The Church of HOLY APOSTLES May 17, 2015 Roman Catholic Ascension of the Lord Our Mission Statement: The Church of Holy Apostles is a compassionate, welcoming and healthy family that strives to love God and serve others with respect and dignity. Register/volunteer for “Everest” Vacation Bible Camp—See Pg. 4 Marytown Pilgrimage—See Pg. 4 Make your pledge to the 2015 Diocesan Stewardship Appeal today! Visit our website: Sign up to receive text OR email messages (no smartphone needed!) by subscribing to Flocknote, either through the link on the home page of our website or directly on “Like” us on facebook at thechurchofholyapostles for events, photos and more! THE CHURCH OF HOLY APOSTLES (ROMAN CATHOLIC) FR. PAUL C. WHITE, PASTOR FR. RUBÉN HERRERA AND FR. DIEGO OSPINA, ASSOCIATE PASTORS CHURCH & PARISH OFFICE: 5211 W. Bull Valley Rd. • McHenry, IL 60050 Telephone 815-385-LORD (5673) FAX 815-385-6045 FAMILY FAITH FORMATION OFFICE: 815-385-5673, Ext. 120 or 125 BELL TOWER GIFTS & BOOKS: 815-363-HOLY (4659) Email: [email protected] Web Site: MASS SCHEDULE: Mon: 7:30 AM & 12:10 PM; Tue: 7:30 AM & 6:30 PM; Wed: 7:30 AM & 12:10 PM; Thu: 7:30 AM & 7 PM (en Español); Fri: 7:30 AM & 12:10 PM; Sat: 7:30 AM & 5 PM and Sunday: 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM (en Español) & 5 PM CONFESSIONS: Tue: 5:30 to 6:15 PM; Thu: 8 to 8:45 AM & 6 to 6:45 PM (Spanish & English); Sat: 4 to 4:45 PM Page 2 A MESSAGE FROM OUR PASTOR Dear Holy Apostles Parish Family, After much thought, prayer, listening and consulting about our plan that we formed from the Parish Catalyst conference in California, I have had some conversations and discerned a few shifts in our staff to match our jobs with our gifts and passions. First , Jeanne Fraser has shared with me in the past her passion for Pastoral Ministry or what some may call Pastoral Care. As I listened to our conversations about the 20 to 40 year olds and peoples’ concerns about not pushing our over 60 year olds aside, I thought let’s move Jeanne into this role now. We have spoken and Jeanne is very excited about following her passion for people in our parish. This past month several people died who we had lost track of and I am frustrated that I cannot take as good of care of them as I would like. Compassion was a key word to our community as we discerned our mission statement. I believe Jeanne will be able to fill some gaping holes and grow some wonderful possibilities for pastoral care. This means that she will be able to coordinate and work with some current ministers and provide a central communication piece for those in the hospital, then follow them to care facilities, hospice or wherever it may take them in a short-term or long-term disease like cancer or dementia, She will work with our Four Seasons and HASH members to maybe organize some bus trips for people that would open to the other parishes, plan funerals with people, work with our nursing homes, realize pastoral needs people may have and be able to guide the priests when they need to do something. She will be focusing on this part of “our family”. Loren Schiera will continue to run our cemetery and focus on the physical needs of the cemetery. He does a great job and keeps it up in a tremendous way. John Jelinek will become our Family Faith Formation Director for now, which will move toward Family Ministry Director. John will be visioning and coordinating our Family Faith Formation. We have referred to this as Religious Education in the past and CCD before that. Now, the notion is to work with the parents to form their children’s faith and be the teachers of their children in the way of faith. Also, if we do this as a family, we can share the strength of “my” family with that of the parish family. He will focus on transforming our parish into this model. The studies show that the participation of the father greatly increases the impact on the effectiveness on the family faith practice and the possibility of practicing once the children leave the home. John will also be forming and training teams to do parts of what we have called Youth Ministry. We will also have to add a part time person to do Youth Ministry and a part time person to coordinate the Family Faith Formation Sunday and Tuesday night