garden. V-VI.
Arabis purpurea
(Cyprus Rose-flowered
No. de artículo: 9189
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
10 (15)cm, Cyprus Rose-flowered Rockcress is an utmost beautiful species with quite large pale
rose flowers above silvery-green leaves. Native of partially shaded south facing rock crevices in
higher elevations in the Troodos mountain range on the island of Cyprus. For any rich, well drained
soil in full sun. Excellent in a protected spot in the rock garden. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 6336
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 5483
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 5489
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 5490
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 5491
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 5492
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 5495
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 5496
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 5497
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No. de artículo: 5499
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 5505
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No. de artículo: 5507
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 5508
sobre de semillas
Draba aspera
Draba cusickii
Draba cuspidata
Draba dedeana
Draba glabella
Draba korabensis
Draba lasiocarpa
Draba lemmonii
Draba nivalis
Draba oligosperma
Draba paysonii
Draba paysonii var.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Draba polytricha
No. de artículo: 5509
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 5510
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 5511
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 5512
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 5513
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 5515
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 5516
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 5518
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 5519
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 5521
sobre de semillas
Draba ramosissima
Draba rigida
Draba rigida var. bryoides
Draba rigida var. imbricata
Draba sakuraii
Draba sauteri
Draba sphaeroides
Draba streptocarpa
Draba ventosa
Amorpha (Prairie Shoestring) & Lespedeza (Buschclover)
Leadplants or Prairie Shoestrings and Bushclovers are semi-woody perennials to woody small shrubs with ornamental feathered
leaves and axillary to terminal spikes of white, rose or purple flowers. Most Amorpha species are native of open grasslands, such
as the tall-grass regions and prairies in North America. They prefer a very well drained, slightly sandy or rocky soil and are best
planted in full sun. Lespedza species are winterhardy species from Asia and grow in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow flat in any well drained, preferably sandy soil. Keep pots in a sheltered spot outside during winter. Transplant young root stock
after leaves have withered in late summer to early autumn.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
100 (150)cm, Leadplant or Prairie Shoestring is a small perennial woody shrub with feathered,
Amorpha canescens
densely pubescent (i.e. hairy), silvery green leaves. Forms terminal, compact spikes of numerous
light purple flowers. Native of open, dry spots in prairie regions and woods in the US. For any rich,
well drained, preferably rocky soil in full sun. VI-VIII.
Amorpha fruticosa
(Tall Leadplant)
No. de artículo: 3619
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
150 (300)cm, Tall Leadplant is a quite tall perennial, woody shrub with broadly feathered leaves.
Makes long, terminal dense spikes of numerous orange-purple flowers. Native of open, dry spots in
prairie regions in the US. For any rich, well drained, preferably rocky soil in full sun. VI-VIII.
Amorpha nana
(Fragrant False Indigo)
No. de artículo: 3620
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
30cm, Fragrant False Indigo is a compact erect shrub with a woody base and feathered leaves and
terminal spikes with fragrant pink flowers. It is native of meadows and open spots in woods in central
North America. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. V-VI.
Lespedeza bicolor
(Shrubby Bushclover)
No. de artículo: 6632
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
150 (300)cm, Shrubby Bushclover is a deciduous and winterhardy fast growing species from Asia. It
makes long arching narrow woody stems with trifoliate leaves and axillary and terminal small
clusters of pale rose flowers. A very adoptable and easily grown species for any rich, well drained
soil in a sunny spot to partial shade. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 9470
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Amorphophallus (Titan Arum)
In Europe our Amorphophallus collection is the largest private one and the
second largest including botanic gardens, worldwide it is number three on a
private and institutional level. It covers more than 150 Amorphophallus species
in more than 500 clones. That means we cultivate three different genetic clones per species on average, in more than 550 pots and
a couple of species grown in raised beds. And the collection keeps growing - in the last 14 years we have invested more than
35,000 Euro in building up this impressive collection.
Titan Arums include several species with some of the largest flowers within the floral kingdom. They usually develop only a single,
large leaf on a stout stem, which may resemble a tree-trunk in giant species. All make a long rhizomatous or a round corm (a
"tuber"), weighing up to 60kg in their largest member, namely Amorphophallus titanum from Sumatra. The offered subtropical
species remain a little bit more manageable for their overall smaller size. They will thrive in any humus rich, well drained substrate
(with up to 70% peat or any other humus rich substrate added). As soon as they start to grow (usually in spring) they require
sufficient warmth with a minimum of some 20°C and a semi-moist soil in a partially shaded spot. As soon as the leaf starts to
yellow (which is usually in autumn), keep plants rather dry at a minimum of some 15°C. Store corms in a warmer spot with
beginning of spring the following year and carefully restart to water as soon as the new leaf appears from the center of the corm.
With maturity plants may form an inflorescence instead of a leaf. After flowering most specimens will usually form a new leaf in the
same year. Please note that plants marked as "flowering size" in the shop do not necessarily flower the year of potting, but are
mature plants for their weight. For their decorative foliage, unique growth habit and outstanding inflorescences all Amorphophallus
species are perfect collector's items, however only some 10 species are more widely available. At present more than 210 different
species are known and several new discoveries are made each year. Most species are exremely rarely offered in the trade and
thus high-priced botanical gems. Tubers are usually available between February/March and September/October each year. If
tubers are sold out at present, please check our website again next spring.
For further detailed information on sowing and cultivation of Titan Arums (Origin, Habit and General Information - Cultivation Propagation by Seeds - Popagation by Offsets & Leaf Bulbils - Propagation by Leaf Cuttings - Pests and Diseases), please have a
look on this page:;The Genus Amorphophallus" (
All offered tubers descend from cultivated plants! We do not offer wild collected tubers and strictly discourage our clients in buying
such plants, which may have been exported illegally in some cases. In several aroid species wild populations are decreasing
alarmingly due to professional wild collections in habitat. Neither do we sell imported tubers from Asia which might be infected with
several serious pests and might have been stored under totally inappropriate conditions. Wild collected as well as imported tubers
you may find at various selling platforms at probably lower prices, but these imported plants will never reach the quality of our
tubers! If you see a picture of a tuber with some white dustlike cover on it, then it is an imported tuber. In order to receive a plant
health certificate for export from local authorities in India and Thailand, tubers have to dusted with some white fungicide.
At present we are propagating a very good selection of tuber-forming aroid species within the following genera: Amorphophallus,
Anchomanes, Ariopsis, Arisaema, Arum, Biarum, Colletogyne, Dracontium, Dracunculus, Gorgonidium, Helicodiceros, Pinellia,
Pseudohydrosme, Spathantheum, Taccarum, and Typhonium. A full list of what may become available next autumn is available on
this page:"Amorphophallus, Arisaema, Arum, Dracontium and Typhonium in
propagation". We do not propagate these species at large scales and from the rarer aroids very few tubers will be available. Please
note, that we do not take backorders nor reservations. Thus please bookmark this page and come back to us in the course of late
summer and autumn to check availability of tubers and seeds.
Price is given per package (3 seeds) or per dormant corm (diameter given in ø cm or length given in cm).
Note: All corms are available for a delivery within Europe only ! Seeds are shipped worldwide. For Non-European customers only:
We do ship dormant tubers outside Europe, provided that all risk is upon the buyer. We do not issue any phytosanitary certificate,
which is officially required for most countries. We kindly ask you to check with your local import regulations before placing an order!
100cm, Yellow Yunnan Titan Arum from China growing at up to 2.000m. Has a creamy green to
Amorphophallus albus
yellowish spathe and yellowish spadix on a 20cm to 30cm stem. Hardy in the garden in warmer
(Yellow Yunnan Titan
regions in Central Europe, provided that corms are planted rather deep with some excellent drainage
and some additional protective dry mulch layer, so that the soil will never fall wet nor freeze through
in winter. Alternatively store corms in a dry and cool place during winter and plant out again by the
end of spring. Very easy in any humus rich, well drained soil. 7cm ø and larger corms are flowering
size. Zona climática USDA 9. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 9338
bulbo rizomático reposado (07,0 cm)
€ 2,90
70 (100)cm, an only in 2012 newly described and extremely showy species from Laos with a snowwhite spathe and spadix on a reddish stalk and a broad leaf crown on a compact and nicely reddish
stalk with greenish spots. Its name is derived from its' foxbrown tubers. In winter keep dormant
corms almost completely dry at a minimum of some 15°C. VI-VII.
Amorphophallus fuscus
No. de artículo: 8748
bulbo reposado (01,5 cm ø)
€ 17,90
40 (60)cm, a medium tall species from northern Thailand with a pale brownish-yellow spathe and a
thick yellowish-cream spadix inside on nice dark brown mottled pale brownish stems. In winter keep
dormant corms almost completely dry at a minimum of some 15°C. VI-VII.
Photos from this species are available from the International Aroid Society website: Amorphophallus
No. de artículo: 8727
bulbo rizomático reposado (05,0 cm)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
€ 12,90
Amorphophallus kiusianus 80 (120)cm, Kyushu Titan Arum is a medium sized, robust species from woodlands of Southern
Japan (Kyushu island). Makes an elegant flower stem topped by a yellowish green spathe mottled
(Kyushu Titan Arum)
light brown and a black spadix, followed by a fruit stalk with intensive pink berries, turning to metallic
dark blue on ripening. Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soil in partial shade. Larger
specimens may be hardy in the open garden in a protected spot in humus rich soil with a good,
insulating leaf cover in winter. If grown in pots keep soil slightly drier (but not totally dry) and store
pots in a cool, yet frostfree place in winter. Amorphophallus kiusianus is one out of few species
which is apomictic, i.e. it may set viable seed without prior pollination. Zona climática USDA 9. VI-VII.
Amorphophallus konjac
(syn. Amorphophallus
nanus) Exclusivo
No. de artículo: 9150
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
40 (70)cm, Nanus Konjac Titan Arum is the worldwide first time ever introduction of a fantastic plant
which was once listed as a species of its own, namely Amorphophallus nanus. Molecular studies
revealed that it is most likely an extremely formed cultivar of Amorphophallus konjac and
subsequently Amorphophallus nanus was sunk into the latter. In comparison to normal
Amorphophallus konjac, this form is overall shorter with a pale green to midgreen petiole with darker
spots and a shorter, more compact winered, pale purple, pale rose to almost white or pale whitishyellow spathe and a short and compact dark brownish-black spadix appendix. Apart from this, tubers
differ as well in making rather large offsets attached with a very thin "umbilical cord" to the mother
plant. We strongly believe our material to match what is known as Amorphophallus nanus, however
none of our plants have flowered for us so far. In case that our material turns out to be a "standard"
form we will freely give our customers a credit voucher of 90% of the paid price for a future
purchase. We received our original material from a source in the Honghe valley close to the type
locality in the Nùjiāng Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China. For a sunny or partially
shaded spot in any rich, well drained soil. During dormancy in winter keep truber dry at a minimum
of some 15°C. USDA climate zone 11. IV-VI.
A photo from this species is available from the International Aroid Society website:
konjac (syn. Amorphophallus nanus).
Amorphophallus muelleri
No. de artículo: 8768
bulbo reposado (01,5 cm ø)
€ 24,90
100 (140)cm, makes plain green, slightly glossy leaflets with pale rose margins and bulbils in the
leaflets’ axils similar to Amorphophallus bulbifer. Forms a very showy, vase-like spathe, old rose to
greenish rose outside with pale rose to pale lemon green spots, inside pale burgundy rose with rose
spot, and an almost white to pale rose, short and broad spadix. Native of rich, well drained soils
throughout North and West Thailand, East India (Andaman Islands), and Indonesia. Easily grown in
any rich, well drained soil. In winter keep dormant corms completely dry at a minimum of some
12°C. Amorphophallus muelleri is one out of few species which is apomictic, i.e. it may set viable
seed without prior pollination. VI-VII.
Photos from this species are available from the International Aroid Society website: Amorphophallus
Amorphophallus titanum
(Titan Arum)
No. de artículo: 9282
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
15 (20)cm, a miniature species recently discovered in 2005 in Laos. It makes a white inflorescence
with a light green tinge after the leaves. 1.5 cm long tubers are flowering size! In winter keep
dormant corms slightly moist at a minimum of some 20°C. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 8206
bulbo reposado (0,5 cm) (plain green leaves)
No. de artículo: 9014
bulbo reposado (01,0 cm) (plain green leaves)
No. de artículo: 8539
10 bulbos reposados (0,5 cm) (plain green leaves)
€ 9,99
350 (500)cm, real Titan Arum makes the largest inflorescence of all Titans and indeed the largest
non-branched inflorescence of all flowering plants on earth! This impressive species is native of
tropical forests in Sumatra and makes a white to greenish-white spotted dark green pseudo-stem
which may reach up to 5m in height and which is topped by a giant, dark green, umbrella like leaf up
to 5m ø in adult plants. The spectacular inflorescence is composed of a huge, wine red, recurved
spathe and a massive bright yellow to pale rose-maroon spadix. The entire inflorescence may gain
up to 2.80m / 9 feet in height! Adult specimens may develop a flower every 3 to 5 years. For any
humus rich, very well drained, only slightly moist soil with a minimum of some 20°C (optimal 25°C)
throughout the year. The growth period is usually between 10 and 18 months before plants start a
dormancy for several months, i.e. the growing cycle of this tropical species does not correspond to
the circle of the year in Central Europe. During growth keep plants in a partially shaded (summer) to
sunny (winter) spot. During dormancy do not keep plants completely dry. Amorphophallus titanum
does not make any offsets and is usually only propagated by seeds. Offered seeds are shipped in
slightly moist paper. Sow them flat and horizontally on receipt in any humus rich, well drained soil.
Keep pots in a sunny spot at some 25°C. Germination may take up to 8 weeks.
Additional photos from this species are available from the International Aroid Society website: Amorphophallus
No. de artículo: 8112
sobre de semillas (01 semilla grande)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
€ 18,90
Ampelopsis (Porcelain Vine)
Ampelopsis or Porcelain Vines are most ornamental, woody, deciduous, fast growing vines from the grape family (Vitaceae). They
are native of Asia and North America have very showy berries of various colors above vine-like foliage.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Keep pots in a sheltered spot outside in winter. Transplant seedlings in late
spring or before new leaves emerge.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
10 semillas por sobre.
4 (7)m, Monkshoot Porcelain Vine is a fast growing deciduous vine from western China with deeply
Ampelopsis aconitifolia
cut leaves and small flowers in clusters followed by jade green berries turning to pale blue and finally
(Monkshoot Porcelain
caramel with maturity. For any humus rich, well drained soil in full sun to partial shade. V-VI.
brevipedunculata var.
Ampelopsis megalophylla
(Large-Leafed Porcelain
No. de artículo: 6514
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (10)m, Porcelainberry, variety native of E China. A deciduous, woody, perennial vine with simple,
heart shaped, stronger lobed than in the species, dark green leaves. The small, greenish white
flowers are born in clusters and followed by most beautiful rose, pastel lilac berries ripening to
turquoise. For any rich soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. VI-VII.
Seeds are not available for a delivery to the U.S.
No. de artículo: 2659
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
5 (8)m, Large-Leafed Porcelain Vine is a fast growing deciduous vine from western China with large,
compound leaves and small flowers in clusters followed by rose-red berries turning black with
maturity. For any humus rich, well drained soil in full sun to partial shade. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 6513
sobre de semillas
Amsonia (Blue Dogstar)
Amsonia (incl. genus Rhazya) or Blue Dogstars are very long lived, easily grown perennials within the Dogstar family
(Apocynaceae). They make a perennial rootstock from which emerge annual racemes with ornamental, terminal clusters of densely
packed, small starflowers in blue shades. A beautiful, very drought resistant genus for almost any well drained soil in a sunny
Sow the quite large seeds flat in any rich, well drained soil, keep pots in a sheltered spot outside during winter. Transplant young
roots to the garden as soon as leaves wither in late autumn.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557zona climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre, si no está mencionado algo diferente.
100cm, Texas Blue Star (syn. Amsonia angustifolia) is native of the S US. Makes very narrow
Amsonia ciliata
leaves covered with fine hairs, and very showy, light blue flowers in dense clusters, born shortly
(Texas Blue Star)
above the leaves. For a rather rocky soil in full sun. V-VII.
Amsonia eastwoodiana
(Eastwood's Woolly
Amsonia illustris
(Shining Blue Star)
Amsonia jonesii
(Jone's Blue Star)
Amsonia orientalis
(syn. Rhazya orientalis)
Amsonia peeblesii
(Peebles’ Blue Star)
No. de artículo: 2628
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (90)cm, Eastwood’s Wooly Blue Star syn. Amsonia tomentosa var. stenophylla is a herbaceous
perennial with slightly arching stems with linear, glabrous leaves and clusters of pale-blue, tubular
flowers. Native in rocky, sunny spots from Utah to New Mexico. For any rich, well drained soil in a
sunny spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Garfield County, Utah, USA at some 1.400m. VVI.
10 semillas por sobre.
No. de artículo: 4163
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
80 (110)cm, Shining Blue Star or Ozark Blue Star is a showy herbaceous perennial with upright
growing annual stems with lanceolate leaves turning bright golden in autumn and terminal clusters
of sky-blue flowers. It is native of prairies and pastures in south-central USA. Easily grown in any
rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VI.
10 semillas pro sobre.
No. de artículo: 9278
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
80 (120)cm, Jone's Blue Star makes pale blue, long-tubed flowers above ovate-lanceolate leaves.
The Utah populations are taller and more robust in all parts. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny
spot. Seeds from certified wild collections in Mohave County, Arizona, USA at some 1500m and in
Duchesne County, Utah, USA at some 1850m. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 5275
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
70cm, Eastern Blue Star is a native of Greece and Asia Minor with ornamental, numerous rich blue
flowers and narrow lance shaped foliage. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 2627
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (150)cm, Peebles’ Blue Star has white flowers with pale purplish tubes above narrow, soft green
leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in
Coconino County, Arizona, USA at some 1450m. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 5276
sobre de semillas
Amsonia tabernaemontana 130cm, Blue Dogbarn a taller species from sunny to partially shaded spots in the E US. The sky
blue to pale blue flowers show a light, pleasant fragrance. Lance shaped to narrowly egg shaped
leaves on loosely branching stems. V-VII.
Amsonia tharpii
(Tharp's Blue Star)
No. de artículo: 2626
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
70 (90)cm, Tharp's Blue Star has showy white flowers above narrow, linear, densely arranged
leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Eddy
County, New Mexico, USA at some 950m. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 5278
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Anagyris (Gold of the Rocks)
Anagyris or "Oro de Risco" (Gold of the Rocks) as it is locally called, is a beautiful, yet threatened woody, semi-evergreen shrub
with ornamental terminally born clusters of large, bright golden yellow flowers and fresh green trifoliate leaves. They are easily
cultivated as pot plants in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Keep frostfree in winter at a minimum of some 5°C in
full sun with watering reduced to a minimum.
Sow the large, violet-black seeds flat in any rich, well drained, slightly sandy to rocky soil at some 20°C throughout the year. Keep
seedlings very sunny, especially in their first winter.
7 semillas grandes por sobre.
Aviso legal: De acuerdo con las leyes alemanas nacionales (BNatSchG y BArtSchV) tan bien como las convenciones a nivel
europeo (Convención de Berna) e internacional (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora - CITES) no vendemos ningún material tal como semillas proveniendo de plantas salvajes protegidas. Las semillas de dichas
plantas protegidas derivan exclusivamente de plantas propagadas artificialmente en cultivos hortículos en Alemania
respectivamente en el Líbano, donde las plantas se han tomado en cultivo a finales de los años 70 y al principio de los años 80 del
siglo pasado.
200 (400)cm, Mediterranean Gold of the Rocks is an ornamental woody, semi-evergreen shrub with
Anagyris foetida
(Mediterranean Gold of the large, bright golden yellow flowers in terminal clusters and fresh green, trifoliate leaves. A rarely
cultivated species from rocky open spots in the Mediterranean. Keep always sunny and in winter
frostfree at a minimum of some 5°C. III-V.
No. de artículo: 7121
sobre de semillas
Anchomanes (African Titan Aroid) & Pseudohydrosme
African Titan Aroids and the closely related genus Pseudohydrosme are native of Africa and contain some 7 to 8 species in
Anchomanes, respectively only one species (Pseudohydrosme gabunensis) in the monotypic genus Pseudohydrosme. They differ
from Amorphophallus in having always spiny stalks and deeply dissected leaves, and tuberous, spreading rhizomes with perennial
roots. All can be successfully grown in any rich, well drained, slightly moist soil in a partially shaded to sunny spot. Keep plants
always warm at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year, decrease watering as soon as plants go dormant. The inflorescence
appears with or shortly before the new leaf is formed.
Plants are easily raised from seeds, sow the usually quite large seeds horizontally in any rich, well drained soil. Keep soil always
slightly moist. Keep at 20° - 30°C throughout the year in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seedlings will usually grow continuously
for about two years before going dormant for the first time.
2 semillas grandes por sobre.
Note: All corms are available for a delivery within Europe only ! Seeds are shipped worldwide. For Non-European customers only:
We do ship dormant tubers outside Europe, provided that all risk is upon the buyer. We do not issue any phytosanitary certificate,
which is officially required for most countries. We kindly ask you to check with your local import regulations before placing an order!
100 (150)cm, makes a medium sized stalks with a strongly dissected dark green leaf and light
Anchomanes difformis
brown to cream spathe with a darker cream spadix, which is followed by white berries turning to an
var. welwitschii
ornamental burgundy red on maturing. Native of Gabon (Africa). An easily cultivated species for any
rich, well drained soil. IV-VII.
Fotos from this variety are available from the International Aroid Society website: Anchomanes
difformis var. welwitschii.
No. de artículo: 3233
sobre de semillas
€ 12,90
Anchusa (Bugloss)
Sow seeds flat directly to the ground in any rich, well drained soil in spring. Plants greatly dislike to be transplanted, thus leave
undisturbed. All annual species will readily selfsow under appropiate conditions. In a mild winter seedlings will survive outside if
they are not burnt by strong freezings. Alternatively collect some seeds in summer to be sowed in following spring.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7/8.
10 semillas por sobre.
Anchusa azurea
(Italian Bugloss)
Anchusa officinalis
(Common Bugloss)
Anchusa undulata ssp.
(Undulated Bugloss)
No. de artículo: 6902
sobre de semillas
€ 4,79
30 (50)cm, Common Bugloss is a showy biannual to short-lived perennial with branching stems and
terminal, intense sky-blue flowers above bristly leaves. Native of rocky soils in sunny spots throught
central and northern Europe extending eastwards to western Asia. For any rich, well drained soil in
full sun. Excellent in a protected spot in the rock garden. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 6352
sobre de semillas (ex Frescati, Estocolmo, Suecia)
€ 3,99
15 (25)cm, Undulated Bugloss is a showy annual to biannual with branching stems and terminal,
incredibly deep blue to dark lilac blue flowers above dark green, bristly leaves. Native of rocky soils
in sunny spots in the Eastern Mediterranean. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Excellent in a
protected spot in the rock garden. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 6279
sobre de semillas (ex Kato Archimandrita, Chipre)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Andeimalva, Cristaria (Andean Mallows) & Modiola (Carolina Bristlemallow)
Andean Mallows belong to small genera which consist of ony few species native from the Andes in South America. They are
slightly woody perennials to woody, medium sized shrubs with numerous showy rose flowers. They are easily grown in pots in any
rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 10°C.
Carolina Bristlemallow is the only species in the monotypic genus Modiola and is probably native of South America. It is a shortlived, fully winterhardy perennial with trailing stems and tiny orange flowers. It will readily self-sow and might need some control.
Sow seeds on top of any well drained substrate, cover slightly with soil and keep pots in full sun at some 20°C throughout the year
and soil always slightly moist from beneath. A temperature drop at night down to some 10°C to 15°C will significantly enhance
germination in several species.
20 semillas por sobre.
60cm Andean Mallow is a showy small evergreen woody shrub with numerous rose flowers above
Andeimalva chilensis
heart shaped, serrated leaves. Native of dryish rocky spots in shrub lands in Chile. For any rich, well
(Andean Mallow)
drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C.
Seeds from a wild collection in VII Region, Camino L. Maule at some 600m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5033
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6865
sobre de semillas
Cristaria glaucophylla
Cristaria integerrima var.
Modiola caroliniana
(Carolina Bristlemallow)
No. de artículo: 6864
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, Carolina Bristlemallow is a short-lived, fully winterhardy perennial with trailing stems and
tiny orange flowers above bristly haired mid green leaves. It will readily self-sow and might need
some control. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. IV-VIII.
No. de artículo: 9490
sobre de semillas
Androsace (Rock Jasmine)
Rock Jasmines belong to a very large genus within the primrose family (Primulaceae) and are native of high altitude regions
throughout mountain ranges in the Northern hemisphere, from central Asia, to the Caucasus, the Alps, the Pyrenees and North
America. Many species are ideally suited for the rock garden where they will make dense, floriferous cushions or carpets with time.
Some species have fragrant flowers. All grow well in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow flat from autumn to early summer in any well drained, rather rocky soil in full sun. Cover seeds only slightly with soil. Seeds
require a prolonged cooling period before they will start to germinate in late spring. Carefully transplant seedlings as soon as they
are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
Androsace lactea
No. de artículo: 5565
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 5571
sobre de semillas
Androsace strigillosa
Most Anemone are good ground-covering plants for shaded to sunny places in a leafy ground. Make carpets of flowers in early to
mid spring.
Sow flat in any rich soil at a minimum of some 5°C in spring. Several seeds may not germinate before spring of the second year
after sowing, thus do not empty pots with ungerminated seeds too early ! Transplant small dormant corms/rhizomes after leaves
have died down in late summer to early autumn.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
12cm, Apennine Anemone, makes filigree rich violet blue flowers similar to Anemone blanda. For
Anemone apennina
any rich, well drained, rocky soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Ideal in the rock garden border.
Anemone baldensis
(Tyrolean Anemone)
No. de artículo: 1196
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
12 (15)cm, Tyrolean Anemone has quite large and pure white flowers. It is native of rocky slopes
and crevices in the Alps and Balkan region, where it grows up to an elevation of 3100m. For any
rich, well drained, rocky soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Excellent in the rock garden. IV-V.
Anemone biarmiense
(syn. Anemonastrum
No. de artículo: 1197
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10 (15)cm, a rarely cultivated Anemone species with quite large whitish cream flowers. Native of
meadows and rocky spots in the Ural mountains. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Excellent in the rock garden. V-VI.
Anemone canadensis
(Canada Meadow
No. de artículo: 5213
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (40)cm, Canada Meadow Anemone makes large, white, five-petaled flowers above deeply
divided leaves on long stalks. Occurs naturally across S Canada southward to Maryland and New
Mexico. For any rich, well drained, rocky soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. V-VI.
Anemone cylindrica
(Candle Anemone)
No. de artículo: 1199
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
25 (50)cm, Candle Anemone is a North American species with lobed basal leaves and quite tall
stalks crowned by creamy white flowers with an elongating central pale green cone. Easily cultivated
in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5470
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Anemone leveillei
(Chinese Meadow
30 (40)cm, Chinese Meadow Anemone is from western and central China and makes several white
flowerheads above broadly dissected leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially
shaded spot. V-VI.
Anemone multifida
(Cutleaf Anemone)
No. de artículo: 9270
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
10 (15)cm, Cutleaf Anemone is a very variable species from North to South America with rosy-red to
greenish-white flowers above strongly cut, hairy leaves. Seeds are form a greenish-white flowering
form. For any rich, well drained, rocky soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. An excellent species
for the rocky garden. IV-V.
Anemone narcissiflora
ssp. fasciculata
(Caucasus Meadow
No. de artículo: 8348
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (40)cm, Caucasus Meadow Anemone is a subspecies from southern-western Asia (Caucasus).
As the species it makes several white to rarely pale rose flowers above broadly dissected leaves.
For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. An excellent rock garden plant. V-VI.
Anemone narcissiflora
var. narcissifl
No. de artículo: 9247
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
30 (40)cm, Narcissus-flowered Anemone comes from mountainous regions in central and western
Europe and bears several white flowers above broadly dissected leaves. For any rich, well drained
soil in a sunny spot. An excellent rock garden plant. V-VI.
Anemone nemorosa
(White Wood Anemone)
No. de artículo: 8167
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
10 (15)cm, White Wood Anemone makes dense carpets of dark green, dissected leaves and a
central single white (sometimes with a purplish shade) flowers in early spring. Native of rich soils in
partial shade throughout woods in C, N and E Europe. III-IV.
Anemone ranunculoides
(Yellow Anemone)
No. de artículo: 3308
sobre de semillas
€ 2,79
10 (15)cm, Yellow Anemone makes a single, rich yellow central flower above a finely dissected,
fresh yellowish green leaf. It has become quite rare in its habitat in open spots in semi-moist soils in
woods in central and eastern Europe. For any rich, well drained soil in a partially shaded spot.
Yellow Anemone flowers in early spring. III-IV.
Anemone sylvestris
(Snowdrop Windflower)
No. de artículo: 3327
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
20cm, Snowdrop Windflower is a herbaceous perennial with showy, cream white flowers above
dissected leaves in spring. It is native of open spots in deciduous woods of Central and Western
Europe. For any rich, well drained, slightly sandy or rocky soil. Excellent in the rock garden. III-IV.
Anemone virginiana
(Tall Timbleweed)
No. de artículo: 4241
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
50 (90)cm, Tall Timbleweed is a tall herbaceous member with divided leaves and tall stalks topped
by white flowers from late spring to mid summer. Native of rocky areas in woods and meadows
throughout E North America. Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 1007
sobre de semillas
Anemonella (Rue Anemone)
Rue Anemone is an utmost beautiful, rarely cultivated plant with showy white to pale lavender-rose flowers above elegant leaves
with a bronze tinge under sunny conditions. It is a herbaceous plant with a perennial rootstock native of humus rich, open spots in
woods in N America. Easily grown in any humus rich, slightly moist soil in partial shade to full sun.
Sow flat on any humus rich, well drained soil. Only slightly cover seeds and keep soil always moist from beneath. As for most
winter hardy perennials, seeds require a cooling period for several months before they germinate in late spring to early summer,
thus during winter place pots outside in a protected spot. Carefully transplant the rootstock to the garden as soon as leaves start to
wither and plants go dormant in summer to early autumn.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
10 (20)cm, Rue Anemone is a rarely cultivated, beautiful dwarf herbaceous perennial with a
Anemonella thalictroides
tuberous rootstock. It makes trilobed leaves with a purple tinge in a sunny spot and a terminal umbel
(Rue Anemone)
with pure white to pale lavender rose flowers. It is native of woods and grassy slopes in North
America. For any humus rich, well drained, slightly moist soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. IIIIV.
No. de artículo: 1008
sobre de semillas
Anemopsis (Yerba Mansa), Houttuynia (Chameleon Plant) & Saururus
Yerba Mansa, Chameleon Plant and Lizard's Tail are annual to perennial species from moist places in the Northern hemisphere.
They belong to a small family (Saururaceae) including four genera only and not more than seven species. They make showy white
to rosy-white single flowers or elongated terminal white flower racemes above cordate leaves. Several species have a distinct
smell. Easily grown in any humus rich, slightly moist soil in a partially shaded to sunny spot. Excellent plants for the border of a
Sow tiny seeds on top of any humus rich soil. Keep soil always completely wet and pots in a sunny, protected spot outside.
Transplant as soon as seedlings are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557zona climática USDA 6.
40 semillas pro sobre.
30 (50)cm, Chamaleon Plant is a herbaceous perennial from boggy areas in China and Japan. It
Houttuynia cordata
makes upright branching stalks with cordate leaves and numerous white flowers. Crushed parts of
(Chamaleon Plant)
this plant have a distinct odor comparable to some newt species. Easily grown in any humus rich,
moist soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Excellent for the border of a pond. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 8083
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Angelica, Peucedanum (Hog Fennell) & Seseli (Moon Carrot)
Angelica, Hog Fennell and Moon Carrot contain several ornamental species, which in general make a slightly branching, in several
species very tall stem with terminal, sometimes very large, round umbels containing numerous small whitish-green or purplishblack flowers. The basal rosette consists of sometimes impressively large, ornamental, either feathered or more or less entire
leaves. Most species grow as perennials and can easily be cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded
Sow seeds flat in any humus rich, well drained, slightly sandy soil. Keep pots in a sunny and protected spot outside during winter.
Transplant in autumn to spring.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
100 (150)cm, Purple-Stem Angelica makes terminal, broad round umbels with greenish white
Angelica atropurpurea
flowers, which nicely contrast to the entirely purple stem. It is a rare native of moist woods in N US.
(Purple-Stem Angelica)
For a humus rich, slightly moist soil in partial shade to full sun. Note: All parts are poisonous if
ingested ! VII-IX.
Peucedanum verticillare
(Giant Hog Fennel)
Seseli gummiferum
(Moon Carrot)
No. de artículo: 3616
sobre de semillas
200 (300)cm, Giant Hog Fennel is a showy perennial with a tall, branching inflorescence above a
basal rosette of finely cut leaves. Native of rich soils in Central Europa to Asia. A showy solitary
plant for any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 6888
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
100cm, Moon Carrot is an utmost showy, fully winter hardy biannual from rocky mountaineous sites
in the Eastern Mediterranean. It makes a basal rosette of greyish-white, dissected, aromatic leaves
and a branching inflorescence with several white umbels shaded rosy-purplish. Easily grown in any
rich, very well drained soil in full sun. An excellent, outstanding solitary plant for the rock garden. VIVII.
No. de artículo: 8081
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6873
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6874
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6875
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6876
sobre de semillas
Anigozanthos (Kangaroo Paw)
20 semillas por sobre.
Anigozanthos flavidus
(Green Tall Kangaroo Paw)
Anigozanthos flavidus
(Red Tall Kangaroo Paw)
Anigozanthos gabrielae
(Little Wallaby Paw)
Anigozanthos humilis
(Cat's Paw)
Anigozanthos manglesii
(Red & Green Kangaroo
Anigozanthos preissii
(Albany Cat's Paw)
No. de artículo: 6966
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (100)cm, Albany Cat's Paw is an evergreen perennial native of Western Australia and bears irislike, greyish green leaves and showy large flowers with red, orange and yellow. Easily grown in any
rich, well drained substrate in full sun throughout the year and at a minimum of some 15°C in winter
with slightly reduced watering. VIII-IX.
No. de artículo: 9112
sobre de semillas
Anigozanthos rufus
(Red Kangaroo Paw)
Anigozanthos viridis
(Green Kangaroo Paw)
No. de artículo: 6965
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
50 (80)cm, Green Kangaroo Paw is an evergreen perennial native of Western Australia and has irislike leaves and bluish-green flowers. Easily grown in any rich, well drained substrate in full sun
throughout the year and at a minimum of some 15°C in winter with slightly reduced watering. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 9114
sobre de semillas
Anisodontea (Cape Mallow)
Cape Mallows are fast growing annuals to semi-woody perennials from South Africa. They make floriferous pot plants and are
easily grown in any well drained, slightly humus rich soil in a sunny spot. If grown as perennials reduce watering to a minimum in
winter and keep plants at a minimum of some 15°C in full sun.
Sow at some 20°C throughout the year in any well drained, yet humus rich soil. Seed will germinate within 2 to 4 weeks at room
temperature. Keep seedlings in full sun, especially in winter.
20 semillas por sobre.
No. de artículo: 8939
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Anisodontea fruticosa
150 (200)cm, makes a woody shrub with small leaves and intense lilac-pink to magenta flowers. For
any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a
minimum of some 5°C. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 6020
sobre de semillas
Anisodus (Asian Belladonna) & Atropanthe (Chinese Belladonna)
Asian Belladonnas and Chinese Belladonnas are relatives of the European Belladonnas (Atropa spec.), yet rarely cultivated outside
their countries of origin. As Atropa they grow from a perennial rootstock and have annual racemes with plain green leaves and
axillary, nodding greenish-yellow to reddish-purple bellflowers followed by greenish berries in an inflated calyx. For any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot.
Sow flat from autumn to late spring in any well drained, yet humus rich soil. Seeds from both Anisoda and Atropanthe will require a
prolonged cooling period prior germination. Keep sowing pots in a protected spot outside in winter. Transplant rhizome in autumn
after leaves have withered.
Aviso: ¡Todas las partes son tóxicas si son ingestidas!
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
100cm, Chinese Belladonna has greenish yellow, bell shaped, nodding flowers followed by a
Atropanthe sinensis
greenish berry in an inflated calyx (lantern) above large, plain green leaves. For any rich, slightly
(Chinese Belladonna)
moist soil in a partially shaded to sunny spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 2073
sobre de semillas
Annona (Sour Sack) & Rollinia (Brazilian Custard Apple)
Cherimoya, Sour Sack and Brazilian Custard Apple are evergreen container plants with shiny, dark green foliage. All species have
edible and utmost delicious fruits with a very sweet and aromatic white fruit pulp. They are well suited as container plants for any
rich, well drained soil in partial shade to full sun.
Sow at a minimum of some 20°C in any well drained, humus rich soil all year long. Keep pots sunny and soil moist but not wet until
seeds have germinated. Keep cooler and drier at minimum 15°C in winter, always in a sunny spot.
7 semillas por sobre.
2 (3)m, Cherimoya is from the template regions of Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. An excellent
Annona cherimola
plant, growing up to 3 m in height, slightly cold tolerable in autumn. Very sweet and aromatic fruits
with white flesh. Partially shaded to sunny place. Endures slight frost in winter. Zona climática USDA
Annona reticulata
(Nettled Anón)
Rollinia deliciosa
(Brazilian Custard Apple)
No. de artículo: 2107
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
3 (5)m, Nettled Anón is in between Cherimoya and Anón with a very "reptile" like looking skin and a
very sweet pulp. For any humus rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. In
winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of some 15°C.
No. de artículo: 2129
sobre de semillas
€ 2,49
3 (7)m, Brazilian Custard Apple (syn. Rollinia muscosa) is an evergreen small tree from southern
South America with large foliage and small yellowish-white flowers followed by ornamental, softskinned, spiky yellow fruits with an utmost delicious, very sweet white fruit pulp. For any rich, well
drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter months keep plants slightly drier at
a minimum of some 15°C. Seeds are rarely available. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 8536
sobre de semillas
Anoda (Anoda Mallow)
Anoda Mallows make up a small genus which is mostly native to Mexico and South America. Most are growing as annuals and
have decorative foliage and colourful flowers in rosy shaded followed by disc-shaped seed capsules. Easily grown in any rich well,
drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained soil in mid spring. Carefully transplant young plants to the final spot in the garden as soon
as they are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
70 (120)cm, Crested Anoda Mallow is a fast growing annual with several basally branching stems
Anoda cristata
and showy light blue to pale rose flowers above serrated, heart-shaped, pubescent leaves. It is
(Crested Anoda Mallow)
native of open spots in meadows throughout central and southern USA. Easily cultivated in any rich,
well drained, rather rocky soil in full sun. Sow directly to the ground in mid spring. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 4766
sobre de semillas
Anthericum (St. Bernard's Lily)
St. Bernard's Lilies are mainly native of Central Europe, the Mediterranean, Asia Minor and Southern Africa. Most species have
grass-like leaves in a basal rosette and racemes with numerous pure white flowers and nicely contrasting yellow to black anthers.
Easily cultivated in any well drained spot in full sun.
Sow autumn to late spring in any well drained, rocky or sandy soil. Keep pots in a sheltered and sunny spot outside during winter.
Carefully transplant dormant, slightly fleshy rhizomes in early autumn (around mid October).
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6 si no se meciona algo
20 semillas por sobre.
40 (70)cm, St. Bernard's Lily is native of mountain slopes in Southern Europe and makes usually
Anthericum liliago
solitary, upright racemes with some 20 (to 50) pure white flowers, each some 1cm in diameter above
(St. Bernard's Lily)
grass like leaves in a dense basal rosette. It is a very showy and easily cultivated species for any
rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 1200
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Anthericum ramosum
(Branching St. Bernard's
50 (80)cm, Branching St. Bernard's Lily is native of Western and Central Europe. Its habit is similar
to the above. However it is slightly taller with narrower leaves. This species produces more, yet
smaller, perfectly white flowers on strongly branching racemes. Easily cultivated in any sandy or
rocky, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 1201
sobre de semillas
Anthocercis (Ray Flower or Tailflower)
Tail Flowers or Ray Flowers belong to a small genus native from dryish soils in Western Australia. They are woody, medium sized
to tall evergreen shrubs with numerous showy star like, white, cream to pale yellow flowers. They are easily grown in pots in any
rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 10°C.
Sow small seeds on top of any well drained substrate, cover slightly with soil and keep pots in full sun at some 20°C throughout the
year and soil always slightly moist from beneath. A temperature drop at night down to some 10°C to 15°C will significantly enhance
germination in several species.
20 semillas por sobre.
50 (250)cm, Red Striped Yellow Tailflower is a small to tall woody shrub with small leathery dark
Anthocercis ilicifiolia
green oval leaves and showy yellow star like flowers with dark red stripes inside the throat. Native of
(Red Striped Yellow
sandy soils in coastal areas in Southwest Australia. For any rich, well drained substrate in full sun
throughout the year. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 15°C. VII-VIII.
Anthocercis littorea
(Coastal Ray Flower)
No. de artículo: 6091
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (250)cm, Coastal Ray Flower is a small to tall woody shrub with small leathery dark green leaves
and numerous most ornamental yellow star like flowers with dark brown stripes inside the throat.
Native of sandy soils in coastal areas in Southwest Australia. For any rich, well drained substrate in
full sun throughout the year. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 15°C. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 6089
sobre de semillas
Antirrhinum (Snapdragon)
Snapdragons are a small family with a disjunct distribution in the western Medierranean and North America. They are annual to
biennial or rarely short lived perennial species within the figwort family (Scrophulariaceae, nowadays sunk into Plantaginaceae)
from open sunny spots. Several species have a good ornamental value for their upright hold inflorescences with numerous bright
colored, often bi-colored flowers. All are easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny and protected spot.
Sow the dustlike seeds preferably in mid spring on top of any well drained soil. Do not cover seeds with soil, keep pots in a
protected spot outside and soil slightly moist from below. Carefully transplant as soon as seedlings are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7/8.
50 semillas por sobre.
70 (100)cm, Greater Snapdragon is a tall perennial species from the Mediterranean with numerous
Antirrhinum majus
large rich rose to pale rose or rarely white flowers. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny and
(Greater Snapdragon)
preferably protected spot. In colder areas best grown as an annual. Seeds from a wild collection
from plants with mostly dark rich pink flowers, Beqaa valley, Lebanon, 900m. V-VIII.
Antirrhinum siculum
(Sicilian Snapdragon)
No. de artículo: 9103
sobre de semillas
80 (120)cm, Sicilian Snapdragon is a tall perennial species with numerous tri-colored flowers in
white, pale rose and lemon yellow. From rocky, sunny sites in Sicilia (Italy). For any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny and preferably protected spot. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 7371
sobre de semillas
120 (170)cm, Madeira Giant Carrot makes a stout single, semi-woody stem crowned by a broad
rosette of most ornamental large, deeply cut, fern-like, aromatic leaves and a very broad umbel with
greenish-white flowers on maturity, after which the plant will die down, leaving numerous seeds. As
its botanical name suggests, it is edible and its stout root has formerly been used as a vegetable. it
is native of sea cliffs on the island of Madeira (Portugal), where it has become rare for destruction of
its habitat. However it has been cultivated as an ornamental foliage plant in gardens. For any humus
rich, well drained soil in a partially shaded (summer) to sunny (Winter) spot. In winter keep plants
slightly drier at a minimum of some 10°C. An exceptionally beautiful foliage plant! III-VI.
10 semillas por sobre.
No. de artículo: 8638
sobre de semillas
Apollonias (Barbujana Laurel)
Apollonias is an evergreen tree with large, shiny, ovoid leaves. Native of open spots in the laurel forest of Canary Islands, Madeira
and Azores. Has become quite rare due to its fine, strong wood, called Canary Ebony Wood. Older specimens form dense
racemes of small fragrant white flowers followed by one-seeded, olive-like brownish-green fruits, ripening to bluish-black. A most
ornamental evergreen container plant for any humus rich soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot in a slightly heated greenhouse or
cold wintergarden. A fast growing foliage plant.
Sow seeds in any humus rich, slightly moist soil. Keep at constantly 12° to 20°C in partial shade (summer) to full sun (winter).
Higher temperatures will slow down or inhibit germination. Never let fall soil dry out completely. Try to provide a constantly high airhumidity in the first weeks after germination. Excellent and very resistant container plant. Can be cut back easily to limit its size as
a container plant. Older plants roughly need 5°C in winter.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 10.
3 semillas grandes por sobre.
3 (15)m, evergreen, large tree with dense racemes of fragrant whitish flowers on older plants,
Apollonias barbujana
followed by olive-like, bluish-black, one-seeded fruits. Large, shiny dark green, ovoid leaves. Very
ornamental and easily cultivated foliage plant. Seeds are very scarce, as plants set seeds very
Seeds are not available for a delivery to the U.S.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
No. de artículo: 2562
sobre de semillas (ex La Gomera)
No. de artículo: 9117
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
Aquilegia (Columbine)
Columbines are floriferous perennials from usually fresh open spots in woods, montane meadows and rock crevices. Most species
will readily grow in any humus rich, slightly moist soil in partial shade or full sun. Several dwarf subalpine species require a very
well drained, preferably slightly rocky soil and are best grown in a protected spot in the rock garden.
Note: In this utmost diverse genus it is extremely difficult to precisely separate species, as well as to distinguish its numerous
subspecies, varieties and forms from each other with precision, not to mention that all plants easily hybridize. Our seed derives
from mother plants which fit by their habit to the type description. However we cannot guarantee that all species are absolutely
correctly named nor that seeds do not include some hybrids. We cultivate all closely related species separately from each other,
however please note that all seeds derive from open pollination. If you would like to maintain pure lines we strongly recommend to
continuously check your cultivated plants and to remove all plants which do not correspond to the species as soon as flowers start
to open in spring.
Sow flat on any humus rich, well drained soil. Only slightly cover seeds, keep pots in partial shed and soil always slightly moist from
beneath. Seeds need a cooling period of several months prior to germination. If they are sowed too late, they may take another
winter before they will germinate in following spring. Germination occurs at a minimum of some 10°C in autumn or spring.
Transplant young plants in late autumn or early spring as soon as they are strong enough. Most species will start to flower the
following year after sowing. With appropiate conditions most columbines will moderately selfsow.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
30 semillas por sobre.
50 (100)cm, a broad multicolor mixture of mostly hybrids in a range from white to rose, light blue,
Aquilegia - Multicolor
intense blue, violet and yellow shades. Some plants may produce bi-colored or semi-filled flowers.
They derive from open-pollinated medium tall columbine species which have escaped our control.
Instead of discarding these seeds, we would like to offer them in a larger package at a very low
price! Easily grown in any rich, wel drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. IV-VII.
100 semillas por sobre.
Aquilegia alpina
No. de artículo: 8722
sobre de semillas (100 semillas)
€ 0,39
30 (40)cm, makes sky blue to light blue, large flowers. A medium sized Columbine for the rockery
garden in a sunny to partially shaded spot in any rich, well drained soil. IV-V.
Aquilegia atrata
No. de artículo: 1203
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
100 (130)cm, deep lilac to almost black, large flowers on tall stalks. Native of the Alps (France,
Austria and N Italy). For a sunny spot in any humus rich, well drained soil. An easily grown species.
Aquilegia barnebyi
(Shale Columbine)
No. de artículo: 1204
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
80 (100)cm, Shale Columbine makes rich yellow corollas with pale orange pink sepals. For any rich,
well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Rio Blanco County,
Colorado, USA at an elevation of some 2250m. V-VI.
Aquilegia bernardii
No. de artículo: 5281
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
25 (35)cm, rare and showy columbine endemic of rocky high mountain hills on Corsica (France).
Makes glaucous foliage and rather large flowers with pale blue petals and a darker blue throat. For
any rich, well drained soil in a sunny and preferably sheltered spot. V.
Aquilegia buergeriana
(syn. Aquilegia
Aquilegia buergeriana var.
Aquilegia coerulea var.
(White Rocky Mountain
No. de artículo: 2564
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
70 (100)cm, a very ornamental columbine with deep wine red outer petals and a yellow inner cup
above broad, dark glaucous leaves. For any humus rich, slightly moist, well drained soil in a sunny
spot. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 4638
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, a very ornamental Asian columbine species with deep wine red outer petals and a pale
yellow inner cup above broad, glaucous leaves. A rather rare variety from northern Korea. For any
humus rich, slightly moist, well drained soil in a sunny spot. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 2567
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
80 (100)cm, White Rocky Mountain Columbine is similar to the species, yet with pure white, quite
large flowers above broadly dissected leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds
from a certified wild collection in Garfield County, Utah, USA at some 2600m. V-VI.
Aquilegia canadensis
(Canada Columbine)
No. de artículo: 5282
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15 (30)cm, Canada Columbine is native from Canada to Nebraska and is heading southwards into
Texas (USA). It is a most elegant dwarf and ground covering subalpine species with yellow-orange
to red shaded flowers. For a dry sunny spot in the rockery garden. IV-V.
Aquilegia chrysantha
No. de artículo: 1209
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
80 (120)cm, makes large, bright yellow flowers, sometimes with a reddish tinge and distinct bluish
green leaves. From NW America (S Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona) for any well drained,
humus rich and slightly moist soil in a preferably partially shaded spot. IV-V.
Aquilegia coerulea
(Blue Rocky Mountain
No. de artículo: 1211
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
25 (50)cm, Blue Rocky Mountain Columbine is a medium tall perennial with showy, quite large,
brilliant sky blue (rarely pure white) flowers with an inner white corolla and long spurs. For any well
drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 2569
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Aquilegia discolor
(Spanish Columbine)
Aquilegia flabellata var.
10 (15)cm, attractive dwarf Columbine from central and nothern Spain with deeply dissected, grayish
green leaves and numerous pale blue flowers with a nicely contrasting white throat. For any well
drained soil in a sunny spot. An excellent plant for the rock garden. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 1212
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (40)cm, smaller Aquilegia with broadly cut, elegant, glaucous leaves and showy sky blue flowers
with a white central blotch. A rare variety from N Korea. For shaded spots in a peaty moist soil. V.
Aquilegia flavescens
(Yellow Columbine)
No. de artículo: 1215
sobre de semillas
€ 4,79
80 (100)cm, Yellow Mountain Columbine makes pale yellow flowers, sometimes slightly flushed
rose. It is native of rich soils in mountain meadows and open spots in woods in the Rocky Mountains
(Utah north to British Columbia and Alberta). For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds
from a certified wild collection in Park County, Wyoming, USA at an altitude of some 2,900m. V-VI.
Aquilegia formosa
(Crimson Columbine)
No. de artículo: 9339
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
60 (100)cm, Crimson Columbine is a very ornamental Columbine with scarlet upright outer and
yellow inner petals above a bluish green foliage. It is native to the USA (from California northwards
to Alaska) where it ocurrs in slightly moist spots in partial shade to full sun. For any rich, well drained
soil in a sunny spot. IV-VI.
Aquilegia fragrans
(Fragrant Columbine)
No. de artículo: 1217
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
70 (100)cm, Fragrant Columbine is from sub-alpine meadows in the western Himalayas (Pakistan
and northern India). It bears quite large, pale cream, pale blue and white to entirely white flowers
which are slightly fragrant. Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny position. IV-V.
Aquilegia jonesii
(Limestone Columbine)
No. de artículo: 4409
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10cm, Limestone Columbine is a rare and most attractive dwarf Columbine from the Rocky
Mountains in North America and has silver bluish green foliage in a compact rosette and large royal
blue, upwards-facing flowers. For any very well drained soil in full sun, excellent in the rock garden.
Seeds from a certified wild collection in Sheridan County, Wyoming, USA at some 3080m. IV-V.
Aquilegia laramiensis
(Laramie Columbine)
No. de artículo: 5285
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
30 (40)cm, Laramie Columbine is a rare species from the peak of Laramie. It has showy, snow white
flowers. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny, protected spot. Excellent in the rock garden.
Seeds from a certified wild collection in Albany County, Wyoming, USA at some 2200m. V-VI.
Aquilegia nigricans
No. de artículo: 5286
sobre de semillas
€ 8,99
50 (80)cm, a beautiful woodland Columbine from the Balkan. Makes impressive, deep purple flowers
with long spurs. Grows best in a humus rich, yet well drained soil in partial shade. IV-V.
Aquilegia olympica
(syn. Aquilegia caucasica)
No. de artículo: 1226
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
100 (130)cm, Columbine native of the Caucasus, the Balkan Peninsula, Anatolia and Iran where it
occurs in forests and subalpine zones of mountains. It has light blue to intense blue flowers and a
white corolla insidee. A rather rarely encountered species for any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to
partially shaded spot. V-VI.
Aquilegia pyrenaica
No. de artículo: 1227
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
15 (30)cm, dwarf Columbine from the Pyrenees with large, deep blue to purplish blue flowers. For
partially shaded spots in the rock garden. Easy and late flowering in profusion from VI-VII.
Aquilegia rockii
No. de artículo: 1230
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (40)cm, an utmost showy, only recently introduced new columbine with deep lilac petals, edged
white above dark brownish-green leaves. Native of Tibet and Yunnan, China. For any humus rich,
slightly moist, well drained soil in partial shade to full sun. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 1231
sobre de semillas
15 (25)cm, Utah Columbine is a showy dwarf to medium sized species with blue-white colored
flowers above bluish green leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds from a
certified wild collection in Piute County, Utah, USA at some 3300m. V-VI.
Aquilegia scopulorum
(Utah Columbine)
No. de artículo: 5288
sobre de semillas
15 (25)cm, Chocolate Columbine is a smaller columbine with an unique flower color and a slight
chocolate scent: it has yellowish green outer petals and a purplish brown throat hold above few,
finely dissected leaves. For any rich, very well drained, leafy soil in partial shade to full sun. IV-V.
Aquilegia viridiflora
(Chocolate Columbine
Aquilegia viscosa
(Sticky Columbine)
No. de artículo: 2637
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
50 (80)cm, Sticky Columbine is a rare species from open spots in montane woods in southwestern
Europe and southern Italy. It is similar to the common columbine and sometimes referred to as a
subspecies of the latter (syn. Aquilegia vulgaris ssp. viscosa). It has light blue to pale lilac flowers on
sticky stems. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. The
offered seeds are a mixture of both colors. V-VI.
Aquilegia vulgaris
No. de artículo: 4408
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
50 (100)cm, native of Central Europe with deep blue, quite large flowers. Growing in open sunny
spots in humus rich, leafy soils in deciduous woods and meadows. For any humus rich. well drained
soil in partial shade to full sun. IV-V.
Aquilegia vulgaris ssp.
No. de artículo: 1238
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
100 (120)cm, hardly known and rare, very ornamental subspecies of the common Aquilegia native to
open spots in mountain woods in the Sierra Nevada of Spain. Bright blue flowers with greenish tips
above silvery-grey, strongly divided foliage and pubescent stems. For a sunny spot in a well drained
soil. V-VI.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Aquilegia yabeana
No. de artículo: 1239
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
40 (60)cm, an only recently introduced columbine from Japan and probably one of the most beautiful
species in its genus. It has deepest violet-blue, long-spurred flowers above dark green leaves. For
any rich, well drained soil in a partially shaded to sunny spot. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 1240
sobre de semillas
Aquilegia (North American Columbines)
Columbines, perennials from open woods. Growing in any humus rich soil in half-shade or full sun.
Sow flat on any humus rich, well drained soil. Only slightly cover seeds and keep soil always moist from beneath. Germination
occurs at a minimum of some 10°C in autumn or spring. Transplant young plants in late autumn or early spring. Will flower the
following year after sowing.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
30 semillas por sobre.
80 (100)cm, Shale Columbine makes rich yellow corollas with pale orange pink sepals. For any rich,
Aquilegia barnebyi
well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Rio Blanco County,
(Shale Columbine)
Colorado, USA at an elevation of some 2250m. V-VI.
Aquilegia coerulea var.
(White Rocky Mountain
No. de artículo: 5281
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
80 (100)cm, White Rocky Mountain Columbine is similar to the species, yet with pure white, quite
large flowers above broadly dissected leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds
from a certified wild collection in Garfield County, Utah, USA at some 2600m. V-VI.
Aquilegia canadensis
(Canada Columbine)
No. de artículo: 5282
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15 (30)cm, Canada Columbine is native from Canada to Nebraska and is heading southwards into
Texas (USA). It is a most elegant dwarf and ground covering subalpine species with yellow-orange
to red shaded flowers. For a dry sunny spot in the rockery garden. IV-V.
Aquilegia chrysantha
No. de artículo: 1209
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
80 (120)cm, makes large, bright yellow flowers, sometimes with a reddish tinge and distinct bluish
green leaves. From NW America (S Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona) for any well drained,
humus rich and slightly moist soil in a preferably partially shaded spot. IV-V.
Aquilegia jonesii
(Limestone Columbine)
No. de artículo: 1211
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10cm, Limestone Columbine is a rare and most attractive dwarf Columbine from the Rocky
Mountains in North America and has silver bluish green foliage in a compact rosette and large royal
blue, upwards-facing flowers. For any very well drained soil in full sun, excellent in the rock garden.
Seeds from a certified wild collection in Sheridan County, Wyoming, USA at some 3080m. IV-V.
Aquilegia laramiensis
(Laramie Columbine)
No. de artículo: 5285
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
30 (40)cm, Laramie Columbine is a rare species from the peak of Laramie. It has showy, snow white
flowers. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny, protected spot. Excellent in the rock garden.
Seeds from a certified wild collection in Albany County, Wyoming, USA at some 2200m. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 5286
sobre de semillas
15 (25)cm, Utah Columbine is a showy dwarf to medium sized species with blue-white colored
flowers above bluish green leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds from a
certified wild collection in Piute County, Utah, USA at some 3300m. V-VI.
Aquilegia scopulorum
(Utah Columbine)
No. de artículo: 5288
sobre de semillas
Aralia (Winter Hardy Aralia)
Winter Hardy Aralia are fully winter hardy, woody deciduous shrubs with upright growing stems. Makes several long terminal
racemes with small yellowish-green flowers followed by decorative, small black berries in late summer and autumn above beautiful,
feathered leaves. Native in humus rich soils in open spots in woods in Japan. For any humus-rich, slightly moist soil in a partially
shaded to sunny spot.
Sow the small seeds flat in any humus-rich, well drained soil. Only slightly cover seeds with soil and keep pots in a protected,
sunny spot outside during winter. Seedlings are best grown under frostfree conditions for some two to three years. In winter keep
pots slightly drier at a minimum of some 5°C. Transplant in summer or late spring as soon as seedlings are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
3 (5), Winter Hardy Aralia is a deciduous, fast growing, woody shrub to small tree from Japan with
Aralia elata
most ornamental, feathered leaves on spiny, upright growing stems and long terminal racemes
(Winter Hardy Aralia)
densely covered with greenish white flowers followed by decorative, small glossy black berries in
late summer and autumn. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded
position. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 3706
sobre de semillas
Arbutus (Canary Islands' Strawberry Tree)
Canary Islands' Strawberry Tree is a beautiful, tall, tree-like woody shrub native of sunny, rock spots in the upper xerophytic zone of
the western islands and Gran Canaria. It excellently suits as an evergreen container plant with leathery, glossy green leaves and a
cinnamon brown, smooth bark. It makes numerous, small whitish, bell-shaped, fragrant flowers from mid winter to early summer.
These are followed by round, bright orange, edible fruits which mature from mid summer through autumn. In mild regions it may be
even planted out into the garden in a sheltered, sunny spot. However in Central Europe plants should be slways grown frostfree, in
winter keep them drier at a minimum of some 5°C.
Sow seeds flat in a peat rich, very well drained soil at some 15°C to 20°C throughout the year. Only slightly cover seeds with soil
and keep seddlings always in full sun.
20 semillas por sobre.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Arbutus canariensis
(Canary Strawberry Tree)
2 (7)m, Canary Strawberry Tree is native of the upper xerophytic zone and sun-exposed rocky spots
in the lower laurel forest zone. It has large, laurel like, light green, shiny, leathery foliage and
hundreds of small bell shaped, fragrant white flowers with a rose shade. Its' bright orange fruits
develop in late summer to winter and are edible. Prefers a loam-free soil (on a peat basis) with some
coarse sand added. Not reliably winter hardy, thus best grown as a container plant, keep frostfree in
a sunny spot in winter. XI-V.
PRECIO ESPECIAL: 25 seed packages (ex Tenerife) with 20 seeds each are offered at a special
discounted price for only € 0.99 each !
No. de artículo: 2956
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
No. de artículo: 6689
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
Arbutus (Mediterranean Strawberry Tree)
Strawberry Trees from the costal humid areas of the Mediterranean, the USA and Mexico. All have laurel like, dark gree, shiny,
leathery foliage and hundreds of small white bellflowers in autumn. Red strawberry like fruits develop in winter and are edible. All
species prefer a rather loam-free soil on a peat basis with some sand added for a better drainage. In mild regions they may be
planted out to a protected, sunny spot in the garden, alternatively grow in containers and keep plants drier and in fully sun in winter
at a minimum of some 5°C.
Sow flat at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year in a well drained, humus rich, sandy soil in a sunny spot. Keep soil
always slightly moist.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 8.
20 semillas por sobre.
200 (400)cm, Eastern Mediterranean Strawberry Tree or Cyprus Strawberry Tree is a large shrub to
Arbutus adrachne
small tree with broad bluish green, evergreen foliage and cinnamon red stems. White bell-flowers
(Eastern Mediterranean
and bright red fruits similar to those in Arbutus unedo. Native of the island of Cyprus (Greece) and
Strawberry Tree)
the eastern Mediterranean region. For any humus rich, slightly acidic soil. Older plants are hardy in a
protected, partially shaded spot. Otherwise it makes as well an excellent pot plant for wintergardens
in colder climates. USDA Climate Zone 8. X-IX.
Arbutus menziesii
(Pacific Madrone)
Arbutus texana
(Arbutus texana)
Arbutus unedo
(Strawberry Tree)
No. de artículo: 2638
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
3 (7)m, Pacific Madrone is native to redwood and mixed evergreen forest in coastal areas growing at
up to 2.200m in north western North America. It bears small, intense orange fruits. For any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot with some good winter protection. In colder climates grow as a container
plant. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 5°C in full sun. Seeds from a certified wild
collection in Siskiyou County, California, USA at some 450m. Zona climática USDA 9. XI-IV.
No. de artículo: 5289
sobre de semillas
€ 9,99
4 (7)m, Arbutus texana (syn. Arbutus xalapensis, Arbutus xalapensis var. texana) is a medium sized
tree with leathery, dark green elliptical leaves and ornamental, small, bright orange fruits. For any
rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot with some good winter protection. In colder climates grow as a
container plant. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 5°C in full sun. Seeds from a certified
wild collection in Eddy County, New Mexico, USA at some 1700m. Zona climática USDA 9. IX-XII.
No. de artículo: 5290
sobre de semillas
€ 9,99
2 (4)m, Strawberry Tree is native from the costal humid areas of Portugal and the western
Mediterranean region. It has laurel like, dark green, shiny, leathery foliage and hundreds of small
bell shaped, perfectly white flowers. The bright red fruits develop from autumn through winter and
are edible. Prefers a loam-free soil on a peat basis with some coarse sand added to enhance
drainage. Seeds from a wild collection in the Sierra de Llevant in eastern Mallorca, Spain at some
250m. USDA climate zone 8. X-V.
No. de artículo: 5237
sobre de semillas (ex Sardinia)
No. de artículo: 2152
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca)
Arctium (Burdock)
Burdocks are biennials or herbaceous perennials from the northern hemisphere and easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a
sunny spot. They make branching, upright growing stalks with bright purple flowers above showy, large, oval leaves. The seed
capsules are very adherent to fur, fabrics, etc.
Sow in any well drained soil from autumn to late spring, transplant after third pair of real leaves appears.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
100 (150)cm, Great Burdock is a biannual herbaceous species native from Central Europe to W
Arctium lappa
Asia. In the first year it makes a basal rosette of broad, only slightly pubescent, heartshaped to oval
(Great Burdock)
leaves, in the second year it produces branching stems crowned by dense umbels of large violet
flower heads. The fresh or dried roots as well as other parts of the plant are used in medicine. Easily
grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII.
Arctium tomentosum
(Woolly Burdock)
No. de artículo: 3534
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
50(100)cm, Woolly Burdock is a biannual species native from Central Europe to W Asia. In the first
year it makes a basal leaf rosette, in the second year it produces short, branching stems topped by
violet flowers arranged in compact umbels, and large oval, silvery- gray leaves. The fresh or dried
roots as well as other parts of the plant are used in medicine. Easily grown in any rich, well drained
soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3531
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Argemone (Prickly Poppy)
Prickly Poppies and Mexican Tulip Poppy are mostly annuals from dryish, rocky sunny sites in from south western USA to Mexico
and South America. They are fast growing and display several bright colored flowers in summer above glaucous, dissected leaves.
They are easily grown in any rich, very well drained, preferably rocky or dryish soil in a protected spot in full sun. Excellent in the
rock garden. Annual species will readily self sow under appropriate conditions.
Sow seeds flat to the final spot in the garden after the last freezing nights from mid spring to early summer at some 20°C during
daytime. A temperature drop at night will significantly enhance germination. If seeds are sowed at higher temperatures, seeds may
not germinate.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7/8.
20 semillas por sobre.
70cm, White Large Flowered Prickly Poppy is a most ornamental annual species from Central
Argemone grandiflora
America. It makes very large, pure white flowers, which last for several days, above spiny, steel
(White Large Flowered
bluish-green green leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Sow directly to the ground after
Prickly Poppy)
the last freezing nights by the end of spring. VI-VIII.
Argemone hispida
(Rough Prickly Poppy)
No. de artículo: 8350
sobre de semillas
€ 2,49
70cm, Rough Prickly Poppy is an ornamental annual, biannual to shortlived perennial species from
Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming, USA. It makes large, pure white flowers above bluish-green,
deeply dissected leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Sow directly to the ground after
the last freezing nights by the end of spring. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Albany County,
Wyoming, USA at elevation of some 2,150m. VI-VIII.
Argemone mexicana
(Mexican Prickly Poppy)
No. de artículo: 9340
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, Mexican Prickly Poppy is an annual species from arid areas in southwestern USA and
Mexico. It makes several pale lemon yellow flower cups above spiny greyish green leaves with
nicely contrasting white nerves. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Sow directly to the ground
after the last freezing nights by the end of spring. VI-VIII.
Argemone polyanthemos
(White Prickly Poppy)
No. de artículo: 5225
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
€ 0,39
40 (70)cm, White Prickly Poppy is an annual species from arid areas in southwestern USA. It makes
several quite large, pure white flower plates above spiny greyish green leaves with nicely contrasting
pale green nerves. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Sow directly to the ground after the last
freezing nights by the end of spring. VI-VIII.
Argemone subfusiformis
(Chilean Prickly Poppy)
No. de artículo: 5450
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
70 (120)cm, Chilean Prickly Poppy is an annual species from arid areas in South America. It makes
pale yellow flower cups above spiny greyish-green leaves with pale whitish-green nerves. For any
rich, well drained soil in full sun. Sow directly to the ground after the last freezing nights by the end
of spring. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8711
Hunnemannia fumariifolia
(Mexican Tulip Poppy)
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
No. de artículo: 8646
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
80 (110)cm, Mexican Tulip Poppy grows as an annual in colder climates to perennial in frostfree
climates. It bears most ornamental, large bright lemon-yellow flowers with a diameter of up to 10cm
above finely divided bluish-green foliage. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Precultivation in
mid spring at some 20°C. Carefully transplant seedlings to the garden after the last freezing nights.
No. de artículo: 5141
sobre de semillas
Argyranthemum (Canary Marguerite)
The genus Argyranthemum or Canary Marguerites are represented by many perennial, woody species native of the Canary Islands,
out of which several are excellent, very floriferous pot plants with beautiful flowers and ornamental, strongly dissected leaves. They
are suited for any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot at a minimum of some 10°C in winter, then keep plants drier. Cut back in
spring before new leaves emerge, so that plants stay compact and flower all summer long.
Sow fine seeds flat on any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots very sunny and always slightly moist, water from beneath. Especially
seedlings require full sun light in order to receive a compact, natural habit.
20 semillas por sobre.
Aviso legal: De acuerdo con las leyes alemanas nacionales (BNatSchG y BArtSchV) tan bien como las convenciones a nivel
europeo (Convención de Berna) e internacional (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora - CITES) no vendemos ningún material tal como semillas proveniendo de plantas salvajes protegidas. Las semillas de dichas
plantas protegidas derivan exclusivamente de plantas propagadas artificialmente en cultivos hortículos en Alemania
respectivamente en el Líbano, donde las plantas se han tomado en cultivo a finales de los años 70 y al principio de los años 80 del
siglo pasado.
Argyranthemum adauctum 30 (50)cm, a subspecies native of open spots in the upper laurel forest of Tenerife. An excellent
perennial pot plant with dissected leaves and numerous white flower heads in spring and early
ssp. adauctum
summer. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. In
winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C in full sun. III-VI.
Argyranthemum adauctum
ssp. canariense Exclusivo
No. de artículo: 9504
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, subspecies native of open spots in mountainous regions in central Gran Canaria. It is a
woody, strongly branching perennial with strongly dissected leaves, numerous white flower heads
followed by pale rose to yellow seed capsules. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a
sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C in full sun. IV-VII.
No. de artículo: 5054
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Argyranthemum adauctum
ssp. gracile Exclusivo
20 (40)cm, subspecies native of open spots in mountainous regions in southern central Gran
Canaria. It is a woody, strongly branching perennial with strongly dissected, very narrow leaves,
numerous white flower heads followed by pale yellow seed capsules. Easily cultivated in any rich,
well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some
10°C in full sun. IV-VII.
broussonetii ssp.
broussonetii Exclusivo
No. de artículo: 5056
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (150)cm, Tenerife Laurel Forest Marguerite is a perennial shrub with woody branches covered
with ornamental, pinnate, dark green leaves and ending in showy, very large, white daisy-flowers
with a yellow heart. Sporadically found in sunny spots in the laurel forest on the northern parts of
Tenerife. Easily grown as a pot plant in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny (in summer partially
shaded) spot throughout the year. Keep drier in winter a minimum of some 10°C. VI-VIII.
broussonetii ssp.
gomerensis Exclusivo
No. de artículo: 6473
sobre de semillas (ex Taborno)
€ 4,79
80 (110)cm, La Gomera Laurel Forest Marguerite is a woody perennial with broadly feathered leaves
and numerous large white to pale yellow flowers with a rich yellow center. Native of sunny spots in
the laurel forest zone in central La Gomera. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in full sun
throughout the year. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 10°C. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 3470
sobre de semillas (ex Aguamansa)
No. de artículo: 4702
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
Argyranthemum frutescens 30 (50)cm, Canary Sea Marguerite is a small woody sub shrub with ornamental dark green, strongly
dissected, slightly succulent leaves and numerous medium sized flowers all summer long. A very
(Canary Sea Marguerite)
floriferous species. Native of rocky spots close to the sea. Requires full sun in winter along with
watering reduced to a minimum to maintain a compact and healthy growth. V-X.
Argyranthemum gracile
haematomma Exclusivo
haouarythemum Exclusivo
No. de artículo: 5127
sobre de semillas (ex La Palma - Bco. Fagundo)
No. de artículo: 3462
sobre de semillas (ex La Palma - Playa de Los Nogales)
No. de artículo: 5128
sobre de semillas (ex El Hierro)
No. de artículo: 2524
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, a perennial with elegant filigrane leaves and numerous white flowers with a rich yellow
center. Native of sunny spots in open grounds in the South of Tenerife. Easily cultivated in any rich,
well drained soil in full sun throughout the year. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 15°C. VIVIII.
No. de artículo: 4685
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
70 (120)cm, a rare and threatened species native of rock crevices in coastal areas on Madeira. It is
a tall, woody, strongly branching perennial with broadly dissected leaves and very large white flower
heads. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter
keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C in full sun. IV-VII.
No. de artículo: 5062
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (70)cm, native of open spots in mountainous regions from central through southern La Palma. It
is a woody, strongly branching perennial with strongly dissected, dark green leaves and numerous
white flower heads. Populations from the South in the Fuencaliente region require a more detailed
study as plants differ in various aspects from populations at higher elevations. Easily cultivated in
any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of
some 10°C in full sun. IV-VII.
No. de artículo: 5063
sobre de semillas (ex Bco. de Las Angustias)
Argyranthemum hierrense
No. de artículo: 5064
sobre de semillas (ex Fuencaliente)
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, from open spots in the El Golfo region on El Hierro. It is a woody, strongly branching
perennial with strongly dissected leaves and showy, numerous white flower heads. Easily cultivated
in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum
of some 10°C in full sun. IV-VII.
pinnatifidum ssp.
montanum Exclusive
No. de artículo: 5065
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, a medium tall perennial subspecies similar to the species with slightly narrower leaves
on much shorter stems and numerous white flower heads with a rich yellow center. Native of rocky
sites in mountainous areas in central Madeira (Portugal). For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny
spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of some 10°C. VI-VII.
pinnatifidum ssp.
No. de artículo: 6396
sobre de semillas (ex Pico Ruivo)
€ 4,99
150 (350)cm, an utmost showy, very tall shrub-like perennial with broadly serrated leaves and
numerous white flower heads with a rich yellow center. Native of humus rich, slightly moist spots in
open sites in the laurel forest of central-north Madeira (Portugal). For any rich, well drained soil in a
sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of some 10°C. VIVII.
pinnatifidum ssp.
succulentum Exclusive
No. de artículo: 6395
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (80)cm, this rare Madeira native grows as a perennial woody shrub with strongly succulent,
undulated, broadly dissected leaves and terminal, showy, white daisy flowers with a yellow heart.
Easily grown as a pot plant in any rich, very well drained soil in full sun throughout the year. In winter
reduce watering to a minimum and keep at a minimum of some 12°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 6468
No. de artículo: 3465
sobre de semillas (ex Cascalho)
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Argyranthemum teneriffae
Argyranthemum vicentii
20cm, a showy, very compact perennial with strongly cut, feathered leaves and numerous white
flowers with a yellow center. From open rocky sites in the subalpine region of the Cañadas
depression on Tenerife (Canary islands, Spain). For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot
throughout the year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of some 5°C. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 6464
sobre de semillas
100 (150)cm, a tall woody perennial with filigrane leaves and numerous large white flowers with a
rich yellow center. Native of sunny spots in the pine forest zone in the south of Tenerife. Easily
cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in full sun throughout the year. Keep drier in winter at a
minimum of some 10°C. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 4700
sobre de semillas
Ariopsis is a small genus with only two species: Ariopsis peltata from Western Ghats (India), Sikkim, and Assam and Ariopsis
protanthera from Myanmar (formerly Burma) and Bhutan. They are small deciduous tuberous species with light green oval leaves
and lantern-like inflorescences just before leaves emerge in spring. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially
shaded spot in summer. As soon as the leaf starts to yellow (usually in autumn), keep dormant corms rather dry at a minimum of
some 10°C.
El precio está indicado por bulbo reposado (longitud en cm).
Note: All corms are available for a delivery within Europe only ! Seeds are shipped worldwide. For Non-European customers only:
We do ship dormant tubers outside Europe, provided that all risk is upon the buyer. We do not issue any phytosanitary certificate,
which is officially required for most countries. We kindly ask you to check with your local import regulations before placing an order!
15 (20)cm, Ariopsis protanthera is hopelessly confused with Ariopsis peltata from the Western
Ariopsis protanthera
Ghats, south-western India, which is not in general cultivation at present and all commercially
available specimens are without any exeption Ariopsis protanthera. It is an ornamental small
deciduous tuberous aroid from montane areas in Nepal, Bhutan, Assam, northern Bangladesh,
Myanmar and Thailand. It bears light green oval leaves and lantern-like, pale brownish-red
inflorescences just before leaves emerge in spring. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny
to partially shaded spot. During dormancy keep corms rather dry at a minimum of some 10°C. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 9069
bulbo reposado (02,0 cm)
€ 14,90
Arisaema (Cobra Lilies)
Dragon Plants or Cobra Lilies have their main distribution in Asia (China), only few species occur in North America. They are aroids
which are rather new to public cultivation and only about ten (out of some 200) are sometimes available at specialized nurseries. All
Arisaema species offered on this page will be successfully grown in the open garden where they receive enough moisture in
summer and are sheltered from moisture in winter. They are summer green and winter dormant. Plant depth of the tubers or corms
is three times their size.
Sow seeds in any rich peaty, well drained soil at some 10°C - 20°C, higher temperatures will inhibit germination in most Arisaema
species. Germination is irregular and might start well after only some 2 weeks or may need up to 3 months and more. If seeds from
species from cool temperature climates will not have not germinated after three months, keep pots outside in a protected spot
during winter. Seeds will then germinate by the end of following spring. Keep seedlings in their pots for at least two years in a
partially shaded spot. Stop watering by mid September or as soon as leaves start to yellow. In cold regions it is recommendable to
unpot dormant young tubers and to store them dry in the fridge at some 5°C to 7°C during winter. For tropical species please refer
to the detailed information given for each species. Repot tubers in early spring.
For detailed information on sowing and cultivation of Cobra Lilies please have a look at this website: "The Genus Arisaema" (
All offered tubers descend from cultivated plants! We do not offer wild collected tubers and strictly discourage our clients in buying
such plants, which may have been exported illegally in some cases. In several aroid species wild populations are decreasing
alarmingly due to professional wild collections in habitat. Neither do we sell imported tubers from Asia which might be infected with
several serious pests and might have been stored under totally inappropriate conditions. Wild collected as well as imported tubers
you may find at various selling platforms at probably lower prices, but these import plants will never reach the quality of our tubers!
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7 si no se meciona algo
El precio indicado es por sobre (10 semillas) o por bulbo reposado (tamaño en ø cm).
Dormant plants (i.e. tubers or corms) are available in our shop from October through May.
Note: All corms are available for a delivery within Europe only ! Seeds are shipped worldwide. For Non-European customers only:
We do ship dormant tubers outside Europe, provided that all risk is upon the buyer. We do not issue any phytosanitary certificate,
which is officially required for most countries. We kindly ask you to check with your local import regulations before placing an order!
Arisaema attenuatum
Arisaema candidissimum
(Rosefragrant Jack-in-thePulpit)
No. de artículo: 9065
bulbillo reposado (0,5 cm ø)
€ 19,90
30 (50)cm, Rose fragrant Jack-in-the-Pulpit has quite large tripartite yellowish green leaflets and a
very decorative, rose-fragrant, either white or rose to purplish-rose spathe, striped white outside.
Easily cultivated in any humus rich, well drained soil in a partially shaded to sunny spot. One of the
most beautiful Arisaema species! Offered tubers are offsets from seed raised plants and are mostly
white (very few may be slightly rose). 1,0 cm ø tubers will need three more years to reach flowering
size, 2,5 cm ø tubers will require one more year. Seeds are from handpollinated white, respectively
rose flowering plants. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 8845
bulbo reposado (01,0 cm ø)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Arisaema consanguineum
60 (130)cm, makes a showy, umbrella-like leaf and a open, striped spathe in variable colors from
greenish white to greenish red. Unlike the related Arisaema ciliatum and Arisaema concinnum,
Arisaema consanguineum does not make any offsets, but usually multiplies very by seeds. Easily
grown in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 6807
sobre de semillas
Arisaema dahaiense
Arisaema dracontium
(Green Dragon Cobra Lily)
Arisaema elephas
Arisaema fargesii
No. de artículo: 9062
sobre de semillas
€ 19,90
40cm, Green Dragon Cobra Lily is a North America species and makes green leaves with a slight
bluish tinge and a greenish-yellow, narrow spathe with a long protruding, upwards facing yellow
spadix, followed by bright orange-red berries in late summer. In cultivation, Arisaema dracontium is
mostly confused with not closer related Pinellia pedadisecta from China. And what you will usually
be offered as "Green Dragon" is Pinellia pedadisecta. The real thing is very hard to find - we have it!
For any humus rich, well drained soil in partial shaded. Zona climática USDA 6. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 2664
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
50 (70)cm, a Chinese Arisaema species with showily large, trilobed leaves and a short stalked dark
wine-red spathe with longitudinal white translucent stripes and a protruding, s-shaped, wine-red
spadix. For any humus rich, very well drained soil in a partially shaded to sunny spot. In winter
protect dormant tubers from excessive moisture and freezing through (e. g. a thick dry mulch layer).
No. de artículo: 9302
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
40cm, makes showy, very broad, trilobed, light green leaves and a narrow, white and winered
striped spathe below with a shortly protruding yellow spadix. It is probably conspecific with Arisaema
franchetianum and differs only in its less "hooded" spathe top. It is native of humus rich soils in
woods and meadows in Yunnan province, China. Easily cultivated in any leafy, slightly moist soil in
preferably partial shade. VI.
Note: All tubers are available for a delivery within Europe only ! Seeds are shipped worldwide.
Arisaema flavum
No. de artículo: 3615
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
20cm, a dwarf species forming large clumps with time. Makes a flat, small yellow spathe, which is
almost black inside. The inflorescence is usually born above the leaves, before they are completely
unfolded. Offered tubers will need another one to two years on average to reach flowering size.
Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a partially shaded to sunny spot. V.
Aviso: ¡Los bulbos se envían únicamente dentro de Europa! Semillas son disponibles para un envío
al mundo entero.
No. de artículo: 2144
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9458
sobre de semillas
Arisaema formosanum
Arisaema ghaticum
No. de artículo: 9061
bulbillo reposado (0,5 cm ø)
€ 7,90
30 (45)cm, (syn. Arisaema sahyadricum var. ghaticum) an only recently new described species from
western India (South-West Maharashtra) with a small narrow violet-brown spathe and a protruding
and downfolding pale green spadix with a pale violet base and broad leaflets. A subtropical species
for any humus rich, well drained substrate in a sunny to partialy shaded spot and a winter minimum
of some 20°C. During dormancy reduce watering to a minimum but do not store tubers completely
dry. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 8550
bulbillo reposado (0,5 cm ø)
€ 19,90
Arisaema intermedium
Arisaema jinshajiangense
Arisaema kiushianum
(Kyushu Arisaema)
Arisaema lobatum
No. de artículo: 9459
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
25cm, a rarely cultivated Chinese species from Yunnan province with a narrow, greenish spathe
striped white, a short mid-green and narrow spadix appendix inside and one to two trifoliate leaves.
For any humus rich, very well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Offered tubers are
from a green flowering form from Nepal. Keep dormant tuber rather dry in winter at some 10°C. VIVII.
No. de artículo: 8831
bulbillo reposado (0,5 cm ø)
€ 8,90
15 (25)cm, Kyushu Arisaema is an ornamental smaller Japanese Arisaema species with a mediumtall umbrella like leaf and a basal dark reddish-brown spathe striped greenish-white. For any humus
rich, very well drained soil with some excellent winter protection. In colder regions preferably grow in
pots under frostfree conditions in a sunny spot throughout the year. During dormancy in winter keep
plants almost completely dry at some 10°C. Form 1 is slightly more compact than the taller form 2.
Zona climática USDA 9/10. VI.
No. de artículo: 9047
bulbillo reposado (0,5 cm ø) (forma 2)
€ 4,99
30cm, a variable Chinese species with a nicely reptile-like mottled stalk topped by a trifoliate, slightly
glossy leaf and a greenish to brownish spatha striped whitish-green and a pale greenish-yellow
spadix appendix inside. Arisaema lobatum has bluish-green tubers which is typical for this species.
For any humus rich, very well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Keep dormant tuber
rather dry in winter at some 10°C. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 8830
bulbillo reposado (0,5 cm ø)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Arisaema murrayi var.
Arisaema pianmaense
Arisaema polyphyllum
Arisaema taiwanense
(Taiwanian Jack-in-thePulpit)
Arisaema ternatipartitum
30 (45)cm, one of the real gems within its genus from western central India. This utmost beautiful
Arisaema makes a white spathe with a rosy-violet ring at its mouth above a pale green base, a
blackish-violet spadix and broad leaflets. A subtropical species for any humus rich, well drained
substrate in a sunny to partialy shaded spot and a winter minimum of some 15°C. During dormancy
reduce watering to a minimum but do not store tubers completely dry. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 9465
bulbo reposado (01,0 cm ø)
€ 24,90
50 (70)cm, an Arisaema species from western Yunnan province (Lushui) which was only recently
introduced into cultivation. It bears showily large, trilobed leaves and a long stalked, wine-red and
hooded spathe with longitudinal white stripes and a pale wine-red spadix. For any humus rich, very
well drained soil in a partially shaded to sunny spot. In winter protect dormant tubers from excessive
moisture and freezing through (e. g. a thick dry mulch layer). V.
No. de artículo: 9304
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
45 (70)cm, a species from the Philippines with a tall stalk with an elegant umbrella-like leaf and a
brownish-purple spathe striped white. An easily cultivated species for any humus rich, well drained
substrate in a sunny spot and for a frostfree wintergarden or greenhouse with a winter minimum of
some 15°C. The offered clone BSWJ3904 has very dark purplish-brown spathe. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 9308
bulbo reposado (01,0 cm ø) (BSWJ3904)
€ 12,90
25 (40)cm, Taiwanian Jack-in-the-Pulpit is a medium sized species with an elegant leaf of umbrellalike arranged leaflets, a dark brown to wine-red spathe spotted white outside and a greyish white
spadix inside. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny, protected spot. As this subtropical
species is not fully hardy in Central Europe, it is best grown under cold glass. Keep dormant plants
dry at a minimum of some 5°C in winter. Zona climática USDA 9/10. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 9046
bulbillo reposado (0,5 cm ø)
€ 9,90
30 (45)cm, a medium tall species from Japan with a pale brown to dark maroon spathe with a wide
"mouth" and tripartite leaves. For any humus rich, very well drained soil in a sunny to partially
shaded spot with some good winter protection. Alternatively grow under frostfree conditions with
watering reduced to a minimum during dormancy in winter at a minimum of some 5°C. Offered
tubers are from a pale brown flowering form. V-VI.
Fotos from the dark marron flowering form are available from the International Aroid Society
Arisaema ternatipartitum.
No. de artículo: 9461
sobre de semillas
€ 12,90
Arisaema thunbergii ssp.
Arisaema thunbergii ssp.
urashima 'Soshin'
Arisaema tortuosum
No. de artículo: 9051
bulbillo reposado (0,5 cm ø)
€ 9,90
20 (30)cm, a much sought after form (sometimes called 'Alba') with a slightly more compact overall
habit in comparison to the black flowering form and a pale yellowish-green large spathe with a long,
protruding yellowish spadix. For any humus rich, very well drained soil with some good winter
protection. In colder regions preferably grow in pots under frostfree conditions in a sunny spot
throughout the year. During dormancy in winter keep plants almost completely dry at some 10°C.
Zona climática USDA 9. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 8635
bulbillo reposado (0,5 cm ø)
€ 12,90
90 (150)cm, native of Eastern Asia (Simla, Sikkim and Bhutan in the Himalaya), growing in open
spots in shrubs and slopes. For any humus rich, well drained sandy loam soil in partial shade in a
protected spot. Plant rather deep (some 15cm) and protect dormant corms from winter wetness.
Zona climática USDA 9. V.
No. de artículo: 3431
sobre de semillas
Arisaema tosaense
Arisaema triphyllum
(Jack in the Pulpit)
No. de artículo: 9050
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
25 (40)cm, Jack in the Pulpit is a herbaceous tuberous perennial with one to two fresh green,
tripartite leaves and a greenish to reddish spathe which is striped white on the outer parts. It is
native of open spots in slightly moist, leafy soil in woods in North America. It is easily cultivated in
any slightly moist, humus rich, well drained soil in a partially shaded to sunny spot. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 2687
sobre de semillas
Aristolochia (Tropical Dutch Man's Pipe)
Tropical Dutch Man's Pipes are perennial, evergreen to semi-evergreen, usually woody climbers from subtropical and tropical
regions throughout the world. In general they are fast growing with ornamental, lush, cordate foliage and typical pipe-like,
pendulous flowers, which may be quite large in contrast to their winter hardy cousins from temperate and cool climates. The
tropical members in this broad genus are easily grown in any humus-rich, well drained soil in a sunny (winter) to partially shaded
(summer) spot throughout the year. Plants require a climbing aid and may be cut back in spring if they are becoming too large. In
winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 15°C to 20°C. Ideal for the heated greenhouse or warm wintergarden.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained soil at some 25°C. Keep seedlings sunny, especially in winter months.
Aviso: ¡Todas las partes son tóxicas si son ingestidas!
10 semillas por sobre.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
40 (100)cm, Chilean Dutch Man's Pipe makes perennial short stalked, creeping vines from a
Aristolochia chilensis
(Chilean Dutch Man's Pipe) perennial woody base. It has medium sized, heartshaped, plain green, leathery leaves with pale
green nerves and showy, dark reedish black to greenish yellow pipe-flowers covered with white hairs
inside the tube. An easily cultivated subtropical species from lowlands in northern Chile. For any
rich, very well drained soil in full sun throughout the year. Ideal for a heated greenhouse or a warm
wintergarden. In winter keep plants rather dry at a minimum of some 10°C. VI-VIII.
Aristolochia fimbriata
(White Veined Dutchman's
Aristolochia grandiflora
Dutchman's Pipe)
Aristolochia littoralis
Aristolochia tagala
(Indian Birthwort)
No. de artículo: 5407
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
1 (2)m, White Veined Dutchman's Pipe makes semi-evergreen to deciduous vines from a perennial
woody base, and small heartshaped, white veined green leaves and small dark brownish red flowers
with fuzzy yellowish hairs around the flower trumpet. An easily grown subtropical species from
Argentina, Paraguay and Southern Brazil. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to
partially shaded spot. For the frostfree greenhouse or wintergarden. In winter keep plants drier at a
minimum of some 10°C. V-IX.
No. de artículo: 9173
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (7)m, Large-flowered Dutchman's Pipe from Central and Northern South America makes
perennial, slightly woody vines from a perennial woody base and large round heartshaped leaves.
Aristolochia grandiflora has the largest single flowers of all South American species. These may
reach a width of some 40 cm and a length (including the appendix) of several meters ! Easily grown
in any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year and a winter minimum of
some 20°C. For it's overall size this species requires a lot of space and fits well into a warm
greenhouse or wintergarden. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 9176
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
2 (4)m, makes semiperennial to perennial vines from a perennial woody base, medium sized,
heartshaped, plain green leaves and showy and quite large, pendulous white-spotted brownish red
pipe-flowers. An easily grown tropical species from coastal rainforests in Brazil. For any humus rich,
well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. A vigorous, fast growing plant, which is ideal for
the heated greenhouse or a warm wintergarden. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some
15°C. V-IX.
No. de artículo: 3445
sobre de semillas
€ 2,49
5 (10)m, Indian Birthwort is a perennial tropical climber with a very wide distribution from East Asia
and Australia. It is native of open spots in forest and thickets and has dark maroon-brown pipeflowers with a white throat and narrow elliptical leaves. Easily cultivated in any humus-rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year and a winter minimum of some 15°C with reduced
wwtering. VII-X.
No. de artículo: 8355
sobre de semillas
Aristolochia (Winterhardy Climbing Dutch Man's Pipe)
Dutch Man's Pipe, semi-erect or creeping annual stems from perennial fleshy roots. For open spots in the rockery garden or sandy
soil. Nice pipe-like flowers.
Sow flat at a minimum of some 5°C in spring to early summer. Transplant rhizomes in autumn.
Aviso: ¡Todas las partes son tóxicas si son ingestidas!
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
10 semillas por sobre.
2 (4)cm, Chinese Dutchman’s Pipe is a rarely cultivated herbaceous perennial vine with showy
Aristolochia debilis
(Chinese Dutchman's Pipe) brownish-black to reddish-black flowers and arrow-shaped leaves. Plants require a climbing aid. For
any rich, well drained soil in a protected and sunny spot. V-VI.
Aristolochia macrophylla
(Large-leafed Dutchman's
No. de artículo: 4876
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (7)m, Large-leafed Dutchman's Pipe (syn. Aristolochia durior) is a quite tall wooden vine with very
large oval leaves and yellowish-brown flowers with a reddish-black center followed by long ovoid
fruits in autumn. Requires a climbing aid. Easily cultivated in any humus rich, well drained soil in
partial shade to full sun. A fully winter hardy species. VII-VIII.
Aristolochia tomentosa
(Wolly Dutchman's Pipe)
No. de artículo: 1255
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
3 (7)m, Woolly Dutchman’s Pipe is a rarely cultivated perennial vine with annual shoots from a basal
woody rootstock. It has large, oval, finely pubescent leaves and small yellowish-brown flowers
followed by egg-shaped fruits in autumn. It is native of woods in Southeastern USA. Plants require a
climbing aid. For any rich, well drained soil in a protected and sunny spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 4875
sobre de semillas
Aristolochia (Winterhardy Dutchman's Pipe)
Dutchman's Pipes produce semi-erect to creeping annual stems from perennial fleshy roots. All have unusual, pipe-like flowers. For
any well drained, humus-rich soil in partial shade to full sun. Some Mediterranean dwarf species are not reliably winter hardy in
Central Europe and should be kept frostfree and in a sunny spot in winter (e.g. in a cool wintergarden).
Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil in mid spring. Keep pots outside in a sunny and protected spot. Transplant dormant rhizomes
in autumn.
Aviso: ¡Todas las partes son tóxicas si son ingestidas!
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
10 semillas por sobre.
50 (120)cm, Clematis-like Dutchman's Pipe makes erect annual stalks from a perennial rootstock.
Aristolochia clematitis
(Clematis-like Dutchman's Has glaucous leaves and 2cm large yellow pipe-flowers, followed by large plum sized fruits. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 1254
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Aristolochia macrophylla
(Large-leafed Dutchman's
Aristolochia rotunda
(Round-leafed Dutchman's
Aristolochia tomentosa
(Wolly Dutchman's Pipe)
3 (7)m, Large-leafed Dutchman's Pipe (syn. Aristolochia durior) is a quite tall wooden vine with very
large oval leaves and yellowish-brown flowers with a reddish-black center followed by long ovoid
fruits in autumn. Requires a climbing aid. Easily cultivated in any humus rich, well drained soil in
partial shade to full sun. A fully winter hardy species. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 1255
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
30 (60)cm, Round-leafed Dutchman's Pipe has a perennial rootstock and is native of south-eastern
Europe. Has oval to almost round leaves and brownish yellow pipe-flowers on erect to creeping,
annual stalks. For any rich, well drained, stony soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 1256
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (7)m, Woolly Dutchman’s Pipe is a rarely cultivated perennial vine with annual shoots from a basal
woody rootstock. It has large, oval, finely pubescent leaves and small yellowish-brown flowers
followed by egg-shaped fruits in autumn. It is native of woods in Southeastern USA. Plants require a
climbing aid. For any rich, well drained soil in a protected and sunny spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 4875
sobre de semillas
Armeria (Sea Pink)
Sea Pinks belong to a diverse genus from North America, southern South America, northern Africa, Europe and western Asia.
Some species are native in sandy soils in coastal areas, whereas other are subalpine plants found in rock crevices. All makes
dense cushions of narrow, grass-like leaves and elegant flower stalks crowned by rose to rich pink flower heads. For any rich, very
well drained, preferably slightly rocky soil in full sun. Excellent plants for a protected spot in the rock garden.
Sow fine seeds flat on top of any rich, very well drained substrate in mid spring. Do not cover seeds with soil and keep pots outside
in a protected spot. Transplant to the final spot in the garden as soon as plants are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557zona climática USDA 6.
20 semillas pro sobre.
30cm, Cádiz Sea Pink is a perennial from sandy soils in coastal areas in the south-western part of
Armeria gaditana
the Iberian peninsula. It makes a dense cushion of mid-sied, grassy leaves and several showy, pale
(Cádiz Sea Pink)
pink flower heads. For any rich, very well drained, preferably slightly rocky soil in full sun. An
excellent plant for a protected spot in the rock garden. III-V.
No. de artículo: 9342
sobre de semillas
Arnica, Inula (Elecampagne) & Telekia (Oxeye)
Arnica, Elecampagnes and Oxeyes are broad genera of mostly showy perennials with bright yellow to rich butter yellow flowers in
spring and summer. They are mostly native of sunny meadows throughout the northern and southern temperate hemisphere. All
species are easily cultivated in any rich soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sunny, protected spot outside. Transplant as soon as seedlings are strong
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre..
20 (30)cm, Northamerican Chamisso Arnica is a perennial species from meadows and open spots in
Arnica chamissonis
(Northamerican Chamisso woods in North America. Makes dense cushions with upright to slightly trailing stems with terminal
bright yellow flowers. Easily cultivated in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially
shaded spot. V-VI.
Arnica longifolia
(North American Longleaf
No. de artículo: 4578
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, North American Longleaf Arnica is a showy perennial species from open spots in fresh
soils in forests in western North America. It makes dense clusters with upright to slightly trailing
stems with terminal bright yellow flowers. Easily cultivated in any humus rich, well drained soil in a
sunny to partially shaded spot. V-VI.
Arnica montana
(Mountain Arnica)
No. de artículo: 8347
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15 (25)cm, Mountain Arnica is a showy perennial from mountain meadows throughout Western and
Central Europe, it occurs from Spain to Southern Scandinavia and eastwards to the Carpathians. It
makes a dense basal leaf rosette and several rich yellow flowers from late spring to early summer.
Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VI.
Inula britannica
(British Yellowhead)
No. de artículo: 8016
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
70cm, British Yellowhead is a perennial from moist meadows in Eurasia and makes intense yellow
flower saucers above slightly pubescent, middle green leaves. Easily cultivated in any humus rich,
well drained and slightly moist soil in full sun to partial shade. VI-VIII.
Inula hirta
No. de artículo: 8391
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (70)cm, Elecampagne is a perennial from meadows in Central Europe with several bright yellow
flower saucers with a darker yellow center above strongly pubescent, dark green leaves. Easily
cultivated in any rich rich, well drained soil in full sun. VI-VIII.
Inula magnifica
(Giant Elecampane)
No. de artículo: 4527
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
200cm, Giant Elecampane makes impressively tall herbaceous stems with terminal, large, rich
yellow flowers. Native of meadows in the Caucasus. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in
a sunny spot. Excellent in the rock garden. VI-VII.
Inula rhizocephala
No. de artículo: 4812
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10cm, an unique species with a flat leaf rosette and stemless, densely arranged bright yellow
flowers. Naive of subalpine areas in Asia. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny
spot. Excellent in the rock garden. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 4813
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
30 (70)cm, Willow Leaf Elecampagne is a perennial from meadows in Central Europe with several
Inula salicina
(Willow Leaf Elecampagne) intense yellow flower saucers above narrow, dark green leaves. Easily cultivated in any rich rich,
well drained soil in full sun. VI-VIII.
Telekia speciosissima
(Dwarf Oxeye)
No. de artículo: 4526
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15 (25)cm, Dwarf Oxeye is a showy dwarf perennial with a dense basal, dark green leaf rosette and
quite large, rich butter yellow flowers on short stalks. Native of rock crevices and alpine meadows
from south-eastern Europe to the Caucasus and Asia Minor. Easily grown in any rich, well drained
soil in full sun. Excellent for the rock garden. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 6380
sobre de semillas
Arthropodium (New Zealand Renga Lily)
New Zealand Renga Lily is a small genus from temperate to subtropical regions in Australia, New Zealand and neighbouring states.
Plants have broad, sword-like, evergreen leaves and lax upright racemes with small white, cream, sky-blue to lilac-blue flowers.
They are easily grown perennials for any humus rich, very well drained, slightly moist soil in a partially shaded to sunny spot. In
colder regions best grown under frostfree conditions in a cold wintergarden or unheated greenhouse.
Sow flat in any humus rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sunny, protected spot.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 8/9.
20 semillas por sobre.
30 (40)cm, Rengarenga Lily from New Zealand makes dense tufts of broad, glossy leaves and
Arthropodium cirrhatum
elegant, lax racemes with white flowers. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny, protected
(Rengarenga Lily)
spot in the garden. Give some dry mulch layer in winter as protection in colder climates. VI-VII.
Arthropodium milleflorum
(Pale Rose Vanille Lily)
No. de artículo: 4592
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
30 (50)cm, Pale Rose Vanille Lily is a perennial native of Australia (New South Wales, Tasmania,
and Victoria) with broad, dark green leaves and elegant racemes with pendulous pale rose to lilac
flowers. Easily cultivated in any humus rich, well drained and in summer slightly moist soil in a
sunny spot. Keep drier in winter in a preferably frostfree spot in full sun at a minimum of some 5°C.
Zona climática USDA 8/9. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 4644
sobre de semillas
Arum (Lords-and-Ladies)
Lords-and-Ladies. All winter hardy Arum species offered here are easily cultivated and are suited for any rich, well drained soil,
which is slightly moist in summer and drier in winter. Excellent to naturalize in partially shaded to sunny spots in the open garden.
Plant corms rather deep for some additional frost protection.
Sow at some 10°C - 15°C throughout the year in any rich soil, higher temperatures may inhibit germination in most Arum species.
Arum maculatum requires a cold stratification for several months, place pots outside in a protected spot during winter. Germination
occurs either in late autumn or late spring. Keep seedlings preferably frostfree and sunny in their first winter at a minimum of some
5°C. Transplant dormant corms in the second spring after sowing.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6 unless noted
10 semillas por sobre o por bulbo reposado.
Note: All corms are available for a delivery within Europe only ! Seeds are shipped worldwide. For Non-European customers only:
We do ship dormant tubers outside Europe, provided that all risk is upon the buyer. We do not issue any phytosanitary certificate,
which is officially required for most countries. We kindly ask you to check with your local import regulations before placing an order!
20cm, Apulian Arum is an endangered species from woods in the region of Apulia (Italy) and has
Arum apulum
light brownish-purple spathes and a brwonish-cream spadix. Easily cultivated in any humus rich, well
(Apulian Arum)
drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. IV-V.
Arum hygrophilum
Arum italicum ssp.
No. de artículo: 4629
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
40 (70)cm, a rather tall growing species native of Morocco, Cyprus and the eastern Mediterranean.
Makes a narrow, bright green, purple lined spathe embedding a blackish-purple spadix on tall stalks
usually born above narrow, arrow shaped, glossy leaves. For any loam-based, sandy, well drained
soil in a sunny spot. Fully hardy and readily flowering. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 2731
sobre de semillas (ex Chipre)
30 (40)cm. subspecies from open woods or semi-wet grasslands in south-western Europe. Plain
dark green, large arrow shaped leaves. Creamy white to yellowish green spathes and yellow to
brownish yellow spadix. V.
No. de artículo: 2263
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
Arum italicum ssp. italicum 30 (40)cm, a subspecies from Nothern Italy, growing in moist woods. Nicely silver speckled, large
leaves emerging in October and an elegant yellowish-green spathe of 20cm and yellow spadix. Very
(light checkered)
attractive bright-orange seed heads on 30cm stems in late summer. V.
No. de artículo: 2264
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
Arum italicum ssp. italicum 30 (40)cm, a subspecies from Nothern Italy, growing in moist woods. Nicely silver speckled, large
leaves emerging in October and an elegant yellowish-green spathe of 20cm and yellow spadix. Very
attractive bright-orange seed heads on 30cm stems in late summer. Seeds from cultivated plants,
expect a mixture of plants with strong to light mottled leaves. V.
No. de artículo: 8807
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
Arum italicum ssp. italicum 30 (40)cm, a subspecies with glossy plain green leaves from the Balearics (Spain) where it grows in
rich soils in sunny to partially shaded spots. It makes an ornamental pale yellowish-green spathe
(plain green leaves)
and a yellow spadix followed by decorative bright-orange seed heads in summer. For any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny to partialy shaded spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 7401
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Arum italicum ssp. italicum 30 (40)cm, a subspecies from northern Italy, growing in moist woods. Has ornamental silverspeckled, large leaves in late summer and winter. Elegant yellow green spathe of 20cm and yellow
(strong checkered)
spadix. Very attractive bright-orange seed heads on 30cm stems in summer. V.
Arum maculatum
Arum pictum ssp. pictum
Arum pictum ssp.
Arum purpureospathum
No. de artículo: 2265
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
20 (30)cm, Spotted Jack-in-the-Pulpit is native of Central Europe where it occurs in humus rich,
slightly wet soils in open spots in woods. It makes a yellowish green spathe with a middle brown
spadix, followed by ornamental bright orange seed heads in late summer. The leaves are either
plain green or spotted dark brown. An easily cultivated, fully hardy Arum species for any rich, well
drained soils in partial shade to full sun. Makes large clumps with time. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 2277
sobre de semillas
€ 1,99
30 (40)cm, the only autumn flowering (!) Arum with purplish-black to deep wine red spathe and black
spadix above broadly arrow shaped, dark green, glossy leaves in the subspecies pictum which is
native of Corsica and Sardinia. For any humus rich, very well drained soil in full sun to partial shaded
in a protected spot. In colder regions it is recommended to cultivate this wintergreen species under
frostfree conditions, e.g. under cold glass or in an unheated wintergarden. Seeds from a wild
collection in the valley above Pedra Longa, eastern Sardinia at some 350m. At present we are the
only supplier worldwide for this subspecies! Zona climática USDA Zone 8/9. IX-X.
No. de artículo: 4237
sobre de semillas (ex Cerdeña)
€ 4,99
30 (40)cm, the only autumn flowering (!) Arum with purplish-black to deep wine red spathe and black
spadix above nicely silvery patterned leaves in the subspecies sagittifolium native of the Balearic
islands Mallorca and Menorca. For any humus rich, very well drained soil in full sun to partial shaded
in a protected spot. In colder regions it is recommended to cultivate this wintergreen species under
frostfree conditions, e.g. under cold glass or in an unheated wintergarden. 4cm ø corms are
flowering size. Zona climática USDA 8/9. IX-X.
No. de artículo: 2775
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (45)cm, a still rarely cultivated species endemic in the Chania prefecture in South-western Crete
(Greece). It is one of the tallest species with dark green, glossy arrow shaped leaves and a tall dark
purplish-black spathe and spadix. For any rich, very well drained soil in full sun in a protected spot,
as it is a wintergreen species and leaves are not very frost resistant. Alternatively grow as a pot
plant under cold glass, keep drier in winter and always frost free at a minimum of some 2°C. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 6989
sobre de semillas
Asclepias (Milkweed or Silkweed)
Milkweeds or Silkweeds have annual flowering stems from perennial underground rhizomes. For any humus rich, sandy or rocky
soil in full sun to partial shade. The species offered here are fully hardy in Central Europe.
Sow at a minimum of some 15°C from spring to early summer in any well drained soil. Transplant rhizomes about 15cm deep after
stems have died down in autumn.
Note: All parts are poisonous if ingested, the milk sap may cause severe skin irritations and eye burns.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7.
20 semillas por sobre, si no se meciona algo diferente.
80 (100)cm, Antelope Horns Milkweed makes dense terminal clusters of yellowish-green and deep
Asclepias asperula
(Antelope Horns Milkweed) purple flowers above large, broadly-lanceolate, opposite leaves. For any rich, very well drained soil
in a sunny spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Daggett County, Utah, USA at some
1900m. VI-VII.
10 semillas por sobre.
Asclepias cordifolia
(Heartleaf Milkweed)
Asclepias curassavica
(Mexican Butterfly
Asclepias eriocarpa
(Woollypod Milkweed)
Asclepias exaltata
(Poke Milkweed)
No. de artículo: 5292
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
80 (110)cm, Heartleaf Milkweed is an utmost showy species from meadows in the Sierra Nevada in
California. Makes dense clusters of white and purplish, honey scented flowers above broad, cordate
(heartshape) leaves. For any rich, very well drained soil in full sun. Seeds from a certified wild
collection in Quincy, Plumas County, California, USA. VII-VIII.
10 semillas por sobre.
No. de artículo: 0052
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (140)cm, Mexican Butterfly Milkweed is a fast growing annual to perennial native of Central and
Northern South America and makes bright orange and red flowers in terminal clusters. It is an
important host plant for the Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) and easily grown in any rich, well
drained soil in full sun. In colder climates plants will die back to the ground in winter, but may
sometimes resprout from the rhizome in late spring. Alternatively plants can be grown as annuals
from seeds sowed in late spring under glass. Transplant seedlings to the final spot in the garden
after the last freezing nights. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 1274
sobre de semillas
€ 2,49
80 (110)cm, Woollypod Milkweed or California Monarch Milkweed is an utmost showy species from
dry meadows and mountain sloped in California, USA. It makes dense clusters of white and
purplish, honey scented flowers above broad, densely white wooly leaves. For any rich, very well
drained soil in full sun. Seeds from a certified wild collection in San Diego County, California, USA at
an elevation of some 1,450m. VII-VIII.
10 semillas por sobre.
No. de artículo: 9341
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
80 (180)cm, Poke Milkweed makes erect, herbaceous stems with purplish flowers in a dense umbel
above broad, opposite leaves. It is native of humus rich woods in Conneticut (USA). For any humus
rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. VII-VIII.
10 graines par sachet.
No. de artículo: 1009
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Asclepias fascicularis
(Narrow Leafed Milkweed)
100 (140)cm, Narrow Leafed Milkweed is an utmost ornamental species with linear, very narrow,
grayish-green broad leaves on an erect stems crowned by several dense clusters of pale rose
sweetly fragrant star like flowers. Native of mountainous areas in California. For any rich, very well
drained soil in full sun. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Haun's Meadow, Plumas County,
California, USA. VII-VIII.
10 graines par sachet.
Asclepias hallii
(Hall's Milkweed)
No. de artículo: 0051
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (140)cm, Hall's Milkweed makes dense pale purplish-pink and cream flower umbels above
broad lanceolate-oval, greyish-green leaves. Native of opens spots in southwestern USA. For any
rich, very well drained slightly rocky or sandy soil in full sun. VI-VIII.
Asclepias hirtella
(Tall Green Milkweed)
No. de artículo: 4744
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
90 (130)cm, Tall Green Milkweed makes dense creamy-green flower umbels above narrow, linear
fresh green leaves. Native of open, semi-moist spots in woods and in meadows in southwestern
USA. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VII.
10 semillas por sobre.
Asclepias incarnata
(Swamp Milkweed)
No. de artículo: 4745
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (130)cm, Swamp Milkweed, rich pink flower heads above narrow leaves. Native of Indiana, New
Brunswick and Saskatchewan, from Tennessee to Colorado, growing in the edges of swamps and
ponds. Can be cultivated in virtually and rich, well drained soil type in a sunny spot. VII-VIII.
Asclepias latifolia
(Broadleaf Milkweed)
No. de artículo: 1275
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
80 (100)cm, Broadleaf Milkweed makes dense terminal clusters of green and yellow flowers above
very broad, oval leaves. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds from a certified
wild collection in Washington County, Colorado, USA at some 1450m. VI-VII.
10 semillas por sobre.
No. de artículo: 5294
sobre de semillas
Asclepias pumila
(Plains Milkweed)
Asclepias speciosa
(Showy Milkweed)
No. de artículo: 6968
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (120)cm, Showy Milkweed is an ornamental species with grayish-green broad leaves and showy
dense clusters of white, strongly sweet-scented flowers. Native throughout the midwestern and
western states in the US. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds from a certified
wild collection in Greenville, Plumas County, California, USA. VII-VIII.
10 semillas por sobre.
Asclepias sullivantii
(Sullivant's Milkweed)
No. de artículo: 0050
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
80 (100)cm, Sullivant's Milkweed is an rare and threatened herbaceous species with upright stems
with pale pink and cream flowers in a dense umbel above broad, opposite leaves. It is native of
humus rich prairies in the USA. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VII-VIII.
Asclepias syriaca
No. de artículo: 1010
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
120 (200)cm, the tallest hardy species with large sweetly scented rose and white star-flowers in balllike flower heads. Easily cultivated in any rich, preferably sandy or rocky soil in full sun. We had an
excellent seed crop this year, thus we would like to offer this species at an all-time low price! VI-VIII.
Asclepias tuberosa
(Butterfly Milkweed)
No. de artículo: 1277
sobre de semillas
€ 2,49
90 (130)cm, Butterfly Milkweed is a herbaceous perennial with a creeping rhizome and upright stalks
with linear leaves and terminal clusters of bright orange flowers. Native in rocky, sunny spots
throughout central and eastern USA. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds from a
certified wild collection in Montrose County, Colorado, USA at some 1.850m. VI-VII.
Asclepias verticillata
(Whorled Milkweed)
No. de artículo: 4179
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (70)cm, Whorled Milkweed makes unbranched stems covered with narrow leaves, and a terminal
cluster with several greenish white flowers. Native of prairie regions in the US. For any rich, well
drained soil in full sun to partial shade. VI-IX.
Asclepias viridiflora
(Green Comet Milkweed)
Asclepias viridis
(Antelope-Horn Milkweed)
No. de artículo: 3614
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
60 (80)cm, Green Comet Milkweed makes erect stems with light green flowers in a dense umbel
above broad, opposite leaves. It is native of rocky, open areas in prairies in the USA (Georgia, northeastern Mexico, Ontario and S New England). For any humus rich, very well drained, preferably
rocky soil in full sun. VII-VIII.
10 semillas pro sobre.
No. de artículo: 1011
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (80)cm, Antelope-Horn Milkweed is a herbaceous species with upright stems crowned with
umbels of greenish-purple flowers above lanceolate to elliptic, alternate leaves. It is native of prairies
and humus rich, open spots in woods in the USA (Nebraska, West Virginia, Florida and W Texas).
For any humus rich, very well drained, slightly rocky soil in full sun. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 1002
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Asimina (Hardy Custard Apple)
Hardy Custard Apple or Pawpaw is a small genus with some winter hardy species native of North America and north-eastern Asia
in an otherwise rather tropical family. They are native of deep, humus rich, slightly moist and acidic soils in open spots in woods.
They grow as tall, woody shrubs to small trees and have showy, large leaves and cup-shaped flowers which are born on the past
years stems. These are followed by edible fruits (weighing up to 300g each) with a very sweet, deliciously aromatic white pulp.
Asimina plants do not self-pollinate, thus always two different individuals shall be planted next to each other. Seeds are prone to
diseccation and have to be store moist and cool in order to maintain their viability. Most seeds you will find elsewhere have been
stored dry and at room temperature, so that may not be viable anymore. We store them under appropriate conditions and they are
shipped slightly moist packed in order to prevent desiccation.
Sow the large seeds flat in any humus rich, sandy, very well drained soil in pots in a protected, sunny spot outside during winter.
Seeds germinate in late spring the following year. Transplant in autumn as soon as leaves start to yellow or alternatively in early
spring before leaves emerge.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
3 semillas grandes por sobre.
3 (7)m, Hardy Custard Apple is a loosely branching, tall woody shrub to small tree with alternate,
Asimina triloba
long, obovate, dark green leaves, pubescent on the underside. The large, purplish brown flowers are
(Hardy Custard Apple)
born on the stems from previous years. Makes large, deliciously sweet fruits with a white, pineapplebanana-like flesh. Fruits mature in autumn. Native of deep, rich, slightly moist soils throughout the
south-eastern US extending to S Canada where is has partly become quite rare due to
deforestation. Seeds will be shipped slightly moist packed in order to prevent their desiccation. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 3171
sobre de semillas
Asparagus (Canary and Mediterranean Ornamental Asparagus)
Asparagus is a broad family not only covering the edible vegetable, but also several pot plants mostly cultivated for their lush
evergreen foliage. The Canary and Mediterranean species divide into tall, erect growing shrubs (e.g. Asparagus plocamoides) and
short, branching shrubs (e.g. Asparagus horridus). All are easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot and should be
kept cooler (yet frostfree) in winter with reduced watering.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained, sandy to rocky soil at some 15°C to 25°C throughout the year. Germination is irregular between 4
weeks to 3 months. Keep seedlings especially in winter months in a sunny spot.
7 semillas por sobre.
100 (180)cm, a medium sized to tall Mediterranean woody, evergreen shrub from partially shaded to
Asparagus acutifolius
sunny spots in woods. Makes short, dark green, narrow leaves and short, rather smooth "spines",
and small yellowish flowers followed by blackish-green fruits in autumn and winter. Young shoots
can be eaten cooked or fried just as regular Asparagus. For any rich, well drained substrate in full
sun throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 5°C. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4945
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca)
€ 4,99
Asparagus albus Exclusivo 50 (100)cm, a medium sized woody, evergreen Mediterranean shrub from sunny, dryish spots rocky
soils and walls. Makes dark green, narrow leaves on whitish stems armed with strong "spines", and
small yellowish flowers followed by most ornamental, bright scarlet fruits in autumn and winter.
Young shoots can be eaten cooked or fried just as regular Asparagus. For any rich, well drained
substrate in full sun throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 5°C. VII-VIII.
Asparagus horridus
Asparagus pastorianus
Asparagus plocamoides
Asparagus scoparius
Asparagus umbellatus
No. de artículo: 4946
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca)
€ 4,99
30 (70)cm, a most ornamental species with numerous, very strong, dense, dark green "spines" (i.e.
cladodia), brownish green flowers in summer and black berries in autumn and winter. Plants from
Fuerteventura are much more compact in all parts then the specimens in the Mediterranean
(Mallorca and Cyprus) as well as the Arabian region. For any very well drained, rather inorganic,
stony soil in an always sunny spot throughout the year. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of some
10°C. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 3437
sobre de semillas (ex Fuerteventura, España)
No. de artículo: 6278
sobre de semillas (ex Governor's Bay, Chipre)
No. de artículo: 4933
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca, España)
€ 4,99
80 (130)cm, a very compact growing Asparagus species with strong, woody, benching branches,
which are silvery brown in their juvenile stage, covered with some larger thorns and numerous linear
dark green leaves. Small yellowish green flowers are followed by small berries turning to bright red
on maturing. From succulent shrub formations, growing in any rich, yet well drained soil in a sunny
spot. Reduce watering to a minimum in winter. IX-X.
No. de artículo: 2998
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
180 (270)cm, tall Asparagus species with completely erect, woody perennial stems and pendulous
branches with soft, needle-like, middle green foliage, a very ornamental Canary Asparagus from the
xerophytic shrub zone. Older plants make numerous small berries turning to intense red on ripening.
For any rich, sandy to stony soil in full sun. Reduce watering to a minimum in winter. VIII-X.
No. de artículo: 2999
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
€ 3,99
200 (300)cm, a tall perennial species with a woody stem base and filigree, needle-like leaves on tall
stems and numerous small whitish-cream flowers followed by orange-red fruits. Native of sun
exposed rocky sites at lower elevations on La Palma, Tenerife and Gran Canaria. For any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of
some 10°C. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 6491
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
€ 4,99
100 (200)cm, a tall perennial with long arching stems densely covered with dark green needle-like
stiff foliage and small yellowish-white flowers followed by green berries. Native of sunny, rocky sites
on the islands of Tenerife, La Gomera, La Palma, El Hierro and Gran Canaria. For any rich, well
drained soil in full sun throughout the year. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 5°C.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
No. de artículo: 7338
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
Asphodeline (Yellow Asphodel)
Asphodeline have large racemes with sulfuric yellow flowers, opening one after each other for a long period. Very easy in any soil in
full sun in the rock garden. Decorative seed capsule in late summer to fall.
Sow autumn to late spring in any well drained, rocky or sandy soil. Keep pots in a sheltered and sunny spot in winter. Transplant
young rhizomes in early autumn.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6 si no se meciona algo
20 semillas por sobre.
70 (100)cm, dense rosettes of glaucous, grass like leaves from where the flowering stalk emerges.
Asphodeline liburnica
From the E Mediterranean, very rare. VI-VII.
Asphodeline lutea
No. de artículo: 1281
sobre de semillas
80 (120)cm, has broader leaves than the above, strongly veined. Larger flowers in bright yellow.
Attractive orange fruit capsule from August onwards. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 1282
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6900
sobre de semillas
Asphodeline taurica
Asphodelus (Affodil or Asphodel)
The Mediterranean Asphodelus is close to African Kniphofia and makes broadly lanceolate leaves and large racemes with usually
white to cream or rosy-white flowers. Easy for full sun in the rock garden.
Sow autumn to late spring in any well drained, rocky or sandy soil. Keep pots in a sheltered and sunny spot in winter. Transplant
young rhizomes in early autumn.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6 si no se meciona algo
20 semillas por sobre.
80 (150)cm, one of the tallest species in its genus, makes a rosette up to 1m in diameter and
Asphodelus albus
racemes up to 1.5m in height with white flowers, slightly veined greenish rose on the outside. Easy
and robust species for any rocky, well drained soil in full sun. Zona Climática USDA 6. VII-VIII.
Asphodelus fistulosus
Asphodelus microcarpus
No. de artículo: 1283
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (70)cm, Pink Asphodel is an annual to biannual with a compact basal leaf rosette and
multibranching racemes with numerous small white flowers with a central rosy-brown stripe. Easily
raised from seeds. For any rich, very well drained soil in full sun. Zona climática USDA 8. VII-VIII.
U.S. customers only: Asphodelus fistulosus is prohibited for importation to the U.S.
No. de artículo: 9343
sobre de semillas (ex Andalucía, España)
€ 0,99
200 (300)cm, wintergreen and summer dormant perennial rhizome with a beautiful, impressively tall
inflorescence of large, rose white flowers from a central basal, large leaf rosette. For any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot, best grown under frostfree conditions in large pots in a wintergarden or
the like with reduced watering, as strong freezing may harm severely the leaves in winter. Seeds
from populations on the Canary Islands. XII-III.
No. de artículo: 3034
sobre de semillas (ex Islas Canarias)
No. de artículo: 6877
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6878
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6940
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6939
sobre de semillas
Astartea & Chamaelaucium (Wax-Flower)
30 semillas por sobre.
Astartea fascicularis
(Pale Pink Dainty Astartea)
Astartea fascicularis
(White Dainty Astartea)
(Ravensthorpe Waxflower)
Chamaelaucium uncinatum
(Geraldton Wax)
Aster is a s broad genus of usually perennials from temperate regions in the northern hemisphere and provides several floriferous
species with bright lavender, lilac to rich pink flowers above finely dissected leaves from summer to late autumn. All Aster species
are easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained soil and keep pots outside in a protected spot. Seeds require a prolonged cooling period
prior to germination in late spring. Carefully transplant young plants to the final spot in the garden as soon as they are strong
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Aster alpinus
(Alpine Aster)
15 (25)cm, Alpine Aster is a perennial with beautiful lavender blue flower heads with a yellow disk
above narrow leaves. It is native of mountain meadows from the Pyrenees to the Alps, the Tatra
range, the Balkans and western Asia. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded
spot. An excellent plant for the rock garden. IV-VI.
Aster himalaicus
(Himalaya Aster)
No. de artículo: 7118
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, Himalaya Aster is a perennial aster with utmost showy, large, rich lavender blue flower
heads with a greenish-yellow disk above narrow leaves. Native of meadows and rock crevices in
Eastern Asia. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Excellent in a
protected spot in the rock garden. V-VII.
Aster tongolensis
(East Indies Aster)
No. de artículo: 4085
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, East Indies Aster is a perennial aster with utmost showy, large, pale lavender blue flower
heads with an orange-yellow disk above narrow leaves. Native of meadows and rock crevices in
China. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Excellent in a protected
spot in the rock garden. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 6342
sobre de semillas
Asteriscus (Yellow Sea Daisy) & Nauplius (Silky Hairy Goldstar)
Yellow Sea Daisies and Silky Hairy Goldstars belong to small genera endemic to the Canary islands, the Mediterranean and North
Africa. Most species are semi-woody perennials to woody shrubs perennial shrubs with silky haired leaves in Nauplius arranged in
dense terminal rosettes and have showy, quite large, intense yellow flowers. They are easily grown pot plants for any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of some 10°C.
Sow flat on any rich, well drained substrate at some 20°C. Do not cover seeds and keep soil always slightly moist from beneath.
20 semillas por sobre.
Legal note: All material descends from horticulturally propagated plants in Germany respectively Lebanon only. We do not sell any
wild collected material and strictly refrain from offering such in order to protect several endangered specimens in habitat and to
comply with national and international laws on the trade of protected plants and parts thereof, such as seeds.
30 (50)cm, Moroccan Yellow Sea Daisy is a small woody evergreen shrub with numerous terminal
Asteriscus imbricatus
rich yellow flowers. Native of rocky, sunny sites in western Morocco. An excellent container plant for
(Moroccan Yellow Sea
any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a
Daisy) Exclusivo
minimum of some 10°C in full sun. VI-VIII.
Asteriscus maritimus
(Yellow Sea Daisy)
No. de artículo: 7361
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10 (20)cm, Yellow Sea Daisy is a dwarf semi-woody evergreen perennial with dense carpets of rich
yellow flowers. Native of rocky to sandy sites in the western Mediterranean. An excellent container
plant for any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a
minimum of some 15°C in full sun. VI-VIII.
Nauplius intermedius
No. de artículo: 7360
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca, España)
€ 3,99
100cm, a woody evergreen shrub with ornamental silvery, aromatic foliage and terminal bright yellow
flowers similar to Nauplius sericeus. Native of rocky, sunny sites on Lanzarote. Excellent container
plant for any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a
minimum of some 10°C in full sun. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8124
Nauplius sericeus
(Silky Hairy Goldstar)
Nauplius stenophyllus
sobre de semillas (ex Sicilia, Italia)
No. de artículo: 5108
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (120)cm, Silky Hairy Goldstar has ornamental, dense terminal silky hairy leaf rosettes and showy,
intense yellow flowers. A very floriferous, showy, woody perennial species from Fuerteventura and
Lanzarote where it occurs in open, sunny spots in upper regions. An easily grown pot plant for any
rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year and a winter minimum of some 10°C with
reduced watering. VIII-IV.
No. de artículo: 4478
sobre de semillas (ex Fuerteventura)
€ 4,99
20 (40)cm, a dwarf woody evergreen shrub with narrow, silvery green, aromatic foliage and terminal
bright yellow flowers. Native of rocky, sunny sites throughout Gran Canaria. Good pot plant for any
rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of
some 10°C in full sun. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 5109
sobre de semillas
Astragalus (Mediterranean Milkvetch)
Milkvetch is a very broad genus with many different growth habits from annuals to herbaceous perennials and woody sub-shrubs.
They are native of temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. They have feathered leaves and pea-like flowers in many
shades from white to bright pink. Easily grown in any rich well, drained soil in a sunny spot. Perennials species and woody subshrubs are excellent in a protected spot in the rock garden.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained soil and keep pots in a protected spot outside. Seeds require a prolonged cooling period
prior to germination in late spring. Carefully transplant young plants to the final spot in the garden as soon as they are strong
enough or in autumn after leaves have withered.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557zona climática USDA 8/9.
7 semillas grandes por sobre.
50 (100)cm, Western Shrub Milkvetch is a showy herbaceous plant with a perennial rootstock
Astragalus lusitanicus
occurring in rich soils in pine forests in the western Mediterranean region. It makes an upright
ssp. lusitanicus
(Western Shrub Milkvetch) annual stem with broad feathered, greyish-green leaves and ornamental, white flower spikes. For
any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot with some winter protection against freezing through. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 9310
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Astydamia (Canary Sea Fennel) & Crithmum (Medit. Sea Fennel)
Canary Sea Fennel and Mediterranean Sea Fennel are small genera native of rocky sites close to the see on the Canary islands
and throughout the Mediterranean region. The Canary Sea Fennel has very broad, light green, strongly aromatic leaves in a dense
basal rosette, whereas the Mediterranean Sea Fennel makes bluish-green, deeply cut, slightly succulent leaves. Leaves of both
species have an aromatic, slightly bitter and salty taste and may be used in soups and salads. For any rich, very well drained soil in
full sun throughout the year and a winter minimum of some 10°C with reduced watering.
Sow pure seeds flat in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Keep seedlings always sunny, especially in winter.
20 semillas por sobre.
30cm, Canary Sea Fennel is a herbaceous perennial native of rocky sites close to the see on the
Astydamia latifolia
Canary islands. It makes broad, light green, strongly aromatic leaves in a dense basal rosette. The
(Canary Sea Fennel)
leaves have an aromatic, slightly bitter and salty taste and may be used in soups and salads. Easily
grown in containers in any rich, well drained soil in full sun throughout the year. Keep plants drier in
winter in full sun and at a minimum of some 10°C. Seeds derive from populations in Punta de Teno,
Tenerife and Fuencaliente, La Palma. II-V.
No. de artículo: 6034
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
No. de artículo: 5129
sobre de semillas (ex La Palma)
€ 4,99
30cm, Mediterranean Sea Fennel is a semi-evergreen perennial native of rocky sites close to the
Crithmum maritimum
(Mediterranean Sea Fennel) see throughout the Mediterranean. It makes finely cut, slightly succulent, bluish-green, strongly
aromatic leaves in lose basal to short stemmed rosettes. The leaves have an aromatic, slightly bitter
and salty taste and may be used in soups and salads. Easily grown in containers in any rich, well
drained soil in full sun throughout the year. Keep plants drier in winter in full sun and at a minimum
of some 10°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8227
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca, España)
No. de artículo: 9207
sobre de semillas (ex Chipre)
Atropa (Belladonna)
Atropa or Belladonna species make a perennial rootstock from which the annual stems emerge in spring. Bell-shaped flowers are
followed by ornamental, glossy, blackish-purple to greenish-yellow berries. Very easy in cultivation for any rich soil in partially
shaded places.
Sow flat from autumn or late spring in any well drained, yet humus rich soil. Will grow rapidly in late spring and summer. Transplant
dormant rootstock in autumn after leaves have withered.
Note: All parts (especially the seducing berries) are poisonous if ingested !
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
100 (130)cm, Indian Belladonna makes purple-black, bell shaped flowers followed by dark purple
Atropa acuminata
berries on reddish stems. Native of open spots in woods of Kashmir (Central Asia). For any humus
(Indian Belladonna)
rich, slightly moist soil in a preferably partially shaded to sunny spot. V-IX.
Atropa belladonna
(Black Belladonna)
No. de artículo: 1285
sobre de semillas
100 (150)cm, Black Belladonna, pale yellowish red bell shaped bellflowers, which are followed by
ornamental, glossy, black, cherry-sized berries. For any humus rich, slightly moist soil in a
preferably partially shaded to sunny spot. V-IX.
SOBRE DE SEMILLAS GRATUITO: Available are 25 absolutely free seed packages with 20 seeds
each from the black belladonna. Please select only one free package per order and put it into your
shopping cart. Payable are only the regular packing and shipping costs and any handling charge on
small-amount orders below € 20.00 (excl. packing and shipping costs).
Atropa belladonna var.
(Yellow Belladonna)
No. de artículo: 1286
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
120 (170)cm, Yellow Belladonna is a very rare variety with pure pale yellow bellflowers and yellowish
berries. Easily grown in any humus rich, slightly moist soil in a preferably partially shaded to sunny
spot. V-IX.
No. de artículo: 2808
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
120 (180)cm, Turkmenistan Belladonna has greenish yellow flowers with violet veins. A taller form of
Atropa komarovii
(Turkmenistan Belladonna) the Middle European Atropa belladonna, native of Central Asia. For any humus rich, well drained soil
in a preferably partially shaded to sunny spot. V-IX.
No. de artículo: 1289
sobre de semillas
Australian Iris and Lily members
In this category you find several Australian members of the Iridaceae and Liliaceae families, as well as some allies. All are
perennials with showy, bright colored flowers and evergreen, iris like, narrow, and sword shaped leaves. For being cold resistant,
but not winter hardy in Central Europe these should be grown as pot plants in any fertile, humus-rich, well drained soil in full sun
(winter) to partial shade (summer). In winter reduce watering to a minimum and keep plants at a minimum of some 10°C. Excellent
for the unheated wintergarden or the cool greenhouse.
Sow seeds flat in any humus-rich, slightly sandy or rocky, well drained substrate at some 20°C. After germination keep pots slightly
drier and especially in winter in full sun.
20 semillas por sobre.
30 (60)cm, Blue Grass Lily makes showy lilac blue flowers on elegant stems and long, upright hold
Agrostocrinum scabrum
grass like foliage. Native of granite grounds in open spots in forests in Western Australia. For any
(Blue Grass Lily)
rich, well drained substrate in a partially shaded to sunny spot. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of
some 10°C.
No. de artículo: 6067
sobre de semillas
Chamaescilla corymbosa
(Australian Blue Stars)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
No. de artículo: 6941
sobre de semillas
Dichopogon capillipes
(Australian Purple Lily)
Dichopogon fimbriatus
(Chocolate Lily)
No. de artículo: 9137
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
25 (40)cm, Chocolate Lily makes small dark rose, slightly chocolate scented flowers on elegant
stems and narrow, grass-like leaves. Native of open spots in grasslands, shrub lands and
Eucalyptus forests in Australia (New South Wales, Southern Australia, Tasmania, and Victoria). For
any rich, well drained substrate in a partially shaded to sunny spot. Keep drier in winter at a
minimum of some 15°C. IV-V.
Dichopogon preissii
(Nodding Chocolate Lily)
No. de artículo: 9111
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
25 (40)cm, Nodding Chocolate Lily makes small pale rose, nodding and slightly chocolate scented
flowers on thin stems above grass-like foliage. Native of open spots in grasslands, shrub lands and
Eucalyptus forests in Western Australia. For any rich, well drained substrate in a partially shaded to
sunny spot. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 15°C. IV-V.
Dichopogon strictus
(Chocolate Lily)
No. de artículo: 9110
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
20 (30)cm, Chocolate Lily makes small but nice pale rose, slightly chocolate scented flowers on
elegant stems and long, recurving grass like foliage. Native of open spots in grasslands, shrub lands
and Eucalyptus forests in Western Australia. For any rich, well drained substrate in a partially
shaded to sunny spot. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 15°C. IV-V.
Diplarrena latifolia
(Western Flag Iris)
No. de artículo: 6069
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (100)cm,Western Flag Iris has showy snow white to cream flowers with two basal blotches and
long and narrow grass like leaves. From montane to subalpine grasslands in Tasmania. For any
rich, well drained substrate in a partially shaded to sunny spot. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of
some 10°C. VI-VIII.
Diplarrena moraea
(Butterfly Flag Iris)
No. de artículo: 6070
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (100)cm,Butterfly Flag Iris has showy snow white flowers above narrow, iris-like leaves in dense
tufts with time. From montane grasslands in Australia (New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania).
For any rich, well drained substrate in a partially shaded to sunny spot. Keep drier in winter at a
minimum of some 10°C. VI-VIII.
Johnsonia lupulina
(Hooded Lily)
No. de artículo: 9115
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
30 (80)cm,Hooded Lily has unusual nodding inflorescences with large pale rose to white bracts
enclosing the flowers. Grass like, narrow leaves in dense clumps. From grasslands in south western
Australia. For any rich, well drained substrate in a partially shaded to sunny spot. Keep drier in
winter at a minimum of some 10°C.
Laxmannia gracilis
(Slender Wire Lily)
No. de artículo: 6071
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (40)cm, Slender Wire Lily makes small white to pale rose flowers on long stalks above grass like
linear leaves. Native of open spots in woodlands or open stony areas, on sandstone in New South
Wales (Australia). For any rich, well drained substrate in a partially shaded to sunny spot. Keep drier
in winter at a minimum of some 10°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 6072
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9136
sobre de semillas
Orthrosanthus laxus
(Australian Morning Iris)
Orthrosanthus multiflorus
(Blue Flag)
(Morning Flag)
No. de artículo: 9135
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
90 (120)cm, Morning Flag is a showy perennial with iris like leaves and rich blue flowers on tall
stalks. Native of open spots in woods in south western Australia. For any rich, well drained substrate
in a partially shaded to sunny spot. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 10°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 6073
sobre de semillas
Patersonia fragilis
(Short Purple Flag)
Patersonia glabrata
(Leafy Purple Flag)
No. de artículo: 9134
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
30 (80)cm, Leafy Purple Flag is a showy perennial with narrow grass like leaves in dense tufts and
rich violet blue flowers on tall stalks. Native of open spots in woods from New South Wales to
Victoria and Queensland (Australia). For any rich, well drained substrate in a partially shaded to
sunny spot. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 10°C. VII-VIII.
Patersonia lanata
(Woolly Leafy Flag)
No. de artículo: 6074
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, Woolly Leafy Flag is a showy perennial with narrow grass like leaves in dense tufts and
rich violet blue flowers on upright stalks. Native of sandy soils in open spots in shrub lands in
southern Australia. For any rich, well drained substrate in a partially shaded to sunny spot. Keep
drier in winter at a minimum of some 10°C. VII-VIII.
Patersonia occidentalis
(Purple Flag)
No. de artículo: 6075
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (150)cm, Purple Flag is a showy perennial with narrow grass like leaves in dense tufts and rich
violet blue flowers on upright stalks. Native of sandy soils in open spots in shrub lands in south
western Australia. For any rich, well drained substrate in a partially shaded to sunny spot. Keep drier
in winter at a minimum of some 10°C. VII-VIII.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Patersonia umbrosa var.
(Blue Leafy Flag)
No. de artículo: 6076
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (90)cm, Blue Leafy Flag is a showy perennial with narrow grass like leaves in dense tufts and rich
violet blue flowers on upright stalks. Native of sandy soils in open spots in shrub lands in south
western Australia. For any rich, well drained substrate in a partially shaded to sunny spot. Keep drier
in winter at a minimum of some 10°C. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 6077
sobre de semillas
Patersonia umbrosa var.
(Yellow Patersonia)
Sowerbaea juncea
(Vanilla Lily)
No. de artículo: 9133
sobre de semillas
€ 9,99
20 (35)cm, Vanilla Lily is a showy perennial with narrow grass like leaves and dense clusters of
vanilla scented rich pink to lilac flowers on upright stalks. A rather rare species native of sandy soils
in open spots in shrub lands in south western Australia. For any rich, well drained substrate in a
partially shaded to sunny spot. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 10°C. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 6078
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 7307
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 7310
sobre de semillas
€ 12,99
No. de artículo: 9123
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 7311
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 7312
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9122
sobre de semillas
Stypandra glauca
(Graceful Blue Lily)
Thysanotus arenarius
(Sand Fringe Lily)
Thysanotus dichotomus
(Branching Fringe Lily)
Thysanotus manglesianus
Thysanotus multiflorus
(Fringed Lily)
Thysanotus patersonii
(Twining Fringe Lily)
Averrhoa (Cucumber Tree and Star Fruit Tree)
Cucumber Tree and Star Fruit Tree are medium sized trees and belong to a small tropical Asian genus of evergreen trees within
the sorrel or shamrock family (Oxalidaceae). They have large, glossy foliage and are cauliflorous, i.e. flowers and fruits are
produced on older branches or trunks. Fruits are edible and have a refreshing. slightly sour taste. For any humus rich, well drained
soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot throught the year. In winter keep plants at a minimum of some 15°C (optimal: 20°C) with
reduced watering.
Sow flat in any humus rich, well drained soil at some 25°C. Keep soil only slightly moist and pots in full sun (winter) to partial
shaded (summer). Seed is alway very scarce.
5 semillas por sobre.
3 (7)m, Cucumber Tree is a tropical tree with cucumber like, juicy and edible fruits with a refreshing
Averrhoa bilimbi
sweet sour taste similar to the star fruit (Averrhoa carambola). For any humus rich, well drained soil
(Cucumber Tree)
in a sunny to partially shaded spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants at a minimum of some
15°C (optimal: 20°C) with reduced watering. III-VI.
Averrhoa carambola
(Star Fruit)
No. de artículo: 6490
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (7)m, Star Fruit or Carambola is a tropical tree from South America with angled, very juicy and
aromatic sweet-sour yellow fruits. If cut into slices, these resemble a star. For any humus rich, well
drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants at a
minimum of some 15°C (optimal: 20°C) with reduced watering. III-VI.
No. de artículo: 8414
sobre de semillas
Azorina (Azores Bellflower)
The highly endangered Azores Harebell is endemic of fresh cliffs and rocks on the Azores. Makes a small woody shrub with a
broad trunk and large, beautiful pink bellflowers in summer. Grows easily in any well drained, humus rich and sandy soil. Shortly
before flowering starts in summer plants will grow more slowly. As soon as temperatures decrease and air humidity rises in autumn
they will restart growing.
Sow on any humus rich, sandy soil, at 15°C to maximum 22°C in partial shade. Do not cover dust like seeds. Keep soil always
slightly moist but not wet from beneath. Keep seedlings sunny, especially in winter. Will grow rapidly with fifth pair of leaves from
autumn to spring and may gain flowering size within four years. For any partially shaded to sunny spot in summer and always
sunny place in winter, keep frostfree.
40 semillas por sobre.
Aviso legal: De acuerdo con las leyes alemanas nacionales (BNatSchG y BArtSchV) tan bien como las convenciones a nivel
europeo (Convención de Berna) e internacional (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora - CITES) no vendemos ningún material tal como semillas proveniendo de plantas salvajes protegidas. Las semillas de dichas
plantas protegidas derivan exclusivamente de plantas propagadas artificialmente en cultivos hortículos en Alemania
respectivamente en el Líbano, donde las plantas se han tomado en cultivo a finales de los años 70 y al principio de los años 80 del
siglo pasado.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Azorina vidalii
(Azores Harebell)
70 (100)cm, Azores Harebell, makes spikes of large, pink (rarely white) bellflowers above evergreen,
narrow, shiny, leathery leaves on rather thin branches which crown an erect, very broad and slightly
succulent, gray-barked stem. Keep moist but not wet and always sunny throughout the year. Let soil
fall slightly drier in winter, keep in a cool (yet frostfree) and sunny spot at a minimum of some 10°C.
PRECIO ESPECIAL: 50 packages with 40 seeds each are offered at a special discounted price for
only € 0,99 each !
No. de artículo: 3001
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9013
sobre de semillas
Babiana are bulbous plants native of western southern Africa, especially Namaqualand and the Western Cape. Most species make
short and broad iris like leaves with prominent veines and showy bright colored flowes in shades of violet-blue, pale yellow or
scarlet. All species are easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in full sun throughout the year. During dormancy keep plants
rather dry and in winter at a minimum of some 10°C with watering reduced to a minimum. Excellent in a frostfree greenhouse or
wintergarden, for their small to medium tall size they can be grown in rather small pots on window sills as well. Most species will
already gain flowering size within one year.
Sow the small seeds on top of any well drained substrate and cover them slightly with sand. Keep pots in full sun at some 20°C
throughout the year and soil always slighly moist from beneath. A temperature drop at night down to some 10°C to 15°C will
siginificantly enhance germination in several species.
20 semillas por sobre.
5 (10)cm, makes rather large, blue, sweetly fragrant flowers with light yellow inner markings. Native
Babiana ambigua
from sandy flats and lower slopes in the Western Cape. For any rich, well drained substrate in a
sunny spot throughout the year. During dormancy and in winter keep drier at a minimum of some
10°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3946
sobre de semillas
Babiana cuneata
Babiana curviscapa
Babiana dregei
Babiana fragrans
No. de artículo: 8597
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15 (20)cm, a nice species with broad, dark green leaves with prominent veins and rich lilac, red or
pale rose flowers with a white blotch on two of its petals. For any rich, well drained soil. Keep
frostfree in winter with reduced watering and a minimum of some 5°C. An excellent pot plant for an
unheated greenhouse, cold wintergarden or sunny window sill. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 6262
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10 (15)cm, has dark purplish blue flowers with a white basal blotch and short, strongly ribbed and
hard, bluish-green leaves with an acute tip. It is native of rock crevices in mountain slopes and hills
in the Namakwaland Klipkoppe. For any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the
year. During dormancy and in winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3948
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15 (20)cm, a dwarf species with broad, dark green leaves with prominent veins and pale yellow, pale
rose to lilac-blue, slightly fragrant flowers on a short branching stem. For any rich, well drained soil.
Keep frostfree in winter with reduced watering and a minimum of some 5°C. An excellent pot plant
for an unheated greenhouse, cold wintergarden or sunny window sill. Seeds from two color forms
are available: pale yellow and violet-blue. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 6260
Babiana melanops
sobre de semillas (amarillo)
No. de artículo: 9043
sobre de semillas (violeta-azul))
€ 4,99
20cm, a showy species with pale to rich ink-blue or more rarely winered flowers. Easily grown in any
rich, well drained substrate in a sunn spot. During dormancy in winter keep bulbs drier at a minimum
of some 10°C. III-IV.
No. de artículo: 8598
sobre de semillas
Babiana mucronata
Babiana odorata
Babiana patersoniae
Babiana patula
No. de artículo: 8599
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
5 (15)cm, a dwarf species with pale lemon flowers and short and broad, iris like leaves. Native from
clay soils in the Western Cape. For any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the
year. During dormancy and in winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3951
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
5 (15)cm, sweetly fragrant purplish blue to pale bluish-white flowers and short, iris like leaves. Native
from clay soils from Caledon to the Eastern Cape. For any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny
spot throughout the year. During dormancy and in winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C. VIVIII.
No. de artículo: 3952
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15 (20)cm, amongst the most beautiful member in this genus with showy, bicolored, strongly
scented flowers with mauve and yellow markings. From clay soils from the south-western Cape to
the Southern Cape and to Langeberg Mountains. For any rich, well drained soil. Keep frostfree in
winter with reduced watering and a minimum of some 5°C. An excellent pot plant for an unheated
greenhouse, cold wintergarden or sunny window sill. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 6259
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8299
sobre de semillas
Babiana pygmae
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Babiana sinuata
No. de artículo: 8600
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8300
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8601
sobre de semillas
5 (15)cm, has pale yellow flowers and lanceolate, ribbed leaves. Native of sandstone soils in the
Western Cape. Native of rocky sandstone soils from the Northwest Center to southern
Namaqualand. For any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. During
dormancy and in winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C. VI-VIII.
Babiana thunbergii
Babiana tubiflora
Babiana vanzyliae
Babiana villosa
No. de artículo: 5045
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30cm, makes most ornamental bright winered flowers above strongly ribbed leaves. Native of clay
soils in flats from Tulbagh to Malmesbury in the Northwest and Southwest Center. For any rich, well
drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. During dormancy and in winter keep drier at a
minimum of some 10°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 5046
sobre de semillas
Backhousia (Lemon Scented Myrtle) & Baeckea (Camphor Myrtle)
20 cápsulas de semillas (Backhousia citriodora), o 30 semillas (Baeckea spp.) por sobre.
Baeckea camphorata
(Camphor Myrtle)
No. de artículo: 8848
sobre de semillas
Bahia is a small genus of some 12 perennials with showy bright yellow flowers. They are native of rocky, sunny sites from
southwester USA to Chile. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained, slightly rocky or sandy soil in full sun. Ideal for the rock garden.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sunny, protected spot outside. Transplant as soon as seedlings are strong
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre..
30 (100)cm, Ragleaf Bahia is an openly branched annual to biannual with lemon yellow flowers.
Bahia dissecta
Native of dry, open spots in forests in southwestern USA. For any rich, very well drained slightly
(Ragleaf Bahia)
rocky or sandy soil in full sun. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4746
sobre de semillas
Baileya (Desert Marigold) & Lindheimera (Texas Yellowstar)
Desert Marigold and Texas Yellowstar include only four species from rocky, dryish, sunny sites in South-Western United States
through to Mexico. They have numerous showy, bright yellow flowers above deeply lobed, greyish-green leaves in a dense basal
rosette (Baileya) or elongated, hairy leaves on losely branching stems (Lindheimera). All are easily cultivated in any rich, well
drained, slightly rocky or sandy soil in full sun. Ideal for the rock garden.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sunny, protected spot outside. Transplant as soon as seedlings are strong
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre..
30 (50)cm, Desert Marigold is a showy annual with numerous erect stalks topped by lemon-yellow
Baileya multiradiata
flowers above a greyish white haired basal leaf rosette. Native or rocky sites in full sun in
(Desert Marigold)
southwestern USA. For any rich, very well drained slightly rocky or sandy soil in full sun. VII-VIII.
Lindheimera texana
(Texas Yellowstar)
No. de artículo: 4747
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
30 (50)cm, Texas Yellowstar is a showy annual with erect, losely branching stalks topped by rich
yellow flowers above hairy, long leaves. Native or rocky sites in full sun in the South of the USA. For
any rich, very well drained slightly rocky or sandy soil in full sun. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8007
sobre de semillas
Balsamorhiza (Balsamroot)
Balsamroot is a small genus with perennial species native of meadows and rocky, dryish, sunny sites in southwestern United
States. They have showy, short-stalked, bright yellow flowers above a dense basal leaf rosette.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sunny, protected spot outside. Transplant as soon as seedlings are strong
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre..
Balsamorhiza deltoidea
(Deltoid Balsamroot)
Balsamorhiza hookeri var.
(Rabbit Head Balsamroot)
No. de artículo: 6825
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30cm, Rabbit Head Balsamroot has deeply dissected leaves and bright single yellow flowers. Seeds
from a certified wild collection in Kittitas County, Washington, USA at some 1250m. For any rich,
well drained soil in a sunny spot. Excellent in the rock garden. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 6736
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Balsamorhiza sagittata
(Arrowleaf Balsamroot)
20 (40)cm, Arrowleaf Balsamroot is a showy perennial with several large, bright yellow flowers with a
darker yellow center above a greyish green basal rosette of broad leaves. Native or rocky sites in full
sun in the eastern Cascades in western USA. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4748
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9084
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9083
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6883
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9085
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6885
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6886
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6963
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 7321
seed package
€ 12,99
No. de artículo: 6887
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6888
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6889
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6890
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6962
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6891
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6892
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6893
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6894
sobre de semillas
€ 12,99
No. de artículo: 6895
sobre de semillas
10 semillas por sobre.
Banksia ashbyi
(Golden Banksia)
Banksia audax
(Dwarf Dryland Banksia)
Banksia baueri
(Possum Banksia)
Banksia baxteri
(Birds-nest Banksia)
Banksia benthamiana
Banksia burdettii
(Burdett's Banksia)
Banksia coccinea
(Scarlet Banksia)
Banksia elderiana
(Swordfish Bansia)
Banksia ericifolia var.
(Heath-leaved Banksia)
Banksia ericifolia var.
Banksia grandis
(Bull Banksia)
Banksia hookeriana
(Eneabba Banksia)
Banksia lemanniana
(Yellow Lantern Banksia)
Banksia leptophylla
Banksia littoralis
(Swamp Banksia)
Banksia marginata
(Silver Banksia)
Banksia media
(Golden Stalk Banksia)
Banksia meisneri
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Banksia nutans var.
(Dainty Nodding Banksia)
No. de artículo: 6896
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6897
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6898
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6899
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6900
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6901
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6902
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6961
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9089
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6904
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6960
sobre de semillas
€ 12,99
No. de artículo: 6905
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6906
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6907
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6908
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6909
sobre de semillas
Banksia nutans var. nutans
(Nodding Banksia)
Banksia occidentalis
(Red Swamp-Banksia)
Banksia oreophila
(Western Australian
Mountain Banksia)
Banksia pilostylis
Banksia praemorsa
(Wine Red Coastline
Banksia praemorsa
(Yellow Coastline Banksia)
Banksia prionotes
(Orange Banksia)
Banksia pulchella
(Dainty Banksia)
Banksia seminuda
(River Banksia)
Banksia speciosa
(Showy Banksia)
Banksia spinulosa var.
(Hair-pin Banksia)
Banksia spinulosa var.
Banksia spinulosa var.
(Hair-pin Banksia)
Banksia victoriae
(Woolly Orange Banksia)
Banksia violacea
(Violet Banksia)
Baptisia (Wild Indigo) & Thermopsis (Goldenbanner)
Baptisia or Wild Indigo and Goldenbanner are herbaceous perennials to small woody deciduous shrubs with usually long racemes
of bright blue, white to yellowish-cream pea-like flowers above broadly feathered leaves. They are native of woods and prairies in
North America. All are easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow seeds flat in any good, well drained soil, keep pots in a sheltered spot outside during winter. Transplant young root stock after
leaves have withered in autumn.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 6.
10 semillas por sobre.
70 (100)cm, White Wild Indigo is an utmost beautiful herbaceous perennial with showy upright
Baptisia alba
stems covered with snow-white flowers above trifoliate leaves on a greyish-green stem. It is native of
(White Wild Indigo)
prairies and pasture meadows in south-eastern USA. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Baptisia australis
(Blue Wild Indigo)
No. de artículo: 9279
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
140cm, rich violet blue pea-flowers in racemes above three-feathered bluish green leaves. A
beautiful clump forming species from central and E USA (Nebraska to New Hampshire, S to North
Georgia, W to Texas), where it grows in rich soil in open spots in woods. For any good, slightly
moist, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VI.
Baptisia australis var.
(Dwarf Blue Indigo)
No. de artículo: 2435
sobre de semillas
€ 3,79
70 (100)cm, Dwarf Blue Indigo (syn. Baptisia minor) is a herbaceous perennial with showy upright
stems covered with rich indigo-blue flowers above bluish-green trifoliate leaves and decorative large
black seedpods in winter. Native of prairie meadows in central USA. For any rich, well drained soil in
a sunny spot. V-VII.
Baptisia bracteata
(Cream Wild Indigo)
No. de artículo: 4849
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
50 (80)cm, Cream Wild Indigo is a very longlived herbaceous perennial with showy arching stems
covered with creamy-white flowers above bluish-green trifoliate leaves. Native of prairies and
meadows in central and southern USA. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VII.
Baptisia leucantha
(White Wild Indigo)
No. de artículo: 9280
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
100 (150)cm, White Wild Indigo is a herbaceous perennial with showy upright stems covered with
several snow-white flowers above bluish-green trifoliate leaves. Native of prairie meadows in
southwestern USA. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VII.
Baptisia leucophaea
(Wild Cream Indigo)
No. de artículo: 4847
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (150)cm, White Cream Indigo is a herbaceous perennial with showy upright to slightly arching
stems covered with several cream-white flowers above bluish-green trifoliate leaves. Native of prairie
meadows in eastern USA. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VII.
Baptisia sphaerocarpa
(Wild Yellow Indigo)
No. de artículo: 4848
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (90)cm, Wild Yellow Indigo is a herbaceous perennial with bluish green foliage and racemes of
pea-like, yellow flowers followed by ornamental, round seedpods. It is native of Arkansas and
Oklahoma. For any humus rich, very well drained, slightly rocky soil in full sun. VI-VII.
Baptisia tinctoria
(Wild Indigo)
No. de artículo: 1012
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
40 (70)cm, Wild Indigo is an herbaceous perennial with bright yellow flowers above broad feathered
leaves. It is native of semi-moist meadows and open spots in woods in the eastern United States,
west to Minnesota, and south to Florida. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 6633
sobre de semillas
100 (160)cm, Carolina Goldenbanner or Southern Lupine from eastern USA is a herbaceous
perennial with bluish green foliage and upright annual racemes of pea-like, showy bright yellow
flowers. For any humus rich, very well drained, soil in full sun. VI-VII.
Thermopsis caroliniana
(Carolina Goldenbanner)
No. de artículo: 9299
sobre de semillas
Barbarea (Upland Cress)
Early Yellowrocket or Upland Cress are biennials to semiperennials with flat rosettes of very aromatic, refreshingly spicy leaves.
These are used in salads and the Mediterranean cookery. All are easily cultivated in any well drained, humus-rich, always slightly
moist soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot.
Sow seeds directly to the ground in any humus-rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot from spring to mid summer.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7.
100 semillas por sobre.
20 (70)cm, Early Yellowrocket or Upland Cress is a hardy biannual which occurs throughout
Barbarea verna
Eurasia. The spicy leaves with a watercress-like flavor are used either raw to prepare an utmost
(Spring Upland Cress)
delicious salad or cooked as a vegetable. Easily grown in any rich, well drained, always slightly
moist soil in a sunny spot. Under suitable conditions it will readily self-sow. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 3871
sobre de semillas
Bauhinia (Orchid Tree)
Orchid Trees are a broad genus with more than 200 tropical to subtropical species throughout the world. Many have outstanding,
showy large flowers in bright colors and beautiful foliage. For their small size these tall woody shrubs to small trees make good
container plants. For any any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of
some 15°C. Pots or small containers of 10 to 20 liters are sufficient for most species.
Sow flat at a minimum of some 20°C in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds will germinate erratically in some 2
weeks to 3 months.
7 semillas grandes por sobre.
180 (250)cm, Red Orchid Shrub or Pride of the Cape is an utmost beautiful low woody evergreen to
Bauhinia galpinii
dedicuous shrub with bright scarlet flowers. It is native of eastern and southern Africa. Easily grown
(Red Orchid Shrub)
in pots in any rich, well drained soil. Keep plants in full sun throughout the year and at a minimum of
some 15°C with reduced watering in winter. Due to its low size it makes a perfect pot or container
plant for a frostfree wintergarden or a heated greenhouse. VI-VIII.
Bauhinia natalensis
(Natal Orchid Shrub)
No. de artículo: 9513
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
70cm (120cm), Natal Orchid Shrub is an utmost beautiful low woody evergreen to dedicuous shrub
from South Africa. It makes orchid-like white flowers with central pink streaks and bluish-green
leaves. Easily grown in pots in any rich, well drained soil. Keep plants in full sun throughout the year
and at a minimum of some 12°C with reduced watering in winter. Due to its low size it makes a
perfect plant for a frostfree wintergarden or heated greenhouse. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8308
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
30 semillas por sobre.
Beaufortia elegans
No. de artículo: 6910
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6911
sobre de semillas
Beaufortia schaueri
(Compact Beaufortia)
Beesia are perennial, semi herbaceous plants from mountain meadows and open spots in woods in eastern Asia. They mostly
grow as ground cover plants making dense clumps with short racemes of small white flowers and showy, brilliant foliage which
turns to ornamental red during autumn and spring. All are easily cultivated in any humus rich, slightly soil in a partially shaded to
sunny spot.
Sow seeds flat in any humus rich, slightly moist, well drained soil in pots outside in a protected spot. Seeds require a prolonged
cooling period prior to germination in late spring. Carefully transplant the rhizomes in late summer to early autumn.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
10 (15)cm, a still rarely cultivated ground cover plant native of mountain meadows and open spots in
Beesia calthifolia
woods in western China. It has short racemes with small white flowers and most ornamental, shiny
foliage turning to reddish shades in winter and spring. Easily cultivated in any humus rich, preferably
slightly moist soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 5169
sobre de semillas
Belamcanda (Leopard Flower)
Belamcanda or Leopard Flower is a monotypic genus made up of this species only and close to Iris. It is native of eastern Asia,
where it grows in open woods and grassy, sunny spots. It surprises with several, quite large orange, red-dotted flowers on upright
growing flowers stalks above Iris like, bluish-green foliage. Suited for any rich, yet well drained, sunny spot.
Sow autumn to spring in any well drained, humus rich soil in a protected, sunny spot outside. Keep soil slightly moist. Transplant in
late spring as soon as seedlings are strong enough. Will flower within 2 to 3 years!
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
50cm, Leopard Flower is an annual to biannnual or short lived evergreen perennial with fanlike,
Belamcanda chinensis
bluish green leaves and showy bright to pale orange, red-dotted flower cups on upright hold,
(Leopard Flower)
branched stalks. Native of East Asia (Eastern Siberia to Norther India, China, and Southern Japan).
For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Very easy in a slightly protected spot. Under
appropiate conditions it will readily self-sow. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 1291
sobre de semillas
Bellevalia (Grape Hyacinth)
Bellevalia is close to the real grape hyacinths (Muscari spp.), but leaves are usually broader and often visibly veined. A good genus
for the rock garden. Plant in any rich, well drained soil in full to partial shade.
Sow flat preferably autumn to late spring in any well drained, rocky or sandy soil. Keep pots in a sheltered and sunny spot in winter.
Transplant young bulbs best in fall of their second year. Most Bellevalia species will start to flower in their third year after sowing.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
15 (20)cm, a showy Bellevalia with a bicolored inflorescence: flowers are turning from a bright lilacBellevalia dubia
blue to pale brownish green on opening and are hold on long pedicles. Its long basal leaves spread
on the ground. Native of Italy to former Yugoslavia, Greece and western Turkey, where it occurs in
rocky hillsides. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 2813
ex Kephallinia, Grecia
sobre de semillas
Bellevalia hyacinthoides
No. de artículo: 8168
ex Turquía
sobre de semillas
Bellevalia modesta
Bellevalia nivalis
No. de artículo: 8169
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10cm, a Cyprus native, quite late flowering Bellevalia with a rather short stalked inflorescence,
consisting of white to light rose-cream flowers. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. IV-V.
Bellevalia romana
No. de artículo: 2827
sobre de semillas (ex Govenor's Beach)
€ 4,99
20cm, growing in open pine fortes in south-western France to Greece. White flowers with brownish
tips. For a sunny position in dry soil. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 2439
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Bencomia is a very small genus from the rose family (Rosaceae) with only some 4 known, evergreen species restricted to the
Canary Islands. Bencomia species grow as woody, branching shrubs with ornamental, broadly feathered, glossy leaves and
central, pendulous inflorescences with small flowers followed by densely packed, decorative globular fruits. They are easily grown
as pot or container plants in any well drained, rocky soil in full sun throughout the year. Keep plants drier in winter in full sun and at
a minimum of some 10°C. If plants are becoming too large, they can be cut back easily in early spring.
Sow seeds flat on any well drained, rock-sandy soil. Place pots in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Keep seedlings always slightly
moist from beneath. Transplant to larger pots after the second pair of feathered leaves.
20 semillas por sobre.
Aviso legal: De acuerdo con las leyes alemanas nacionales (BNatSchG y BArtSchV) tan bien como las convenciones a nivel
europeo (Convención de Berna) e internacional (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora - CITES) no vendemos ningún material tal como semillas proveniendo de plantas salvajes protegidas. Las semillas de dichas
plantas protegidas derivan exclusivamente de plantas propagadas artificialmente en cultivos hortículos en Alemania
respectivamente en el Líbano, donde las plantas se han tomado en cultivo a finales de los años 70 y al principio de los años 80 del
siglo pasado.
200 (300)cm, woody, branching shrub with long, dark green, glossy, broadly feathered leaves and
Bencomia caudata
decorative, central, pendulous racemes with pale yellowish green, densely packed fruits. Native of
the upper succulent to lower Fayal-Brezal zone on Tenerife (Los Órganos, Aguamansa), Gran
Canaria (Bco. de Los Tiles) and La Palma (Bco. Gallegos), where it locally occurs in quite large
colonies. Probably the least endangered species in the genus. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 3482
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
No. de artículo: 5130
sobre de semillas (ex La Palma)
No. de artículo: 5131
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
Berberis (Barberry)
Barberries or Berberis is a very diverse, large genus from the northern and southern (especially Chile in South America)
hemisphere with perennial, evergreen or deciduous, usually woody shrubs. Many species have very showy, axillary born flowers
above fine foliage and ornamental, bright colored berries in autumn. Most species are easily grown in any humus-rich, well drained
soil in partial shade to full sun.
Sow in autumn in any rich, well drained, sandy soil in pots outside. Most seeds of Berberis species require a cooling period for
several months before they will germinate in late spring. Transplant in autumn or late spring.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
To U.S. customers only: All Berberis species are prohibited for importation to the U.S.
3 (5)m, Amur Barberry is a tall and broad, deciduous, woody shrub with small, serrated foliage,
Berberis amurensis
axillary born, pendulous clusters of creamy flowers followed by ornamental, salmon-pink to orange
(Amur Barberry)
red berries in autumn and winter. A rare and threatened endemic of montane woods in the Amur
region in Russia. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun to partial shade. VI-VII.
U.S. customers only: All Berberis species are prohibited for importation to the U.S.
Berberis chilensis
Berberis cretica
(Crete Bareberry)
Berberis empetrifolia
(Uva de la Cordillera)
Berberis montana
No. de artículo: 3451
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
100 (200)cm Michay is a showy evergreen medium sized to tall woody shrub with leathery, glossy,
broadly serrated leaves, small yellowish flowers and round bluish fruits in late summer. Native of
dryish rocky spots in shrub lands in Chile. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout
the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 5°C. Seeds from a wild collection in VII Region,
Los Ruiles at some 400m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5024
sobre de semillas
100 (150)cm, Crete Bareberry is a small deciduous shrub from montane pine forests and has
slightly arching, spiny stems and small yellowish flowers followed by dark blue berries in late
summer and autumn. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 6661
sobre de semillas (ex Chipre)
€ 4,99
100 (200)cm Uva de la Cordillera is an most ornamental small evergreen woody shrub with leathery,
needle like, dark green leaves, numerous orange yellow pendulous flowers and round bluish fruits in
late summer. Native of dryish rocky spots in montane shrub lands in Chile. May be tried in the
garden in any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot with shelter from winter wetness and an
insulating protection from freezing through (e.g. a thick dry mulch layer). Better for a frostfree
cultivation in a cool greenhouse or unheated wintergarden at a minimum of some 5°C with reduced
watering. Seeds from a wild collection in VII Region, Camino a Laguna Maule at some 1800m. VINo. de artículo: 5025
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (200)cm Calafete is an most ornamental medium sized to tall evergreen woody shrub with
small, leathery, oblong dark green leaves, numerous showy orange yellow flowers and egg shaped
bluish fruits in late summer. Native of dryish rocky spots in montane shrub lands in Chile. May be
tried in the garden in any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot with shelter from winter wetness
and an insulating protection from freezing through (e.g. a thick dry mulch layer). Better for a frostfree
cultivation in a cool greenhouse or unheated wintergarden at a minimum of some 5°C with reduced
watering. Seeds from a wild collection in VII Region, Laguna Maule at some 1800m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5026
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Berberis rotundifolia
100 (170)cm Michay is a medium sized evergreen woody shrub with oval, leathery, mid green
leaves, numerous small yellowish flowers and quite large round fruits in late summer. Native of
dryish rocky spots in montane shrub lands in Chile. May be tried in the garden in any rich, well
drained soil in a protected spot with shelter from winter wetness and an insulating protection from
freezing through (e.g. a thick dry mulch layer). Better for a frostfree cultivation in a cool greenhouse
or unheated wintergarden at a minimum of some 5°C with reduced watering. Seeds from a wild
collection in VII Region, Reserva Nacional Radal Siete Tazas at some 2000m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5027
sobre de semillas
Berkheya (South African Purple Thistle)
South African Purple Thistle is a most ornamental winter hardy perennial, long-lived with a dense basal rosette of long, wavy, dark
green, glossy spiny leaves and upright, thick stems crowned by several showy, large mauve (rarely pure white) flowers in summer.
This spectacular species is native of grassy mountains slopes in South Africa (Eastern Cape to the Drakensberg in KwaZulu-Natal,
Lesotho and the border of the Free State). It is easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in full sun.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sunny and protected spot outside. Transplant in early summer as soon as
seedlings are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7.
20 semillas por sobre.
100 (140)cm, South African Purple Thistle makes showy, large mauve (rarely pure white)
Berkheya purpurea
flowerheads on thick upright stems above a dense basal rosette of long, dark green, wavy, glossy,
(South African Purple
spiny leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Fully winter hardy in Central Europe. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4676
sobre de semillas
Berlandiera (Chocolate Flower)
Chocolate Flower is a small genus with perennial species native of meadows and rocky, dryish, sunny sites in southwestern United
States. They have showy, rich yellow flowers with reddish markings and backside and feature a typical chocolate-like fragrance.
Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained, slightly rocky or sandy soil in full sun. Ideal for the rock garden.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sunny, protected spot outside. Transplant as soon as seedlings are strong
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre..
20 (40)cm, Chocolate Flower is a showy herbaceous perennial with several yellow flowers,
Berlandiera lyrata
somtimes with brownish-red markings underside and a chocolate-like fragrance. Native of rocky
(Chocolate Flower)
sites in full sun in southwestern USA. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4749
sobre de semillas
Betula (Birch) & Ostrya (Hop Hornbeam)
Birches and Hop Hornbeams are deciduous, medium sized to tall trees from the northern hemisphere. Several species have
ornamental foliage and either have a showy peeling bark (Betula ssp.) or nice inflorescences (Ostrya spp.). All species are easily
grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained soil and keep pots outside in a protected spot. Seeds require a prolonged cooling period
prior to germination in late spring. Carefully transplant young plants to the final spot in the garden in autumn or spring.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 6.
30 semillas por sobre (Betula spp.) o 20 semillas por sobre (Ostrya spp.).
5 (9)m, Mount Etna Birch is a deciduous tall tree with a narrow crown and showy white bark with
Betula aetnensis
black spots. It is a rare relict species from upper regions on Sicily (Italy) and has remained in this
(Mount Etna Birch)
habitat after the last glacial period. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. IV-V.
Ostrya carpinifolia
(European Hop Hornbeam)
No. de artículo: 8128
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
5 (9)m, European Hop Hornbeam is a deciduous tall woody shrub to small tree with ornamental,
hops-like, pendulous inflorescences. It is native from South-Eastern Europe to Asia Minor. For any
rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 8127
sobre de semillas
Bidens (Swamp Marigold) and Cosmos
Swamp Marigold from North America are mostly winter hardy, tall growing perennials with numerous large, bright sulfur yellow
flowers in mid summer. They are native of humus rich, semi-moist soils in prairies, open spots in woods and along side rivers.
Cosmos species are native of Mexico to South America. These are non winterhardy and prefer rather dryish soils and are grown as
annuals. All are easily grown in any rich, well-drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot, Mexican species in full sun.
Sow seeds of winterhardy species flat in any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sunny, protected spot outside. Most species
require a cooling period of several months prior to germination. If these species are sowed late in the year, they do not germinate
before spring in the following year. Transplant to the final spot in the garden from mid summer to early autumn. Annual Mexican
members should be sowed directly to the ground after the last freezing nights by the end of spring.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre..
Bidens aristosa var. mutica 40 (90)cm, Bur Marigold or Tick Seed is a herbaceous perennial with deeply divided toothed leaves
and terminal lose clusters of bright yellow flowers in late summer and autumn. It is native of semi(Bur Marigold)
moist meadows and borders of woods and thickets throughout the midwestern states of the USA.
Easily grown in a rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VIII-X.
Bidens coronata
(Tall Swamp Marigold)
No. de artículo: 0003
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (100)cm, Tall Swamp Marigold is a herbaceous perennial with deeply divided dark green leaves
and terminal lose clusters of bright yellow flowers in late summer and autumn. It is native of semimoist woods and meadows and at the border of swamps throughout the central and eastern states
of the USA. Easily grown in a rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VIII-X.
No. de artículo: 0004
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Bidens ferulifolia
(Apache Beggarticks)
Cosmos bipinnatus
(Gloria Cosmos)
Cosmos sulphurea
(Flor de Chuvisco)
30cm, Apache Beggarticks is a most floriferous, low growing biannual to perennial, which is usually
cultivated as an annual, as it is not reliably winter hardy. It is native from the USA (Arizona) to
Mexico (Sonora semidesert) und makes above finely cut grayish-green leaves numerous small
bright yellow flowers throughout summer. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Preculture
under glass at a minimum of some 20°C from early spring onwards, transplant seedlings to the
garden after the last freezing nights by the end of spring. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 4559
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
110 (140)cm, Gloria Cosmos (syn. Bidens bipinnatus) is a beautiful Central American annual with
bright rose (rarely pure white) flowers above finely dissected leaves on tall, branching stems. Sow
directly to the ground after the last freezing night in spring. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained
soil in full sun. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 6977
sobre de semillas
€ 1,79
100 (150)cm and 200 (300)cm, Flor de Chuvisco or Orange Cosmos (syn. Bidens sulphurea) is a
beautiful Mexican annual with bright orange to rich yellow flowers above dissected leaves on tall,
branching stems. Sow directly to the ground after the last freezing night in spring. Easily cultivated in
any rich, well drained soil in full sun. We offer a mixture of seeds from the regular form with seeds
from a polyploids, extremely tall growing form. This will give you flowers form early summer (regular
form) to autumn (polyploid form). VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 5172
sobre de semillas (mixture: normal & polyploid form)
No. de artículo: 8467
sobre de semillas (polyploid, tall, late flowering form)
No. de artículo: 6959
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6912
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6913
sobre de semillas
Billardiera (Mountain Blue Berry)
20 semillas por sobre.
Billardiera cymosa
(Sweet Apple Berry)
Billardiera fusiformis
(Climbing Bluebell)
Billardiera longiflora
(Mountain Blue Berry)
Bixa (Annatto Shrub)
Annatto Shrub is native of tropical South America and makes a good container plant for any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot
throughout the year. It has evergreen, Acer-like foliage, and clusters of white, yellowish-white or pale rose flowers, which are
followed by egg-shaped, spiny, and large fruits turning red on ripening. Ground seeds are used for herbal dyes and as a spice to
color various dishes. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 15°C in a sunny position.
Sow flat in any rich, yet very well drained soil at a minimum of some 25°C.
20 semillas por sobre.
2 (5)m, Annatto Shrub or locally called Achiote produces a natural bright orange colorant, which is
Bixa orellana
made from ground seeds. It is an elegant woody shrub with white to pale rose flowers and foxbrown
(Annatto Shrub)
capsules with soft spines. Keep plants drier in winter at a minimum of some 15°C. VI-XI.
No. de artículo: 2832
sobre de semillas
Bixarda, Orobanche (Broomrape) & Parentucellia (Glandweed)
Mediterranean Linseeds (Bixarda spp.), Broomrapes and Glandweeds are annual to biennial or rarely short lived perennial species
within the broomrape family (Orobanchaceae) from open sunny spots throughout Eurasia and North America. They are semiparasitic plants which have chlorophyll in their leaves and do not necessarily need a host plant to grow well. Several species have
some ornamental value for their upright hold inflorescences with bright colored flowers. All are easily cultivated in any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny and protected spot.
Sow the dustlike seeds preferably in mid spring on top of any well drained soil. Do not cover seeds with soil, keep pots in a
protected spot outside and soil slightly moist from below. Carefully transplant as soon as seedlings are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7/8.
50 semillas por sobre.
15 (25)cm, Mediterranean Linseed (syn. Bellardia trixago) is an annual to biennial, rarely short lived
Bixarda trixago
perennial species with rose and white (Mallorca populations) or lemon yellow (Sicilian populations)
(Mediterranean Linseed)
flowers on upright, branching stalks. This semi-parasitic species is native of dry meadows
throughout the Mediterranean. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny and protected spot.
Excellent in the rock garden. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 7363
Orobanche minor
(Small Broomrape)
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca, España)
No. de artículo: 7160
sobre de semillas (ex Sicilia, Italia)
€ 3,99
20cm, Small Broomrape is a biannual to short-lived perennial, chlorphyll-free parasitic species with
an upright hold pale brownish inflorescence of pale greenish-lilac to pale brownish-white flowers.
From fresh soils in Eurasia and the Mediterranean. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot,
grow some annual or perennial trefoils as host plants in the vicinity. III-IV.
No. de artículo: 7161
sobre de semillas (ex Sicilia, Italia)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Parentucellia viscosa
(Yellow Sticky Glandweed)
25 (50)cm, Yellow Sticky Glandweed is an annual to rarely biennial species with pale yellow funnelshaped flowers on upright, slightly branching stalks. This semi-parasitic species is native of dry
meadows in the western Mediterranean. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny and protected
spot. Excellent in the rock garden. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 7362
sobre de semillas
Blephilia (North American Wood Mint)
North American Wood Mint are herbaceous biannuals to perennials from open spot in woods in North America. Several species
have nicely mint-fragrant leaves and showy terminal elongated clusters with bright pink flowers. They are native of humus rich soils
in open spots in woods and are easily grown in any humus rich, well-drained, slightly moist soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot.
Sow the fine seeds flat on any rich, well drained soil. Do not cover seeds with soil and keep pots in a sunny, protected spot outside.
Transplant to the final spot in the garden as soon as plants are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 6.
30 semillas por sobre..
40 (100)cm, Downy Wood Mint is a rhizomatous perennial with narrow, hairy, deep green, non
Blephilia ciliata
aromatic leaves on usually unbranched stems. The dense terminal clusters are arranged in several
(Downy Wood Mint)
whorls and consist of intense rose to pale lilac flowers. This species is native of rich soils in open
spots in woods and semi-moist roadsides in the eastern states of the USA. Easily grown in any
humus rich, well drained and slightly moist soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. VI-VII.
Blephilia hirsuta
(Hairy Wood Mint)
No. de artículo: 0005
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
40 (100)cm, Hairy Wood Mint is a rhizomatous perennial with narrow, hairy, deep green, aromatic
leaves with a mint fragrance on branching stems. The dense terminal clusters are arranged in
several whorls and consist of pale rose to white flowers with small purplish spots. This species is
native of rich soils in open spots in woods in central and eastern USA. Easily grown in any humus
rich, well drained and slightly moist soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 0006
sobre de semillas
Boehmeria (Chinese Nettle)
Chinese Nettle belongs to a family within the nettle family (Urticaceae), yet unlike real nettles it does not have any stinging hairs. It
is an ornamental foliage plant native to East Asia. Easily grown in any rich well, drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot.
Sow fine seeds very flat on any rich, well drained soil from autumn to mid spring. Keep pots in a protected spot outside. Carefully
transplant young plants to the final spot in the garden as soon as they are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
40 semillas por sobre.
30 (50)cm, Chinese Nettle is a foliage plant from China with almost round, serrated smoothly haired
Boehmeria platanifolia
leaves. For any humus rich, well drained soil in partial shade. VI-VIII.
(Chinese Nettle)
Boehmeria tricuspis
(Chinese Nettle)
No. de artículo: 6540
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
50 (100)cm, Chinese Nettle is a herbaceous perennial foliage plant from East Asia with serrated
smoothly haired leaves and ornamental upright to pendulous rosy-red panicles. For any humus rich,
well drained soil in partial shade. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8691
sobre de semillas
Echium wildpretii ssp.
(Tajinaste Rojo)
100cm ø rosette, Tajinaste Rojo is an utmost showy biannual to semiperennial species and the
symbol of Tenerife, where it is locally called "Orgullo de Tenerife" (Pride of Tenerife). It makes a
cylindrical inflorescence of up to 400cm in height with several thousands of deep red flowers which
are arranged in arching circles. Its habitat is located at an altitude of some 2.100m in the subalpine
zone of the Cañadas depression on Tenerife. It grows in any pure inorganic soil (e.g. crushed lava)
and should be carefully watered, especially in winter. It requires the sunniest position throughout the
year and a minimum of some 10°C in winter. It temporarily endures slight freezing down to -7°C if
the inner rosette is sheltered from rain. A somewhat delicate plant for the connoisseur, however the
low price makes it worth a try! An excellent plant for a frostfree greenhouse or cool wintergarden.
Zona climática USDA 8. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 1539
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
Borago (Borage)
Borage belongs to a small of only five annual to perennial species from the Western Mediterranean and Western North Africa.
Borago officinalis has been traditionally used for centuries for its edible leaves and flowers (salads, soups, etc.) and seeds
(extraction of oil). It is an easily grown annual with large, bristly leaves and terminal branching racemes with showy sky-blue flowers
which are much beloved by bees. It is easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soil in a fresh spot in full sun. Under appropriate
conditions this species will readily self-sow.