classes. Joe Filpi will be shifting over to helping me as Building Manager/Director of Maintenance. In this capacity, he will also help with what we need for Family Faith Formation set ups and activity projects. The Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry, IL Joe knows what we need to do certain ministerial events and he can also help me in making sure we keep this beautiful building in shape. It is not my desire to hire a business manager, but I do need someone to manage the physical plant and work with vendors and contractors to maintain the building. He will also be the person who helps coordinate parish service activities. Joe also does a great job on our special events. I think these aspects blend well together to support John, Jeanne and I and use all of our gifts well. I think all these shifts provide an opportunity for us to be successful with this new model to engage our young families and take care of the needs of all. It also puts our staff in position to work out of their passions and gifts. Everyone seems to be appropriately concerned yet excited about a new opportunity. I am excited about the feedback we are getting and the gifts we have to minister to our parish family and to work as a family. Looking forward to the days ahead! Father Paul WE OFFER OUR PRAYERS FOR: All the homeless, the unemployed, the military, the addicted, the grieving, the imprisoned, and the physically and emotionally ill. Jack Czapla TJ Ciochon Gerald Doyle Tim Paul Mary Welzen Gene Adams Ricky Mock Bob & Dolly Reidy John Rappa Audrey Teller Grace Wesinger Tracy Geraty Carol Leeper Allen Scholnick Jimmy Smith Kris Gore Nick Bishop Raymond Krecioch Eva Melesio Toni Gignac Bob Berg Brendan Wohnrade-Thompson Mike Vanderwyst, Sr. Ray Fardoux Marisa Diedrich Richardson Karen Staller Nancy Hoffman Sharon Justice Carole Dumont Patrick Waldron Bill Michaelis Glenn Ehrhart John Jelinek Annette Feller Clara Williams Donald Gauwitz Len Kubiak Carol Drew Kathy McCormick Ethel Parisi Joan Flood Tom Majercik Toni Nolde Darlene Briscoe Diane Briscoe Carole Ann Walberer Michael L. Prihoda Gene Seaver Frank Sweeney Anthony Scianna Tracy Norlen Bennie Brown Bertha Smith Lavonne Sallaz Jean Bower Victor Ortiz Wilfrid Dumont Baby Maxine Branson Reg Hawkes Robert Holas Liz Vavrik Baby Lukas Zalewski Harry Brown Jamie Dusthimer Carlos Torres Lu Andersen Baby Kale Brenner John Christensen Donald Nolde William Sutter Anne Lalor Liam Knudsen Pete Wintersdorf Norm Freund Pat Remsey God hears our prayers! Please call the Parish Office at 815-385-5673 to add a name to our Prayer List. If you or loved ones need prayers but do not want names to be published here, please contact the Holy Apostles Prayer Line at 815-385-2404 or email to [email protected] WE OFFER OUR PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED: During This Week We Remember Ted Tyska During This Week Last Year We Remember John J. Endean, Jr., Francis M. Bartel and Kathy Musnicki Page 3 Ascension of the Lord May 17, 2015 THIS WEEK AT HOLY APOSTLES SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2015 ASCENSION OF THE LORD YOUTH MINISTRY DONUT SALE AFTER MORNING MASSES 8:00 AM Mass followed by Anointing of the Sick †John Endean, Jr. 10:00 AM Taped Mass followed by Anointing of the Sick †Lucille Boyle and †Pat Seaver 12:00 PM Misa en Español con Unción de los Enfermos †Jenifer Fuentes Gabriel y Magdalena y Porfirio Herrera (Anniversary), †Jesús Pizano y †Rosa Quinche 1:30 PM Estudio de Biblia in Room of Remembrance 1:30 PM Emmaus Retreat Meeting in Apostles Bay 3:30 PM F.Y.R.E. Choir rehearsal in church 5:00 PM F.Y.R.E. Mass followed by Anointing of the Sick †Joseph Zigmunt 6:00 PM Youth Group in Fr. Sherry Parish Center MONDAY, MAY 18, 2015—ST. JOHN I, POPE 7:00 AM Rosary 7:30 AM Mass †Kathy Musnicki 11:30 AM Carmelites Group Meeting in St. Catherine 12:10 PM Mass †John Drajus 6:00 PM Community Kitchen Meal in Fr. Sherry Parish Ctr./Kitchen 7:00 PM “Seven Last Words of Christ” Bible Study in Archangels/Angels TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2015 7:00 AM Rosary 7:30 AM Mass †Souhad Savary 5:30 PM Confession/Reconciliation until 6:15 PM 6:30 PM Mass †Marie Creasey 7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Group in O’Neill