Sow seeds flat directly to the ground from mid to end of spring in a sunny site. Cover seeds only slightly with soil.
20 semillas por sobre.
70 (100)cm, Borage is a showy annual from the Western Mediterranean with edible, large bristly
Borago officinalis
leaves and numerous sky-blue flowers in terminal branching racemes. Flowers are very attractive to
bees. Borago officinalis is easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soil in a fresh spot in full sun.
Sow directly to the ground from mid to end of spring in a sunny site. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 8878
sobre de semillas
20 semillas por sobre.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Boronia alata
(Coastal Boronia)
No. de artículo: 6914
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6915
sobre de semillas
Boronia ramosa
(Blue Boronia)
Bosea (Hediendo)
The genus Bosea or locally called Hediondo is found in temperate to subtropical regions in the Northern hemisphere, and is
represented by a singly woody semi-deciduous species each on the Canary islands (Bosea yervamora) and Cyprus (Bosea cypria).
Bosea yervamora grows in the upper succulent zone of the Canary islands and has somewhat fleshy, mid green leaves and axillary
racemes with unconspicous flowers followed by showy, densely packed intense rosy-red, fleshy fruits. Bosea cypria is locally found
in somewhat moist and partially shaded spots on the island of Cyprus and makes long arching stems and small yellowish flowers
followed by ornamental bright red berries. For any rich, well drained soil in sunny spot throughout the year. Excellent pot plants for
a frostfree cultivation, keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 10°C.
Sow seeds flat on any rich, well drained soil in full sun at some 20°C throughout the year.
20 semillas pro sobre.
200 (300)cm, is a woody, semi-deciduous shrub from Cyprus where it occurs in fresh spots. It
Bosea cypria
makes semi-woody, long arching stems and axillary and terminal racemes with small greenishyellow flowers followed by very ornamental, bright red berries in late summer. Easily grown in
containers in any rich, well drained soil in full sun throughout the year. Keep plants drier in winter in
full sun and at a minimum of some 10°C. IV-VIII.
Bosea yervamora
No. de artículo: 9198
sobre de semillas
150 (250)cm, Hediondo is a woody, semi-deciduous shrub from the upper succulent zone. It has
somewhat fleshy, mid green leaves and axillary racemes with inconspicuous flowers followed by
showy, densely packed intense rose colored, fleshy fruits. Easily grown in containers in any rich,
well drained soil in full sun throughout the year. Keep plants drier in winter in full sun and at a
minimum of some 10°C. X-I.
No. de artículo: 6029
sobre de semillas
Bossiaea are perennial evergreen woody shrubs from Australia. They have showy rich yellow, orange or scarlet flowers and
leathery foliage. Easily grown as pot plants in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. Keep plants drier in
winter at a minimum of some 10°C.
Prior to sowing scarify seed (e.g. carefully scratch the seed coat with fine sandpaper) and soak them in luke warm water for some
48h. Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil at some 20°C.
20 semillas por sobre.
100 (200)cm, Small-leafed Bossiaea is an erect woody shrub with bright yellow flowers and very
Bossiaea foliosa
small leaves. V-VII.
(Small-leafed Bossiaea)
Bossiaea ornata
(Large-flowered Bossiaea)
No. de artículo: 0097
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
Large-flowered Bossiaea grows as a short woody shrub with ornamental rich yellow flowers with a
brownish-orange center. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 0096
sobre de semillas
Brachychiton (Bottle Tree)
Brachychiton (Bottle Trees) from Australia are very robust and moderately growing trees and suit as pot or container plants in any
well drained soil in a sunny spot. They are drought and cold resistant evergreens to semi-evergreens with green stems and acerlike, decorative foliage.
Sow in any rich, well drained soil at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year. Keep cool at min 10°C and drier in winter.
Larger specimens may flower even if being cultivated in large containers and bear clusters of bell-shaped flowers in vivid colors.
7 semillas por sobre.
2 (15)m, very decorative acer-like foliage and lax branching habit on a trunk which is slightly swollen
Brachychiton acerifolium
at its base. Very easy and robust.
Brachychiton discolor
No. de artículo: 2330
sobre de semillas
2 (20)m, heart shaped, blackish green foliage, slightly pubescent. Adult plants make an oblong
caudex as adult plant.
No. de artículo: 2331
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6916
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6917
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6918
sobre de semillas
Brachychiton diversifolius
(Northern Kurrajong)
Brachychiton megaphyllus
Brachychiton paradoxus
(Red Flowered Kurrajong)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Brachycome (Blue Daisy)
Blue Daisy or Swan River Daisy belongs to a small genus of some 27 annuals to semiperennial species and is native of central
Australia. It has numerous bright lilac blue (rarely pure white) daisy-like flowers above finely cut foliage. An excellent summer plant,
which is easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow flat on any rich soil in partial shade. Do not cover seeds with soil, and always water from beneath. Place pots in a frostfree
spot at a minimum of some 15°C. Transplant to the garden as soon as seedlings are strong enough and after last freezing nights
by the end of spring.
20 semillas por sobre.
20cm, Swan River Daisy is a showy, floriferous annual species from central Australia with bright lilacBrachycome iberidifolia
blue flowers and finely cut leaves. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Sow under
(Swan River Daisy)
frostfree conditions in mid spring at a minimum of some 15°C. Transplant to the garden as soon as
seedlings are strong enough and after the last freezing nights by the end of spring. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 6390
sobre de semillas
Brassica (Mustard & Wild Canary Cabbage)
Mustard and Wild Cabbage are annuals to winter hardy semiperennials with flat rosettes of aromatic, refreshingly spicy leaves,
which are used in salads and the Mediterranean cookery. From several species the dry seeds are used to prepare table-mustard.
All Mustard species are easily cultivated in any well drained, humus-rich soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. The wild Canary
cabbage species Brassica bourgeaui is a non winderhardy semi-perennial and requires a sunny frostfree spot in winter at a
minimum of some 5°C with reduced watering.
Sow seeds from perennial species flat on any well drained , humus-rich soil in a sunny site. Cover seeds only slightly with soil, and
keep pots at some 15°C to 20°C. Transplant to the garden as soon as seedlings are strong enough by the end of spring to mid
summer. Seeds from annual species are best sowed directly to the ground in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot from spring
to mid summer.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7, unless not stated
100 semillas por sobre, unless not stated differently.
40 (100)cm, Indian Mustard is a hardy semiperennial to perennial from NW India, W China to Burma
Brassica juncea
and Iran, where it has been cultivated for centuries. The young tender leaves can be used raw as a
(Indian Mustard)
spicy ingredient in salads, or cooked as a vegetable in soups and stews. Easily grown in any rich,
well drained soil in a sunny spot. Under suitable conditions it will readily self-sow. V-VII.
Brassica nigra
(Black Mustard)
No. de artículo: 3870
sobre de semillas
€ 0,39
40 (100)cm, Black Mustard is an annual from Eurasia, where it has been used for centuries for its
spicy-hot seeds to prepare table-mustard. The bright yellow flowers magically attract numerous
insects. It is easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Under suitable conditions it
will readily self-sow. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 3869
sobre de semillas
Brodiaea (Cluster Lily), Dichelostemma & Triteleia (Triplet Lilies)
Cluster Lilies and Triplet Lilies from North and Central America are excellent bulbs for a sunny and dry spot in the rock garden
where they will develop several blue, violet to rarely red flowers in each inflorescence. All are easily cultivated in any rich, well
drained soil and they will increase well by offset bulbs.
Sow spring in any sandy soil in full sun. Preferably frost free pot cultivation for two years, transplant young bulbs in autumn and
leave undisturbed. Will develop rich flower stalks in time.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6 si no se meciona algo
25 (40)cm, Ithuriel's Spear (syn. Triteleia laxa) is native from western California to southern Oregon
Brodiaea laxa
(USA), where it grows in heavy soils at an elevation of up to 1.200m. It makes quite large umbels
(Ithuriel's Spear)
with up to 40 deep blue, wide-opening trumpet flowers. Easy and multiplying well in any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 2444
sobre de semillas
40 (60)cm, North American Wild Hyacinth is native of mountain meadows and grassy hills in
California and Oregon (USA). It bears a beautiful cluster of rich rose flowers. Easily grown in any
rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot, leave plants undisturbed. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 9266
sobre de semillas
25 (35)cm, Twining Snake Lily is native of open spots in woods and scrubs in California (USA). It
makes twining purplish ro reddish flower stalks crowned by a head of bright pink flowers. For any
rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
Dichelostemma volubile
(Twining Snake Lily)
Triteleia hyacinthina
(White Tripletlily)
No. de artículo: 9265
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
40 (60)cm, White Tripletlily is native from British Columbia to Idaho and central California (USA),
where it grows in grasslands and mountain meadows. It makes tall stalked dense umbels with white
flowers. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
(North American Wild
No. de artículo: 9264
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Broussonetia (Paper Mulberry)
Paper Mulberry is one out of only four known species from the Mulberry family (Moraceae) and is native in eastern Asia. It is an
ornamental tall and broad, winter hardy deciduous tree with smoothly pubescent, large oval to heart shaped, yellowish-green leaves
and pendulous round inflorescences followed by decorative protruding, edible bright orange fruit flesh in late summer and autumn.
It requires a humus rich soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Younger plants require some protective dry mulch layer against
freezing through in winter.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained soil and keep pots outside in a protected spot. Seeds require a prolonged cooling period
prior to germination in late spring. Carefully transplant young plants to the final spot in the garden in autumn or spring.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
150 (250)cm, Japanese Paper Mulberry is a beautiful woody shrub with pubescent, light green
Broussonetia kazinoki
(Japanese Paper Mulberry) leaves and sessile round, bright orange (edible, yet without any particular taste) fruits in mid
summer. Native of open spots in woods in Japan. Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soil
in a sunny to partially shaded spot. IV-V.
Broussonetia papyrifera
(Paper Mulberry)
No. de artículo: 6354
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
7 (15)m, Paper Mulberry is a beautiful tall tree with showy large oval, yellowish-green leaves and
pendulous round fruits covered with bright orange flesh in autumn. Native of open spots in woods in
East Asia. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 4791
sobre de semillas
Bryonia (Canary & Mediterranean Wild Melon)
Bryonia or Wild Melon make annual climbing branches from a perennial rootstock. Some species have quite large, lemon-yellow
flowers followed by most decorative, completely round, either green fruits with light green vertical stripes, ripening to bright orange
or pure green fruits turning orange-red with age. Fruits of all species are poisenous (!), but their aromatic smelling sap has some
astringent properties. They are native of the succulent zone of the Canary Islands and the Mediterranean region, where they climb
up shrubs or spread on the ground. Good pot plants for any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Keep dormant plants completely
dry in summer. In winter keep at a minimum of some 10°C in a sunny place.
Sow in any well drained soil at some 20°C in a sunny spot. Keep seedlings warmer in their first year.
10 semillas por sobre.
150 (300)cm, Sardo-Corsican Wild Melon is an ornamental and rarely seen, large-leafed climber
Bryonia marmorata
from Corsica (France) and Sardinia (Italy) in the western Mediterranean. It is a good pot plant for its
(Sardo-Corsican Wild
small, yet numerous ornamental bright orange-red round fruits (poisenous!) in summer. For any rich,
Melon) Exclusivo
well drained soil in a sunny spot. Keep drier in winter a minimum of some 10°C. V-VIII.
Bryonia verrucosa
(Canary Wild Melon)
No. de artículo: 7402
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
150 (300)cm, Canary Wild Melon is an ornamental and rarely seen, large-leafed, summer dormant
climber with a perennial rootstock. It bears pale lemon-yellow flowers followed by ovoid pale green
striped fruits (poisenous), which gain up to 5cm in diameter. For any rich, well drained soil in a
sunny spot. In winter reduce watering and keep plants at a minimum of some 10°C. III-V.
No. de artículo: 3000
sobre de semillas
Bulbine & Bulbinella
Bulbine and Bulbinella are African annuals to perennials with mostly slightly succulent leaves and numerous white, yellow or
orange flowers in upright hold racemes. All are easily grown in any well drained substrate in full sun throughout the year and a
winter minimum of some 10°C with reduced watering. The annual Bulbinella semibarbata may self-sow under appropiate conditions
for seeds are frost resistant.
Sow flat in any well drained, rather inorganic soil in late spring, keep pots in full sun. Seedlings grow fast, transplant in early
summer or as soon as plants are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 10 si no se meciona algo
20 semillas por sobre.
20 (30)cm, is a perennial from the Cape region in Southafrica and makes slightly woody stems with
Bulbine frutescens
long grass-like and slightly succulent leaves and numerous racemes with either bright yellow or
orange flowers. For any well drained susbtrate in full sun theroughout the year. In winter months
keep plants drier at a minimum of some 10°C. Deliverable are seeds from two color forms (yellow
and orange) V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 9292
Bulbinella semibarbata
sobre de semillas (yellow flowered)
No. de artículo: 9291
sobre de semillas (orange flowered)
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, annual to biannual species with light green, grass like leaves and an inflorescence of
miniature, sulphurous yellow starflowers. For any well drained soil in full sun. Readily self-sows as
seeds are frost resistant. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2449
sobre de semillas
Paquetes Para Mayoristas
¿Usted necesita cantidades más grandes de semillas?
Con los paquetes para mayoristas se obtiene entre el 50% y el 75% de descuento en comparación con la misma cantidad de
semillas en sobres regulares.
Aeonium aff. holochrysum 90 (140)cm, native of the El Golfo region in western El Hierro and similar to the closely related
Aeonium holochrysum from Tenerife, yet differing in various aspects from the latter. It is a strongly
(El Hierro) Exclusivo
branching, perennial shrub with terminal leaf rosettes and rounded cylindrical to conical bright yellow
inflorescences. During summer dormancy leaf rosettes will shed most of their leaves and make a
compact plate. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In
winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C in full sun. II-IV.
No. de artículo: 9139
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
€ 49,90
Aeonium appendiculatum
No. de artículo: 5053
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, from Aeonium urbicum recently separated by Bañares Baudet, Á in 1999. A monocarpic,
new species reaching up to 50cm, sometimes more, in height. Native of La Gomera, where it occurs
rather locally in rocky spots in full sun in the southern central parts. Makes a large single rosette (up
to 40cm ø) of shiny, glaucous green, long spathulate leaves on a short, grayish white, broad stem.
Large flattened cylindrical to conical, whitish-rose inflorescence. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 9165
Aeonium canariense
Aeonium davidbramwellii
Aeonium glandulosum
Aeonium hierrense
(El Hierro Giant
Houseleek) Exclusivo
Aeonium longithyrsum
Aeonium percarneum ssp.
guiaense Exclusive
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 79,90
No. de artículo: 1069
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
50cm ø, endemic to the upper succulent shrub on either E and W parts of Tenerife, where it grows
in lava soil in full sun. It makes large, light green, cup shaped, highly succulent rosettes of up to
50cm, and a yellowish green inflorescence from May to July. Usually it produces some offsets
before flowering, however it is easily propagated by seeds and fast growing. For any well drained,
rather rocky soil (e.g. crushed lava) in full sun. Faro de Anaga, close to the small village of
Chamorga, at some 580m.
No. de artículo: 9140
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas) (ex Anaga)
€ 49,90
No. de artículo: 6481
sobre de semillas (ex Teno)
No. de artículo: 1073
sobre de semillas (ex Anaga)
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, an only recently from Aeonium ciliatum separated and newly described species from La
Palma, named in honor of David Bramwell, former head of the Botanical Garden "Viera y Clavijo" at
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, working in the conservation of endemic plants from the Canary
Islands. This species is somehow similar to Aeonium ciliatum from Tenerife at first sight, yet more
compact in all parts with larger rosettes (up to 30cm ø) of dark green leaves with reddish brown
margins. It features a larger, flattened conical inflorescence of white (sometimes slightly rose
colored) flowers. Southern La Palma, where it is growing in rocky soils in partially shaded pine forest
above Fuencaliente (740m).
No. de artículo: 3039
sobre de semillas (ex Bco. de Las Angustias)
No. de artículo: 3038
sobre de semillas (ex Puntagorda)
No. de artículo: 1633
sobre de semillas (ex Fuencaliente)
No. de artículo: 9141
sobre de semillas (ex Fuencaliente) (1.000 semillas)
€ 49,90
25 (40)cm ø, one out of the two known Aeonium species native of Madeira. It prefers shaded to
sunny spots on vertical cliffs in the North of the island. It is very alike Aeonium tabuliforme and
belongs to the subgenus within Aeonium (Canariensae), however its leaves are broader and
rhombic at the end. In contrast to Aeonium tabuliforme, its' rosettes produce a couple of offsets.
They will gain up to 40 cm ø with a yellowish inflorescence of up to 30cm in height, which appears in
May to July. In cultivation a very rare species, which is even rarely seen in Botanical Gardens.
Plants derive from a collection made by the Frankfurt Botanical Garden on Madeira - Ribeira de
Santa Luzia, at some 550m.
No. de artículo: 9167
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas) (ex South Coast)
€ 59,90
No. de artículo: 6474
sobre de semillas (ex costa del Sur)
No. de artículo: 1818
sobre de semillas (ex costa del Norte)
€ 4,99
50 (100)cm, El Hierro Giant Houseleek is a very impressive monocarpic species native to sunny
spot in rocky soils on the island of El Hierro. A species with leaves and a stem more than twice the
size as the already very huge Aeonium urbicum! Its single rosette has beautiful glaucous (i.e. bluish
green) leaves with some red patterns in full sun and may reach up to 1m ø (!) or even more in welldeveloped specimens with leaves up to 0.40 m in length, which makes this species, if only by its
size, one of the most impressive ones in the entire genus. Its inflorescence is similar to Aeonium
urbicum, yet only broader. Makes thousands of almost pure white tp pale rose flowers. Easily
cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep slightly
drier at a minimum of some 10°C in full sun. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 9145
sobre de semillas (10.000 semillas)
€ 479,00
No. de artículo: 2003
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9142
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 79,90
30cm ø / 50 (80)cm height, closely related to Aeonium palmense and sometimes described as syn.
Aeonium palmense ssp. longithyrsum. Makes a saucer shaped, stemless rosette of densely packed,
mid green, highly viscid (i.e. sticky) leaves with an utmost pleasant balsam fragrance, few basal
offsets and a tall, narrow cylindrical inflorescence with numerous pale yellow flowers. Native of north
and northwest facing rocky slopes and cliffs in the El Golfo region on the island of El Hierro. Easily
cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep slightly
drier at a minimum of some 10°C in full sun. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 9143
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 79,90
No. de artículo: 9144
sobre de semillas (10.000 semillas)
€ 479,00
No. de artículo: 4088
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
50cm, more compact subspecies growing in short stemmed, dense cushions up to 50cm in height.
Makes decorative, smooth, strongly succulent, dark grayish green leaves in rosettes of up to 25cm
in diameter and has entire and not ciliated margins as in the species. Leaves show nice orange red
shades and are only lightly covered with white farina (wax) under sunny conditions. Native of the
upper succulent shrub in a population from the upper parts of the Barranco de Guía on Gran
Canaria at some 450m. Rose white inflorescence. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 2427
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9168
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 49,90
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Aeonium simsii
10cm ø, by first sight one might think that Aeonium simsii belongs to the family of Sempervivum, as
this species has dense, perfectly round rosettes with plenty of offsets as well. But the bright yellow
flowers, which appear in June/July reveal that it is indeed an Aeonium. Leaves' margins are densely
ciliated as in Aeonium smithii. Aeonium simsii is one of the few species in this genus which cannot
be convinced to grow on in summer and to have a rest in winter, thus it requires a very sunny
location and careful watering in winter. Rosettes will close completely in summer and unfold in
autumn. Plants are endemic to the central mountain areas of Gran Canaria. Cruz de Tejeda (at
some 1.200 m).
No. de artículo: 2446
Aeonium subplanum
No. de artículo: 9148
Aeonium undulatum
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9169
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 39,90
40 (70)cm ø, almost unknown Aeonium from the group of Canariensae, native to partially shaded
rock crevices on La Gomera. Makes as closely related Aeonium canariense very large, cup shaped,
flattened rosettes of to 70cm ø (!), with light green to dark green, pubescent leaves with a typical,
pleasant balsam fragrance. Leaves' tips are elliptical at their very end, which identify this species
easily. Large, yellow, cylindrical to conical inflorescence up to 70cm in height from April to August.
Makes only very few if any offsets, yet easily propagated by readily set seeds. Seedlings are
growing fast. For any well drained, rather inorganic soil (e.g. crushed lava) in a sunny to partially
shaded spot. South side of La Gomera at some 750m.
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 79,90
No. de artículo: 2729
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
150 (250)cm, the tallest of all Aeonium species, native to Gran Canaria, with single stems reaching
up to 250cm! Another uncommon feature in the genus Aeonium is, that the complete stem will die
down after flowering and offsets will emerge only from the underground parts of the stem. Rosettes
are up to 1 m in diameter with sulphurous yellow conical inflorescence. Plants are one year old
seedlings (rooted), about 1.5cm/ 0.6" in height, will double size this year. Barranco de la Virgen
No. de artículo: 2730
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9170
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 39,90
40 (70)cm, Valverde Giant Houseleek is associated to Aeonium ciliatum (Tenerife). However all
Aeonium valverdense
(Valverde Giant Houseleek) parts are more compact as in Aeonium ciliatum and it makes only few branches. Large, highly
succulent, dark green, strongly ciliated leaves, which are slightly covered with white farina (wax).
This species is becoming very rare in nature and might be regarded as threatened as its single
location on El Hierro is being destroyed by ongoing housing construction ("urbanisación"). Fuente de
Tinco near the city of Valverde (700m).
No. de artículo: 2742
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9146
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 59,90
Ají Benito
No. de artículo: 9147
sobre de semillas (10.000 semillas)
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
Ají Dulce Amarillo
No. de artículo: 8519
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Ají Panca
No. de artículo: 8650
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8709
No. de artículo: 8710
Ají Picante de Eusebio
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 359,00
€ 24,90
€ 24,90
No. de artículo: 8753
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
70 (100)cm, Ají Picante de Eusebio (Capsicum frutescens cultivar) is an old cultivar from Tenerife
and for lack of any further information the name of the owner was taken to describe it. It is a semiwoody subshrub with white flowers followed by well-sized, up to 3 cm long, pointed ovoid red spicy
fruits which are locally used in several Canary dishes. Fruits are used freshed and dried. Under
appropriate conditions with sufficient light and warmth it may be grown as a perennial. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 8763
Ají Rojo
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 24,90
No. de artículo: 8402
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8698
€ 24,90
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
Argemone mexicana
(Mexican Prickly Poppy)
No. de artículo: 8673
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
€ 0,99
30 (50)cm, Mexican Prickly Poppy is an annual species from arid areas in southwestern USA and
Mexico. It makes several pale lemon yellow flower cups above spiny greyish green leaves with
nicely contrasting white nerves. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Sow directly to the ground
after the last freezing nights by the end of spring. VI-VIII.
Canna indica var. flava
(Yellow Canna)
No. de artículo: 5225
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
€ 0,39
130 (160)cm, Yellow Canna (syn. Canna lutea) makes broad, yellowish green to pale bluish-green,
banana-like leaves and small, funnel-shaped light yellow flowers with small reddish spots inside. For
any rich, very moist, humus rich soil in a sunny spot in summer. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 8711
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
No. de artículo: 4537
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9484
sobre de semillas (100 semillas)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Canna patens
150 (180)cm, this species was once regarded as a variety of the extremely variable Canna indica,
however, it is now accepted as a taxonomically distinct and valid species of its own. It makes broad,
yellowish green banana-like leaves and numerous flowers with orange-red upper petals and yellow
lower lips with red spots. Easily grown in any rich, humus rich soil in a sunny spot in summer. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 9482
Canna tuerckheimii
(Giant Canna)
sobre de semillas (100 semillas)
No. de artículo: 8850
sobre de semillas
€ 0,39
250 (400)cm, Giant Canna (syn. Canna gigantea, Canna latifolia) is the tallest member in its genus
and is native from Mexicoo to Ecuador. It is a herbaceous, winter dormant species with impressively
long and broad, banana-like leaves topped by a very tall losely branching stalk with orange-red
flowers. For any rich, humus rich soil in a sunny spot in summer. This large species requires
sufficient space to develop well and is best grown in a large container. During dormancy in winter
keep rhizomes at a minimum of some 12°C almost completely dry. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 8855
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9483
sobre de semillas (100 semillas)
€ 14,90
No. de artículo: 8680
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
Capsicum baccatum var.
(PI 260567)
Chili Tepín
No. de artículo: 8697
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
(Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum cultivar)
Cobanero Teardrop
No. de artículo: 8708
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
€ 24,90
Cor de Laranja
No. de artículo: 8706
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8699
€ 24,90
No. de artículo: 8526
No. de artículo: 8666
Dracaena draco
(Tenerife Dragon Tree)
Echium candicans
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
No. de artículo: 1337
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife, España)
No. de artículo: 9488
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 99,90
No. de artículo: 9487
sobre de semillas (100 semillas)
€ 14,90
1 (2)m, sub erect, woody shrub with large, broadly lanceolate, smooth leaves and intensive blue
flowers in a cylindrical inflorescence. Native to Madeira in the lower parts of the open laurel forest.
Has become very rare in nature. One of the most beautiful Echium species for any humus rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VII
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
No. de artículo: 6527
sobre de semillas (1.000 seeds)
€ 99,00
100 (150)cm, compact, low woody shrub with broad cylindrical to egg shaped inflorescences of pale
blue to pale bluish-rose (rarely pure white) flowers above narrow, densely hairy, silver green leaves.
Endemic of sunny rocky positions in the lower vegetation zone of Madeira. For a sunny spot in any
well drained soil. Keep slightly drier in winter. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 6529
Echium simplex
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
€ 24,90
No. de artículo: 8641
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
€ 0,99
2 (10)m, Canary Dragon Tree, one out of two species of this genus growing on the Canary Islands,
and one of the most beautiful in its genus. Naturally growing in rock crevices in the succulent zone
at some 500m. Has become very rare in its habitat. This common form from Tenerife usually makes
its' first branches, when its massive trunk has reached some (2 to) 4m in height.
No. de artículo: 1407
Echium nervosum
(syn. Echium fastuosum)
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
€ 24,90
sobre de semillas (1.000 seeds)
€ 69,00
No. de artículo: 1459
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
€ 3,99
1m ø, makes a perfectly white inflorescence of some 2 (4)m in height ! Native of Tenerife, where ist
very rare, occurring in only few sites in the Anaga Mountain Range in the north-eastern parts of this
island. It is an excellent container plant with large, smoothly pubescent leaves in dense and broad
rosette on a short stem. Keep at a minimum of some 10°C in winter in a sunny spot and careful
watering. Will flower within some 3 years and dies down afterwards, however it can be easily raised
from seeds which are set in abundance. A spectacular and very easy going, yet rare species! IV-V.
PRECIO ESPECIAL: 25 packages with 20 seeds each are offered at a special discounted price for
only € 0,99 each !
Echium virescens
No. de artículo: 9494
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6528
sobre de semillas (1.000 seeds)
€ 119,00
No. de artículo: 1471
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
€ 4,99
150 (300)cm, multi-branching shrub, narrowly lanceolate and soft leaves, from the open pine forest
of Tenerife at some 1.000m. Makes several inflorescence in a single plant every year, bright pink
flowers. Probably the easiest and one of the richest flowering, perennial and woody Echium species.
No. de artículo: 6532
sobre de semillas (1.000 seeds)
€ 99,00
No. de artículo: 1537
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Gentiana acaulis
(Trumpet Gentian)
5 (10)cm, Trumpet Gentian is a ground covering, utmost showy gentian forming mats of glossy
ovoid leaves and very large, almost stemless, brilliant blue flowers in spring. Native of chalky
meadows of the Alps at up to 2.000m. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Leave plants
undisturbed. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 6537
sobre de semillas (1.000 seeds)
€ 49,00
Inca Surprise
No. de artículo: 1499
sobre de semillas (30 semillas)
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
Lemon Drop Pepper
No. de artículo: 8704
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
€ 24,90
Lemon Yellow Pepper
No. de artículo: 8700
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8560
No. de artículo: 8682
No. de artículo: 8440
Paeonia ostii
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
€ 24,90
sobre de semillas (3 semilas)
No. de artículo: 6524
sobre de semillas (100 seeds)
€ 27,00
70 (120)cm, from south-eastern Europe and Caucasian steppes, an extremely elegant plant with
finely divided, glabrous foliage and intense red bowl shaped flowers on long, nodding stalks. For any
well drained soil in full sun in the rock garden. Easy. III-IV.
No. de artículo: 8095
Peruviano Arancio
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
No. de artículo: 8705
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 24,90
200cm, an erect growing woody shrub peony from Yunnan Province, China. This utmost beautiful,
botanically good species was newly described in the year 1992 in honor of Dr. Gian Lupo Osti,
President of the International Dendrological Society. This species is similar to Paeonia suffruticosa,
yet its' dark green leaves have less segments and it forms large, pure white flower cups with a
strong sweet musk fragrance. For any well drained soil in full sun. A still a very rare species. We
were among the first nurseries worldwide to propagate this new species in the year 1999 and it has
proven to be a very robust, easy going and free flowering peony which is easily raised from seed. A
simply splendid peony! IV-V.
No. de artículo: 1511
Paeonia tenuifolia
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
sobre de semillas (100 semillas)
No. de artículo: 1520
sobre de semillas (7 semillas)
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8555
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
€ 49,90
Pimenta do Brasil # 5
No. de artículo: 8707
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
€ 24,90
Pimienta Puta La Madre
No. de artículo: 8702
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8703
€ 24,90
No. de artículo: 8651
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 24,90
Sedum cyprium
(Cyprus Stonecrop)
No. de artículo: 8679
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
€ 0,99
15 (25)cm, Cyprus Stonecrop is native from rocky, open sites in the upper parts of mountains on
western Cyprus. Makes a short succulent subterranean stem crowned by a dense basal rosette with
finely haired to almost glabrous, succulent leaves and a showy central, upright hold, pyramidal
shaped inflorescence. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 5°C in full sun throughout
the year. Zona climática 8/9. VI-VII.
Sedum microstachyum
(Cyprus Troodos
Stonecrop) Exclusivo
No. de artículo: 6673
sobre de semillas (50 semillas)
€ 9,99
12 (20)cm, Cyprus Troodos Stonecrop is a fully winter hardy species from rocky, open sites in the
upper part of the Troodos mountain range on Cyprus. It makes a dense basal rosette of finely
haired, succulent leaves and a showy central, upright hold, pyramidal shaped inflorescence with
numerous dark red to yellowish-green flowers. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Excellent in a protected spot in the rock garden. Zona climática USDA 7/8. VI-VII.
Solanum sodomaeum
(Apple of Sodom)
No. de artículo: 6674
sobre de semillas (50 semillas)
50cm, Apple of Sodom is native of South Africa, ornamental plant with large, dark purple flowers
above undulated, dark green leaves and spiny stems. Flowers are followed by tomato-like, bright
yellowish-orange fruits (toxic). Grow as a pot plant. Keep cooler at a minimum of 15°C in a sunny
spot in winter, reduce watering. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4934
No. de artículo: 9184
No. de artículo: 9185
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca) (20 semillas)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
€ 99,00
€ 99,00
Buphthalmum (Ox-Eye) & Pulicaria (Fleabane)
Ox-Eyes and Fleabanes are annual to perennial plants from Eurasia and northern Africa. All make beautiful bright yellow flowers in
summer above lance-shaped to broad oval leaves on densely smoothly haired stalks. They are very robust and adopt very well to
various soil types. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow fine seeds flat on any humus rich, well drained sandy soil. Slightly cover seeds with substrate. Keep pots in a sunny, protected
spot outside. Several species require a cooling period of several months prior to germination. If these species are sowed late in the
year, they do not germinate before spring in the following year. Transplant to the final spot in the garden in late summer to autumn
or as soon as seedlings are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre..
Buphthalmum salicifolium 30 (45)cm, Willowleaf Ox-Eye is a perennial from mountain meadows in Eurasia. It has showy bright
yellow flowers above narrow leaves. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI(Willowleaf Ox-Eye)
Pulicaria dysenterica
(Greater Fleabane)
No. de artículo: 6388
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
40 (70)cm, Greater Fleabane is a perennial native of meadows throughout Europe to western Asia
and North Africa. It has showy bright yellow flowers with a darker yellow center in late summer
above smoothly haired stalks and leaves. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny
spot. VIII-IX.
No. de artículo: 4560
sobre de semillas
Bystropogon (Canary Mint Shrub)
Canary Mint Shrubs are woody perennials, growing as small to tall shrubs. Some species have a slight (Bystropogon canariensis)
to very strong (Bystropogon origanifolius) fragrance. For any rich, well drained soil in an always sunny spot. Keep drier and frostfree
in winter at a minimum of some 5°C.
Sow dust like seeds flat on any well drained soil in a sunny spot. Always carefully water from beneath. Especially seedlings and
young plants require full sun in winter.
30 semillas por sobre.
150 (300)cm, tall woody shrub from the lower laurel forest zone. Large, fresh green leaves which
Bystropogon canariensis
have a very slight, but pleasant fragrance. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially
shaded spot. Keep drier and frostfree in winter at a minimum of some 5°. VI-VIII.
Bystropogon origanifolius
ssp. ferrensis Exclusivo
Bystropogon plumosus
No. de artículo: 2502
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
120 (170)cm, a medium tall subspecies from open spots in lava rocks on lower elevations on El
Hierro (Canary islands). In comparison to other subspecies, it grows much taller and has oval,
silvery-green leaves with a strong menthol fragrance. For any rich, very well drained soil in full sun
throughout the year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of some 7°C. Seeds are
extremely difficult to collect and always scarce. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 9153
sobre de semillas
150 (250)cm, a tall woody shrub with slightly fragrant, leathery leaves and small inconspicuous
flowers in terminal clusters. Form open spots in the fayal-brezal zone in central and northern
Tenerife. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants
slightly drier at a minimum of some 10°C. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 6449
sobre de semillas
Caesalpinia (Bird of Paradise)
Bird of Paradise are tropical and subtropical woody shrubs or small trees with ornamental feathered leaves and showy bright
colored flowers in terminal clusters. They are easily cultivated in pots in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the
year. Keep plants drier in winter at a minimum of some 10°C.
Prior to sowing scarify seed (e.g. carefully scratch the seed coat with fine sandpaper) and soak them in luke warm water for some
48h. Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil at some 20°C throughout the year. Keep pots always in a sunny spot. In winter keep
plants drier at a minimum of some 15°C.
7 semillas grandes por sobre.
100 (200)cm, Yellow Bird of Paradise is native of open, dry spots in Argentina. It is an easily grown
Caesalpinia gilliesii
perennial with ornamental feathered, evergreen to semi-deciduous leaves and utmost showy
(Yellow Bird of Paradise)
terminal clusters of lemon yellow flowers with contrasting, long protruding red stamens. Will readily
flower even as a young plant grown in a pot. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot
throughout the year. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 10°C.
No. de artículo: 4725
sobre de semillas
Caiophora is an American genus with a main distribution in Middle and South America. It is a very diverse genus with annuals or
perennials and dwarf shrubs to climbing species. Annual species are fast growing and easily cultivated in any rich, well-drained soil
in a sunny spot. Perennial subtropical members are best grown in pots, in winter these should be kept drier and cool at a miminum
of some 7°C in full sun.
Sow seeds flat on any rich, slightly rocky soil in early spring. Cover seeds only slightly with soil and keep pots very sunny. Carefully
transplant seedlings of annual species in late spring to early summer after the last freezing.
Note: Several members in the Loasaceae family have prickly hairs similar to burning nettle species. Thus the use of protecting
gloves is recommended while handling plants.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 9.
20 semillas por sobre.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Caiophora spec. "Chile"
30cm, an unidentified species with most showy bright scarlet flowers on short stems. Native of
subalpine areas in the Chilean Andes. Was received as Caiophora lateritia, but indeed it is a
different species. It is most likely a perennial species which tolerates frost in winter. Plant in a
potected spot outside with some good insulating cover in winter, e. g. a thick dry mulch layer.
Alternatively grow in pots under frost free conditions throughout the year with a winter minimum of
some 5°C and reduced watering in full sun.
No. de artículo: 4050
sobre de semillas
Caiophora (Stinging Serpent) & Loasa
Ortiguilla and Loasa belong to medium sized genera native from the Andes in South America. They are either subtropical or winter
hardy, annuals biennials or woody sub shrubs with showy, bell shaped flowers. They are easily grown in any rich, well drained soil
in a sunny spot throughout the year. Winter hardy members in the genus Caiophora prefer a well drained soil in a protected spot in
the garden with shelter from excessive winter wetness. Excellent in the rock garden. All other species can be grown as annuals.
Sow seeds on top of any well drained substrate, cover slightly with soil and keep pots in full sun at some 20°C throughout the year
and soil always slightly moist from beneath. A temperature drop at night down to some 10°C to 15°C will significantly enhance
germination in several species. Winter hardy species should be transplanted to the garden as soon as they are strong enough from
late spring to summer.
20 semillas por sobre.
20 (40)cm Ortiguilla is an utmost showy herbaceous perennial with a dense basal rosette of
Caiophora coronata
glaucous, spiny leaves and unusually large, ice white flower cups at soil level. Native of dryish rocky
spots in montane regions in Chile. Fully winter hardy in any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot
in the garden with shelter from winter wetness. Seeds from a wild collection in the Metropolitana
region, Embalse Yeso at some 2400m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5030
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 7224
sobre de semillas
Loasa acanthifolia
Cakile (Sea Rocket) & Malcolmia (Sand Stock)
Sea Rocket and Sand Stock are small genera of annuals, biannuals to short lived perennials from the Mediterranean and coastal
regions in Central Europa and North America. Some species have showy lilac flowers and are easily grown in any rich, well drained
to sandy-rocky soil in in a full sun.
Seeds from Cakile maritima cannot be extracted from the hardy seed capsule and each capsule contains a single seed. Sow flat in
any rich, very well drained substrate in mid spring. Keep pots outside in a protected spot and transplant to the final spot in the
garden as soon as plants are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557zona climática USDA 6.
10 cápsulas de semillas por sobre (Cakile maritima), respectivamente 20 semillas pro sobre (Malcolmia littorea).
20 (40)cm, Sand Stock is a fast growing perennial with greyish-white leaves and numerous lilac
Malcolmia littorea
flowers in spring and early summer. It is native of the coastal areas in the western Mediterranean
(Sand Stock)
region. For any rich, preferably sandy, very well drained soil in full sun. In colder regions it will
usually grow as an annual. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 9345
sobre de semillas
Calamintha (Mountain Mint)
Calamint or Mountain Mint (locally called Poleo Canario on the Canary islands) are usually semi-perennials or semi-woody
perennials. Several species have a pleasant, very strong, yet smooth and rich spearmint flavor. Fresh or dried leaves are used to
prepare healthy "infusiones", i.e. herbal teas. One teaspoon of leaves and flower buds is sufficient to prepare 1l of tea. Enjoy either
pure or sweetened with sugar. Easily cultivated in any humus rich, yet well drained soil in a sunny spot. Fully hardy in Central
Europe in a protected spot.
Sow on any well drained soil in full sun. Cover its fine seeds only slightly, keep at a minimum of some 15°C.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
30 semillas por sobre.
20 (40)cm, Cretan Calamint is a floriferous semi-woody perennial native of Crete. It makes dense
Calamintha cretica
rosettes with several upright stalks covered with numerous pale lavender blue flowers and aromatic,
(Cretan Calamint)
dark green oval leaves. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-X.
Calamintha grandiflora
(Large Flowered Mountain
No. de artículo: 4770
sobre de semillas
30cm, Large Flowered Mountain Mint is a showy perennial with numerous, quite large, trumpet
shaped, pink flowers above fragrant leaves. Native of open spots in woods in the Balkans. Easily
cultivated in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VII.
Calamintha nepeta
(Canary Islands' form)
No. de artículo: 4080
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (50)cm, Poleo Canario is a semi-perennial with upright to bowing, fine stems and a woody base
on older specimens. Oval to elliptical, strongly aromatic leaves and lateral, for the plant-size quite
large, rose to pink flowers. Native to open spots in rich soils in the Canary laurel forest. For any rich,
yet well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Fully winter hardy. V-X.
Calamintha nepeta ssp.
(Lesser Calamint)
No. de artículo: 1084
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (50)cm, Lesser Calamint is a semi evergreen perennial with densely branching stems covered
with fragrant aromatic leaves and uncountable small rose to white flowers in terminal racemes. From
open spots in rich soils in the Mediterranean. For any rich, yet well drained soil in a sunny spot. Fully
winter hardy with a light winter protection (e.g. dry mulch layer). V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 5242
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Calamintha sylvatica ssp.
(Woodland Mountain Mint)
30 (40)cm, Woodland Mountain Mint is an aromatic semi evergreen, late flowering perennial from
open spots in woods in the Mediterranean. Its mint flavoured leaves may be used fresh or dried for
the preparation of refreshing teas. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially
shaded spot. Seeds from a wild collection on Coll de Sóller, Mallorca, Spain at some 350m. VIII-X.
No. de artículo: 5211
sobre de semillas
Calandrinia (Redmaid)
Redmaids or Purslanes are annuals to perennials from dryish, rocky sites in Australia, the Andes of Chile, and western North
America. Calandrinia grandiflora is an ornamental annual native of Chile. It makes showy, bluish-green leaves in a basal rosette
and losely branching stalks with showy pink flowers in summer. For any rich, very well drained soil in full sun. Excellent rock garden
Sow fine seeds in pots flat on any rich, very well drained soil at some 20°C in mid spring in a sunny spot. Do not cover seeds with
soil. Carefully transplant young plants to the final spot in the garden as soon as they are strong enough and after the last freezing
nights from late spring to early summer.
20 semillas por sobre.
30 (45)cm, Large-Flowered Purslane or Large-Flowered Purslane is a showy annual from the Andes
Calandrinia grandiflora
(Large-Flowered Purslane) in Chile and makes a bluish-green basal leaf rosette and losely branching stalks topped by quite
large, bright pink flowers. Easily grown in any rich, well dained soil in a sunny spot. Excellent in the
rock garden. Sow seeds on top of any rich, well drained substrate in pots in mid spring at some
20°C. Keep pots in a sunny spot. Transplant seedlings to the final spot in the garden after the last
freezing nights by the end of spring to early summer. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8017
sobre de semillas
Calceolaria (Capachito)
Slipperworts, Ladie's Purses or Pocketbook Flowers belong to a diverse genus native from the Andes in South America extending
northwards to Mexico. They are subtropical or winter hardy, annuals, biennials or woody sub shrubs with showy, inflated flowers in
bright yellow or purple on graceful stems. They are easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In
winter keep non hardy plants drier at a minimum of some 10°C, excellent in a frostfree greenhouse or wintergarden. Winter hardy
members prefer a well drained soil in a protected spot in the garden with shelter from excessive winter wetness. Excellent in the
rock garden.
Sow dust like seeds on top of any well drained substrate, do not cover with soil and keep pots in full sun at some 20°C throughout
the year and soil always slightly moist from beneath. A temperature drop at night down to some 10°C to 15°C will significantly
enhance germination in several species. Winter hardy species should be transplanted to the garden as soon as they are strong
enough from late spring to summer.
40 semillas por sobre.
30cm Capachito Morado is a showy perennial with a dense basal rosette of narrow, white woolly
Calceolaria arachnoidea
leaves and an upright stalk topped by purple lady’s slipper like flowers. Native of dryish rocky spots
(Capachito Morado)
in montane regions in Chile. Fully winter hardy in any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot in the
garden with shelter from winter wetness. Seeds from a wild collection in VII Region, Reserva
Nacional Altos del Lircay at some 1900m. VI-VII.
Calceolaria cavanillesii
No. de artículo: 5035
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30cm Capachito is a perennial with a dense basal rosette of long, bright green, serrated leaves and
an upright stem crowned by bright yellow lady’s slipper like flowers. Native of dryish rocky spots in
montane regions in Chile. Fully winter hardy in any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot in the
garden with shelter from winter wetness. Seeds from a wild collection in VII region, Laguna Maule at
some 2000m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5003
sobre de semillas
Calceolaria corymbosa
ssp. corymbosa
Calceolaria corymbosa
ssp. floccosa
No. de artículo: 6862
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30cm, a perennial with a basal rosette of white woolly, broad leaves and an upright stem crowned by
bright yellow lady’s slipper like flowers with fine brownish spots. Native of dryish rocky spots in
montane regions in Chile. Fully winter hardy in any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot in the
garden with shelter from winter wetness. Seeds from a wild collection in VII Region, El Melado at
some 1.700m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5004
sobre de semillas
Calceolaria corymbosa
ssp. montana
Calceolaria dentada ssp.
Calceolaria filicaulis
(Capachito de las Vegas)
No. de artículo: 6861
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
80 (100)cm Capachito is a perennial with semi woody stems and long stalks with quite large, bright
yellow lady’s slipper like flowers above serrated, mid green leaves. Native of humus rich soils in
woods in lower montane regions in Chile. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout
the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C. Seeds from a wild collection in IX Region,
Lago Caburga (Norte) at some 400m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5005
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm Capachito de las Vegas is an annual to biannual with showy flat rosette of broad mid
green leaves covered with white an elegant spike of few, yet quite large, bright yellow lady’s slipper
like flowers. Native of dryish rocky spots in montane regions in Chile. Fully winter hardy in any rich,
well drained soil in a protected spot in the garden with shelter from winter wetness. Seeds from a
wild collection in VII Region, El Melado at some 1700m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5006
sobre de semillas
Calceolaria glandulosa
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Calceolaria hypericina
No. de artículo: 6860
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, a perennial evergreen semi woody shrub with narrow, dark leaves arranged in whorls
and unusual, incurved rich yellow flowers. Native of dryish rocky spots in montane regions in Chile.
For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum
of some 10°C. Seeds from a wild collection in IV Region, Ruta 5 Norte, km 230 at some 50m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5007
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6859
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6858
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6857
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6856
sobre de semillas
Calceolaria integrifolia
Calceolaria meyeniana
Calceolaria morisii
Calceolaria nudicaulis
Calceolaria pallida
Calceolaria paralia
(Capachito de las Vegas)
Calceolaria petiolaris
Calceolaria polifolia
Calceolaria purpurea
(Capachito Mora)
Calceolaria thyrsiflora
Calceolaria undulata
No. de artículo: 6855
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (60)cm Capachito de las Vegas is a perennial with a dense basal rosette of hairy mid green,
serrated leaves and an showy upright stalks with lemon yellow lady’s slipper like flowers. Native of
dryish rocky spots in montane regions in Chile. Fully winter hardy in any rich, well drained soil in a
protected spot in the garden with shelter from winter wetness. Seeds from a wild collection in VII
region, Reserva Nacional Radal Siete Tazas; at some 2000m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5008
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (140)cm Capachito is a perennial with a dense basal rosette of broad, mid green, serrated
leaves and an upright stem topped by several rich yellow lady’s slipper like flowers. Native of dryish
rocky spots in montane regions in Chile. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout
the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C. Seeds from a wild collection in V Region,
Cuesta La Dormida & La Campana at some 1000m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5009
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20cm Capachito is a short stalked semi woody perennial with white woolly oblong, greyi-green
leaves and an upright stalk with lemon yellow lady’s slipper like flowers. Native of dryish rocky spots
in montane regions in Chile. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In
winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C. Seeds from a wild collection in V Region, Cuesta La
Dormida & La Campana at some 1000m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5010
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30cm Capachito Mora is an utmost showy annual to semiperennial with a loose basal rosette of mid
green, serrated, hairy leaves and an upright stalk with numerous small, purple lady’s slipper like
flowers. Native of dryish rocky spots in montane regions in Chile. For any rich, well drained soil in a
sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C. Seeds from a wild
collection in the Metropolitana region, Rungue at some 600 m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5011
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30cm Capachito is a semi woody perennial with upright stalks with narrow dark green leaves whitish
yellow woolly beneath and lemon yellow lady’s slipper like flowers. Native of dryish rocky spots in
montane regions in Chile. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In
winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C. Seeds from a wild collection in VII Region, Laguna
Maule at some 1500m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5012
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50cm Capachito is a perennial with a dense basal rosette of narrow and long, mid green, serrated
leaves and an upright stalk crowned by showy bright yellow lady’s slipper like flowers. Native of
dryish rocky spots in montane regions in Chile. Fully winter hardy in any rich, well drained soil in a
protected spot in the garden with shelter from winter wetness. Seeds from a wild collection VII
Region, Reserva Nacional Altos del Lircay at some 1800m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5013
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6853
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6852
sobre de semillas
Calceolaria valdiviana
Calceolaria williamsii
Marigold are very decorative and easy plants for sunny spots, showing numerous bright colored flowers in summer. Very easy.
Sow spring in any well drained soil. Transplant at 10cm in height (fourth pair of leaves). Usually growing as annuals except for the
mildest climates.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
30 (40)cm, Pot Marigold a classic garden plants with yellow to rich orange flowers from late spring to
Calendula officinalis
mid summer. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Will readily self sow if happy. Our seeds
(Pot Marigold)
are from plants shown in the foto with an orange or brown eye. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 2450
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Calicotome (Thorny Broom) & Ononis (Restharrow)
Thorny Brooms are evergreen low shrubs with bright yellow flowers on spiny branches and belong to a small Mediterranean genus
which contains three species only. Restharrows are mostly perennials to small woody shrubs with yellow or pale rose flowers and
ocurr from Europe, the Mediterranean, North Africa and Asia Minor. All are easily cultivated as pot plants in any rich, very well
drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. Keep frostfree in winter at a minimum of some 10°C in full sun with watering
reduced to a minimum.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained, slightly sandy to rocky soil at some 20°C throughout the year. Keep seedlings very sunny,
especially in their first winter.
10 semillas por sobre.
120 (200)cm, Thorny Broom is a medium tall woody shrub from the western Mediterranean region
Calicotome spinosa ssp.
with strongly spiny, greyish branches and numerous bright yellow flowers. Easily grown in any rich,
well drained substrate in full sun throughout the year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a
(Thorny Broom)
minimum of some 10°C. V-VI.
Calicotome villosa
(Hairy Thorny Broom)
No. de artículo: 8064
sobre de semillas
€ 1,99
150 (200)cm, Hairy Thorny Broom is a medium tall woody shrub from the entire Mediterranean
region with strongly spiny, greyish branches and numerous bright yellow flowers. Easily grown in any
rich, well drained substrate in full sun throughout the year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a
minimum of some 10°C. V-VI.
Ononis fruticosa
(Shrubby Restharrow)hel)
No. de artículo: 9311
sobre de semillas
€ 1,99
60 (100)cm, Shrubby Restharrow is a woody, small shrub from the Mediterranean region an bears
pale rose flowers and slightly leathery, serrated leaves. Easily grown in any rich, well drained
substrate in full sun throughout the year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of some
5°C. V-VI.
Ononis hirta
(Hairy Restharrow)
No. de artículo: 9321
sobre de semillas
€ 1,99
40 (80)cm, Hairy Restharrow is a small, procumbent perennial with slightly woody branches, pale
rose flowers and glandular pubescent, serrated leaves. Easily grown in any rich, well drained
substrate in full sun throughout the year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of some
10°C. V-VI.
Ononis natrix ssp. natrix
(Yellow Restharrow)
No. de artículo: 9322
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
20 (40)cm, Yellow Restharrow is a dwarf woody shrub from Central Europe, the Mediterranean and
adjecent regions. It bears spiny branches with small leaves and numerous bright yellow flowers. An
easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. An excellent winterhardy species for the
rock garden. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 9323
sobre de semillas
20 (40)cm, Yellow Restharrow is a dwarf woody shrub from the western Mediterranean and the
Canary islands. It bears densely branching, spiny shoots with small leaves and numerous bright
yellow flowers. Easily grown in any rich, well drained substrate in full sun throughout the year. In
winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of some 5°C. V-VI.
Ononis natrix ssp.
(Yellow Restharrow)
No. de artículo: 9305
sobre de semillas
Calla (European Swamp Calla)
European Swamp Calla, a suberect growing to creeping Calla from central to northern Europe from wet places, often growing in low
water at the edge of swamps and ponds. Will naturalize easily in suited places. Sow from autumn to early spring in pots filled with
pure sphagnum or peat, and always cover pot with 1cm water. Seeds require a prolonged cooling period in winter before they may
germinate by mid spring.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
15 (30)cm, European Swamp Calla makes dark green leaves and pure white spathes on creeping
Calla palustris
rhizomes. Has become rare in habitat. For any humus rich, always moist to wet soil in a sunny spot.
(European Swamp Calla)
Ideal for planting at the border of a pond. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 2292
sobre de semillas
Callicarpa (Beautyberry)
Beautyberries are most ornamental, winter hardy, tropical looking, woody, deciduous shrubs with numerous small axillary born,
fragrant, rose flowers followed by beautiful, intense lilac berries in late summer to late autumn. They originate in mountain woods in
Eastern Asia and North America and are easily grown in any humus-rich well drained soil in full sun to partial shade.
Sow flat in any rather humus-rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sheltered and sunny spot outside in winter. Transplant young
plants in spring before the leaves emerge or in autumn after the leaves have withered.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
150 (200)cm, North American Beautyberry is a deciduous woody shrub from woods in South
Callicarpa americana
Eastern USA with small pale pink, fragrant flowers on arching stems followed by ornamental, bright
(North American
purplish-pink berries in autumn and winter. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to
partially shaded spot. V-VI.
Callicarpa dichotoma
(Purple Beauty Berry)
No. de artículo: 4954
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150 (200)cm, Purple Beauty Berry is a deciduous woody shrub from woods in Japan with small pink,
fragrant flowers followed by ornamental, deep purple metallic berries in autumn and winter. Easily
grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 4953
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Callicarpa japonica
(Japanese Beautyberry)
(3) 5m, Japanese Beautyberry is a woody shrub with upright to arching smooth stems with ovate to
elliptic medium green leaves and small, densely packed axillary, pink flowers followed by most
ornamental metallic purple berries which last into late autumn. For any humus rich, well drained soil
in a sunny to partially shaded spot. V-X.
No. de artículo: 3387
sobre de semillas
Callirhoe (Poppy Mallow)
Poppy Mallows belong to a small North American genus with some 9 specieswhich are native of open spots in woods, meadows
and prairies. These showy annuals or perennials have deeply cut foliage and most ornamental, bright lilac flower cups on slightly
trailing stems. All are easily cultivated in any humus rich, well drained soil in preferably full sun.
Sow seeds flat in any humus rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sunny, protected spot outside. Transplant as soon as seedlings
are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
30 (40)cm, Bush’s Poppy Mallow is a showy herbaceous perennial with trailing stems with dissected
Callirhoe bushii
and slightly serrated leaves and beautiful reddish-violet flower cups. It is native of dry prairies in
(Bush's Poppy Mallow)
central USA (Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma). For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny
spot. VI-VII.
Callirhoe digitata
(Fringed Poppy Mallow)
No. de artículo: 6094
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
70 (90)cm, Fringed Poppy Mallow is a showy herbaceous perennial with upright to slightly trailing
stems with finely dissected narrow leaves and numerous bright reddish-violet flower cups. It is native
of dryish prairies in south-central USA (Illinois, Missouri to Kansas and Texas). For any rich, very
well drained soil in full sun. VII-VIII.
Callirhoe involucrata
(Purple Poppy Mallow)
No. de artículo: 9281
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (40)cm, Purple Poppy Mallow is a showy herbaceous perennial with trailing stems and beautiful
reddish-violet flower cups above greyish green, palmate leaves. Native of dry prairies in western and
southwestern USA. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
Callirhoe triangulata
(Clustered Poppy Mallow)
No. de artículo: 4850
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (40)cm, Clustered Poppy Mallow is an ornamental herbaceous perennial with slightly arching
stems and beautiful, rich magenta flower cups above greyish green, palmate leaves. Native of dry
sand prairies in western and southwestern USA. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VIVII.
No. de artículo: 4851
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6919
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6920
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6921
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6922
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6923
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6924
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6925
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6926
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6927
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6958
sobre de semillas
Callistemon (Bottle Brush)
30 semillas por sobre.
Callistemon brachyandrus
(Prickly Bottlebrush)
Callistemon citrinus
(Crimson Bottlebrush)
Callistemon glaucus
(Albany Bottle Brush)
Callistemon linearis
Callistemon pallidus
(Lemon Bottlebrush)
Callistemon phoeniceus
(Fiery Bottlebrush)
Callistemon pinifolius
Callistemon polandii
Callistemon rigidus
(Stiff Bottlebrush)
Callistemon rugulosus
(Scarlet Bottlebrush)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Callistemon salignus
(White Weeping
No. de artículo: 6928
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6929
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6930
sobre de semillas
Callistemon sieberi
(River Bottlebrush)
Callistemon viridiflorus
(Green Bottlebrush)
Calochortus (Mariposa Lily)
Mariposa Flowers are native of the Prairies from N America and parts in Mexico, and are fully hardy in C Europe. The require a
warm, dryish resting period in summer either as alpine plant or under protected glass. Moderate watering from October onwards for
developing new roots.
Sow flat in late spring (April/Mai) in any well drained, rather inorganic soil. Keep pots in a sunny and protected place. Frost free pot
cultivation for at least 2 years. Transplant young bulbs in late spring. Despite their reputation Calochortus as easily raised from
seeds as long as soil never gets too wet (especially in winter).
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7 si no se menciona algo
20 semillas por sobre.
15 (30)cm, White Fairy Lantern makes several pendant pinkish white to pure white globe shaped
Calochortus albus var.
flowers. From coastal areas in California (Santa Lucia to Santa Cruz and San Luis Obispo County)
where it occurs at up to 800m. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Cherokee, Butte County,
(White Fairy Lantern)
California, USA. IV-VI.
Calochortus amabilis
No. de artículo: 2451
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
20cm, a native of coastal ranges in north-western California where it ocurrs in loamy or rocky soils in
evergreen forests up to an altitude of some 900m. It bears globelike, pendant bright yellow flowers,
outer petals opening to a triangle. IV-VI.
Calochortus ambiguus
(Doubting Mariposa Lily)
No. de artículo: 2835
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
40 (60)cm, Doubting Mariposa Lily makes quite tall, upright stems with large white to pale rose
flower cups and narrow, grass-like leaves. Native of rocky grasslands in southwestern USA. For any
rich, very well drained, slightly rocky soil in a sunny spot. V-VI.
Calochortus bruneaunis
(Bruneau's Mariposa Lily)
No. de artículo: 4750
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
60 (80)cm, Bruneau's Mariposa Lily makes cream white flower cups with lilac blotches. For any rich,
very well drained soil in a sunny spot with protection from winter wetness. Seeds from a certified wild
collection in Inyo County, California, USA at some 2400m. VI-VII.
Calochortus clavatus
No. de artículo: 5297
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
70 (90), a very tall species from California (South Coast Ranges) with yellow flower-cups, reddish
brown inside and densely haired petals. For any well drained soil with caly in full sun and a protected
spot. V-VI.
Calochortus coeruleus
(Beavertail Grass)
No. de artículo: 2849
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
10 (20)cm, Beavertail Grass makes linear, almost grass-like leaves and ornamental pale rose-blue
to white flower cups, the outer petals are dense covered with a white beard. Native of mountainous
areas in open spots in coniferous woods and sunny meadows in northern California. For any rich,
very well drained soil in full sun. Excellent in the rock garden. Seeds from a certified wild collection
in Round Valley Lake, Plumas County, California, USA at some 1.375m. VII-VIII.
Calochortus eurycarpus
(White Mariposa Lily)
No. de artículo: 0056
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (130)cm, White Mariposa Lily has showy cream flower cups with purple blotches. For any rich,
very well drained soil in a sunny spot with protection from winter wetness. Seeds from a certified wild
collection in Washington County, Idaho, USA at some 1000m. VI-VII.
Calochortus flexuosus
(Winding Mariposa Lily)
No. de artículo: 5298
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
60 (80)cm, Winding Mariposa Lily makes pale to deep lavender flower cups with maroon and yellow
blotches on elegant, tall, slightly winding stems. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot
with protection from winter wetness. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Clark County, Nevada,
USA at some 1200m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5299
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (60)cm, Gunnison's Mariposa Lily makes quite tall, upright stems with large white to pale rose
Calochortus gunnisonii
(Gunnison's Mariposa Lily) flower cups whit a yellow to reddish center and narrow, grass-like leaves. Native of rocky
mountainous grasslands in midwestern USA. For any rich, very well drained, slightly rocky soil in a
sunny spot. V-VI.
Calochortus leichtlinii
No. de artículo: 4751
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (40)cm, Smokey Mariposa makes up to five flowers per stem, white to lavender with a pink blush
and a red blotch. Native to higher elevations of southern Oregon (Jackson, Klamath and Lake
counties) and Sierra Nevada in California (Modoc County to Tulare county). Seeds from a certified
wild collection in Mount Hough, Plumas County, California, USA at some 1.850m. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 2893
sobre de semillas
© 2015
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Calochortus luteus
(Yellow Mariposa Lily)
30 (40)cm, Yellow Mariposa Lily has bright sulphur yellow flowers with a greenish yellow throat.
Native of central California (Sierra Nevada foothills and Coast Ranges), from open grassland and
pine as well as oak forest. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Easy with some light winter
protection (e.g. mulch layer). Seeds from a certified wild collection in Chico, Butte County,
California, USA at some 100m. IV-VI.
Calochortus monophyllus
(Yellow Star-Tulip)
No. de artículo: 2460
sobre de semillas
10 (15)cm, Yellow Star-Tulip makes rich yellow flowers with a dense beard of yellow hairs, and a
very compact growth. Native to Oregon (southern Cascades in Jackson County) to California
(Tuolumne County in Sierra Nevada) at up to 1700m. Seeds from a certified wild collection in
Cherokee, Butte County, California, USA at some 400m. V-VI.
Calochortus nudus
(Naked Mariposa Lily)
No. de artículo: 2915
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10 (20)cm, Naked Mariposa Lily makes narrow leaves and showy pale mauve to white flower cups.
Native of mountainous areas in open spots in coniferous woods and sunny meadows in California
and southern Oregon. For any rich, very well drained soil in full sun. Excellent in the rock garden.
Seeds from a certified wild collection in Canyon Dam, Plumas County, California, USA. VII-VIII.
Calochortus nuttallii
(Sego Lily)
No. de artículo: 0055
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
10cm, Sego Lily is a dwarf species with rose-pink (Grand County population) or almost pure white
flowers (Fremont County population). Seeds from a certified wild collection in Grand County, Utah,
USA at some 1.600 and Fremont County, Wyoming, USA at some 2.000m. For any rich, very well
drained soil in full sun. VI-VIII.
Calochortus superbus
(Superb Mariposa Lily)
No. de artículo: 6762
sobre de semillas (flores arosadas)
€ 4,99
30 (45)cm, Superb Mariposa Lily makes pale rose, white to sometimes pale yellow flowers on erect
stalks. Native of northern California (Siskiyou, Shasta and Sonoma Counties), where it grows at an
altitude of up to 1.700m in open spots in conifer woodlands. For any rich, very well drained soil in full
sun. IV-V.
Calochortus tolmiei
(syn. C. glaucus, C.
mawei, C. purdyi)
No. de artículo: 2964
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
20 (30)cm, a medium sized Calochortus species with ornamental white flowers, shaded in lavenderblue towards the throat. All petals have a dense beard of hairs. Native from California (Columbia
Rive to Santa Cruz County) to Oregon growing at up to 1,300m. For any well drained soil in full sun.
Very early spring flowering. Zona climática USDA 6. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Jarbo
Gap, Butte County, California, USA. III-IV.
No. de artículo: 6739
No. de artículo: 3007
sobre de semillas (flores blancas)
sobre de semillas
Calothamnus (Net Bush), Kunzea & Regelia (Fireflower)
30 semillas por sobre.
Calothmanus gracilis
No. de artículo: 6931
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6932
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6933
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6934
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6957
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6935
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6936
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6937
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6938
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 7263
sobre de semillas
Calothmanus graniticus
ssp. graniticus
Calothmanus hirsutus
(Murchison Claw Flower)
Calothmanus quadrifidus
(Crimson Netbush)
Calothmanus rupestris
(Granite Net-bush)
Calothmanus sanguineus
Calothmanus validus
(Barrens Claw-flower)
Calothmanus villosus
(Woolly Netbush)
Kunzea ambigua
(White Kunzea)
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Kunzea baxteri
(Crimson Kunzea)
No. de artículo: 7264
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 7265
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No. de artículo: 7266
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No. de artículo: 7267
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No. de artículo: 7268
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No. de artículo: 7290
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No. de artículo: 7291
sobre de semillas
Kunzea ericifolia
Kunzea parvifolia
(Violet Kunzea)
Kunzea pauciflora
(Pretty Pink Myrtle)
Kunzea recurva
Regelia megacephala
(Purple Flowered Regelia)
Regelia velutina
(Gondwana Christmas
Caltha (Marigold)
Marigold are perennial, herbaceous plants from usually wet marshy spots throughout temperate regions in the the Northern and the
Southern hemisphere. Most have bright colored flower cups in white, cream to butter-yellow and decorative, round, glossy, serrated
leaves. All are easily cultivated in any rich, always moist soil in a partially shaded to sunny spot. Ideal for the edge of a pond or
watercourse, will even grow in shallow water.
Sow seeds flat in any humus rich, always slightly wet soil in pots outside in a protected spot. Seeds require a prolonged cooling
period prior to germination in late spring. Carefully transplant the fleshy rhizomes as soon as leaves have withered in autumn.
Sow seeds flat in any humus rich, always slightly wet soil in pots outside in a protected spot. Seeds require a prolonged cooling
period prior to germination in late spring. Carefully transplant the fleshy rhizomes as soon as leaves have withered in autumn.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
20 (30)cm, White Mountain Marsh Marigold makes pure white flowers above oval, slightly glossy,
Caltha leptosepala
dark green leaves. It is native of moist spots in mountainous areas throughout North America. For
(White Mountain Marsh
any humus rich, always moist soil in partial shade to full sun. Excellent for the border of a pond. IV-V.
Caltha palustris ssp.
(Marsh Marigold)
No. de artículo: 4797
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (40)cm, Marsh Marigold is a herbaceous perennial from Europe and N Asia occurring in wet,
marshy spots and alongside shallow watercourses. Makes most decorative, large, glossy yellow
flower cups above glossy, round to heartshaped leaves in spring. Easily grown in any rich, moist soil
in partial shade to full sun. III-IV.
Caltha palustris ssp.
(Yellow Marsh Marigold)
No. de artículo: 3454
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
25 (35)cm, Yellow Marsh Marigold is similar to subspecies palustris, but it has denser bright yellow
flowers above oval, slightly glossy, dark green, serrated leaves. Yellow Marsh Marigold is native of
moist spots in mountainous areas in Turkey. For any humus rich, always moist soil in partial shade
to full sun. Excellent for the border of a pond. IV-V.
Caltha palustris var. alba
(White Marsh Marigold)
No. de artículo: 4798
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
15 (25)cm, White Marsh Marigold is rarely cultivated variety from the Himalayas. It is smaller then
the yellow flowering species and makes showy, pure white cup shaped flowers above glossy green,
heartshaped leaves in early spring. Easily grown in any humus rich, moist soil in partial shade to full
sun. III-IV.
No. de artículo: 4552
sobre de semillas
Calycanthus (Spice Shrubs) & Sinocalycanthus (Sweet Shrubs)
Spice Shrubs, Allspice and Sweet Shrubs are closely related to Magnolia and have shiny deep-green foliage and magnificent
maroon to dark-purplish (In Calycanthus) or white to pale rose (in Sinocalycanthus) flowers. The whole plant has a pleasant spicy
fragrance. Excellent for a partially shaded place with leafy, humus-rich soil and sufficient moisture in summer. All make quite large,
yellow fruit-capsules in late summer.
Sow from autumn to early spring in any rich, well drained soil on a peaty basis in a sunny position. Keep pots in a protected spot
outside during winter. Seeds will germinate in late spring with rising temperatures.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
7 semillas por sobre.
3m, Eastern Spiceshrub is the easiest species of Calycanthus and native of north-eastern USA.
Calycanthus fertilis
Grayish green leaves with dense pubescence beneath. Has reddish brown flowers, which have a
(Eastern Spiceshrub)
pleasant aromatic fragrance. For any leafy, well drained moist soil in a partially shaded spot. IV-V.
Calycanthus floridus
(Carolina Spice Shrub)
No. de artículo: 1034
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
4m, Carolina Spice Shrub is native of Virginia to Florida (USA), occurring in wet woods. Very dark
red to maroon flowers above smaller leaves than the closely related Calycanthus fertilis. For any
leafy, well drained soil in partial shade. IV-V.
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Calycanthus floridus var.
(Eastern Sweetshrub)
No. de artículo: 2218
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
4m, Eastern Sweetshrub is native of south eastern USA, occurring in open spots in slightly wet
woods. Has dark red to maroon flowers followed by round to ovoid fruits. For any humus rich, well
drained soil in a partially shaded to sunny spot. IV-V.
Calycanthus occidentalis
(Western Spiceshrub)
No. de artículo: 4792
sobre de semillas
5m, Western Spiceshrub is the tallest and largest Calycanthus species and makes small, light
maroon flowers above glossy, large foliage. A very rare in south-western USA. For any rich, well
drained, preferably slightly moist soil in partial shade. IV-V.
Sinocalycanthus sinensis
(Chinese Sweet Shrub)
No. de artículo: 2219
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (4)m, Chinese Sweet Shrub (recently renamed to Calycanthus sinensis) is a most ornamental
deciduous woody shrub with quite large, perfectly white to pale rose flowers in early summer
followed by yellow green seed pods and beautiful golden yellow foliage in autumn. For any humus
rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 5196
sobre de semillas
Camassia (Quamash)
Prairie Lily, N American natives from damp areas with Scilla like, but much larger flowers on long stems emerging from large bulbs.
Ideal for any humus rich or leafy soil in shaded to partially sunny spots, require sufficient moisture in spring and summer. Ideal for
naturalizing in grass.
Sow late spring in any humus rich, yet well drained soil. Keep pots in full sun to partial shade. Transplant young bulbs after two
years. Keep pots in a sheltered spot outside in the garden during winter.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7 si no se meciona algo
20 semillas por sobre.
20 (40)cm, Southern Wild Hyacinth makes a basal rosette of long leaves and an upright stalk with
Camassia angusta
rich blue to pale blue, star-like flowers. Native of prairies in central USA. For any humus rich, well
(Southern Wild Hyacinth)
drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
Camassia leichtlinii
No. de artículo: 4852
sobre de semillas
100 (130)cm, native of Oregon, occurring in damp mountain meadows. Has purplish blue to pale
blue star-flowers on medium sized stalks. Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained, slightly
moist soil in a sunny spot. V.
Camassia quamash
(Small Camas)
No. de artículo: 2512
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, Small Camas is a herbaceous bulbous plant from mountain meadows and prairies in
north-western North America. It makes lax racemes of pale ink blue flowers above mid green leaves.
For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 6212
sobre de semillas
30 (50)cm, Eastern Wild Hyacinth makes a basal rosette of long leaves and an upright stalk with
pale blue, star-like flowers. Native of open spots in woods and meadows in central USA. For any
humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. IV-V.
Camassia scilloides
(Eastern Wild Hyacinth)
No. de artículo: 4853
sobre de semillas
Campanula (Bellflower)
Bellflowers belong to a very broad family with numerous species, out of which many are beautiful mat forming plants, wheras
others are tall solitary species and suit any rather sunny spot. The smaller members are usually ground-covering perennials
producing numerous flowers throughout the summer and are best grown in the rock garden. The taller growing species suit as
ornamental solitary plants.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
50 semillas por sobre.
60 (100)cm, attractive perennial with wooly stems bearing large creamy white, nodding flowers in VICampanula alliariifolia
Campanula americana
No. de artículo: 2523
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
70 (100)cm, Campanula native in North America. Makes tall racemes with numerous white throated,
sky blue flowers all summer long. Shade to partial shade in a moist, well drained spot. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 2528
sobre de semillas
Campanula argyrotricha
Campanula barbata
(Bearded Bellflower)
No. de artículo: 7013
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30cm, Bearded Bellflower is a biannual native of the Alps and the Carpathians. Makes a basal
rosette of hairy, grayish-green leaves and showy upright stems with pendulous, sky-blue bellflowers.
Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in full sun. An excellent plant for the rock garden. V-VI.
Campanula baumgartenii
(Lance shaped Bellflower)
No. de artículo: 4593
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
20 (30)cm, Lance shaped Bellflower makes small, rich blue flowers. A very rare endemic of Central
Europe from eastern France (Vosges du Nord) to central Germany (Pfalz, Taunus, and Odenwald).
For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 2529
sobre de semillas
120 (160)cm, tall species with a long spike with numerous pale blue flowers above a basal leaf
rosette. V-VIII.
Campanula bohemiensis
No. de artículo: 2531
sobre de semillas
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Campanula bononiensis
40 (100)cm, an European and West Asian species with a spike of lilac blue flowers above grayish
green, oval to lanceolate leaves, densely pubescent on the lower side. A rare bellflower from dry
shrub formations growing in well drained clay soils in sunny spots. VII - IX.
Campanula carpatica
No. de artículo: 2532
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, superb Campanula producing masses of blue, upright, bellflowers. Ideal for borders in
the rockery garden. VI-IX.
Campanula carpatica var.
No. de artículo: 2534
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
20 (30)cm, a rare and beautiful variety with large sky blue (sometimes pure white) bellflowers on
short, somehow creeping stems. Ideal in any well drained soil in a sunny spot in the rock garden. VIIX.
Campanula cervicaria
No. de artículo: 2535
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
70 (100)cm, large Campanula with dense umbels of violet blue flowers. For a sandy and moist spot
in partial shade to shade. V-VII.
Campanula cochleariifolia
No. de artículo: 2536
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15cm, dwarf ground covering Campanula with blue, drooping, bell shaped flowers in summer, very
free-flowering. For the rockery garden. VI-IX.
Campanula garganica
No. de artículo: 2537
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15cm, beautiful, dwarf perennial for the rockery garden. Makes several clusters of blue flowers with
white centers from V-IX.
Campanula glomerata
(Clustered Bellflower)
No. de artículo: 2541
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, Clustered Bellflower is from clay soil throughout Europe and has densely packed clusters
of bright bluish purple, funnel shaped flowers. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 2542
sobre de semillas
Campanula glomerata ssp. 30 (50)cm, Siberian Clustered Bellflower is native throughout Russia (Siberia) and has densely
packed clusters of bright bluish purple, funnel shaped flowers above middle green leaves. V-VI.
(Siberian Clustered
No. de artículo: 5147
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
Campanula glomerata ssp. 40 (60)cm, beautiful subspecies from central Asia with large, dense flower clusters of a rich violet
color on upright, tall stems. Flowers a little bit later than the type species. VI-VII.
Campanula grossekii
No. de artículo: 2543
sobre de semillas
100 (150)cm, elegant broad racemes with numerous deep blue, widely opening flowers in VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 2545
sobre de semillas
Campanula incurva
Campanula lactiflora
No. de artículo: 7009
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
120 (200)cm, very large bellflower with numerous light blue to milky inflorescences above yellowish
green leaves. For a sunny to partially shaded spot in any soil providing some humus and good
drainage. VI-VIII.
Campanula latifolia
No. de artículo: 2546
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
60 (100)cm, native throughout Europe extending to Pakistan and Nepal. A leafy perennial with long
spikes of large, nodding, dark blue-purple, bell shaped flowers in VII-IX.
Campanula latifolia var.
(Greater Bellflower)
No. de artículo: 2548
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
80 (120)cm, Greater Bellflower is a showy species with erect stalks covered with quite large, dark
blue flower bells and serrated leaves. Native of meadows and borders n woods in Eurasia. For any
rich, well drained soil in partial shade to full sun. Excellent in the rock garden. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 4800
sobre de semillas
Campanula makaschvilii
Campanula medium
No. de artículo: 7008
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
70 (100)cm, Campanula from S Spain with strong spikes of very large flowers (up to 5cm in length !)
in shades of violet blue (rarely white). VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 2549
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 7007
sobre de semillas
Campanula moesiaca
Campanula ochroleuca
Campanula patula
(Meadow Bellflower)
Campanula patula ssp.
(Perennial Meadow
No. de artículo: 7006
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, Meadow Bellflower makes filigree stems with pale lilac-blue flowers above narrow,
lanceolate leaves. Native of meadows throughout Eurasia. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny
spot. Excellent in the rock garden. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 4801
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, Perennial Meadow Bellflower is similar to he species, yet more robust in all parts. Makes
filigree stems with pale lilac-blue flowers above narrow, lanceolate leaves. Native of montane
meadows throughout Eurasia. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Excellent in the rock
garden. V-VII.
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Campanula persicifolia
(blue form)
No. de artículo: 4802
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
70 (120)cm, forms a 20cm ø rosette of which various flowering stalks emerge with large sky blue
flower bells. Most seedlings from this batch shall be blue, however some may be white flowering. VVII.
Campanula persicifolia
(Peach-leafed Bellflower)
No. de artículo: 2550
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
70 (120)cm, Peach-leafed Bellflower, a mixture of white and blue flowered plants. These make a
20cm ø basal leaf rosette out of which various flowering stalks emerge with large flower bells. Easily
cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VII.
Campanula persicifolia
(white form)
No. de artículo: 4605
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
70 (120)cm, makes a 20cmø rosette of which various flowering stalks emerge with large white flower
bells. Most seedlings from this batch shall be white, however some may be blue flowering. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 2551
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
Campanula poscharskyana 15cm, outstanding ground covering Campanula for the rockery, bearing a succession of violet, star
shaped flowers from VI-XI.
No. de artículo: 2552
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 7004
sobre de semillas
80 (100)cm, Eurasian, middle sized bellflower with erect growing stalks covered with light blue
flowers. For a sunny spot in any well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
Campanula rapunculoides
Campanula rapunculus
No. de artículo: 2557
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (80)cm, fragile looking and very adoptable Campanula from NW Africa to Siberia and southwestern Asia with lax, light blue flowers on erect stalks. Sunny to partially shaded spot in any well
drained soil. VI-VII.
Campanula punctata f.
No. de artículo: 2558
sobre de semillas
Campanula rigidipila
Campanula rotundifolia
No. de artículo: 7072
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, Harebell, from the N hemisphere, with its delicate nodding, blue, bell shaped flowers in
summer. Sunny to partially shaded spot in any well drained soil. VII-X.
Campanula sarmatica
No. de artículo: 2559
sobre de semillas
50 (70)cm, middle sized, erect growing Campanula with densely flowered stalks. For any sunny
spot. V-VII.
Campanula sibirica
No. de artículo: 2560
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30cm, a decorative plant from E Europe with dense tufts of hairy leaves and leafy stems bearing
dense, drooping panicles of large, violet blue flowers in summer. Rare and attractive plant for a very
sunny spot. V-VI.
Campanula takhtazanii
No. de artículo: 2561
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (60)cm, medium sized, broad, biannual to semi-perennials species with broad arrow shaped,
strongly serrated, yellowish green leaves and large, pure white, nodding flower bells. For any rich,
well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VII.
Campanula thyrsoides
ssp. carniolica
Campanula trachelium
No. de artículo: 2565
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (60)cm, as the species but slightly larger and less compact in all parts. Rarely seen subspecies.
As the species it is suited for any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Ideal in the rock garden. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 2568
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
70 (120)cm, Nettle-leafed Bellflower, growing in woods on usually clay soils. Leafy panicles of
broadly bell shaped, deep blue-purple flowers until late. Excellent solitary perennial, easy. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2570
sobre de semillas
Camptoloma is a small genus in the foxglove family (Scrophulariaceae) and consists of only three species native of the Canary
Islands, North Africa and Arabia Peninsula. They are small, woody plants with succulent, pubescent leaves and Geranium-like
white to whitish-rose flowers in terminal racemes. They prefer a rocky, stony, free-draining soil in a sunny spot. In winter reduce
watering to a minimum and keep plants at a minimum of some 15°C in full sun.
Sow dust like seeds flat on any well drained soil in a sunny (in winter) to partially shaded spot (in summer). Keep seedlings always
slightly moist from beneath.
50 semillas por sobre.
15 (25)cm, a woody foxglove-related perennial with succulent, dark green, pubescent, ovoid leaves
Camptoloma canariensis
and some 12cm long terminal racemes of pinkish white flowers. Growing in vertical rock crevices in
partial shade. For any rich, well drained, rocky soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Keep drier in
winter at a minimum of some 15°C. IX-XI.
No. de artículo: 3002
sobre de semillas
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Campylanthus is a small genus with some beautiful, shrubby members. Campylanthus salsaloides var. salsaloides is endemic from
the succulent and xerophytic shrub zone on all Canary islands and grows as a medium sized, semi woody shrub with bowing stems
densely covered with linear, slightly succulent, glossy leaves and terminal racemes of bright lilac flowers. Easily grown as a pot or
container plant in any well drained, rocky soil in full sun throughout the year. Keep plants drier in winter in full sun and at a
minimum of some 15°C. If plants are becoming too large, they can be cut back easily in early spring.
Sow small, paperlike seeds on any very well drained, rock-sandy soil. Do not cover seeds with soil and place pots in a sunny spot
throughout the year. Keep seedlings only slightly moist from beneath and carefully transplant to larger pots after the second pair of
20 semillas por sobre.
Campylanthus salsaloides 150 (250)cm, an evergreen shrub endemic to all Canary islands with arching stems, small fresh
green, slightly succulent leaves and showy terminal racemes of pale lilac blue flowers. Good
ssp. salsaloides
container plant for any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier
at a minimum of some 10°C in full sun. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 5070
sobre de semillas
Canarina (Canary Bell Flower)
Canary Bell Flower is a beautiful and easily grown herbaceous perennial climber for any rich, peaty soil, which should be kept
always moist as long as plants are in leaf. Keep soil almost completely dry as soon as plants go dormant from mid summer to early
autumn. Plant will start new, fast growth with lower temperatures alongside a higher air humidity in autumn.
Sow seed flat on any very humus rich, well drained soil. Do not cover seed and keep pots always slightly moist from beneath in a
partially shaded spot. Ideal temperature for germination is in between a minimum of some 15° (night) to a maximum of some 25°C
(day). In several Canary plants higher temperatures will slow down or even inhibit germination ! Young seedlings are growing rather
slowly, as soon as fourth pair of leaves appears they grow rapidly, especially from autumn to spring. In summer keep in partial
shade, in winter in a sunny spot at a minimum of some 10°C.
Price is given per package (20 seeds) or per dormant rhizome (length in cm).
Note: All rhizomes are available for a delivery within Europe only ! Seeds are shipped worldwide.
150 (400)cm, Canary Bellflower is a beautiful herbaceous climbing perennial with bluish green
Canarina canariensis
leaves, slightly succulent stems and a tuberous root. Makes showy, large bell shaped bright orange
(Canary Bellflower)
to orange red pendulous flowers followed by astonishingly large, edible (!), walnut sized, bright
orange yellow fruits. Keep dry as soon as plants go dormant at higher temperatures in summer.
Start to water again as soon as new growth appears in autumn. Requires a climbing aid and is
mainly winter-growing. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 3461
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
No. de artículo: 3003
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
Canary Fern Species (Plants/Rhizomes)
There are more than 50 different fern species known from the Canary islands, a couple of them are endemic to this archipelago or
the Macaronesian region. The three offered species are growing in nature as semi-epiphytes on rocks or even trees and make
quite strong, creeping rhizomes with beautiful, elegant fen leaves during winter, and are summer dormant. In late summer the
rhizomes make new leaf fens. All species are easily cultivated as pot plants in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially
shaded spot.
Plant the rhizomes half the diameter of their circumcise on top of any rich, well drained soil. As long as plants are in leaf (from late
summer to late spring) carefully water from beneath and keep plants sunny in a frostfree spot at a minimum of some 5°C. As soon
as leaves start to yellow in late spring, keep soil almost completely dry and store pots in a shaded spot until new growth starts.
Price per rhizome cutting (see for sizes below).
Aviso: These plants are available for a delivery within Europe only.
30cm (rhizome up to 100cm in length), makes beautiful, strongly dissected, fresh green fens from a
Davallia canariensis
quite broad, fleshy rhizome, densely covered with fox brown hairs. Native of Macaronesia and southwestern Spain and Portugal growing in rocks and as an epiphyte on trees (especially on the Canary
Islands). Easily cultivated, and very resistant to summer drought and heat. Plant the rhizome
horizontally on top of any humus rich, well drained soil. Do not cover the rhizome with soil. Keep
plants in winter at a minimum of some 5°C with slightly reduced watering.
No. de artículo: 2494
rizoma esqueje (10,0 cm)
Canna have annual foliage which emerges from perennial, fleshy, usually winter dormant rhizomes. They are strong and fast
growers for any rich, leafy and slightly moist soil. Very ornamental due to their large, banana-like foliage and clusters of funnelshaped flowers which are born throughout the summer. Wild species naturally make smaller and more elegant flowers. Please note
that taxonomy (= botanical naming) in this genus is in a complete mess and there are uncountable invalid names as well as hybrids
which are traded as species and vice-versa. We try our best to keep botanical names and identification as accurate as possible,
but we cannot give any guarantee. What we do guarantee is that you will receive seeds of exactly the plants as shown in our fotos!
Prior to sowing scarify seed (e.g. carefully scratch the seed coat with fine sandpaper) and soak them in luke warm water for some
48h. Sow at a minimum of some 20°C in any rich soil. Will start to flower the second year. Unpot rhizomes in autumn as soon as
foliage has died down and store in a dry and cool place until end of spring. These are the real, unhybridized species, which
naturally make elegant and smaller flowers.
7 semillas grandes por sobre.
160 (200)cm, has elegant broad, banana-like leaves and branching inflorescences with quite large,
Canna compacta
showy orange-red flowers with a yellowish inner stripe. For any rich, humus rich soil in a sunny spot
in summer. Identity of this clone is uncertain. Our plants are seed raised, and all plants are identical
and readily set viable seeds. Thus we believe them to be a pure species strain. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 8945
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Canna indica var. flava
(Yellow Canna)
130 (160)cm, Yellow Canna (syn. Canna lutea) makes broad, yellowish green to pale bluish-green,
banana-like leaves and small, funnel-shaped light yellow flowers with small reddish spots inside. For
any rich, very moist, humus rich soil in a sunny spot in summer. VII-IX.
Canna indica var. indica
(Red Canna)
No. de artículo: 4537
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
150 (180)cm, Red Canna has elegant broad, yellowish green, banana-like leaves, showing red
margins. A floriferous species with many crimson red, funnel-shaped flowers throughout summer.
For any rich, humus rich soil in a sunny spot in summer. In winter keep rhizomes rather dry in a cool
spot at some 5°C to 10°C. Replant in spring after the last strong freezes are over. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 9484
Canna indica var. sanctaerosae
(Sancta-rosae Canna)
Canna indica var.
(Violet Canna)
Canna patens
No. de artículo: 2332
sobre de semillas
€ 0,79
170 (220)cm, Canna indica var. sanctae-rosae is now regarded a synonym of the very variable
Canna indica var. indica. It slightly differs by having a more rosy-red outside of the otherwise
crimson red flowers. As the species it makes elegant broad, yellowish green, banana-like leaves and
it is very floriferous throughout summer. For any rich, humus rich soil in a sunny spot in summer. In
winter keep rhizomes rather dry in a cool spot at some 5°C to 10°C. Replant in spring after the last
strong freezes are over. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 9157
sobre de semillas
€ 2,79
150 (180)cm, Violet Canna is one out of few taxonomically recognized varieties within the extremly
variable Canna indica group. It has elegant broad, yellowish green, banana-like leaves with a
purplish margin. A floriferous species with many crimson red, funnel-shaped flowers on purplish
stalks throughout summer and which are followed by purple seed capsules. For any rich, humus rich
soil in a sunny spot in summer. In winter keep rhizomes rather dry in a cool spot at some 5°C to
10°C. Replant in spring after the last strong freezes are over. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 9155
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
150 (180)cm, this species was once regarded as a variety of the extremely variable Canna indica,
however, it is now accepted as a taxonomically distinct and valid species of its own. It makes broad,
yellowish green banana-like leaves and numerous flowers with orange-red upper petals and yellow
lower lips with red spots. Easily grown in any rich, humus rich soil in a sunny spot in summer. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 8850
Canna tuerckheimii
(Giant Canna)
sobre de semillas (100 semillas)
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9482
sobre de semillas (100 semillas)
€ 2,90
250 (400)cm, Giant Canna (syn. Canna gigantea, Canna latifolia) is the tallest member in its genus
and is native from Mexicoo to Ecuador. It is a herbaceous, winter dormant species with impressively
long and broad, banana-like leaves topped by a very tall losely branching stalk with orange-red
flowers. For any rich, humus rich soil in a sunny spot in summer. This large species requires
sufficient space to develop well and is best grown in a large container. During dormancy in winter
keep rhizomes at a minimum of some 12°C almost completely dry. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 9483
sobre de semillas (100 semillas)
€ 14,90
No. de artículo: 8855
sobre de semillas
Capparis (Caper)
Caper plants are small, spreading shrubs, eventually reaching one meter in height. Their flower buds are picked before they open
and conserved in vinegar and salt (caper) and widely used in the Mediterranean cookery. The nice flowers are born on first-year
branches. Young plants should preferably be grown under frostfree conditions, where they should be kept drier, very sunny and
cooler at minimum 5°C in winter. Older, mature plants with a wooden rootstock may be planted in a rocky soil, very well drained in
full sun in a protected spot in the open garden (e.g. at the bottom of a south facing wall).
Prior to sowing soak seeds for 48h in warm water, then sow flat in any well drained, rather rock soil in full sun at 20-25°C.
Germination in this genus is irregular. Keep seedlings always sunny in a slightly moist soil. Ideal pot plants in a cool, sunny
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7.
20 semillas por sobre.
50 (120)cm, Caper in a form from a population found close to the town of Perikklishia (Cyprus) at
Capparis spinosa
some 350m with most ornamental bluish green, oval leaves on spiny branches. This form has white
(Caper, ex Chipre)
flowers with a pale rose heart and rather narrow caper fruits. For a rocky, well drained soil in a
protected spot in full sun. Best grown under protective cold glass at a minimum of 5°C in winter, as
this form is supposedly not reliably hardy enough in Central Europe. V-VIII.
Capparis spinosa
(Caper, ex Líbano)
Capparis spinosa ssp.
(Balearic Caper)
No. de artículo: 6363
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
30 (100)cm, Caper in a form from a population found close to the town of Beit ed Dine (Lebanon) at
some 850m with most ornamental bluish green, oval leaves on very spiny branches. This very nice
form has pure white flowers and elongated caper fruits. For a rocky, well drained soil in a protected
spot in full sun. Best grown under protective cold glass at a minimum of 5°C in winter, as this form is
supposedly not reliably hardy enough in Central Europe. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2154
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
100 (150)cm, Balearic Caper has bluish green, oval leaves on either spineless or few-spined annual
branches formed from a perennial subterranean rootstock. It has large, showy white to pale rose
flowers which are followed by elongated fruits. For any rich, very well drained substrate in a
protected spot in full sun. Not reliably winter hardy in Central Europe, best grown in pots under
frostfree conditions at a minimum of 5°C in winter with reduced watering. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8031
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Capsicum cv. (Ají, Chili, Green Pepper, Habanero & Jalapeño)
Ají, Chili, Green Pepper, Habanero and Jalapeño all belong to a single genus (Capsicum) which is native of tropical regions in the
Americas. Capsicum species are annuals to short lived perennials or woody sub-shrubs and have been cultivated for centuries for
their spicy fruits. Fruits of most species contain a chemical substance (Capsaicin), which causes a slight to extremely strong
burning sensation in the mouth, depending on the cultivar and variety. There have been several attempts to define spiciness in
these cultivars and varieties, yet even fruits from the same cultivar may contain a different amount of Capsaicin. Thus some fruits
may show a slight spicines only and may very well serve to add some hot flavor to various dishes, whereas others from the same
cultivar may be too hot to be eaten. On grounds of this, we do not give any information on supposed spiciness of each cultivar. We
strictly sell all Capsicum cultivars as ornamental plants only! Any use for human consumption is upon the risk of the buyer! All
Capsicum cultivars are easily grown in any humus rich, slightly moist soil in full and at a minimum of some 20°C (optimal 27°C). In
colder regions these plants should be grown under glass in a greenhouse to set fruits, for plants do not endure prolonged cool
and/or rainy periods. Cultivars of Capsicum annuum, Capsicum baccatum and Capsicum frutescens will usually fruit in the same
year of sowing (if started early in the year). Cultivars of Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum, Capsicum chinense, Capsicum
praetermissum and most wild species are best grown as biannuals or perennials, for they mostly set fruits in their second year after
All seeds derive from open pollinated plants. However, so far we have not spotted any pollinator (e. g. insects such as bees) in our
cultures. All Capsicum species and cultivars are self fertile and apparently all flowers are self-pollinated. We grow our plants in
groups of several specimens from the same cultivar, so that the chance of any unwanted hybridization is even lower. So far all of
our own re-sowings have come true, nevertheless there might be a very small chance that the one or other seedling may not come
true. Either keep these crosses for your own future selection for a potential new cultivar or discard them as soon as they show any
traits different to that particular cultivar.
Unlike numerous other retailers and private re-sellers on well-known selling platforms who offer seeds of sometimes uncontrolled
quality from questionable sources, all our seeds derive from our own cultivated plants and these are selected for high germination
rates. Our price is only € 0.99 per package with a minimum of some 20 seeds each. You will hardly find elsewhere these cultivars
at a lower price!
Sow seeds flat in any well drained, humus-rich soil. Keep soil slightly moist and pots at some 25°C. Germination will start between
one to three weeks. Seedlings are fast growing, provided sufficient warmth and light, especially in winter months.
No 5, ni 10, sino un mínimo de 20 semillas por sobre !
Aviso: Seeds from Capsicum spp. and cultivars can be shipped within Europe only! Customers from Australia are allowed to order
and to import seeds of cultivars from the following species: Capsicum baccatum, Capsicum frutescens and Capsicum
praetermissimum. No Capsicum species and cultivars are allowed to enter the USA!
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
7 Pot Jonah Strain
Ají Ahuachapán
No. de artículo: 8743
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
60 (80)cm, Ají Ahuachapán is a Capsicum baccatum cultivar from El Salvador and usually offered
under the wrongly spelled name "Ají Ahuachapáu". It makes ornamental, intense orange elongated
fruits. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. In winter keep in
full sun with slightly reduced watering and at a minimum of some 15°C.
No. de artículo: 9033
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
Ají Amarillo
No. de artículo: 8588
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
Ají Angelo
No. de artículo: 8803
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
Ají Benito
Ají Cacho de Cabra
No. de artículo: 8519
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 9227
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
Ají Calatenango
No. de artículo: 8740
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
Ají Céreo
No. de artículo: 8447
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
Ají Cereza
No. de artículo: 8446
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Ají Chombo
No. de artículo: 8642
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
Ají Cito
No. de artículo: 8516
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Ají Cochabamba Hot
No. de artículo: 9032
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Ají Dulce Amarillo
€ 24,90
Ají Escabeche
No. de artículo: 8710
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 9031
No. de artículo: 8709
No. de artículo: 8650
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
€ 24,90
Ají Habanero
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8445
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum cultivar)
Ají Huanuco
No. de artículo: 9030
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum v. pendulum cultivar)
Ají Imbabura
No. de artículo: 9221
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
Ají Limo
No. de artículo: 8781
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
Ají Monagre
No. de artículo: 9222
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
Ají Omnicolor
No. de artículo: 9230
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
Ají Panca
No. de artículo: 8753
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Ají Picante
Ají Picante de Eusebio
No. de artículo: 9029
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
70 (100)cm, Ají Picante de Eusebio (Capsicum frutescens cultivar) is an old cultivar from Tenerife
and for lack of any further information the name of the owner was taken to describe it. It is a semiwoody subshrub with white flowers followed by well-sized, up to 3 cm long, pointed ovoid red spicy
fruits which are locally used in several Canary dishes. Fruits are used freshed and dried. Under
appropriate conditions with sufficient light and warmth it may be grown as a perennial. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 8763
Ají Picante de Juana
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 24,90
No. de artículo: 8402
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
70 (100)cm, Ají Picante de Juana (Capsicum frutescens cultivar) is an old cultivar as well, directly
imported from Peru and which has been given the owner's name as cultivar declaration for lack of
furter information. It is a semi-woody subshrub with white flowers followed by up to 2 cm long,
narrow red and very spicy fruits. Under appropriate conditions with sufficient light and warmth it may
be grown as a perennial. VI-IX.
Ají Rojo
No. de artículo: 8448
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
Ají Umba
No. de artículo: 8673
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8552
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Ají Umba Red
No. de artículo: 9028
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
Ají Valle de Canca
No. de artículo: 8553
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Alajuela Red
No. de artículo: 9027
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
Ancho Mulato
No. de artículo: 9231
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
Ancho Poblano
No. de artículo: 9224
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8790
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8792
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Bido Tacana
No. de artículo: 8964
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum anuum cultivar)
Black Knight
No. de artículo: 9212
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Black Naga
No. de artículo: 9164
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
Bolivian Rainbow Chili
No. de artículo: 8791
No. de artículo: 8698
Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
€ 24,90
Buena Mulata
Burkina Scotch Pepper
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 9214
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8444
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8788
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9225
sobre de semillas
Capsicum annuum var.
(PI 593491)
Capsicum baccatum var.
(PI 260567)
No. de artículo: 8697
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 24,90
No. de artículo: 8680
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
Capsicum praetermissum
Capsicum rhomboideum
No. de artículo: 8801
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
100 (150)cm, a perennials species with thin, woody stems, pubescent leaves and small yellow
flowers followed by tiny round red fruits, which are not spicy in Capsicum rhomboideum. Easily
grown as a perennial in pots in any rich, well drained soil in a partially shaded spot in summer. Keep
slightly drier in winter in perferably full sun and at a minimum of some 15°C. IV-X.
No. de artículo: 9171
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Caribbean Red Habanero
No. de artículo: 8674
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 9223
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8515
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Cereja de Amapá
Cheiro Roxa
No. de artículo: 9026
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
100 (150)cm, Cheiro Roxa (formerly listed as "Pimenta do Brasil # 1") is a still rarely grown and
much sought after Capsicum chinense cultivar from Brazil with ornamental violet shaded leaves and
numerous small fruits turning from dark violet to pale lilac on maturity. Easily grown in any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. In winter keep in full sun with slightly reduced
watering and at a minimum of some 15°C.
No. de artículo: 8742
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum frutescens cultivar)
Chili Tabasco
No. de artículo: 8681
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum cultivar)
Chili Tepín
Cobanero Teardrop
No. de artículo: 8526
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
Cola de Rata
No. de artículo: 8666
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 9232
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8941
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Cor de Laranja
Costeño Amarillo
No. de artículo: 8641
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8586
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
Criolla Sella
No. de artículo: 8676
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8677
No. de artículo: 8708
No. de artículo: 8706
Congo Trinidad
No. de artículo: 8699
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
€ 24,90
€ 24,90
€ 24,90
Dedo de Moca
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
El Oro de Ecuador
No. de artículo: 8741
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8739
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Habanero Amarillo Picante
No. de artículo: 8784
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8825
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
No. de artículo: 9025
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Habanero Manzano
No. de artículo: 8561
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Habanero Naranjo Picante
No. de artículo: 8783
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum frutescens cultivar)
Hijo Puta Madre
No. de artículo: 9241
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
Inca Hot Red
No. de artículo: 9024
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
Inca Surprise
€ 24,90
Isleño Mulato
No. de artículo: 8704
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 9215
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 9220
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8441
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
Lemon Drop Pepper
Lemon Yellow Pepper
No. de artículo: 8700
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
€ 24,90
Little Cherry of Guyana
No. de artículo: 8705
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8780
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
Macho Chili
Machu Picchu
No. de artículo: 8824
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
No. de artículo: 9233
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8823
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8787
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Maya Pimiento
No. de artículo: 9163
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Morovars Yellow
No. de artículo: 9022
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8789
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
Onza Amarilla
No. de artículo: 8558
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
Onza Roja
Habanero Caribbean
Habanero Laranjada
No. de artículo: 8682
Jamaican Hot
No. de artículo: 8440
No. de artículo: 8560
Naga Morich
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
€ 24,90
Pepperoni de Eusebio
Pequin Chili
Peruviano Arancio
No. de artículo: 8563
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
70 (100)cm, Pepperoni de Eusebio is a discovery on a local farmers' market on Tenerife and a
robust Capsicum annuum cultivar with numerous very large, spicy, bright red pepperoni-style fruits.
Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. In winter keep in full
sun with slightly reduced watering and at a minimum of some 15°C.
No. de artículo: 8678
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8826
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8707
Pimenta Barra do Ribeiro
Pimenta da Neyde
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
No. de artículo: 8555
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
€ 24,90
No. de artículo: 8518
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
€ 0,99
100 (150)cm, Pimenta da Neyde is a much sought after Capsicum chinense cultivar for its' lilac fruits
which will not change color with maturity unlike most other lilac and violet fruited cultivars which
usually turn to orange or red with maturity. Apart from its' decorative fruits, it bears ornamental dark
green leaves with a violet shade. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially
shaded spot. In winter keep in full sun with slightly reduced watering and at a minimum of some
No. de artículo: 8744
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
Pimenta do Brasil # 2
No. de artículo: 8738
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
Pimenta do Brasil # 4
No. de artículo: 8798
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
Pimenta do Brasil # 5
€ 24,90
Pimenta do Rio Branco
No. de artículo: 8702
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8640
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Pimienta de Cheiro
No. de artículo: 8651
Pimienta Palmera
(medium type)
Pimienta Picona
Pimienta Puta La Madre
Pimiento Bicolor
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
No. de artículo: 8777
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
70 (100)cm, Pimienta Palmera (Capsicum frutescens cultivar) in its medium sized type makes up to
8cm long, red fruits, which are dried for long-time storage. Dry fruits have a dark red color. They are
watered and serve to make a local famous sauce "Mojo Rojo" or "Mojo Picón" with a very spicy and
hot flavor, depending on the amount of Pimienta Palmera. Under appropriate conditions with
sufficient light and warmth it may be grown as a perennial. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 8405
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
60 (90)cm, Pimienta Picona (Capsicum frutescens cultivar) is a cultivar grown on the Canary islands
with elongated, up to 7cm long red fruits which are used in several Canary dishes for their medium
hot flavor. Fruits are used either fresh or dried and ground. Under appropriate conditions with
sufficient light and warmth it may be grown as a perennial. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 8404
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8679
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
No. de artículo: 8703
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 24,90
50cm, (Capsicum annuum cultivar) a nice form we found in a batch of wrongly labelled plants given
to us as Mulato Isleño Chili. We kept a single mother plant for its' rather large and not spicy fruits,
however this may change in the first daughter generation as this is supposely not a stabile cultivar
yet. Fruits turn in large patches from green to red till the entire fruit will be dark red.
No. de artículo: 8961
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
Pimiento Morrón
No. de artículo: 8562
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Pinzón Chili
No. de artículo: 9213
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum baccatum cultivar)
No. de artículo: 9236
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
Pis-Bas Harari
No. de artículo: 9219
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum frutescens cultivar)
No. de artículo: 9218
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
(Capsicum chinense cultivar). This batch is probably a mixture between Rocotillo (ca. 40%) and
some cultivar aff. Ají Cachucha (ca. 60%).
No. de artículo: 8776
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum pubescens cultivar)
No. de artículo: 9226
sobre de semillas
Rocoto Costa Rican Yellow (Capsicum pubescens cultivar)
No. de artículo: 9240
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum pubescens cultivar)
No. de artículo: 9229
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum pubescens cultivar)
No. de artículo: 8942
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum pubescens cultivar)
Rocoto Manzano Rojo
No. de artículo: 8963
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum pubescens cultivar)
Rocoto San Isidro
No. de artículo: 8639
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Santa Rosa Blanco
No. de artículo: 9020
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum annuum cultivar)
Serrano Tampiqueño
No. de artículo: 9216
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Tucurrrique Yellow
No. de artículo: 9217
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum chinense cultivar)
Uvilla Grande
No. de artículo: 8795
sobre de semillas
(Capsicum pubescens cultivar)
Yellow Rocoto
No. de artículo: 9239
Rocoto Costa Rican Red
Rocoto Cuencano
Rocoto Guatemalan
sobre de semillas
Caragana (Pea Shrub)
Pea Shrubs are deciduous tall shrubs to small trees from Eurasia. They have upright growing stems and branches with axillary,
bright yellow flowers and feathered leaves. They are easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot.
They are drought resistant and very adaptable to various cultivation conditions. Specimens which are getting to tall can be cut back
after flowering.
Note: All parts are poisenous if ingested.
Prior to sowing scarify seed (e.g. carefully scratch the seed coat with fine sandpaper) and soak them in luke warm water for some
48h. Sow flat in any well drained, rather sandy soil in full sun. Keep pots outside and transplant in autumn as soon as plants are
strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 6.
10 semillas por sobre.
Pea Shrub is a deciduous, woody tall shrub with showy axillary, bright yellow pea like flowers and
Caragana arborescens
ornamental, feathered leaves on upright stems and branches. For any rich, well drained soil in a
(Pea Shrub)
sunny to partially shaded spot. V-VI.
Caragana aurantiaca
(Orange Flowered Pea
No. de artículo: 4290
sobre de semillas
130 (170)cm, Orange Flowered Pea Shrub is a deciduous middle sized woody shrub native from
Central Asia. It has bowing woody branches and several bright orange-yellow flowers in spring.
Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. IV-V.
Caragana jubata
(Bearded Pea Shrub)
No. de artículo: 7174
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (200)cm, Bearded Pea Shrub is a winterhardy deciduous shrub native from mountaineous
regions in Asia. It makes woody branches which are densely covered with fine grey spines, narrow
feathered leaves and pure white flowers in summer. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in
a sunny spot. IV-V.
Caragana pygmae
(Dwarf Pea Shrub)
No. de artículo: 9467
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100cm, Dwarf Pea Shrub is a winterhardy deciduous dwarf woody shrub native from the Caucasus
through Eastern Siberia. It has short bowing woody branches and several bright yellow flowers in
spring. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 7173
sobre de semillas
Cardamine (Toothwort)
Toothworts are herbaceous perennials from open, fresh spots in woods in the Northern hemisphere. They make showy rich lilac to
mauve flowers abobe glossy, palmate, strongly serrated leaves. Easily grown in any humus rich, slightly moist soil in partial shaded
where they will make dense stands with time.
Sow seeds flat in any humus rich, well drained soil and keep pots in partial shade and always slightly moist throughout the year.
Seeds require a stratification period in winter until they eventually germinate in late spring the following year. Carefully transplant
young plants after the leaves have withered in late summer to early autumn.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Cardamine heptaphylla
(Seven-Leaf Toothwort)
Cardamine pentaphylla
(Finger Toothwort)
25 (40)cm, Seven-Leaf Toothwort is a showy herbaceous perennial from fresh spots in woods from
southern Germany to the Pyrenees. Makes showy racemes topped by a terminal cluster of pale pink
to pure white flowers in spring above glossy, serrated leaves consisting of seven leaflets each.
Easily grown in any humus rich, slightly moist, well drained soil in partial shade. III-IV.
No. de artículo: 6357
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
25 (40)cm, Finger Toothwort is a showy herbaceous perennial from fresh spots in woods from
southern Germany, the Alps and the Pyrenees. Makes showy racemes topped by a terminal cluster
of pink-mauve flowers in spring above glossy, palmately divided, strongly serrated leaves. Easily
grown in any humus rich, slightly moist, well drained soil in partial shade. III-IV.
No. de artículo: 4406
sobre de semillas
Cardiocrinum (Giant Lily)
Giant Lilies are some 3 to 5 species native of semi-moist wooods from the Himalayas to Japan. All make for the first 4 to 5 years a
basal rosette of ornamental, large heart-shaped leaves before the incredibly tall flower stalks emerges which may gain up to 3m in
height. The showy creamy-white trumpet shaped flowers are strongly fragrant. The mother plant will die down after flowering but
usually it leaves several young bulbs which gain flowering size in some 2 to 3 years. For any very humus rich, semi-moist, yet well
drained soil in a protected, sunny to partially shaded spot.
Sow the thin, paper-like seeds flat on any humus rich, slightly sandy soil at some 10°C in spring in pots outside or in a cold, yet
frostfree greenhouse in autumn or winter. Cover seeds only slightly with soil and keep pots in a partially shaded spot outside during
summer. Keep seedlings preferably frostfree for 2 years with a winter minimum of some 5°C. Transplant bulbs to the garden in mid
spring after the last freezing nights.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7/8 si no se meciona
algo diferente.
20 semillas por sobre.
250 (400)cm, Giant Lily is native of Chinese highlands at some 2.200m and fully hardy in Central
Cardiocrinum giganteum
Europe. Makes stout plain green leaves with a shiny surface and large, cream-white, strongly
(Giant Lily)
fragrant trumpet flowers on a very tall stem. Requires partial shade in a protected spot and a peaty
to humus rich, well drained soil which holds back moisture in spring and summer. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 2574
sobre de semillas
Cardiospermum (Balloon Plant)
Balloon Plants are a small genus of mostly annual to perennial vines from subtropical Africa to Asia. Several species have been
introdruced to other regions and are widely naturalized, invasive species. They are fast growing vines with dissected leaves and
axillary racemes of usually small, unconspicuous flowers followed by ornamental, inflated "balloons" which contain only three seeds
each. Extracts from some Cardiospermum species are said to have medical properties in certain skin diseases. All are easily
grown as pot plants in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. Keep plants drier in winter at a minimum of
some 15°C, alternatively grow as annuals in the open garden. Transplant seedlings to their final spot in the garden after the last
freezing nights by end of spring. Plants require a climbing aid.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil at some 20°C in a sunny spot.
10 semillas por sobre.
2 (10)m, Small Balloon Plant is usually cultivated as an annual, fast growing vine. It has pale green
dissected leaves and small, unconspicuous yellowish-green flowers followed by ornamental, inflated,
green "balloons" which contain only three seeds each. Extracts from some Cardiospermum
(Small Balloon Plant)
halcicacabum species are said to have medical properties in certain skin diseases (e.g. eczema).
Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. If grown as an perennial, keep plants drier
in winter at a minimum of some 15°C with reduced watering. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 8584
sobre de semillas
Carduncellus & Carthamnus (Safflower)
Safflor or False Saffron are ornamental, annual, biannual to perennial plants with sometimes bright colored flower heads on usually
spiny stems and leathery leaves. Annual and biannual species are easily cultivated in any rich, yet very well drained, preferably
slightly sandy to stony soil in full sun. Perennial species can be grown in pots in any rich soil in a sunny and frostfree spot
throughout the year and reduced watering in winter.
Sow annual and biannual species directly into the ground by the end of spring. Plant seedlings very sunny. Sow perennial species
flat in pots in any rich, well drained substrate at some 20°C throughout the year. Keep pot plants very sunny in winter at a minimum
of some 5°C.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557zona climática USDA 10.
10 semillas por sobre.
100cm, Dianus Safflor is a showy perennial species from south-western Spain in the Alicante region.
Carduncellus dianus
(Dianus Safflor) Exclusivo It makes several long stalked cream-white flowers heads above glossy green, serrated and slightly
spiny leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep
plants drier at a minimum of some 5°C. IV-VI.
Carthamnus tinctorius
No. de artículo: 7392
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, Safflor is an annual to biannual with glossy, leathery, spiny leaves and a terminal cluster
of few bright yellow flower heads, turning to orange on drying. Native of Egypt growing in stony
ground in full sun. The dried petals are used as a substitute for saffron (Crocus sativus), from the
seeds a highly valued oil is extracted for culinary purposes. For any rich, very well drained soil in full
sun. Sow directly into the ground at the end of spring. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 3344
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Carduus (Thistle)
Thistles belong to a broad genus with annual to perennial plants out of which a couple of species have showy, bright lilac flower
heads above strongly serrated, spiny leaves. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. All species offered on this
page do not have an invasive habit and are easily controlled.
Sow in any well drained soil in full sun from early autumn to late spring. All species are very fast growing. Transplant as soon as
seedlings are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
30 (50)cm, Mountain Thistle is an utmost beautiful, non-invasive perennial species from mountain
Carduus defloratus
meadows in the Pyrenees and from the Alps to the Balkans. It makes an upright stalk crowned by
(Mountain Thistle)
several nodding, lilac flowers above serrated, spiny leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun.
Excellent for the rock garden. V-VII.
Carduus nutans
(Nodding Thistle)
No. de artículo: 7382
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (100)cm, Nodding Thistle is an utmost beautiful, non-invasive annual to biannual species from
Central Europe with an upright stalk crowned by several nodding, lilac flowers above serrated, spiny
leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 4532
sobre de semillas
Carica (Papaya)
Papaya cultivars and species with white strongly fragrant tube shaped flowers and decorative Acer like foliage for any good soil and
a half-shaded or sunny spot at minimum 20°C in winter (The Mountain Papaya, Carica pubescens at a minimum of some 10°C).
Sow in any humus rich, well drained soil at 20°C throughout the year. Keep pots sunnier in winter, and in partial shade in summer.
20 semillas por sobre.
Carica papaya cv. "Papaya 3 (8)m, Melon Papaya a cultivar with the largest, more than melon-sized fruits of up to 10 kg in
weight each ! The offered seeds derive from a plantation in the village of San Martín (Departamento
de Meta, Colombia). A good container plant for a warm wintergarden. Requires a minimum of some
15°C in a sunny spot in winter. Keep partially shaded in summer.
No. de artículo: 2160
sobre de semillas
Carissa (Natal Plum)
Natal Plum is an evergreen shrub from coastal regions in South Africa. It has leathery, shiny leaves and whitish flowers followed by
pale rosy-red, fruits. Fruits are edible either raw or cooked. Please note, that any other parts then the fully ripe fruits are poisonous!
For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 15°C with
reduced watering.
Sow flat in any good, humus rich soil at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year and place pots in full sun. Keep soil always
slightly moist. Plants grown from seed may flower and bear first fruits after two years.
20 semillas pro sobre.
100 (150)cm, Natal Plum is an medium-sized evergreen shrub with leathery, shiny leaves on throny
Carissa macrocarpa
branches and whitish star-shaped flowers followed by pale rosy-red, edible fruits. Fruits are edible
(Natal Plum)
either raw or cooked in jams and jellies. Any other parts then the fully ripe fruits are poisonous!
Easily grown in pots or containers in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year.
In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 15°C with reduced watering. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8335
sobre de semillas
Carlina (Carline Thistle)
Carline Thistle, stemless perennial with most ornamental, large basal golden-silver flowers framed by a rosette of spiky, flat leaves.
Growing wild in mountain pasture and dry, stony grassland in Central Europe (Swiss Alps) at up to 2800m.
Sow flat in any well drained, rocky soil in full sun in pots outside. Keep pots in a sheltered spot during winter. Carefully transplant in
autumn as soon as plants are strong enough. Add some grit or other draining material on the soil so that the leaf rosette always
stays dry.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre, unless not stated differently.
10 (20)cm, Stemless Silver Thistle is an alpine perennial with spiny leaves in a dense flat rosette
Carlina acaulis
and a single large, golden-silver flower in the center. For any rich, very well drained, stony soil in a
(Stemless Silver Thistle)
sunny site. Best in the rock garden. Very long flower period. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 2575
sobre de semillas
Carlina acaulis ssp.
(Stem Silver Thistle)
Carlina pygmae
(Purple Cyprus Carline
Thistle) Exclusive
No. de artículo: 6982
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10 (25)cm, Purple Cyprus Carline Thistle is a showy dwarf species with silvery-purple flowers on
short to medium tall stalks. Native of rocky, sun-exposed sites in dry shrub formations and pine
forests at lower elevations on Cyprus. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout
the year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of some 5°C. USDA Climate Zone 10. VIVIII.
10 semillas por sobre.
No. de artículo: 6677
sobre de semillas (ex Perikklisia)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Cassia (Manna Tree)
Cassia or Senna is a broad genus with some outstanding, usually erect growing woody shrubs or medium-sized trees, which are all
suited as container plants. They usually have trifoliate to pinnate leaves and numerous yellow to orange-yellow and pink flowers
throughout summer. Several Cassia species are used as medicinal or culinary plants. They are easily grown in any rich, well
drained soil in full sun. Keep plants cooler at a minimum of some 10°C in winter, keep soil drier. Some Cassia may shed most
leaves and will go semi-dormant in winter. Plants which have become to large may be cut back easily in spring before new growth.
Pots or small containers of 10 to 20 liters shall be sufficient for all species.
Sow flat at a minimum of some 20°C in any leafy-sandy, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds will germinate in some 2 weeks to
3 months.
20 semillas por sobre si no se meciona algo diferente.
5 (9)m, Manna Tree is a large shrub to medium sized tree with a straight trunk and spreading
Cassia fistula
branches with broadly feathered leaves. It makes ornamental hanging bright yellow flower spikes
(Manna Tree)
and is most impressing when flowering. The dried, dark brown to almost black, up to 70cm long,
narrow seedpods contain numerous compartments with a blackish pulp, which is used to make
juices and as a cooking ingredient just like Tamarind pulp (Tamarindus indica). Please note that
larger amounts have laxative properties. Zona Climática USDA 10.
10 semillas por sobre.
No. de artículo: 2315
sobre de semillas
Cassia (Senna)
Cassia or Senna is a broad genus with some outstanding, usually erect growing woody shrubs or medium-sized trees, which are all
suited as container plants. They usually have trifoliate to pinnate leaves and numerous yellow to orange-yellow and pink flowers
throughout summer. Several Cassia species are used as medicinal or culinary plants. They are easily grown in any rich, well
drained soil in full sun. Keep plants cooler at a minimum of some 10°C in winter, keep soil drier. Some Cassia may shed most
leaves and will go semi-dormant in winter. Plants which have become to large may be cut back easily in spring before new growth.
Pots or small containers of 10 to 20 liters shall be sufficient for all species.
Sow flat at a minimum of some 20°C in any leafy-sandy, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds will germinate erratically in some
2 weeks to 3 months.
20 semillas por sobre si no se meciona algo diferente.
150 (3)m, small, woody Candlestick Senna from tropical Americas, with erect, yellow spikes
Cassia alata
resembling candles above simple pinnate leaves. Zona climática USDA 10. IV-VI.
(Candlestick Senna)
10 semillas por sobre.
Cassia artemisoides ssp.
(Feathery Senna)
Cassia australis
Cassia bicapsularis
(Winter Cassia)
No. de artículo: 2333
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
1 (2)m, upright, evergreen shrub with pinnate, needle-like leaves and numerous small, bright yellow
flowers on silver-grayish stems. Native to Australia. For any rich, well drained, rocky soil in full sun.
Minimum of some 10°C in winter with reduced watering. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3234
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (4)m, erect growing shrub to small tree from Australia, yellow flower spikes. For a very sunny spot.
Zona Climática USDA 10.
10 semillas por sobre.
No. de artículo: 2334
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (5)m, Winter Cassia is an erect shrub to small tree from 2 (5)m, Winter Cassia is an erect shrub to
small tree from Northern South America (Panama south to Venezuela and Colombia) and has
compound dark green leaves and clusters of mst ornamenal sulfur yellow flowers. Easily cultivated
in any rich, well drained soil in containers. In winter keep plants slightly drier in full sun at a minimum
of some 15°C. X-XII.
Cassia candolleana
(Golden Senna)
No. de artículo: 8318
sobre de semillas
€ 2,49
2 (3)m, upright, semi-evergreen shrub with broadly feathered, dark green leaves and terminal spikes
of large, rich golden yellow flowers. Native of Chile. For any rich, well drained, rocky soil in full sun.
Minimum of some 10°C in winter with reduced watering. VII-VIII.
Cassia corymbosa
(Argentine Senna)
No. de artículo: 3236
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
200 (300)cm, Argentine Senna is a medium tall woody shrub from South America with showy, rich
yellow flowers in terminal racemes above slightly leathery, shiny leaves. Easily grown in pots or
containers in any rich, well drained soil. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 15°C in full
sun. VI-VIII.
Cassia didymobotrya
(Popcorn Senna)
No. de artículo: 8125
sobre de semillas
2 (3)m, upright, semi-evergreen shrub with broadly feathered, fresh to dark green leaves and
terminal, candle-like spikes of golden yellow flowers. Native of Africa. For any rich, well drained,
rocky soil in full sun. Minimum of some 10°C in winter with reduced watering. VII-VIII.
10 semillas por sobre.
Cassia eremophila
(Desert Cassia)
No. de artículo: 3237
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
100 (200)cm, Desert Cassia (syn. Cassia nemophila) is native to Australia. It is an evergreen shrub
with linear leaves and numerous bright yellow flowers. A fast growing species. For any rich, well
drained susbtrate in full sun throughout the year. In winter keep plants drier at a winter minimum of
some 5°C. Zona climática USDA 9. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2335
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Cassia fistula
(Manna Tree)
Cassia floribunda
(Popcorn Tree)
Cassia glauca
Cassia grandis
(Pink Shower Tree)
5 (9)m, Manna Tree is a large shrub to medium sized tree with a straight trunk and spreading
branches with broadly feathered leaves. It makes ornamental hanging bright yellow flower spikes
and is most impressing when flowering. The dried, dark brown to almost black, up to 70cm long,
narrow seedpods contain numerous compartments with a blackish pulp, which is used to make
juices and as a cooking ingredient just like Tamarind pulp (Tamarindus indica). Please note that
larger amounts have laxative properties. Zona Climática USDA 10.
10 semillas por sobre.
No. de artículo: 2315
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
4 (9)m, Popcorn Tree from tropical Asia. Leathery leaflets and plenty of beautiful, large clusters of
yellow flowers, which pop out from the branches, thus resembling popcorn. Requires good drainage.
No. de artículo: 2317
sobre de semillas
4 (8)m, ornamental Cassia with broad feathered dark bluish green leaves and quite large bright
yellow flowers in dense clusters.
No. de artículo: 2337
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
4 (9)m, Pink Shower Tree is a showy tree from tropical Americas. It makes large hanging flower
racemen in various shades of pink to light rose over long periods of time. For any rich, well drained
susbtrate in full sun throughout the year. In winter keep plants drier at a winter minimum of some
10 semillas grandes por sobre.
Cassia javanica ssp.
No. de artículo: 2338
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
6 (8)m, a small tree with bright to dark rose, quite large flowers in dense clusters above broadly
feathered leaves. For any rich, well drained susbtrate in full sun throughout the year. In winter keep
plants drier at a winter minimum of some 15°C.
10 semillas grandes por sobre.
Cassia mexicana
(Mexican Cassia)
No. de artículo: 2343
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (5)m, Mexican Cassia is an erect to small tree with trifoliate leaves and ovoid, dark green leaflets.
Clusters of sulfur yellow flowers on older plants. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in
containers. In winter keep plants slightly drier in full sun at a minimum of some 15°C. VII-IX.
Cassia multijuga
No. de artículo: 2341
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (5)m, large shrub to small tree with age from Brazil with yellow flowers in numerous, densely
package spikes. For any rich, well drained susbtrate in full sun throughout the year. In winter keep
plants drier at a winter minimum of some 15°C.
10 semillas grandes por sobre.
Cassia renigera
No. de artículo: 2342
sobre de semillas
Information not yet available.
10 semillas por sobre.
Cassia roxburghii
(syn. Cassia marginata)
No. de artículo: 2344
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
6 (8)m, small tree similar to Cassia javanica with usually more intense colored flowers, sometimes
being terra cotta red.
10 semillas por sobre.
Cassia siamea
Cassia spectabilis
No. de artículo: 2340
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
12 (20)m, originating in south-eastern tropical Asia, becoming a large tree with age if planted in the
garden. Compound leaves and yellow flowers are born in dense clusters up to 30cm/1' long. Soak
seeds for three days in luke warm water prior to sowing. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny
spot throught the year. In winter reduce watering and keep plants at a minimum of some 15°C.
No. de artículo: 2345
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
250 (400)cm, medium sized shrub and as the name proposes it is a spectacular Cassia with golden
yellow, flowers in upright spikes.
No. de artículo: 2346
sobre de semillas
Cassia (Winterhardy Senna)
Winter hardy Senna make ornamental, pinnate leaves on woody branches and bright colored flowers as their subtropical and
tropical cousins. Unlike the latter there are a couple of species from North America which are resistant to freezing temperatures in
winter. They can be grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny, protected spot in the open garden throughout the year in Central
Europe as well. Plants which have become to large may be cut back easily in spring before new growth.
Prior to sowing scarify seed (e.g. carefully scratch the seed coat with fine sandpaper) and soak them in luke warm water for some
48h. Sow flat at some 20°C in any leafy and sandy, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. Keep seedlings preferably
frostfree for the first two years. In winter place pots at some 5°C and reduce watering to a minimum. Then transplant to the garden
at the end of spring.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7.
20 semillas por sobre.
Cassia covesii
(Desert Senna)
Cassia fasciculata
(Hardy Senna)
No. de artículo: 6979
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
150cm, Hardy Senna makes bright yellow flowers on semiperennial, slightly woody branches. As in
Mimosa spp. the finely feathered leaves fold when touched. This species is native of prairies in the
tall-grass region in the US. Prefers a well drained soil in full sun in a protected spot. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 3622
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Cassia hebecarpa
(Hardy Senna)
100 (150)cm, Hardy Senna makes bright yellow flowers above broadly feathered leaves on
semiperennial, slightly woody branches. Native of prairies in the tall-grass region in the US. Prefers
a well drained soil in full sun in a protected spot. VII-VIII.
Cassia marilandica
(Maryland Senna)
No. de artículo: 3623
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
60 (120)cm, Maryland Senna makes annual shoots from a perennial rootstock. It has ornamental
feathered mid green leaves and dense clusters of yellow flowers from mid to late summer. Native of
open spots in woods and wet meadows from central to south eastern USA. For any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 4994
sobre de semillas
Castilleja (Indian Paintbrush)
Indian Paintbrush are annual to herbaceous perennials which are native to the western parts of North and South America. They
make short stems topped by bright colored bracts in shades of white, yellow, red and pink hiding small flowers inside. Many
species have been used by Indian tribes in North America. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Excellent plants for a
protected spot in the rock garden.
Sow fine seeds very flat on any rich, well drained soil from autumn to mid spring. Do not cover seeds with soils. Keep pots in a
protected spot outside and always carefully water from beneath. Carefully transplant young plants to the final spot in the garden as
soon as they are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
40 semillas por sobre.
20cm, Scarlet Indian Paintbrush is an herbaceous perennial with showy scarlet bracts. It is native of
Castilleja coccinea
(Scarlet Indian Paintbrush) meadows in central and eastern parts of North America . For any rich, very well drained soil in full
sun. VI-VII.
Castilleja covilleana
(Coville's Indian
No. de artículo: 6634
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15cm, Coville's Indian Paintbrush makes orange-red, elongated spikes and cut foliage. Seeds from
a certified wild collection in Blaine County, Idaho, USA at some 2.200m. For any rich, very well
drained soil in full sun. Excellent in a protected spot in the rock garden. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 6744
sobre de semillas
Castilleja linariifolia
(Narrow Leaf Paintbrush)
Castilleja rhexifolia
(Alpine Paintbrush)
Castilleja sulphurea
(Yellow Indian Paintbrush)
No. de artículo: 6882
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15cm, Alpine Paintbrush has showy rosy-pink bracts above broad lanceolate leaves. Seeds from a
certified wild collection in Big Horn County, Wyoming, USA at some 2.850m. For any rich, very well
drained soil in full sun. Excellent in a protected spot in the rock garden. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 6747
sobre de semillas
20cm, Yellow Indian Paintbrush makes pale yellow inflorescence and is native to moist mountain
meadows in western North America. For any humus rich, very well drained soil in full sun. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 6570
sobre de semillas
Catananche (Cupid's Dart)
Cupid's Dart and Paper Flowers are showy, free flowering annuals to perennials from southern Europe and the Mediterranean
region, where they occur in rocky, semi-dry, sunny sites. Cupid's Dart has numerous, pale purplish blue flowers on medium-sized,
upright growing stalks above narrow, silvery-grey leaves, whereas Paper Flowers makes numerous small to medium sized pale
lavender blue to pale lilac flower heads. All are easily cultivated in any rich, very well drained, rocky soil in a protected spot full sun,
where they will grow as perennials. Ideal in a rock garden. Under more unfavorable conditions they tend to grow as an annual or
biannual and produce flowers in the first year already.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, very well drained, preferably slightly rocky soil. Keep pots in a sunny , protected spot outside. Transplant
to the final spot in the garden as soon as seedlings are strong enough in late spring to early summer.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7/8.
20 semillas por sobre.
30 (50)cm, Cupid's Dart makes showy pale purplish blue flower heads surrounded by paper-like,
Catananche caerulea
semi-transparent sepals above narrow, silvery green foliage throughout summer. A Mediterranean
(Cupid's Dart)
annual to perennial for any rich, very well drained, rocky soil in full sun. Excellent in a protected spot
in the rock garden. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 3890
sobre de semillas
Caulophyllum (Cohosh), Diphylleia (Umbrella Leaf) & Podophyllum (Mayapple)
Blue Cohosh, Umbrella Leaf and Mayapple are beautiful herbaceous perennials within the Barberry family (Berberidaceae) and are
native of rich, slightly moist soils in open spots in woods. They have a dicjunct distribution in North America and from Japan to
northern Asia. All species are easily grown in any humus rich, well-drained, preferably slightly moist soil in a sunny to partially
shaded spot.
=> Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) has become rare in nature ue to overcollection for medical purposes. It makes
elegantly dissected leaves with a central spike of small white flowers followed by showy, blue berries in autumn.
=> Umbrella Leaf species (Diphylleia spp.) make unusual large, umbrella like leaves topped by racemes of white flowers followed
by utmost ornamental blue berries on red peduncles in autumn.
=> Mayapple species (Podophyllum spp.) have large, round or broadly dissected, serrated leaves and white, cream to pale rose
flowers, which are followed by ornamental, large, bright colored egg shaped fruits (especially Podophyllum hexandrum).
Sow seeds immediately on receipt flat in any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sunny, protected spot outside during winter. All
species require a cooling period of several months prior to germination. Several seeds may naturally need two, rarely even three
years (especially Caulophyllum thalictroides) before they will finally germinate - thus be patient with these wonderful and longlived
woodland plants ! Transplant the dormant rootstock to the final spot in the garden as soon as leaves have withered in late autumn.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
10 semillas pro sobre (Diphylleia y Podophyllum), y 7 semillas grandes por sobre (Caulophyllum).
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Caulophyllum robustum
(Asian Blue Cohosh)
30 (50)cm, Asian Blue Cohosh is the Asian counterpart of the North American Blue Cohosh
(Caulophyllum thylictrioides), yet much rarer in cultivation. It is a clump forming perennial with
broadly divided foliage and an upright hold stalk with a lose umbel of small greenish-yellow flowers
followed by most ornamental, intense blue berries in late summer and autumn. It is native of rich,
semi-moist soils in woods in Eastern Asia. Easily grown in any humus rich to preferably peaty, well
drained, always slightly moist soil in partial shade. Seeds are slow in germination and may need two
years to germinate. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 9457
sobre de semillas
€ 14,90
Caulophyllum thalictroides 40 (100)cm, North American Blue Cohosh is a clump forming perennial with olive green, broadly
feathered foliage and an upright hold stalk with a lose umbel of small greenish-brown flowers
(North American Blue
followed by most ornamental, intense blue berries in late summer and autumn. It is native of rich,
semi-moist soils in woods in the eastern parts of North America. Easily grown in any humus rich to
preferably peaty, well drained, always slightly moist soil in partial shade. Seeds are slow in
germination and may need two years to germinate. IV-VI.
Diphylleia cymosa
(Umbrella Leaf)
Podophyllum hexandrum
(syn. Podophyllum emodi)
Podophyllum peltatum
No. de artículo: 0007
sobre de semillas
€ 8,90
100cm, Umbrella Leaf is beautiful herbaceous perenial from woods in North America and has very
large, strongly cut, umbrella like leaves and racemes with white flowers folloed by ornamental blue
berries on brilliant red peduncles in autumn. Easily cultivated in any humus rich, well drained,
preferably sligthly moist soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 5161
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, Himalayan Mayapple is native of humus rich, moist soils in woods in the Himalaya.
Makes nice whitish rose to white flowers born with or slightly above the broadly dissected and
serrated foliage, which gains an enormous size sufficient moisture provided in spring. Flowers are
followed by most ornamental, goose-egg sized fruits (edible, yet not very tasty, and keep in mind
that all other parts of the plant are toxic !), which turn bright orange red in July and August. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 1551
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
70 (100)cm, North American Mayapple is one out of two species in this genus. It is native in eastern
North America (Quebec and Minnesota to Florida and Texas) and has an umbrella like leaf (note:
flowering plants always make two leaves). The white flowers are followed by quite large ovoid fruits
turning bright yellow on maturing. When fully ripe fruits have a very intense, pineapple like fragrance
and are edible (yet keep in mind that all other parts of the plant are toxic !). A very adoptable
rhizomatous, herbaceous perennial which grows easily in any rich, well drained soil in a partially
shaded spot. Seeds are scarce ! IV-V.
No. de artículo: 1552
sobre de semillas
Cedronella (Canary Lemon Shrub)
Cedronella or Lemon Shrub are strongly scented plants with a perennial rootstock and annual to biannual flowering branches. Make
trifoliate, light green, edible leaves which have a very pleasant lemon-like fragrance and may be used for salads. Branches are
topped with clusters of pale rose to white flowers. For any well drained, rocky soil in full sun to partial shade. Keep drier and always
sunny in winter. Very large and tall plants can be cut back easily in early spring. Plants will make readily new offsets from the
Sow seeds rather flat in any humus rich, yet well drained soil at some 15° to a maximum of some 22°C (in certain Canary plants,
higher temperatures will slow down or even inhibit germination!). Keep pots in full sun and soil always slightly moist. Germinate
occurs over a period of several months.
20 semillas por sobre.
150 (200)cm, Canary Lemon Shrub is an excellent pot plant with attractive clusters of light pink to
Cedronella canariensis
white flowers above ornamental trifoliate foliage. Native of open and slightly moist spots from the
(Canary Lemon Shrub)
lower pine forest to the upper Fayal-Brezal formation. Requires a very sunny spot in winter under
always frostfree conditions. From below Pico de Oveja (Cumbre Nueva, La Palma) at some 1.500m,
and open spots in the Teno Laurel forest (Tenerife) at some 900m respectively. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 5159
sobre de semillas (ex El Hierro)
No. de artículo: 2472
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
Cedronella canariensis f.
maderense f. nov. ined.
No. de artículo: 3004
sobre de semillas (ex La Palma)
€ 3,99
100 (170)cm, Madeira Lemon Shrub is a new, to be described form native of Madeira. Differing from
Canary populations by its slightly larger, intense rose flowers that are striped white. As the Canary
species it is suited for any rich, well drained soil. Keep drier and sunny in winter in a frostfree spot.
From Central Madeira growing at some 800m.
Cedronella canariensis
var. anisata
(Canary Anis Lemon
Shrub) Exclusive
No. de artículo: 3122
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
100 (170)cm, Canary Anis Lemon Shrub is an almost unknown variety native of La Gomera and La
Palma. Differing from the species found on Tenerife in having more pubescent leaves and a typical
anis-like fragrance in sunny spots in contrast to the lemon scented species. Attractive clusters of
pinkish white flowers. From sunny and slightly moist spots in the laurel forest zone on both islands.
South of Montaña Quemada (La Gomera), 1120 m and Fuente de San Marcos (La Palma). VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 3030
sobre de semillas (ex La Palma)
No. de artículo: 3119
sobre de semillas (ex La Gomera)
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Todos los derechos reservados.
Cedrus (Cedar)
Real Cedars are tall and broad conifers from mountainous regions in the Mediterranean, where they may gain several hundred
years in age. Most species have very fragrant needle like leaves arranged in clusters. Cedars have been highly valuated for their
strong and very aromatic oily wood and thus many species have been become very rare in nature because of uncontrolled timber
cutting. Though becoming very large in size they grow moderately and have a pyramidal crown in their juvenile stage. Older
specimens form a wide crown resembling a huge umbrella. Ideal for most well drained soils in a sunny spot.
Sow flat at 15-25°C in any well drained soil in full sun. Keep soil only slightly moist.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
10 semillas por sobre.
15 (30)m, Cyprus Cedar is an utmost ornamental evergreen conifer with bluish-green, short needleCedrus libani ssp.
like leaves. Adult trees make a broad, umbrella like crown. Native of mountains on Cyprus where it
has become rare and natural populations are confined to few places. For any rich, well drained soil
(Cyprus Cedar)
in a sunny spot.
Cedrus libani ssp. libani
(Cedar of Lebanon)
No. de artículo: 6667
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
18 (30)m, Cedar of Lebanon is the national emblem of Lebanon,and most likely the most majestic of
all Cedar species, unfortunately probably the most endangered Cedar species as well. Nowadays
found only in some 12 separate populations in Lebanon (e.g. forests of Jabal Qammoua, Jabal Al
Barouk and Maaser Al Chouf) and a couple of smaller populations in the Taurus range in Syria and
Turkey. Grows very moderately with a juvenile pyramidal crown forming with time a broad and flat
umbrella with very thick, horizontally arranged, very long branches and clusters of evergreen, dark
green, highly aromatic needles all over. Mature specimens eventually make a couple of large light
brown cones. Excellent for any well drained soil in full sun. Seeds become only occasionally
available as Cedar Trees produces first cones (and hence seeds) not before they have gained some
40 to 50 years in age !
No. de artículo: 2220
sobre de semillas
Celastrus (Bittersweet)
Bittersweet are close relatives to the spindle berries (Euonymus spp.), however unlike their cousins they are climbing, woody
shrubs. They are native of woods in North America and Eastern Asian, where they grow up shrubs and trees. All are very easy in
cultivation, plants which become too large can be cut back into the wood. All have small, whitish-green to yellowish-green flowers in
spring, and decorative, colorful orange fruits with seeds covered by bright scarlet flesh from autumn to early winter. Besides, their
foliage turns bright yellow in autumn. A climbing aid is recommended.
Sow flat in any well drained, lightly sandy, humus rich soil in autumn to early spring, keep pots in a partially shaded place. Cultivate
plants in pots for two years before transplanting to the open garden.
Aviso: All parts (especially the attractive fruits) are poisonous if eaten.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
3 (7)m, Pale Bittersweet is a woody twining shrub native of forests in China (e.g. Shaanxi, Gansu,
Celastrus hypoleucus
Sichuan, and Yunnan province). It has broad, elliptical middle green leaves, small, pale greenish
(Pale Bittersweet)
white flowers and showy orange fruit-capsules with blackish brown seeds covered with a bright red
flesh from late summer to early winter. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun to partial shade. VVIII.
No. de artículo: 3428
sobre de semillas
Celtis (Hackberry)
Hackberries are very ornamental solitary trees with dense crowns and small, usually dark-blue to black or orange fruits (edible) with
one large seed each. All are a good nutrition source for wildlife animals.
Sow at 5°C in any soil in a sunny spot in autumn to early spring.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
7 semillas por sobre.
10 (15)m, European Hackberry is a tall tree native of S Europe. It has a grayish bark, oval, serrated
Celtis australis
leaves and small round dark blue berries in autumn. It is grown for its valuable timber. For any soil in
(European Hackberry)
a sunny spot. Ideal as a bonsai as well. IV-V.
Celtis caucasica
(Caucasus Hackberry)
No. de artículo: 2222
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
10 (15)m, Caucasus Hackberry is a tall tree with a broad crown, small oval, serrated leaves on
grayish stems and small berries turning to maroon brown with maturity in autumn. Native from
Caucasus, Asia Minor to Afghanistan. For any well drained soil. The Caucasus Hackberry makes a
perfect bonsai as well. IV-V.
Celtis tournefortii
(Oriental Hackberry)
No. de artículo: 3385
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
3 (5)m, Oriental Hackberry is a tall woody shrub to small losely branching tree with small oval,
serrated leaves and small berries turning to orange with maturity in autumn. It is native of the
Eastern Mediterranean region and Asia Minor. A fully winterhardy species for any well drained soil in
a sunny spot in the garden. The Oriental Hackberry makes a perfect bonsai as well. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 9208
sobre de semillas
Centaurea (Cornflowers)
Cornflowers are ornamental annuals or perennials with usually rich blue to lilac, yellow or cream flowers which appear in masses
throughout summer and attract numerous bees and butterflies with their seducing nectar. The are ideal for the rock garden and will
thrive in any well drained soil in a sunny position. They are easily grown and will readily self-sow in a suitable spot.
Sow from autumn to early summer in any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots outside in a proteced, sunny spot. Transplant seedlings
on their fourth pair of leaves.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 6, si no se menciona
algo diferente.
20 semillas por sobre, si no se menciona algo diferente.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Centaurea aegilophila
Centaurea cyanus
(Common Blue
Centaurea jacea
(Brown Knapweed)
Centaurea linaresii
12cm, an utmost showy dwarf perennial unknown in cultivation. It has a flat basal rosette of dark
green leaves and rose flower heads in the center just above the ground level. Native of chalk soils in
coastal areas on Cyprus and in southern Turkey. For any rich, well drained substrate in pots. Not
winter hardy, keep these beautiful plants drier in winter in full sun at a minimum of some 10°C. V-VI.
10 semillas pro sobre.
No. de artículo: 6285
sobre de semillas (ex Govenor's Beach, Chipre)
€ 5,99
50 (80)cm, Common Blue Cornflower was native of Asia Minor in prehistoric times and has been
widespread during human setteling across Europe. Today it is has become rarer for intensive crop
field cultivation methods. A showy annual with rich blue (sometimes white or rose) flowers. Easily
grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Will readily selfsow under appropriate conditions.
No. de artículo: 8171
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
25 (80)cm, Brown Knapweed is a perennial knapweeg with scale-like tan to brown bracts beneath
the light purple to rose flowers. The branches have egg shaped or lanceolate, undivided leaves.
European native from dry fields, meadows and roadsides in Scandinavia, Atlantic and Central
Europe, North Italy, West Russia and the Balkans. For full sun to partial shade, in any well drained
soil. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 2580
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150 (200)cm, is a rare and endangered perennial from northwestern Spain and eastern Portugal with
a broad basal rosette of long, spathulate, strongly dissected leaves and tall annual stalks with cream
white, quite large flower heads. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII.
10 semillas por sobre.
Centaurea macrocephala
(Yellow Bighead
No. de artículo: 3523
sobre de semillas (flores lilas)
€ 4,99
100 (120)cm, Yellow Bighead Knapweed is a showy perennial species with upright stalks densely
covered with yellowish green leaves and topped by a single large bright yellow flower head. Native of
high elevation grasslands and subalpine meadows from Armenia to Romania. Easily cultivated in
any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII.
Centaurea montana
(Mountain Corn Flower)
No. de artículo: 4803
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, Mountain Corn Flower is a very variable species from sunny mountainous meadows
across Europe with hairy, grayish, lance shaped leaves and large lilac blue flowers with a purplish
centre. Pleasantly strong honey fragrance. Plants from Scandinavia grow taller and have longer,
narrow ovate leaves in comparison to populations from Central Europe. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 6348
sobre de semillas (ex Frescati, Stockholm, Suecia)
Centaurea montana f.
(Vosges Mountain Corn
No. de artículo: 2581
sobre de semillas
€ 2,49
25 (40)cm, Vosges Mountain Corn Flower is a rare, smaller form from sunny, steep grassy slopes in
the Vosges (France) with hairy, grayish-green, lance shaped leaves and lilac blue flowers with a
purplish centre. Pleasantly strong honey fragrance. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in
full sun. VI-VIII.
Centaurea nigra ssp.
No. de artículo: 4648
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (70)cm, ornamental subspecies with deep purple flowers. For full sun to partial shade, in any well
drained soil. VI-VIII.
Centaurea nigrescens
(Tyrol Knapweed)
No. de artículo: 2582
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
60 (90)cm, Tyrol Knapweed or Vochin Knapweed is an ornamental species with deep purple flowers.
For full sun to partial shade, in any well drained soil. VI-VIII.
Centaurea parlatoris
No. de artículo: 2583
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
40 (80)cm, a multibranching perennial species native of mountains in Sicily (Italy). It has narrow,
linear leaves and several terminal, bright lilac-pink flower heads. For any rich, well drained soil in a
protected spot in full sun. V-VI.
Centaurea phrygia ssp.
No. de artículo: 8325
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
60 (85)cm, light purple pink cornflowers on loose branches. For a sunny site in any rich, well drained
soil. VI-VII.
Centaurea rhenana
(syn. Centaurea stoebe)
No. de artículo: 2584
sobre de semillas
30 (45)cm, rose-pink flowers with a light rose to white center. For a sunny spot in any rich, well
drained, rocky soil. VI-VIII.
Centaurea rupestris
No. de artículo: 2586
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, makes pure yellow flowers above narrow pinnatisect leaves. Native of the Balkan
through Italy growing in dryish, stony grassland. For a sunny site with a deep, well drained soil. VII-
Centaurea scabiosa
(Great Knapweed)
No. de artículo: 2587
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
45 (70)cm, Great Knapweed has nice purple, large Scabiosa like flowers. Full sun to partial shade in
any well drained soil. VII-VIII.
Centaurea uniflora ssp.
(Singleflower Knapweed)
No. de artículo: 2588
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, Singleflower Knapweed is a perennial species with showy, quite large single, pale lilac
flower heads on upright stems above lanceolate leaves. Native of montane areas in Southern
Europe. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 4804
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Centranthus (False Valerian)
False Valerians belong to a small genus of annual to pernnial herbs and subshrubs within the family of (Valerianaceae) and are
native in Southern Europe. Several species have showy flower umbels and nicely contrasting bluish-green leaves. Some species
are used in medicine for their sedative properties. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow flat directly to the ground in any rich soil in a sunny spot in the garden in mid spring.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
30 (50)cm, Red-Flowered False Valerian is a showy biannual to short-lived perennial from Southern
Centranthus ruber
Europe and has upright hold stalks crowned by ornamental rosy-red flower umbels above bluish(Red-Flowered False
green leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII
No. de artículo: 7136
sobre de semillas (ex Sicile, Italie)
Cephalaria (Giant Scabiosa)
Giant Scabiosa are perennials native from central to sout-eastern Europe eastwards to Asia. Most species make basal, large
rosettes with long, serrated leaves, out of which the annual, upright growing, tall stalks are born, crowned with white to creamyellow, flat, Scabiosa like flower heads. They are easily grown in any rich, slightly moist, well drained soil in a sunny position.
Sow from autumn to early summer, transplant seedlings on their fourth pair of leaves.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
10 semillas por sobre.
150 (200)cm, Alpine Giant Scabiosa is a perennial with impressively tall stalks with pale cream
Cephalaria alpina
yellow, flat flower heads above long, serrated, fresh green leaves arranged in a dense basal rosette.
(Alpine Giant Scabiosa)
Native of humus rich spots in rock crevices and meadows in the Alps. Easily grown in any rich,
preferably slightly moist soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. VI-VII.
Cephalaria gigantea
(Giant Scabiosa)
No. de artículo: 3522
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (140)cm, Giant Scabiosa is a perennial with impressively tall stalks with pale cream yellow, flat
flower heads above a dense basal leaf rosette. Native of borders alongside streams and in moist
mountain meadows in the Caucasus and Turkey. Easily grown in any humus rich, preferably slightly
moist soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
Cephalaria leucantha
No. de artículo: 4619
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (100)cm, a rarely seen perennial species with showy pure white flower heads above silvery grey
foliage. Native of montane areas in Southwestern Europe. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained
soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
Cephalaria squamiflora
ssp. balearica Exclusive
Cephalaria squamiflora
ssp. mediterranea
Cephalaria transsylvanica
No. de artículo: 4805
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, a rare and threatened ancient relict species from the Balearic islands with a woody base
crowned by a dense leaf rosette and long stalked creamy-white flower heads. It is not reliably winter
hardy and best cultivated in pots. Keep plants drier in winter with reduced watering at a minimum of
some 5°C. USDA climate zone 8. VII-IX.
10 semillas por sobre.
No. de artículo: 5205
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, a rare ancient relict species from eastern Sardinia and the eastern Mediterranean with a
woody base crowned by a dense leaf rosette and long stalked pure white flower heads. It is not
reliably winter hardy and best cultivated in pots. Keep plants drier in winter with reduced watering at
a minimum of some 5°C. USDA climate zone 8. VII-IX.
10 semillas por sobre.
No. de artículo: 5204
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (150)cm, is a fast growing annual with numerous white to pale blue and rose shaded flower
heads on strongly branching stems with feathered leaves. It is native of meadows from southeastern
Europe to Turkey. Easily cultivated in any humus rich, well drained, rather rocky soil in a sunny spot.
No. de artículo: 4784
sobre de semillas
Cerathotheca (False Sesame)
False Sesame is a small subtropical genus and closely related to the real Sesame (Sesamum spp.) within the unicorn plant family
(Pedaliaceae). Plants have most ornamental, foxglove-like, whote to pale rose trumpet flowers on upright stems with smoothly
pubescent leaves. Plants are fast growing annuals for any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow seeds flat in any fertile, well drained soil in a sunny spot at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year. Carefully transplant
seedlings to the open garden in early summer.
20 semillas por sobre.
90 (140)cm, False Sesame is an utmost showy annual with quite large, white to pink trumpet
Cerathotheca triloba
flowers. For any rich, very well drained, preferably rocky soil in a sunny spot. Sow in early spring at a
(False Sesame)
minimum of some 20°C in full sun. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 6023
sobre de semillas
Ceratonia (Carob Tree)
Carob Tree is an acacia-like large woody shrub to small tree. Might be cultivated in the open garden in favorable, mild climates.
Feathered leaves on dark brown branches and racemes of numerous white to yellowish flowers. Easily cultivate din any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 10°C. Will naturally shed most leaves
in winter.
Sow at some 20°C throughout the year in any well drained soil. Keep pots very sunny.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 10.
7 semillas por sobre.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Ceratonia siliqua
(Carob Tree)
Carob Tree has elegant, feathered leaves and yellowish red flowers followed by bean-like fruits.
Mature fruits are turning reddish brown. Extracted brown pulp makes an excellent refreshing drink.
Native from Lebanon to Palestine. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year.
No. de artículo: 2162
sobre de semillas
Cercis (Judas Tree)
Cercis or Judas Trees are excellent garden shrubs or small trees with a spectacular flower display in spring with thousands of rosypink to purplish flowers. All judas trees or redbud species are cauliflor, i.e. flowers directly emerge from the stem. They are simply
superb, easy going and very robust plants for any soil in a sunny place and should not be missed in any garden!
Prior to sowing scarify seed (e.g. carefully scratch the seed coat with fine sandpaper) and soak them in luke warm water for some
48h. Sow at a minimum of some 5°C in any soil in full.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557zona climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
3 (8)m, Eastern Redbud is a tall shrub to short tree with bright rose flowers. Native of New Jersey to
Cercis canadensis
Florida and west to Missouri. For a sunny to partially shaded spot in any rich, well drained soil. III-IV.
(Eastern Redbud)
Cercis chinensis
(Chinese Redbud)
Cercis griffithii
(Afghan Redbud)
Cercis occidentalis
(Western Redbud)
No. de artículo: 2224
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (8)m, Chinese Redbud is a very rare species with deep lilac flowers above large light green leaves,
native of E Asia. For a sunny to partially shaded spot in any rich, well drained soil. III-IV.
No. de artículo: 2225
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (4)m, Afghan Redbud is a rarely cultivated tall woody shrub with heart-shaped leaves and
uncountable rich pink flowers. It is native of rocky spots in South Central Asia (Afghanistan). For any
rich, well drained soil in a protected and sunny spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 4874
sobre de semillas
€ 9,99
3 (8)m, Western Redbud has numerous bright rose flowers. Native of W USA. For any well drained
soil in full sun. III-IV.
Cercis racemosa
(Chain-flowered Redbud)
No. de artículo: 2226
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (8)m, Chain-flowered Redbud is an unusual species in its genus for making pendulous flower
racemes with numerous rosy-pink flowers. A highly ornamental and rarely seen species from
Western China. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. III-IV.
Cercis siliquastrum
(Common Redbud)
No. de artículo: 8849
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
3 (8), Common Redbud is a very floriferous species with thousands of deep-pink flowers. Native of
the E Mediterranean. A very adaptable Cercis species for any rich soil in full sun to partial shade. IIIIV.
No. de artículo: 2227
sobre de semillas
Cerinthe (Honeywort)
Honeywort is a small genus with some 12 species from Eurasia. They are growing as annuals or perennials and usually show more
or less plain, bluish-green, broad oval leaves and nodding inflorescences with white, yellow to purplish funnel shaped flowers
throughout the summer. All are easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow seeds flat directly to the ground in any rich, well drained soil in spring. Plants greatly dislike to be transplanted, thus leave
undisturbed. All annual species will readily selfsow under appropiate conditions. In a mild winter seedlings will survive outside if
they are not burnt by strong freezings. Alternatively collect some seeds in summer to be sowed in following spring.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7/8.
10 semillas por sobre.
30 (50)cm, Smooth Honeywort is an annual, branching species from mountainous regions from
Cerinthe glabra
Southwestern to Southeastern Europe extending eastwards to Western Asia (Turkey and Georgia).
(Smooth Honeywort)
Makes numerous pale lemon yellow nodding flowers above bright yellowish-green, smooth foliage.
Easily cultivated in any rich rich, well drained soil in full sun. IV-VII.
Cerinthe major
(Tall Honeywort)
Cerinthe major var.
(Tall Violet Honeywort)
Cerinthe palaestina
(Palestinian Honeywort)
No. de artículo: 4244
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, Tall Honeywort an annual, losley branching species from the Mediterranean with broad
oval, plain bluish-green leaves and showy nodding pale lemon yellow to rich sulfur yellow flowers.
Easily cultivated in any rich rich, well drained soil in full sun. IV-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4647
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
30 (50)cm, Tall Violet Honeywort is a beautiful annual, losley branching species from the
Mediterranean with broad oval, plain bluish-green leaves and showy nodding yellowish flowers with a
reddish-purple outer tip. Easily cultivated in any rich rich, well drained soil in full sun. IV-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4530
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
30 (50)cm, Palestinian Honeywort is an utmost beautiful and exremely rare species in cultivation. It
is an annual to biannual species which is restricted to Palestine and Israel. It makes losley
branching stems with oval, bluish-green, light green dotted leaves and showy nodding pale yellowish
flowers surrounded by dark violet bracts. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in full sun.
Sow directly to the ground after the last freezing night by the end of spring. IV-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8863
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Ceropegia (Canary Candelaber Flower)
Candelaber Flowers from the Canary Islands are highly succulent perennials with long, ascending, wax-covered stems and axillary
or terminal clusters of yellow (Ceropegia dichotoma agg.) or maroon-red (Ceropegia fusca) flowers, which are followed by long,
horn-like seed capsules. For a very well drained, preferably rocky soil in always full sun throughout the year. Keep drier in winter
and carefully water in summer, so that the soil will never dry out completely. Winter minimum of some 15°C to 20°C, winter growing
and summer dormant species.
Sow flat on a very well drained, rocky soil at some 20° to 25°C maximim. Higher temperature will inhibit germination in these
species! A temperature drop down to 15°C at night will enhance germination. Keep soil only slightly moist until germination starts,
then keep seedlings drier and in full sun. Seedlings greatly dislike to be transplanted in their first year. Easily raised from seed, yet
seed from most species will rarely become available as plants only sporadically set seed in cultivation.
10 semillas por sobre.
Aviso legal: Todo el material proviene sólo de plantas cultivadas en Alemania o en el Líbano. No ofrecemos ningún material
coleccionado en el hábitat y rechezamos vender aquel material para proteger varias especies en peligro de extinción en su hábitat
y para conformar con leyes nacionales así como internacionales sobre comerciar plantas protegidas y sus partes, por ejemplo
30 (70)cm, ascending olive green, highly succulent stems, covered with white wax under sunny
Ceropegia dichotoma
conditions. Yellow flowers are born in terminal (sometimes in axillary) clusters. Growing in nature in
preferably white or cream-colored older soils or rock crevices in sun exposed spots in the E (Anaga
region, e.g. in the ridge above Faro de Anaga) and W parts (Teno region, e.g. Barranco de los
Cochinos) of Tenerife. The scattered populations in the south-west require an additional taxonomical
study. VII-VIII.
Ceropegia fusca
No. de artículo: 2507
sobre de semillas (ex Anaga)
€ 3,99
40 (80)cm, ascending to creeping reddish green to olive green, strongly succulent stems, densely
covered with white wax under very sunny conditions. Maroon red flowers are born in terminal
clusters. Growing in nature in exclusively red, recent lava in sun exposed spots in the S of Tenerife
(e.g. Malpaís de Güímar) and SC Gran Canaria (e.g. Barranco de Arguineguín and Barranco de
Fataga). VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2506
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
Cestrum (Palqui)
Palqui or Jassamine are evergreen woody shrubs from the nightshade family (Solanaceae) and are native of open spots in woods
in Central and South America. Several species have most ornamental flowers in dense terminal clusters and are easily cultivated in
pots or container. For a rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year with sufficient watering and fertilization in
summer. Keep cooler at a minimum of some 12°C in a very sunny spot in winter with reduced watering.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained soil at some 20°C. Keep pots in a sunny spot.
Note: All parts are toxic to humans if ingested !
20 semillas por sobre.
200 (300)cm, Palqui is a perennial, woody, evergreen shrub with terminal, lax racemes of lemon
Cestrum parqui
yellow to cream trumpet shaped flowers. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Keep
drier in winter at a minimum of some 12°C. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4006
sobre de semillas
Chaenomeles (Japanese Quince) & Crataegus (Hawthorn)
Japanese Quinces ans Hawthorns are deciduous, small to tall woody shrubs to small trees with oval to finger-like, glossy dark
green leaves. They make loose umbels with white, creamy-white to greenish-yellow or bright rose flowers followed by most
ornamental orange-red to dark brownish-red berries in Crataegus species or most decorative and very large, fragrant yellow fruits
(not edible) in Chaenomeles species in late summer and autumn. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially
shaded spot. All species are very adoptable and robust.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained soil, slightly moist soil. Keep pots in a sunny spot outside during winter. Seeds require a
cooling period for several months before they germinate in following spring. After germination keep seedlings slightly drier. Plant
out from spring to autumn as soon as young plants are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557zona climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre (Crataegus spp.) o 10 semillas pro sobre (Chaenomeles spp.).
Chaenomeles catheyensis 100cm, Japanese Quince is a small woody, deciduous shrub from Japan with showy rich rose
flowers followed by very large, bright yellow, fragrant (not edible) fruits, the largest in the genus.
(Japanese Quince)
Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. IV-V.
Crataegus azarolus
(Azorol Apple Hawthorn)
No. de artículo: 8259
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (4)m, Azorol Apple Hawthorn is a tall deciduous branching woody shrub with white flowers followed
by most ornamental, round, walnut-sized bright yellow fruits in late summer and autumn. For any
rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. V-VI.
Crataegus pinnatifida
(Chinese Hawthorn)
No. de artículo: 6663
sobre de semillas (ex Chipre)
€ 4,99
2 (5)m, Chinese Hawthorn is a deciduous, tall and broad woody shrub to small tree with spreading
branches, elongated oval, deeply cut, dark green leaves and loose clusters of fragrant white flowers
followed by most ornamental, almost cherry-sized, dark red fruits in autumn. For any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot partially shaded spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 3945
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8102
sobre de semillas
Crataegus succulenta var.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Crateagus monogyna
(Common Hawthorn)
2 (4)m, Common Hawthorn is a tall deciduous branching woody shrub with white flowers followed by
most ornamental, round, bright red fruits in late summer and autumn. For any rich, well drained soil
in a sunny to partially shaded spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 6662
sobre de semillas (ex Chipre)
Chamaebatiara (Desert Sweet)
Desert Sweet is a monotypic genus with only this single species and an aromatic shrub with fernlike feathered silvery gray foliage
crowned by white flowers. It is native of open rocky sites in western North America. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny
and protected spot.
Sow fine seeds very flat on any rich, well drained soil from autumn to mid spring. Keep pots in a protected spot outside. Carefully
transplant young plants to the final spot in the garden as soon as they are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7/8.
40 semillas por sobre.
Chamaebatiaria millefolium 100 (150)cm, Desert Sweet is an evergreen woody shrub of the south-western USA. It makes nice
terminal clusters of white flowers above ornamental, feathered, silvery-grey leaves. For any rich,
(Desert Sweet)
very well drained soil in a protected spot in full sun. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 6539
sobre de semillas
Chamaecytisus (Escobón Broom)
Chamaecytisus or locally called Escobón are Genista-like woody, tall, evergreen to deciduous, trifoliate shrubs native of the Canary
Islands and the Mediterranean. They have ornamental, axillary clusters of pure snow-white (all Canary Chamaecytisus species) or
yellow (Mediterranean species), sweetly fragrant flowers, which are very attractive to bees. They prefer a humus rich, well drained,
slightly moist soil under sunny conditions throughout the year. Ideal pot plants for a cool, frostfree spot (e.g. in the wintergarden),
with a very rich flowering in early to late spring. Mediterranean species are fully winter hardy (USDA Climate Zone 6) in any
protected, sunny spot outside.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained, slightly rocky soil at some 20°C throughout the year. Keep seedlings sunny, especially in their first
10 semillas por sobre.
Chamaecytisus palmensis 200 (300)cm, woody, evergreen, branching shrub from La Palma and very similar to Chamaecytisus
proliferus. It has trifoliate, slivery green and terminal clusters of pure white flowers. Good container
plant for any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a
minimum of some 10°C in full sun. V-VII.
Chamaecytisus proliferus
No. de artículo: 5072
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (5)m, tall woody shrub with smoothly pubescent, trifoliate leaves and numerous white, strongly
perfumed flowers. Native of open spots on all western islands including Gran Canaria. Easily
cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. Keep drier in winter at a
minimum of some 10°C. IV-VI.
Two different forms are available: Tenerife (brown seeded) and Gran Canaria (black seeded).
No. de artículo: 3291
Chamaecytisus proliferus
ssp. meridionalis
Chamaecytisus supinus
ssp. supinus
(Big-flower Broom)
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
No. de artículo: 3288
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
€ 4,99
2 (5)m, tall woody shrub with smoothly pubescent, trifoliate, very narrow leaves in subspecies
meridionalis and numerous white, strongly perfumed flowers. Native of open spots in southern Gran
Canaria. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants
slightly drier at a minimum of some 10°C. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 6397
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (150)cm, Big-flower Broom is a showy winter hardy, deciduous woody species from central to
south-eastern Europe with dense terminal clusters of rich yellow flowers in spring and summer. For
any rich, very well drained soil in full sun. USDA Climate Zone 6. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 6509
sobre de semillas
Cheirolophus (Canary Shrub Cornflower)
Cheirolophus or Canary Shrub Cornflowers are perennial, woody, evergreen, low shrubs with utmost beautiful corn-flower like
blooms in usually white, pale rose to lilac colors. Most are very rare and some are even threatened in nature. All are excellent,
easily cultivated and very long lived pot plants and may be planted out as well in a cool, yet frostfree wintergarden or greenhouse.
Ideal for any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot, keep frostfree in winter at a minimum of some 10°C.
Sow seeds flat in any humus rich, well drained, yet slightly moist soil at some 15°C to 20°C. Keep seedlings very sunny, especially
in winter in order to receive a compact growth.
20 semillas por sobre, unless not stated differently.
Aviso legal: De acuerdo con las leyes alemanas nacionales (BNatSchG y BArtSchV) tan bien como las convenciones a nivel
europeo (Convención de Berna) e internacional (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora - CITES) no vendemos ningún material tal como semillas proveniendo de plantas salvajes protegidas. Las semillas de dichas
plantas protegidas derivan exclusivamente de plantas propagadas artificialmente en cultivos hortículos en Alemania
respectivamente en el Líbano, donde las plantas se han tomado en cultivo a finales de los años 70 y al principio de los años 80 del
siglo pasado.
50 (100)cm, Madeira Shrub Cornflower is an utmost rare and highly threatened Madeira endemic. It
has woody stems crowned by pale lilac flowers above broad lanceolate leaves. For any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of
(Madeira Shrub
some 10°C. VI-VII.
Cornflower) Exclusive
20 semillas por sobre.
No. de artículo: 6462
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
puntallanensis Exclusivo
Cheirolophus teydis
150 (180)cm, a rare woody shrub endemic of north western La Palma with terminal, whitish cream to
pale rose flower heads above narrow, glossy, slightly viscid leaves. Excellent pot or container plant
which is easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter
keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C in full sun. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 5122
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (140)cm, small, woody shrub with fresh green, glossy, lanceolate, strongly toothed leaves and
bright yellow heads on stems up to 160cm in length. Native of the subalpine zone of Tenerife and La
Palma, growing in rocky soils in full sun. For any rich, very well drained soil in full sun. Keep at a
minimum of some 5°C in winter. Endures slight freezing in autumn. Zona Climática USDA 10. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 2497
sobre de semillas
Chimonanthus (Wintersweet)
Asian Chimonanthus are close to Calycanthus, flowering from mid winter until early spring with small yellowish open star-flowers on
nude branches. Nice, dark foliage.
Sow from autumn to early spring in any rich, well drained soil on a peaty basis in a sunny position. Keep pots in a protected spot
outside during winter. Seeds will germinate in late spring with rising temperatures.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
7 semillas por sobre.
4m, Wintersweet is a tall woody shrub with strongly sweet fragrant yellow to white flowers in late
Chimonanthus praecox
winter before leaves emerge in spring. For a partially shaded ort sunny spot in any moist, well
drained, leafy soil. II-IV.
No. de artículo: 2228
sobre de semillas
Chionodoxa (Glory-of-the-Snow)
Glory-of-the-Snow or Snowstars prefer a sunny spot in a well drained position. Spread freely and flower early in spring, sometimes
even through a snow layer.
Sow flat autumn to late spring in any well drained, rocky or sandy soil. Keep pots in a sheltered and sunny spot in winter.
Transplant young bulbs best in fall of their second year. Most Chionodoxa will start to flower in their third year. Will freely self sow
under good conditions.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6 si no se meciona algo
20 semillas por sobre.
10cm, Sardinian Glory-of-the-Snow is native of Crete and Sardinia. It has intense blue flowers,
Chionodoxa sardensis
which are slightly larger than in Chionodoxa lucilae, shorter stems turn reddish in full sun. Easily
(Sardinian Glory-of-thegrown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Will readily selfsow under appropriate conditions.
No. de artículo: 2591
sobre de semillas
Chrysanthemum is a broad genus with usually annual or perennial, floriferous plants, most with beautiful, large, daisy-like flowers.
They are native from the Mediterranean extending to S Africa and tropical E Asia. Many species are very ornamental, fast growing
plants ideally suited for any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow flat on any rich, well drained soil under heated glass in spring or after the last freezing in pots outside. Transplant to the
garden in late spring to early summer as soon as seedlings are strong enough.
20 semillas por sobre.
30 (50)cm, Crown Daisy is a fast growing floriferous annual to biannual with numerous sunflower
yellow blooms above strongly dissected leaves. From rocky, dry sites throughout the Mediterranean
and Middle East. Easily cultivated in any rich soil in a sunny spot. Sow directly to the ground after
(Crown Daisy)
the last freezing nights from mid to late spring. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 6281
Chrysanthemum segetum
sobre de semillas (ex Aktrotiri Península, Chipre)
No. de artículo: 7375
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca, España)
€ 3,99
30 (50)cm, annual with beautiful, bright yellow flower heads above glossy, deeply dissected leaves.
Native of the E Mediterranean. Collection originally made in Jadra/Jiyé (10km S of Beyrouth,
Lebanon), growing in rocky soils in open to partially shaded spots. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2022
sobre de semillas
Chrysopsis (False Golden Aster)
False Golden Aster are herbaceous perennials from North America with showy bright yellow flowers. Easily cultivated in any rich,
well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sunny, protected spot outside. Transplant as soon as seedlings are strong
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
20 (40)cm, Lemon-yellow False Golden Aster is a showy perennial with numerous bright yellow
Chrysopsis villosa
flowers above greyish green leaves. Native of rocky dry prairies in central and southwestern USA.
(Lemon-yellow False
For any rich, very well drained soil in full sun. VIII-IX.
Golden Aster)
No. de artículo: 4854
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Cicerbita (Dandelion)
Dandelions are annuals, biannuals to perennials from sunny meadows throughout Eurasia to North Africa and North America. Most
species have narrow, linear leaves and medium sized stalks crowned by pale purple to rosy-white or pale sky-blue flower heads. All
are easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sunny, protected spot outside. Most species require a cooling period of
several months prior to germination. If these species are sowed late in the year, they do not germinate before spring in the
following year. Carefully transplant seedlings to the final spot in the garden from mid summer to early autumn or as soon as plants
are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre..
140 (180)cm, Hairless Blue Sow Thistle is an ornamental herbaceous perennial with a basal
Cicerbita plumieri
(Hairless Blue Sow Thistle) yellowish-green leaf rosette and tall branching stalks topped by pale sky-blue flowers. It is native of
humus rich soils in meadows and open spots in woods in Western Europe. For any rich, well drained
soil in a sunny spot. An excellent solitary plant for the rock garden. III-VI.
No. de artículo: 7117
sobre de semillas
Cirsium (Thistle) & Ptilostemon (Ivory Thistle)
Thistles belong to a broad genus from the Northern Hemisphere and most species have a more or less weeds habit. However the
species listed here are easily controlled, not-invasive in cool temperate climates in Central Europe and have beautiful terminal lilac
flower heads. Please note that in warmer climates some species may readily self-seed and should be grown in a a spot where they
can be easily controlled. All can be successfully cultivated in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sunny, protected spot outside. Transplant as soon as seedlings are strong
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre, unless not noted differently.
100 (140)cm, Melancholy Thistle is a showy herbaceous perennial with a dense basal, rosette of
Cirsium heterophyllum
deeply cut leaves and upright stalks topped by showy lilac-rose flowers. An Eurasian non-invasive
(Melancholy Thistle)
species from mountain meadows. For any rich, well drained, slightly moist soil in a sunny spot. VIVIII.
Cirsium latifolium
(Madeira Broad-Leafed
Laurel Forest Thistle)
No. de artículo: 7104
sobre de semillas
50 (100)cm, Madeira Broad-Leafed Laurel Forest Thistle makes annual stems from a perennial
rootstock and terminal, rich lilac flowers above glossy, serrated leaves. From open spots in the
laurel forest on Madeira (Portugal). For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the
year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of some 10°C. VI-VII.
20 semillas por sobre.
Cirsium pannonicum
(Pannonian Thistle)
No. de artículo: 6461
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
120 (150)cm, Pannonian Thistle or Hungarian Thistle is a showy herbaceous perennial with a dense
basal leaf rosette and loosely branching elegant stalks crowned by ornamental dark purple flowers.
Native of meadows in south-eastern Europe. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII.
Cirsium syriacum
(Syrian Thistle)
No. de artículo: 7115
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150 (220)cm, Syrian Thistle (syn. Notobasis syriaca in the monotypic genus Notobasis) is a fast
growing annual native in the Eastern Mediterranean region and has been naturalized in similar areas
throughout the Mediterranean. Madeira and the Canary islands. It makes a basal rosette of deeply
lobed and strongly spiny leaf rosettes and a tall and branching flower stem with several rich purple
flowers with nicely purplish shaded bracts. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in full sun in a
preferably protected spot. Excellent in the rock garden. Sow directly to the soil after the last freezig
nights in late spring. VI-VIII.
10 semillas pro sobre.
Ptilostemon chamaepeuce
var. cyprius
(Pine-Leafed Thistle)
No. de artículo: 8647
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
50 (120)cm, Pine-Leafed Ivory Thistle a beautiful and floriferous woody perennial from Greece,
Cyprus and Turkey with narrow, dark green, needle like leaves, silvery white beneath and numerous
rose-lilac flowers on long stalks. Excellent pot plant for any rich, well drained substrate in full sun
throughout the year. Not reliable winter hardy in Central Europe, best grown in pots under frostfree
conditions with reduced watering and a temperature minimum of some 5°C. VI-VIII.
(Hedge-Hog Ivory Thistle)
No. de artículo: 6330
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, Hedge-Hog Ivory Thistle is an utmost showy and extremely rare herbaceous perennial
from the Northern Caucasus and Transcaucasus (Kartli in Georgia). It makes annual shoots with
spiny, narrow leaves and extremely ornamental flower heads turning from silvery-white to bright lilac
with age. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in full sun in a preferably protected spot.
Excellent in the rock garden. VI-VIII.
10 semillas pro sobre.
No. de artículo: 8253
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Cistus (Canary Islands' Rock Roses)
Cistus or Rock Roses is a small genus with only 20 species and a couple of subspecies and varieties described, out of which a
dozen are native of the Canary Islands. These grow as perennial woody shrubs with silvery shiny or dark green foliage and large
rose-like flowers in pink or sulphurous. For any well drained, preferably slightly rocky soil in full sun throughout the year.
Sow tiny seeds flat on any well drained, rock-sandy soil. Do not cover seeds with soil. Place pots in a preferably sunny spot. Always
keep slightly moist from beneath. Canary rockroses are excellent pot or container plants, very free flowering. Keep drier and sunny
in winter and frostfree at a minimum of some 5°C.
30 semillas por sobre.
Aviso legal: De acuerdo con las leyes alemanas nacionales (BNatSchG y BArtSchV) tan bien como las convenciones a nivel
europeo (Convención de Berna) e internacional (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora - CITES) no vendemos ningún material tal como semillas proveniendo de plantas salvajes protegidas. Las semillas de dichas
plantas protegidas derivan exclusivamente de plantas propagadas artificialmente en cultivos hortículos en Alemania
respectivamente en el Líbano, donde las plantas se han tomado en cultivo a finales de los años 70 y al principio de los años 80 del
siglo pasado.
100 (150)cm, a recently described new woody shrub from pine forests in southern Gran Canaria.
Cistus horrens Exclusive
Similar to the closely related Cistus symphytifolius var. symphytifolius from Tenerife, yet with much
longer hairs on aromatic, sticky leaves and an overall smaller habit. Bright pink flowers in summer.
After the last wood burnings in 2007 its main populations have been greatly diminished and a
subsequent drought has eradicated most seedlings. Very good pot or container plant which is easily
cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a
minimum of some 10°C in full sun. V-VII.
Cistus ladaniferus
(Gum Rockrose)
Cistus monspeliensis
No. de artículo: 5075
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
2 (3)m, Gum Rockrose or Crimson Spot Rock Rose makes a tall, evergreen, woody shrub with
glossy, sticky green, oblong lanceolate leaves, which have a strong, very pleasant balsam smell and
are used to gain essential oils and a resign ("Labdanum") for incense. Makes beautiful, very large,
pure white flowers with a crimson spot on each petal. Native of the Mediterranean. For any rich, well
drained soil in full sun throughout the year. In colder climates best grown in an unheated
wintergarden or greenhouse. Zona Climática USDA 9. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 3282
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (150)cm, white flowered woody shrub with narrow, viscid, aromatic, dark green, narrow leaves.
Native throughout the Mediterranean and the Canary islands. Good pot or container plant which is
easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep
drier at a minimum of some 10°C in full sun. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 5076
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
No. de artículo: 6479
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
€ 3,99
Cistus ochreatus Exclusivo 80 (120)cm, similar to Cistus symphytifolius from Tenerife, yet with more finely white haired leaves
and usually lower stems. Native of the pine forest, especially in the Tamadaba region at some
1.200m on Gran Canaria. It was formerly known as Cistus symphytifolius var. leucophyllus yet on
grounds of recent genetical investigations its' taxonomical status has changed as is the case with
several other Cistus populations on the Canary islands. IV-IX.
Cistus symphytifolius var.
canus Exclusivo
No. de artículo: 1303
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150 (300)cm, excellent pot plant, with attractive large pink flowers and attractive foliage from open
pine forest on La Palma. Requires a very sunny spot. This recently new described species was
formerly included in Cistus symphytifolius, yet on grounds of recent genetical investigations its'
taxonomical status has changed as is the case with several other Cistus populations on the Canary
islands. IV-IX.
No. de artículo: 5133
sobre de semillas (ex Bco. de Las Angustias)
No. de artículo: 5134
sobre de semillas (ex Las Nieves)
Cistus symphytifolius var.
No. de artículo: 2493
sobre de semillas (ex Cumbre Nueva)
€ 3,99
150 (300)cm, excellent pot plant, with attractive large pink flowers and attractive foliage from open
pine forest on Tenerife. Requires a very sunny spot. From Aguamansa, upper Orotava valley at
some 1.200m. IV-IX
Cistus symphytifolius var.
No. de artículo: 1302
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
€ 0,99
100 (150)cm, an only recently new described variety from open spots in the pine forest on southcentral Tenerife. Smaller in all aspects then the type species with showy bright rose flowers and long
haired, greyish-green leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In
winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of some 10°C. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 6403
sobre de semillas
Cistus (Hardy Rockroses)
Cistus or Rockroses is a small genus with only 20 species and a couple of subspecies and varieties described. They are perennial
shrubs with silvery shiny foliage and large rose-like flowers in pink or sulphurous. Any well drained rocky soil in full sun is suited.
Sow tiny seeds flat on any well drained sandy and humus rich soil. Do not cover seeds with soil. Keep pots in the first year under
frostfree conditions, in winter in full sun and at a minimum of some 5°C. Transplant seedlings in late spring the following year in a
protected spot in full sun in any rocky, well drained soil.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7.
30 semillas por sobre.
70 (150)cm, Grey Leaved Cistus is a rose-pink flowering rockrose with silvery-grayish green,
Cistus albidus
densely hairy, narrow oval leaves. Native of stony, dryish hillsides and open pine forests in North
(Grey Leaved Cistus)
Africa and south-western Europe. For any well drained, sandy to rocky soil in a protected spot in full
sun. Give some winter protection to younger plants. Zona Climática USDA 8. IV-V.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Cistus clusii
Cistus crispus
(Crispy-Leafed Rockrose)
No. de artículo: 2230
sobre de semillas (ex Sant Elm)
€ 4,99
40 (80)cm, an erect to prostrate shrub with terminal white flowers above linear, dark green (above)
and white (beneath) leaves. Native of the central and western Mediterranean region (southern Spain
to south-eastern Italy). For any well drained, sandy to rocky soil in a protected spot in full sun.
Younger plants require a good winter protection. Zona climática USDA 7(8. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 2231
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, Crispy-Leafed Rockrose is a short woody shrub with pubescent, sticky leaves with an
aromatic smell and numerous bright pink flowers in early summer. It is native of open spots in
mountains and woods in the Western Mediterranean (Spain, France and Italy). For any rich, well
drained substrate in full sun throughout the year. Not very winter hardy, best grown in pots in a cool,
yet frostfree spot in winter with a minimum of some 5°C. V-VI.