Reading Room 7:00 PM RICA (en Español) Meeting in St. Joan of Arc 7:00 PM Eucharistic Minister Training in Church 8:00 PM Hispanic Ministry Festival Planning Mtg. in Archangels/Angels WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015—ST. BERNARDINE OF SIENA 7:00 AM Rosary 7:30 AM Mass Andrew Phalen (Birthday) 12:10 PM Mass †Catherine Cannella 6:30 PM Noah’s Ark Preschool Graduation in Fr. Sherry Parish Ctr. 7:00 PM Liturgy Coordinator Meeting in Archangels/Angels 7:30 PM Marriage Ministry Meeting in Room of Remembrance THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2015 ST. CHRISTOPHER MAGALLANES 7:00 AM Rosary 7:30 AM Mass †Kathy Gail Arnold and †Marjorie Flynn 8:00 AM Confession/Reconciliation until 8:45 AM 10:00 AM Mass at Fox Point Retirement Center 2:00 PM Mass at McHenry Villa Retirement Center 9:45 AM Magnificat Prayer Meeting in Apostles Bay 6:30 PM Noah’s Ark Preschool Graduation in Fr. Sherry Parish Ctr. 6:00 PM Rosario in Lourdes Chapel 6:00 PM Confessions/Reconciliation (Spanish & English) until 6:45 PM 6:00 PM Girl Scout Troop Meeting in Angels 7:00 PM Misa en Español †Por las almas del Purgatorio 7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal in Choir Rehearsal Room 7:30 PM Cursillo School of Leaders in St. Matthew FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2015—ST. RITA OF CASCIA 7:00 AM Rosary 7:30 AM Mass †Mary & Clements Lubinski 9:00 AM Noah’s Ark Preschool All-school Picnic (in Fr. Sherry Parish Center in case of rain) 12:10 PM Mass †Mary Craig 4:00 PM Set up for Vigil of Pentecost in Fr. Sherry Parish Center/ Apostles Bay SATURDAY, MAY 23, 2015 7:00 AM Rosary 7:30 AM Mass †Dr. Gerard Dominique 12:00 PM Lorena Vilchis Quinceñera Mass 1:00 PM Quinceñera Retreat in Archangels/Angels 4:00 PM Confession/Reconciliation until 4:45 PM 5:00 PM Mass †Tadeusz Glapinski 7:00 PM Vigil of Pentecost (Spanish) in Fr. Sherry Parish Center SUNDAY, MAY 24, 2015 PENTECOST SUNDAY 8:00 AM Mass The People of Holy Apostles 10:00 AM Taped Mass †Diane “Dee” Loreck and †Loretta Budris 12:00 PM Misa en Español †Natividad Flores & Gillermo Ruiz y Sr. de la Santa Cruz 1:30 PM Estudio de Biblia in Room of Remembrance 3:30 PM F.Y.R.E. Choir rehearsal in church 5:00 PM F.Y.R.E. Mass †Jeremy Kuchenmeister 6:00 PM Youth Group in Fr. Sherry Parish Center MONDAY, MAY 25, 2015 MEMORIAL DAY—PARISH OFFICE CLOSED ST. BEDE THE VENERABLE, ST. GREGORY VII AND ST. MARY MAGADELENE DE POZZI 9:00 AM Mass †Fr. John Cahill and †Rev. Theodore Hesburgh 12:10 PM No Mass Mass Intentions Please call the Parish Office at 815-385-5673 or stop by during office hours (8:30 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday) to arrange for a Mass Intention for a deceased or ill loved one or other special intention. Advertiser of the Week We wish to thank the business people who use our bulletin for advertising their products and services. Our advertisers make it possible for Holy Apostles to provide our weekly bulletin to you AT NO COST TO THE PARISH. Please patronize our advertisers. This week we especially thank: Dan’s Carpentry “Anything to do with your home” Call Dan (Parishioner) at 815-363-9124 Contact Jeff Tkachuk at 1-800-950-9952, Ext. 2513 or [email protected] for information on placing an ad. Page 4 Pilgrimage to Marytown Offered Holy Apostles’ Marriage Ministry is sponsoring a pilgrimage to Marytown, the national shrine of St. Maximilian Kolbe, 1600 W. Park Ave., (Rt. 176), in Libertyville, on Saturday, May 30. The day’s schedule will be: 10 AM: Group meets in St. Bonaventure (Marytown) for a guided tour, Kolbe video, Kolbe talk and tour of the Holocaust exhibit 11 AM: Stations of the Cross 12 PM: Mass 1 PM: Picnic by Sacred Heart shrine 3 PM: Depart. Transportation and picnic lunch is not provided. There is no cost to attend but donations are accepted and appreciated. This is pilgrimage open to anyone in the parish not just married couples. Please respond to [email protected] to reserve your spot (reservation is required). Knights of Columbus Golf Outing The Knights of Columbus Council 1288 annual Golf Outing will be held on Saturday, June 13, at Boone Creek Golf Course, 6912 Mason Hill Rd., Bull Valley. Registration will begin at 11 AM until 12:30 PM. Tee off time is a 1 PM shotgun