Cistus incanus ssp.
(Corsican Cistus)
No. de artículo: 8030
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (70)cm, Corsican Cistus is a shorter woody shrub with pubescent leaves with slightly undulated
margins and showy bright pink flowers in summer. Native of open spots in mountains and woods on
the island of Corsica (France). For any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot in full sun. In colder
climates better grown in pots in a cool, yet frostfree spot in winter with a minimum of some 5°C. VIIVIII.
Cistus incanus ssp.
No. de artículo: 5207
sobre de semillas
100cm, a low, woody shrub with lanceolate, dark green leaves, slightly hairy on both sides.
Numerous large, light pink flowers. Native to the Eastern Mediterranean from Crete to Cyprus to
Southern Turkey in rocky places in full sun. VI-VII.
Cistus incanus ssp.
(Sardinian Cistus)
No. de artículo: 2235
sobre de semillas (ex Chipre)
€ 4,99
50 (100)cm, Sardinian Cistus is a shorter woody shrub with densely pubescent, pale grey green
leaves and show bright pink flowers in summer. Native of open spots in mountains and woods on
the island of Sardinia (Italy). For any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot in full sun. In colder
climates better grown in pots in a cool, yet frostfree spot in winter with a minimum of some 5°C. VIIVIII.
Cistus incanus ssp.
(syn. Cistus villosus)
No. de artículo: 5235
sobre de semillas (ex Monte Limbara)
€ 4,99
70 (120)cm, is a small woody shrub with oblong, grayish green leaves and showy bright pink flowers.
It is native of dryish rocky sites in the eastern Mediterranean. In very cold climates grow under
frostfree conditions in pots in a sunny spot throughout the year and reduced watering at some 5°C in
winter. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 5236
No. de artículo: 6368
Cistus ladaniferus
(Gum Rockrose)
Cistus laurifolius
Cistus monspeliensis
(Montpellier Cistus)
Cistus salvifolius
(Sage-leafed Rock Rose)
sobre de semillas (ex Perikklishia, Chipre)
No. de artículo: 6114
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (3)m, Gum Rockrose or Crimson Spot Rock Rose makes a tall, evergreen, woody shrub with
glossy, sticky green, oblong lanceolate leaves, which have a strong, very pleasant balsam smell and
are used to gain essential oils and a resign ("Labdanum") for incense. Makes beautiful, very large,
pure white flowers with a crimson spot on each petal. Native of the Mediterranean. For any rich, well
drained soil in full sun throughout the year. In colder climates best grown in an unheated
wintergarden or greenhouse. Zona Climática USDA 9. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 3282
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150 (300)cm, large shrub with broadly lanceolate, shiny blackish green, leathery leaves and plenty
of white, large flowers. From Mediterranean region (Morocco, Portugal to Italy and N Greece),
growing in half shaded to sunny spot in open scrub. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 2236
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (100)cm, Montpellier Cistus is a small woody shrub with narrow, dark green and leathery leaves
and numerous pure white flowers. It is native of dryish rocky sites throughout the Mediterranean. In
colder climates grow under frostfree conditions in pots in a sunny spot throughout the year and
reduced watering at some 5°C in winter. Plants from Mallorca differ from those on Gran Canaria in
having slightly narrower and less sticky leaves. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 5206
Cistus populifolius
(Poplar-leafed Cistus)
sobre de semillas (ex Monte Albo)
No. de artículo: 6096
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
160 (200)cm, Poplar-leafed Cistus is an upright growing shrub with pure white flowers and oval,
glabrous leaves. It ocurrs in dryish, sunny spots in south-western Europe. Fully hardy in any well
drained, sandy to rocky soil in a protected spot in full sun. IV-V.
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca)
No. de artículo: 2240
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (80)cm, Sage-leafed Rock Rose is a small, woody evergreen shrub native of partially shaded to
open sunny spots in rocky, dryish soils in the Mediterranean. It has fresh to dark green, pubescent,
sage like leaves and terminal, showy, pure white flowers. For any rich, well substrate in a sunny spot
throughout the year. Not reliably winter hardy, thus best grown under frostfree conditions, in winter
keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C. Seeds from certified wild collected seeds in eastern
Mallorca, Spain (Cala Torta) at some 100m, Monte Limbara, northeastern Sardinia, Italy at some
1.100m, Troodos mountain range, Cyprus at some 1.000 and Perikklishia, Cyprus at some 300m.
Sardinian high elevation populations should be more frost resistant. Zona climática USDA 9. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 6367
sobre de semillas (ex Perikklishia, Chipre)
No. de artículo: 4949
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca)
No. de artículo: 6366
sobre de semillas (ex Troodos, Chipre)
No. de artículo: 5243
sobre de semillas (ex Sardinia)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Citrullus (Watermelon and Bitter Apple)
Watermelons, Colocynth and Bitter Apples are annual herbaceous sprawling or climbing wild cucumbers native of dry areas from
South Africa, and North Africa to Iran and India. Especially Citrullus colocynthis has been cultivated for thousand of years for its
medical properties. All species are very vigorous and fast growing annuals with deeply 5-lobed leaves and rich yellow flowers
followed by apple-sized, in general non-edible, very bitter, ranging in size from tangerine, apple to grapefruit sized fruits turning
from dark green to yellow with maturity and which may be used for decoration purposes. Easily grown for any rich, well drained soil
in full sun.
Sow seeds flat preferably from end of March to mid April in any rich, well drained soil, three seeds per pot. Keep pots in a sunny
and constantly warm spot inside, e.g. on a window sill, in a heated greenhouse or in the wintergarden. Transplant seedlings to the
open garden as soon as temperatures will stay above 10°C at night in late spring to early summer.
7 semillas por sobre.
1 (3)m, Colocynth or Bitter Apple has a perennial roostock and makes annual crawling vines with
Citrullus colocynthis
deeply 5-lobed leaves, bright yellow, small flowers and mandarine to pomelo sized, poisonous fruits,
(Bitter Apple)
which are used for decoration purposes. We offer seeds from two forms: a large-fruited one with a
rose-brown striped to plain dark green skin (Egypt form) and a small-fruited one with a yellowishgreen skin (Fuerteventura form). Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in full sun with
precultivation in pots in late spring at some 20°C. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 4480
Citrullus lanatus
(Wild Watermelon)
sobre de semillas (ex Fuerteventura)
No. de artículo: 3372
sobre de semillas (ex Egipto)
€ 4,99
3 (5)m, Wild Watermelon is the South African wild species of the commonly cultivated watermelon.
It makes annual creeping to climbing vines and ornamental, dark to mid green, pale yellowish-green
fleshed fruits (not edible). For any rich, well drained soil in full sun, can be grown on the ground or
with a climbing aid. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8733
sobre de semillas (maroon, dark freckled seeds)
No. de artículo: 3694
sobre de semillas (dark brown seeds)
No. de artículo: 8731
sobre de semillas (beige seeds)
No. de artículo: 8732
sobre de semillas (greenish-grey seeds)
Clarkia are mostly annuals from western North and Central America with beautifully colored flower cups in rosy and purplish shades
above narrow leaves on sometimes nicely contrasting reddish stems. All Clarkia species are easily grown in any rich, well drained
soil in a sunny and protected spot in the garden.
Sow fine seed flat directly to the ground in the garden in mid spring.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
50 semillas por sobre.
60 (100)cm, Farewell to Spring is a showy annual species from California (USA). It has beautiful
Clarkia amoena
rosy violet to pink flower cups above linear leaves. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a
(Farewell to Spring)
sunny and protected spot in the garden. Sow fine seed flat directly to the ground in the garden in
mid spring. VII-VIII.
Clarkia purpurea
(Winecup Clarkia)
Clarkia unguiculata
(Elegant Clarkia)
No. de artículo: 5417
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
60 (100)cm, Winecup Clarkia is an annual species from western North America. It has small deep
violet to pink flower cups on an upright stalk with lance-shaped leaves on reddish stems. Easily
cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny and protected spot in the garden. Sow fine seed
flat directly to the ground in the garden in mid spring. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 5416
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
70 (120)cm, Elegant Clarkia is a showy annual species native from California (USA). It has very
unusually shaped, beautiful rosy violet, pink to purte white flowers above narrow leaves on reddish
stems. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny and protected spot in the garden.
Sow fine seed flat directly to the ground in the garden in mid spring. Offered seeds are a mixture of
colors as mentioned above. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 5415
sobre de semillas
Claytonia (Spring Beauty)
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
Claytonia sibirica
(Siberian Spring Beauty)
No. de artículo: 6826
sobre de semillas
Clematis (Balearic Clematis)
Balearic Clematis is a most ornamental, evergreen climber native of sunny rock walls on the Balearic islands. It makes broadly
feathered, dark green, slightly leathery foliage and beautiful pendulous white to cream-white flower bells spotted purplish inside. For
any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. A half hardy species wich is best grown under frostfree
conditions (e.g. in a cool greenhouse or unheated wintergarden). Alternatively it may be tried in a protected spot in the garden with
some good winter protection (e.g. a thick mulch layer around the stem basis).
Sow seeds flat in any humus-rich, well drained substrate. Keep pots for about 6 weeks at some 5°C (e.g. in the refrigerator), then
move to a warmer, sunny place at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 8/9.
20 semillas por sobre.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Clematis cirrhosa var.
(Balearic Clematis)
Clematis recta
(Ground Virginsbower)
3 (7)m, Balearic Clematis is an evergreen half hardy climber from the Balearic islands growing on
sunny rock walls and in shrubs. It has broadly feathered dark green leaves and numerous, most
ornamental pendulous pure white or pale to dark rose flower bells spotted purplish inside. This
subspecies is very variable in the flower color, so that the commonly sold cultivars 'Freckles', 'Jingle
Bells', 'Landsdown Gem', and 'Wisley Cream' actually do not merit their status as a cultivar. Seeds
sold are a mixture of numerous flower colors. For any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot
outside in the garden or in colder regions as a container plant under frost free conditions throughout
the year with reduced watering in winter and a minimum of some 5°C. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 4923
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca)
€ 3,99
100 (150)cm, Erect Clematis or Ground Virginsbower makes upright growing short annual stalks
with broad leaf feathers and clusters of small to medium sized, pure white flowers. Plants require a
light climbing aid. Native of montane meadows and open spots in woods in Eurasia. In Central
Europe this species has become very rare. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to
partially shaded spot. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8225
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca, España)
Clematis (Winter Hardy Clematis)
Clematis are evergreen, deciduous or herbaceous climbers native of open spots in woods and meadows throughout the northern
hemisphere. Several species have utmost showy, bright colored flowers in summer above ornamental foliage. All winter hardy
species are easily cultivated in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Plants require a climbing aid.
Sow seeds flat in any humus-rich, well drained substrate in pots outside. Seeds require a prolonged cooling period prior to
germination in late spring. Carefully transplant young plants in autumn to their final spot.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
2 (4)m, Alpine Clematis is a semi evergreen species from open spots in mountains in Central
Clematis alpina
Europe with woody stems and numerous ink blue flowers in late spring. It is easily grown in any
(Alpine Clematis)
humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. V-VII.
Clematis columbiana
(Rock Clematis)
No. de artículo: 5191
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (70)cm, Rock Clematis is a smaller species with nodding pale blue to pale violet-blue flower cups
above greyish-green to silvery-green leaves on upright hold to slightly arching stems. Seeds from a
certified wild collection in Cache County, Utah, USA at some 2.800m. For any rich, very well drained
soil in full sun. VI-VII.
Clematis flammula ssp.
(Fragrant Virgin's Bower)
No. de artículo: 6750
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
250 (500)cm, Fragrant Virgin's Bower is a perennial deciduous vine from Southern Europe and
North Africa. It makes small feathered leaves and numerous white, bitter almond scented flowers.
For any rich, well drained soil in full sun in a proteced spot. In colder regions best grown under
frostfree conditions as a container plant for the cool greenhouse or wintergarden. VII-VIII.
Clematis hirsutissima
(Hairy Clematis)
No. de artículo: 8754
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
50 (65)cm, Hairy Clematis is an unusual species with erect to arching annual short stems topped by
dark blue-purple, pendant flower cups above dissected, strongly pubescent leaves. For any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot. Excellent in the rock garden. Seeds from a certified wild collection in
Sheridan County, Wyoming, USA at some 2300m. V-VI.
Clematis integrifolia
(Solitary Blue Clematis)
No. de artículo: 5302
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
100 (150)cm, Solitary Blue Clematis makes upright growing short annual stalks topped by nodding,
intense blue flowers. Plants do not require a climbing aid. Native of montane meadows and open
spots in woods in Eurasia. This beautiful wild species is parent of most Clematis cultivars and
hybrids. Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII.
Clematis mandschurica
No. de artículo: 5143
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (4)m, a semi evergreen Chinese clematis species with woody stems and showy perfectly white,
perfumed flowers in profusion. It is easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to
partially shaded spot. VI-VIII.
Clematis pitcheri
(Leather Flower)
No. de artículo: 5188
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
200 (350)cm, Leather Flower or Bluebill Clematis makes vining perennial stalks with pendulous,
campanulate, showy lilac-blue flowers with reflexed petal tips. This Clematis species is native of
South-central USA. A perfectly winterhardy species, which is easily grown in any humus rich, well
drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. V-VIII.
Clematis texana
(Texas Clematis)
No. de artículo: 8382
sobre de semillas
2 (5)m, Texas Clematis is a deciduous vine from south-western North America with unusual pale
wine-red flower bells with yellowish tips. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in full sun to
partial shade. VI-VII.
Clematis viticella
(Italian Clematis)
No. de artículo: 6522
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150 (250)cm, Italian Clematis is a rare cultivated perennial climber with showy, rich ink blue flowers.
Native of open spots in fresh soils in woods in southeastern Europe. Fully winterhardy in Central
Europe. This beautiful wild species is parent of several Clematis cultivars and hybrids. Easily grown
in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Plants require a climbing aid.
No. de artículo: 5170
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Cleome (Bee Plant)
Bee Plants are annual or perennial species in a broad genus native from temperate to tropical regions throughout the world.
Several species have showy, white or bright rose flowers on tall racemes densely covered with narrow leaves. Easily cultivated in
any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained, preferably slightly sandy or rocky soil. Keep pots in full sun outside. Transplant as soon as
seedlings are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
120 (150)cm, Spider Plant is a most ornamental and fast growing annual from South America. It has
Cleome hassleriana
cannabis-like foliage and numerous quite large flowers in shades from rich violet-pink to pale rose
(Spider Plant)
and white. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Sow directly to the ground in the
garden after the last freezing nights in mid spring. VII-VIII.
Cleome lutea
(Yellow Spiderflower)
No. de artículo: 6978
sobre de semillas
€ 2,79
100 (150)cm, Yellow Spiderflower (syn. Peritoma lutea) is a showy annual with a dense terminal
spike of rich lemon-yellow flowers above spirally arranged trifoliate leaves. The Yellow Spiderflower
is native of western USA where it ocurrs in rocky mountain sites. For any rich, very well drained soil
in full sun. Will self-sow under appropriate conditions. V-VIII.
Cleome serrulata
(Rocky Mountain Bee
No. de artículo: 9246
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
90 (150)cm, Rocky Mountain Bee Plant is a showy annual with a dense terminal spike of unique
pink, pale rose or white flowers above spirally arranged trifoliate leaves. The Rocky Mountain Bee
Plant is native of semi-moist prairies in northern and central North America. For any humus rich, well
drained soil in full sun. It will readily self-sow under appropriate conditions. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4855
sobre de semillas
Clerodendrum (Harlequin Glorybower)
Harlequin Flowers or Glorybowers make up a large genus from usually tropical regions and only few deciduous species from
temperate regions. They are shrubs, lianas or small woody trees with opposite or whorled leaves. Deciduous winter hardy species
are showy woody shrubs with large foliage and showy terminal clusters with white or pink flowers followed by showy, bright colored
infructescences. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained soil and keep pots in a protected spot outside. Seeds require a prolonged cooling period
prior to germination in late spring. Carefully transplant young plants to the final spot in the garden as soon as they are strong
enough or in autumn after leaves have withered.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
trichotomum var. fargesii
(Farges' Harlequin
No. de artículo: 6816
sobre de semillas
Clethra (Madeira Lily of the Valley Tree)
Madeira Lily of the Valley Tree belongs to a small genus of evergreen shrubs to small trees. It is one of the most beautiful species
in its genus and a typical plant of the evergreen and always moist laurel forest of Madeira island (Portugal), whereas on the Canary
islands it is possibly extinct. It bears large, elongated oval, glossy leathery foliage and terminal racemes of fragrant white, nodding,
bell-shaped flowers in summer.
Sow fine seeds flat on any humus rich, always slightly moist soil. Keep sowings at some 20°C to 25°C in partial shade throughout
the year. Keep seedlings cooler, yet frostfree with reduced watering in winter in a sunny spot.
20 semillas por sobre.
3 (7)m, Madeira Lily of the Valley Tree is a small evergreen tree from humid spots in the laurel forest
Clethra arborea
(Madeira Lily of the Valley of the island of Madeira (Portugal). It makes large, elongated oval, glossy leathery foliage and showy
terminal racemes of fragrant white, nodding, bell-shaped flowers in summer. A good container plant
for any humus rich, always slightly moist soil in partial shade and a minimum of some 12°C
throughout the year. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 8957
sobre de semillas
Clitoria (Butterfly Pea)
Butterfly Peas belong to a broad genus of annual to perennial climbers or woody shrubs from tropical and temperate areas. Most
tropical species are perennial and evergreen and make semi-woody stems, trifoliate leaves and quite large white, rose, pink, lilac to
rich blue flowers. All are easily cultivated in any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter reduce
watering and keep plants at a minimum of some 15°C.
Prior to sowing scarify seed (e.g. carefully scratch the seed coat with fine sandpaper) and soak them in luke warm water for some
48h. Sow flat at a minimum of 20°C throughout the year in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Filing the seed coat a little bit
prior to sowing may shorten the germination time.
10 Korn pro Packung.
150 (250)cm, Blue Butterfly Pea is a perennial semi-woody climber from tropical Asia and widely
Clitoria ternatea
cultivated for its large, showy intense blue flowers. Easily cultivated in pots in any rich, well drained
(Blue Butterfly Pea)
substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter reduce watering and keep plants at a
minimum of some 15°C. V-IX.
No. de artículo: 9275
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Cneorum (Spurge Olive)
Spurge Olives belong to a small genus with only two known species: Cneorum tricoccum from the Western Mediterranean region
and the disjunct species Cneorum trimenum native from Cuba. Both are evergreen small woody shrubs with dark green, leathery,
narrow oval leaves and small yelowish flowers followed by most ornamental bright scarlet seed capsules. They are excellent
container plants for any rich, well drained, rocky soil in full sun throughout the year. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of
some 10°C.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, very well drained soil at some 20°C to 25°C. Keep seedlings always in full sun.
10 semillas por sobre.
30 (80)cm, Spurge Olive is a rarely cultivated relict species from the Western Mediterranean region.
Cneorum tricoccum
It is a small, evergreen woody shrub with leathery, elongated, dark green leaves and terminal
(Spurge Olive)
clusters of small yellowish flowers followed by ornamental, bright scarlet seed capsules in summer.
For any rich, well drained substrate in full sun throughout the year. Keep plants drier in winter at a
minimum of some 10°C. III-VII.
No. de artículo: 4929
sobre de semillas
Coccinia (South Africa Ornamental Gourd)
South Africa Ornamental Gourd makes fast growing annual to semiperennial climbing branches from a perennial rootstock. The
small, lemon-yellow to golden flowers are followed by most decorative, egg-shaped to elongated fruits (not edible) which turn to a
brilliant orange-red or scarlet with maturity. Due to their ornamental fruits all species make nice pot plants for any rich, well drained
soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. Keep the semi-dormant fleshy roots drier in winter at a minimum of some 12°C.
Sow flat in any well drained, humus-rich, preferably slightly sandy soil at some 20°C. Keep pots in full sun (winter) to partial shade
10 semillas por sobre.
200 (500)cm, a perennial climber from South Africa with a long, fleshy root. Makes dark green, heart
Coccinia hirtella
shaped leaves with serrated margins and small, golden flowers followed by most ornamental, egg
shaped, bright orange red fruits. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Plants require a
climbing aid, full sun and a winter minimum of some 12°C with watering reduced to a minimum.
Coccinia palmata
No. de artículo: 3849
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
200 (500)cm, a perennial climber from South Africa with a long, fleshy root. Makes dark green, heart
shaped leaves with serrated margins and quite large, cream white flowers followed by most
ornamental, egg shaped, bright orange red fruits. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Plants require a climbing aid, full sun and a winter minimum of some 12°C with watering reduced to
a minimum. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 3855
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 7029
sobre de semillas
Coccinia quinqueloba
Coccinia rehmannii
Coccinia sessifolia
No. de artículo: 7030
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
200 (500)cm, is a perennial climber from Namibia, southern Africa. It makes perennial, fast growing
vines with dark green, heart shaped leaves with serrated margins and small, whitish-cream flowers
followed by ornamental, small round, bright scarlet fruits, all grown from a massive caudex. For any
rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Plants require a climbing aid, full sun and a winter minimum of
some 12°C with watering reduced to a minimum. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3856
sobre de semillas
Coccoloba (Seagrape)
Seagrape belongs to a small genus of woody, low growing shrubs from subtropical to tropical regions from southern North America
to South America and usually occurs in the vicinity of the sea. Coccoloba uvifera is the only species with edible, cherry-sized fruits.
These will turn violet with maturity and have a transparent, juicy, slightly sweet fruit pulp. Fruits are used to make marmelades in
the Caribbean region. The seagrape makes large oval leaves and is easily grown in any humus rich, very well drained soil in full
sun throughout the year. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 15°C.
Sow large seeds flat at a minimum of some 20°C in any humus rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds will germinate
erratically in some one to four months.
7 semillas grandes por sobre.
2 (7)m, Seagrape is a coastal tropical woody shrub to small tree from Central and South America
Coccoloba uvifera
and has ornamental large oval leaves and long, horizontally hold to pendulous flower racemes
followed by cherry-sized, edible fruits with turn violet with maturity. Fruits have a transparent, juicy,
slightly sweet fruit pulp. The seagrape is easily cultivated in any humus rich, very well drained soil in
full sun throughout the year. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 15°C. IV-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8449
sobre de semillas
Cocculus (Moonseed Vine)
Moonseed Vines are fast growing, semi-woody vines with a woody base. At present some 11 species are known, which are native
of warm temperate to tropical regions of North America, Asia and Africa. All make small, greenish-yellow flowers in early summer
above ornamental foliage, which turns to bright yellow in late autumn and winter, giving sight to dense and long lasting clusters of
red to bluish-black berries. Each berry contains a single seed which has the shape of a full moon, thus its common name. Easily
grown in any humus rich, yet well drained soil in full sun to partial shade. Very easy and adoptable plants.
Sow from autumn to late spring in any humus rich, sandy soil in a partially shaded spot. Keep pots in a sheltered and sunny spot
outside during winter. Seeds germinate in late spring to early summer. Transplant young plants in autumn when leaves start to
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
10 semillas por sobre..
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Cocculus trilobus
(Korean Moonseed)
3 (7)m, Korean Moonseed makes annual vines from a perennial woody base. The slightly glossy
leaves turn bright yellow in winter and give sight to dense clusters of ornamental bluish-black
berries. The species is native of woods in Korea and is used in traditional medicine throughout Asia.
Easily grow in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 4352
sobre de semillas
Codonopsis (Climbing Bellflowers)
Climbing Bellflowers are still rarely seen, most decorative deciduous or herbaceous climbers or ground covering plants from rich,
leafy, slightly moist soils in mountains of eastern Asia. All make a perennial, bulbous rootstock, which is similar in habit to the
Canary Bellflower (Canarina canariensis), yet Codonopsis species are completely winter hardy. They have numerous showy, large,
nodding bellflowers in white, sky blue to purplish-blue. Excellent in any slightly moist, humus rich soil in a partially shaded to sunny
spot. Climbing members are best planted beneath deciduous shrubs or are cultivated with a climbing aid.
Sow seeds very flat in any humus-rich, peaty soil in autumn to spring in a protected spot outside. Grow in pots for at least two to
three years, transplant bulbous roots after foliage has withered in late summer.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7.
20 semillas por sobre.
60cm, a herbaceous perennial with twining short annual stems with large china blue flowers and a
Codonopsis clematidea
showy orange ring inside the throat. Native of central Asia to northern India in rocky, grassy slopes
at up to 4.000m. For any leafy, slightly moist and well drained soil in full sun to partial shade. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3155
sobre de semillas
Coffea (Coffee)
Coffee is a small genus with some 25 to 40 species, all native of tropical Africa, Madagascar and several other islands in the Indian
Ocean. They usually grow as woody understory trees or shrubs in montane forests. The oval glossy leaves of the economically
most important species Coffea arabica (Arabica), Coffea canephora (Robusta), Coffea liberica (Liberica), and Coffea dewevrei
(Excelsa) are dark-green. They are easily raised in pots in any humus-rich, well drained substrate in a sunny (winter) to partially
shaded (summer) spot. In winter reduce watering and keep plants at a minimum of some 15°C throughout the year. In cultivation
plants will flower and fruit under suitable conditions, e. g. if grown in large pots in a winter garden.
Sow the bean-like seeds in any humus-rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot at some 25°C to 30°C throughout the year.
Carefully separate seedlings as soon as their second real pair of leaves unfolds.
7 semillas por sobre.
200 (400)cm, Arabica Coffee is a medium sized woody shrub native of cool highland forests in
Coffea arabica
southwestern Ethiopia. It has glossy, dark green, large oval leaves, fragrant, white flowers and bright
(Arabica Coffee)
red coffee cherries in axillary clusters. An easily raised pot plant for any humus rich, well drained soil
in partial shade (summer) to full sun (winter) and a winter minimum of some 15°C to 20°C. IX-II.
Seeds are not available for a delivery to the U.S., Australia and New Zealand.
Coffea canephora
(Robusta Coffee)
No. de artículo: 9456
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
200 (700)cm, Robusta Coffee (syn. Coffea robusta) is a medium sized woody shrub to small treelike
shrub native of cool highland forests in Uganda and Angola. It has glossy, dark green, large oval
leaves, fragrant, white flowers and dark red coffee cherries in dense axillary clusters. A more robust
species than the commonly available Coffea arabica. An easily raised pot plant for any humus rich,
well drained soil in partial shade (summer) to full sun (winter) and a winter minimum of some 15°C.
Seeds are not available for a delivery to the U.S., Australia and New Zealand.
No. de artículo: 3891
sobre de semillas
Coix (Job's-Tears Grass)
Job's-Tears Grass is a tropical species which is grown as an annual. It makes ornamental, large, dark violet-black seeds fading to
light grey with maturity on short stems with broad leaves. The seeds are edible and are roasted and ground for the preparation of a
flour for baking bread. For any rich, well drained, rather rocky soil in full sun.
Sow in any rich, well drained substrate at some 20°C under glass in early spring. Carefully transplant seedlings to their final spot in
the garden after the last freezing nights from end of spring to early summer.
7 semillas grandes por sobre.
30 (50)cm, Job's-Tears Grass is a fast growing perennial grass which is usually grown as an annual.
Coix lacryma-jobi
It descends from tropical Asia and has large, ornamental dark violet-black seeds fading to light grey
(Job's-Tears Grass)
with maturity and short, broad foliage. The seeds are roasted and ground in order to make a flour for
bread. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained, rather rocky soil in full sun. Sow directly to the
ground after the last freezing nights in late spring or early summer. Alternatively cultivate as a
perennial pot plant, keep slightly drier in winter at a minimum of some 20°C in full sun. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 4774
sobre de semillas
Colchicum (False Autumn Crocus) & Merendera
Autumn "Crocus" and the closely related genus Merendera will adopt to virtual any soil condition, if being kept not too wet in winter.
Easy to cultivate and some of the last flowers in year. Pink shades are prominent, only the spring flowering C. lutea is truly yellow.
Sow flat autumn to late spring in any well drained, rocky or sandy soil. Keep pots in a sheltered and sunny spot in winter.
Transplant young bulbs best in late summer of their third year. Colchicum will need some time from seeds, but once established
they will produce more and more flower each year.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6 si no se meciona algo
20 semillas por sobre.
20cm, an unidentified species from montane grasslands in the Monte Blanca range in eastern
Colchicum spec. 001
Sardinia (Italy) occuring at some 1.000m. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
No. de artículo: 4232
sobre de semillas (ex Cerdeña)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Colocasia (Taro) & Xanthosoma (Malanga Taro)
Taro and Malanga Taro are closely related genera from India, East Asia and Polynesia (Colocasia spp.), respectively tropical
America (Xanthosoma spp.). Nowadays Taro (Colocasia esculenta) is widely grown in the Tropics and Subtropics for its edible
tubers, which are rich in starch. All Colocasia and Xanthosoma species make rather large, elephant ear like leaves on stalks, which
emerge from subterranean tubers.
Easily cultivated as a pot plants in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Sow seed flat on any rich, well
drained soil at some 25°C throughout the year and in a partially shaded spot. Do not cover seeds with soil and always water from
beneath. Keep dormant corms almost dry in winter at a minimum of some 15°C.
Precio por un (1) tubérculo reposado o 20 semillas por sobre.
Tubers are only available for delivery within Europe! Seeds will ship worldwide.
400cm, Giant Taro an extremely large sized and spectacular form from Kanchanaburi Province,
Colocasia gigantea
Thailand of an already very large species. Colocasia gigantea 'Thailand Giant Strain' makes up to 4
'Thailand Giant Strain'
m long and up to 2 m broad leaves with a nice bluish-green tinge. Easily grown in any humus rich,
well drained soil in partial shade (summer) to fulll sun (winter). In winter keep plants slightly drier at a
minimum of some 15°C. VII-X.
Xanthosoma violaceum
(Black Malanga Taro)
No. de artículo: 8808
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
150cm, Black Malanga Taro or Purplestem Taro is an ornamental species from Brazil and not to be
confused with some blackish selections of Colocasia esculenta from Asia. It makes showy dark
puplish-black stalks and purplish flushed green leaves. Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained
soil in partial shade (summer) to fulll sun (winter). In winter keep dormant tubers drier at a minimum
of some 15°C. VII-X.
No. de artículo: 9349
tubérculo reposado (02,5 cm)
Colutea (Bladder Senna)
Bladder Senna are fully winter hardy, tall woody, deciduous shrubs with elegant feathered foliage and bright yellow flowers, which
are followed by inflated, translucent and papery pods (capsules). Easily grown in any rich, yet well drained, sunny spot. Excellent
for a free position in a rock garden or for sandy soils.
Prior to sowing scarify seed (e.g. carefully scratch the seed coat with fine sandpaper) and soak them in luke warm water for some
48h. Sow autumn to spring in any rich, well drained, preferably sandy soil. Keep pots in a protected spot outside in full sun.
Transplant seedlings in autumn or spring.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
200 (500)m, Bladder Shrub is a tall woody, deciduous shrub with dark green feathered leaves, bright
Colutea arborescens
yellow flowers and unusual, inflated, translucent and light brown, papery seed pods. This species is
(Bladder Shrub)
native of southern Europe and throughout the Mediterranean region, where it ocurrs in rich, well
drained, sandy or stony soils in sunny spots. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. V-VI.
Colutea arborescens ssp.
(Atlantic Bladder Shrub)
No. de artículo: 3394
sobre de semillas
€ 2,49
200 (500)m, Atlantic Bladder Shrub is a tall woody, deciduous shrub with dark green feathered
leaves, bright yellow flowers and unusual, inflated, translucent and rosy-red shaded, papery seed
pods. This subspecies is native of south-western Spain, Portugal and North-western Africa. For any
rich, well drained soil in full sun and a pereferably protected spot. V-VI.
Colutea cilicica
(Turkish Bladder Senna)
No. de artículo: 9312
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
2 (3)m, Turkish Bladder Senna is a tall woody shrub with broadly feathered leaves and numerous,
bright yellow pea like flowers which are followed by inflated seed pods. Native of Turkey and Asia
Minor. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 4071
sobre de semillas
Conanthera (Lirio de la Viuda)
Widow Lilies is a small genus within the Tecophilacea family and consists of some three to four species of bulbous plants native of
Chile (South America). They have showy blue, purple or white and purple flowers on graceful stems above grass like leaves. All are
easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. During dormancy keep plants rather dry and in winter
at a minimum of some 10°C with watering reduced to a minimum. Excellent in a frostfree greenhouse or wintergarden, for their
small to medium tall size they can be grown in rather small pots on window sills as well.
Sow small seeds on top of any well drained substrate and cover them slightly with sand. Keep pots in full sun at some 20°C
throughout the year and soil always slightly moist from beneath. A temperature drop at night down to some 10°C to 15°C will
significantly enhance germination in several species.
20 semillas por sobre.
40cm, Flor de la Viuda is a small bulbous plant with utmost ornamental, nodding, deep purplish-blue
Conanthera bifolia
flowers with nicely contrasting bright yellow anthers on elegant upright racemes above narrow grass
(Flor de la Viuda)
like leaves. Native of dryish rocky spots in open spots in woods in Chile. For any rich, well drained
soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C. Seeds
from a wild collection in VII Region, Reserva Nacional Altos del Lircay at some 800m. VI-VII.
Conanthera campanulata
(Pajarito del Campo)
No. de artículo: 5036
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40cm, Pajarito del Campo is a small bulbous plant with utmost ornamental, nodding, deep purplishblue or pure white flowers with dark blue blotches on elegant upright racemes above narrow grass
like leaves. Native of dryish rocky spots in open spots in woods in Chile. For any rich, well drained
soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C. Seeds
from a wild collection in VII Region, Pelarco, Libueno at some 300m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5037
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Convallaria (Lilly-of-the-Valley)
Convallaria are rhizomatous wood plants (3 species). Excellent ground covering plants with large deep green leaves and elegant
flowering stalks with nodding bell-shaped flowers. Easy to naturalize in humus rich soil.
Sow autumn to spring in any well drained soil in full sun, keep pots protected in winter.
Aviso: All parts are very poisonous!
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
10 semillas por sobre.
20 (25)cm, Lily-of-the-Valley has forest green leaves and intense sweetly fragrant, white bell shaped
Convallaria majalis
flowers of about 20 per raceme. For any rich, slightly moist soil in partial shade to full sun. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 2607
sobre de semillas
Convolvulus (Canary Morning Glory)
Convolvulus or Morning Glory are winter hardy to tropical, usually annual or semiperennial (rarely perennial) climbers with trumpetshaped flowers. Few species, such as some native of the Canary Islands, are growing as perennial shrubs or may become even
small woody trees (e.g. Convolvulus floridus). Shrub-like species suit well as container plants. Any well drained rocky soil with
some humus in a sunny spot will work. In winter keep perennial Canary species cool and drier in a frostfree and sunny spot at a
minimum of some 10°C.
Sow seeds flat in any well drained sandy and humus rich soil. Keep pots in a sunny spot and soil always slightly moist from
beneath. Ideal temperature for germination is in between a minimum of some 15° (night) to a maximum of some 25°C (day). In
several Canary plants higher temperatures will slow down or even inhibit germination !
10 semillas por sobre.
Aviso legal: De acuerdo con las leyes alemanas nacionales (BNatSchG y BArtSchV) tan bien como las convenciones a nivel
europeo (Convención de Berna) e internacional (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora - CITES) no vendemos ningún material tal como semillas proveniendo de plantas salvajes protegidas. Las semillas de dichas
plantas protegidas derivan exclusivamente de plantas propagadas artificialmente en cultivos hortículos en Alemania
respectivamente en el Líbano, donde las plantas se han tomado en cultivo a finales de los años 70 y al principio de los años 80 del
siglo pasado.
100 (200)cm, makes climbing annual vines from a perennial rootstock, and has fingerlike leaves and
Convolvulus althaeoides
numerous showy, bright pink flowers cups. Native of rocky, usually disturbed sited on the Canary
ssp. althaeoides
islands and throughout the Mediterranean region. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot
throughout the year. In winter keep semi-dormant plants drier at a minimum of some 5°C. Plants
require a climbing aid. VI-VIII.
Convolvulus canariensis
Convolvulus floridus
Convolvulus massonii
(Madeira Morning Glory)
No. de artículo: 7336
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria, España)
€ 4,99
3 (10)m, climbing species with perennial, woody stems and large, bright green, hairy leaves and
axillary clusters of most beautiful, quite large, sky blue flowers with a white throat. Its perennial
stems require a climbing aid. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Winter minimum 10°C.
Seeds are rarely available. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2510
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
150 (400)cm, very floriferous (= name!) shrub to small tree. Ideal pot plant with numerous small,
pure white flowers in dense stalks. Attractive, shiny green, narrow foliage. Native to the lower
succulent zone of all Canary islands, especially Tenerife. Despite its common name this species
flowers in cultivation all day long! VII-XI.
No. de artículo: 1305
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
200 (500)cm, Madeira Morning Glory is threatened species native of the laurel forest. It is a woody,
climbing sub-shrub with oval, fresh green leaves and axillary born, pale pink, pale blue to almost
white flowers. For any rich, well drained susbstrate in a sunny spot. Keep at a winter minimum of
some 5°C with reduced watering. Plants require a climbing aid. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 3255
sobre de semillas
Convolvulus (Hardy Morning Glory)
Morning Glories offered on this page are winter hardy species. They either grow as annual to perennial vines or soft-wooded, dwarf
perennial shrubs. All are easily cultivated in any rich, yet very well drained, slightly rocky soil in preferably full sun. A protected spot
is recommended for the soft-wooded, shrub-like perennials native to the Mediterranean, such as Convolvulus cantabricus and
Convolvulus sabatius.
Sow seeds flat in any well drained, sandy soil. Keep pots in a sunny and protected spot outside. Carefully transplant seedlings to
the garden as soon as they are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7.
10 semillas por sobre.
20 (50)cm, Cantabria Morning Glory is a rarely seen western Mediterranean, non-invasive perennial
Convolvulus cantabricus
growing in open, rocky spots. It makes long stalks with pale rose flower sauces with long pedicles
(Cantabrican Morning
above linear leaves. For any rich, well drained, preferably slightly rocky soil in full sun in a protected
spot. Excellent in the rock garden. V-VII.
Convolvulus siculus ssp.
No. de artículo: 3806
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15 (40)cm, a dwarf annual morning glory with skyblue flowers on erect to slightly creeping stalks.
Native of rocky sunny sites throughout the western Mediterranean. Easily cultivated in any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot. Sow directly to the ground after the last freezing nights in late spring.
Seeds from a collection made on Mallorca, Spain (La Trapa). VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 4557
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Convolvulus tricolor
(Tricolored Morning-Glory)
30 (50)cm, Tricolored Morning-Glory is a dwarf annual morning glory with numerous beautiful
tricolored flowers in purple, white and yellow throughout summer. Easily cultivated in any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot. Sow directly to the ground after the last freezing nights in late spring.
Can be grown as a creeping ground covering plant or as a climber. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 4525
sobre de semillas
Convolvulus (Subtropical Morning Glories)
Morning Glories are winter hardy to tropical, usually annual or semiperennial climbers with trumpet-shaped flowers. Especially
several tropical species have a perennial rootstock from which emerge the annual vine. All subtropical species are easily grown in
any well drained, humus-rich, preferably rocky soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep perennial drier in a frostfree
and sunny spot at a minimum of some 15°C.
Sow seeds flat in any well drained sandy and humus rich soil. Keep pots in a sunny spot at a minimum of some 20°C. Keep soil
always slightly moist from beneath.
10 semillas por sobre.
200 (400)cm, Australian Bindweed is a perennial climber with middle green, narrowly arrow shaped
Convolvulus remotus
leaves and bright pink flower cups. Growing in shrubs in open, sunny sites throughout New South
(Australian Bindweed)
Wales, W Victoria, Queensland, and New Territory (Australia). A nice pot plant for any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. Requires a climbing aid. Keep drier in winter at a
winter low of some 15°C. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3884
sobre de semillas
Corallocarpus (South Africa Caudex Gourd)
South Africa Caudex Gourds make fast growing annual to semiperennial vines from a perennial, woody caudex rootstock. The
small, whitish-yellow to golden flowers are followed by decorative, small berry-like fruits (not edible) which turn to brilliant orangered or scarlet with maturity. Being caudex plants and due to their fruits all species are nice pot plants for any rich, well drained soil
in a sunny spot throughout the year. Keep the dormant caudex completely dry in winter at a minimum of some 12°C.
Sow flat in any very well drained, humus-rich, preferably slightly sandy soil at some 20°C. Keep pots in full sun (winter) to partial
shade (summer).
10 semillas por sobre.
100 (200)cm, an ornamental caudex plant from South Africa with annual to semiperennial climbing
Corallocarpus bainesii
shoots with fleshy, heart shaped leaves with serrated margins. Its’ small yellowish white flowers
followed by scarlet fruits. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Plants require a climbing
aid, full sun and a winter minimum of some 12°C with watering reduced to a minimum.
No. de artículo: 3857
sobre de semillas
Corchorus (Mloukhiyeh or Lebanese Spinach) & Sida (Indian Hemp)
Mloukhiyeh or Lebanese Spinach and Indian Hemp are both members of the mallow family (Malvaceae). Corchorus olitorius is
used in traditional cookery in Lebanon and Egypt and virtually not grown outside these countries. It is a fast and tall growing
biannual to short-lived perennial plant with dark green leaves which are very tasty with a typical mild flavor. Leaves are used
cooked in soups and several other national dishes. Sida rhombifolia is traditionally used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine
("Kurumthotti") and as a herbal tea ingredient in various countries, including the Canary islands ("Té de Canarias").
Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained, sandy soil in spring under warm glass at a minimum of some 25°C at day and some 20°C
at night. Transplant strong seedlings to the open garden end of spring. Best grown as annuals at a constantly rather high
temperature in a greenhouse or wintergarden.
20 semillas por sobre.
130 (200)cm, Mloukhiyeh, Mouloukhieh, or Mulukhiye is an unknown vegetable in the Western
Corchorus olitorius
world. The dark green leaves on tall stems have a spinach like texture and taste. As soon as plants
(Lebanese Spinach)
are strong enough, leaves may be picked until autumn. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun.
Best cultivated as an annual. Sow under warm glass in spring at a minimum of some 25°C and
transplant seedlings to the open garden end of spring. A fast growing vegetable which requires
sufficient heat during its growing cycle to develop well. VI-IX.
Sida rhombifolia
(Indian Hemp)
No. de artículo: 2913
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
150 (180)cm, Indian Hemp is a strongly branching perennial with somewhat woody branches. It
bears elongated oval, dark green leaves and throughout the year small peach-colored flowers with
or without a dark maroon center. It is used in Indian Ayirvedic medicine and in herbal teas. For any
rich, well drained substrate in full sun. Either cultivate as a fast growing annual or as a perennial in
pots in a constantly warm spot at a winter minimum of some 20°C. I-XII.
No. de artículo: 9479
sobre de semillas
Cordyline (Cabbage Palm)
Cabbage Palms belong to a small genus with subtropical woody shrubs from the western Pacific Ocean region. Most have
ornamental leaves in a terminal rosette and pendulous racemes with unsonspicous flowers followed by showy, black to bright
colored fruits. They are excellent container plants and thrive in virtually any rich, well drained soil. Keep container plants in a sunny
spot in summer, water and fertilize regularly. In winter move plants to a cool, yet frostfree, sunny spot at a minimum of some 10°C
with reduced watering.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained in a sunny spot at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year. Germination is irregular
and may need some 4 to 12 weeks.
20 semillas por sobre.
200 (400)cm, unbranched, woody shrub with a showy terminal leaf rosette and pendulous racemes
Cordyline fruticosa
(syn. Cordyline terminalis) with small flowers followed by showy, bright scarlet fruits. Easily grown in containers in any rich, well
drained soil in full sun throughout the year. Keep plants drier in winter in full sun and at a minimum
of some 10°C. VIII-X.
No. de artículo: 6028
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Coreopsis (Tickseed)
Tickseed are either annuals or herbaceous perennials from open spots in prairies and sunny mountain meadows throughout North
America. They develop numerous, very colorful, bright yellow flower cups on medium sized stalks throughout summer. Many
species are excellent cut flowers. Coreopsis are easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. They are very robust
and adopt very well to various soil types. Coreopsis gigantea is not winterhardy and shall be kept frostfree in pots in full sun
throughout the year and at a minimum of some 10°C in winter with reduced watering.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sunny , protected spot outside. Several species require a cooling period of
several months prior to germination. If these species are sowed late in the year, they do not germinate before spring in the
following year. Transplant annual species as soon as seedlings are strong enough, perennial species are transplanted to the final
spot in the garden as soon as leaves have withered in late summer to autumn.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 6, Coreopsis gigantea is
from shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática 9.
20 semillas por sobre.
100 (150)cm, Giant Coreopsis is an unique species with a massive, greyish brown trunk crowned by
Coreopsis gigantea
narrow, feather-like leaves and showy yellow flowers on arching stems. It is native of few sites in
(Giant Coreopsis)
coastal areas of California (USA). For any rich, very well drained substrate in full sun throughout the
year. This stunny species is not winterhardy in Central Europe. In winter keep plants drier at a
minimum of some 10°C. Seeds are from a certified wild collection in Santa Barbara County,
California, USA at some 50m. Zona climática USDA 9. VII-VIII.
Coreopsis lanceolata
(Lanceleaf Coreopsis)
No. de artículo: 6751
sobre de semillas
€ 12,90
50 (80)cm, Lanceleaf Coreopsis or Tickseed Coreopsis is a clump forming, fast growing perennial
with grass green, finely dissected foliage and numerous bright yellow flower heads. Native of semimoist, sunny spots from Florida and Missouri north to Oklahoma and Ontario (USA). For any rich,
well drained soil in a sunny position. V-VIII.
Coreopsis palmata
(Prairie Coreopsis)
No. de artículo: 3557
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
70 (100)cm, Prairie Coreopsis is a herbaceous perennial with light green, slightly pubescent, narrow
leaves and ornamental, terminally born bright golden flowers. Native of rocky, open sites in prairies
and woods from Wisconsin to Manitoba, south to Illinois and Missouri (USA). For any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny position. IV-VII.
Coreopsis rosea
(Pink Tickseed)
No. de artículo: 3556
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, Pink Tickseed is a herbaceous perennial with finely cut, almost thread-like leaves. In
contrast to most other Coreopsis species, Coreopsis rosea displays pale rose flowers. It is native of
slightly moist sites in eastern North America. Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soil in a
sunny position. V-VII.
Coreopsis tinctoria
(Golden Coreopsis)
Coreopsis tripteris
(Tall Tickseed Coreopsis)
No. de artículo: 8841
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
60 (100)cm, Golden Coreopsis or Golden Tickseed Coreopsis is an annual with yellow flowers with a
reddish brown (rarely pure yellow) center above finely divided leaves. Native of prairies and open
spots in dry woods in Minnesota and Manitoba to Washington, south to New Mexico and Arizona
(USA). For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny position. Ideal in the rock garden. Will readily
self sow under suitable conditions. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 3555
sobre de semillas
€ 2,49
150 (200)cm, Tall Tickseed Coreopsis is a herbaceous perennial with finely divided, dark green
foliage on bluish green stems which are crowned by numerous golden flowers with a brown center.
From open spots in sandy soils in prairie meadows und woods in Ontario to Wisconsin, south to
Georgia, Mississippi, and Oklahoma (USA). For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot. VIIIIX.
No. de artículo: 3554
sobre de semillas
Coriandrum (Coriander) & Eryngium (Culantro)
Coriander and Culantro or Mexican Coriander have both been used for several thousand years for their stongly aromatic leaves.
The seeds from Coriandrum sativum are used as a spice as well and have a slightly sweet-spicy taste, which is very different in
comparison to fresh leaves. Young fresh leaves from both species are used in numerous dishes throughout Asia and South
America. The dried seeds from Coriandrum sativum are roasted and ground and especially used in meat dishes and for making
bread. Leaves from Eryngium foetidum can be dried for they will maintain their flavor. Coriandrum sativum is grown as an annual in
any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Eyngium foetidum is a perennial subtropical plant from Mexico and South America and
can be grown in pots at a minimum of some 15°C in full sun.
Sow seeds from Coriandrum sativum flat directly in any well drained, humus-rich soil in a sunny site in the garden in spring. Cover
seeds only slightly with soil. Sow seed from Eryngium foetidum flat in any rich soil at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year.
100 semillas pro sobre (Coriandrum sativum), respectivamente 20 semillas por sobre (Eryngium foetidum).
30 (50)cm, Coriander or Cilantro is an annual aromatic herb native from North Africa to
Coriandrum sativum
Southwestern Asia. The leaves are broadly lobed to feathered. The leaves have a unique taste and
are used fresh in soups and various dishes throughout the Middle East, the Mediterranean, Latin
America, Southeast Asia and Africa. The dry and ground, fresh or roasted seeds have a completely
different, spicy, nut-like, warm taste and are used throught the world in curries, soups, meat dishes,
etc. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII.
Eryngium foetidum
No. de artículo: 4659
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
20 (30)cm, Culantro or Mexican Coriander is a subtropical perennial from Mexico and South America
and makes a basal rosette of glossy, slightly leathery, dark green leaves with somewhat spiny
margins and a very broad umbel of unconspicuous flowers. Fresh, young and still rather smooth
leaves are used in numerous dishes throughout Asia and South America. Leaves can be excellently
dried for they will maintain their flavor. In order to promote the growth of the leaf rosette, the flower
stalk should be cut away in summer. For any rich substrate in full sun throughout the year and a
minimum of some 15°C. VI-VIII.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
No. de artículo: 8626
sobre de semillas
Corydalis (Fumewort)
Fumeworts are early spring flowering bulbs, usually growing in woods, where they receive plenty of sun in spring before they go
dormant in early May already. They are excellent to naturalize under trees and shrubs in partially shaded places in any soil. Will
bear more and more flowers every year.
Sow flat autumn to late spring in any well drained, rocky or sandy soil. Keep pots in a sheltered and sunny spot in winter.
Transplant tiny bulbs in fall in their first year. Most Corydalis will flower in their second to third year.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6 si no se meciona algo
20 semillas por sobre.
30 (100)cm, Sierra Fumewort is a showy, tall, upright growing herbaceous perennial with blue-green
Corydalis caseana ssp.
waxy powdered, fern like leaves and utmost showy white to pale rose inflorescences. Native of rich,
slightly moist soils in mountainous meadows and open spots in woods in southwestern USA. Easily
(Sierra Fumewort)
cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild
collection in Plumas County, Red Rock Springs, California at some 1.850m. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 5186
sobre de semillas
Cotoneaster are deciduous or evergreen woody shrubs with usually oval leaves and lose umbels of white, creamy-white to greenishyellow flowers followed by ornamental orange-red to dark brownish-red berries in late summer and autumn. For any humus rich,
well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. All species are very adoptable and robust.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained soil, slightly moist soil. Keep pots in a sunny spot outside during winter. Seeds require a
cooling period for several months before they germinate in following spring. After germination keep seedlings slightly drier. Plant
out from spring to autumn as soon as young plants are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
70 (100)cm, a Cyprus endemic from mountainous sites. A deciduous small woody shrub with white
Cotoneaster racemiflorus
flowers followed by intense red round fruits above oval leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a
ssp. nummularius
sunny spot. V-V.
No. de artículo: 6655
sobre de semillas (ex Chipre)
Crambe (Canary and Mediterranean Shrub Cabbage)
Canary Shrub Cabbage and Mediterranean Wild Cabbages or Seakale are either annuals or biannuals to tall and broad perennials
with a woody stem and large leaves. In several Canarry species the terminal inflorescence may reach up to 2m in diameter and
consists of thousands of small flowers. All perennial Canary Crambe species are easily grown as pot plants in any rich, well drained
soil in an always sunny spot and a winter minimum of some 10°C with reduced watering. Mediterranean annual to biannual Crambe
species offered on this page are fully winter hardy in Central Europe and enjoy any rich, very well drained soil in full sun in the
Sow seeds of subtropical Crambe species flat in any rich, well drained soil at some 20°C throughout the year. Keep seedlings very
sunny, especially in winter months.
Sow seeds from winter hardy Mediterranean Crambe species in any rich, well drained soil. Place pots in a protected and sunny
spot outside. Transplant to the final spot in the garden as soon as plants are strong enough in late summer and autumn.
All subtropical Canary species are shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557USDA Climate Zone 9.
All winterhardy Crambe species are shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557USDA Climate Zone 6.
10 semillas por sobre.
170 (200)cm, Giant Caucasus Colewort is a majestic tall and broad, fully winter hardy perennial from
Crambe cordifolia
(Giant Caucasus Colewort) the Caucasus with large, glossy basal leaves on a short wood stem and a densely branching
inflorescence with numerous small white flowers in early summer. For any rich, well drained soil in a
sunny spot. V-VI.
Crambe maritima
No. de artículo: 7166
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, Seakale is a biannual to short-lived perennial from sandy soils in the Atlantic coast of
Europe, the Baltic Sea in Northern Europe and the Black Sea. It makes a showy basal rosette of
ornamental, slightly fleshy bluish-white, edible, large leaves and branching stalks with numerous
white flowers in spring. For any rich, very well-drained, preferably sandy or stony soil in a protected
spot in full sun. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 7165
sobre de semillas
Crassula is a huge genus of succulents from cold to tropical climates. The mostly have very attractive fleshy foliage and stems and
usually dense clusters of small flowers in vivid colors. Easily grown in any rich, very well drained soil in full sun throughout the year.
In winter keep tropical Crassula species drier at a minimum of some 15°C.
Sow dustlike seeds on top of any well drained soil at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year for the tropical Crassula
members. Do not cover seeds and always water from beneath. Keep tropical members at a minimum of some 12°C and absolutely
dry in winter in a sunny position.
50 semillas por sobre.
Crassula balsatica
Crassula falcata
No. de artículo: 8061
sobre de semillas
30 (70)cm, erect, woody stems with whitish to glaucous, long leaves. Makes a very showy, long
lasting, and dense umbel of deep red flowers from VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 2348
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Crocus are best grown in a sunny spot in a well drained soil and should preferably grown in bulb baskets, unless they are to be
naturalized in grass. Seedlings will sometimes flower within less than 3 years.
Sow flat autumn to late spring in any well drained, rocky or sandy soil. Keep pots in a sheltered and sunny spot in winter.
Transplant young bulbs in fall of their second year. Most Crocus will flower in their third year.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 6 si no se menciona algo
20 semillas por sobre.
10cm, Golden Yellow Crocus uis native of rocky hillsides and dry meadows in southeastern Europe.
Crocus flavus ssp. flavus
Makes rich yellow to almost yellowish orange flowers. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in
(Golden Yellow Crocus)
full sun. Excellent in the rock garden. III.
Crocus tommasinianus
No. de artículo: 2618
sobre de semillas
10 (15)cm, large, bright lilac flowers. Native from southern Hungary to northern Bulgaria. Easily
grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Will readily multiply by selfsowing under
appropriate conditions. II-III.
No. de artículo: 2621
sobre de semillas
Cucumis (Decoration Cucumis Melon)
Decoration Cucumis Cucumber or African Horned Decoration Cucumber are annual vines spreading over the ground and are native
of arid regions in southern Africa. They have usually small yellow flowers, which are followed by most decorative, colorful, ovoid to
oblong fruits with warty spines, turning to bright yellow or orange orange-yellow with maturity. The fruits last for a very long time and
are used for decoration purposes. The plants can be cultivated with a climbing aid (e.g. on a fence) and thrive in any humus rich
soil in full sun.
Sow flat preferably from end of January to end of March in any rich, well drained soil, three seeds per pot. Keep pots in a very
sunny and warm spot inside under glass (e.g. on a warm window sill, in a heated greenhouse or in the wintergarden) at a minimum
of some 20°C. Transplant young plants to the open garden as soon as temperatures will stay above 10°C at night. Alternatively
they can be grown in a large container in a greenhouse or wintergarden.
20 semillas por sobre.
Aviso: All decoration Cucumis Melon species are poisonous and not edible !
200 (400)cm, climbing or trailing perennial with bristly leaves and small yellow flowers followed by
Cucumis aculeatus
ornamental, pale yellow, egg-shaped fruits covered with "spines". Fruits (not edible) are very long
lasting. For any rich soil in a sunny spot at a minimum of some 20°C. Either grow in a pot as a
perenial at a winter minimum of some 15°C in a sunny spot throughout the year or as an annual. VIIX.
Cucumis africanus
No. de artículo: 9096
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
300 (500)cm, perennial climbing species with annual stems covered with deeply 5-palmately lobed,
dull green leaves and small, pale to dark yellow flowers with green veins. Most beautiful, longlasting, elongated ellipsoid creamy green fruits with large cream spines and stripes. Native of
woodlands from Angola to Ruanda and Zimbabwe to Namibia, and Botswana, as well as South
Africa. For any rich soil in a sunny spot at a minimum of some 20°C. VII-IX.
Cucumis anguria var.
No. de artículo: 3345
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
200 (400)cm, climbing or trailing annual herb with palmately lobed leaves and small yellow flowers
followed by ornamental, pale green, elongated egg-shaped fruits turning yellow with maturity and
covered with soft "spines". Fruits (not edible) are very long lasting. For any rich soil in a sunny spot
at a minimum of some 20°C. VII-IX.
Cucumis anguria var.
No. de artículo: 8854
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
200 (400)cm, climbing or trailing annual herb with palmately lobed leaves and small yellow flowers
followed by ornamental, pale green, elongated egg-shaped fruits with short spines. For any rich soil
in a sunny spot at a minimum of some 20°C. VII-IX.
Cucumis meeusei
No. de artículo: 7031
sobre de semillas
€ 2,49
2 (3)m, is a South African perennial creeping to climbing vine with a woody rootstock and yellowish
brown fruits (non-edible) with short hunches. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun and a climbing
aid. In winter keep the dormant rootstock dry at a minimum of some 10°C. Alternatively grow as an
annual. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3673
sobre de semillas
Cucumis myriocarpus
No. de artículo: 7032
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
Cucumis rigidus Exclusivo 1m, is a South African perennial shrub with short vines with yellow fruits covered with short, narrow
spikes. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun and a climbing aid. In winter keep the semi-dormant
plant almost completely dry at a minimum of some 15°C. VI-VIII.
Cucumis zambianus
Cucumis zeyheri
No. de artículo: 3674
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
200 (400)cm, a recently described new species from Northwestern Zambia with climbing or trailing
vines with palmately lobed leaves and small yellow flowers followed by ornamental, pale yellowishgreen-beige, plum sized fruits with soft spines. For any rich soil in a sunny spot at a minimum of
some 20°C. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 8573
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
200 (400)cm, climbing or trailing annual herb with palmately lobed leaves and small yellow flowers
followed by ornamental, pale yellowish-green, plum sized fruits with numerozus soft pale green
spines. For any rich soil in a sunny spot at a minimum of some 20°C. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 3347
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Cucumis (Kiwano or Horned African Melon)
Kiwano or African Horned Cucumber is an annual vine spreading over the ground and is native of the Kalahari desert in Africa. It
produces ornamental yellow flowers followed by most decorative, oblong fruits, turning from light green to bright orange-yellow with
maturity. The fruits have sharp spines on their exterior and show a mild cucumber like flavor. The plants can also be cultivated
upright with a climbing aid (e.g. on a fence). They will thrive in any humus rich soil in full sun.
Sow flat preferably from end of January to end of March in any rich, well drained soil, three seeds per pot. Keep pots in a very
sunny and warm spot inside under glass (e.g. on a warm window sill, in a heated greenhouse or in the wintergarden) at a minimum
of some 20°C. Transplant young plants to the open garden as soon as temperatures will stay above 10°C at night. Alternatively
they can be grown in a large container.
20 semillas por sobre.
200 (500)cm, Kiwano Melon is a vigorous annual vine with ornamental yellow flowers followed by
Cucumis metuliferus
most decorative orange yellow fruits with strong thorns and a distinct cucumber-like, transparent
(Kiwano Melon)
yellowish green pulp, which is edible but without any special taste. For any rich, well drained soil in a
sunny spot at a minimum of some 20°C.
No. de artículo: 3304
sobre de semillas
Cucurbita (Decoration Squash and Wild Gourd)
Decoration Squashes are native of Mexico and Central America, where they have been cultivated for centuries by the indigenous
population. They are vigorous annuals with rich yellow flowers and most decorative, very long-lasting, non-edible fruits in various
shapes, sizes and colors. They will thrive in any humus rich, well drained soil in full sun. Plants are best grown with a climbing aid,
so that the fruits will develop freely.
Sow flat preferably from end of March to mid April in any rich, well drained soil, three seeds per pot. Keep pots in a sunny and
constantly warm spot inside, e.g. on a window sill, in a heated greenhouse or in the wintergarden. Transplant seedlings to the open
garden as soon as temperatures will stay above 10°C at night in late spring to early summer.
7 semillas por sobre.
3 (5)m, Wild Giant Squash is a wild Central American species and one parent from all giant
Cucurbita andreana
squashes. It is is a fast growing annual vine with bright orange yellow flowers followed by
(Wild Giant Squash)
ornamental, dark green ovoid, orange-sized, and very long lasting, non-edible fruits which are
striped pale green. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in full sun and sufficient watering
during growth. VI-VIII.
Cucurbita digitata
(Fingerleaf Gourd)
Cucurbita foetidissima
(Buffalo Gourd)
Cucurbita pepo agg.
(Decoration Summer
No. de artículo: 8572
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
3 (5)m, Fingerleaf Gourd is a fast growing annual to perennial vine from Southwestern USA and
Northwestern Mexico and makes ornamental narrow lobed leaves and small round, dark green and
white striped fruits (not edible). For any rich, well drained soil in full sun and sufficient watering
during the growing period. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8920
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (5)m, Buffalo Gourd is a fast growing annual vine from southwestern USA and northwestern
Mexico and has quite large, bright orange yellow flowers followed by ornamental pale and dark
green striped and mottled round fruits and showy greyish green arrow shaped leaves. Older fruits
are poisenous and thus these should be used for decorative purposes only! For any rich, well
drained soil in full sun and sufficient watering during the growing period. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 5418
sobre de semillas
3 (5)m, Decoration Summer Squashes are strong growing annual vines with bright orange yellow
flowers and very long-lasting, woody fruits in numerous shapes and colors, widely used for
decoration purposes. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot and sufficient
watering during the growing period. V-VIII.
The regular price was € 1,19.
No. de artículo: 3364
sobre de semillas (forma n° 6)
Cucurbita (Edible Wild Squash)
Malabar Gourd, Fig Leafed Squash and Butternut Squash are annual to semiperennial sprawling or climbing vines within the
cucumber family (Cucurbitaceae) and native of Southern USA and Latin America, where they have been cultivated for hundreds of
years for theri edible flesh. They are very vigorous and fast growing annuals with fig-like to cordate leaves, rich yellow flowers and
melon-like, quite large, oval fruits. The fruits can be stored for a very long time, and the white flesh (Cucurbita ficifolia) respectively
orange flesh (Cucurbita moschata) is cooked or baked and served as a side-dish. As most wild squashes they are easily grown in
any rich, well drained soil in full sun.
Sow flat preferably from end of March to mid April in any rich, well drained soil, three seeds per pot. Keep pots in a sunny and
constantly warm spot inside, e.g. on a window sill, in a heated greenhouse or in the wintergarden. Transplant seedlings to the open
garden as soon as temperatures will stay above 10°C at night in late spring to early summer.
7 semillas por sobre.
2 (4)m, Fig Leafed Squash is an annual crawling vine with fig tree like leaves, intense yellow flowers
Cucurbita ficifolia
and melon-like, quite large, edible fruits with a fresh green skin and white freckles. The outer white
(Fig Leafed Squash)
flesh is cooked or baked and served as a side-dish. In Spain the inner white string like flesh is used
to make a sweet called "Cabella de Angel" (Angel's Hair). Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil
in full sun with precultivation in pots in late spring at some 20°C. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 3379
sobre de semillas
Cuminum (Cumin)
Cumin has been used for several thousand years for its' brown seeds which have a typical, very strong taste. These are used either
fresh or roasted in various dishes throughout the worlds, especially in India, the Arabian region and South America. Plants are
grown as annuals in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow seeds flat directly in any well drained, humus-rich soil in a sunny site in the garden in spring. Cover seeds only slightly with soil.
100 semillas por sobre.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Cuminum cyminum
20 (30)cm, Cumin is an annual plant native from the Eastern Mediterranean region to East India.
The strongly aromatic seeds are usually used ground to prepare curries in India and as a spice in
breads and various meat and vegetable dishes in the Arabian region, North Africa and South
America. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4658
sobre de semillas
Cuphea (Cigar Plant)
Cigar Plants or Waxweeds are annuals to perennials native from North to South America. Several species make upright stalks with
utmost showy, bright colored, sometimes bicolored flowers with sometimes large upper petals. Easily cultivated in any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow flat in mid spring in any rich, well drained, slightly sandy soil and keep pots outside in a protected, sunny spot. Transplant as
soon as plants are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
100cm, an annual species native of North and Central Mexico. In cultivation this species is often
Cuphea lanceolata
falsely distributed as "Cuphea procumbens", which is a completely different one. Cuphea lanceolata
makes showy lilac flowers with very large, dark lilac upper petals on tall stalks covered with dark
green leaves. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Sow seeds flat in a
sunny spot under frostfree conditions in mid spring. Transplant seedlings to the garden after the last
freezing nights in late spring to early summer. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4623
sobre de semillas
Cycladenia (Sacramento Waxy Dogbane)
Sacramento Waxy Dogbane belongs to a monotypic genus from mountaineous areas in southwestern USA and is a herbaceous
perennial with broad ovoid leaves on short stems and showy bright rose and white shaded trumpet shaped flowers. For any rich,
well drained, preferably rocky soil in a protected spot in full sun. Excellent in the rock garden.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained, rocky soil and keep pots outside in a protected spot. Seeds require a prolonged cooling
period prior to germination in late spring. Carefully transplant young plants to the final spot in the garden as soon as they are strong
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 7.
7 semillas por sobre.
10cm, Sacramento Waxy Dogbane is a very rare, botanical treasure from mountains in southCycladenia humilis var.
western USA with broad oval leaves on short stems and several bright rose and white shaded
trumpet like flowers. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Best in a protected spot in the rock
(Sacramento Waxy
garden. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Keddie Ridge, Plumas County, California, USA at
some 1.370m. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 5185
sobre de semillas
The Cyclamen species offered here are all hardy for Central Europe and prefer a partially shaded place (e.g. under deciduous
shrubs) in a peaty or leafy soil, which will stay moist in summer and rather dry in winter. They will naturalize under good conditions.
The wintergreen and summer dormant species Cyclamen persicum (Persian Cyclamen) is not winterhardy and plants should be
kept in a frostfree spot during winter at a minimum of some 5°C in a sunny spot.
Sow late summer to early spring in a well drained, sandy and peaty soil. Only slightly cover seeds. Keep outside in the garden in a
partially shaded spot. Transplant corms after two years while corms are being dormant, which is usually from early to late summer.
Most Cyclamen will flower within two to three years and plants may gain several decades of age.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6 si no se meciona algo
20 semillas por sobre.
10 (15)cm, Ivy-leafed Cyclamen is native to mountains in Central Europe. It has ivy-shaped leaves
Cyclamen hederifolium
with nice silvery markings and flowers ranging from white to bright rose. Easily grown in any humus
(Ivy-leafed Cyclamen)
rich soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Under appropriate conditions this fully winter hardy
cyclamen will readily selfsow and will naturalize, forming dense floriferous carpets. VIII-X.
Cyclamen persicum
(Persian Cyclamen)
No. de artículo: 2636
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
10cm, Persian Cyclamen is the ancestor of the notoriously availably hybrids you will find in any
supermarket. In contrast to the overbred hybrids this wild, summer dormant species makes showy,
very, very large leaves with fine white and pale green spots on the upper side and a purplish shade
on the lower side, everything is crowned by pale rose to lilac or pure white flowers. Native of rocky
soils in full sun to partial shade in the eastern Mediterranean. For any rich, well drained substrate in
pots. Not winter hardy, carefully water in winter and keep plants in full sun at a minimum of some
5°C. During dormancy in summer do not water plants. Seeds derive from cultivated plants which still
show a wide range of ornamental white, silver and pale green mottled leaves. V-V.
No. de artículo: 6301
sobre de semillas (ex Amatheus, Chipre)
Cyclanthera (Wild Bitter Cucumber)
Wild Cucumbers from Mexico to Columbia. Plenty of fruits even if grown as annual wines in any rich, always slightly moist soil in a
sunny spot.
Sow in early spring under protected glass at a minimum of some 15°C, plant outside in any rich soil after last cold nights occurred
in late spring. Water and fertilize regularly in summer. Some species of this genus are used in medicine in fighting high blood
7 semillas por sobre.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
5 (10)m, Pepino Cucumber or Pepino Relleno is an annual, fast growing vine native to Mexico in
Cyclanthera pedata var.
semi-arid areas. It makes yellowish green, strongly dissected leaves and rather small,
(Pepino Relleno) Exclusivo inconspicuous flowers, followed by (in this variety) large "cucumbers" up to 20 cm (!) in length, and
which are filled with air. These are used in the cookery Central and South America. The fruits are
stuffed with ground meat and rice. Seeds from a plantation in the village of Subia (Departamento de
Cundinamarca, Colombia). A delicious vegetable easily grown in any rich soil in a sunny spot.
Seeds are not available for a delivery to the U.S.
Cyclanthera pedata var.
(Inka Gourd)
No. de artículo: 2151
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (4)m, Inka Gourd is an annual, fast growing annual wild species from the Andean region in South
America. It makes yellowish green, strongly dissected leaves and very small, inconspicuous flowers,
followed by up to 7cm long bitter, astringent, air-filled fruits in this variety. These can be used as
vegetables in cooking. Easily grown in any rich soil in a sunny spot.
Seeds are not available for a delivery to the U.S.
No. de artículo: 8580
sobre de semillas
Cymbopogon (Lemon Grass)
Lemon Grass are mostly long lived perennial herbs and belong to a small genus, most of which are native in southern and southeastern Asia to Australia. Most species have a very pleasant, lemon-like aroma and are widely used in the Asian cookery as a well
as the perfume industry. All Cymbopogon species are easily cultivated in any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot
throughout the year. Water regularly and fertilize the strong growing plants every week during the growing season. Keep at a
minimum of some 20°C in winter with slightly reduced watering.
Sow seeds flat on any rich, well drained susbtrate in a sunny spot at a minimum of some 20°C to 25°C throughout the year. Keep
soil always slightly moist from beneath.
20 semillas por sobre.
90 (120)cm, Palmarosa Lemon Grass is a perennial species with distinct, rose-pelargonium scented
Cymbopogon martinii
(Palmarosa Lemon Grass) leaves. It is widely used to extract the aromatic oil for potpourris, teas and cosmetics. For any rich,
well drained substrate in a sunny spot and at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3133
sobre de semillas
Cynara (Artichoke)
Artichoke and Cardoon are most ornamental perennials with attractively large, silvery-grey, deeply dissected foliage in a dense
basal rosette and an impressively tall inflorescence with large, thistle-like, bright purple flower globes. The flower heads of the
cultivated Globe Artichoke are widely used as a vegetable in the Mediterranean cookery, whereas several wild species are used to
extract medicinal active substances. For any rich, very well drained, preferably stony soil in a protected spot in full sun. In colder
climates protect the dormant rootstock against freezing through and permanent wetness with a dry mulch layer in winter.
Sow flat from spring to mid summer in any well drained, sandy soil. Keep pots in full sun and soil only slightly moist. Carefully
transplant the fleshy rootstock in autumn.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7.
10 semillas por sobre.
140 (170)cm, Cardoon Artichoke is most likely the wild ancestor of the widely cultivated Globe
Cynara cardunculus
Artichoke (Cynara scolymus). It is an ornamental stout perennial from the south-eastern
(Cardoon Artichoke)
Mediterranean region used in several medical products. It makes an impressive stem crowned by a
thistle-like, broad, lavender-purple, spiny flower head above large, deeply cut grayish green leaves in
a dense basal rosette. For any rich, very well drained, preferably slightly rocky soil in a protected
spot in full sun. In colder climates an insulating dry mulch layer as protection is recommended in
winter. Seeds from savaged populations in the southern parts of La Gomera, Spain. VIII-IX.
Cynara cornigera
(White Artichoke)
Cynara humilis
No. de artículo: 3875
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
30 (50)cm, White Artichoke is a winter green and summer dormant perennial with showy white to
cream flower heads on short stalks above a densely spiny leaf rosette. Native of rocky, sunny spot
in the eastern Mediterranean. Flower heads can be used as a vegetable like those from the Globe
Artichoke (Cynara scolymus). Preferably grow frostfree throughout the year with reduced watering in
winter at a minimum of some 5°C. Seeds from a population above Govenor's Beach, south-western
Cyprus, at some 150m. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 6324
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (80)cm, Alcachofilla is a wild artichoke from south-western Spain, Morocco and Algeria. It makes
a basal rosette of spiny and deeply dissected greyish-green leaves and several single branches
topped with a rich purple flower heads. For any rich, very well drained, preferably slightly rocky soil
in a protected spot in full sun. In colder climates an insulating dry mulch layer as protection is
recommended in winter. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 9344
sobre de semillas
Cynoglossum (Gypsyflower)
Gypsyflowers and Eastern Gromwells are broad genera from temperate to tropical areas and consists of biannual to herbaceous or
evergreen perennials. Most species have broad, bristly leaves arranged in a basal rosette and an upright hold, lax inflorescence
with blue, rose or purple flowers. All are easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained soil from autumn to early spring. Most winter hardy species require a cooling period for
several months prior to germination. If seeds are sowed late, they will germinate in spring of the following year. Transplant as soon
as seedlings are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
30 (50)cm, Chinese Forget-Me-Not is an annual or biannual from Eastern Asia with bristly, oval, dark
Cynoglossum amabile
green leaves and numerous showy, small, bright blue flowers. Easily cultivated in any humus rich,
(Chinese Forget-Me-Not)
well drained soil in partial shade. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 4531
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Cynoglossum creticum
(Cretan Blue Hound's
30 (50)cm, Cretan Blue Hound's Tongue is a Mediterranean biannual with showy bluish-grey foliage
and a branching inflorescence with rose-lilac flowers. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in
full sun. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 6026
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
Cynoglossum germanicum 30 (50)cm, German Hound's Tongue is a biannual species native in central Europe and has bristly,
(German Hound's Tongue) long oval leaves and numerous small pale winred flowers in arching racemes. Easily cultivated in
any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. IV-VI.
Cynoglossum officinale
(Hound's Tongue)
No. de artículo: 7128
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
30 (50)cm, Hound's Tongue is an annual or biannual native throughout Europe and Western Asia
with bristly, long oval leaves and numerous wine-red flowers in elongating racemes. Easily cultivated
in any humus rich, well drained soil in full sun. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 4640
sobre de semillas
Cypella (South American Iris), Ennealophus, Gelasine, Herbertia & Tigridia
Cypellas (South American Iris), Ennealophus , Gelasine, Herbertia (Prairie Nymphs) and Tirgridia (Tiger Flowers) are closely
related and belong to small genera from lowlands and mountains from South Western USA to Central and South America (Peru
and Brazil to Northern Argentina). They are subtropical, evergreen to semi-evergreen bulbous perennials with narrow, iris-like
leaves and utmost showy terminal, single flowers to branching clusters with several flowers in white, cream, yellow, orange or blue.
For any rich, well drained under in a sunny spot under frostfree conditions throughout the year. In winter keep dormant bulbs drier
at a temperature minimum of some 10°C to 15°C.
Sow in any well drained, rich soil at some 20°C throughout the year. Keep especially seedlings under very sunny conditions.
10 semillas pro sobre.
20cm, Argentine Blue Iris is a small semi-evergreen bulbous species from Northwestern Argentina
Ennealophus fimbriatus
(Jujuy and Salta provinces). It makes narrow, slightly bluish-green leaves and several showy, small
(Argentine Blue Iris)
plum-blue flowers. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in full sun. In winter keep semidormant bulbs almost completely dry at some 10°C to 15°C. VI-VIII.
Gelasine coerulea
No. de artículo: 9161
sobre de semillas
40cm, a medium sized evergreen bulbous species from Southern Brazil and Uruguay. It makes
narrow, stiff leaves and several showy, pale sky-blue flowers. Easily cultivated in any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep semi-dormant bulbs drier at a
minimum of some 15°C. VI-VIII.
Herbertia lahue
(Blue Prairie Nymph)
No. de artículo: 9178
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20cm, Blue Prairie Nymph makes showy, several, usually single plum-blue flowers above very
narrow narrow, iris-like leaves. A bulbous species from South America. Easily cultivated in any rich,
well drained substrate in full sun throughout the year. In winter keep semi dormant plants slightly
drier at a minimum of some 15°C. VI-VIII.
Herbertia pulchella
(Prairie Nymph)
No. de artículo: 8755
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
20cm, Prairie Nymph makes showy, several, usually single pale blue flowers withe a central white
stripe on each petal above narrow, iris-like leaves. A bulbous, wintergrowing species from South
America (Uruguay and southern Brazil). For any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot. In
winter keep plants at a minimum of some 20°C. VI-VIII.
Tigridia orthantha
Tigridia pavonia
(Tiger Flower)
No. de artículo: 9261
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
25 (35)cm, is a recently described high altitude species from the cloud forest in Mexico (mountains
of Oaxaca) and Guatemala. It bears channeled, iris-like leaves and showy bright red flowers. For
any rich, well drained soil in full sun. During summer keep plant in a fresh spot for they dislike full
summer heat. In winter keep semi-dormant to dormant tuber slightly drier at a minimum of some
10°C to 15°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 9259
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
30 (45)cm, Tiger Flower makes showy, several white, yellow, orange, rose to red flower cups above
narrow, channeled iris-like leaves. A bulbous species from Central America (Mexico, Guatemala, El
Salvador, and Honduras). It is easily cultivated in any rich, well drained substrate in full sun. In
winter keep dormant bulbs almost completely dry at some 10°C to 15°C. Seeds are from mixed
colors, a strain with mostly reddish flowers is available separately. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 9258
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 9271
sobre de semillas (red flowered)
Cyperus (Edible Earth Almond)
Earth Almond belongs to the sedge grass family (Cyperaceae) and is native of moist spots in eastern Africa. It has long been
cultivated in ancient Egypt for its edible storage rhizomes and is nowadays widespread in the tropics and subtropics. It makes
short, narrow, channeled leaves and numerous pea-sized to almost almond-sized underground rhizomes in summer. Raw rhizomes
have a chestnut-like, crispy taste, roasted they develop an almond like flavor and may be used as a side-dish. In Spain it was
introduced by the Arabs and makes a traditional drink in the Valencia region, called "Horchata de Chufas". The small rhizomes do
not need to be peeled, but should be thoroughly rinsed with water in order to wash off adherent earth and fine roots. This species is
easily cultivated in any humus-rich, preferably slightly sandy soil with sufficient watering in summer. It should best be kept in large
pots, as this species is very invasive in warm as well as temperate climates. In late summer to early autumn leaves die down,
during winter keep the dormant rhizomes almost completely dry at some 5°C, pot again in mid spring.
5 rizomas por paquete .
Plants are in growth now! Dormant plants (i.e. rhizomes) are available in our shop from October through April.
Note: Rhizomes are available for a delivery within Europe only !
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Cyperus esculentus var.
(Earth Almond)
20 (30)cm, Earth Almond makes short annual grass like leaves and small subterranean storage
rhizomes which develop an almond like flavor if roasted. These can be used as a side-dish. Easily
cultivated in pots in any humus rich, sandy soil in a sunny spot with sufficient watering in summer.
Leaves die down in late summer to early autumn, keep dormant rhizomes almost completely dry in
winter at some 5°C.
No. de artículo: 4024
sobre (05 rizomas à 1,0 cm)
Cyperus (Ornamental Nutsedge)
Nutsedges make up a broad family from tropical, to subtropical and cool regions throughout the world. Several species have
ornamental value for their large leaves, some outstanding stem color or for their inflorescences. Subtropical and trpical species can
be cultivated in any rich, preferably slightly sandy soil with sufficient watering in summer and a sunny spot throughout the year.
During winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 10°C.
Sow seeds flat on any rich, sandy soil at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year. Do not cover seeds with soil and carefully
water from beneath.
20 semillas por sobre.
30cm, native of sand dunes in the vicinity of the sea from the eastern Canary islands throughout the
Cyperus capitatus
Mediterranean region. It makes showy bluish-green, narrow basal leaves and an upright hold stem
with a bright brown infloscence. For any rich sandy, very well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout
the year. In winter keep rather dry at a minimum of some 10°C. IV-VIII.
No. de artículo: 7337
sobre de semillas
Cyphomandra (Tree Tomato)
Tomatillo or Tree Tomato are decorative, fast growing and easy container plants with large ornamental leaves. They will develop
fruits in a wintergarden as well. Require plenty of water and fertilizer in summer. Plants which are becoming too large can be easily
cut back in spring before new growth. For any humus rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year, in winter
keep plants drier at a minimum of some 10°C.
Sow flat at 20°C in any rich soil in a sunny spot. Keep drier, cooler and sunny in winter at a minimum of some 10°C.
20 semillas por sobre.
150 (300)cm, Tomatillo or Tree Tomato is native of Northern Latin America. It has decorative, very
Cyphomandra betacea
large, elephant-ear like leaves which have a slight reddish tinge in full sun and white flowers in
autumn followed by egg shaped bright red to more rarely orange-red or orange fruits, which will
mature in a heated wintergarden in late spring. An excellent, very robust container plant. We have
seeds from several cultivars with different colors and fruit sizes available. IX-XI.
Seeds are not available for a delivery to the U.S.
No. de artículo: 8587
sobre de semillas (orange small fruited)
No. de artículo: 6027
sobre de semillas (orange-red large fruited)
No. de artículo: 2233
sobre de semillas (red large fruited)
Cytisus (Scotch Broom) & Spartium (Weaver's Broom)
Scotch Brooms are excellent and easily cultivated, mostly winterhardy woody shrubs from Central Europe and the Mediterranean
region eastwards to western Asia. Most species bear numerous yellow flowers on long arching branches and small, inconspicuous
leaves. For any rich, well drained, sandy to rocky soil in full sun. Most Cytisus species are very drought resistant and very
adaptable to various cultivation conditions. Weaver's Broom belongs to a monotypic genus with a single species only (Spartium
junceum) from the Mediterranean region. It is not reliably winterhardy and best grown under frostfree conditions with a winter
minimum of some 10°C.
Prior to sowing scarify seed (e.g. carefully scratch the seed coat with fine sandpaper) and soak them in luke warm water for some
48h. Sow flat in any well drained, rather sandy soil in full sun from autumn to late spring. Transplant in autumn. Very easy and fastgrowing, they may gain flowering size within three to four years.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557zone climática USDA 7, if not stated differently.
10 seeds per package.
250 (400)cm, Andalusian Scotch Broom is a broad and tall woody shrub with green, upright hold to
Cytisus arboreus ssp.
slightly arching, densely branching stems with small trifoliate leaves and rich yellow flowers in
profusion in early summer. It is native of south-western Spain, Portugal and north-western Africa.
(Andalusian Scotch
Europe and Madeira (Portugal). For any rich, well drained substrate in full sun throughout the year.
In winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of some 5°C. V-VI.
Cytisus scoparius ssp.
(Scotch Broom)
No. de artículo: 9313
sobre de semillas
150 (200)cm, Scotch Broom is a woody winter hardy shrub with green, arching stems and small
leaves. It makes rich yellow flowers in profusion in early summer. From grasslands throughout
Europe and Madeira (Portugal). For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 6443
Spartium junceum
(Weaver's Broom)
sobre de semillas (ex Madeira, Portugal)
No. de artículo: 9332
sobre de semillas (ex Córdoba, España)
200 (300)cm, Weaver' Broom is a slightly woody shrub from the Mediterranean region and bears
green, upright hold, narrow branches which shed their small leaves in summer already and
numerous bright yellow flowers in early summer. For any rich, well drained substrate in full sun
throughout the year and a winter minimum of some 10°C with slightly reduced watering. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 9329
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Dahlia is a small genus of herbaceous to evergreen perennials with tuberous storage roots. They are native from Mexico to South
America. Most species have showy, bright colored flowers in profusion from late spring to autumn. All are easily grown in any rich,
well drained soil in a sunny spot in the garden. In autumn tuberous roots should be lifted after the first freezing nights have touched
the leaves and stored rather dry in a cool, yet frostfree spot at a minium of some 10°C. Replant in spring as soon as the last strong
frost are over.
Sow seeds flat in any humus-rich, well drained substrate at some 20°C throught the year. Keep young plants in pots under frostfree
conditions and in a sunny spot for one to two years before planting out by the end of spring.
20 semillas por sobre.
160 (180)cm, a showy wild herbaceous perennial species native of mountaineous regions from
Dahlia coccinea
Mexico to Guatemala. It makes numerous flowers in broght red, orange, yellow or rarely white
throughout summer. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Keep dormant
tuberous roots almost dry in winter at a minimum of some 10°C. Seeds are a mixture of various
color forms. VI-VIII.
Dahlia sorensenii
No. de artículo: 8719
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
110 (140)cm, a showy wild herbaceous Mexican perennial species with numerous intensive
magenta to white flowers throughout summer. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny
spot. Keep dormant tuberous roots almost dry in winter at a minimum of some 10°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8718
sobre de semillas
Dalea (Prairie Clover)
Prairie Clover are beautiful, rarely cultivated herbaceous perennials with showy elongated, white, yellow or pinkish flower heads
above ornamental, finely feathered leaves. They are native of meadows and Prairies in North America and are easily grown in any
humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow flat on any humus rich, well drained soil. Only slightly cover seeds with soil. As for most winter hardy perennials, seeds require
a cooling period for several months before they germinate in late spring to early summer, thus during winter place pots outside in a
protected spot. Carefully transplant to the open garden as soon as plants are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
20cm, White Prairie Clover is a perennial species with showy terminal spikes of white flowers above
Dalea candidum
finely feathered foliage. Native of meadows and prairies in Central North America. Easily cultivated
(White Prairie Clover)
in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII.
Dalea purpurea
(Purple Prairie Clover)
No. de artículo: 4860
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, Purple Prairie Clover is a herbaceous perennial with several upright stems covered with
short, linear 5-segmented leaves, crowned by cylindrical purple rose spikes. It is native of prairies
from S Canada to S and north-eastern USA. For any humus rich, very well drained, slightly rocky
soil in full sun. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3893
sobre de semillas
Danae (Alexandrian Laurel)
Danae, Poet's Laurel or Alexandrian Laurel is very close to Ruscus and native from southeastern Europe to Asia Minor and Persia
growing in shaded spots in woods. An evergreen small shrub with flattened "foliage" (i.e. green, flattened leaf-like branches) and
ornamental, medium sized bright orange berries in autumn and winter. Fresh branches with berries are excessively collected for
Christmas decoration purposes and thus this beautiful plant has become very rare in nature.
Sow seeds in any humus rich, yet well drained soil from autumn to spring, keep pots in a protected spot, sheltered from rain
outside during winter. Will germinate in late spring.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557zona climática USDA 6.
5 semillas por sobre.
100cm, a Alexandrian Laurel is a very graceful evergreen shrub with slightly arching branches and
Danae racemosa
leathery "leaves". The small yellowish green flowers are followed by most ornamental bright orange
(Alexandrian Laurel)
berries in autumn. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a partially shaded to shaded spot. Danae
racemosa grows rather slowly and dislikes transplanting, thus leave plants undisturbed. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 2258
sobre de semillas
Daphne (Canary Spurge Laurel)
The genus Daphne or Spurge Laurel is represented by only one evergreen species on the Canary Islands, an endemic plant
growing in rich soils in partially shaded to open spots in Fayal-Brezal formations in the lower parts of the laurel forest. For any
humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Carefully water in winter, mainly winter growing species. Excellent pot plant for the
frostfree greenhouse or cool wintergarden. Winter minimum 5°C.
Sow flat on any rich, well drained soil, keep always moist until the uneven germination occurs, then keep seedlings drier. Sow on
receipt or keep in the refrigerator, as seed dry out fast if kept at room temperature.
20 viable semillas por sobre.
120 (170)cm, makes several woody, ascending, rarely branching, perennial stems with long, oval,
Daphne gnideum
evergreen leaves and terminal clusters of small whitish yellow flowers followed by ornamental, bright
orange berries turning later to black. VII-X.
No. de artículo: 2509
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Daphne (Spurge Laurel)
Spurge Laurel is a small genus of winter hardy to subtropical, deciduous to evergreen shrubs with dense clusters of usually fragrant
flowers followed by ornamental, in several species bright colored berries from early summer to autumn. For any rich, well drained
soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot.
Sow flat on any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots outside in a protected spot and soil always slightly moist until the uneven
germination occurs. Seeds require a prolonged cooling period prio to germination. Sow on receipt or keep in the refrigerator, as
seeds of all Daphne species tend to dry out fast if they are kept at room temperature.
Note: ¡Todas las partes son tóxicas si son ingestidas!
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
10 semillas por sobre.
20 (50)cm, Alpine Spurge Laurel is a perennial, deciduous dwarf shrub with semi-woody branches
Daphne alpina
with greyish-green leaves and numerous white, fragrant flowers followed by most ornamental orange
(Alpine Spurge Laurel)
berries. It is native throughout mountains in Europe (Pyrenees, the Alps, Carpatian mountains) and
western North Africa, locally ocurring in open spots in woods and rock crevices. For any rich, loamy
soil in full sun. A beautiful plant in the rock garden. V-VI.
Daphne giraldii
(Chinese Spurge Laurel)
Daphne kosaninii
(Bulgarian Spurge Laurel)
Daphne laureola
(Olive Spurge)
No. de artículo: 6358
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
40 (70)cm, Chinese Spurge Laurel is a perennial, evergreen dwarf shrub with woody branches with
narrow pale green to bluish green leaves and numerous golden yellow, fragrant flowers followed by
most ornamental orange berries. It is native in open spots in woods and rock crevices in China
(Shanxi, Gansu, and Qinghai provinces). For any rich, loamy soil in full sun. A beautiful plant in the
rock garden. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 6359
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
15 (25)cm, Bulgarian Spurge Laurel (syn. Daphne oleoides var. kosaninii) is an utmost beautiful,
almost mat forming, perennial evergreen dwarf shrub with short woody branches, short oval pale
green leaves and numerous white to rose-pink, fragrant flowers followed by most ornamental bright
orange berries. It is native in rock crevices in south-eastern Europe (Bulgaria). For any rich, well
drained soil in full sun. A most beautiful plant in the rock garden. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 6360
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
80 (150)cm, Olive Spurge is an ornamental evergreen woody shrub with uright hold stalks with dark
green, leathery, slightly glossy leaves and fragrant yellowish-green flowers followed by black berries
in summer. It is native of open spots in woods in western and southern Europa, the western
Mediterranean and North Africa. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially
shaded spot. III-IV.
Daphne mezereum
(Common Spurge Laurel)
No. de artículo: 7114
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150 (200)cm, Common Spurge Laurel is a decidous, winter hardy species with ornamental, axillary
born, bright rose flowers in spring followed by showy scarlet to dark red berries in early summer.
Native from mountain woods in Central Europe throughout northern Asia. Easily cultivated in any
rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. III-IV.
Daphne mezereum cv.
(White Spurge Laurel)
No. de artículo: 4566
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150 (200)cm, White Spurge Laurel is a much sought after and rarely available decidous, winter
hardy species with ornamental, axillary born, white flowers in spring followed by showy orange
berries in early summer. Native from mountain woods in Central Europe throughout northern Asia.
Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. III-IV.
Daphne mezereum cv.
(Reddish-Rose Spurge
Daphne oleoides
(Olive-Like Spurge Laurel)
Daphne pontica
(Pontian Spurge Laurel)
No. de artículo: 8257
sobre de semillas
100 (160)cm, Reddish-Rose Spurge Laurel is a more compact growing cultivar with reddish-rose
flowers in spring followed by showy orange berries in early summer. The species is native from
mountain woods from Central Europe throughout northern Asia. Easily grown in any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. III-IV.
No. de artículo: 8408
sobre de semillas
€ 4,79
30 (50)cm, Olive-Like Spurge Laurel is an utmost beautiful, perennial evergreen dwarf woody shrub
with short woody branches, short oval pale green leaves and pale rose, long-tubed, fragrant flowers
followed by most ornamental bright orange berries. It is native in rocky mountain sites from the
Mediterranean to Northern Iran. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. A most beautiful plant in
the rock garden. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 8409
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150 (200)cm, Pontian Laurel Spurge is a beautiful, evergreen, low woody shrub with fresh green,
leathery, slightly glossy leaves and fragrant creamish-yellow flowers followed by showy dark red
berries in summer. It is native of rocks and open spots in woods from Bulgaria to Northern Turkey,
Georgia, and northern Iran. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially
shaded spot. III-IV.
Daphne pontica ssp.
(syn. Daphne albowiana)
No. de artículo: 7113
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
150 (200)cm, Caucasus Laurel Spurge (syn. Daphne albowiana) is a beautiful, evergreen, low
woody shrub from the Caucasus. It bears with fresh green, leathery leaves and fragrant pale
yellowish-green flowers followed by showy dark red berries in summer. Easily cultivated in any rich,
well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. III-IV.
Daphne tanguticum
(Tangusian Spurge Laurel)
No. de artículo: 8993
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
70 (120)cm, Tangusian Spurge Laurel is a beautiful deciduous woody small shrub from northwestern
China and bears strongly fragrant pale rose to white flowers followed by orange-red berries in
summer. For any humus rich, well drained soil in full sun to partial shade. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 7103
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Dasylirion (Sotol or Desert Spoon)
Evergreen Sotol from arid, winter-cold regions in southern North America southwards to Mexico. They are Yucca or Agave-like
shrubs with stiff leaves. Most species form dense, globular rosettes of blackish-green to bluish-green leaves with strongly teethed
margins. Several species are winter hardy in Central Europe in a protected position in full sun in the rock garden. Alternatively they
can be grown under frostfree conditions in large pots or containers. Grow in any rocky soil.
Sow flat in any soil in full sun at a minimum of some 20°C. Transplant to the open garden after two years. Seedlings need extra
protection from moisture in winter. Very easy and robust solitary plants for a sunny spot in the rock garden. Very long lived.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7, unless stated
20 semillas por sobre.
170 (300)cm, Green Desert Spoon Dasylirion. A very large, showy and agave-like species with an
Dasylirion acrotriche
erect, broad trunk, which becomes quite tall with age, and pale green, very narrow, lanceolate,
(Green Desert Spoon)
toothed leaves. A very rare and hard-to-obtain species, fully hardy for a sunny spot in a well drained,
stony soil. VIII-X.
Dasylirion berlandieri var.
(Zaragosa Blue Twister)
Dasylirion cedrosanum
Dasylirion glaucophyllum
(Blue Hidalgo Sotol)
Dasylirion leiophyllum
(Desert Candle)
Dasylirion longissima
(Toothless Sotol)
Dasylirion lucidum
Dasylirion miquihuaensis
(Miquihuana Sotol)
No. de artículo: 2040
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150 (200)cm, Zaragosa Blue Twister is an almost stemless species from high elevation in NorthEastern Mexico. It makes a losely arranged basal rosette of upright hold narrow, bluish-green
leaves. Requires a good protection from excessive moisture in winter. Plant in any rich, very well
drained soil in a protected spot in the garden in full sun. Better grown as a pot plant in colder
regions. Keep plants frostfree and drier in full at a minimum of some 5°C in winter. Zona climática
No. de artículo: 8071
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (220)cm, elegant Dasylirion from Durango Province, Mexico. Has decorative, glaucous green,
narrow leaves in a dense rosette on a broad trunk. As Dasylirion arcotricha, Dasylirion cedrosanum
is very hard to obtain. A fully hardy species for a sunny spot in a well drained soil. VIII-X.
No. de artículo: 2406
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
200cm, Blue Hidalgo Sotol is a short-stemmed, utmost beautiful Sotol species from Hidalgo in
Mexico with most ornamental bluish-green leaves with short thorns on leaves' margins. Requires a
good protection from excessive moisture in winter. Plant in any rich, very well drained soil in a
protected spot in the garden in full sun. Alternatively grow as a pot plant in colder regions and keep
plants frostfree and drier in full at a minimum of some 5°C in winter. Zona climática USDA 7/8. VIII-X.
No. de artículo: 8022
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
120 (200)cm, Desert Candle is native from Southwestern USA to Mexico and make a dense rosette
of olive-green, narrow and strongly teethed leaves on a short to medium tall stem with age. Requires
an excellent protection from excessive moisture in winter. Plant in any rich, very well drained soil in a
protected spot in the garden in full sun. Better grown as a pot plant in colder regions. Keep plants
frostfree and drier in full at a minimum of some 5°C in winter. Zona climática USDA 8/9. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 8917
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100cm ø, Toothless Sotol makes thousands of narrow, grass like leaves forming a perfect bowl on a
very short stem. Unlike other Dasylirion, this species has smooth, teeth less edges. Needs some
extra protection from excessive moisture in winter. Plant in a very well drained, stony soil in a
protected spot in full sun. Zona Climática USDA 8. VIII-X.
No. de artículo: 2408
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
200 (350)cm, is a short to tall stemmed, branching Sotol species from Central Mexico and makes
showy dense terminal rosettes of long, mid green leaves. Requires an excellent protection from
excessive moisture in winter. Plant in any rich, very well drained soil in a protected spot in the
garden in full sun. Better grown as a pot plant in colder regions. Keep plants frostfree and drier in full
at a minimum of some 5°C in winter. USDA Climate Zone 8/9. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 8020
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150 (250)cm, Miquihuana Sotol is an utmost ornamental species with a very dense ball-like rosette
of numerous narrow leaves with fine teeth on their margins and a stout stem in older plants. It is
native in a small area around the village of Miquihuana in the federal state of Tamaulipas in Mexico.
It requires a very good protection from excessive moisture in winter. Plant in any rich, very well
drained soil in a protected spot in the garden in full sun. Alternatively grow as a pot plant in colder
regions and keep plants frostfree and drier in full at a minimum of some 5°C in winter. Zona
climática USDA 8. VIII-IX.
No. de artículo: 8019
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
Dasylirion quadrangulatum 200 (350)cm, Mexican Grass Tree is similar in appearance as Australian grass trees (Xanthorrhoa
spp.), yet form a different plant family. It makes a stout stem topped by a dense crown of numerous
(Mexican Grass Tree)
grass-like leaves. An utmost showy species from Northern Mexico. Requires an excellent protection
from excessive moisture in winter. Plant in any rich, very well drained soil in a protected spot in the
garden in full sun. Better grown as a pot plant in colder regions. Keep plants frostfree and drier in full
at a minimum of some 5°C in winter. Zona climática USDA 8/9. VII-IX.
Dasylirion sereke
(Sereke Sotol)
No. de artículo: 8070
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (150)cm, Sereke Sotol is a rather newly discovered species from mountains in Chihuahua,
Mexico. It makes numerous narrow, strongly teethed leaves in a dense short stemmed rosette with
age. Requires an excellent protection from excessive moisture in winter. Plant in any rich, very well
drained soil in a protected spot in the garden in full sun. Better grown as a pot plant in colder
regions. Keep plants frostfree and drier in full at a minimum of some 5°C in winter. Zona climática
No. de artículo: 8916
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Dasylirion texanum
(Texas Sotol)
Dasylirion wheeleri var.
Dasylirion wheeleri var.
(Mexico Desert Spoon)
4 (7m, Texas Sotol is a fully winter hardy perennial from S Texas (USA) and N Mexico and makes a
dense, stemless rosette of numerous, very long, narrow, grayish green, finely toothed leaves.
Mature plants make a very tall inflorescence with densely arranged, small creamy white flowers. For
any rich, very well drained, preferably stony soil in a protected spot in full sun. In winter keep plants
absolutely dry and protect from winter wetness. VIII-X.
No. de artículo: 3685
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150cm, a stemless to short-stemmed variety with ornamental slightly bluish-green leaves with thorny
margins in a dense, ball-like rosette. It is native of Mexico (Durango, Chihuahua, Zacatecas, and
Coahuila). Needs some a very good protection from excessive moisture in winter. Plant in any rich,
very well drained soil in a protected spot in the garden in full sun. Alternatively grow as a pot plant in
colder regions and keep plants frostfree and drier in full at a minimum of some 5°C in winter. Zona
climática USDA 8/9. VIII-X.
No. de artículo: 8021
sobre de semillas
110cm ø, Mexico Desert Spoon has bluish-gray, spike-like leaves in dense rosette with a base
spathulate opened. Plant in a very well drained, stony soil in a protected spot in full sun. Zona
cimática USDA 8. VIII-X.
No. de artículo: 2039
sobre de semillas
Datura (Thorn Apple)
Thorn Apple or Jimson Weed, or Devil's Weeds belong to a small genus of some nine species native from South-Western USA and
Mexico. They are annuals to short-lived perennials with showy, trumpet-like, very sweetly fragrant flowers above usually large
ornamental foliage. All species are easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Keep perennial species in pots at a
minimum of some 12°C in full sun.
Sow in pots in any rich, well drained soil in early spring under glass at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year. Transplant
annuals to the garden after the last freezing nights fom late spring to early summer. Alternatively sow directly to the ground at the
end of spring.
20 semillas por sobre.
Note: All parts are poisenous if ingested !
60 (100)cm, Downy Thorn-Apple is a fast growing short-lived perennial from Mexico and SouthDatura inoxia
Western USA. It has
(Downy Thorn-Apple)
strongly sweet fragrant white trumpet flowers and smoothyl pubescent leaves. In comparison to the
sacred thorn apple (Datura wrightii) plants are somewhat small with narrower flowers. Easily grown
in any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot. Best grown as an annual, sow under glass in mid
spring at a minimum of soms 20°C. Keep pots in a sunny spot and transplant sedlings to the final
spot in the garden after the last freezing nights from end of spring to mid summer. If grown as a
perennial in pots keep plants drier in winter at a minimum of some 10°C in full sun. Note: All parts
are poisenous if ingested ! VI-VIII.
Datura metel
(Angel's Trumpet)
No. de artículo: 8026
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
40 (90)cm, Angel's Trumpet or Indian Thorn Apple is a fast growing annual from India to China. It
has showy purplish-white flower trumpets on purplish stalks and sometimes even purplish tinged
leaves and ovoid seed capsules with short thick spines. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained
substrate in a sunny spot. Sow under glass in mid spring at a minimum of soms 20°C. Keep pots in
a sunny spot and transplant sedlings to the final spot in the garden after the last freezing nights from
end of spring to mid summer. Seeds are from a filled form with narrow flower trumpets. Note: All
parts are poisenous if ingested ! VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8277
sobre de semillas (flores blancas)
Datura stramonium
(White Thorn Apple)
No. de artículo: 8027
sobre de semillas (flores blancas/violetas)
€ 0,99
80 (110)cm, White Thorn Apple is a fast growing annual from the Arabian peninsula and India with
large, slightly glossy foliage and small trumpet shaped, pure white flowers which are open at night,
followed by egg-sized fruits densely covered with spines. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun.
Note: All parts are poisenous if ingested ! VI-VIII.
Datura stramonium var.
(Smooth Thorn Apple)
No. de artículo: 0113
sobre de semillas
€ 0,79
70 (100)cm, Smooth Thorn Apple is a fast growing annual similar to the species yet with
seedcapsules with a smooth skin. It has ornamental, large, slightly glossy foliage and small trumpet
shaped, pure white flower which open at night. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in full sun.
Note: All parts are poisenous if ingested ! VI-VIII.
Datura wrightii
(Sacred Thorn Apple)
No. de artículo: 8103
sobre de semillas
€ 0,79
40 (120)cm, Sacred Thorn Apple is a fast growing herbaceous perennial from northern Mexico and
nearby southern U.S. states. It bears utmost showy, up to 20cm long, white, strongly sweetly
fragrant flower trumpets, followed by egg-sized fruits densely covered with spines above broad oval,
finely pubescent greyish green leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun throughout the year.
If grown as a perennial in pots keep plants drier in winter at a minimum of some 10°C. Note: All
parts are poisenous if ingested ! VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 5419
sobre de semillas
Davidia (Pigeon Tree)
Davidia is a monotypic genus of only this species and two varieties. From W China. Will grow slowly in any humus-rich soil in full
sun to partial shade.
Sow autumn to early spring in any well drained soil. Some seeds may take one year to germinate(!). Pot cultivation for two years,
transplant in autumn.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
2 semillas grandes por sobre.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Davidia involucrata
(Handkerchief Tree)
6 (12)m, Handkerchief Tree is a beautiful tree with broad-ovate leaves. Its' small flowers are
embedded in two pure white pseudo petals (bracts), which will give an appearance of shattered
handkerchiefs all over the tree. Flowers are followed by large ovoid fruits with a single large seed
each. This species may start to flower at a height of only some 200cm. Seed have been cold prestratisfied, however some may still take one year for germination. III-IV.
Seeds are not available for a delivery to the U.S.
No. de artículo: 3208
sobre de semillas
Daviesia (Bitter Pea)
Bitter Pea are perennial evergreen woody shrubs from Australia. They have showy rich yellow, orange or scarlet, usually bicolored
flowers and leathery foliage. Easily grown as pot plants in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. Keep
plants drier in winter at a minimum of some 10°C.
Prior to sowing scarify seed (e.g. carefully scratch the seed coat with fine sandpaper) and soak them in luke warm water for some
48h. Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil at some 20°C
20 semillas por sobre.
100 (200)cm, Bookleaf is a small woody shrub with large, bluish-green leaves surrounding the stem,
Daviesia cordata
and intense orange-yellow to purplish-red flowers. VIII-X.
Daviesia latifolia
(Broad-leafed Bitter Pea)
Daviesia ulcifolia
(Bitter Pea)
No. de artículo: 0094
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
150 (200)cm, Broad-leafed Bitter Pea is a multi-stemmed, woody shrub with elliptical to lanceolate
leaves and bright yellow flowers with a reddish-brown center. Native of open spots in forests from
south-eastern Queensland to southern Tasmania. VIII-X.
No. de artículo: 0093
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150 (200)Bitter Pea is a medium sized woody shrub with elliptical to oval leaves and intense yellow
flowers with a reddish-brown center. III-VI.
No. de artículo: 0092
sobre de semillas
Decaisnea (Blue Cucumber Shrub)
Blue Cucumber Shrub is a monotypic, rarely seen genus with decorative feathered leaves and an erect to slightly vine-like growth.
Native of moist woods in shaded places in East Asia. It makes dense clusters of clematis-like flowers in spring, followed by large
"cucumbers" in a spectacular bright blue shade in early autumn. The fruits open half-way to show a transparent white fruit pulp, in
which the black seeds are embedded. The pulp is edible and has a refreshing, slightly sweet taste, somehow similar to the
Granadilla Passionfruit (Passiflora ligularis). For any humus rich soil in partial shade. Will grow moderately and thus stay
manageable for many years. Almost inobtainable plants in the western hemisphere.
Sow at a minimum of some 10°C in spring in any humus rich, well drained soil, transplant in autumn.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
2 (3)m, Blue Cucumber Shrub has large feathered leaves, yellow flowers striped green and most
Decaisnea fargesii
ornamental unreal bright blue, cucumber like fruits in autumn with a reptile like looking skin. An
(Blue Cucumber Shrub)
outstanding plant and fully hardy in any humus rich soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 2266
sobre de semillas
Deinanthe (False Hortensia) & Peltoboykinia
Deinanthe and Peltoboykinia are rarely seen Asian woodland plants with deep cut or large foliage and upright hold racemes with
whitish to pale yellow flowers. Easily cultivated in any humus rich, well drained, always slightly moist soil in a partially shaded spot.
Sow fine seeds flat on any humus rich, well drained, always slightly moist soil. Do not cover seeds with soil. Keep pots in a partially
shaded, protected spot outside. Carefully transplant the dormant rhizomes in autumn as soon as leaves have withered.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
50 semillas por sobre.
50cm, White False Hortensia is a Japanese endemic with cup-shaped, waxy, white flowers above
Deinanthe bifida
ornamental, large, bifoliate leaves. For any humus rich, well drained, preferably slightly moist soil in
(White False Hortensia)
a sunny to partially shaded spot. VI-VII.
Peltoboykinia tellimoides
No. de artículo: 6506
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, a rare species from partially shaded, semi-moist woods on the island of Honshu (Japan).
Makes elegant racemes with pale yellow flowers above hand-shaped, light green leaves with
serrated margins. Easily cultivated in any humus rich, leafy, slightly moist soil in a partially shaded
spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 4739
sobre de semillas
Delonix (Poinciana)
Poinciana is a small genus native from East Africa and Madagascar. They are deciduous small trees with flat crowns and utmost
beautiful bright scarlet flowers above ornamental feathered leaves. The very long and hard seed capsules are used for decoration
purposes. Some species are much sought caudex forming plants with a swollen stem base. For any rich, very well drained, slightly
rocky substrate in full sun throughout the year at a minimum of some 15°C in winter with reduced watering. Keep completely dry
caudex Delonix species in winter.
Prior to sowing scarify seed (e.g. carefully scratch the seed coat with fine sandpaper) and soak them in luke warm water for some
48h. Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained soil at some 20°C in full sun throughout the year.
7 semillas grandes por sobre.
3 (7)m, syn. Delonix adansoniodes is a much sought pachycaul species with an ornamental broad
Delonix decaryi
stem caudex which is native of xerophytic shrublands in coastal areas in southern and southwestern
(Caudex Poincia)
Madagascar (Toliara). It has feathered leaves and adult plants make white flowers fading to yellow
with age. For any rich, very well drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter
keep plants almost completely dry at a minimum of some 15°C. X-V.
No. de artículo: 8025
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Delonix regia
3 (7)m, Poinciana is a beautiful deciduous tree with a broad and flat crown and clusters of utmost
showy, bright scarlet flowers above long, feathered leaves. The up to 40cm long, very hardy, dark
brown seed capsules are used for decoration purposes. Native of Madagascar, yet nowadays widely
cultivated in subtropical and tropical regions for its highly ornamental value. For any rich, very well
drained, slightly rocky soil in full sun throughout the year. In temperate or cold climates cultivate as a
pot plant, keep drier during dormancy and at a minimum of some 15°C in winter. V-IX.
No. de artículo: 3955
sobre de semillas
Delphinium (Larkspur)
Delphinium or Larkspur are closely related to Monkshoots (Aconitum spp.). The genus covers annuals as well as biannual and
perennial species with sometimes very tall, most ornamental flower spikes above a basal rosette of divided leaves. Easily grown in
any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. The tall species give excellent cut flowers.
Sow seeds flat in any humus rich, well drained soil from early autumn to early summer. Keep pots in a partially shaded spot
outside. Seeds need a cooling period of several months prior to germination. If they are sowed too late, they may take another
winter before they will germinate in following spring. Keep soil only slightly moist and seedlings always sunny. Transplant young
plants in late summer to autumn. Perennials members usually flower within 2 to 3 years after sowing and are very long-lived.
Aviso: ¡Todas las partes son tóxicas si son ingestidas!
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre, unless not stated differently.
90 (110)cm, Anderson's Larkspur has showy, compact racemes with deep indigo blue flowers above
Delphinium andersonii
greyish-green, dissected leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds from a
(Anderson's Larkspur)
certified wild collection in Mono County, California, USA at some 2400m. VI-VII.
Delphinium barbeyi
(Subalpine Larkspur)
No. de artículo: 5304
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (170)cm, Subalpine Larkspur is a herbaceous perennial with several upright stems crowned by
lose clusters of rich ink blue to lilac-blue flowers above deeply lobed leaves. Native subalpine
meadows and open spots in mountainous woods in southwestern USA. Easily cultivated in any rich,
well drained soil in a sunny spot. VII-VIII.
Delphinium carolinianum
ssp. carolinianum
(Carolina Larkspur)
No. de artículo: 4753
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (100)cm, Carolina Larkspur has pale greenish-blue to almost white flowers on tall stalks. It is
native of open spots in woods in central North America. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. VIVII.
Delphinium carolinianum
ssp. virescens
(Carolina Larkspur)
No. de artículo: 6636
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
120 (150)cm, Carolina Larkspur has showy white flowers with darker markings above dissected
basal foliage. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in
Fremont County, Colorado, USA at some 1650m. VI-VII.
Delphinium elatum
(Tall Larkspur)
No. de artículo: 5305
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
200 (250)cm, Tall Larkspur is an utmost showy herbaceous perennial with an impressively tall
inflorescence with numerous, intense blue flowers above deeply dissected leaves. Undoubtfully this
larkspur is amongst the most beautiful of all in its genus! Native of mountains from Central Europe
throughout Central Asia. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
Delphinium exaltatum
(Tall Larkspur)
No. de artículo: 4072
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
100 (180)cm, Tall Larkspur makes showy, tall stalks with rich blue flowers. It is native of semi-moist
soils in woodlands from Alabama to Pennsylvania in the USA. For any rich, well drained soil in full
sun. VI-IX.
Delphinium leucophaeum
(Pale Larkspur)
No. de artículo: 6635
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
70 (90)cm, Pale Larkspur has showy creamy white flowers shaded with pale blue. For any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Benton County, Oregon, USA at
some 200m. VI-VII.
Delphinium menziesii var.
(Menzies' Larkspur)
No. de artículo: 5306
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
30 (50)cm, Menzies' Larkspur is a perennial larkspur species with rich blue to sky-blue flowers on
branching stalks. It is native from North-Western USA (Oregon and Washington) and SouthWestern Canada (British Columbia). Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil. An excellent plant
for a sunny to partially shaded spot in the rock garden. VI-VIII.
(White Mountain Larkspur)
No. de artículo: 9286
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
200 (300)cm, White Mountain Larkspur makes tall stems with numerous purplish blue flowers above
dissected basal foliage. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Seeds from a certified wild
collection in Lincoln County, New Mexico, USA at some 3100m. VI-VII.
Delphinium occidentale
(Western Larkspur)
No. de artículo: 5307
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (170)cm, Western Larkspur is a herbaceous perennial with several upright stems crowned by
dense clusters with pale to deep blue flowers above deeply lobed leaves. Native along streambanks
and rich soils in mountain meadows in western USA. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in
a sunny spot. VII-VIII.
Delphinium peregrinum
var. eriocarpum Exclusive
No. de artículo: 4752
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (35)cm, an annual dwarf species from the eastern Mediterranean with lilac-blue flowers and a
yellow center. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Sow flat in mid spring
directly to the ground. Seeds from a wild collection above Govenor's Bay, Cyprus at some 200m. VIIVIII.
No. de artículo: 6335
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Delphinium pictum ssp.
(Spotted Larkspur)
Delphinium requienii
Delphinium staphisagria
20 (40)cm, Spotted Larkspur is a rare biannual species endemic to Mallorca (Spain) with pale rose
to white and pale green flowers. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny and protected spot
in the garden. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 7226
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
180 (220)cm, impressively tall, hairy racemes with unreal looking, orchid-like brownish blue-purple
flowers from a large basal leaf rosette. A biannual species native of southern France and Spain,
easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Readily self-sows under good conditions.
No. de artículo: 2669
sobre de semillas
€ 2,49
120 (180)cm, Stavesacre is an annual to biannual species with a tall , upright inflorescence densely
covered with smooth, short hairs and numerous rich blue to pale lilac-blue flowers above elegant,
hand-shaped leaves. It is native of open spots in the South of Europe. For any rich, well drained soil
in a sunny spot. Will readily self-sow under appropriate conditions. VI-VII.
10 semillas grandes por sobre.
No. de artículo: 4722
sobre de semillas
Dendroseris (Robinson Crusoe Islands' Cabbage Trees) & Robinsonia
Robinson Crusoe Islands' Cabbage Trees are members of the daisy or sunflower family (Asteraceae) and endemic to the Juan
Fernández islands in the southeastern Pacific. This archipelago is located some 400km off the southwestern coast of Chile. They
are amongst the rarest plant species in the world and several species are threatened by extinction for severe grazing of introduced
animals and ongoing destruction of their natural habitat. In general they have a similar habit to the however not closer-related
shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=70&CAT_ID=255&numRecordPosition=1Sonchus species (Giant Sow Thistles) from the
Canary islands. They occur in a comparable habitat with permanently stable, rather cool temperatures throughout the yearw which
lead to a convergent evolution. Most Dendroseris and Robinsonia species make a woody, branching stem with sometimes very
large, ornamental leaves and terminal umbels of white to yellow or rich orange flowers. All offered species are excellent, easily
cultivated pot or container plants for any rich, well drained soil in a sunny (winter) to partially shaded (summer) spot. In winter keep
plants drier at a minimum of some 10°C with a good air ventilation. Dendroseris and Robinsonia are nothing but unique and utmost
showy plants which are extremely rare in cultivation and seed is just as rare to obtain as are plants in nature.
Sow the very small seeds flat on any humus rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot at some 20°C throughout the year. Sowings
shall not be exposed to temperatures above 25°C, for this will inhibt germination or may even destroy seeds! Very thinly cover
seeds with soil and keep substrate always moist but never wet. Germination starts after some 10 days and is completed after 4
weeks. After germination move seedlings to partial shade (summer) or full sun (from autumn to spring). Keep slightly drier and very
sunny in winter at a minimum of some 10°C. Seedlings will grow quite fast in most Dendroseris and Robinsonia species and may
reach flowering size within five years (Dendroseris pinnata within 10 years).
10 (diez) semillas por sobre.
300 (450), Juan Fernández Cabbage Tree is a fantastic, tall and broad, rarely branching woody
Dendroseris marginata
(Juan Fernández Cabbage shrub with very large (up to 40cm long!), oval, fresh green, glossy leaves in terminal rosettes. A
threatened species due to habitat loss. It resembles Dendroseris litoralis and differs by somewhat
smaller, pendulous, rich orange flowers. It is endemich of the island of Juan Fernández. A
spectacular plant easily grown in a large container in any humus rich, well drained soil in a partially
shaded (summer) to sunny (winter) spot. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 10°C. VVII.
Dendroseris micrantha
No. de artículo: 9506
sobre de semillas
€ 14,90
200 (300)cm, makes several woody branches, each topped by a rosette of large, elongated oval,
fresh green leaves wiht slightly serrated margins and a branching inflorescence of numerous white
flowers. It is native of the island of Robinson Crusoe (Isla Más a Tierra). A highly ornamental
species. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a partially shaded (summer) to sunny (winter) spot.
In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 10°C. V-VII.
A foto from this species is shown here: micrantha (habit and
dried flower stalk).
Dendroseris pruinata
No. de artículo: 7198
sobre de semillas
€ 9,99
150 (300)cm, makes stout, branching stems crowned by dense rosettes of large, lanceolate,
yellowish-green leaves and a lose inflorescence with numerous yellow flowers. An utmost showy
species! Native of steep coastal cliffs on the islands of Robinson Crusoe (Isla Más a Tierra) and
Santa Clara. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a partially shaded (summer) to sunny (winter)
spot. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 10°C. V-VII.
A foto from this species is shown here: pruinata (growing
Robinsonia gayana
No. de artículo: 7196
sobre de semillas
€ 12,99
100cm, a medium tall species with several woody stem crowned by brilliant yellow flowers above
light green leaves in a dense rosette. It is native only on the island of Robinson Crusoe (Isla Más a
Tierra). An excellent pot plant! For any humus rich, well drained soil in a partially shaded (summer)
to sunny (winter) spot. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 10°C. V-VII.
A foto from this species is shown here: gayana (young,
unfolding inflorescence).
No. de artículo: 7195
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
€ 12,99
Desmodium (Tick Trefoil)
Tick Trefoil is a heterogeneous genus from North America with herbaceous perennials or woody shrubs. Especially the shrub-like
species are very ornamental for their bright colored terminal flower racemes and elegant finely pinnate foliage. Easily cultivated in
any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sunny, protected spot outside. Transplant as soon as seedlings are strong
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
120 (200)cm, Showy Tick Trefoil is a herbaceous perennial with upright branching stems and long
Desmodium canadense
terminal racemes with rich pink flowers above feathered greyish-green leaves. Native of prairies in
(Showy Tick Trefoil)
central USA. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII.
Desmodium glutinosum
(Pointed-Leaf Tick Trefoil)
No. de artículo: 4856
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
100cm, Pointed-Leaf Tick Trefoil is a branching herbaceous perennial with long-stalked bright rosepink flowers above large trifoliate leaves. Native of open spots in woods in central North America.
For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. VI-VII.
Desmodium illinoense
(Illinois Tick Trefoil)
No. de artículo: 6637
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (100)cm, Illinois Tick Trefoil is an herbaceous perennial with feathered, greyish-green, smoothly
hairy leaves and pale purple or white flowers. It is native of prairies in central North America,
especially Illinois. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 6638
sobre de semillas
Dianella (Flax Liliy)
Flax Lily is a small tropical and subtropical genus in the Flax family (Phormiaceae) with a main distributional range in Africa,
Australia, Tasmania, Indonesia, and New Zealand. They are evergreen perennials with iris like, long leaves in a dense basal
rosette and elegant racemes with loosely arranged small flowers followed by most ornamental, bright colored berries. They can be
successfully grown as pot plants in any fertile, humus-rich, well drained soil in full sun (winter) to partial shade (summer). In winter
reduce watering to a minimum and keep plants at a minimum of some 15°C. Excellent pot plants for the cool wintergarden or
temperate greenhouse.
Sow seeds flat in any humus-rich, slightly sandy or rocky, well drained substrate at some 20°C. After germination keep pots slightly
drier and especially in winter in full sun.
20 semillas por sobre.
45 (90)cm Matted Flax-Lily is a showy rhizomatous and mat forming perennial from Australia
Dianella amoena
(Victoria and Tasmania) and bears broad grasslike dark green leaves and elegant tall racemes with
(Matted Flax-Lily)
nodding, fragrant blue flowers followed by deep purple berries. Easily grown in any humus rich soil in
a partially shaded (summer) to sunny (winter) spot a winter minimum of some 15°C. V-VIII.
Dianella brevicaulis
(Coast Flax-Lily)
No. de artículo: 9287
sobre de semillas
€ 9,99
50 (80)cm Coast Flax-Lily is a showy rhizomatous perennial from coastal areas in southern
Australia. It makes dense tufts of long grasslike leaves and elegant tall racemes with nodding blue
flowers followed by deep purple berries. Easily grown in any humus rich soil in a partially shaded
(summer) to sunny (winter) spot a winter minimum of some 15°C. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 9288
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6953
sobre de semillas
120 (170)cm, Smooth Flax Lily
Dianella caerulea
(Paroo Lily)
Dianella longifolia
(Smooth Flax Lily)
Dianella nigra
(New Zealand Ink Berry)
No. de artículo: 6956
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
70cm New Zealand Ink Berry is a showy perennial from new Zealand with long, straplike leaves and
elegant, branching flower racemes with small bluish-white to white flowers followed by most
ornamental dark lilac berries. Easily grown in any humus rich soil in a partially shaded (summer) to
sunny (winter) spot a winter minimum of some 15°C. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8921
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6955
sobre de semillas
100 (120)cm, Late-flower Flax Lily
Dianella revoluta
(Spreading Flax Lily)
Dianella tarda
(Late-flower Flax Lily)
Dianella tasmanica
(Blue Flax Lily)
No. de artículo: 6954
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
40 (100)cm, Blue Flax Lily from Tasmania is a striking, evergreen species with most ornamental
purple berries on long, delicate stalks above long, iris-like leaves. For any humus rich, well drained
soil in partially shaded (summer) to sunny spot (winter) at a minimum of some 15°C throughout the
year. III-VII.
No. de artículo: 3794
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Dianthus (Pinks)
Pinks have elegant, usually feathered and sometimes fragrant flowers in rich pink to lilac shades. The very broad genus Dianthus
consists of many annual, semiperennial to perennial species and may be divided into two major groups with distinct cultivation
requirements: in general species with a narrow, silvery-gray foliage prefer a very well drained, rather rocky soil in full sun and are
excellent for the rock garden, whereas species with larger, glossy green leaves grow best in a well drained, humus-rich soil in a
sunny to partially shaded spot in the garden.
Sow flat in any well drained soil. Keep pots in a protected spot outside in full sun during winter. As with most hardy perennials,
germination occurs with rising temperatures in late spring the following year. Transplant as soon as seedlings are strong enough in
late spring to early summer.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
50 (80)cm, Sweet William is a biannual to short-lived perennial with a broad and sweetly scented,
Dianthus barbatus
dense terminal flower head in various pink (rarely white or red in the seeds offered) shades above
(Sweet William)
broadly lanceolate, glossy, fresh green leaves. Originally native in the Balkan countries. For any
humus rich soil in a sunny position. Readily self-sows under suitable conditions. V-VII.
Dianthus carthusianorum
(Clusterhead Pink)
Dianthus monspessulanus
ssp. sternbergii
(Sternberg's Pink)
No. de artículo: 3212
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
50cm, Clusterhead Pink is a quite common species from Central and Western Europe and makes a
basal rosette of long narrow leaves and several quite tall flower sheet with small bright pink flowers.
Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 8074
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
12 (20)cm, Sternberg's Pink makes dense, fresh green cushions with several stalks with rich pale
pink, fringed flowers. Native of meadows in the Alps. Easily grown in any rich, very well drained spot
in full sun. V-VI.
Dianthus plumarius
No. de artículo: 3581
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (40)cm, makes dense cushions of bluish-green, linear leaves and upright stalks with quite large
white, rose to pale pink flowers. Native of mountain meadows in Central Europe. Easily cultivated in
any rich, very well drained soil in full sun. An excellent plant for the rock garden. V-VI.
Dianthus rupicola ssp.
(Cliff Pink)
No. de artículo: 4602
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (40)cm, Cliff Pink makes show terminal bright pink, fragrant flowers above narrow bluish green
leaves in dense stands. From coastal cliffs in the Western Mediterranean. For any rich, very well
drained soil in full sun. Not fully winterhardy, best grown in pots under frostfree conditions
throughout the year. Keep plants drier in winter a minimum of some 5°C in full sun. V-VI.
Dianthus strictus var.
No. de artículo: 8130
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15cm, Troodos Pink is a low growing and losely branching perennial with filigree stems bearing
small rose flowers. It is native of rocky sites in mountains in Western Cyprus. For any rich, very well
drained soil in a sunny spot. A perfect plant for a protected spot in the rock garden. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 9195
sobre de semillas
Blue Ginger and Palisota are small genera within the Commelinaceae and native of Central and South America (Dichosandra),
respectively tropical Africa (Palisota). They are mostly evergreen to herbaceous perennials with underground rhizomes.
Dichorisandra species have most ornamental, tall stalks and showy bluish-violet flowers, whereas African Palisota species usually
make a basal leave rosette and short-stalked flowering spikes followed by bright colored berries. All are easily grown in large pots
or containers in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny (winter) to partially shaded (summer) spot. In winter keep plants
slightly drier at a minimum of some 20°C. Several species will go dormant in winter and resprout in spring.
Sow flat at minimum of some 20°C throughout the year in any well drained, humus rich substrate in full sun.
10 semillas por sobre or per rhizome (length given in cm).
30cm, a perennial plant with a basal leaf rosette and short-staked flower racemes followed by
Palisota barteri
ornamtal, bright red berries. It is native of tropical forest from Sierra Leone to Western Cameroon
heading into the Congo basin. It is easily cultivated in containers in any humus rich, well drained soil
in a sunny (winter) to partially shaded (summer) spot. Keep slightly drier in winter at a minimum of
20°C. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8937
sobre de semillas
Dicranostigma (Eastern Horned Poppies) & Glaucium (Horned Poppies)
Eastern Horned Poppies and Horned Poppies are diverse genera from the northern hemisphere with several annual, biannual as
well as perennial species with showy bright colored flowers above nicely contrasting bluish green foliage. All are easily cultivated in
any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Excellent for the rock garden.
Sow seeds flat on any humus rich, well drained soil from autumn to late spring. Do not cover seeds with soil and keep pots in a
sunny and protected spot outside. Carefully transplant seedlings to the final spot as soon as they are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
Dicranostigma lactucoides 20cm, Eastern Blue-leafed Horned Poppy is a biannual to short lived perennial species with a basal
bluish-green leaf rosette and bright lemon yellow flowers on elegant stalks. Native of sunny spots in
(Eastern Blue-leafed
mountains in the western Himalaya and south-western China. For any rich, well drained soil in full
Horned Poppy)
sun. Excellent in the rock garden. IV-V.
Glaucium flavum
(Yellow Horned Poppy)
No. de artículo: 6341
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
30 (50)cm, Yellow Horned Poppy is a biannual species with bluish-green leaves and branching
stems with orange-yellow flowers followed by elongated seed capsules. It is native of coastal areas
throughout the Mediterranean and Western Europe. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 7144
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Glaucium flavum var.
(Orange Horned Poppy)
30 (50)cm, Orange Horned Poppy is a biannual species and similar to the species it has ornamental
bluish-green leaves and branching stems, but with orange flowers in this variety, which are followed
by elongated seed capsules. It is native of coastal areas throughout the Mediterranean and Western
Europe. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 8834
sobre de semillas
Dictamnus (Burning Bush)
Burning Bush is a monotypic genus with only one species (Dictamnus albus syn. Dictamnus fraxinella), which is native of central
Europe and the Mediterranean. It grows as a herbaceous perennial with uprigth stalks covered with broadly feathered, strongly
fragrant leaves and numerous large, showy white to rose flowers. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot
Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained soil from autumn to early spring. Seeds require a cooling period for several months prior to
germination. If seeds are sowed late, they will germinate in spring of the following year. Carefully transplant as soon as seedlings
are strong enough.
Note: All parts (especially the seed capsules) may cause severe skin irritation, thus always handle plants with protective gloves !
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
100 (150)cm, Burning Bush or Diptam makes showy upright annual stalks from a perennial
Dictamnus albus
rootstock. It has broadly feathered, dark green leaves and numerous beautiful white or rose flowers
(Burning Bush)
from late spring to early summer. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. We have seeds
available from a pure white flowering strain and a batch of mostly rose flowering (with maybe some
white specimens) plants. Note: All parts (especially the seed capsules) may cause severe skin
irritation, thus always handle plants with protective gloves ! IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 4521
sobre de semillas (flores arosadas)
No. de artículo: 8088
sobre de semillas (flores blancas)
Dierama (Angel's Fishing Rod)
Dierama is a S African native genus closely related to Iris. Gives many excellent garden plants with showy flowering stalks of
flowers in brightest colors. Most will grow from rhizomes with plenty of flat, iris-like leaves. Leaves from evergreen species will die
at temperatures below -10°C, but will emerge again in late spring (April). For any well drained and humus-rich soil in a sunny spot.
All will flower freely if grown as pot plants under cool, yet not necessarily frostfree, conditions in the wintergarden or unheated
Sow late spring in any well drained soil in full sun at some 15°C to 25°C. Best if pre-cultivated under frost-free conditions for two
years. Keep pots frost free at max. 10°C in winter. Transplant young corms rather deep in late spring of the second year. A thick
layer of dry mulch as protection is recommended for younger plants during winter in Central Europe.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557zona climática USDA 8 si no se meciona algo
20 semillas por sobre.
50 (100)cm, very narrow, almost grass like foliage, pale pink to intense pinkish lilac, pendulous
Dierama dissimile
flowers above few leaves. Native of Natal. Zona Climática USDA 8. VI-VII.
Dierama dracomontanum
No. de artículo: 2672
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
80cm, linear leaves, pendulous bell shaped rose-pink to red flowers on nodding stalks. Requires
good winter protection (thick mulch layer) against freezing through. Zona Climática USDA 8. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2674
sobre de semillas
150cm, crowded pink flowers born on erect stems, very showy. Requires good winter protection
(thick mulch layer) against freezing through. Zona Climática USDA 8. VII-VIII.
Dierama erectum
No. de artículo: 2675
sobre de semillas
100cm, stems in tufts, erect flower spike with many pink to bright magenta-pink flowers. Some
winter protection (i.e. mulch layer) is recommendable. VII-VIII.
Dierama galpinii
No. de artículo: 2676
sobre de semillas
100cm, pendulous lilac to pink flowers, from open grassland. Some winter protection (i.e. mulch
layer) is recommendable. VII-VIII.
Dierama igneum
Dierama latifolium
No. de artículo: 2677
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (3)m, one of the tallest and most impressive species native of South Africa with large, thin flower
stems with quite large, pale to deep pink flower bells above perennial, long leaves. Best grown in
pots under frostfree conditions in a cool greenhouse or wintergarden.
Dierama mossii
No. de artículo: 3826
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (110)cm, a showy species with mauve to deep pink pendulous flowers on slightly arching
racemes. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Requires some good winter protection (i.e.
dry mulch layer). VII-VIII.
Dierama pallidum
No. de artículo: 6005
sobre de semillas
80 (100)cm, has pendulous, creamy-white, rarely pale yellow flower above narrow, sword like
leaves. USDA Climate Zone 8.
No. de artículo: 6006
sobre de semillas
150cm, graceful, pendulous, bell shaped, pale pink to dark purplish-pink or mauve flowers. Zona
Climática USDA 8. VI-VII.
Dierama pendulum
Dierama pulcherrimum
No. de artículo: 2681
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150cm, pendulous dark pink to purple red flowers. Very easy and attractive. Requires good winter
protection (thick mulch layer) against freezing through. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2682
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Dierama reynoldsii
Dierama robustum
150 (200)cm, a very tall species with long, annual leaves from a perennial underground rhizome.
Makes pendulous, deep wine red to dark pink magenta-purple flowers. Native of medium to highaltitude grassland in the Eastern Cape province and the Kwa Zulu region (Natal). For any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny and protected spot. A winter dormant species for any humus rich, well
drained, sunny spot in the garden. Give some additional winter protection (e.g. a thick dry mulch
layer). All plants are shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7.
No. de artículo: 3825
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150 (200)cm, single or several tufted stems, creamy white to pale pink-mauve flowers. Requires
good winter protection (thick mulch layer) against freezing through. Zona Climática USDA 8. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 2683
sobre de semillas
Dietes (Fairy Iris)
South African Fairy Iris are rhizomatous perennials from South Africa with iris-like leaves and most ornamental iris-like flowers. All
species are easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in full sun to partial throughout the year at a minimum of some 10°C with
watering reduced to a minimum in winter months.
Sow seeds in any rich, well drained substrate. Keep pots in a sunny spot at some 20°C throughout the year and soil always slighly
moist from beneath. A temperature drop at night down to some 10°C to 15°C will siginificantly enhance germination in several
20 semillas por sobre, unless stated differently.
Dietes bicolor
No. de artículo: 8772
sobre de semillas
Dietes butcheriana
Dietes grandiflora
(South African Fairy Iris)
Dietes robinsoniana
(Lord Howe Island Fairy
No. de artículo: 8771
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (80)cm, South African Fairy Iris is a showy perennial with straplike, dark green leaves and
several white flowers with nicely contrasting yellow anthers and narrow, pale lavender-blue standard
petals. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep
plants slightly drier at a minimum of some 10°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8478
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
80 (100)cm, Lord Howe Island Fairy Iris is the largest flowering species within the genus Dietes and
endemic to steep cliffs in the North of Lord Howe island, eastwards of Australia. It is an extremely
showy perennial with straplike, dark greyish-green leaves and large, pure white flowers with central
yellow spots. Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year.
In winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of some 15°C. This easily grown botanical gem is
still inexplicitly rare in cultivation. VI-VIII.
10 semillas por sobre.
No. de artículo: 8659
sobre de semillas
Digitalis (Hardy Foxglove)
Foxgloves, biennials to perennials or woody sub shrubs which make a basal leaf rosette in the first year after sowing and from
which the flowering stalk with bell-shaped flowers will emerge in the second year. For partially shaded spots in any humus rich, well
drained soil.
Sow the fine seeds from autumn to early summer on any well drained soil containing some humus at some 20°C in a sunny spot.
Do not cover these dustlike seeds with soil. Seeds will evenly germinate within 2 to 4 weeks. Do not expose pots to temperatures
higher than 25°C, for this will impede germination and/or germination may take longer! Carefully transplant as soon as seedlings
are strong enough.
Aviso: ¡Todas las partes son tóxicas si son ingestidas!
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
50 semillas por sobre.
130 (170)cm, perennial species similar to Digitalis grandiflora, yet with a very floriferous, more
Digitalis davisiana
compact spike of large, flattened pale yellow trumpets with a light orange brown shade inside above
broadly lance shaped, slightly glossy, slightly pubescent leaves. Native to Turkey. For any rich, well
drained soil in partial shade to full sun. V-VI.
Digitalis ferruginea
(Rusty-brown Foxglove)
No. de artículo: 3263
sobre de semillas
140 (190)cm, Rusty brown Foxglove, very tall biannual to semiperennial species with massive
orange brown flowers on huge flowering stalks. For any sunny to partially shaded spot in a well
drained soil. VI-VIII.
Digitalis grandiflora
(Yellow Foxglove)
No. de artículo: 2689
sobre de semillas
€ 2,79
60 (120)cm, Yellow Foxglove is a perennial species with plenty of yellowish white large flower bells,
threatened in its Central European habitat. For any rich, well drained in an open, sunny to partially
shaded spot. V-VII.
Digitalis lanata
(Wooly Foxglove)
No. de artículo: 2691
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
40 (70)cm, Wooly Foxglove has hairy leaves and brown/cream/white flowers. A biannual species for
the rockery garden in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
Digitalis lutea ssp. lutea
(Small-Flowered Yellow
No. de artículo: 2695
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (80)cm, Small-flowered Yellow Foxglove resembles a smaller Digitalis grandiflora with numerous
small yellowish white flowers. A perennial species which makes nice clumps with time. For any rich,
well drained in an open, sunny to partially shaded spot. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 2696
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Digitalis micrantha
Digitalis minor
(Mallorca Foxglove)
60 (90)cm, perennial species endemic to S Italy and allied to Digitalis lutea, yet Digitalis micrantha
shows more densely packed flower racemes of small yellow flowers above lanceolate leaves.
Usually makes several spikes per plant. For any sunny to partially shaded spot in a well drained soil.
No. de artículo: 2697
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
30 (50)cm, Mallorca Foxglove is rare perennial from the eastern Balearic islands (Mallorca,
Menorca, and Cabrera) and makes a basal rosette of narrow, white haired leaves and a short,
usually branching spike with pendulous, bright rose to almost white, trumpet shaped flowers. For any
rich, well drained soil in a partially shaded spot. Excellent in a protected spot in the rock garden. VVII.
No. de artículo: 4086
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 7229
Digitalis obscura
(Spanish Shrub Foxglove)
sobre de semillas (mezcla de Digitalis minor y Digitalis minor
€ 4,99
ssp. palaui)
40 (100)cm, Spanish Shrub Foxglove is a very rare woody perennial sub shrub from Spain. It is
similar to the Canary Foxgloves (Isoplexis) with orange/brown wide opening flowers on branching,
semi-woody stems. For any very well drained, rather rocky soil containing few humus in a sunny
spot. VI-VIII.
Digitalis parviflora
No. de artículo: 2698
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (40), smaller perennial species with typical white haired margins and small, but plenty of brown
flowers. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot the rock garden. V-VI.
Digitalis purpurea
(Purple Foxglove)
No. de artículo: 2699
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
80 (140)cm, Purple Foxglove is a very ornamental biannual species with large rosettes marked
purplish at the stem and large purple-pink flowers with white and black spots inside flower bell. Very
easy. V-VII.
SOBRE DE SEMILLAS GRATUITO: Available are 25 absolutely free seed packages with 50 seeds
each from the purple foxglove. Please select only one free package per order and put it into your
shopping cart. Payable are only the regular packing and shipping costs and any handling charge for
small-amount orders below € 20.00 (excl. packing and shipping costs).
Digitalis purpurea f. alba
(White Foxglove)
Digitalis purpurea ssp.
Digitalis purpurea ssp.
maderense ssp. nov. ined.
Digitalis purpurea var.
(Sardinian Purple
Foxglove) Exclusive
Digitalis thapsii
Digitalis trojana
No. de artículo: 2700
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
80 (140)cm, White Foxglove is a beautiful white-flowering form. Makes a tall, vigorous main spike
with hundred pure white flowers followed later by some smaller additional flowering spikes. Biannual,
easy. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 2701
sobre de semillas
€ 2,79
70 (90)cm, a semi-perennial, rather rare subspecies with creamy white (sometimes pale pink where
populations of ssp. heywoodii overlap with Digitalis purpurea) flowers and yellow throats and usually
purple spots inside above silvery-grayish haired leaves. It is native to southern Portugal where it
grows on granite rocks in full sun. For any rich, very well drained, preferably rocky soil in a partially
shaded to sunny spot. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 2702
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
140 (180)cm, semi-perennial, tall foxglove, probably a new subspecies from Madeira, Portugal
growing in rich soil in open shrub formations. Makes a tall raceme of most beautifully very dark
purple flowers, heavily spotted inside, and a dark green leaf rosette. For any rich, very well drained,
preferably rocky soil in a partially shaded to sunny spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 2703
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
50 (120)cm, Sardinian Purple Foxglove is an overall more compact perennial variety, which has not
been cultivated before. It is native of open spots in rich soils in mountain forests on the island of
Sardinia (Italy). It bears in spring an upright spike of showy deep pink flowers. Easily cultivated in
any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Fully winter hardy in Central Europe. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 6305
sobre de semillas (ex Cerdeña, Italia)
€ 4,99
50 (90)cm, a semiperennial, highly endangered species from western Spain and Portugal. It is close
to Digitalis purpurea yet has narrower flower bells in pale rose and an usally branching
inflorescence. For any humus rich, slightly moist soil in partial shade. A biannual species which selfsows freely under appropriate conditions. Leave plants undisturbed. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 2709
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
70 (100)cm, an annual to short lived perennial Turkish species similar to Digitalis lanata with dark
green lanceolate leaves and hairy spikes with cream white flowers with a large white lower lip and
dark brown spots inside. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Will readily selfsow under
suitable conditions. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 2710
sobre de semillas
Digitalis (Madeira Foxglove)
Madeira Foxglove, biannual to short-lived perennial with unique dark purplish flower tubes, spotted white and dark brown inside. So
different in flower color and general habit from the common continental Digitalis purpurea, that it should be treated at a subspecies
level. For any rich, well drained soil. Hardy in a sunny and slightly sheltered spot in any well drained soil.
Sow spring to autumn on any well drained soil, containing some humus. Do not cover seeds. Germination will take place within few
weeks. Transplant in autumn or spring or as soon as seedlings are strong enough.
Aviso: ¡Todas las partes son tóxicas!
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7.
50 semillas por sobre.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Digitalis minor
(Mallorca Foxglove)
30 (50)cm, Mallorca Foxglove is rare perennial from the eastern Balearic islands (Mallorca,
Menorca, and Cabrera) and makes a basal rosette of narrow, white haired leaves and a short,
usually branching spike with pendulous, bright rose to almost white, trumpet shaped flowers. For any
rich, well drained soil in a partially shaded spot. Excellent in a protected spot in the rock garden. VVII.
No. de artículo: 7229
Digitalis purpurea ssp.
maderense ssp. nov. ined.
sobre de semillas (mezcla de Digitalis minor y Digitalis minor
€ 4,99
ssp. palaui)
No. de artículo: 4086
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
140 (180)cm, semi-perennial, tall foxglove, probably a new subspecies from Madeira, Portugal
growing in rich soil in open shrub formations. Makes a tall raceme of most beautifully very dark
purple flowers, heavily spotted inside, and a dark green leaf rosette. For any rich, very well drained,
preferably rocky soil in a partially shaded to sunny spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 2703
sobre de semillas
Dimorphotheca (African Daisy)
African Daisies are semi-woody, beautiful perennials from South Africa. Most species are floriferous pot plants with large flowers
and are easily grown in any well drained, slightly humus rich sustrate in a sunny spot. In winter reduce watering to a minimum and
keep plants at a minimum of some 15°C in full sun.
Sow at some 20°C throughout the year in any well drained, yet humus rich soil. Seed will germinate within 2 to 4 weeks at room
temperature. Keep seedlings very sunny, especially in winter months.
20 semillas por sobre.
30 (50)cm, Purple Cape Daisy is a woody perennial with utmost beautiful and large, rich magentaDimorphotheca ecklonii
purple flowers. Native of the Cape region in South Africa. An excellent container plant for any rich,
(Purple Cape Daisy)
very well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum
of some 10°C in full sun. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 7369
sobre de semillas
Dioscorea (syn. Testudinaria - Subtropical Elephant's Foot)
Dioscorea (syn. Testudinaria) or Elephant Foot are usually herbaceous perennial climbers with glossy, heart-shaped foliage and a
massive underground rootstock. The well-known Dioscorea elephantipes (formerly Testudine elephantipes) is native of arid regions
in S Africa. Parts of its impressive rootstock are growing above ground level and show a strongly fissured grayish brown bark which
gave it the common name Elephant's Foot. Grows in any well drained, rather inorganic soil in full sun. During dormancy plants
should be kept rather dry until new leaves appear.
Sow flat in any sandy, preferably inorganic soil, well drained soil at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year. Keep seedlings
only slightly moist, drier in winter at minimum 12°C.
10 semillas por sobre.
You find more Dioscorea species in this category: prodtype.asp?strParents=72&CAT_ID=961&numRecordPosition=1Winter Hardy
Yam Root (Dioscorea spp.).
120cm ø, 200 (400)cm, famous Elephant's Foot make a massive rootstock with a heavily fissured
Dioscorea elephantipes
bark on top from which emerge annual to semiperennial twining stems with heart shaped, glossy
(syn. Testudinaria
leaves. Very attractive, yet rarely offered species for any well drained soil in full sun. Keep
completely dry during dormancy after shedding of leaves. IX-XII.
Dioscorea rupicola
(Elephant's Foot)
No. de artículo: 2038
sobre de semillas
70cm ø, 200 (400)cm, Elephant's Foot has a large tuberous rootstock and only a single climbing
stem with deciduous, cordate (heart shaped) leaves. For any well drained soil in full sun. Keep
completely dry during dormancy after shedding of leaves. IX-XII.
No. de artículo: 2409
sobre de semillas
Dioscorea (Winter Hardy and Subtropical Yam Root)
Dioscorea or Yam Roots are perennial, herbaceous climbers from open woods throughout the northern and southern hemisphere.
They make vigorous stems emerging from a large rhizomatous rootstock in early spring and very showy, dense foliage on long
vines. Winter hardy species from USDA climate zone 6 to 8 are ideal for any well drained soil at the base of trees or tall shrubs,
where some species will wind up their stems up to 8 m in a single year. South American, subtropical, non winter hardy species are
usually smaller and make short stems winding on the ground. Cooked and starch rich tubers from several species are used as food
in Asia and the Americas, however we do not recommend to use any for human consumption and strictly sell all Dioscorea species
as ornamental plants only!
Sow seeds flat at a minimum of some 5°C from early spring to early summer in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Transplant rhizomes in autumn after foliage has yellowed.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Clim&#65533;tica USDA 6, unless not
noted differently.
10 semillas por sobre, respectively 1 bulbil 1 rhizome per package.
You find more Dioscorea species in this category: prodtype.asp?strParents=72&CAT_ID=437&numRecordPosition=1Succulent
Elephant's Foot Caudex (Dioscorea spp.).
3 (5)m, Papa Cimarrona is a South American herbaceous perennial with ornamental, dissected,
Dioscorea brachybotrya
glossy foliage with prominent veins. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. In Central
(Papa cimarrona)
Europe this frost resistant member may be tried out in the garden in full sun with protection from
winter wetness. Alternatively grow in pots and keep the dormant rootstock completely dry in winter
and frostfree at a minimum of some 5°C. Zona Climática USDA 9. VI-VIII.
Dioscorea bryoniifolia
No. de artículo: 4007
sobre de semillas
Zona Climática USDA 10.
No. de artículo: 6872
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Dioscorea bulbifera
(Air Potato)
Dioscorea caucasica
(Caucasus Yam Root)
Dioscorea sansibarensis
(Zanzibar Yam Root)
5 (10)m, Air Potato is a fast growing herbaceous twining vine with a massive potato-like tuber. It
makes most ornamental, large, broadly heart-shaped, fresh green leaves and axillary born aerial
bulbils which may gain up to 1 pound in weight. The bulbils as well as the tuber are rich in starch.
Tubers from some cultivated forms are said to be edible if prepared right, however poisonous forms
do exist and we do not recommend to use any for human consumption! Easily cultivated in any rich,
well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year at a minimum of some 10°C. In winter reduce
watering to a minimum.
Bulbils are not available for a delivery to Australia and the U.S.
No. de artículo: 7333
bulbillo (03,0 cm)
No. de artículo: 8385
bulbillo (01,0 cm)
No. de artículo: 8375
bulbillo (04,0 cm)
No. de artículo: 8376
bulbillo (02,0 cm)
€ 3,99
4 (10)m, Caucasus Yam Root is a herbaceous climber with broad arrow shaped, dark green foliage
and clusters of small whitish flowers followed by triangular, light brown, paper like seed capsules in
autumn. Native of the Caucasus and rarely seen in cultivation. Very easy and fully winter hardy.
USDA Climate Zone 6. The rhizomes are flowering size and have at least 3 vegetation point each.
No. de artículo: 2713
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
7 (12)m,, Zanzibar Yam Root is a perennial, semi-evergreen climber with ornamental, large, glossy,
mid green oval, ribbed leaves, large, long flattened tubers and violet axillary bulbils turning pale
brownish-green. Dioscorea sansibarensis is native of tropical West Africa from Ivory Coast to the
Sudan, and south to Angola, Rhodesia and Mozambique. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained
soil in deep pots at a minimum of some 12°C throughout the year.
Bulbils are not available for a delivery to the U.S.
No. de artículo: 8734
bulbillo (01,0 cm)
No. de artículo: 8806
bulbillo (03,0 cm)
€ 12,90
No. de artículo: 8002
bulbillo (02,0 cm)
€ 9,90
3 (5)m, North American Wild Yam is a herbaceous climber with a perennial, brownish rootstock and
Dioscorea villosa
(North American Wild Yam) narrow heartshaped, glossy, fresh green leaves. It is native of humus rich, slightly moist soils in
woods and roadsides in the USA. For any humus rich, well drained, slightly rocky soil in full sun to
partial shade. Requires a climbing sail. USDA Climate Zone 6. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 1013
sobre de semillas
Dipcadi are late flowering bulbs with typical firm trumpets. Easy for any well drained soil in full sun. Plant bulbs rather deep to
protect them from freezing.
Sow at a minimum of some 5°C in spring in any rich, yet well drained soil in full sun in a sheltered place. Transplant young bulbs in
spring. Plant rather deep to protect from frost.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6 si no se meciona algo
20 semillas por sobre.
20cm, small creamy brown trumpets, curved downwards arise from large bulbs. Sometimes two
Dipcadi serotinum
flowering periods in early summer and mid autumn. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny and
protected spot. Populations from the Canary islands differ in various aspects from plants in the
Mediterranean and may be regarded as a subspecies. V-VI (IX-X).
No. de artículo: 2714
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 7348
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
Diplotaxis (Wild Arrugula)
Wild Arrugula or Wallrocket makes rosettes with aromatic, refreshingly spicy leaves, which are used in salads and the
Mediterranean cookery. In contrast to the real Arrugula (Rucola spp.) some species are perennial winter hardy species. All are
easily cultivated in any well drained, humus-rich, slightly rocky soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot.
Sow seeds flat on any well drained , humus-rich soil in a sunny site. Cover seeds only slightly with soil, and keep pots at some
15°C to 20°C. Transplant to the garden as soon as seedlings are strong enough by the end of spring to mid summer.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7.
30 semillas por sobre.
20 (40)cm, Annual Wallrocket is an annual species with strongly serrated, dark green, spicy leaves
Diplotaxis muralis
in a dense basal rosette. Makes mustard-like lemon yellow flowers in lose spikes in summer. Native
(Annual Wallrocket)
of rocky sites (e.g. old stone walls) throughout Europe. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Will
readily self-sow under good conditions. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3866
sobre de semillas
Dipsacus (Teasel)
Dipsacus or Teasels are usually growing as biennials, forming a dense rosette in their first year, followed by a huge inflorescence in
the second growing period. The are highly decorative plants for any well drained soil in a sunny spot, most will grow well even in
very dry spots in the garden. Large spikes with a rose-colored (rarely white) inflorescence. Dried seed pots are very attractive and a
nutrition source for seed loving wild birds.
Sow throughout the year in any soil. Will germinate in late spring to early summer. Very easy and will readily self-sow in a suited
spot. Transplant as soon as seedlings are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Dipsacus ferox
(Sardinian Teasel)
150 (180)cm, Sardinian Teasel is a binnual species native of open spots on the island of Sardinia
(Italy). It has ovoid, rosy-white flower heads densely armed with spines above upright growing,
slightly branching stems with dark green leaves. For any well drained soil in full sun. VI-VIII.
Dipsacus fullonum
(syn. D. sylvestris)
No. de artículo: 5239
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
200 (300)cm, very decorative plant which attracts masses of bees and butterflies. Opposite pairs of
stem leaves are joined together forming a cup in which water collects and thus repels insects.
Excellent for dried flower arrangements. VI-VIII.
Dipsacus laciniatus
(Cut-leaved Teasel)
No. de artículo: 2715
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
180 (220)cm, Cut-leaved Teasel is a binnual with cone shaped, whitish flower heads above upright
branching stems with deep cut, silvery green leaves. Has become very rare in nature. For any well
drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII.
Dipsacus strigosus
No. de artículo: 2716
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
170 (200)cm, Narrow Teasel. Narrow upright branches with fresh green leaves, topped by global
flower heads of pale cream to white flowers. Rare in nature. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny
spot. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 2719
sobre de semillas
Disporum (Ferry Bells) & Streptopus (Twistedstalk)
Ferry Bells and Twistedstalks are both small genera related to Salomon's Seal and are native from North America to central Europe
and eastern Asia. They have only slightly creeping rhizomes from which emerge their flower stalks in mid spring followed by bright
colored fruits in several species in mid summer. All species grow well in any cool, leafy, slightly moist, yet well drained soil in partial
Sow preferably in autumn in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds Require a cooling period
over several weeks prior to germination in late spring. Some seeds might take two years to germinate.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
10 semillas por sobre.
50 (80)cm, Fairy Bells makes arching stems from a perennial rootstock and has broad oval leaves
Disporum hookeri
and nodding greenish white flowers. It is native of woods in north-western North America. For any
(Fairy Bells)
humus rich, very well drained soil in a partially shaded to shaded spot. IV-V.
Disporum hookeri var.
(Oregon Fairy Bells)
No. de artículo: 6224
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (80)cm, Oregon Fairy Bells makes upright to arching stems from a perennial rootstock and has
narrow oval leaves and terminal upright to nodding white flowers. This variety is native of woods in
South-Western North America. For any humus rich, very well drained soil in a partially shaded to
shaded spot. IV-V.
Disporum smithii
(Smith's Fairy Bells)
No. de artículo: 8696
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (60)cm, Smith's Fairy Bells makes arching reddish stems from a perennial rootstock and has
broad oval, dark green leaves and nodding creamy white flowers. It is native of woods in northwestern North America. For any rich, very well drained soil in a partially shaded to shaded spot. IV-V.
Streptopus amplexicaulis
f. americana
(North American
Streptopus amplexifolius
(White Twisted-Stalk)
No. de artículo: 6238
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (45)cm, North American Twistedstalk makes arching stems in a zig-zag form and broad oval
leaves covering the pale yellow to cream-white flowers below. In mid summer it isw decorated with
bright scarlet fruits. A rare native of deciduous woods in North America. For any humus rich, very
well drained soil in a partially shaded to shaded spot. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 6361
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (90)cm, White Twisted-Stalk is a herbaceous, rhizomatous perennial with arching stems and oval
leaves which are witish below, and white nodding flowers followed by elongated orange-red berries.
It is native of fresh spots in woods in North America and Eurasia. For any humus rich, well drained
soil in a partially shaded to shaded spot. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 9285
sobre de semillas
Diuranthera (Hardy Spider Plant)
Hardy Spider Plants belong to a small genus with only four species which are all native of temperate-cool regions within China.
They are herbaceous perennials and closely related to tropical spider plants (Chlorophytum spp.). Several branching flower stalks
emerge with pure white flowers from a basal rosette of strap-like, pure green leaves in early summer. All Diuranthera species are
easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soil in a partially shaded spot.
Sow flat at some 5 to 15°C preferably in spring in any well drained soil in a partially shaded spot. Transplant dormant
rhizomes/storage roots after withering of leaves in autumn.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
30 (65)cm, Hardy Spider Plant is closely related to Chlorphytum species (tropical spider plants) and
Diuranthera major
a herbaceous perennial from Guizhou, Sichuan and Yunnan provinces, China. It produces a basal
(Hardy Spider Plant)
rosette of strap-like, pure green leaves and several branching flower stalks ornamental, pure white
flowers in early summer. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a partially shaded spot. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 8775
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Dodecatheon (Shooting Star)
Shooting Stars are exclusively native to North America where they grow in leafy and slightly moist soils in woods or meadows in
partially shaded to sunny spots. Their light green and large leaf rosettes are similar to those of primroses (Primula spp.), yet much
larger. From the center arise one to several stalks crowned by dense umbels of beautiful pale rose to deep lilac flowers with
recurved, cyclamen-like petals and nicely contrasting yellow anthers. Dodecatheon is a very difficult genus in what concerns a
correct identification of species, as many are very similar. Besides, several species are very variable in height and flower color. We
believe to offer seeds from correctly identified plants only. All shooting stars will go dormant in summer and rest in the hot season
as a perennial rootstock.
Sow seed flat on any humus rich soil from autumn to spring. Do not cover seeds and place pots in a shaded and protected spot
outside during winter. Always keep soil slightly moist from beneath as long as plants are green. Transplant rhizomes during
dormancy from late summer to mid autumn.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
30 semillas por sobre.
20cm, Jeweled Shooting Star is a herbaceous perennial with broad basal leaves and an upright stalk
with bright pink nodding flowers. It is native of open spots in woods and meadows from Minnesota,
Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois to Missouri (USA). For any humus rich, well drained, slightly moist soil in a
(Jeweled Shooting Star)
sunny to partially shaded spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 5468
sobre de semillas
(Kamschatka Shooting
Dodecatheon conjugens
(Bonneville Shooting Star)
No. de artículo: 6827
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15cm, Bonneville Shooting Star is a herbaceous dwarf perennial with a basal rosette of ovate to
broadly lanceolate, slightly fleshy and pubescent leaves and a short inflorescence with bright pink
nodding flowers. Native of meadows in Western USA. Easily cultivated in any humus rich, well
drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a wild collection in Blaine County, Idaho,
USA, at some 2050m. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 4878
sobre de semillas
20 (30)cm, Henderson's Shooting Star is a rather rare species with strongly recurved pale pink,
nodding flowers. For any humus rich, well drained soil in preferably partial shade. Seeds from
certified wild collections in Josephine County, Oregon, USA at some 450m and Plumas County,
Greenville, California at some 1.100m. IV-V.
Dodecatheon hendersonii
(Henderson's Shooting
No. de artículo: 2721
Dodecatheon jeffreyi
(Jeffrey's Shooting Star)
No. de artículo: 5183
sobre de semillas (ex Plumas County)
€ 4,99
40 (50)cm, Jeffrey's Shooting Star is an unusual Dodecatheon species with pubescent (= with fine
hairs) large and broad leaves and flowering stalks, which are slightly fragrant in full sun ! Seeds from
a wild collection in Deschutes County, Oregon USA at some 1900m. IV-V.
sobre de semillas (ex Jospehine County)
Dodecatheon jeffreyi ssp.
(Dwarf Jeffrey's Shooting
No. de artículo: 2722
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
15 (25)cm, Dwarf Jeffrey’s Shooting Star is a herbaceous perennial with broad glossy leaves and
bright pink flowers on short stalks. Native of humus rich, slightly wet soils in mountains in California.
For any humus rich, well drained, slightly moist soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from
a certified wild collection in Siskiyou County, California, USA at some 2.050m. IV-V.
Dodecatheon meadia
(North American Shooting
No. de artículo: 4186
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
20 (30)cm, North American Shooting Star is the most easily grown Dodecatheon species with
various flower colors in rose shades. For any humus rich, slightly moist soil, either full sun or partial
shade, very adoptable and early flowering in IV-V.
Dodecatheon meadia var.
(Few Flowered Shooting
No. de artículo: 2723
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
20 (30)cm, Few Flowered Shooting Star is a rarely seen variety from eastern North America, rather
similar to the species, yet it usually has slightly smaller flower stalks and fewer flowers (=name) with
slightly narrower, strongly recurved petals. Easy in any rich, slightly moist, yet well drained soil in
partial shade. IV-V.
Dodecatheon poeticum
(Narcissus Shooting Star)
Dodecatheon pulchellum
(Pretty Shooting Star)
No. de artículo: 2724
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15 (25)cm, Narcissus Shooting Star is a herbaceous perennial with broad glossy leaves and bright
pink. nodding flowers with a yellow band at the base. Native of humus rich, slightly wet soils in
mountains from Washington state to Oregon. For any humus rich, well drained, slightly moist soil in
a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Klickitat County,
Washington, USA at some 1.050m. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 4187
sobre de semillas
15 (20)cm, Pretty Shooting Star is a smaller Dodecatheon species, a gem for shaded and moist
places in a humus rich, leafy soil. Elegant, small dark pink to almost lilac flowers. A rather rare
species from northwestern North America (Alaska, Wisconsin and Sierra Nevada). Seeds from a
wild collection in Gilpin County, Colorado USA at some 3300m. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 2725
sobre de semillas
Dodonea or Hopseeds are shrubs to small trees with attractive evergreen foliage and decorative, fragrant flowers in yellowish
colors. For any soil in full sun to half-shade.
Sow in any well drained soil at 25°C in half-shade. Keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 15°C.
10 semillas por sobre.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Dodonea viscosa
2 (5)m, bright green glossy foliage and yellow flowers on older plants. Easy and robust container
plant. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 2349
sobre de semillas
Dolichos (Hyacinth Bean)
Hyacinth Bean is an annual to biannual climbing vine from the Old World tropics. It has ornamental, large, trifoliate leaves and
axillary racemes of quite large, fragrant, pale purple to rose bean-flowers, followed by maroon-red, flattened seed-pods. It is widely
grown in India and throughout the Arabian region for its lush foliage and nice flowers as well as for its edible black beans.
Sow in any rich, well drained soil in spring. Keep pots in full sun and transplant to the open garden in a humus-rich soil in a
protected, sunny spot after the last freezing nights in late spring to early summer. Best cultivated in a large pot or container in a
greenhouse or wintergarden, where the flowers develop freely.
7 semillas por sobre.
3 (7)m, Hyacinth Bean is a vigorous, annual to biannual tropical climber with ornamental, large
Dolichos lablab
trifoliate leaves and fragrant pale violet to rose bean-flowers, followed by flat, maroon red seed(Hyacinth Bean)
pods. Flowers develop freely under warm and hot conditions throughout summer. For any humus
rich, well drained soil in full sun. Best grown in containers in a greenhouse or wintergarden. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 3491
sobre de semillas
Doronicum (Leopard's Bane)
Leopard's Banes belong to a small genus in mountain meadows in Eurasia. They are showy perennials with quite large, bright
yellow to rich butter yellow flowers in early and spring and summer. All species are easily cultivated in any humus rich soil in a
sunny to partially shaded spot.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre..
70 (120)cm, Leopard's Bane is a beautiful herbaceous perennial with tall hairy stalks crowned with
Doronicum aff.
rich yellow flowers in mid spring. This plant was received as Doronicum pardalianches, yet it is taller
and more robust in all aspects, so we have doubts on its identification. Easily cultivated in any
(Leopard's Bane)
humus rich, well drained soil in partial shade to full sun. IV-VI.
Doronicum orientale
(Eastern Leopard's Bane)
No. de artículo: 7383
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
35 (50)cm, Eastern Leopard's Bane or Balkan Leopard's Bane (syn. Doronicum caucasicum) is a
beautiful herbaceous perennial with tall elegant stalks crowned with quite large, rich yellow flowers in
mid spring. It is native of mountain meadows from the Balkans to Greece, the Caucasus and Asia
Minor. Easily cultivated in any humus rich, well drained soil in partial shade to ful sun. III-IV.
Doronicum pardalianches
(Great False Leopard's
No. de artículo: 7356
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
70 (100)cm, Great False Leopard's Bane is a beautiful herbaceous, summer dormant perennial with
elegant stalks crowned with rich yellow flowers in mid spring. It is native of moist meadows
throughput Eurasia and makes dense, floriferous carpets in time. Easily cultivated in any humus
rich, well drained soil in partial shade to full sun. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 7377
sobre de semillas
Doryanthes (Flame Lily)
Flame Lily is a genus with only two, yet very striking species in the Agave family (Agavaceae): Doryanthes excelsa and Doryanthes
palmeri. They make impressive perennials with very long and broad, strap-like leaves in a dense basal rosette and a tall
inflorescence of numerous scarlet flowers. They are easily raised from seed in any humus-rich, very well drained soil in full sun
throughout the year. In winter reduce watering and keep plants always frostfree at a minimum of some 12°. Plants are slow growing
but very long lived.
Sow the large seeds very flat in any well drained sandy and humus rich soil. Keep pots in full sun and at a minimum of some 20°C.
Keep soil always slightly moist from beneath.
10 semillas grandes por sobre.
250 (500)cm, Giant Flame Lily makes a giant basal rosette of very long and broad leaves with a
Doryanthes excelsa
central, very tall inflorescence of numerous bright scarlet flowers. This beautiful ornamental plant is
(Giant Flame Lily)
native of coastal areas of New South Wales near Sydney (Australia). Easily grown in any rich, very
well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. Plants are very slow growing and should be
kept drier in winter at a winter low of some 12°C. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 3883
sobre de semillas
€ 8,99
200 (400)cm, Giant Flame Lily is endemic of north east New South Wales and south east
Doryanthes palmeri
(Palmer's Giant Flame Lily) Queensland (Australia) and more rarely seen in cultivation than it's slightly larger sister Doryanthes
excelsa. It makes a large basal rosette of very long and broad leaves with a central, impressive, at
the tip bowing inflorescence of numerous bright scarlet flowers. Easily grown in any rich, very well
drained soil in full sun throughout the year. Plants are very slow growing and should be kept drier in
winter at a winter low of some 12°C. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 8836
sobre de semillas
Dorycnium (Canary & Mediterranean Shrub Clover)
The genus Dorycnium consists of mostly annuals to perennials and are represented by few woody species only. These Shrub
Clovers are native of the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands, where the Canary endemic Dorycnium species are all rare to
almost extinct in nature. They grow as woody shrubs with ornamental, broadly feathered foliage and terminal clusters of small,
cream white or rose flowers, followed by narrow brownish seed capsules, which have the typical long form for members of the pea
family (Fabaceae). For any rich, well drained soil in an always sunny spot. Excellent pot plants for a frostfree cultivation, keep drier
in winter at a minimum of some 10°C.
Sow flat on any rich, well drained soil in full sun throughout the year.
20 semillas por sobre.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Dorycnium pentaphyllum
60 (100)cm, a small, densely branching, semi-woody perennial with narrow, silvery-green leaves and
terminal clusters of white small flowers. This species is native of rocky, sunny spots in the western
Mediterranean region. In winter keep plants slightly drier and in full sun at a minimum of some 10°C.
No. de artículo: 9314
sobre de semillas
Dracaena (Dragon Tree)
Canary Dragon Tree and other Real Dragon Trees are most ornamental evergreen plants which are very robust and may reach
several hundred of years. These living fossils are easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot in
summer. During winter they should be kept almost completely dry at a minimum of some 10°C, when plants will stay dormant. At
higher temperatures in winter plants require careful watering in full sun. With time these fascinating succulents make a massive
treelike trunk and several dense crowns of long leaves. Only 7 species are known at present, out of which two occur on the Canary
Islands (Dracaena draco and the extremely rare, only recently discovered new species Dracaena tamaranae from Gran Canaria),
one in SW Morocco (Dracaena draco ssp. ajgal), and four in eastern Africa (Dracaena cinnabari on the island of Socotra offshore
Yemen, Dracaena ombet in Egypt and Sudan, Dracaena schizanta in Somalia and Djibuti, and Dracaena serrulata in Saudi Arabia,
Yemen and Oman). Except for the commonly cultivated Dracaena draco all other Dracaena species are extremely rare in
cultivation and seed is simply inobtainable, so please do not ask us for seed! Our stock of plants is more than limited and once
these plants are sold out, it may take several years if not decades before they might become available again!
Sow seeds at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year in any rich, well drained, slightly moist soil. Keep seedlings in a very
sunny spot. The seeds germinate during a period of several weeks (the minimum are some four weeks).
7 semillas por sobre or per plant as specified below.
Aviso: Plants are only deliverable within Europe !
2 (8)m, Canary Dragon Tree, on the island of Madeira (Portugal) only two supposedly wild growing
Dracaena draco
specimens are left in steep cliffs in a valley in the South of the island. It is still not clear if Dracaena
(Madeira Dragon Tree)
daco is native of Madeira or if it had been introduced a long time ago. Nowadays it is being
cultivated in several gardens and plants differ from Canary populations in broader leaves with a
more bluish color. However, this trait may be a result from the overall much more humid climate on
Madeira. Easily grown in any rich, well drained substrate in full sun throughout the year. During
winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 12°C.
Dracaena draco
(Tenerife Dragon Tree)
No. de artículo: 8956
sobre de semillas (ex Madeira, Portugal)
€ 3,99
2 (10)m, Canary Dragon Tree, one out of two species of this genus growing on the Canary Islands,
and one of the most beautiful in its genus. Naturally growing in rock crevices in the succulent zone
at some 500m. Has become very rare in its habitat. This common form from Tenerife usually makes
its' first branches, when its massive trunk has reached some (2 to) 4m in height.
No. de artículo: 9487
sobre de semillas (100 semillas)
€ 14,90
No. de artículo: 9488
sobre de semillas (1.000 semillas)
€ 99,90
No. de artículo: 1337
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife, España)
Dracocephalum (Dragon's Head)
Dragon's Head consists of some 45 annual or perennial species and the genus Horminum is monotypic with a single species only
(Horminum pyrenaicum). Some members are native of open spots in mountaineous regions in temperate regions of the Northern
Hemisphere and have showy tubular flowers in dense terminal spikes. They are easily cultivated in any rich, well drained, rocky soil
in full sun. Excellent in the rock garden.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sunny, protected spot outside. Transplant as soon as seedlings are strong
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
Dracocephalum ruyschiana 10 (20)cm, Northern Dragon's Head is a perennial from mountains in Europe and northeastern Asia.
With time it makes dense cushions of upright stalks with narrow leaves and a terminal spike with
(Northern Dragon's Head)
intense blue flowers. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in full sun. An excellent plant for
the rock garden. V-VI.
Horminum pyrenaicum
(Dragon's Mouth)
No. de artículo: 4594
sobre de semillas
20 (30)cm, Dragon's Mouth is a perennial from meadows and rock crevices in the Alps and the
Pyrenees. It makes a dense basal leaf rosette and upright spikes with rich blue flowers. Easily
cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in full sun. An excellent plant for the rock garden. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 7112
sobre de semillas
Dracunculus (Canary Dragon Aroid)
Canary Dragon Aroid is one out of two members within the small genus Dracunculus. It makes a tall and narrow, pure white spathe
and a yellow spadix. Does not have a strong smell on flowering. It is native of partially shaded spots in humus rich, slightly moist
soils on the Canary Islands, where it has become quite rare. Only on Gran Canaria some larger populations can still be found. Not
reliably winter hardy in Central Europe. Plants start growth in late summer and are usually wintergreen, thus keep slightly moist in a
sunny spot at a minimum of some 5°C in winter. Keep completely dry as soon as leaves wither in late spring to early summer, until
new growth is shown in late summer to early autumn.
Sow flat in any humus-rich, yet well drained soil in a sunny spot at some 15°C to 20°C.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 9/10.
Price is given per package (10 seeds) or per dormant corm (size in ø cm).
Note: All corms are available for a delivery within Europe only ! Seeds are shipped worldwide. For Non-European customers only:
We do ship dormant tubers outside Europe, provided that all risk is upon the buyer. We do not issue any phytosanitary certificate,
which is officially required for most countries. We kindly ask you to check with your local import regulations before placing an order!
The related shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=6&CAT_ID=109&numLanguageID=4Helicodiceros muscivorus (Dead-HorseArum) is available in the shop as well.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Dracunculus canariensis
(Canary Dragon Aroid)
100 (150)cm, Canary Dragon Aroid makes a pure white, narrow spathe and a yellow spadix above
several divided, fresh green leaves on a plain green stem. Native to the western Canary Islands,
where it has become rather rare, it is already extinct on Madeira. From humus rich, partially shaded
to sunny spots. A summer-dormant and winter green species. Not sufficiently winter hardy in Central
Europe, best grown in a sunny spot in a cool, frost-free greenhouse with a winter minimum of some
5°C and careful watering. Zona climática USDA 9/10. 5,0 cm ø tubers are flowering size. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 1340
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
No. de artículo: 3514
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
Drusa is a small genus in the Apiaceae family and is endemic to the Canary islands. It includes herbaceous perennials with finely
to broadly dissected leaves and losely branching, tall inflorescences in early summer. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil
in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C.
Sow flat in any rich, very well drained, preferably rocky soil at some 20°C. Keep pots always slightly moist in a sunny spot
throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 10.
20 semillas por sobre.
100 (170)cm, is a herbaceous perennial with slightly glossy, broadly feathered, light green aromatic
Drusa glandulosa
leaves and a tall, branching inflorescence. Native of sunny spots in the laurel forest zone on all
Canary islands. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun throughout the year. Keep drier in winter at
a minimum of some 5°C. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 4720
sobre de semillas
Duchesnea (Indian Mock Strawberry)
Indian Mock Strawberry is a monotypic genus native of woods in eastern and southern Asia. It has trifoliate, dark green leaves,
yellow flowers and ornamental strawberry like, edible bright red fruits. It is a good ground coverer for any humus rich, slightly moist
soil in a partially shaded to sunny spot.
Sow flat in any humus rich, well drained, always slightly moist soil. Do not cover seeds with soil Keep pots in a partially shaded,
protected spot outside. Transplant as soon as seedlings are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
40 semillas por sobre..
10cm, Indian Mock Strawberry is a winter hardy perennial evergreen ground covering plant native of
Duchesnea indica
woods in southeast Asia and the Indies. In appearance it is similar to the woodland strawberry
(Indian Mock Strawberry)
(Fragaria vesca) with shiny trifoliate leaves and upright hold, bright red, edible fruits. However these
are more decorative than tasty, as the sweet flesh doesn't have any significant flavor. Easily
cultivated in any humus rich soil in a partially shaded to sunny spot. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 4574
sobre de semillas
Latua (Tree of Wizards)
Tree of Wizards (Latua pubiflora) is a monotypic genus native of evergreen costal forests in the Cordillera de la Costa de Valdivia
in the region of los Ríos and the province of Osorno in the region of los Lagos (Chile). Latua pubiflora and the closely related
Dunalia species grow as a woody shrubs with elliptic leaves on spiny stems and pendulous, beautiful bell-shaped, magenta or rich
violet flowers followed by round, yellow fruits. All plant parts contain highly poisenous hallucinogen alcaloids, which have been
traditionally used by indigenous tribes in the Valdivia region. Easily cultivated in pots in any rich, well drained soil with some grit
sand added in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 15°C.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained soil at some 20°C to 30°C throughout the year. Cover seeds only very sparsely with soil.
Germination in both Dunalia and Latua is slow and erratic. Keep pots and seedlings always sunny.
20 semillas por sobre, unless not noted differently.
2 (5)m, Tree of Wizards is a showy woody shrub native of evergreen costal forests in Chile. Slightly
Latua pubiflora
glossy, elliptic leaves on spiny stems and pendulous, beautiful bell-shaped, magenta flowers
(Tree of Wizards)
followed by round, yellow fruits. All parts are strongly poisenous due to hallucinogen alcaloids. For
any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants drier at a
minimum of some 15°C. IV-VII.
No. de artículo: 4506
sobre de semillas
Ecballium (Exploding Cucumber)
10 semillas por sobre.
Ecballium elaterium
(Exploding Cucumber)
30cm, Exploding Cucumber is a monotypic genus with only this single species. It is a fast growing
annual with pale yellow flowers and elongated egg-shaped fruits which incidentally explode on
maturing, shooting their seeds in all directions. Native of rocky soils in sunny spots throughout the
Mediterranean and Asia Minor and has been naturalized in many parts of the world. Sow in pots
under glass in early spring and transplant to the final spot in garden after the last freezing nights. For
any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 6290
sobre de semillas (ex Perikklishia, Chipre)
Echeveria is a broad genus of succulents within the orpine family (Crassulaceae) and is native from SW USA to Central and
Northern South America. Several species with dense leaf rosettes and/or glaucous leaves and bell-shaped, bright colored flowers
are highly valued in the garden trade. All are easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in full sun throughout the year. Reduce
watering to a minimum in winter and keep plants at a minimum of some 15°C. We offer a good selection of the finest Echeveria
species with dense leaf rosettes.
Sow dust-like seeds flat on any well drained soil, keep soil slightly moist from beneath. Do not cover seeds with soil and keep pots
between 20°C to 30°C.
30 semillas por sobre.
Echeveria bifida
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
No. de artículo: 8906
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8902
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8901
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8898
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8897
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8895
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8894
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8893
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8891
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8889
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8888
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8887
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8886
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8885
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8882
sobre de semillas
Echeveria diffractens
Echeveria gibbiflora
Echeveria lilacina
Echeveria lyonsii
Echeveria nodulosa
Echeveria pallida
Echeveria peacockii
(syn. Echeveria
Echeveria rodolfii
Echeveria rosea
Echeveria rubromarginata
Echeveria runyonii
Echeveria setosa
Echeveria shaviana
Echeveria walpoleana
Echinacea (Coneflower)
Coneflower are perennials from open spots in prairies and sunny mountain meadows throughout North America. They develop
numerous and very colorful, bright rose to intense lilac, rarely yellow flowers on medium to tall stalks throughout summer. Many
species are excellent cut flowers. Echinacea are easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. They are very robust
and adapt very well to various soil types.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sunny , protected spot outside. Several species require a cooling period of
several months prior to germination. If these species are sowed late in the year, they do not germinate before spring in the
following year. Transplant to the final spot in the garden in late summer to autumn.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
30 (50)cm, Narrow Leaf Purple Coneflower is a herbaceous perennial with lanceolate leaves and
Echinacea angustifolia
ornamental pale purple to rose flower cups on usually unbranched stems. Native of open spots in
(Narrow Leaf Purple
prairies and dry woods of the tall grass region. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny
position. VI-VII.