start. Best ball format; men, women and mixed foursomes welcome! Don’t have a team? We’ll match you up. The $60 per person fee includes golf, cart, prizes and food (catered dinner by The Rib House). Mail your check (payable to KOC #1288) and names of golfers to Pete Krawczyk, 3113 Cypress Ct., McHenry IL 60051 by June 6. Respect Life Ministry News Through your generous purchase of carnations, $730.22 was raised for the annual Mother’s Day Flower Sale to benefit 1st Way Pregnancy Support Services. The Respect Life Ministry thanks you for your generous support! It is expected that this week the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 36). The Diocesan Life & Family Office has received an ACTION ALERT from the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment asking for our assistance in encouraging our representatives to SUPPORT this bill. Please visit the NCHLA Action Center here: actiondisplay.asp?ID=314 and it will guide you how to send an email to your Representative. The Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry, IL It’s the “We’reNotGoingOut-of-Business” Sale! Come help us have less merchandise to move to our new location! Bell Tower Gifts & Books is offering unprecedented savings on a variety of items: Save 70% off all home décor, books, wedding gifts, Easter items, jewelry, Spanish Items, Bliss sterling silver pendants and more! Save 75% off remaining Christmas items. All sales are final. Stop in soon for the best selection! Embark on an Icy Expedition—Everest! At Holy Apostles’ “Everest” Vacation Bible Camp kids will learn to conquer challenges with God’s mighty power! Set aside the week of June 22 to 26 for an amazing time learning Bible stories, making crafts, singing songs, playing games and more! Volunteers from Grade 6 and up are needed for all areas! Register now— pick up a registration form for campers (age 4 through Grade 5) and volunteers (Grade 6—with limitations—through adult) at the Information Center, the Family Faith Formation Office or at forms now. For more information call Jeanne Fraser at 815-385-5673. Community Kitchen—Sharing God’s Love We are feeding the hungry, at no cost, in the name of Christ, every Monday at 6 PM in the Fr. Sherry Parish Center. Doors open 5:45 PM. Please contact Mayra Rivas for information, to volunteer, or to donate food or supplies at 815-996-0076 or [email protected]. New volunteers are always needed! Page 5 Ascension of the Lord We Share Our Blessings This week, our Parish Tithe will be given to Outside da Box, an organization that creates short films and videos for Catholic Youth Ministry that help teens know, love, and serve the Lord. Cursillo McHenry Ultreya Invitation All Cursillistas and others are invited to an Ultreya on Wednesday, June 10, at 7:30 PM in Fr. Sherry Parish Center. The speakers will be Fr. Paul White and Dorri Hausser. Together they will encourage us in our walk with the Lord. Come and enjoy a evening filled with prayer, witnessing and spiritual inspiration. It promises to be a wonderful time of sharing and fellowship. If finances permit, please bring a treat to share with the group. For more information contact Lenore Zegiel at [email protected]. Offer Your Intentions with Candles Four large candles surround the Blessed Sacrament in the All Saints Perpetual Adoration Chapel, each burning for 14 days. Request your own personal intentions for their duration by contacting the Parish Office. The suggested donation is $15 per candle. From May 10 through 23, with these candles, your prayers have been requested by Mike Blumm and Minerva Lagunes. Please Check Lost & Found Box Have you lost or left something behind in our church building? Please check our Lost & Found Box located in the Information Center in the narthex of the church. Items not picked up by June 1 will be donated to charity. Knights Give Thanks Knights of Columbus Council 1288 thanks all who came out to support their Trivia “Knight” on May 2nd. Please save the date for the next one on Saturday, September 19, in Fr. Sherry Parish Center. To reserve your table now call John Vlcyk at 815-388-5260 or [email protected]. May 17, 2015 Stewardship of Treasure For Weekend of May 9/10, 2015 (Week 45) Weekly Budgeted Income Needed: $ 21,453.00 Sunday