Echinacea pallida
(Pale-Purple Coneflower)
No. de artículo: 3553
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (70)cm, Pale-Purple Coneflower, this perennial makes several large purple-pink flower with
recurving petals on tall slender stems with long narrow leaves. The species is native of open spots
in humus rich soils in prairies and savannas from Illinois and Michigan, to Minnesota, and Nebraska,
south to Louisiana, and Texas (USA). For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny position. VII-IX.
Echinacea paradoxa
(Ozark Coneflower)
No. de artículo: 3552
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
50 (80)cm, Ozark Coneflower is a herbaceous perennial with a basal leaf rosette and upright stems
crowned by a single, bright yellow flower with recurving petals and a blackish brown center. Native of
prairies in the Ozark region (Missouri and Arkansas). For any humus rich, well drained, slightly rocky
soil in full sun. V-VI.
Echinacea purpurea
(Eastern Purple
No. de artículo: 1014
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
80 (140)cm, Eastern Purple Coneflowers has dark pink petals surrounding an orange center on tall
stems. This perennial is native of humus rich, slightly moist soils in prairies and open spots in woods
from Georgia, Louisiana, and north to Virginia, and Iowa (USA). For any humus rich, well drained
soil, preferably slightly moist soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 3551
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Echinacea tennesseensis
(Tennessee Coneflower)
50 (80)cm, Tennessee Coneflower is a rarely cultivated, herbaceous perennial with a basal leaf
rosette and upright stems crowned by purplish-pink flowers with a blackish brown center. Native of
rocky limestone glades in the central basin of Tennessee (USA). For any humus rich, well drained,
slightly rocky soil in full sun. V-IX.
No. de artículo: 1015
sobre de semillas
Echinocystis (Prickly Cucumber)
Prickly Cucumber is a monotypic genus with this single species only which is native in open spots in woods in North America. It has
lobed leaves and fleshy fruits with soft spines. With maturity fruits dry out and contain 1 to 4 black seeds each. It is a fast growing
vine and easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in full sun.
Sow seeds flat preferably from end of March to mid April in any rich, well drained soil, three seeds per pot. Keep pots in a sunny
and constantly warm spot inside, e.g. on a window sill, in a heated greenhouse or in the wintergarden. Transplant seedlings to the
open garden as soon as temperatures will stay above 10°C at night in late spring to early summer.
7 semillas pro sobre.
200 (400)cm, Prickly Cucumber is a fast growing annual vine from North America with lobed leaves
Echinocystis lobata
and egg-shaped, fleshy fruits (not edible) with soft spines containing quite large, one to fous seed
(Prickly Cucumber)
each. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in full sun. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 7177
sobre de semillas
Echinops (Globe Thistle)
Globe Thistles are ornamental perennials and best grown as solitary plants in the garden border. They make umbels of intense
bluish shades above spiny and dissected leaves in dark-green to silvery they make umbels of intense bluish shades. Very easy and
showy. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun.
Sow preferably from autumn to spring in any well drained soil in a sunny spot. Good for dried flower arrangement, and seeds are an
excellent nutrition source for wild birds.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre si no se menciona algo diferente.
Echinops sphaerocephalus 100 (130)cm, noble plant for sunny spots with dark green leaves, gray beneath, and large global
bluish-grey flower heads. VI-VIII.
Echinops spinosissima
No. de artículo: 2735
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
2 (4)m, a biannual species with a tall branching, spiny stem crowned by ice-blue flower balls. Native
of rocky, sun-exposed sites in mountains in the eastern Mediterranean . For any rich, very well
drained soil in full sun. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 6652
sobre de semillas (ex Chipre)
Echium (Canary Islands' Giant Burgloss)
Endemic perennials growing either as a woody shrub or making a huge rosette (Echium auberianum, Echium pininana, Echium
simplex, and Echium wildpretii). These are very different in habit from their Mediterranean annual or biannual relatives. Excellent
plants for cultivation in pots or small containers. Keep plants sunny throughout the year, especially in winter. They make
impressive, very large inflorescences, sometimes containing several thousand flowers each. Grow well in any well drained, rather
inorganic soil (e.g. crushed lava adding some humus).
Sow seeds rather flat some 0.5cm deep in some 10cm ø plastic pots. Seeds do not need direct sun to germinate properly, however
it is recommended to not cover seeds too much. Seeds usually cannot be extracted from their dried capsules without destroying
them, thus the entire capsule shall be sowed. Each capsule may contain up to 4 small, nut-like seeds. All Echium species require a
significant difference between day and night temperature. Keep pots in a cool spot with direct sun, so that during the day the soil
heats up to some 20°C to 25°C. At night temperature should fall to some 5°C to 10°C. Germination may be inhibited in most
species if pots are kept constantly warm (e. g. in a heated propagator). Keep plants frostfree in winter at a minimum of some 10°C
in an always sunny spot. Under cool conditions reduce watering to a minimum, unless grown under heated glass. Usually most
species will gain flowering size within 3 to 4 years.
Aviso: Most Echium species make strong seed-capsules, which contain up to four seeds each. These capsules naturally will not
shed their seeds until they fall on the earth. They cannot be separated beforehand without destroying the seeds. From these
species 20 capsules (i.e. up to 80 semillas por sobre) will be delivered. Treat the entire capsule as a single seed. Prick out and
separate seedlings as soon as they appear.
For more cultivation information please have at look at this page:
shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=556&numRecordPosition=1&numLanguageID=4Sowing and cultivation of
Macaronesian Echium species.
20 semillas por sobre.
Aviso legal: De acuerdo con las leyes alemanas nacionales (BNatSchG y BArtSchV) tan bien como las convenciones a nivel
europeo (Convención de Berna) e internacional (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora - CITES) no vendemos ningún material tal como semillas proveniendo de plantas salvajes protegidas. Las semillas de dichas
plantas protegidas derivan exclusivamente de plantas propagadas artificialmente en cultivos hortículos en Alemania
respectivamente en el Líbano, donde las plantas se han tomado en cultivo a finales de los años 70 y al principio de los años 80 del
siglo pasado. Todas las plantas de orígin híbrido de dichas especies cultivadas artificialmente no se encuentran protegidas.
50 (100)cm, strongly branching, low woody shrub with very narrow, lanceolate, spiny, leathery
Echium aculeatum
leaves. Compact inflorescences with many pure white, narrow-tubed flowers. From the succulent
shrub zone of W Tenerife at medium altitudes. Valle de Santiago del Teide, 480m. Easy in
cultivation in a sunny spot in any well drained soil. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 3045
sobre de semillas (ex La Palma)
No. de artículo: 5136
sobre de semillas (ex El Hierro)
No. de artículo: 1342
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
No. de artículo: 4688
sobre de semillas (ex La Gomera - Agulo)
No. de artículo: 4691
sobre de semillas (ex La Gomera - Argaga)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Echium brevirame
30 (100)cm, strongly branching, low woody shrub with narrow, lanceolate (Fuencaliente form) to
broad lanceolate (Puntallana form), densely spiny, leather like leaves. Makes compact
inflorescences with plenty of pure white, narrow flowers. From the lower succulent shrub of S La
Palma. For a preferably inorganic soil in full sun throughout the year. Keep drier in winter. V-IX.
No. de artículo: 3478
Echium candicans
No. de artículo: 1407
Echium decaisnei ssp.
sobre de semillas (ex Puntallana)
No. de artículo: 1346
sobre de semillas (ex Fuencaliente)
€ 4,99
1 (2)m, sub erect, woody shrub with large, broadly lanceolate, smooth leaves and intensive blue
flowers in a cylindrical inflorescence. Native to Madeira in the lower parts of the open laurel forest.
Has become very rare in nature. One of the most beautiful Echium species for any humus rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VII
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
No. de artículo: 6527
sobre de semillas (1.000 seeds)
€ 99,00
100 (200)cm, a broadly branching, woody shrub native of Gran Canaria (Canary islands, Spain),
where it occurs in sun-exposed open spots in the succulent zone at some 600m in the South of this
island. It makes terminal dome shaped inflorescences with white flowers and slightly pink margins
inside. A very robust species, easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout
the year. In winter reduce watering and keep plants at a minimum of some 15°C. II-IV.
Echium nervosum
(syn. Echium fastuosum)
No. de artículo: 1406
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (150)cm, compact, low woody shrub with broad cylindrical to egg shaped inflorescences of pale
blue to pale bluish-rose (rarely pure white) flowers above narrow, densely hairy, silver green leaves.
Endemic of sunny rocky positions in the lower vegetation zone of Madeira. For a sunny spot in any
well drained soil. Keep slightly drier in winter. V-VII.
Echium onosmifolium
No. de artículo: 1459
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
€ 3,99
1m, from the succulent zone at 400m from Gran Canaria. Narrow, blackish green, spiny leaves.
Makes plenty of narrow-tubed, perfectly white flowers in dense, conical inflorescences. Excellent for
any well drained soil in full sun. Keep slightly drier in winter. II-V.
No. de artículo: 6529
Echium plantagineum
Echium simplex
sobre de semillas (1.000 seeds)
€ 69,00
No. de artículo: 1460
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
20 (120)cm, annual to biannual species with a dense basal leaf rosette and a tall branching
inflorescence with quite large, brilliant lilac blue flowers. Native of S Europe, the Mediterranean and
the Canary Islands growing in open spots in rock to sandy soils. For any rich, very well drained soil
in full sun. Sow directly into the ground after the last cold nights in late spring or alternatively precultivate under frostfree conditions in early spring. IV-VII.
No. de artículo: 3258
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
No. de artículo: 3456
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
No. de artículo: 4692
sobre de semillas (ex La Gomera)
€ 2,99
1m ø, makes a perfectly white inflorescence of some 2 (4)m in height ! Native of Tenerife, where ist
very rare, occurring in only few sites in the Anaga Mountain Range in the north-eastern parts of this
island. It is an excellent container plant with large, smoothly pubescent leaves in dense and broad
rosette on a short stem. Keep at a minimum of some 10°C in winter in a sunny spot and careful
watering. Will flower within some 3 years and dies down afterwards, however it can be easily raised
from seeds which are set in abundance. A spectacular and very easy going, yet rare species! IV-V.
PRECIO ESPECIAL: 25 packages with 20 seeds each are offered at a special discounted price for
only € 0,99 each !
Echium strictum
Echium virescens
No. de artículo: 6528
sobre de semillas (1.000 seeds)
€ 119,00
No. de artículo: 1471
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
No. de artículo: 1475
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150 (300)cm, multi-branching shrub, narrowly lanceolate and soft leaves, from the open pine forest
of Tenerife at some 1.000m. Makes several inflorescence in a single plant every year, bright pink
flowers. Probably the easiest and one of the richest flowering, perennial and woody Echium species.
No. de artículo: 6532
Echium webbii
No. de artículo: 9494
sobre de semillas
€ 0,99
70 (120)cm, middle sized, woody biannual to short lived perennial shrub with large, ovoid, smooth
dark green leaves and nice, candle like inflorescences in pale rose blue. From the upper succulent
shrub in eastern Tenerife (Chamorga, Anaga region, 550m). A good species for its compact growth,
dark green leaves and brilliant flower color. For a rather inorganic soil (e.g. crushed lava), keep
sunny and drier in winter at a minimum of some 5°C. V-VII.
sobre de semillas (1.000 seeds)
€ 99,00
No. de artículo: 1537
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
€ 3,99
100 (150)cm, beautiful and easy species from sunny spots in open rock crevices in the pine forest of
La Palma. Similar to Echium virescens, yet inflorescence narrower with brilliant violet blue flowers
and broader deep green leaves. Becoming rare in nature. From Barranco Izcagua at some 780m. IVVII.
No. de artículo: 1538
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Echium wildpretii ssp.
(Tajinaste Rojo)
100cm ø rosette, Tajinaste Rojo is an utmost showy biannual to semiperennial species and the
symbol of Tenerife, where it is locally called "Orgullo de Tenerife" (Pride of Tenerife). It makes a
cylindrical inflorescence of up to 400cm in height with several thousands of deep red flowers which
are arranged in arching circles. Its habitat is located at an altitude of some 2.100m in the subalpine
zone of the Cañadas depression on Tenerife. It grows in any pure inorganic soil (e.g. crushed lava)
and should be carefully watered, especially in winter. It requires the sunniest position throughout the
year and a minimum of some 10°C in winter. It temporarily endures slight freezing down to -7°C if
the inner rosette is sheltered from rain. A somewhat delicate plant for the connoisseur, however the
low price makes it worth a try! An excellent plant for a frostfree greenhouse or cool wintergarden.
Zona climática USDA 8. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 1539
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
Echium (Hardy Burgloss)
Echium is a quite large genus with annuals or biennials to perennial, woody plants, of which many have most ornamental,
sometimes impressively tall flower stalks. In contrast to their mostly perennial, woody Canary relatives, the species offered here are
mostly biennials from Central Europe and the Mediterranean. In the first year they make a basal leaf rosette out of which a
sometimes quite tall flower stalk emerges in summer the second year. All require a very well drained, preferably sandy or stony soil
in a sunny spot. They are ideal for the rock garden.
Sow flat in any rich, yet well drained, sandy soil, keep pots in full sun. Transplant seedlings from end of spring till late autumn in a
sunny, protected spot in the garden. Annual species are best sowed directly to the ground after the last freezing night in mid spring.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
20 (40)cm, Narrow-leafed Burgloss is a rarely cultivated showy annual to biannual with a flat, basal,
Echium angustifolium
dark green, coarsely pubescent leaf rosette and strongly branching stems with pale winered flowers
(Narrow-leafed Burgloss)
fading to lilac blue with age. Native of the lower dry zone and disturbed areas in rocky soils in the
eastern Mediterranean region. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot. Excellent in the
rock garden. Sow directly to the ground after the last freezing night in mid spring. VI-VII.
Echium asperrimum
No. de artículo: 6374
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (60)cm, a rarely cultivated showy biannual with a flat, basal, dark green, coarsely pubescent leaf
rosette and a broadly pyramidical shaped multi branching inflorescence with pale lilac-red flower
tubes. Native of rocky soils in the eastern Mediterranean region. For any rich, very well drained soil
in a sunny spot. Excellent in the rock garden. Sow directly to the ground after the last freezing night
in mid spring. VI-VII.
Echium boissieri
No. de artículo: 4915
sobre de semillas (ex Cap de ses Salines)
€ 3,99
120 (180)cm, a biannual, fully winterhardy species from southern Spain, where it grows in rocky
mountain meadows. It bears quite tall spikes with pale rose flowers with nicely contrasting elongated
red stamens. For any well drained, rocky soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
Echium italicum ssp.
No. de artículo: 1352
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (150)cm, a rarely seen tall biennial species endemic of rocky fields in the Western
Mediterranean region. Makes a slightly branching, pyramidal inflorescence with pale blue to white
flowers above a basal, flat rosette of dark grayish green, coarse leaves. For any rocky, sandy soil in
full sun. Excellent in the rock garden. V-VI.
Echium vulgare
(Common Vipers'
No. de artículo: 4916
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca, España)
€ 0,99
100 (150)cm, Common Vipers' Burgloss makes a basal flat dark green biannual leaf rosette and a
medium sized, slightly branching spike with bright blue flowers. Aa European and fully winter hardy
species, which is easily grown in any very well drained soil in full sun. Will readily self sow under
good conditions. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3408
sobre de semillas
Edraianthus (Grassy Bell)
Grassy Bells are close to the real bellflowers (Campanula) and it is a genus with only few, perennial species. Make white to blue
flowers in profusion. Suited for any rich, well drained, rocky soils in a sunny spot. Excellent in the rock garden.
Sow on top of any rich, well drained soil with a good portion of coarse sand or grit. Do not cover dust like seeds. Transplant as
soon as seedlings are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
40 semillas por sobre.
Edraianthus graminifolius 20 (30)cm, makes grassy foliage with upright growing stems ending in clusters of bluish-purple bell
shaped flowers. For any well drained, rich soil in full sun. VI.
No. de artículo: 2770
sobre de semillas
Encephalartos (Bread Palm)
Bread Palms is a small archaic genus with evergreen plants from Central and Southern Africa. They are slow growing plants and
with age they make a short to almost-tree like stem and a crown of hard pinnate leaves leaves. All Encephalartos species are
dioecious, i. e. male and female inflorescences (the so called cones) occur on separate plants. Most species are easily grown in
any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 15°C. Seeds will
be shipped with the fruit flesh in order to protect them from desiccation. Prior to sowing soak the seed for 24 h in warm water and
remove any adherent fruit flesh.
Sow large seed flat in any rich, well drained substrate at a minimum of some 25°C throughout the year in full sun.
1 semilla grande por sobre.
Seeds are available for a delivery within Europe (with the exception of Norway and Switzerland) only!
4 (12)m, Kwango Giant Cycad is the tallest of all Encephalartos species and native of Angola and
Zaire. With age it makes a very tall, treelike stem and very long dark green feathered leaves and
eventually a huge cone in female plants. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun throughout the
(Kwango Giant Cycad)
year. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 15°C.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Encephalartos manikensis
(Gorongo Cycad)
No. de artículo: 9492
sobre de semillas (1 semilla)
€ 29,90
1m, Gorongo Cycad is native of Zimbabwe and Mozambique. With age it makes a short stem with a
flat crown of very long, dark green leaves. Cones in female plants may reach up to 50cm in height.
For any rich, well drained soil in full sun throughout the year. In winter keep plants drier at a
minimum of some 15°C.
No. de artículo: 9493
sobre de semillas (1 semilla)
€ 12,90
Eranthis (Winter Aconite)
Winter Aconites grow in any rich soil which holds back moisture especially in spring. For a very sunny place in spring and partially
shaded during summer (e.g. under tress or shrubs). Will naturalize and make a carpet-like effect with thousands of buttercup yellow
flowers in early spring.
Sow flat in any humus rich soil in partial shade from autumn to early spring. Some seeds may take two years to germinate properly.
Keep pots outside in a sheltered place. Transplant small rhizomes in autumn to a partially shaded spot.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
12cm, Cilicican Winter Aconite is native of Turkey. It makes slightly larger intense yellow flowers
Eranthis cilicica
above larger, finely cut foliage. Very beautiful and easy for any rich, well drained soil in partial shade
(Cilicican Winter Aconite)
or full sun. II-III.
Eranthis hyemalis
(Winter Aconite)
No. de artículo: 2773
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15cm, Winter Aconite is native of fresh and semi moist woods throughout Central Europe. Makes
bright yellow flower cups in early spring. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in shade to full
sun. II-III.
No. de artículo: 2774
sobre de semillas
Eremurus (Foxtail Lily)
Foxtail Lily with spectacular and huge spikes of cup-shaped flowers in summer. Require a well drained, warm spot in full sun.
Sow preferably early spring to early summer in any rich, yet very well drained soil. Keep pots rather dry and always sunny.
Transplant small star-like rhizome in early autumn after two years.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6 si no se meciona algo
20 semillas por sobre, si no se menciona algo diferente.
150 (200)cm, large flowering stalks with pale greenish yellow flowers. Very rare species from
Eremurus elwesii
northern Iran growing in open grassland. For any well drained soil in full sun. IV-V.
Eremurus himalaicus
No. de artículo: 2777
sobre de semillas
100 (150)cm, smaller Eremurus with large perfectly white flowers. Rarely cultivated but easy, will
increase steadily by seeds and offsets. For any well drained soil in full sun. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 2778
sobre de semillas
Eriobotrya (Loquat Fruit)
Loquat Fruit is a fast growing evergreen, tall woody shrub to small tree from eastern Asia and may gain up to some 3m after
several years. It has elegant, glossy and finely haired, dark green foliage and delicious refreshing bright orange fruits. Ideal for any
rather peaty, well drained soil in a sunny spot. In colder climates preferably grow in containers under frostfree conditions in winter
with reduced watering.
The large seeds are sowed on receipt some 1,5cm/0.5' deep in any humus rich, slightly sandy soil at a minimum of some 20°C
throughout the year. Keep seedlings in their first year preferably frostfree in a sunny spot with reduced watering in winter. Carefully
transplant young plants by the end of spring in their second year.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 8.
3 semillas grandes por sobre.
Loquat fruit is an evergreen woody shrub to small tree native of eastern Asia and has woolly, deep
Eriobotrya japonica
green, shiny leaves and white, fragrant flowers in winter. Flowers are followed by ovoid, peach like
(Loquat Fruit)
orange fruits from late spring to summer. Winter hardy in Central Europe provided that young plants
are protected in winter with a thick, dry mulch layer. In Central Europe plants will usually fruit only
under climatic favorable conditions or as container plants in the wintergarden under frostfree
conditions. X-II.
No. de artículo: 1358
sobre de semillas
Eriophorum (Cotton Grass)
Cotton Grass is a small genus of some 25 herbaceous species in the Sedge family (Cyperaceae) from the Northern hemisphere.
They are ocurring in humus rich, always slightly wet soils in marshes and alongside bogs. Several species have become quite rare
for the ongoing destruction of their habitats. These are beautiful, non-invasive grasses with elegant stems topped by ornamental
seed heads with fine silky white hairs similar to a fluffy cotton pad. Easily grown in any humus rich, slightly acid and always wet soil
in a sunny spot. Ideal for the border of a pond.
Sow seeds flat in any humus rich, always slightly wet soil in pots outside in a protected spot. Seeds require a prolonged cooling
period prior to germination in late spring. Carefully transplant young plants from late summer to autumn to their final spot.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
50 (100)cm, Broad-leaf Cotton Grass makes elegant stems with several cotton pad like seed heads
Eriophorum latifolium
in early summer. This herbaceous perennial is native of moist meadows and in fens from Central
(Broad-leaf Cotton Grass)
Europe to Siberia and is increasingly becoming rare. Easily cultivated in any humus rich, preferably
acid, moist soil in a sunny spot. Ideal for the border of a pond. III-IV.
No. de artículo: 4298
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Eriophyllum (Woolly Sunflower)
Woolly Sunflowers are annuals or herbaceous perennials from western North America. These make showy bright yellow flowers
above more or less basally arranged leaves. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny and preferably protected spot.
Sow fine seeds very flat on any rich, well drained soil from autumn to mid spring. Keep pots in a protected spot outside. Carefully
transplant young plants to the final spot in the garden as soon as they are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
Eriophyllum lanatum
(Woolly Sunflower)
No. de artículo: 6828
sobre de semillas
Erodium (Stark’s Bill)
Stark’s Bills are either annuals or perennials similar to the closely related crane's bills (Geranium spp.). Several species have rich,
bright colored flowers and ornamental foliage. All are easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot.
Sow seeds flat from autumn to early spring in any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in partial shade and transplant seedlings as
soon as they are strong enough from summer to autumn. Seeds of most Erodium species are very hard to collect.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
10 semillas por sobre.
30cm, Iranian Stark's Bill is a perennial from southeastern Europe to Asia Minor and makes showy,
Erodium gruinum
lavender blue flowers above dark green, glossy leaves and outstanding seed capsules. As seeds
(Iranian Stark's Bill)
are ripening the long appendix evenually winds up, enabling the seed to be firmly screwed into the
ground. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 4402
sobre de semillas
Eruca (Arrugula)
Arrugula or Salad Rocket makes rosettes with highly aromatic, refreshingly spicy, deeply cut, fresh green leaves, which are widely
used fresh in salads and the Mediterranean cookery. It is an easily cultivated annual for any well drained, humus-rich, slightly rocky
soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot.
Sow seeds flat directly in any well drained, humus-rich soil in a sunny site in the garden in spring. Cover seeds only slightly with
soil. Seedlings are fast growing.
100 semillas por sobre.
20 (50)cm, Arrugula or formerly commonly called Salad Roquette is a fast growing annual from
Eruca sativa
Eurasia, where it has been cultivated for centuries for its deliciously spicy, deeply cut leaves, which
(Salad Rocket)
are used raw in salads or cooked and baked (e.g. on Pizza in Italy). Young tender leaves may be
harvested several times from the same plant if only few leaves are cut a single time. It is easily
grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Under suitable conditions it will self-sow. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3868
sobre de semillas
Eryngium (Sea Holly)
Sea Hollies are herbaceous, spiny, perennial plants, excellent for dried flower arrangements due to their striking foliage and flowers
pots. Easy in any sunny condition in a well drained, sandy to rocky soil with little humus.
Sow autumn to early summer in a well drained, rather sandy soil in full sun. Transplant rhizomes in autumn or spring. Once
established do not disturb plants.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557zona climática USDA 6, unless stated
20 semillas por sobre, unless otherwise noted.
30cm, Blue Alpine See Holly is a beautiful Eryngium species from the Alps with deeply heart shaped
Eryngium alpinum
leaves, flower heads and stems in a beautiful shade of blue. Unfortunately it is a threatened species
(Blue Alpine See Holly)
in its' habitats. VII-IX.
Eryngium bourgatii
Eryngium foetidum
No. de artículo: 2786
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
40 (60)cm, another Eryngium with attractively patterned foliage: glaucous leaves are spotted in
silvery white, above all numerous steel blue flowers. For a very sunny position in a rocky soil. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 2788
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
20 (30)cm, Culantro or Mexican Coriander is a subtropical perennial from Mexico and South America
and makes a basal rosette of glossy, slightly leathery, dark green leaves with somewhat spiny
margins and a very broad umbel of unconspicuous flowers. Fresh, young and still rather smooth
leaves are used in numerous dishes throughout Asia and South America. Leaves can be excellently
dried for they will maintain their flavor. In order to promote the growth of the leaf rosette, the flower
stalk should be cut away in summer. For any rich substrate in full sun throughout the year and a
minimum of some 15°C. VI-VIII.
Eryngium giganteum
No. de artículo: 8626
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
120 (160)cm, the Giant Eryngium has massive, yet small silvery white blooms on huge branching
stalks. Needs some space to develop its whole beauty. VII-IX
Eryngium maritimum
(Blue Sea Holly)
No. de artículo: 2790
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
30 (50)cm, Sea Holly is native of sanddunes close to the sea in Mediterranean and Atlantic Europe.
It makes very showy, steel blue leaves and lilac blue to greenish-yellow flowers. Requires very good
drainage, best grown in soils with plenty of grit sand or crushed lava added. Plant in full sun. VI-IX.
10 semillas por sobre.
No. de artículo: 2791
sobre de semillas (ex Jadra/Jiyé)
No. de artículo: 4918
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca, España)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Eryngium planum
100 (120)cm, forming large clumps with various upright freely branching stems and many globular
lilac flowers above a rosette of broad basal, dark green leaves. Easy and very decorative Eryngium
from Central Europe to central Asia growing on rocky slopes. VII-IX.
Eryngium umbelliferum
(Mexican Sea Holly)
No. de artículo: 2792
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
40 (70)cm, Mexican Sea Holly is a Central American, winter hardy herbaceous species with long,
spiny, silvery-green leaves in a dense basal rosette and globose heads of white or pale blue flowers.
For any humus rich, well drained soil in partial shade to full sun and preferably protected spot.
Excellent for the rock garden. VII-IX.
Eryngium wrightii
No. de artículo: 8258
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, a showy herbaceous perennial from the southern USA with slightly pale blue to pale
violet inflorescences above spiny stems and leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Eryngium yuccifolium
No. de artículo: 6542
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
60 (100)cm, a South American species with long, broad linear and slightly spiny, yucca-like,
yellowish green leaves in a dense rosette and globose heads of white or pale blue flowers. For any
humus rich, well drained soil in partial shade to full sun and preferably protected spot. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 2793
sobre de semillas
Erysimum (Canary Islands' Wallflower)
Canary Levkoje, Erysimum is a genus with numerous decorative flowering plants from the Mediterranean region to the
Macaronesian Islands. Usually growing in dry, rocky places in full sun. Small shrubs with numerous usually rose to purplish (in few
species yellow) flowers, which are scented sweetly.
Sow flat in any sandy, i.e. well drained, soil at a minimum of some 5°C from early spring to summer. Transplant after fourth pair of
real leaves appear in late spring. Keep plants from the Canary Islands in a frostfree (minimum 7°C), very sunny spot in winter with
reduced watering.
20 semillas por sobre.
30 (70)cm, evergreen shrub with narrow, fresh green, slightly serrated, lanceolate leaves. Makes
Erysimum bicolor
very attractive, dense flower spikes. Flowers turn from white to pink as they open. From partially
(La Gomera Form)
shaded to sunny spot in slightly moist, rich soils. Requires a very sunny, frostfree (min. 10°C) spot in
winter, when it will start to flower. For any rich, well drained soil. XI-II.
Erysimum bicolor
(Tenerife Form)
No. de artículo: 1542
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (70)cm, form as described above, yet with more narrow, slightly serrated leaves and a differing
flowering time. Has very attractive, dense flower spikes. Flowers turn from white to pink as they
open. From partially shaded to open sunny spot in the upper succulent zone to the lower FayalBrezal (= semi-moist shrub-zone) on Tenerife. Requires a sunny, frostfree (min. 10°C) spot in winter.
Flowers from spring to early summer. For any rich, well drained soil. IV-VIII.
No. de artículo: 1543
Erysimum bicolor ssp.
caldeiraoense ssp. nov.
ined. Exclusive
Erysimum bicolor ssp.
hierrense subsp. nov.
ined. Exclusivo
Erysimum bicolor ssp.
ruivoense ssp. nov. ined.
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife - Tierra del Trigo)
No. de artículo: 6480
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife - Tigaiga)
€ 3,99
100 (180)cm, tall, evergreen shrub with a woody base and narrow, ascending branches. Native to
moist, partially shaded spots in the laurel forest region of Madeira, very rare in its habitat (e.g.
Caldeirao Verde at some 920m). Originally included in Erysimum bicolor from the Canaries, yet as it
is quite different in various aspects, it merits a species rank. Among others it is a hexaploid species.
Makes strongly serrated, long lanceolate leaves and white to purplish-pink flowers. For any humus
rich, slightly moist soil in a sunny spot. Keep slightly drier and always sunny in winter. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 1545
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, plants from El Hierro differ in various aspects from other populations, so that these merit
a subspecies rank. Plants are short, dense woody shrubs with small terminal rosettes of short,
narrow leaves and several short inflorescences with white flowers fading to lilac with age. Excellent
pot plant which is easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year.
In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C in full sun. For its high frost resistance it might be
alternatively tried in a protected spot in the open garden in Central Europe. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 5085
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (100)cm, low, evergreen shrub with a broad woody base. Native of subalpine regions of Madeira
(e.g. below Pico Ruivo at some 1.720m), where it is rather rare. Has short, narrow, leathery leaves,
with slightly serrated margins. As the species described above, originally it was included in
Erysimum bicolor from the Canaries, yet as it is quite different from the latter as well as it has a
completely different habitat than Erysimum caldeiraoense sp. nov. ined., it merits a species rank.
Flowers open cream and turn to rich light purple. For any well drained, rather rocky soil in a sunny
spot, keep sunny in winter. Maybe tried in the open garden in a winter rain protected, sunny spot.
Zona Climática USDA 9. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 1549
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
Erysimum caboverdeanum 30cm, very rare and threatened perennial, slightly woody endemic shrub from a volcano crater on
the island of Fogo (Cabo Verde Island). Has very narrow leaves and lax racemes of ornamental
bright lilac flowers. Easily grown in any rich, yet well drained soil in an always sunny spot. Winter
minimum 10°C with reduced watering. VI-VIII.
Erysimum maderense
No. de artículo: 3270
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100cm, a rare species native of few, exposed spots on vertical cliffs in the South of Madeira (e.g.
Cabo Girao at 500m). Perennial shrub with a woody base and narrow lanceolate leaves and clear
yellow, slightly fragrant flowers. For any well drained, rocky soil in a sunny spot. Keep drier in winter.
No. de artículo: 1629
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Erysimum scoparium
Erysimum scoparium ssp.
cinereum Exclusive
20 (60)cm, evergreen shrub with narrow silvery-shiny lanceolate leaves and many dense flower
spikes with pink flowers. From the Teide crater of Las Cañadas, Tenerife at some 2.200m. Fully
hardy from second year on after sowing in a protected spot in full sun in the open garden. Shelter
from excess winter rain. Zona Climática USDA 6. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 1630
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
50 (120)cm, as the species above, yet with longer, erect growing stems and taller flower racemes.
Native of sunny spots in rocky soils at lower altitudes than the species, thus less hardy and best
grown as a pot plant under cold glass or in an unheated wintergarden. Zona Climática USDA 11. VIVIII.
No. de artículo: 1638
sobre de semillas
Erysimum (Hardy Wallflower)
Erysimum or Wallflowers are herbaceous, perennial flower plants. All grow well in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially
shaded spot. Some have fragrant flowers.
Sow flat autumn to early summer in a well drained, rather sandy soil in full sun. Transplant young plants end of summer.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
10 (15)cm, Coastal Wallflower is a dwarf perennial from high altitudes growing in gravel soils in
Erysimum amoenum
coastal areas in California. It makes a basal rosette of long greyish-green leaves and showy bright
(Coastal Wallflower)
lilac to pink flowers on short stalks. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny, protected spot.
Excellent in the rock garden. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Gunnison County, Colorado,
USA at some 3.600m. VI-VII.
Erysimum asperum
(Hairy Western Wallflower)
No. de artículo: 4188
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
30 (45)cm, Hairy Western Wallflower is a herbaceous perennial from western USA with upright hold
stems with serrated, lanceolate leaves and topped by bright yellow flowers followed by finely
pubescent seed capsules. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. IV-VII.
Erysimum capitatum
(Western Wallflower)
No. de artículo: 9244
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, Western Wallflower is a herbaceous perennial with upright stems topped by a dense
raceme with deep orange flowers above serrated, lanceolate leaves. Native of open spots in
meadows and rocky grounds throughout North America. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained
soil in a sunny spot. IV-VII.
Erysimum cheirii
No. de artículo: 4754
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
25 (35)cm, Wallflower is a biennial to short-lived perennial with numerous brownish to bright orange,
fragrant flowers above narrow leaves. Of southern European origin. Best in full sun or partially shade
in any rich, well drained soil. Excellent in rock crevices where it will self-seed readily. III-VII.
Erysimum crepidifolium
No. de artículo: 2799
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
20 (30)cm, rarely seen biannual to semi-perennial with fragrant, yellow flowers. For a sunny location
in any rich, well drained, rocky soil. IV-V.
Erysimum odoratum
(syn. Erysimum
Erysimum rhaeticum
(syn. E. helveticum)
No. de artículo: 2800
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, Pannonian Wallflower, short-lived perennial with numerous small, strongly fragrant
yellow flowers above very narrow leaves. Native of rocky slopes and rock crevices in south-eastern
European. For a sunny location in any rich, well drained soil. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 2802
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
20 (30)cm, rarely seen perennial with numerous bright sulphurous yellow, fragrant yellow flowers
above linear leaves. Native of rocky, grassy slopes and rock crevices in the Alps, the Apennines, the
Balkan, and the Pyrenees growing at up to 2.800m. For a sunny location in any rich, well drained,
rocky soil. III-V.
No. de artículo: 2803
sobre de semillas
Erythrina (Coral Shrub)
Coral Trees are native of South America, Africa, the Indian subcontinent and Australia. They are ornamental deciduous or
evergreen woody shrubs to trees with usually trifoliate leaves and spectacular hummingbird flowers in orange, scarlet to purplishred. All can be grown as (large) container plants. Plants will go dormant in autumn and most species will loose their foliage and
might be moved into a dark and cool place for winter. In summer all require a sunny and hot spot, plenty of water, and fertilizer. All
Erythrina species will flower on present years branches, and thus might be cut back strongly in winter. Few will flower before leaves
emerge on last years' branches. For any rich well draining substrate.
Prior to sowing scarify seed (e.g. carefully scratch the seed coat with fine sandpaper) and soak them in luke warm water for some
48h. If they do not swell (they will at least triple in size !), repeat. Sow at min 20°C in a sunny place. Do not keep soil too wet until
first leaves appear.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 11 si no se meciona algo
7 semillas por sobre.
7 (12)m, Amazon Coral Tree is a tall tree with terminal clusters of very ornamental, rich pink flower
with white tips on young flowers. It is native of the Amazon region (Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia
and western Brazil). Easily grown in large pots or containers in any rich, well drained soil in full sun
throughout the year and at a winter minimum of some 15°C. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 9496
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Erythrina arborescens
Erythrina caffra
Erythrina corallodendron
Erythrina crista-gallii
Erythrina falcata
(Brazilian Coral Tree)
4 (15)m, as the name suggests, this species grows in nature as a tall deciduous tree. However it
can be grown as a container plant as well, cut back in late autumn after leaves are shed. It is native
from northern India through southern China and makes showy, upright growing, bright scarlet
flowerheads above trifoliate leaves. Easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot in
summer. In winter keep almost completely dry at some 7°C.
No. de artículo: 4032
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
4 (12)m, short prickles on bark, trifoliate leaves, spectacular scarlet flowers before leaves. Bright red
seeds. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunn spot throughout the year and a winter minimum of
some 12°C.
No. de artículo: 2352
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
3 (8)m, from South America growing in the highlands of the Andes. Makes an inflorescence with
numerous bright red-orange flowers. Capsules contain typical brilliant orange seeds. Excellent plant
for container cultivation. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunn spot throughout the year and a
winter minimum of some 7°C. Zona climática USDA 10.
No. de artículo: 2353
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
180 (500)cm, one of the easiest of all Erythrina species. It is native of Brazil and flowers freely as a
container plant. It bears deep red, large flowers on present years' branches. For any rich, well
drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep semi-dormant plants drier at a
minimum of some 10°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2354
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
200 (500)cm, Brazilian Coral Tree is a woody evergreen to deciduous shrub from the Atlantic Forest
in Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. It resembles Erythrina crista-gallii with broad leaflets and terminal
nodding clusters of ornamental bright scarlet flowers. In comparison to Erythrina crista-gallii its
branches are unarmed with thorns and smooth. For any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot
throughout the year. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 10°C. VII-IX.
Erythrina indica
(syn. Erythrina stricta)
No. de artículo: 8911
sobre de semillas
3 (10)m, rather smooth gray bark and very decorative, dense, trumpet shaped, deep red flower
heads. Native from India to western China (Yunnan province). For any rich, well drained soil in a
sunny spot throughout the year. Reduce watering in winter at a minimum of some 10°C. VII-IX.
Erythrina latissima
(Broad leaved Coral Tree)
No. de artículo: 2356
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (10)m, Broad leaved Coral Tree is a South African species with several rather flat, bright orange
red flower heads before the broad and slightly pubecent leaves emerge. Easily grown in any rich,
well drained soil in a sunny spot in summer. In winter keep almost completely dry at a minimum of
some 7°C.
Erythrina lysistemon
No. de artículo: 4031
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
3 (8)m, prickly leaves and clear, beautiful orange-scarlet flowers before appearance of leaves. Very
robust and resistant, good container plant.
Erythrina poeppigiana
No. de artículo: 2364
sobre de semillas
3 (12)m, large trifoliate deep green leaves and spectacular globular inflorescence. Scarlet lower
petals and orange outer petals. Zona Climática USDA 10.
Erythrina sandwicensis
(Wiliwili Coral Tree)
No. de artículo: 2365
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
400 (700)cm, Wiliwili Coral Tree is a medium tall, deciduous to semi-evergreen tree from Hawaii,
where it has become rare. It bears most ornamental terminal clusters of bright orange flowers and
broad trifoliate leaves. For any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. In
winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 10°C. Seeds are extremely scarce and some other
wholesale company sells packages of 10 seeds each at € 56.80 ! Concerning our packages
containing 7 seeds each, you save more than € 14.00 on a package from us! VII-IX.
Erythrina smithiana
(Smith's Coral Shrub)
No. de artículo: 9042
sobre de semillas
€ 24,90
200 (500)cm, Smith's Coral Shrub is a small woody deciduous shrub from Colombia and Ecuador
with terminal, upright hold racemes of most ornamental, long, intense scarlet flowers. For any rich,
well drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum
of some 10C. VII-IX.
Erythrina vespertilio
No. de artículo: 8535
sobre de semillas
€ 8,99
4 (20)m, large tree, which is quite rare. Makes lax foliage and loosely arranged bright red to deeporange flowers.
Erythrina zeyheri
(Southafrican Dwarf Coral
No. de artículo: 2391
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100cm, Southafrican Dwarf Coral Tree is a showy, deciduous, perennial low woody shrub from
South Africa and is an excellent container plant. It bears several bright scarlet flowers spikes above
trifoliate leaves. For any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot. In winter keep frostfree at a
minimum of some 12°C with reduced watering, when plants are dormant. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 9081
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
€ 12,90
Erythronium (Dog's-Tooth)
Dog's-Tooths, Fawn Lilies or Trout Lilies belong to a small genus native of semi moist, humus rich soils in open spots in woods in
the Northern hemisphere with a focus in North America. They are spring flowering perennial bulbs with upright stalks crowned by
nodding flowers. For any rich, well drained soil with sufficient moisture in spring and a protected spot.
Sow seeds flat in any well drained, humus rich, leafy soil. Keep pots in a partially shaded spot outside. Seeds need a cooling period
of several months prior to germination in early spring. Carefully transplant bulbs from mid summer to early autumn as soon as
leaves have withered.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
30 (40)cm, California Fawn Lily has creamy white nodding flowers above strongly mottled leaves.
Erythronium californicum
For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild
(California Fawn Lily)
collection in Humboldt County, California, USA at some 1500m. III-IV.
Erythronium citrinum
(Cream Fawn Lily)
No. de artículo: 5316
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
25 (35)cm, Cream Fawn Lily makes creamy white, nodding flowers with a lemon yellow base. For
any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild
collection in Josephine County, Oregon, USA at some 550m. III-IV.
Erythronium elegans
(Coast Range Fawnlily)
No. de artículo: 5317
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
20 (30)cm, Coast Range Fawnlily is a rare species from open spots in woods and bears pendant
white flowers, sometimes flushed light pink on the outside and plain green leaves. For any humus
rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in
Tillamook County, Oregon, USA at some 1000m. III-IV.
Erythronium grandiflorum
(Avalanche Lily)
Erythronium grandiflorum
ssp. chrysandrum
(Yellow Avalanche-Lily)
No. de artículo: 9474
sobre de semillas
€ 9,99
25 (35)cm, Avalanche Lily makes beautiful rich yellow flowers with yellow anthers (Albany County
populations) or brownish purple anthers (Wallowa County populations). For any humus rich, well
drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from certified wild collections in Albany
County, Wyoming, USA at some 3250m and in Wallowa County, Oregon, USA at some 1750m. IIIIV.
No. de artículo: 5318
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, Yellow Avalanche-Lily has pale yellow nodding flowers above plain mid-green leaves. For
any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild
collection in Montrose County, Colorado, USA at some 2800m. III-IV.
Erythronium hendersonii
(Henderson's Fawn Lily)
No. de artículo: 9475
sobre de semillas
30 (40)cm, Henderson's Fawn Lily is a woodland species with showy, pale rose nodding flowers
above light green or reddish mottled dark green leaves. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a
sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Jackson County, Oregon,
USA at some 500m. III-IV.
Erythronium howellii
(Howell’s Fawn Lily)
No. de artículo: 9476
sobre de semillas
€ 6,99
25 (35)cm, Howell’s Fawn Lily is hardly distinguishable from Erythronium citrinum. It makes creamy
white, nodding flowers with a lemon yellow base. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to
partially shaded spot. Seeds from certified wild collections in Josephine County, Oregon, USA at
some 950m. III-IV.
Erythronium idahoense
(Idahoe Fawn Lily)
No. de artículo: 5319
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
30 (40)cm, Idahoe Fawn Lily has creamy white to pale yellow nodding flowers on reddish staks and
usually unmottled mid green green leaves. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to
partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Benewah County, Idahoe, USA at
some 850m. III-IV.
Erythronium klamathense
(Klamath Fawn Lily)
No. de artículo: 9477
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
20 (30)cm, Klamath Fawn Lily produces creamy white flowers with a yellowish base above plain
green leaves. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a
certified wild collection in Siskiyou County, California, USA at some 1750m. III-IV.
Erythronium montanum
(White Avalanche Lily)
No. de artículo: 5320
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (25)cm, White Avalanche Lily is a very early flowering species with pale cream to white nodding
flowers above oblong-lanceolate, midgreen and unmottled leaves. It is native of subalpine
woodlands and alpine meadows from British Columbia (Canada) to Washington and Oregon (USA).
For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. III-IV.
(Sierra Fawn Lily)
Erythronium oregonum
ssp. leucandrum
(Giant White Fawn Lily)
Erythronium oregonum
ssp. oregonum
(Oregon Fawn Lily)
No. de artículo: 9272
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
20 (30)cm, Sierra Fawn Lily makes pale yellow flowers which age to pale violet. For any humus rich,
well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Trinity
County, California, USA at some 1600m. III-IV.
No. de artículo: 5321
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
30 (40)cm, Giant White Fawn Lily makes quite large, nodding snow white to pale cream yellow
flowers with a maroon to pale orange brown base. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny
to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Douglas County, Oregon, USA at
some 450m. III-IV.
No. de artículo: 5322
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
30 (40)cm, Oregon Fawn Lily makes quite large, nodding pale cream to white yellow flowers above
reddish mottled leaves. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot.
Seeds from a certified wild collection in Douglas County, Oregon, USA at some 600m. III-IV.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
No. de artículo: 9478
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
Erythronium purpurascens 25 (35)cm, Purple Sierra Nevada Fawn Lily makes pale rose to pale pink or creamy white, noddign
flowers with a rich lemon base. It is native of higher elevations in rhe southern Cascade Range and
(Purple Sierra Nevada
Sierra Nevada in California (USA). For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially
Fawn Lily)
shaded spot. III-IV.
Erythronium revolutum
(Pink Fawn Lily)
No. de artículo: 9267
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
20 (25)cm, Pink Fawn Lily is a very showy species with nodding pink flowers above oblonglanceolate, midgreen and unmottled leaves. It is native of moist spots in meadows and woodlands
from coastal northern California (USA) to British Columbia (Canada). For any humus rich, well
drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. III-IV.
Erythronium tuolumnense
(Tuolumne Fawn Lily)
No. de artículo: 9273
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
30 (45)cm, Tuolumne Fawn Lily has rich yellow flowers above plain green leaves. We offer the real
species and not a sterile hybrid wrongly sold under this name in commercial garden stores. For any
humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Seeds from a certified wild
collection in Tuolumne County, California, USA at some 1050m. III-IV.
No. de artículo: 5323
sobre de semillas
Eschscholzia (Californian Poppy)
Californian Poppy is a small genus of some 12 annual, biennial or perennial species from western USA and Mexico with beautiful
cup shaped, yellow, bright orange or wine-red to red flowers above glaucous, deeply dissected leaves. They are easily grown in any
rich, very well drained, preferably rocky or dryish soil in a protected spot in full sun. Excellent in the rock garden. Annual species
will readily self sow under appropriate conditions.
Sow seeds flat to the final spot in the garden after the last freezing nights from mid spring to early summer.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7.
20 semillas por sobre.
15 (30)cm, Californian Poppy is an annual with utmost showy bright yellow to dark orange flower
Eschscholzia californica
cups above finely cut glaucous foliage. It is native of open rocky spots in south western USA. Sow
(Californian Poppy)
flat directly to the ground after the last freezing nights from end of spring to early summer. Will
readily self sow under good conditions and may become invasive in subtropical regions. IV-V.
Eschscholzia lobbii
(Frying Pans Poppy)
No. de artículo: 6102
sobre de semillas
€ 1,99
15 (20)cm, Frying Pans Poppy is an annual with rich butter yellow to cream-yellow flower cups
above finely cut glaucous foliage. It is native of open rocky spots in the Central Valley and the Sierra
Nevada foothills in California, USA. Sow seeds flat directly to the ground after the last freezing
nights from end of spring to early summer. Will readily self sow under good conditions. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 6373
sobre de semillas
Eucalyptus (Gum Tree or Ash Tree)
All Eucalyptus or Gum Trees offered here descend from high elevation populations of Tasmania and Australia. They are frost
resistant to a minimum of at least -7°C/20°F in the first year of sowing already and derive from especially well selected cold hardy,
cultivated strains. All are ideal container plants for any well drained, rocky to sandy soil in an always sunny spot. Pure humus is not
suited as it may negatively affect the rooting system. All plants for which a hardiness of some -10°C/15°F is given below (equivalent
to USDA Climate Zone 8), may be sufficiently winter hardy in Central Europe in normal winters and may be tried in the open garden
in a sheltered and sunny spot from their third year after sowing (around May) at an height of at least some 30cm. In a very cold
winter with an extended permanent freezing period some branches and even thicker stems may occasionally die down, however
plants usually will resprout from the stem's basis in late spring. In winter an insulating thick dry mulch layer arount them basis is
recommended in order to prevent the root system from freezing through.
Sow flat on any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot at a minimum of some 20°C. If seeds do not germinate within 6 weeks, place
pots in the refrigerator for some 6 weeks at roughly 5°C, then move pots to a warmer spot again. For several high elevation species
this cold treatment enhances germination significantly. Keep seedlings very sunny in their first two winters in a frostfree spot with
reduced watering at a minimum of some 5°C. Transplant to the garden in late spring of their third year or cultivate as pot plants
throughout the year.
30 semillas por sobre.
12 (20)m, Wattle-leaved Peppermint is a medium sized tree from N New South Wales and Northern
Eucalyptus acaciiformis
(Wattle-leaved Peppermint) Territory with a rough, gray to grayish brown bark and short, falcate to elliptic, bluish green,
crenulated juvenile and pure green, lanceolate adult leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a
protected spot in full sun. Zona Climática USDA 8.
No. de artículo: 3759
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6942
sobre de semillas
12 (25)m, White Box is a medium sized tree widespread in south-eastern Australia (New South
Wales, Victoria and South Australia).It has persistant grayish bark with white patches, and
ornamental, bluish green ovate juvenile and lanceolate to broad-lanceolate grayish green adult
leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot in full sun. Zona Climática USDA 8.
No. de artículo: 3760
Eucalyptus aggregata
(Black Gum)
Eucalyptus albens
sobre de semillas
Eucalyptus albens
(White Box)
Eucalyptus alpina
(Grampians Gum)
No. de artículo: 6943
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
9 (14)m, Grampians Gum is native of the Grampians Range in Victoria, Australia. Makes only a tree
with moderate growth. Shiny, gray green leaves with nice fragrance. Zona Climática USDA 8.
No. de artículo: 2267
sobre de semillas
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Todos los derechos reservados.
Eucalyptus amygdalina
(Black Peppermint)
10 (15)m, Black Peppermint is a low tree with dark grayish brown bark and grayish green to bluish
green, elliptical juvenile and lanceolate adult leaves with a typical very strong peppermint fragrance.
White to cream flowers. Native of C, N and E Tasmania. For any well drained, sandy soil in full sun.
Eucalyptus apiculata
(Narrow-leaved Mountain
No. de artículo: 2268
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (4)m, Narrow-leaved Mountain Mallee is an ornamental, rare, medium sized woody shrub to small
tree with a white to grayish green bark and leathery, pure green, narrow-lanceolate juvenile and
linear to narrow-lanceolate adult leaves. It is native of the Blue Mountains in New South Wales,
Australia. For any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot in full sun. Zona Climática USDA 8.
Eucalyptus approximans
No. de artículo: 3761
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
12 (18)m, New England Mallee Ash, very limited in New South Wales, S Queensland. Slow growing
medium sized tree with shiny green juvenile leaves and light gray bark. Needs especially good
No. de artículo: 2269
sobre de semillas
15 (20)m, Alpine Cider Gum from N Tasmania, similar to E. gunnii, but a hardier species. It has
smaller leaves and beige to gray bark. Zona Climática USDA 8.
Eucalyptus archerii
No. de artículo: 2270
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6944
sobre de semillas
Eucalyptus baeuerlenii
(Baeuerlen's Gum)
Eucalyptus blaxlandii
(Blaxland's Stringybark)
Eucalyptus bosistoana
No. de artículo: 6945
sobre de semillas
15 (35)m, Coast gray Box, a forest tree with a tall straight trunk and an open crown.
Eucalyptus bridgesiana
(Apple Box)
No. de artículo: 2272
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15 (25)m, Apple Box has rough, fibrous bark on the trunk, glossy green, round to ovate juvenile and
lanceolate adult leaves.
No. de artículo: 2273
sobre de semillas
Eucalyptus brookeriana
(Rocka Rivulet Gum)
Eucalyptus burgessiana
No. de artículo: 6946
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (6)m, Falconbridge Mallee Ash is a very rare and highly threatened tall woody shrub to small tree
from the Blue Mountains in New South Wales, Australia. It has a smooth, gray bark and leathery,
dark green, broad-lanceolate juvenile and lanceolate to broad-lanceolate adult leaves. For any rich,
well drained soil in a protected spot in full sun. Zona Climática USDA 8.
Eucalyptus camphora
(Mountain Swamp Gum)
No. de artículo: 3762
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
17 (29)m, Mountain Swamp Gum is native of southeastern Australia. It is a large tree for any poor,
loamy soil and summer drought. Short, broad, reddish leaves, and gray to brown, smooth bark.
Eucalyptus cinerea
(Argyle Apple)
No. de artículo: 2274
sobre de semillas
12 (20)m, Argyle Apple grows in southeastern Australia. It is a moderately growing, completely
silvery tree.
Eucalyptus coccifera
(Tasmanian Snow Gum)
No. de artículo: 2275
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)m, Tasmanian Snow Gum is native to Tasmania. Descends from freezing alpine regions, will
stay smaller in poor soils, and requires good drainage. Green juvenile leaves, usually purple
Eucalyptus cordata
No. de artículo: 2278
sobre de semillas
10 (25)m, Heart-leaved Silver Gum is a variable tree with most ornamental silvery green juvenile
leaves. A species native of Tasmania which can be grown in any rich, well drained soil in a
protected, sunny spot. Zona Climática USDA 8.
Eucalyptus crenulata
(Buxton Silver Gum)
No. de artículo: 3763
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
7 (15)m, Buxton Silver Gum is a rare, small, and moderately growing tree with silvery green leaves
with crenulated margins and small, sweetly fragrant white flower buds. It is a rare native species of
Victoria province, Australia. For any rich, well drained soil in a protected and sunny to partially
shaded spot. Zona Climática USDA 8.
Eucalyptus dalrympleana
(Broad-leaved Kindling
Eucalyptus dalrympleana
ssp. heptantha
(Mountain White Gum)
No. de artículo: 3764
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
35 (70)m, Broad-leaved Kindling Bark grows in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. It is a
very tall, fast-growing tree with reddish-tinted blue green leaves and decorative gray, cream to pink
patched bark.
No. de artículo: 2279
sobre de semillas
20 (30)m, Mountain White Gum is a tall tree with a light reddish-brown bark, a broad crown and
elliptic or ovate, glossy green juvenile leaves and narrow lanceolate adult leaves, cream-white
flowers. This species is native of dryish woods in sandy or loamy soils at higher altitudes in New
South Wales and Queensland. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 0082
sobre de semillas
Eucalyptus deanei
(Mountain Blue Gum)
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Eucalyptus debeuzevillei
(syn. Eucalyptus.
pauciflora ssp.
No. de artículo: 6952
sobre de semillas
15 (25)m, Jounama Snow Gum from south-eastern New South Wales. The hardiest of all
Eucalyptus! Has pure white stems in mature specimens, taller than Eucalyptus pauciflora. Zona
Climática USDA 8.
No. de artículo: 2313
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6951
sobre de semillas
Eucalyptus delegatensis
(Alpine Ash)
Eucalyptus dendromorpha
(Budawang Ash)
Eucalyptus dives
No. de artículo: 6947
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10 (18)m, Broad Leaved Peppermint, medium sized tree with finely textured, fibrous, grayish brown
bark on trunk and opposite, ovate to lanceolate, grayish green leaves, and white to cream flowers.
From New South Wales (Queensland, Australia). For any well drained, sandy soil in full sun.
No. de artículo: 2374
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 6948
sobre de semillas
5 (2)m, tall tree with white flowers and ovoid to elliptical leaves. Very rare and highly endangered
species from high altitudes of north-eastern Australia. Zona Climática USDA 8.
Eucalyptus elliptica
Eucalyptus fastigata
(Brown Barrel Gum)
No. de artículo: 2385
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
25 (50)m, Brown Barrel Gum has a reddish brown to gray bark, broad lanceolate, glossy green
leaves, and white to cream flowers. Native of New South Wales to Victoria (Australia). Very tolerant
to moist, yet well drained soils and hardy.
Eucalyptus fraxinoides
No. de artículo: 2386
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (60)m, White Ash throughout S Australia. A very tall and fast growing tree with highly decorative
white bark. Attractive foliage, juvenile leaves are purple. For a cool, rather moist spot.
Eucalyptus glaucescens
No. de artículo: 2389
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (35)m, Tingaringy Gum from south-eastern New South Wales and north-eastern Victoria. Makes
silver round leaves when being juvenile and has a peeling white bark. Very hardy and tolerant to
most, yet well drained soils. Zona Climática USDA 8.
Eucalyptus elata
(River Peppermint)
Eucalyptus globoidea
No. de artículo: 2398
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
17 (30)m, White Stringybark, small to tall tree with rough, fibrous, light gray to reddish brown bark,
and glossy green, broadly lanceolate adult leaves, and white to cream flowers. Native of costal
areas to mountain slopes and tablelands in New South Wales to E Victoria (Queensland, Australia).
For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Eucalyptus globulus ssp.
(Victorian Blue Gum)
No. de artículo: 2400
sobre de semillas
7 (15)m, Victorian Blue Gum makes a tall tree with a grey bark and oblong, elliptical to juvenile
green leaves and showy, bluish-green, lanceolate to falcate adult leaves and white flowers. A
montane subspecies native of slopes in southern New South Wales and Victoria (Great Dividing
Range west to the Pyrenees), and a single population in South Australia (Mount Bryan, north of
Burra). VII-IX.
Eucalyptus globulus ssp.
(Maiden's Gum)
No. de artículo: 0084
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
7 (15)m, Maiden's Gum 7 (15)m, Victorian Blue Gum makes a tall tree with a grey bark and oblong,
elliptical to juvenile green leaves and showy, bluish-green, lanceolate to falcate adult leaves and
white flowers. A subspecies native of subcoastal regions in south-eastern New South Wales and
eastern Victoria. VII-IX.
Eucalyptus goniocalyx
No. de artículo: 0083
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
8 (15)m, Long-leaved Box is a fast growing species native of New South Wales and Victoria,
Australia. It has a persistent grayish white bark and makes dull green, broad-lanceolate juvenile and
lanceolate adult leaves. For any rich, very well drained, slightly dry soil in a protected and sunny
spot. Zona Climática USDA 8.
Eucalyptus gregsoniana
(Wolgan Snow Gum)
No. de artículo: 3765
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
4 (10)m, Wolgan Snow Gum is native of Blue Mountains and Budawang range in south-eastern
South Wales, very slow growing, and smallest of the hardy Eucalyptus. It has thick greenish white
leaves, well adapted to any well drained soil. Makes many white flowers. Zona Climática USDA 8.
Eucalyptus gunnii
(Cider Gum)
No. de artículo: 2399
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
25 (40)m, Cider Gum occurs in the Central Plateau of Tasmania, making a large, slender tree.
Seeds from a very hardy high elevation population. Fast and reliably growing, tolerant to poor soils.
Brown to white bark. Numerous white flowers. Zona Climática USDA 8.
Eucalyptus ingustrina
No. de artículo: 2044
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
4 (10)m, Privet-leaved Stringybark, spreading low tree with a dense crown, cream to grayish bark,
glossy dark green, broad lanceolate leaves and white to cream or pink (rarely red) flowers. Native of
New South Wales (Queensland, Australia). Good for any well drained, slightly moist soil in a sunny
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No. de artículo: 2840
sobre de semillas
Eucalyptus johnstonii
(Tasmanian Yellow Gum)
Eucalyptus kitsoniana
(Gippsland Mallee)
Eucalyptus kybeanensis
Eucalyptus laevopinea
Eucalyptus leucoxylon
No. de artículo: 6949
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
4 (8)m, Gippsland Mallee is an adaptable, medium sized tree with yellowish-brown and greenishbrown bark, and cream to pale rose flowers. Native of Western Victoria (Gippsland near Foster to
the Lower Glenelg River).
No. de artículo: 0081
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
5 (10)m, Kybean Mallee Ash from Australia, a larger shrub to small tree, usually multi-trunked, with
thin, dark green, glossy leaves. Native of New South Wales to Victoria growing on tablelands. Very
robust and probably hardy enough for the garden in Central Europe. For any well drained soil in full
No. de artículo: 2043
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15 (40)m, Silvertop Stringybark makes a tall tree with silvery to reddish brown, persistent bark and
silvery green, broad-lanceolate juvenile and lanceolate, dull green adult leaves. It naturally occurs in
south-eastern Australia (New South Wales and Queensland). For any rich, very well drained soil in
full sun. Zona Climática USDA 8.
No. de artículo: 3766
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
5 (12)m, Yellow Gum, rather small, compact tree with bluish green, juvenile leaves, strongly
scented. Make nice, bright red flowers. Need some winter protection (mats) around young branches.
No. de artículo: 2839
sobre de semillas
Eucalyptus ligustrina
(Privet-leaved Stringybark)
Eucalyptus macarthurii
No. de artículo: 6950
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
8 (12)m, Camden Woollybutt from south-eastern Australia, a rough-barked medium sized tree with a
dense crown and extremely aromatic leaves. Easy and very tolerant to drought. Zona Climática
Eucalyptus macrorhyncha
ssp. cannonii
No. de artículo: 2841
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
7 (15)m, Cannon's Stringybark is a medium sized tree from south-eastern Australia. Has very
ornamental, deeply fissured, reddish to gray bark. For any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot
in full sun. Zona Climática USDA 8.
Eucalyptus macrorhyncha
ssp. macrorhyncha
(Red Stringybark)
No. de artículo: 3767
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15 (30)m, Red Stringybark is a medium sized to tall tree from south-eastern Australia (New South
Wales, Victoria, and South Australia). It has a very ornamental, deeply fissured, brownish red to
gray, persistant bark and broad-lanceolate glossy green juvenile and lanceolate dull to semi-glossy
green adult leaves. For any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot in full sun. Zona Climática
No. de artículo: 3768
sobre de semillas
7 (20)m, Brittle Gum is a rare and threatened species with almost round to elliptic, bluish green
juvenile and lanceolate to broad-lanceolate adult leaves, and a whitish-grey to yellowish-grey,
shedding bark. Native of New South Wales (Tomalla area) and Queensland. For any rich, well
drained soil in a protected spot in full sun. Zona Climática USDA 8.
Eucalyptus mannifera ssp.
No. de artículo: 3769
sobre de semillas
7 (20)m, Brittle Gum has almost round juvenile leaves and a whitish-grey bark with large reddish
patches. For any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot in full sun. Zona Climática USDA 8.
No. de artículo: 3770
sobre de semillas
7 (20)m, Brittle Gum has dull grayish green, lanceolate to linear juvenile and narrow-lanceolate
grayish green adult leaves. Its bark is whitish-grey, smooth and shows large reddish or dark gray
patches. Native of New South Wales and Victoria, Australia. For any rich, well drained soil in full
sun. Zona Climática USDA 8.
Eucalyptus mannifera ssp.
Eucalyptus melliodora
No. de artículo: 3771
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15 (25)m, Yellow Box, native to south-eastern Queensland, New South Wales and W Victoria.
Seeds descend from a frost proven population. Makes an overloading, very attractive tree with bright
blue foliage. Brown to black bark with yellow streaks.
Eucalyptus mannifera ssp.
Eucalyptus microcorys
No. de artículo: 2842
sobre de semillas
20 (50)m, Tallowwood, from moist soils. Plenty of small white flowers.
No. de artículo: 2843
No. de artículo: 7231
sobre de semillas
5 (7)m, Narrow-Leafed Sally is a large shrub to small tree with smooth gray white bark. Narrow
leaves and white flowers. Very robust and hardy. USDA Climate Zone 8.
No. de artículo: 2844
sobre de semillas
Eucalyptus mitchelliana
(Mount Buffalo Gum)
Eucalyptus moorei ssp.
(Narrow-Leafed Sally)
sobre de semillas
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Todos los derechos reservados.
Eucalyptus morrisbyi
(Morrisby's Gum)
Eucalyptus neglecta
Eucalyptus nicholii
No. de artículo: 7232
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10 (25)m, Omeo Round-leaved Gum is a fast growing species from Victoria, Australia. It makes
large, round, bluish green juvenile leaves. A very adoptable species for any rich, well drained soil in
full sun to partial shade. Zona Climática USDA 7.
No. de artículo: 3772
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10 (20)m, Willow-Leafed Peppermint from Australia, makes a wide-spreading, weeping symmetrical
fine-leafed tree. Very robust as it tolerates heat, cold, drought, and any soil. Zona Climática USDA 8.
No. de artículo: 2845
sobre de semillas
Eucalyptus nitens
(Shining Gum)
Eucalyptus nitida
No. de artículo: 7233
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
7 (15)m, Smithton Peppermint is a fast growing species with shiny green adult leaves with a
peppermint fragrance. It is native of Tasmania and easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a
sunny soil. Zona Climática USDA 8.
Eucalyptus notabilis
No. de artículo: 3773
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15 (30)m, Blue Mountains Mahoganymakes a tall tree with a persistent, gray to reddish brown bark
and broadly-lanceolate, dark green juvenile and lanceolate adult leaves. For any rich, well drained
soil in a protected spot in full sun. Zona Climática USDA 8.
No. de artículo: 3774
sobre de semillas
15 (25)m, New England Peppermint or Black Peppermint has very fragrant leaves, extracts are
Eucalyptus nova-anglica
(New England Peppermint) commonly used for oil production.
Eucalyptus obtusiflora
No. de artículo: 2846
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10 (17)m, Port Jackson Gum, juvenile ovoid, shiny grayish green and adult lanceolate leaves. Native
of New South Wales (Queensland, Australia). For any well drained, rich soil in a sunny, protected
No. de artículo: 2847
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 7234
sobre de semillas
12 (25)m, Swamp Gum native to S Australia. Very decorative Eucalyptus for visually any soil,
ranging from dry to wet positions. Peeling white bark and thick, broad leaves.
Eucalyptus ovata
No. de artículo: 2848
sobre de semillas
5 (12)m, Wadbilliga Wash has a smooth bark and lanceolate, glossy green juvenile leaves and
lanceolate, glossy adult leaves. A rare species known only from a single site dry woods in sandy
soils in the Wadbilliga area (New South Wales). VII-IX.
Eucalyptus paliformis
(Wadbilliga Wash)
Eucalyptus olsenii
(Woila Gum)
No. de artículo: 0080
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
8 (18)m, Small-leafed Gum, south-eastern New South Wales, medium sized, rather compact
Eucalyptus parvula
(syn. Eucalyptus parvifolia) growing tree, highly endangered in its native habitat. Its leaves are rather small, brown or gray bark.
Zona Climática USDA 8.
No. de artículo: 2850
sobre de semillas
10 (20)m, Snow Gum from Australia, one of the hardiest Eucalyptus species, fast growing in
cultivation, large bluish green, thick, leathery leaves. On mature trees, the peeled bark shines in
various colors with white, tan, reddish brown, gray, and shiny silver areas. Need good drainage.
Zona Climática USDA 8.
Eucalyptus pauciflora ssp.
(syn. Eucalyptus
No. de artículo: 2851
sobre de semillas
8 (16)m, White Sallee Snow Gum, from south-eastern Australia and Tasmania. White trunk and
white leaves. For any well drained soils. Very robust and hardy. Zona Climática USDA 8.
Eucalyptus pauciflora ssp.
Eucalyptus perriniana
No. de artículo: 2852
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
8 (25)m, Spinning Gum, from south-eastern New South Wales and E Victoria. Decorative, round,
stem encircling, juvenile leaves, turning in full sun to a spectacular purple-grey color. Cream colored
flowers on even juvenile plants. Very robust for windy spots. Very hardy. Zona Climática USDA 8.
Eucalyptus pilularis
No. de artículo: 2853
sobre de semillas
20 (45)m, Blackbutt Gum. Makes a very large, spreading tree. Fast growing and reliably hardy, if
roots are protected from heavy frosts.
Eucalyptus piperita
No. de artículo: 2854
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
7 (12)m, Sydney Peppermint. Rather short-stemmed tree with wide-spreading branches. Numerous
white flowers.
Eucalyptus polyanthemos
(Red Box)
No. de artículo: 2855
sobre de semillas
10 (15)m, Red Box is native to Australia. Highly attractive, blue green foliage, leaves are round,
grow vertically and are arranged alternately. Need some winter protection (mats) in colder areas.
No. de artículo: 2856
sobre de semillas
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Eucalyptus pulverulenta
Eucalyptus regnans
10 (20)m, Silver Mountain Gum, Australia and New Zealand. Most attractive, silver blue foliage,
commonly used in the florist industry. Zona Climática USDA 8.
No. de artículo: 2857
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (130)m (!), Australian Mountain Ash, native to south-eastern Australia and Tasmania. If not the
California Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), then this is the tallest tree in the world. In cultivation it
is fast-growing, makes a straight trunk, very drought-tolerant. Leaves are bright green when young,
turning to blue-grey as they mature.
Eucalyptus risdonii
No. de artículo: 2858
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (8)m, Risdon Peppermint, endemic to Tasmania, very rare. Weeping growth habit, smooth, pale
bark and heart shaped, silvery blue juvenile leaves. Numerous creamy white flowers.
Eucalyptus robusta
No. de artículo: 2859
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
4 (10)m, Swamp Mahogany, from coastal south-eastern Australia. Medium sized tree for a wet, poor
soil, adapts well to dry positions. Dark green leaves and rough, dark brown bark. Many exceptionally
nice pink flowers.
Eucalyptus rodwayii
No. de artículo: 2861
sobre de semillas
5 (12)m, Swamp Peppermint, from Tasmania. Reddish purple twigs, dark green leaves. Makes a
dense crown. Especially good for swampy, moist grounds in poor, loamy soils. Zona Climática
Eucalyptus rubida
No. de artículo: 2862
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15 (25)m , Candle-bark Gum from south-eastern Australia (Dipton) and Tasmania. Makes a large
with attractive light blue green leaves, usually with pinkish, purplish or bronze tint. White bark peels
in ribbon strips. Well suited for dry, rocky spots. Zona Climática USDA 8.
Eucalyptus saligna
No. de artículo: 2863
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (45)m, Sydney Blue Gum. Fast growing tree when well watered. Highly ornamental white flowers.
Grows best on good loamy soil.
Eucalyptus sideroxylon
No. de artículo: 2864
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10 (25)m, Iron Bark Gum. Has very fragrant leaves, and large, ornamental red to yellow flowers. For
any poor clay-soils, provided that drainage is good. A very drought resistant species.
Eucalyptus sieberi
No. de artículo: 2865
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
7 (30)m, Silvertop Ash Eucalyptus. A large, erect tree with thick dark brown, deeply fissured bark.
White flowers.
Eucalyptus smithii
No. de artículo: 2866
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
17 (25)m, Gully Gum has a rough, grayish brown bark and very long, narrow leaves and white
flowers. Native of moist soils in southern New South Wales to eastern Victoria (Australia). For any
well drained, slightly moist soil in full sun.
Eucalyptus stellulata
(Black Sallee)
No. de artículo: 1360
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
5 (15)m, Black Sallee or Muzzle Wood is native of E Victoria to E New South Wales, overloading,
dense crown, olive green, white peeling bark. Robust, even for poor, wet soils and partial shade.
Zona Climática USDA 8.
Eucalyptus stricta
No. de artículo: 2867
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
3 (5)m, Blue Mountains Mallee Ash is a medium sized shrub to small tree from New South Wales
(Newnes Plateau to Budawang Range), Australia. It makes broad-lanceolate, pure glossy green
juvenile and narrow-lanceolate to lanceolate, glossy green adult leaves, and very showy, scarlet
flowers in dense terminal clusters. For any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot in full sun. Zona
Climática USDA 8.
No. de artículo: 3775
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 7235
sobre de semillas
Eucalyptus sturgissiana
(Ettrema Mallee)
Eucalyptus subcrenulata
(Alpine Yellow Gum)
Eucalyptus tenuiramis
(syn. Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus urnigera
(Urn Gum)
Eucalyptus viminalis ssp.
(Ribbon Gum)
No. de artículo: 7236
sobre de semillas
€ 4,79
7 (15)m, Silver Peppermint is a medium sized tree from dry sites in north-eastern Tasmania. It has a
cream bark with dark gray patches and shiny silvery green juvenile leaves. Fast growing in any rich,
very well drained soil in a protected spot in full sun. Zona Climática USDA 8.
No. de artículo: 3776
sobre de semillas
10 (30)m, Urn Gum is a medium sized to tall species native of Tasmania. It is fast growing and
makes bluish green to pure green, round juvenile leaves. The seed capsules perfectly resemble
small urns. For any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot in full sun. Zona Climática USDA 7.
No. de artículo: 3777
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10 (20)m, Ribbon Gum from Australia and Tasmania), large tree with peeling white bark, dark and
cream-colored patches. Narrow and soft leaves. Very robust and recovers very well from frost burns,
probably hardy enough in the garden.
No. de artículo: 2868
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Eucalyptus youmanii
12 (20)m, Youman's Stringybark has a light colored gray to reddish brown bark, glossy greenish to
bluish green juvenile leaves, broad lanceolate adult leaves, and white to cream flowers. Native of
tablelands in New South Wales (Queensland, Australia). For any well drained, rocky, rich soil in full
sun. One of the hardiest Eucalyptus species! Zona Climática USDA 7.
No. de artículo: 1364
sobre de semillas
Eucomis (Pineapple Hyacinth)
Pineapple Hyacinth, forming large rosettes and erect flowering stems with numerous large flowers in yellowish shades, crowned by
a pineapple like, small leaf rosette. From high altitudes of S Africa, growing in rocky slopes. Keep absolutely dry in winter in the
garden or unpot and store in a frost-free place. Bulbs shall be planted rather deep as protection from strong frost in winter.
Alternatively cover plants with a thick and dry mulch layer.
Sow at a minimum of some 15°C in any well drained soil in a sunny place. Keep pots frost free for two years. Plant young bulbs
rather deep to protect from frost in late spring.
20 semillas por sobre.
30 (50)cm, green pineapple like leaf crown above long-lasting whitish green star like flowers. For any
Eucomis autumnalis
rich soil with good drainage in full sun to partial shade. One of the hardiest of all Pineapple
Hyacinths. Plant bulbs rather deep. Protect with a thick dry mulch layer in winter. Zona Climática
No. de artículo: 2809
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8934
sobre de semillas
Eucomis pallidiflora
Eugenia (Brush Cherry) & Syzgium (Rose Apple)
Brush Cherries and Rose Apples are mostly evergreen woody shrubs to small trees from South America, respectively Asia within
the myrtle family (Myrtaceae). They have ornamental, usually dark green and glossy foliage and fragrant small to large whitish
flowers. Several species have bright colored, edible, juicy and sweet, pleasantly aromatic fruits. All are easily grown in pots or
containers in any rich, well drained soil in full sun to partial shade at a minimum of some 10°C to 15°C in winter with reduced
Sow at 20°C to 25°C in any well drained, rich soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. Keep seedlings drier at a minimum of some
15°C in a sunny position in winter.
3 semillas grandes por sobre.
200 (450)cm, Surinam Cherry or Pitanga is an evergreen, woody shrub from eastern South America
Eugenia uniflora
and has slightly glossy, dark green leaves and small whitish flowers followed by edible, very
(Surinam Cherry)
aromatic, orange-red to dark red fruits. An excellent, ornamental container plant which is easily
grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. In winter keep plants drier at
a minimum of some 10°C. V-VII.
Syzgium jambos
No. de artículo: 8352
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
400 (800)cm, Roseapple, Malabar Plum or Pomarrosa is a decorative, evergreen, tall woody shrub
to small tree from Southeast Asia. It produces ornamental, glossy, dark green, leathery leaves with
dense dark brownish fine hairs beneath and large white flowers followed by utmost delicous, large
egg-sized, extremely aromatic, pale yellow fruits (in the offered variety, Szygium jambos var.
jambos) with a single large seed inside. The taste is unique and identical to the musk rose - an
almost unreal taste! A much valued fruit plant as well as an excellent and very ornamental container
plant. Easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny (winter) to partially shaded
(summer) spot. Plants do not grow too fast and once they are becoming too large, they can be
pruned back. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 15°C. We offer freshly harvested and
viable seeds! V-VII.
No. de artículo: 8660
sobre de semillas
Euonymus (Spindle Berry)
Spindle Berries are large shrubs to small trees from open, slightly moist spots in woods throughout Europe to Japan. Very easy in
cultivation, good to cut back. Spindle Berries have usually small, greenish flowers in spring, yet very decorative, bright pink to
scarlet fruits which open widely to release brilliant orange to rose seeds from late summer to autumn or early winter. Foliage turns
bright yellow to burning red in autumn.
Sow flat in n any well drained, slightly sandy, humus rich soil in autumn to early spring, keep pots in a partially shaded place.
Cultivate plants in pots for two years before transplanting to the open garden.
Aviso: All parts (especially the attractive fruits) are poisonous if eaten.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
2 (4)m, Five Horned Spindleberry is a beautiful and very rare deciduous woody shrub from China
Euonymus cornutus var.
with narrow, dark green leaves, pink flowers in spring and most ornamental, pendulous greenishquinquecornutus
(Five Horned Spindleberry) pink tinged fruits with upwards recurving tips and bright orange seeds from late summer to autumn.
For any humus rich soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8262
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Euphorbia (Canary Succulent Spurge)
Succulent Euphorbia native to the Canary Islands and Madeira occur in the lower succulent zone at between sea level to 800m,
respectively the laurel forest. Suited for any well drained, rocky soil in a sunny spot in summer. Keep plants in winter at a minimum
of some 12°C, keep soil almost completely dry, Euphorbia mellifera and Euphorbia lambii (both from the moist laurel forest) require
different conditions (see below).
Sow flat in any well drained, rather sandy or rocky soil at a minimum of some 15°C all year long. Keep pots in a sunny spot. Seeds
germinate very irregularly over a longer period, some may germinate within one week after potting, and others may need up to six
months. Transplant in early spring as soon as seedlings are strong enough.
Note: All parts are poisonous if ingested, the milk sap may cause severe skin irritations and eye burns !
10 semillas por sobre.
Aviso legal: De acuerdo con las leyes alemanas nacionales (BNatSchG y BArtSchV) tan bien como las convenciones a nivel
europeo (Convención de Berna) e internacional (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora - CITES) no vendemos ningún material tal como semillas proveniendo de plantas salvajes protegidas. Las semillas de dichas
plantas protegidas derivan exclusivamente de plantas propagadas artificialmente en cultivos hortículos en Alemania
respectivamente en el Líbano, donde las plantas se han tomado en cultivo a finales de los años 70 y al principio de los años 80 del
siglo pasado.
120 (250)cm, Selvagens Spurge is a beautiful, very rare endemic from the island of Fora, Selvagens
Euphorbia anachoreta
(Portugal), south of Madeira. Makes most ornamental, silvery green, broadly lanceolate leaves on
(Selvagens Spurge)
strong succulent stems. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot. Keep dry in winter at a
minimum of some 10°C. IV-VI.
Euphorbia aphylla
Euphorbia atropurpurea
var. atropurpurea
Euphorbia atropurpurea
var. atropurpurea f. lutea
Euphorbia balsamifera
(Balsamiferous Spurge)
Euphorbia berthelotii
No. de artículo: 3280
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (100)cm, beautiful, dense woody shrub with light green to yellowish green, upright growing,
succulent, leafless stems. Native of wind exposed, rocky sites close to the sea in the northwest of
Gran Canaria, Tenerife, and La Gomera. For any rich, very well drained, preferably rocky soil in full
sun throughout the year. Reduce watering to a minimum in winter and keep at a winter low of some
15°C. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 3272
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
€ 4,99
120 (200)cm, one of the most colorful Euphorbia with broad brownish red stems, quite large bluish
green leaves and intense purplish red inflorescences and seed capsules. A rarely seen ornamental
endemic with limited populations in south-western Tenerife, where it grows in sun exposed, rocky
soils and slopes. Easy in any well drained, rather rocky soil in a sunny spot. Keep drier and sunny in
winter at min. 10°C. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 1655
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
120 (160)cm, a very rare form of the above, found in small and remote populations in northwestern
Tenerife only. Same habit as the above yet with pure yellow bracts. From sun exposed, rocky soils
in mountain slopes. As easily cultivated as the species. For any well drained, rather rocky soil in a
sunny spot. Keep drier and sunny in winter at a minimum of some 10°C. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 1683
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (250)cm, Balsamiferous Spurge is native of all islands in rocky and sunny places in the lower
succulent zone. It has broad, shortly lanceolate, fresh green to glaucous leaves on broad, light
terracotta brown, very succulent stems. It makes a single central flower above light to yellowish
green pseudo-petals (cyathies) on each branch followed by a large yellowish to reddish green,
sometimes slightly pubescent seed capsule. Seeds from populations in the North of La Gomera
(Agulo, 80m and east of Hermigua, 220m), where larger plants (up to 220cm in height) can be found
and which may be a result of more frequently available moisture, North Eastern Tenerife (200m,
Anaga range), northern La Palma (150m), and small, locally ocurring specimens in the upper parts
of valleys in the Jandía region on Fuerteventura (300m). An easily grown and very robust species. XIII.
No. de artículo: 1684
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
€ 4,99
150 (300)cm, endemic to the succulent shrub and the lower succulent zones of La Gomera. A
member of the Euphorbia obtusifolia complex with cinnamon brown stems and long, lanceolate,
bright green leaves and yellow cyathies (pseudo-flower petals). Easily grown in any well drained soil
in a sunny spot throughout the year. VI-VIII.
Euphorbia canariensis
(Canary Candelaber
No. de artículo: 1685
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150 (300)cm, Canary Candelabra Spurge has highly succulent, 4 (rarely 6) angled, upright growing,
deep green, cactus-like branches and maroon red fruits on adult plants. From the lower succulent
zone occurring in lava formations and mountain slopes on all islands. For any well drained soil in full
sun. Keep almost completely dry in winter. V-VI.
Euphorbia dendroides
(Mediterranean Tree
No. de artículo: 1689
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
€ 4,99
140 (200)cm, Mediterranean Tree Spurge is a beautiful, semi hardy, densely branching, woody
shrub like species with showy orange red leaves before plants start their summer dormancy. Native
of coastal areas throughout the Mediterranean. Easily grown in pots in any rich, well drained soil in a
sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 5°C. Seeds from a wild
collection in the valley above Pedra Longa in eastern Sardinia (Italy). Zona climática USDA 10. III-VI.
No. de artículo: 6483
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
No. de artículo: 7346
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca, España)
No. de artículo: 4236
sobre de semillas (ex Cerdeña, Italia)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Euphorbia margalidiana
(Margalida Spurge)
Euphorbia mellifera
(ex Madeira)
100cm, Margalida Spurge is an endangered succulent perennial species from steep cliffs in the
vicinity of the sea on a small island on the northwestern coast of Ibiza (Balearic islands, Spain). It
makes several branches with elongated fresh green leaves and yellowish-green inflorescences. For
any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants drier at a
minimum of some 10°C. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 7393
sobre de semillas
2 (5)m, as the species from Tenerife. However Madeira plants are native of exposed spots in the
laurel forest and have slightly larger and longer leaves (up to 25cm). For any humus rich soil in a
partially shaded spot. In winter keep at a minimum of some 10°C in a sunny spot with reduced
watering. Sow at between 12°C to a maximum of some 15°C, as higher temperatures may inhibit
germination! VII-IX.
Euphorbia obtusifolia ssp.
(syn. Euphorbia
No. de artículo: 1700
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
180 (250)cm, rather narrow, grayish green stems, narrow yellowish green to light bluish green
leaves and yellowish green inflorescences. The seed capsules are nicely contrasting in bright yellow
to intense red. The subspecies of Euphorbia obtusifolia found on the western Canary Islands
growing in xerophytic shrub formations as well as open spots in the lower zone of the laurel forest.
For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. III-VI.
Euphorbia obtusifolia ssp.
(syn. Euphorbia
No. de artículo: 4699
sobre de semillas (ex La Gomera)
€ 4,99
120 (240)cm, tall and broad shrub from exposed spots in rocky slopes throughout the southern
succulent shrub of Tenerife. Has rather narrow, grayish green stems and narrow yellowish green to
light bluish green leaves with an acute tip in ssp. obtusifolia (form 1 has narrow leaves, form 2 has
very narrow, grass like leaves) and yellowish green inflorescences. Seed capsules are nicely
contrasting in bright yellow to intense red. Easy in any well drained, rather rocky soil in a sunny spot.
Keep drier and sunny in winter at min. 10°C. VI-VIII.
Euphorbia obtusifolia ssp.
(syn. Euphorbia regisjubae)
No. de artículo: 2632
sobre de semillas (forma 1)
€ 2,79
120 (300)cm, subspecies native of the eastern islands (Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and
Fuerteventura), with a very diverse habit, reaching roughly some 40cm in dry positions in the south
of Fuerteventura to more than 300cm in moist spots in central parts of Gran Canaria. Narrow, erect,
grayish brown stems are topped with middle green to yellowish green linear leaves and an intense
yellow inflorescence. Easy in any rich, yet well drained rocky soil in a sunny spot. Keep drier in
winter at a minimum of some 15°C. IX-XII.
No. de artículo: 3029
Euphorbia obtusifolia ssp.
Euphorbia thompsonii
(Thompson's Spurge)
Euphorbia tuckeyana
(Cabo Verde Spurge)
sobre de semillas (ex La Palma)
No. de artículo: 1744
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
120 (240)cm, tall and broad shrub from exposed spots in rocky slopes throughout the northern
succulent shrub of Tenerife. Has rather narrow, grayish green stems and narrow yellowish green to
light bluish green leaves with a rounded tip in ssp. wildpretii and yellowish green inflorescences.
Seed capsules are nicely contrasting in bright yellow to intense red. Easy in any well drained, rather
rocky soil in a sunny spot. Keep drier and sunny in winter at min. 10°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2631
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
50 (80)cm, Thompson's Spurge (formerly listed as Euphorbia spec. 001) is an endemic and rarely
seen perennial species from Central and Western Cyprus and Southwestern Turkey. It makes
annual to biannual shoots with a woody base and a terminal inflorescence with pale greenish-yellow
bracts above narrow oval, fresh green leaves covered with fine hairs. Its habit is similar to Euphorbia
characias ssp. characias, which is a distinct species however. For any rich, well drained substrate in
pots. Not reliably winter hardy, keep plants drier in winter in full sun at a minimum of some 5°C. VIVII.
No. de artículo: 6306
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
200 (300)cm, Cabo Verde Spurge is a rarely cultivated, branching woody shrub with showy, long
elliptical, dark bluish-green leaves and terminal clusters with bright yellow flowers followed by quite
large, greenish-yellow seed capsules. Native of open, dry rocky spots especially in the upper regions
of the islands Sto. Antão, S. Nicolau, S. Vicente, Sal, Santiago, Fogo, and Brava. Easily cultivated in
any rich, well drained, preferably rocky soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep
plants drier at a minimum of some 15°C. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4881
sobre de semillas
Euphorbia (Subtropical Succulent Spurge)
Succulent Euphorbia native to the Canary Islands and Madeira occur in the lower succulent zone at between sea level to 800m,
respectively the laurel forest. Suited for any well drained, rocky soil in a sunny spot in summer. Keep plants in winter at a minimum
of some 12°C, keep soil almost completely dry, Euphorbia mellifera and Euphorbia lambii (both from the moist laurel forest) require
different conditions (see below).
Sow flat in any well drained, rather sandy or rocky soil at a minimum of some 15°C all year long. Keep pots in a sunny spot. Seeds
germinate very irregularly over a longer period, some may germinate within one week after potting, and others may need up to six
months. Transplant in early spring as soon as seedlings are strong enough.
Note: All parts are poisonous if ingested, the milk sap may cause severe skin irritations and eye burns !
10 semillas por sobre.
Aviso legal: Todo el material proviene sólo de plantas cultivadas en Alemania o en el Líbano. No ofrecemos ningún material
coleccionado en el hábitat y rechezamos vender aquel material para proteger varias especies en peligro de extinción en su hábitat
y para conformar con leyes nacionales así como internacionales sobre comerciar plantas protegidas y sus partes, por ejemplo
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Euphorbia aphylla
Euphorbia atropurpurea
var. atropurpurea
Euphorbia atropurpurea
var. atropurpurea f. lutea
Euphorbia balsamifera
(Balsamiferous Spurge)
Euphorbia berthelotii
50 (100)cm, beautiful, dense woody shrub with light green to yellowish green, upright growing,
succulent, leafless stems. Native of wind exposed, rocky sites close to the sea in the northwest of
Gran Canaria, Tenerife, and La Gomera. For any rich, very well drained, preferably rocky soil in full
sun throughout the year. Reduce watering to a minimum in winter and keep at a winter low of some
15°C. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 3272
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
€ 4,99
120 (200)cm, one of the most colorful Euphorbia with broad brownish red stems, quite large bluish
green leaves and intense purplish red inflorescences and seed capsules. A rarely seen ornamental
endemic with limited populations in south-western Tenerife, where it grows in sun exposed, rocky
soils and slopes. Easy in any well drained, rather rocky soil in a sunny spot. Keep drier and sunny in
winter at min. 10°C. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 1655
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
120 (160)cm, a very rare form of the above, found in small and remote populations in northwestern
Tenerife only. Same habit as the above yet with pure yellow bracts. From sun exposed, rocky soils
in mountain slopes. As easily cultivated as the species. For any well drained, rather rocky soil in a
sunny spot. Keep drier and sunny in winter at a minimum of some 10°C. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 1683
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (250)cm, Balsamiferous Spurge is native of all islands in rocky and sunny places in the lower
succulent zone. It has broad, shortly lanceolate, fresh green to glaucous leaves on broad, light
terracotta brown, very succulent stems. It makes a single central flower above light to yellowish
green pseudo-petals (cyathies) on each branch followed by a large yellowish to reddish green,
sometimes slightly pubescent seed capsule. Seeds from populations in the North of La Gomera
(Agulo, 80m and east of Hermigua, 220m), where larger plants (up to 220cm in height) can be found
and which may be a result of more frequently available moisture, North Eastern Tenerife (200m,
Anaga range), northern La Palma (150m), and small, locally ocurring specimens in the upper parts
of valleys in the Jandía region on Fuerteventura (300m). An easily grown and very robust species. XIII.