Envelopes Loose Offertory Children’s Gifts Total Collection $ 21,934.00 $ 2,490.06 $ 239.57 $ 24,663.63 (Fiscal year 7/1/14 to 6/30/15) Budgeted Income Year to Date:$ Actual Income Year-to-Date Overage/(Shortage) $965,385.00 $939,511.89 $ (25,873.11) \ Weekly Tithe to N.E.T. Ministries Debt Reduction: $ $ 1,000.00 1,790.00 Thank you so for your generous giving! Please remember Holy Apostles in your Will. One Quiet Hour with Him Each Week The specific way that Jesus asks you to love Him in return is to spend one quiet hour with Him each week in the Blessed Sacrament. “Could you not watch one hour with Me?” Mt. 26:40 Take a little time each week to visit Jesus in the Divine Eucharist in the All Saints Perpetual Adoration Chapel. and thank Him and be refreshed. Pray, listen, and take in the peace that He gives us so lovingly. Stop and take a little break from your busy life to acknowledge His comforting love. Jesus will bless you, your family, and the whole world for this hour of faith you spend with Him in the Blessed Sacrament. Please pray about committing to an hour spent with the Lord, especially these open times: Monday: 9 to 10 AM Wednesday: 12 to 1 PM Saturday: 12 AM t0 1 AM and 2 to 3 PM Call Mike Thielsen at 815-385-8562 to commit your time. Marian Central’s Upcoming Events Marian Central Catholic High School’s Athletic Benefit will take place on June 17 at Crystal Woods Golf Club, 5915 S. Rt. 47. Woodstock. The cost of $125 includes golf, carts, lunch, and dinner. Registration is at 9 AM with a 10 AM shotgun start. Don’t golf? Dinner only (at 3:30 PM) is $30 per person. Proceeds of event benefit all Marian’s athletic programs. Contact the Development Office at 815-338-4220, ext. 125 or [email protected]. Marian Central Catholic High School will host an Open House on Tuesday, June 2, in the school cafeteria from 5:30 to 7 PM to honor retiring teacher Jim Speaker. In the 35 years that Jim has been at Marian Central he has taught mathematics to thousands of students and has also served as Athletic Director, Girls Head Basketball Coach, and Golf Coach. All current students and alumni are invited to congratulate Mr. Speaker on his retirement. Pagina 6 La Ascensión del Señor A los cuarenta días después de la Resurrección habiendo instruido a sus Apóstoles sobre la misión de establecer el Reino de Dios en el mundo, Jesús iba a subir al cielo. Bendijo a la Virgen María Madre, a los Apóstoles y discípulos y se despidió de ellos. Una nube lo ocultó de sus miradas. Al situarse junto al Padre, toda la corte celestial entonó un himno glorioso de alabanza, como el que oyó Juan en sus visiones: "Digno es el Cordero, que ha sido degollado, de recibir el poder y la riqueza, la sabiduría y la fuerza, la honra, la gloria y la alabanza" (Ap 5, 12). Jesús, mientras estaba en la tierra, gustaba siempre de la visión de Dios; pero únicamente en la Transfiguración se manifestó la gloria de su Humanidad Sacratísima, que, por la Ascensión, se colocó al lado del Padre celestial y quedó ensalzada sobre toda criatura humana. Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para los Adultos (RICA) Si te hace falta alguno de los tres Sacramentos de Iniciación Cristiana, Bautismo, Primera Comunión, Confirmación, o si te faltan los tres Sacramentos y eres mayor de 18 años, este programa es para tí. Las clases empiezan el día martes 25 de Agosto, 2015 aquí en la iglesia de los Santos Apóstoles, las clases son los días martes a las 6:45 p.m. pasa a la oficina a inscribirte. Traer copia de tu boleta de Bautismo en caso de que te falta la primera comunión y la confirmación. La oficina está abierta de 8:30a.m 5:00 p.m. de lunes a viernes. Para más información comunícate con el P. Ruben (815) 385 4273 extensión 115. Formación de las Familia en la Fe Las clases de catecismo para el siguiente ciclo escolar comienzan en septiembre, serán los martes de 5 a 6:15pm. Y se dará inicio a un nuevo programa en domingos. Este será el segundo y cuarto domingo de cada mes de 9:30 am. a 11:30am. En este nuevo programa de catecismo en domingo los papas se tienen que quedar con los niños a la clase. Para mas información llamar a la oficina. Librería Descuentos del 70 % en gran variedad de libros, y artículos para decorar. Decoraciones Navideños con