No. de artículo: 1684
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
€ 4,99
150 (300)cm, endemic to the succulent shrub and the lower succulent zones of La Gomera. A
member of the Euphorbia obtusifolia complex with cinnamon brown stems and long, lanceolate,
bright green leaves and yellow cyathies (pseudo-flower petals). Easily grown in any well drained soil
in a sunny spot throughout the year. VI-VIII.
Euphorbia canariensis
(Canary Candelaber
No. de artículo: 1685
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150 (300)cm, Canary Candelabra Spurge has highly succulent, 4 (rarely 6) angled, upright growing,
deep green, cactus-like branches and maroon red fruits on adult plants. From the lower succulent
zone occurring in lava formations and mountain slopes on all islands. For any well drained soil in full
sun. Keep almost completely dry in winter. V-VI.
Euphorbia dendroides
(Mediterranean Tree
No. de artículo: 6483
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
€ 3,99
140 (200)cm, Mediterranean Tree Spurge is a beautiful, semi hardy, densely branching, woody
shrub like species with showy orange red leaves before plants start their summer dormancy. Native
of coastal areas throughout the Mediterranean. Easily grown in pots in any rich, well drained soil in a
sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 5°C. Seeds from a wild
collection in the valley above Pedra Longa in eastern Sardinia (Italy). Zona climática USDA 10. III-VI.
No. de artículo: 1689
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
No. de artículo: 7346
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca, España)
No. de artículo: 4236
sobre de semillas (ex Cerdeña, Italia)
Euphorbia grandicornis
Euphorbia mellifera
(ex Madeira)
No. de artículo: 6849
sobre de semillas
2 (5)m, as the species from Tenerife. However Madeira plants are native of exposed spots in the
laurel forest and have slightly larger and longer leaves (up to 25cm). For any humus rich soil in a
partially shaded spot. In winter keep at a minimum of some 10°C in a sunny spot with reduced
watering. Sow at between 12°C to a maximum of some 15°C, as higher temperatures may inhibit
germination! VII-IX.
Euphorbia obtusifolia ssp.
(syn. Euphorbia
No. de artículo: 1700
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
180 (250)cm, rather narrow, grayish green stems, narrow yellowish green to light bluish green
leaves and yellowish green inflorescences. The seed capsules are nicely contrasting in bright yellow
to intense red. The subspecies of Euphorbia obtusifolia found on the western Canary Islands
growing in xerophytic shrub formations as well as open spots in the lower zone of the laurel forest.
For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. III-VI.
Euphorbia obtusifolia ssp.
(syn. Euphorbia
No. de artículo: 4699
sobre de semillas (ex La Gomera)
€ 4,99
120 (240)cm, tall and broad shrub from exposed spots in rocky slopes throughout the southern
succulent shrub of Tenerife. Has rather narrow, grayish green stems and narrow yellowish green to
light bluish green leaves with an acute tip in ssp. obtusifolia (form 1 has narrow leaves, form 2 has
very narrow, grass like leaves) and yellowish green inflorescences. Seed capsules are nicely
contrasting in bright yellow to intense red. Easy in any well drained, rather rocky soil in a sunny spot.
Keep drier and sunny in winter at min. 10°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3029
No. de artículo: 2632
sobre de semillas (ex La Palma)
sobre de semillas (forma 1)
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Euphorbia obtusifolia ssp.
(syn. Euphorbia regisjubae)
Euphorbia obtusifolia ssp.
Euphorbia paralias
120 (300)cm, subspecies native of the eastern islands (Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and
Fuerteventura), with a very diverse habit, reaching roughly some 40cm in dry positions in the south
of Fuerteventura to more than 300cm in moist spots in central parts of Gran Canaria. Narrow, erect,
grayish brown stems are topped with middle green to yellowish green linear leaves and an intense
yellow inflorescence. Easy in any rich, yet well drained rocky soil in a sunny spot. Keep drier in
winter at a minimum of some 15°C. IX-XII.
No. de artículo: 1744
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
120 (240)cm, tall and broad shrub from exposed spots in rocky slopes throughout the northern
succulent shrub of Tenerife. Has rather narrow, grayish green stems and narrow yellowish green to
light bluish green leaves with a rounded tip in ssp. wildpretii and yellowish green inflorescences.
Seed capsules are nicely contrasting in bright yellow to intense red. Easy in any well drained, rather
rocky soil in a sunny spot. Keep drier and sunny in winter at min. 10°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2631
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
30 (50)cm, Sea Spurge is a perennial Mediterranean and Atlantic species from sand dunes and
coastal areas. Makes several basally branching stalks densely covered with bluish-green leaves and
crowned by a terminal inflorescence with bright yellow bracts. For any rocky, sandy soil in a
protected spot in full sun. Excellent in the rock garden. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 4920
sobre de semillas (ex Cala Estrata)
No. de artículo: 6848
sobre de semillas
Euphorbia stenoclada
Euphorbia (Winter Hardy Semi-succulent Spurge)
Spurges belong to a very broad genus with numerous species, which are found throughout all continents. Several hardy members
show a very decorative foliage and have some inflorescences with bright colored bracts (i.e. pseudo petals). In general most
spurges are easily cultivated in any rich, rather well drained, rocky to sandy soil in a sunny spot. Few species native of woods can
be successfully grown in a very humus-rich soil in partial shade.
Aviso: The white latex sap from injured parts has strongly skin and eye irritating properties in most Euphorbia species, thus handle
plants with care and preferably wear gloves when transplanting.
Sow flat in any rich, sandy soil and keep soil slightly moist until germination occurs. Keep pots always in a sunny spot. Transplant
seedlings as soon as seedlings are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
100cm, Wood Spurge is native of semi-moist woods throughout Europe and northern Asia. It makes
Euphorbia amygdaloides
annual to biannual, wintergreen semiwoody stalks from a perennial rootstock and glossy, dark green
var. amygdaloides
oval leaves which have a very showy purplish tinge in late winter and spring. The numerous flowers
(Wood Spurge)
are surrounded by yellowish-green bracts. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in partial
shade to full sun. III-V.
Euphorbia characias ssp.
No. de artículo: 4534
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (150)cm, a perennial species native of sunny, rocky sites in the western Mediterranean region.
It makes basally branching, biannual to semiwoody perennial stalks with showy bluish green foliage
and a conical inflorescence with numerous small, purplish-brown flowers. Easily cultivated in any
rich, very well drained soil in a sunny, protected spot. This beautiful species is fully winter hardy in
Central Europe. Plants from Sardinia (Italy) have slightly more pubescent inflorescences than those
found on Mallorca (Spain). III-V.
No. de artículo: 4524
Euphorbia cyparissias
(Cypress Spurge)
sobre de semillas (ex Majorque)
No. de artículo: 4234
sobre de semillas (ex Cerdeña)
€ 4,99
20 (40)cm, Cypress Spurge is native of meadows and open spots in woods throughout Eurasia. It is
a biannual to short-lived perennial species with upright stalks densely covered with linear, bluishgreen leaves. Its' numerous flowers are surrounded by nicely contrasting yellowish-green bracts with
a reddish-purple tinge in full sun. Easily cultivated in any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot.
No. de artículo: 4554
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
Euphorbia esula ssp. esula 70 (110)cm, Leafy Spurge is a perennial herbaceous species native throughout Central and
Southern Europe. Makes several stems branching from the base. It has nice bluish-green foliage
(Leafy Spurge)
and yellowish-green petal like bracts. In subspecies esula the leaves are broadest towards the apex.
Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
Euphorbia lathyris
(Caper Spurge)
Euphorbia macrostegia
(Persian Wood Spurge)
No. de artículo: 4568
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
140 (180)cm, Caper Spurge is an annual or biannual stout species native of dryish sites from
Southern Europe (France, Italy, and Greece) to Northwestern Africa and Southwest Asia. It makes a
perfectly upright tall stalk with alternate opposite, broadly lanceolate dark green leaves and yellowishgreen bracts in a loosely branching inflorescence. It is cultivated in gardens for its supposed
properties to repel moles and voles.
10 semillas por sobre.
No. de artículo: 4675
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
100 (140)cm, Persian Wood Spurge is similar to the wood spurge (Euphorbia amygdaloides) and a
rare species native of semi-moist woods from southeastern Europe through Asia Minor. It makes
annual to biannual, wintergreen semiwoody stalks from a perennial rootstock and glossy, dark green
oval leaves. Its numerous flowers are surrounded by nicely contrasting yellowish-green bracts.
Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in partial shade to full sun. III-V.
No. de artículo: 4522
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Euphorbia myrsinites
(Myrtle Spurge)
Euphorbia palustris
(Marsh Spurge)
Euphorbia stricta
(syn. Euphorbia serrulata)
Euphorbia thompsonii
(Thompson's Spurge)
20 (30)cm, Myrtle Spurge makes most ornamental, perennial, creeping shoots densely covered with
evergreen, glaucous, and slightly succulent leaves topped with a yellow inflorescence in late spring
to early summer. Native of the E Mediterranean region and Asia minor. Easily grown in any rich,
very well drained, rocky soil in full sun. Ideal for the rock garden. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 3455
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
120 (160)cm, Marsh Spurge is native of semi-moist spots and swamps throughout Europe, where it
has become rather rare due to denaturation of its' habitats. It makes annual stalks from a perennial
rootstock and middle green oval leaves. Its numerous flowers are surrounded by nicely contrasting
yellowish-green bracts. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained and preferably semi-moist soil in
partial shade to full sun. III-V.
No. de artículo: 4539
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (80)cm, Upright Spurge is a perennial herbaceous species native throughout central and eastern
Europe, where it has become rather rare in its habitat, open, deciduous woods on limestone. Makes
several reddish stems branching from the base. It has nice dark green foliage and yellowish-green
petal like bracts. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 4579
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (80)cm, Thompson's Spurge (formerly listed as Euphorbia spec. 001) is an endemic and rarely
seen perennial species from Central and Western Cyprus and Southwestern Turkey. It makes
annual to biannual shoots with a woody base and a terminal inflorescence with pale greenish-yellow
bracts above narrow oval, fresh green leaves covered with fine hairs. Its habit is similar to Euphorbia
characias ssp. characias, which is a distinct species however. For any rich, well drained substrate in
pots. Not reliably winter hardy, keep plants drier in winter in full sun at a minimum of some 5°C. VIVII.
No. de artículo: 6306
sobre de semillas
Eustachys (Fingergrass)
Fingergrass belongs to a tropical genus of grasses and makes basal leaf rosettes with central upright hold filigree stems with
ornamental pendulous seed capsules. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a
minimum of some 15°C.
Sow seeds flat on any rich, well drained soil. Do not cover seeds with soil and keep pots in a sunny spot at a minimum of some
20°C throughout the year.
20 semillas por sobre.
100 (130)cm, Weeping Fingergrass is a tropical South American perennial species with nodding
Eustachys distichophylla
inflorescences with flat seed capsules on tall stems above a basal leaf rosette. For any rich, well
(Weeping Fingergrass)
drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of
some 15°C. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 6555
sobre de semillas
Evolvulus (Blue Daze Morning Glory)
Blue Daze Morning Glories belong to a diverse genus growing either as annual to perennial vines or soft-wooded, dwarf perennial
shrubs. They are native of temperate to tropical region in the America and Africa. Winter hardy members are easily cultivated in
any rich, yet very well drained, slightly rocky soil in preferably full sun. A protected spot is recommended for the soft-wooded, shrublike perennials.
Sow small seeds flat in any well drained, sandy soil. Keep pots in a sunny and protected spot outside. Carefully transplant
seedlings to the final spot in he garden as soon as they are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7.
20 semillas por sobre.
10 (20)cm, Shaddy Dwarf Morning Glory is a beautiful herbaceous dwarf perennial native throughout
Evolvulus nuttallianus
sunny sites in central USA. It has silvery-green, pubescent oval leaves and pale lavender to sky-blue
(Shaddy Dwarf Morning
flower cups. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny, protected spot. Excellent in the rock garden.
Seeds from a certified wild collection in Fremont County, Colorado, USA at some 1.650m. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 4198
sobre de semillas
Barrel Cactus is a genus mostly native of Central and northern South America with a main distribution in arid areas in Mexico.
Easily grown cacti with a round to elonganted body covered with strong spines and showy terminal flowers followed by large ovoid
yellow to orange fruits. For any rich, very well drained soil in full sun throughout the year. Keep plants completely dry in winter a
some 10°C.
Sow seeds flat on any rich, well drained substrate in full sun. Keep soil always slightly moist until germination occurs, then keep
seedlings drier with sporadic irrigation in summer.
20 semillas por sobre.
30 (100)cm, a fast growing species native of Mexico (northern Sinaloa to southern Sonora desert)
Ferocactus horridus
with a round to elongated dark green body with a strong, recurving brownish-grey, large central
spine. Yellowish flowers followed by lemon-yellow fruits. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun
troughout the year. In winter keep completely dry at some 10°C. V-VII.
Ferocactus stainesii
No. de artículo: 3505
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
40 (150)cm, a fast growing species native of Mexico (San Luis, Potosi) with a round to elongated
dark green body and upright, strong reddish-brown spines. Orange-yellow flowers followed by yellow
fruits with a reddish shade. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun troughout the year. In winter
keep completely dry at some 10°C. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 3504
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Ferula (Giant Canary Fennel)
Canary and Mediterranean Giant Fennel are summer dormant perennials with impressively tall inflorescences of broad greenishyellow flower umbels, emerging from a perennial, broad basal rosette of ornamental, finely dissected, aromatic, light green leaves.
Excellent container plants in an unheated greenhouse or cold wintergarden, or in a protected spot outside with some additional
frost protection (e.g. a dry mulch layer) in winter. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow seeds flat in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Keep seedlings very sunny, especially if sowed in winter
months. All species will gai flowering size within some 2 to 4 years, depending on cultivation conditions.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7/8.
10 semillas por sobre.
2 (4)m, Giant Mediterranean Fennel is a herbaceous, summer dormant, Mediterranean perennial
Ferula communis
with an impressively tall inflorescence above most ornamental, very large, finely dissected leaves.
(Giant Mediterranean
For a any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot in full sun. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 9181
Ferula linkii
(Giant Canary Fennel)
sobre de semillas (ex Chipre)
No. de artículo: 4230
sobre de semillas (ex Cerdeña)
€ 3,99
200 (350)cm, Giant Canary Fennel is the tallest of all Ferula species and if only by its size among
the most decorative ones. Native from the pine forest to the subalpine zone growing in rich, well
drained, rocky soil in full sun to partial shade. Seeds from a subalpine population of Tenerife at
some 1920m which might be tried in a protected, sunny spot in the garden in areas with a milder
climate in Central Europe and from the upper succulent shrub on Gran Canaria. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 3273
sobre de semillas (ex Gran Canaria)
No. de artículo: 1752
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
Foeniculum (Fennel)
Fennel is a small genus with some 6 aromatic species. The common fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) has been cultivated for several
thousand years for its' strongly aromatic leaves and seeds with a typic anise-like fragrance and taste. Plants are easily grown as
annuals in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow seeds flat directly in any well drained, humus-rich soil in a sunny site in the garden in spring. Cover seeds only slightly with soil.
100 semillas por sobre.
120 (150)cm, Fennel is native to the Mediterranean region and Southwestern Asia and has been
Foeniculum vulgare
used since ancient times. It is a very aromatic, showy plant with gracefully feathered leaves and flat
yellowish-green flowering umbels. The seeds have and anise-like flavor and are used in various
dishes and teas. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4657
sobre de semillas
Francoa (Bridal Wreath)
Bridal Wreaths are only two species in the genus Francoa which is naive of subalpine meadows in South America (Chile). Both
make showy upright stalks with rose-white flowers above a dense basal leaf rosette. For any humus rich, very well drained soil in a
sunny and preferably protected spot.
Sow the dustlike seeds on top of any humus rich, sandy, very well drained soil in early spring. Do not cover seeds with soil. Keep
pots outside in a protected, sunny spot and always water from beneath. Carefully transplant to the garden as soon as plants are
strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7/8.
30 semillas por sobre.
50 (80)cm, Bridal Wreath makes showy uprigt stalks with ornamental rose-white flowers above a
Francoa sonchifolia var.
dense basal yellowish-green rosette of broad spathulate leaves. Ideal in a protected, sunny, and
very well drained spot in the rock garden. V-VI.
(Bridal Wreath)
No. de artículo: 4624
sobre de semillas
Franklinia (Franklin Tree) & Stewartia (Pseudocamellia)
Stewartia are rarely known shrubs with dark-green, glossy, leathery, deciduous foliage. Being close to the genus Camellia,
Stewartia have camellia-like, large, and faintly sweet-scented flowers. The Franklin Tree belongs to a monotypic genus which was
native of a single location in the Altamaha River valley (Georgia, USA) where it became extinct in the early 19th century. It is a
deciduous tall shrub to small tree with strongly perfumed white flowers in autumn. It's foliage turns bright orange, red and yellow in
late autumn. For any slightly moist and leafy soil on a peat basis in a partially shaded to sunny position. In very cold regions give
some winter protection (e. g. a dry mulch layer), so that the root system will not freeze through.
Sow flat in any humus rich, well drained substrate from autumn to late spring at some 20°C. Seeds do not require a cooling period
(stratification) and will evenly germinate in some 4 to 8 weeks. Do not expose to temperatures above 25°C as these will inhibit
germination. From their second year onwards keep plants in a sunny and preferably frostfree spot at a minimum of some 10°C
during winter. Carefully transplant plants to their final spot in the garden in late spring and as soon as they are strong enough,
which usually is in their fourth or fifth year.
Sow flat in any humus rich, well drained soil from autumn to late spring at some 20°C. Seeds do not require a cooling period
(stratification) and will evenly germinate in some 4 to 8 weeks. Do not expose to temperatures above 25°C as these will inhibit
germination. From their second year onwards keep plants in a sunny and preferably frostfree spot at a minimum of some 10°C
during winter. Carefully transplant plants to their final spot in the garden in late spring and as soon as they are strong enough,
which usually is in their fourth or fifth year.
Todas las plantas son de la Zona Climática USDA 7.
10 semillas por sobre.
4 (7)m, Franklin Tree is one of the rarest plants in the world and extinct in nature since the early
Franklinia alatamaha
19th century. This beautiful deciduous shrub to small trees bears white, sweet fragrant flowers
(Franklin Tree)
above dark green, glossy large leaves which turn to a beautiful orange, red and yellow in autumn.
For any humus rich soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. VIII-X.
No. de artículo: 5227
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
€ 12,90
Stewartia koreana
(Korean Stewartia)
Stewartia monadelpha
6 (9)m, Korean Stewartia is a small, deciduous trees with a pyramidal crown in adult specimens and
makes white, rather flattened flowers in late spring. The dark green, elliptic leaves turn yellow,
orange to red or purple in autumn. Native of slightly moist, open spots in woods in North Korea. For
a sunny spot in any humus rich, acidic, well drained soil. Zona climática USDA 5. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 3126
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
5 (8)m, deciduous small tree with a pyramidal crown in adult specimens and white flowers in early
summer. Dark green, elliptic, serrated, leathery leaves turning red to maroon in autumn. Native of
slightly moist, open spots in woods in Japan. For a sunny spot in any humus rich, acidic, well
drained soil. USDA Climate Zone 6. VI.
No. de artículo: 3127
sobre de semillas
Stewartia rostrata
(Upright Pseudocamellia)
Stewartia sinensis
No. de artículo: 6819
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
2 (7), in cultivation this Chinese species is a rarely seen species. It makes perfumed, large white
flowers above elliptic, shiny leaves, which turn bright orange brown in autumn. For any humus rich
and preferably lime-free soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Shelter young plants from severe
winds in winter and protection from late frosts. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2911
sobre de semillas
Frasera (Columbo or American Gentian)
Elkweed, Green Gentian or American Columbo belong to a small genus within the gentian family (Gentianaceae) from rich, slightly
moist or rocky soils in open spots in woods and prairies in North America. They make a dense, perennial basal rosette of large
leaves. Adult plants produce an impressively tall spike of numerous whitish-green and pale purple spotted, star like flowers. For any
humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow seeds flat in any rich, well drained soil and keep pots outside in a protected spot. Seeds require a prolonged cooling period
prior to germination in late spring. Carefully transplant young plants in autumn to their final spot. Leave plants undisturbed once
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
30 semillas por sobre.
40 (60)cm, Cusick's Frasera Gentian makes a dense clump with long, white edged leaves and
Frasera albicaulis var.
racemes with showy star like, pale blue flowers in terminal clusters. For any humus rich, well drained
soil in a sunny spot. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Owyhee County, Idaho, USA at some
(syn. Swertia albicaulis
1700m. VI-VII.
var. cusickii)
Frasera caroliniensis
(American Columbo)
Frasera speciosa
(Elkweed or Green
No. de artículo: 5325
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
120 (180)cm, American Columbo is a stunning herbaceous perennial within the gentian family
(Gentianaceae) with a dense basal rosette of large, somewhat glaucous leaves and a stout central
stem with numerous white, pale green and violet star like flower after a couple of years. Native of
meadows and open spots in woods in south eastern USA. For any humus rich, slightly moist soil in
a sunny spot. Once transplanted to the final spot leave plants undisturbed. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 6104
sobre de semillas
€ 4,79
100 (180)cm, Elkweed or Green Gentian is a stunning herbaceous perennial within the gentian
family (Gentianaceae) with a dense basal rosette of large, fresh green leaves and a showy central
stem with numerous whitish cream star like flowers with fine pale green and violet spots after a
couple of years. Native of meadows and open spots in woods in south western USA. For any humus
rich, slightly moist soil in a sunny spot. Once transplanted to the final spot leave plants undisturbed.
No. de artículo: 6101
sobre de semillas
Freesia is a small genus of some 16 species, out of which most are native to the Cape region in Southafrica. Most species make
narrow, iris-like leaves and strongly perfumed flowers in shades of white, yellow, orange to pale red. All species are easily grown in
any rich, well drained soil in full sun throughout the year. During dormancy keep plants rather dry and in winter at a minimum of
some 10°C with watering reduced to a minimum. Excellent in a frostfree greenhouse or wintergarden, for their small to medium tall
size they can be grown in rather small pots on window sills as well. Most species will already gain flowering size within one year.
Sow the small seeds on top of any well drained substrate and cover them slightly with sand. Keep pots in full sun at some 20°C
throughout the year and soil always slighly moist from beneath. A temperature drop at night down to some 10°C to 15°C will
siginificantly enhance germination in several species.
20 semillas por sobre.
Freesia fucata
No. de artículo: 8602
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8603
sobre de semillas
Freesia refracta
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Fritillaria (Fritillary)
Fritillaries or Imperial Crowns belong to the earliest flowering bulbs with a typical trumpet like flowers which are usually pendulous.
Most species require some extra soil drainage and protection from earth living slugs (e.g. by embedding the bulbs in coarse sand).
Suited for a sunny spot in the rock garden.
Sow autumn or early spring in any well drained to sandy soil in full sun. Keep soil rather dry until first leaves appear in (late) spring.
Pot cultivation for at least two years. Keep pots in a sheltered place in winter. Transplant young bulbs in late summer during
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6 si no se meciona algo
20 semillas por sobre.
40cm, distinctively tall growing species from south-western Turkey (Antalya to Icel) in cedar forest
Fritillaria acmopetala
on limestone up to 2.000m. Makes nodding flowers of green with maroon on their inner segments,
and recurved pointed purple tips. IV-V.
Fritillaria camschatcensis
(Kamchatka Fritillary)
Fritillaria imperialis
No. de artículo: 2828
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
30 (60)cm Kamchatka Fritillary is a showy species with chocolate purple flowers on tall stems with
lanceolate glossy leaves arranged in whorls. It is native of open spots in woods and mountainous
meadows with a disjunct distribution in north-western North America and north-eastern Asia. For any
humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny and protected spot. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 6233
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100 (130)cm, Crown Imperial is a tall and amongst the showiest species within this genus. Makes
tall growing stalks with glossy, bright green leaves and a terminal inflorescence or bright orange or
yellow nodding flower, arranged in umbels of 7 to 12. Native in South-Eastern Turkey growing in
rocky slopes at up to 3.000m. Easily grown in any rich, very well drained soil in full sun. IV-V.
Fritillaria lanceolata
(Chocolate Lily)
No. de artículo: 8186
sobre de semillas (amarillo)
€ 2,99
20cm Chocolate Lily is a beautiful species from open spots in woods and mountainous meadows in
Pacific north-western North America. It bears showy purple bell like flowers which are checked with
yellow. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny and protected spot. IV-V.
Fritillaria meleagris
No. de artículo: 6220
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30cm, native of Central Europe, where it grows moist grassland and meadows. Checkered maroon
or white flowers, very variable species for partially shaded to shaded places in a wood-like area.
Very easy and will naturalize if happy. IV-V.
Fritillaria pallidiflora
No. de artículo: 2837
sobre de semillas
€ 2,49
35cm, broad gray leaves with one or four quite large pendant pale yellow flowers. Excellent for rich,
peaty compost in a sunny spot. V.
Fritillaria persica
No. de artículo: 2860
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
50 (100)cm, native to S Turkey, Syria, Lebanon to W Iraq from rocky slopes at up to 2.800m. Deep
purplish-plum colored flowers in a large raceme. Large bell shaped flowers. For a sheltered place. IVV.
Fritillaria raddeana
Fritillaria whittalii
No. de artículo: 2871
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
50 (80)cm, tall Fritillaria with similar appearance to a yellow form of Fritillaria imperialis, yet greenish
yellow, hanging flowers in a leaf crown. Rarely seen species from rocky mountains north-eastern
Iran to south-western Central Asia (Kopet Dag). For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Easily
cultivated. III-IV.
No. de artículo: 1492
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20cm, a showy species with nodding flowers of silvery-green bells with light purple checkering.
Native of South-Western Turkey in cedar forest on limestone up to 2.000m. For any rich, very well
drained soil in a preferably protected spot in the rock garden. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 8187
sobre de semillas
Fumana (Needle Sunrose)
Needle Sunroses is a small genus and close to Sunroses (Helianthemum spp.). They are usually evergreen perennials or rarely
annual species with numerous showy, bright yellow flowers throughout summer. They are native of rocky to sandy sites in full sun
in Europe and the Mediterranean region. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained, slightly rocky or sandy soil in full sun. Ideal for
the rock garden.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained, rocky or sandy soil. Do not cover seeds with soil. Keep pots in full sun in a protected spot outside.
Transplant as soon as seedlings are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6 unless noted differently.
30 semillas por sobre.
10 (15)cm, Sprawling Needle Sunrose is an Eurasian perennial from open spots in sandy to rocky
Fumana procumbens
soils. It makes slightly creeping stems with dark green, narrow leaves and numerous bright lemon
(Sprawling Needle
yellow flowers. Easily cultivated in any rich soil in full sun. Ideal for the rock garden. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4736
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Gaillardia (Blanket Flower)
Blanket Flowers are annuals or perennials from open spots in prairies and sunny mountain meadows in North America. They
develop numerous and very colorful, multicolored, orange-red-yellow or pure yellow flowers on short to medium sized stalks
throughout summer. Blanket flowers are easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. They are very robust and
adopt very well to various soil types.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sunny , protected spot outside. Several species require a cooling period of
several months prior to germination. If these species are sowed late in the year, they do not germinate before spring in the
following year. Transplant to the final spot in the garden in late summer to autumn. Annual species should be directly sown in the
garden after the last freezing night in late autumn.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
50 (80)cm, Common Blanket Flower is a herbaceous perennial which makes from late spring to
Gaillardia aristata
(Common Blanket Flower) autumn bicolored, bright red and yellow flowers on tall stalks. Native of sunny meadows and fields in
NC USA. For any humus rich, well drained, slightly rocky soil in full sun. V-IX.
No. de artículo: 3894
sobre de semillas
€ 1,99
30 (60)cm, Red Dome Blanket Flower is a herbaceous annual with bright yellow flowers and narrow,
Gaillardia pinnatifida
(Red Dome Blanket Flower) silvery green leaves. Native of sunny meadows and fields in NC USA. For any humus rich, well
drained, slightly rocky soil in full sun. VI-IX.
Gaillardia pulchella
(Firewheel Blanket Flower)
No. de artículo: 3895
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
50 (80)cm, Firewheel is a herbaceous annual to rarely semiperennial which makes from late spring
to autumn bicolored, bright purplish red flowers with yellow tips. Native of sunny, rocky spots in
south-western USA to Florida. For any humus rich, well drained, slightly rocky soil in full sun. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 3896
sobre de semillas
Galaxia are bulbous plants native of South Africa. Most species make short and broad iris like leaves with prominent veines and
showy bright colored flowes in shades of yellow on rose-lilac. All species are easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in full sun
throughout the year. During dormancy keep plants rather dry and in winter at a minimum of some 10°C with watering reduced to a
minimum. Excellent in a frostfree greenhouse or wintergarden, for their small to medium tall size they can be grown in rather small
pots on window sills as well.
Sow the small seeds on top of any well drained substrate and cover them slightly with sand. Keep pots in full sun at some 20°C
throughout the year and soil always slighly moist from beneath. A temperature drop at night down to some 10°C to 15°C will
siginificantly enhance germination in several species.
20 semillas por sobre.
5 (10)cm, a beautiful dwarf species with rich yellow flowers on short stalks and narrow and short
Galaxia fugacissima
leaves. For any rich, well drained soil. Keep frostfree in winter with reduced watering and a minimum
of some 5°C. An excellent pot plant for an unheated greenhouse, cold wintergarden or sunny
window sill. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 6256
sobre de semillas
Galtonia (Summer Hyacinth)
Summer Hyacinth from S Africa. In nature these usually grow in wet slopes at high altitudes. In cultivation they should be grown in
a rather sandy soil to protect the bulbs from excessive moisture.
Sow at a minimum of some 12°C in late spring to early summer in any well drained soil. Keep soil rather dry until first leaves
appear. Best grown frost free in pots for two years. Transplant bulbs in autumn. Plant rather deep to protect from freezing. Very
free flowering, even in Central Europe.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7 si no se meciona algo
20 semillas por sobre.
1 (1.5)m, from Pitermaritzburg in S Transvaal, appearing in grass slopes and wet hillsides at up to
Galtonia candicans
2.600m. Has gray green leaves and large white bell shaped flowers. VII-VIII.
Galtonia princeps
No. de artículo: 2938
sobre de semillas (20 semillas)
€ 1,79
100 (150)cm, erect leaves, and a central upright inflorescence of waxy, creamy to green, pendulous,
tubular flowers, usually with a central pale green stripe. Winter dormant species for any rich, yet well
drained soil in a sunny, protected spot.
No. de artículo: 2939
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 8933
sobre de semillas
50 (80)cm, from S Africa (Orange Free State to Lesotho and north-eastern Cape) similar to the
above with medium sized, yellowish green flower bells, which open completely. Broad, glaucous
leaves. For a well drained spot. Easy. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2940
Galtonia regalis
Galtonia viridiflora
sobre de semillas
Gardenia is a broad tropical genus with several outstanding woody shrubs with leathery, glossy leaves and strongly fragrant white
to cream flowers. Several species are cultivated in pots or containers for their beautiful flowers and evergreen foliage. For any rich,
well drained substrate in a sunny spot. In winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 10°C with reduced watering.
Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year.
20 semillas por sobre.
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Gardenia thunbergia
(South African Gardenia)
140 (200)cm, South African Gardenia makes strongly fragrant, white flowers above evergreen,
leathery, dark green shiny foliage. An excellent container plant from the eastern coast of South
Africa for any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter reduce watering
and keep plants at a minimum of some 10°C. VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 8151
sobre de semillas
Geissorhiza (Satin Flowers)
Satinflowers or Wine Cups are bulbous plants native of South Africa, from the Eastern and Western Cape to Namaqualand and
western Karoo. Most species make iris or grass like, narrow leaves and most showy bright colored flowes in shades of white,
yellow, orange, red, violet or deep blue. Several species have very ornamental bicolored flowers. All species are easily grown in
any rich, well drained soil in full sun throughout the year. During dormancy keep plants rather dry and in winter at a minimum of
some 10°C with watering reduced to a minimum. Excellent in a frostfree greenhouse or wintergarden, for their small to medium tall
size they can be grown in rather small pots on window sills as well.
Sow the small seeds on top of any well drained substrate and cover them slightly with sand. Keep pots in full sun at some 20°C
throughout the year and soil always slighly moist from beneath. A temperature drop at night down to some 10°C to 15°C will
siginificantly enhance germination in several species.
20 semillas por sobre.
Geissorhiza aspera
Geissorhiza confusa
Geissorhiza heterostyla
Geissorhiza inflexa
Geissorhiza monanthos
Geissorhiza ovata
Geissorhiza splendissima
Geissorhiza tulbaghensis
No. de artículo: 8604
sobre de semillas
10 (30)cm, makes showy pale pink to creamy yellowish, long tubed flowers on elegant racemes
above narrow grass like leaves. Native from sandy sandstone slopes from Gifberg to Villiersdorp.
For any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. During dormancy and in
winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3956
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
15 (45)cm, showy pale purple flowers on an elegant raceme and narrow, grass like leaves. Native
from stony clay soils from southern Namaqualand to Port Elizabeth and western Karoo. For any rich,
well drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. During dormancy and in winter keep drier
at a minimum of some 10°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3960
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20cm, a medium tall species with flowers in shades ranging from red, cream to white. For any rich,
well drained soil. Keep frostfree in winter with reduced watering and a minimum of some 5°C. An
excellent pot plant for an unheated greenhouse, cold wintergarden or sunny window sill. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 6254
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10 (15)cm, a very ornamental species with dark violet blue flowers with a creamy throat and a wine
red inner ring. Native from sandy slopes and granite soils in Citrusdal, and from Saldanha to
Somerset West. For any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. During
dormancy and in winter keep drier at a minimum of some 10°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3961
sobre de semillas
€ 9,99
10 (15)cm, showy pale rose flowers on an elegant raceme above short leaves. For any rich, well
drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. During dormancy and in winter keep drier at a
minimum of some 10°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3962
sobre de semillas
10 (20)cm, has utmost ornamental deep ink blue, slightly nodding flowers with a blackish throat.
Native from clay soils in the Bokkeveld Plateau in the Western Cape. For any rich, well drained
substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. During dormancy and in winter keep drier at a
minimum of some 10°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3964
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
10 (15)cm, has ornamental, quite large white flowers with a dark grey throat above linear leaves.
Native from clay flats from Porterville to Wellington in the Western Cape. For any rich, well drained
substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. During dormancy and in winter keep drier at a
minimum of some 10°C. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3965
sobre de semillas
Genista (Broom)
Genista or Broom include some excellent and easy going shrubs with numerous yellow (sometimes white or rose) flowers. They are
suited for any sandy to rocky soil in full sun. Most are very drought resistant and very adaptable to various cultivation conditions.
Prior to sowing scarify seed (e.g. carefully scratch the seed coat with fine sandpaper) and soak them in luke warm water for some
48h. Sow flat in any well drained, rather sandy soil in full sun from autumn to late spring. Transplant in autumn. Very easy and fastgrowing, gaining flowering size within two to three years.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7, unless not stated
10 semillas por sobre.
200 (300)cm, Mount Etna Broom is an impressive winterhardy tall woody shrub with lanceolete small
Genista aetnensis
leaves and numerous rich yellow flowers. For any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny and
(Mount Etna Broom)
protected spot in the garden. In colder climated preferably grow in containers under frostfree
conditions throughout the year. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Sicily, Italy. VI-VII.
Genista germanica
(German Broom)
No. de artículo: 7323
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (100)cm, German Broom is a large shrub from Central Europe with almost leafless, green,
bowing branches and clusters of large yellow flowers. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil
in a sunny spot. IV-VII.
No. de artículo: 2879
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Genista hirsuta ssp.
(Hairy Broom)
Genista lucida
Genista tenera
(Madeira Broom)
Genista tinctoria
Genista umbellata
30 (70)cm, Hairy Broom is a dense compact shrub from the Iberian peninsula and the Balearics and
bears narrow, needle like, spiny and finely pubescent leaves and numerous yellow flowers. For any
well drained, rather rocky soil in full sun and a preferably protected spot. In colder regions better
grow frostfree in pots at a winter minimum of some 5°C. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 9315
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
120 (200)cm, native of the Western Mediterranean region as an understory woody. losely branching
shrub. It has rather larger, dark green leaves and rich yellow flowers. For any humus rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of
some 5°C. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 4936
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca)
€ 4,99
150 (200)cm, Madeira Broom is a woody shrub with slightly arching stems and small leaves and
usually terminal, rich yellow flowers in early summer. From grasslands and rocky spots in central
Madeira (Portugal). For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep
plants drier at a minimum of some 5°C. V-VI.
10 semillas por sobre.
No. de artículo: 6444
sobre de semillas
50 (100)cm, Europe, lax shrubs with long, leafy spikes of bright yellow flowers from VI-IX.
No. de artículo: 2884
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (70)cm, a dwarf growing species with nice terminal clusters of yellow flowers on elegant stems
with narrow leaves. Native of southern to south-western Spain and Portugal. For any well drained,
rocky soil in a sunny spot. An excellent plant for the rock garden. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 2885
sobre de semillas
200 (300)cm, Bridal Broom is a woody shrub with arching, green, finely ribbed branches and
Genista monosperma
(syn. Retama monosperma) numerous white fragrant flowers. Native of northern Africa and southern Europe. Excellent in any
well drained, rather rocky soil in full sun in a protected spot. Zona Climática USDA 7/8. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 2881
sobre de semillas
Gentiana (Gentian)
Gentians are ideal for the rockery garden (alpinum) for well drained spots with plenty of sunlight. Most gentians require very little
care and are best left alone for years. All have very attractive bright colored flowers in white, blue to purplish or yellow shades.
Sow in autumn to early spring on top of any very well drained soil with only few organic parts. Do not cover seeds, keep post in full
sun, always water from beneath. Pot-culture for one year, first flowers in their third year (Gentiana lutea after five years).
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
30 semillas por sobre.
50 (65)cm, Tulip Gentian or Texas Bluebell is an annual to short lived perennial which makes dense
Eustoma grandiflorum
clumps with utmost showy , rich lavender blue flower cups above glaucous leaves. For any rich, well
(Tulip Gentian or Texas
drained soil in a sunny spot. Best grown as a biannual. Seeds from a certified wild collection in
Fremont County, Colorado, USA at some 1550m. IV-VI.
No. de artículo: 5324
sobre de semillas
5 (10)cm, Trumpet Gentian is a ground covering, utmost showy gentian forming mats of glossy
ovoid leaves and very large, almost stemless, brilliant blue flowers in spring. Native of chalky
meadows of the Alps at up to 2.000m. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Leave plants
undisturbed. IV-V.
Gentiana acaulis
(Trumpet Gentian)
No. de artículo: 1499
Gentiana andrewsii
(Bottle Gentian)
No. de artículo: 6537
sobre de semillas (1.000 seeds)
€ 49,00
40 (70)cm, Bottle Gentian is a perennial, autumn flowering Gentian with numerous bright blue
flowers on tall, upright and not branching stems. Native of E North Dakota, Saskatchewan to
Quebec (Canada), southward to Georgia and Arkansas (USA) growing in prairies and open spots in
woods. For any humus rich, well drained soil, in a sunny to partially shaded spot. IX-X.
Gentiana angustifolia
(Narrow-leafed Gentian)
No. de artículo: 3559
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
5 (10)cm, Narrow-leafed Gentian is native of the Alps and has a similar habit as Gentiana acaulis. It
makes dense carpet of small narrow leaves and quite large, rich blue flowers in spring. For any rich,
well drained soil in full sun. Leave plants undisturbed. IV-V.
Gentiana asclepiadea
(Willow Gentian)
No. de artículo: 8693
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
60 (100)cm, Willow Gentian makes elegant, erect to slightly pendulous stems, with very ornamental,
large, bell shaped, azure blue flowers which are spotted violet inside. Willow Gentian makes dense
and floriferous stands with time and is a very robust and longlived perennial. For any rich, well
drained soil in full sun. VI-VIII.
Gentiana clusii
(Clusius Gentian)
No. de artículo: 2942
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
10 (15)cm, Clusius Gentian is a small perennial gentian species with dense basal leaf rosettes and
intense blue flower trumpets in spring. It is native of the Alps, Black Forest, Jura, and Carpathians.
For any rich, very well drained soil in full sun. An excellent plant for the rock garden. III-IV.
Gentiana crassicaulis
sobre de semillas (30 semillas)
No. de artículo: 5538
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
25 (40)cm, a rarely cultivated Chinese species with prostrate stems and rather broad and long
leaves. The pale blue flowers are born in terminal dense clusters. Native of mountain meadows and
open spots in woods in from Guizhou to Sichuan, Xizang, and Yunnan. It is easily grown in any
humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 5192
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Gentiana crinita
(Fringed Gentian)
20cm, Fringed Gentian syn. Gentianopsis crinita is a biannual species with medium tall stalks
crowned by rich blue flower trumpets above narrow leaves. It is native of meadows and prairies in
eastern North America. For any humus rich, well drained, always slightly moist soil in a sunny spot.
Gentiana cruciata ssp.
No. de artículo: 5467
sobre de semillas
40cm, densely leaved, arching stems with intense blue flowers. Subspecies with larger and more
open flower cups. For full sun, very easy. VI-VII.
Gentiana cruciata ssp.
No. de artículo: 2944
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
40cm, densely leaved, arching stems with light blue flowers. Subspecies with smaller flower cups,
whitish inside. For full sun, easy. VI-VII.
Gentiana dahurica var.
(Dahurian Gentian)
Gentiana decumbens
No. de artículo: 2945
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100cm, Dahurian Gentian is a semi-sprawling perennial Gentian with long, lanceolate leaves on
branching stems. Rich blue to sky blue (in this form) tubular flowers (in the var. dahurica) with cream
white throats, all in a dense terminal cluster. Native of mountain meadows in Mongolia and W China
(NW Sichuan). For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Excellent in the rock garden. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2015
sobre de semillas
20 (35)cm, upright growing Gentiana with brilliant sky blue flowers in VII-VIII.
Gentiana flavida
(Cream Gentian)
No. de artículo: 2946
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15 (25)cm, Cream Gentian is a threatened perennial species from Northeastern North America. It
makes dense terminal clusters of creamy-white flowers above yellowish-green leaves. Easily
cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Excellent in the rock garden. VI-VII.
Gentiana gracilipes
No. de artículo: 4807
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
20 (35)cm, a rarely seen perennial species with dense terminal clusters of bright blue flowers with a
white throat on arching stems with lanceolate leaves. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in
full sun. Excellent in the rock garden. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 4808
sobre de semillas
Gentiana grossheimii
Gentiana kurroo
(Indian Gentian)
Gentiana lutea
(Yellow Gentian)
No. de artículo: 5540
sobre de semillas
25cm, Indian Gentian is a Himalayan herbaceous species, which has become rare due to over
collection for medical purposes. It has a terminal cluster of rich ink-blue to rarely white flowers on
arching stems. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 6640
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
120 (180)cm, Yellow Gentian is the tallest species in its genus and the only one with bright yellow
large trumpet shaped flowers in clustered whorls on tall stems. It is native of subalpine heymeadows in the Alps and the Vosges. It naturally needs at least five years to develop the first
inflorescence. Yellow Gentian is a very robust and longlived perennial once established. For any
rich, well drained soil in full sun. VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2947
sobre de semillas
Gentiana makinoi
Gentiana procera
(Lesser Fringed Gentian)
No. de artículo: 5542
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20cm, Lesser Fringed Gentian syn. Gentianopsis virgata ssp. virgata is a dwarf biannual to short
lived perennial with rich blue flower trumpets above narrow leaves. It is native of wet meadows in
north-eastern North America. For any humus rich, well drained, always slightly moist soil in a sunny
spot. VI-VII.
Gentiana puberulenta
(Downy Gentian)
No. de artículo: 5466
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20cm, Downy Gentian is a dwarf perennial with several quite large rich blue flower trumpets above
narrow leaves. It is native of meadows and prairies in eastern North America. For any humus rich,
well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
Gentiana punctata
(Spotted Gentian)
No. de artículo: 5465
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (35)cm, Spotted Gentian is rarely seen perennial species with upright stems crowned by dense
terminal clusters of pale yellow flower trumpets with numerous small brownish-red spots. Native of
montane meadows from the Alps and the Balkans. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in
full sun. Excellent in the rock garden. VI-IX.
Gentiana purpurea
(Purple Gentian)
No. de artículo: 4809
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, Purple Gentian is a tall, erect growing, distinct gentian species with a dense basal leaf
rosette and upright hold terminal clusters of showy barrel-like purplish-red flowers, striped and
spotted green and yellowish inside. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VIII.
Gentiana quinquefolia
(Stiff Gentian)
No. de artículo: 4908
sobre de semillas (ex Nebelhorn)
15 (40)cm, Stiff Gentian or Agueweed has pale blue to lilac blue narrow flowers on upright stalks.
This perennial is native of moist soils in mountain slopes and fields of W Minnesota to E Maine,
southward to Georgia and Arkansas (USA). For any humus rich, well drained soil, in a sunny to
partially shaded spot. VIII-X.
Gentiana septemfida
No. de artículo: 3558
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15 (25)cm, excellent plant for the rock garden with leafy stems, turning upright before deep blue, bell
shaped flowers with paler spots will open in VI-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2950
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Gentiana septemfida var.
10 (15)cm, is a perennial species with numerous bright blue flowers with a greenish-white throat on
arching stems. Native of montane meadows in the Lagodeki valley area in the Caucasus. Easily
cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Excellent in the rock garden. VI-VII.
Gentiana straminea
No. de artículo: 4810
sobre de semillas
20 (35)cm, is a perennial species with a dense terminal clusters of snow white flowers on arching
stems with broadly lanceolate leaves. Native of subalpine meadows in Western China. Easily
cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Excellent in the rock garden. VIII-IX.
Gentiana tibetica
(Tibetian Gentian)
No. de artículo: 4811
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
70cm, Tibetian Gentian is a broad leafed, short-stemmed perennial Gentian from S Tibet, Bhutan,
Sikkim, and Nepal. Makes decorative terminal, dense cluster of cream white tubular flowers. For any
rich, slightly acidic, sandy, loamy soil in full sun. Excellent in a slightly moist spot in the rock garden.
No. de artículo: 2014
sobre de semillas
Gentiana triflora var.
Gentiana verna
(Spring Gentian)
No. de artículo: 5551
sobre de semillas
5 (10)cm, Spring Gentian is a small perennial gentian from Central Europe, the Alps, the Balkans
and western Asia. It makes a small basal leaf rosette and brilliant blue flowers in spring. For any
rich, very well drained soil in full sun. An excellent plant for the rock garden. III-IV.
No. de artículo: 5552
sobre de semillas
Gentiana (North American Gentian)
Gentians are ideal for the rockery garden (alpinum) for well drained spots with plenty of sunlight. Need very little care and are best
left alone for years. All have very attractive bright colored flowers in white, blue to purplish (only one yellow) shades.
Sow in autumn to early spring on top of any rocky or sandy soil with only few organic parts. Do not cover seeds, keep post in full
sun, always water from beneath. Pot-culture for one year, first flowers in their third year (Gentiana lutea after five years).
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
30 semillas por sobre.
50 (65)cm, Tulip Gentian or Texas Bluebell is an annual to short lived perennial which makes dense
Eustoma grandiflorum
clumps with utmost showy , rich lavender blue flower cups above glaucous leaves. For any rich, well
(Tulip Gentian or Texas
drained soil in a sunny spot. Best grown as a biannual. Seeds from a certified wild collection in
Fremont County, Colorado, USA at some 1550m. IV-VI.
Gentiana andrewsii
(Bottle Gentian)
No. de artículo: 5324
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (70)cm, Bottle Gentian is a perennial, autumn flowering Gentian with numerous bright blue
flowers on tall, upright and not branching stems. Native of E North Dakota, Saskatchewan to
Quebec (Canada), southward to Georgia and Arkansas (USA) growing in prairies and open spots in
woods. For any humus rich, well drained soil, in a sunny to partially shaded spot. IX-X.
Gentiana crinita
(Fringed Gentian)
No. de artículo: 3559
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20cm, Fringed Gentian syn. Gentianopsis crinita is a biannual species with medium tall stalks
crowned by rich blue flower trumpets above narrow leaves. It is native of meadows and prairies in
eastern North America. For any humus rich, well drained, always slightly moist soil in a sunny spot.
Gentiana flavida
(Cream Gentian)
No. de artículo: 5467
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, Cream Gentian is a very adoptable herbaceous perennial with nice, dense creamy white
flowers in terminal umbels in late summer. It is native of rich, dryish soils in praries, open woods and
along side roads in the USA. Grows in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VII-IX.
Gentiana procera
(Lesser Fringed Gentian)
No. de artículo: 0009
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20cm, Lesser Fringed Gentian syn. Gentianopsis virgata ssp. virgata is a dwarf biannual to short
lived perennial with rich blue flower trumpets above narrow leaves. It is native of wet meadows in
north-eastern North America. For any humus rich, well drained, always slightly moist soil in a sunny
spot. VI-VII.
Gentiana puberulenta
(Downy Gentian)
No. de artículo: 5466
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20cm, Downy Gentian is a dwarf perennial with several quite large rich blue flower trumpets above
narrow leaves. It is native of meadows and prairies in eastern North America. For any humus rich,
well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 5465
sobre de semillas
15 (40)cm, Stiff Gentian or Agueweed has pale blue to lilac blue narrow flowers on upright stalks.
This perennial is native of moist soils in mountain slopes and fields of W Minnesota to E Maine,
southward to Georgia and Arkansas (USA). For any humus rich, well drained soil, in a sunny to
partially shaded spot. VIII-X.
Gentiana quinquefolia
(Stiff Gentian)
No. de artículo: 3558
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Geranium (Canary Islands' species)
Canary and Madeiran Geranium differ greatly from their continental cousins in forming a broad rosette of strongly dissected leaves
on slightly woody, short stems, eventually reaching up to 1m in height in the tallest member, Geranium maderense. Especially the
latter is most floriferous and a highly ornamental species. All make good pot plants and should be grown under frost-free conditions
as they are not reliably frost-hardy, except for the mildest areas in central and S Europe as well as southern UK and Ireland. For
any humus rich, slightly moist, yet well drained soil. Keep at a minimum of some 5°C in winter in a sunny spot, in summer place
pots in a fresh spot, preferably in partial shade. Plants are fast growing and reach flowering size within 2 to 3 years.
Sow seeds flat in any humus rich, well drained, yet slightly moist soil at 15°C to 20°C. Keep seedlings sunny in winter.
20 semillas por sobre si no se meciona algo diferente.
50 (100)cm, broad, usually short-stemmed, biannual to short-lived perennial rosette of strongly
Geranium canariense
dissected, dark green leaves, with a reddish tinge under sunny conditions. Native of rich soils in
partially shaded spots in the western Canaries and Gran Canaria. Bright whitish rose to dark rose
flowers in lax inflorescence. For any humus rich, well drained soil in partial shade to full sun. V-VIII.
No. de artículo: 3460
Geranium maderense
(Madeira Crane’s Bill)
sobre de semillas (ex La Palma)
No. de artículo: 1753
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
€ 3,99
80 (120)cm, Madeira Crane’s Bill makes a massive, reddish brown stem, large, long stalked dark
green leaves in a dense rosette and uncountable large magenta-pink flowers with a dark eye make,
which make this one of the most impressive species within the genus. It is native of rich soils in cool
spots in central Madeira, where it is know from few spots only. For any humus rich, well drained soil
in partial shade. Keep some seeds as flowering plants will usually die down after setting seeds. III-VI.
No. de artículo: 1754
sobre de semillas
Geranium (Crane's Bills) & Pelargonium (Winter Hardy Pelargonium)
Winter hardy Crane's Bills and Pelargoniums native of Eurasia are not to be confused with tender greenhouse Geraniums, which
usually are subtropical Pelargonium species from Southern Africa. Plants on this page are fine, fully winter hardy perennials. Many
species with a dwarf, cushion forming habit are suited for the rockery garden. All are easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a
sunny to partially shaded spot.
Sow flat in early spring. Transplant in late summer or early spring. Seeds of most Geranium are very hard to collect.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 6.
20 semillas por sobre.
30 (50)cm, Albanian Crane's Bill has trailing stems and pink flowers with a rose heart and fines
Geranium albanum
violet lines above heartshaped, dissected leaves. Native from the Caucasus extending eastwards to
(Albanian Crane's Bill)
Iran. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. IV-VI.
Geranium asphodeloides
No. de artículo: 3214
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
70 (130)cm, scrambling perennial with small, rose, dark veined flowers above strongly dissected,
pubescent leaves. Native of open spots in woods in the Mediterranean (Sicily and Greece) extending
to Turkey, Caucasus, and Iran. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. V.
Geranium bohemicum
(Bohemian Crane's Bill)
No. de artículo: 3329
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, Bohemian Crane's Bill is a middle sized biannual species from south-eastern Europe
with large, three-lobed leaves and lilac flowers striped deep pink inside. For any well drained soil in
full sun to partial shade. VI-VII.
Geranium endressii
No. de artículo: 2951
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
20 (40)cm, spreading stems, 5-lobes leaves and many medium sized, light pink flowers. Native to W
Pyrenees in damp places. For a sunny to partially shaded spot. VI-VII.
Geranium macrorrhizum
No. de artículo: 2954
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (40)cm, beautiful Geranium from Southern Alps in France and Italy, extending southwards to
Greece, with highly aromatic, deeply cut foliage, and rose flowers. Excellent ground-covering plant
with fleshy rhizomes for any soil in a sunny spot. IV-VI.
Geranium maculatum
(Spotted Crane's Bill)
No. de artículo: 2955
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40 (60)cm, Spotted Crane’s Bill is a herbaceous perennial with showy rose-purple flowers above
palmately lobed leaves. It is native of open spots in humus rich soils in woodlands in eastern North
America (southern Manitoba and south western Québec to Alabama, Oklahoma and South Dakota).
For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. IV-V.
Geranium pyrenaicum
No. de artículo: 6110
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, strongly branching perennial with numerous small, bright bluish rose (rarely pure white)
flowers above dissected leaves. For a sunny to partially shaded spot in any rich, well drained soil. VVIII.
Geranium renardii
(Renard's Geranium)
No. de artículo: 3220
sobre de semillas (flores blancas)
€ 3,99
30 (40)cm, Renard's Geranium is a beautiful species for making dense clumps with upright stems
covered with rounded, greysih green , felty leaves and terminal open clusters of showy white flowers
with a nicely contrasting purple-red veining. Native of Caucasus mountains. Easily grown in any rich,
well drained soil in a sunny spot. Excellent in the rock garden. V-VI.
Geranium rotundifolium
No. de artículo: 4243
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (40)cm, Eurasian dwarf Geranium with rounded heart shaped leaves and miniature lilac to pale
rose flower bells. For a partially shaded to sunny in any well drained soil. Readily self-sows. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 2959
No. de artículo: 2960
sobre de semillas (flores lilas)
sobre de semillas
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Geranium sanguineum
var. sanguineum
(Blood Crane's Bill)
Geranium thunbergii
(syn. G. nepalense var.
30 (50)cm, Blood Crane's Bill is a spreading perennial with deeply divided, almost feather-like, dark
green, hairy leaves and plenty of intense purplish red, rather large flowers. Native throughout Europe
extending eastwards to Turkey, growing in rocky to sandy soils in full sun to partial shade. For any
rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Long flowering period from IV-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2961
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, trailing perennial with decorative broadly dissected leaves and plenty of small, deep pink
to bluish-pink flowers. For any rich, well drained soil in partial shade. V-VII.
Geranium viscosissimum
(Sticky Crane's Bill)
No. de artículo: 2963
sobre de semillas
€ 2,99
50 (90)cm, Sticky Crane’s Bill is a herbaceous perennial with showy rose-purple flowers above
palmately lobed, slightly sticky leaves. It is native of rich soils in meadows in western North America.
For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. IV-V.
Geranium yoshinoi
(Honshu Crane's Bill)
No. de artículo: 6109
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (40)cm, Honshu Crane's Bill is a perennial ground cover plant with a basal leaf rosette and long
trailing stems with intense lilac-pink flowers from summer to autumn. Native of meadows and open
spot in woods in Honshu island (Japan). Easily cultivated in any humus rich, well drained soil in a
sunny to partially shaded spot. VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 5171
sobre de semillas
Gladiolus (Gladiole)
Gladiolus comprises some of the most beautiful and easy to cultivate flowering bulbs, preferring rather inorganic soil which should
be kept rather dry in winter and moist in spring and summer. Some are winter growing in nature (several South African species)
and will lose leaves at low temperatures in winter, but will emerge again in late spring. Species with a hardiness of USDA 7 or 8 are
best cultivated as pot plants in a cool greenhouse or wintergarden, thus they will prove as free flowering. All species with a
hardiness of USDA 6 are fully winter hardy in Central Europe without any additional winter protection.
Sow at some 5°C preferably in spring (in pots outside) or autumn (in a cool and frosfree greenhouse). Keep pots under cool, yet
frostfree conditions and soil always slightly moist. Most Gladiolus seed require a prolonged cooling period for several months
before they will germinate with raising temperatures in late spring. Several species tend to have a hypogeal germination, i.e. they
make a small corm underground in the first year before the first leaf will emerge in the second year. Pot cultivation for two years
before passing on to the open garden, plant bulbs rather deep (some 15cm) to protect them from freezing through. In winter apply
some dry mulch layer as additional protection measure. If plants are cultivated in pots, keep them in a cool, yet frostfree spot
during winter. Winter dormant species may be placed in shade and soil can be kept rather dry, wintergreen plants require careful
watering and full sun.
20 semillas por sobre.
40 (60)cm, makes salmon red to orange flowers with very short green to blackish lower petals. For
Gladiolus abbreviatus
any rich, well drained soil Requires a good winter protection (e.g. thick mulch layer), better in pots in
an unheated wintergarden or a cold greenhouse. Zona climática USDA 8. VI-VII.
Gladiolus alatus
No. de artículo: 2965
sobre de semillas
20cm, dwarf species with scented orange flowers and yellow to lime green lower lobes. For
inorganic soils. Zona Climática USDA 8. VI-VII.
Gladiolus aquamontanus
No. de artículo: 2966
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
70 (100)cm, a tall, beautiful species with arching leaves and mauve to rose flowers. For any rich,
well drained substrate in full sun throughout the year. In colder regions grow in pots under frostfree
conditions in a cool greenhouse or wintergarden. Zona climática Zone 9. VII-VIII.
Gladiolus arcuatus
No. de artículo: 8873
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15 (20)cm, dwarf Gladiolus species with pubescent leaves and grayish-purple to brownish-purple
flowers on nodding stalks. For any well drained soil in full sun. Provide some good winter protection
(thick mulch layer) or cultivate in pots in an unheated wintergarden. Zona Climática USDA 8. VII-VIII.
Gladiolus brevifolius var.
Gladiolus carinatus
Gladiolus carmineus
Gladiolus carneus
No. de artículo: 2968
sobre de semillas
20 (50)cm, makes rose to lilac flowers on upright stems. Native of sandy to rocky soils from
Clanwilliam to Riviersonderend and Bredsdorp. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Requires a good winter protection (i.e. dry mulch layer). Best grown in pots under frostfree
conditions in a cool greenhouse or wintergarden with reduced watering and a winter minimum of
some 5°C. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4996
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
25 (40)cm, makes showy, sweet violet-fragrant (!), usually pale mauve flowers with a nicely
contrasting yellow throat on upright stems. Native of sandy to rocky soils from Namaqualand to
Knysna. For any well drained soil in a sunny spot. Requires a good winter protection (i.e. dry mulch
layer). Best grown in pots under frostfree conditions in a cool greenhouse or wintergarden with
reduced watering and a winter minimum of some 5°C. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4998
sobre de semillas
25 (40)cm, Cliff Gladiolus, ornamental rich pink flowers above arching leaves. Growing in rock
crevices in nature. For any rich, well drained, preferably rocky soil in a sunny, protected spot with
some good winter protection (mulch layer) or for the unheated greenhouse or cool wintergarden.
Zona Climática USDA 7. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 3192
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
1m, variable colored flowers, either white to mauve with or without markings. Outstanding and easy
species. Für any rich, well drained substrate in full sun. Require a good winter protection (e.g. thick
dry mulch layer), preferably frostfree cultivation in a cool wintergarden or unheated greenhouse.
Zona Climática USDA 8. VI-VII.
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Gladiolus caryophyllaceus
(Pink Wild Gladiolus)
No. de artículo: 2970
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
70cm, Pink Wild Gladiolus is a rare, beautiful species with bright to deep pink flowers. For any rich,
well drained soil in full sun. Plant in a protected spot in the garden and give some winter protection
(e.g. dry mulch layer) or grow as a pot plant in a cool wintergarden or unheated greenhouse with a
minimum of some 5°C in winter.
Gladiolus ceresianus
No. de artículo: 3834
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30cm, fragrant dull purple to brownish flowers with dark narrow veins. Zona Climática USDA 8. VIIVIII.
No. de artículo: 2971
sobre de semillas
1m, native from E Cape to Lesotho and Zimbabwe at 2.500m. Makes pink to mauve flowers with
darker markings. Zona Climática USDA 7. III-IV.
Gladiolus crassifolius
No. de artículo: 2974
sobre de semillas
30 (50)cm, a small species with narrow leaves and bright red, narrow flower tubes with a longer
upper petal. V-VII.
Gladiolus cunonius
Gladiolus dalenii
Gladiolus densiflorus
Gladiolus ecklonii
No. de artículo: 0060
sobre de semillas
€ 3,79
1m, a striking, tall growing species with bright orange and yellow flowers. Easily grown in any rich,
well drained soil in full sun. A good winter protection (e.g. dry mulch layer) is recommened,
alternatively grow in pots under frostfree conditions in a coll wintergarden or greenhouse. Zona
Climática USDA 7. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2975
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
30 (50)cm, makes several white to pale rose, small flowers with reddish spots on upright stems. For
any well drained soil in a sunny spot. Requires a good winter protection (i.e. dry mulch layer). Best
grown in pots under frostfree conditions in a cool greenhouse or wintergarden with reduced watering
and a winter minimum of some 5°C. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4993
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30cm, dwarf species from north-eastern Cape to the Drakensberg on grassy slopes at up to 2.300m.
For the alpine garden, very attractive white speckled flowers with red or purple. Zona Climática
No. de artículo: 2976
sobre de semillas
Gladiolus emiliae
Gladiolus ferrugineus
No. de artículo: 8932
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
30 (60)cm, a medium sized, winter dormant species with channeled leaves and multicolored flowers
in cream to pale pink. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny, protected spot outside. In winter give
some protection (e.g. a dry mulch layer). Alternatively grow in pots in a cool wintergarden or frostfree
greenhouse, keep dormant corms dry at a minimum of some 5°C. VI-VII.
Gladiolus floribundus ssp.
No. de artículo: 1029
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30cm, up to 7 firm and broad leaves, very elegant light pink to cream flowers. For any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot. Requires a good mulch layer as winter protection or it can be grown
alternatively under cold glass or in the unheated greenhouse or wintergarden. Zona Climática USDA
8. VI-VII.
Gladiolus gracilis
No. de artículo: 2977
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
25cm, slightly scented pale sky-blue flowers, a rarely seed flower color. For any rich, well drained
soil in a very sunny spot. Requires a good winter protection (thick mulch layer), preferably for pots in
the unheated greenhouse or wintergarden. Zona climática USDA 8. VI-VII.
Gladiolus gueinzii
No. de artículo: 2979
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
30 (50)cm, an almost evergreen species from sandy soils with very fleshy leaves and spikes of pink
to purple flowers. For any rich, well drained, preferably sandy to rocky soil in a sunny, protected spot
in the unheated greenhouse or cool wintergarden. Zona Climática USDA 8. VI-VII.
Gladiolus hirsutus
No. de artículo: 3193
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
60cm, usually 3 hairy leaves and pink to mauve flowers with dark spots and streaks. Zona Climática
Gladiolus hyalinus
Gladiolus illyricus
(Illyrian Gladiolus)
Gladiolus imbricatus
(Meadow Gladiolus)
No. de artículo: 2980
sobre de semillas
25 (50)cm, makes bicolored maroon red and yellow flowers on upright stems. Native of sandy to
rocky soils from Namaqualand to Port Alfred. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Requires a good winter protection (i.e. dry mulch layer). Best grown in pots under frostfree
conditions in a cool greenhouse or wintergarden with reduced watering and a winter minimum of
some 5°C. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4992
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
20 (40)cm, Illyrian Gladiolus is a winter hardy dwarf species native of the Mediterranean, growing in
rocky, sun-exposed sites. Makes showy, quite large, dark lilac flowers with white streaks on lower
petals on short stems. Easily cultivated in any rich, very well drained soil in full sun, preferably in
pots under frostfree conditions throughout the year. Seeds from a wild collection in Southwestern
Mallorca, Spain (La Trapa, 250m). Zona climática USDA 8/9. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 3508
sobre de semillas (ex Mallorca, España)
€ 0,99
30 (70)cm, Meadow Gladiolus is a fully winter hardy Gladiolus similar to Gladiolus communis, yet
with larger, pink flowers. Native of the Balkans and the eastern Mediterranean region. For a sunny
spot in any rich, well drained soil. Very robust and easy. USDA Climate Zone 6. V-VI.
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No. de artículo: 2981
sobre de semillas
Gladiolus inflatus
Gladiolus involutus
Gladiolus italicus
(Field Gladiolus)
Gladiolus leptosiphon
No. de artículo: 9072
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
40cm, a dwarf species with delicate white to pale pink flowers and a pale yellow throat. For any rich,
well drained soil in full sun. Requires some good winter protection (e.g. a thick dry mulch layer),
preferably culivated in pots in an unheated wintergarden or greenhouse. Zona climática USDA 8. VIVII.
No. de artículo: 2982
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
100cm, Field Gladiolus has large, deep pink flowers with white stripes on the lower petals. Very
similar to Gladiolus communis ssp. communis, yet the seeds of Gladiolus italicus are larger and not
winged, whereas those of Gladiolus communis ssp. communis are smaller and winged. Makes
dense clumps in time. Native of Southern Europe and the western Mediterranean, growing in open
grass land. For any humus rich, well drained soil in full sun to partial shade. Seeds derive from a
population found in the Anaga range on Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain), Bco. de Guarimiar on La
Gomera (Canary Islands, Spain) and from meadows in northern Italy. All are fully winter hardy in
Central Europe. Zona Climática USDA 6. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 3516
sobre de semillas (ex Cerdeña, Italia)
No. de artículo: 6276
sobre de semillas (ex Germasogeia, Chipre)
No. de artículo: 2983
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife, España)
No. de artículo: 4705
sobre de semillas (ex La Gomera, España)
€ 3,99
25 (40)cm, a smaller sized species with cream to whitish flowers with rather narrow petals. For any
rich, well drained substrate in full sun. Requires some good winter protection (e.g. thick dry mulch
layer). In colder regions preferably grow in pots under frostfree conditions in a cool greenhouse or
wintergarden. Zona climática USDA 8. VII-VIII.
Gladiolus liliaceus
No. de artículo: 8872
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
70cm, large night-scented variable flowers, unique color change from rusty red in the day to bluishmauve at night. Zona Climática USDA 8. VI-VII.
No. de artículo: 2984
sobre de semillas
50 (80)cm, 2 clasping leaves, on a single flower spike with white or creamy yellow flowers. Zona
Climática USDA 7. VI-VIII.
Gladiolus longicollis
No. de artículo: 2985
sobre de semillas
30 (50)cm, a nice species with creamy-white petals heavily dotted and marked with reddish to
brownish-red spots. For any rich, well drained substrate in full sun. Requires some good winter
protection (e.g. thick dry mulch layer). In colder regions preferably grow in pots under frostfree
conditions in a cool greenhouse or wintergarden. Zona climática USDA 8. VII-VIII.
Gladiolus maculatus
Gladiolus marlothii
Gladiolus meliusculus
Gladiolus miniatus
Gladiolus monticola
Gladiolus ochroleucus
Gladiolus oppositiflorus
ssp. salmoneus
No. de artículo: 8871
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
80 (110)cm, most ornamental, slightly fragrant pale bluish-mauve flowers with small lilac spots and
lower petals with a lemon base. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 0062
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
15 (20)cm, a dwarf species with narrow, grass-like leaves and honey scented pink, salmon-red to
brick red flowers and yellow lower petals edged with purple. For any rich, well drained soil in full sun.
Requires a very good winter protection (e.g. thick dry mulch layer), alternatively grow in an unheated
wintergarden or greenhouse. Zona climática USDA 9. VI.
No. de artículo: 2986
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
15 (25)cm,, has salmon red, pink or yellowish cream flowers with darker stripes on short upright
stems. Native of coastal rocky soils from Hermanus to Agulhas. For any rich, well drained soil in a
sunny spot. Requires a good winter protection (i.e. dry mulch layer). Best grown in pots under
frostfree conditions in a cool greenhouse or wintergarden with reduced watering and a winter
minimum of some 5°C. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4991
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
25 (45)cm, makes white flowers with a rose shade on upright stems. Native of sandy soils in the
Cape Peninsula. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Requires a good winter protection
(i.e. dry mulch layer). Best grown in pots under frostfree conditions in a cool greenhouse or
wintergarden with reduced watering and a winter minimum of some 5°C. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4990
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, evergreen leaves under frostfree conditions and pale rose flowers. In the open garden,
leaves will die down from freezing, yet it will usually emerge again in late spring. For any rich, well
drained soil in full sun. In colder regions give some good winter protection (e.g. a thick dry mulch
layer) or grow in pots in a coll, yet frostfree wintergarden or greenhouse. Zona climática USDA 8.
No. de artículo: 2987
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
80 (150)cm, native to the north-eastern Cape (Barkely Pass) and S Natal growing in moist rocky
mountain grassland. Has very attractive large (10cm) salmon-pink flowers from the E Cape, growing
in cliffs. V-VII.
No. de artículo: 2988
sobre de semillas
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Gladiolus palustris
(Marsh Gladiolus)
Gladiolus papilio
Gladiolus patersoniae
Gladiolus permeabilis
Gladiolus pritzelii
Gladiolus pulcherrimus
Gladiolus quadrangularis
Gladiolus robertsoniae
90 (120)cm, Marsh Gladiolus is native of semi-moist meadows in central and NW Europe. As the
related Gladiolus communis ssp. communis it has bright pink flowers with a white throat and stripes.
Very similar to Gladiolus italicus, yet the seeds of Gladiolus palustris are smaller and winged,
whereas those of Gladiolus italicus are larger and not winged. In contrast to Gladiolus communis
ssp. communis the winged seeds of Gladiolus palustris are about twice the size. Easily cultivated in
any humus rich, slightly moist, yet very well drained soil in partial shade to full sun. Completely
winter hardy in Central Europe. The seeds are from true-to-type plants. Zona Climática USDA 6. VVI.
No. de artículo: 3521
sobre de semillas
1m, growing in large colonies, light mauve flowers and pink blotches on nodding stems. Zona
Climática USDA 7. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 2990
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, a medium tall species from the South-Western Cape region with showy, rather closed
and almost bell-shaped mauve flowers. For any rich, well drained substrate in full sun. Requires
some good winter protection (e.g. thick dry mulch layer). In colder regions preferably grow in pots
under frostfree conditions in a cool greenhouse or wintergarden. Zona climática USDA 8. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8870
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
25 (35)cm, makes small pale beige and mauve to pale mauve-green flowers on upright stems.
Native of rocky soils from Caledon through South Africa and Zimbabwe. For any rich, well drained
soil in a sunny spot. Requires a good winter protection (i.e. dry mulch layer). Best grown in pots
under frostfree conditions in a cool greenhouse or wintergarden with reduced watering and a winter
minimum of some 5°C. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4989
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (50)cm, makes yellow flowers with reddish markings on upright stems. Native of rocky and sandy
soils from the western Karoo through Cedarberg Mountains and Cold Bokkeveld. For any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot. Requires a good winter protection (i.e. dry mulch layer). Best grown in
pots under frostfree conditions in a cool greenhouse or wintergarden with reduced watering and a
winter minimum of some 5°C. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4988
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
30 (40)cm, a smaller, most ornamental species with rather large, salmon-orange flowers with a
greenish central zone on the lower tepals. For any rich, well drained substrate in full sun. Requires
some good winter protection (e.g. thick dry mulch layer). In colder regions preferably grow in pots
under frostfree conditions in a cool greenhouse or wintergarden. Zona climática USDA 8. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8869
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
50 (90)cm, makes red to orange flowers on upright stems. Native of rocky and sandy soils from Cold
Bokkeveld to Koo. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Requires a good winter protection
(i.e. dry mulch layer). Best grown in pots under frostfree conditions in a cool greenhouse or
wintergarden with reduced watering and a winter minimum of some 5°C. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4987
sobre de semillas
20 (35)cm, a smaller species with narrow, grass-like leaves and white to occasionally pale roseshaded flowers. For any rich, well drained substrate in full sun. Requires some good winter
protection (e.g. thick dry mulch layer). In colder regions preferably grow in pots under frostfree
conditions in a cool greenhouse or wintergarden. Zona climática USDA 8. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 8868
sobre de semillas
Gladiolus saccatus
Gladiolus scullyi
Gladiolus sericeovillosus
No. de artículo: 8605
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (45)cm, makes showy cream, white and greenish flowers with purplish spots on upright stems.
Native of clay rocky soils from Namaqualand and western Karoo to Klawer. For any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny spot. Requires a good winter protection (i.e. dry mulch layer). Best grown in
pots under frostfree conditions in a cool greenhouse or wintergarden with reduced watering and a
winter minimum of some 5°C. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4985
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
150 (200)cm, a very tall species with yellow-ribbed leaves, cream to pink or wine red flowers with
yellow or green marks. For any rich, well drained substrate in full sun. Requires some good winter
protection (e.g. thick dry mulch layer). In colder regions preferably grow in pots under frostfree
conditions in a cool greenhouse or wintergarden. Zona climática USDA 8. VII-VIII.
Gladiolus splendens
No. de artículo: 2992
sobre de semillas
70 (100)cm, sword shaped leaves, very attractive bright scarlet red flowers with very large lower
petals. Zona Climática USDA 8. VI-VIII.
Gladiolus teretifolius
No. de artículo: 2993
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
35 (70)cm, ornamental species with orange red to scarlet flowers with a nicely contrasting yellow
throat. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny, protected spot with a good winter protection (thick
mulch layer), best in a cool greenhouse or cold wintergarden. Zona climática USDA 8. VI-VII.
Gladiolus tristis
No. de artículo: 3194
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
90 (120)cm, strongly night scented flowers in pale creamy yellow shades, petals with an inner pale
brown to greyish stripe. For any rich, well drained substrate in full sun. A dry mulch layer is
recommended to protect from freezing through, alternatively ideal pot plant for a cool wintergarden
or an unheated greenhouse. Zona climática USDA 7. VII-VIII.
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Gladiolus undulatus
Gladiolus uysiae
Gladiolus venustus
No. de artículo: 2994
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
100 (150)cm, long-tubed pinkish cream to greenish-white flowers with markings on each lower petal.
For any rich, well drained soil in full sun. Needs a good winter protection /mulch layer). Ideal for a
frostfree cultivation in the unheated greenhouse or cool wintergarden. Zona Climática USDA 8. VIIVIII.
No. de artículo: 2995
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
7 (15)cm, a dwarf species with fragrant showy pale purplish upper and yellowish lower petals on
short stems. Native of clay rocky soils from Bokkeveld Escarpment and western Karoo to Ceres. For
any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Requires a good winter protection (i.e. dry mulch layer).
Best grown in pots under frostfree conditions in a cool greenhouse or wintergarden with reduced
watering and a winter minimum of some 5°C. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4984
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
25 (40)cm, makes several slender leaves, lipped and sweetly musk-rose scented (!) flower of mauve
or cerise color, and lower petals flexed downwards, greenish yellow below. USDA Climate Zone 8.
No. de artículo: 2996
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
Gladiolus vinosomaculatus 70 (110)cm, a tall species with sjowy creamy-white flowers and maroon spots on upright stems. For
any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Requires a good winter protection (i.e. dry mulch layer).
Best grown in pots under frostfree conditions in a cool greenhouse or wintergarden with reduced
watering and a winter minimum of some 5°C. VII-VIII.
No. de artículo: 4997
sobre de semillas
Gleditsia (Honeylocust) & Robinia (Locust)
Honeylocusts and Locusts make decorative, winter hardy solitary trees within the bean family (Fabaceae) and are native
throughout North America (Robinia spp.), respectively from North America to Northeastern Asia (Gleditsia spp.) and grow to
medium-sized trees with a rather open crown. Gleditsia species show typical, very long, branching, blackish-brown thorns on their
branches and stems and elegant, medium to dark green feathered leaves and clusters of small, yellowish-green, very sweetly
fragrant flowers, which are followed by reddish-brown, flat and large, leathery seed pods in late summer and autumn. Robinia
species have feathered leaves and showy, usually pendulous racemes with white, cream to rose flowers. All are easily cultivated in
any rich and very well drained soil in full sun. Keep younger plants in a protected spot during winter or give some extra winter
protection (e.g. a thick mulch layer).
Prior to sowing scarify seed (e.g. carefully scratch the seed coat with fine sandpaper) and soak them in luke warm water for some
48h. Sow in any well drained, sandy soil throughout the year. Keep pots in full sun and in a protected spot outside during winter. If
sown from summer to autumn seeds will germinate in spring the following year.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7.
7 semillas por sobre.
7 (15)m, Water Honeylocust is a rarely cultivated tree with finely pinnate leaves and showy, oval
Gleditsia aquatica
light brown seed capsules in late summer and autumn. It is native of Southeastern USA. As in all
(Water Honeylocust)
species the stem and branches are covered with long, unusual spines. For any rich, well drained soil
in a protected and sunny spot. V-VI.
Gleditsia caspica
(Caspian Honeylocust)
Gleditsia japonica
(Japanese Honeylocust)
No. de artículo: 4873
sobre de semillas
€ 9,99
7 (15)m, Caspian Honeylocust is a rarely cultivated tree with broadly pinnate leaves and showy,
long, brownish-grey seed capsules in late summer and autumn. It is native of Western Asia (Iran,
Caucasus; Azerbaijan, and the Caspian Sea region). As in all species the stem and branches are
covered with long, unusual spines. For any rich, well drained soil in a protected and sunny spot. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 4872
(syn. Gleditsia horrida)
sobre de semillas
Gleditsia sinensis
(Chinese Honeylocust)
No. de artículo: 6981
sobre de semillas
€ 7,99
7 (15)m, Chinese Honeylocust is a rarely cultivated tree with pinnate leaves and showy, long,
brownish-grey seed capsules in late summer and autumn. As in all species the stem and branches
are covered with long, unusual spines. For any rich, well drained soil in a protected and sunny spot.
Gleditsia triacanthos
(North American
No. de artículo: 4871
sobre de semillas
€ 9,99
7 (12)m, North American Honeylocust is a medium sized, open tree with pinnate (feathered) leaves
and clusters of strongly fragrant, yellowish green flowers and large reddish brown seed pods in
autumn. The stem and stronger branches show typical, very unusual large, branching blackish
brown thorns. Easily cultivated in any rich, very well drained soil in full sun. Fully hardy in Central
Europe. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 3410
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
Robinia hispida var. fertilis 5 (8)m, Rose-Acacia is a deciduous, medium sized tree from the USA with an open crown and
broadly feathered leaves and elegant, pendulous clusters of bright rose flowers. Easily cultivated in
any rich, very well drained soil in a sunny spot. IV-V.
No. de artículo: 9469
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Globularia (Globe Flower)
Globe Flowers are perennial, small, semi-woody, evergreen, subtropical shrubs or evergreen, winter hardy perennials. All species
have showy, terminal flower heads in various shades of sky blue to ink blue above dark green, slightly leathery foliage. Non winter
hardy shrub-like species from the Canaries and the Mediterranean are easily grown in pots in any rich, well drained substrate in a
sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a minimum of some 10°C. Winter hardy Eurasian species are
perennials and excellent rock garden plants, where they will grow in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Sow seeds from non winter hardy species flat on any rich, well drained substrate at some 20°C. Do not cover seeds and keep soil
always slightly moist from beneath.
Sow seeds from winter hardy species flat on any rich, well drained substrate. Keep pots in a protected spot outside. Seeds require
a cooling period for several months prior to germination in mid spring. Transplant as soon as seedlings are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona climática USDA 6, if not stated differently.
20 semillas por sobre.
25 (40)cm, Shrubby Globe Flower is a rarely cultivated semi woody perennial with narrow, slightly
Globularia alypum
leathery, dark green narrow leaves and numerous showy, intense blue flowers. It is native of rocky
(Shrubby Globe Flower)
soils in sun exposed spots in pine forests in the Western Mediterranean region. For any rich, well
drained substrate in full sun throughout the year. Keep plants drier in winter at a minimum of some
10°C. VII-XI.
Globularia cambessedesii
(Balearic Globe Flower)
No. de artículo: 4930
sobre de semillas (ex Sant Elm)
€ 3,99
20cm, Balearic Globe Flower is a rare dwarf perennial with a woody base and broad leaves crowned
by unusually large (up to 4cm in diameter) rich blue globe flowers. This beautiful species is native of
partially shaded rock crevices in north-western Mallorca. For any rich, well drained substrate in a
partially shaded (summer) to sunny (winter) spot. In winter reduce watering and keep plants at a
minimum of some 5°C. III-IV.
No. de artículo: 7376
sobre de semillas
€ 5,99
5 (10)cm, Heart-Leafed Globeflower is a winter hardy, evergreen perennial with short woody stems
Globularia cordifolia
(Heart-Leafed Globeflower) and a prostrate, cushion forming habit with leathery, shiny leaves. It is native of rock crevices in the
Alps and makes floriferous mats with pale lilac-blue flowers. Easily cultivated in any rich, well
drained soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Excellent in the rock garden. USDA climate zone 6.
Globularia nudicaulis
(Bald Stemmed
No. de artículo: 7381
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
20 (30)cm, Bald Stemmed Globeflower is a winter hardy, evergreen perennial from mountain
meadows and rock crevices in the Pyrenees, the Alps and the Balkans. It makes upright stalks with
rich blue flowers above quite broad, glossy leaves in a dense basal rosette. Easily cultivated in any
rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Excellent in the rock garden. USDA climate zone 6. V-VI.
Globularia punctata
(Common Globe Flower)
No. de artículo: 7380
sobre de semillas
€ 4,99
10 (20)cm, Common Globe Flower is a winter hardy, evergreen perennial from mountain meadows
and rock crevices in central Europe. It makes upright stalks with rich blue flowers above glossy
leaves in a dense basal rosette. Easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot.
Excellent in the rock garden. USDA climate zone 6. V-VI.
No. de artículo: 7379
sobre de semillas
140 (200)cm, Canary Globeflower is a woody shrub with leathery, lanceolate leaves and terminal
clusters of bright yellow globe flowers. From rocky open sites on all western Canary islands and
Gran Canaria. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep
plants slightly drier at a minimum of some 10°C. VI-VII.
Globularia salicina
(Canary Globeflower)
No. de artículo: 6400
Globularia trichosanthes
(Caucasus Globe Flower)
sobre de semillas (ex Madeira)
No. de artículo: 6470
sobre de semillas (ex Tenerife)
€ 3,99
20 (30)cm, Caucasus Globe Flower is a winter hardy, evergreen perennial from mountain meadows
and rock crevices from Bulgaria to Turkey, Syria, northern Iran, northern Irak and the Caucasus. It
makes upright stalks with rich blue flowers above glossy leaves in a basal rosette. Easily cultivated
in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Excellent in the rock garden. Zona climática USDA 6. VVI.
No. de artículo: 7378
sobre de semillas
Glycyrrhiza (Licorice)
Licorice is a herbaceous perennial from southern Europe to India and bears from a perennial, stoloniferous rootstck annual shoots
with pinnate leaves and terminal inflorescences with pale mauve flowers. Dried roots have been used for centuries to extract
licorice sirup. For any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot. In winter keep the dormant rootstock slightly drier at a minimum
of some 5°C.
Sow small seeds flat in any good, humus rich soil at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year and place pots in full sun. Keep
the substrate slightly moist only.
20 semillas pro sobre.
100cm, Licorice makes annual shoots from a perennial, stoloniferous rootstock and has pinnate
Glycyrrhiza glabra
leaves and terminal inflorescences with pale mauve flowers. Licorice sirup is extracted from the
dried roots and is an essential ingredient in Ayurveda medicine in India. For any rich, well drained
substrate in a sunny spot. In winter keep the dormant rootstock slightly drier at a minimum of some
No. de artículo: 9316
sobre de semillas
© 2015
Todos los derechos reservados.
Gomphocarpus (Balloon Cotton Bush)
Balloon Cotton Bush is made up of few species native of subtropical to tropical Africa, Australia and South America. They are
growing as semi-woody biannuals to semiperenials with upright stems densely covered with narrow, light green leaves and axillary
clusters of whitish, fragrant flowers. These are followed by ornamental, large, inflated fruits covered with smooth, spine like hairs.
For any rich, well drained, preferably slightly sandy soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep plants slightly drier at a
minimum of some 15°C.
Sow flat at some 20°C throughout the year in any rich, well drained soil. Keep seedlings in full sun, especially if they are sowed in
winter months.
Note: All parts are poisonous if ingested, the milk sap may cause severe skin irritations and eye burns.
20 semillas por sobre.
Gomphocarpus fruticosus 120 (150)cm, Balloon Cotton Bush is a semi-woody biannual to semiperennial species with
lanceolate leaves on upright stems and nodding clusters of fragrant rose and white, star like flowers
(Balloon Cotton Bush)
followed by ornamental, ovoid, inflated fruits with needle like hairs and brownish black seeds on
parachute like silky hairs. For any rich well drained soil in full sun throughout the year. Keep plants
drier in winter at a minimum of some 15°C. Seeds from a collection made of naturalized plants in
dryish rocky soils on the island of Sardinia (Italy). VII-IX.
No. de artículo: 5248
sobre de semillas
Gompholobium (Golden Glory Pea)
Golden Glory Pea are perennial evergreen woody shrubs from Australia. They have showy rich yellow, orange or scarlet flowers
and leathery foliage. Easily grown as pot plants in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. Keep plants drier
in winter at a minimum of some 10°C.
Prior to sowing scarify seed (e.g. carefully scratch the seed coat with fine sandpaper) and soak them in luke warm water for some
48h. Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil at some 20°C.
20 semillas por sobre.
150 (200)cm, Golden Glory Pea is an erect, woody shrub with narrow, dark green leaves and showy
Gompholobium latifolium
golden yellow flowers. Native from Queensland to Victoria where it occurs in woods. V-VII.
(Golden Glory Pea)
No. de artículo: 0091
sobre de semillas
No. de artículo: 7237
sobre de semillas
Gompholobium scabrum
(Painted Lady)
Gomphostigma (Otter Shrub)
Otter Shrub is an evergreen to semi-evergreen aromatic shrub from south Africa with feathered leaves and showy inflorescences
with upright hold white flowers. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny and protected spot in the garden.
Sow fine seeds very flat on any rich, well drained soil from autumn to mid spring. Keep pots in a protected spot outside. Carefully
transplant young plants to the final spot in the garden as soon as they are strong enough.
Todas las plantas son de la shopfolder/prodtype.asp?strParents=555&CAT_ID=557Zona Climática USDA 7/8.
40 semillas por sobre.
Gomphostigma virgatum
(White Otter Shrub)
No. de artículo: 6811
sobre de semillas
Gomphrena (Globe Amaranth) & Ptilotus (Mulla Mulla)
Globe Amarants and Mulla Mulla are subtropical to tropical annual to perennial plants from South America, Asia and Australia.
Several species have showy dense terminal inflorescences which are used in dry flower arrangements. All will grow well in any rich
soil in full sun. Grow perennial members in pots, keep drier in winter at a minimum of some 15°C.
Sow Gomphrenus and anual Ptilotus species flat in any rich, well drained substrate at some 20°C under glass in early spring.
Carefully transplant seedlings to their final spot in the garden after the last freezing nights from end of spring to early summer. Sow
perennial Ptilotus species flat on any rich, well drained substrate at some 20°C throughout the year. Keep seedlings always very
sunny, especially in winter months.
20 semillas por sobre.
30cm, Lilac Globe Amaranth is an utmost showy South American annual with globose, rich magentaGomphrena globosa
lilac inflorescences all summer long. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Sow in early
(Lilac Globe Amaranth)
spring under glass at some 20°C. Transplant to the garden after the last freezing nights from end of
spring to early summer. VI-IX.
Gomphrena haageana
(Orange Globe Amaranth)
Ptilotus carinatus
No. de artículo: 8149
sobre de semillas
€ 3,99
25cm, Orange Globe Amaranth is a showy Mexican annual with globose to elongated, rich orange
inflorescences all summer long. For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. Sow in early spring
under glass at some 20°C. Transplant to the garden after the last fr