el 75%. La Librería tiene personal que habla español. En los meses de julio y agosto, se cerrara la tienda y se reabrirá en el mes de Septiembre en el Narthex de la iglesia. Esperamos seguirle viendo. Campamento de Biblia Todos los niños de todas las edades están invitados al campamento de Biblia para este verano del 22 al 26 de junio. Sera una semana divertida. Harán diferentes manualidades, aprenderán historias de la Biblia, cantos y juegos. Los niños de 6 grado en adelante asisten como voluntarios. Las formas de registro las encuentra en el centro de información, en la oficina de catecismo o puede pasar a registrar a su niño a la oficina de la iglesia. El costo son $20 dólares por niño. Para mas información llámenos al 815-385-5673. La Iglesia de los Apostoles Santos, McHenry, IL Requisitos para Bautizar Pasar a la oficina para llenar la forma de registro. Traer copia del Acta de Nacmiento del niño(a). Papás y Padrinos deben asisitir a la clase pre-bautismal, ofrecida el primer lunes del mes a las 6:45 pm. ( no traer niños) PADRINOS DEBEN ESTAR CASADOS POR LA IGLESIA. Presentar el Certificado de Matrimonio el día que llene la forma de registro. Ser mayores de 18 años. Fechas de Bautismo, domingo en misa de 12 pm. Junio 14, Julio 12; Agosto 9; Sept 13. Fechas de Bautismos en sabado a las 9am. (solamente se celebra el sacramento, no hay misa) Mayo 30; Junio 27; Julio 25; Agosto 29; Septiembre 26 y Octubre 31. Fechas de la clase Pre-bautismal. Lunes 6:45pm. Junio 1; julio 6; Agosto 3 y 31 Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento Necesitamos Adoradores Permanentes para nuestra Capilla de Adoración al Santísimo. Si quiere ser adorador llame la oficina o llene una de las formas que se encuentran en la capilla de Adoración y puede traerla a la oficina. Horario disponible: lunes: 9—10 AM; mércoles: 12—1 PM sábado: 12 AM—1 AM y 2—3 PM Veladoras en la Capilla de Adoración Si desea ofrecer una de las veladoras que se encienden en la Capilla de Adoración al Santísimo por sus intenciones o sus necesidades, pase a la oficina de la Iglesia. La veladora dura 14 días encendida. El costo por veladora, $15 dólares. Este mes son encendidas del 10 al 23 de mayo a petición de Mike Blumm, y Minerva Lagunes. Misas para alguna intención Si desea mandar hacer una misa, pasar a la oficina por lo menos dos semanas antes de la fecha que desea, las misas en español son domingo a las 12pm o jueves a las 7pm. El donativo es de $10 dólares . El horario es de 8:30 am. a 5 pm. De lunes a viernes. Presentaciones Personas interesada en presentar a su hijo (a), las fechas son el 1er, y 4to. Domingo de cada mes durante la misa de 12 pm. La próxima fecha es el 24 de mayo. Llamar a la oficina de lunes a viernes de 8:30 am. a 5 pm. para dejar su información. Padrinos de Bautismo Las personas que van a participar como padrinos de Bautismo, presentar en la oficina el acta de matrimonio por la Iglesia. Mas información comunicarse a la oficina. Objetos olvidados Si ha olvidado algún objeto en la iglesia puede pasar a revisar la caja de cosas olvidadas en el centro de información. La fecha limite es el primero de junio después de este día los objetos serán donados. Page 7 Ascension of the Lord May 17, 2015 Congratulations to Noah’s Ark Grads We Welcome the Newly Baptized Our own Noah’s Ark Preschool will celebrate the children graduating this year at graduations this Wednesday and Thursday, May 20 and 21, at 6:30 PM. Graduates are listed alphabetically by class. Yaretzy Agaton Hernandez, child of Octavio Agaton and Guillermina Hernandez Gonzalez Hailey Alexson Bella Bergdahl Sophia Elbert Carlyn Koeppen Nolan Lundy Pierce Ullmann Patrick Weiskopf Chloe Casey Cameron Caldwell Madeline Hartke Andrew Lomax Samuel Marak Rachel Weiskopf Anastasia Zock Padme Cataleya Jimenez Gijon, child of Gerardo Jimenez and Dayanira Gijon Corral Eli Aurora Collin McEnaney Luke McDonnell Evelyn Heinrich Hailey Pasiewicz Lilly Brackmann Katelin Goy Andrew Lingle Dylan Mrachek Larry Ratts Lucia Smith Sebastian Cummins Olivia Kerth Brent Mickelson Eryk Perez Abby Schol Sophia Zamora Colin Bronars Blake Davidso Penelope Green Elizabeth Klebosits Alyssa Misch Owen Schol Sean Daily Charlie Deblok Maria Jelinek Connor McEnaney Liam Rice Kaden Winkelman Grace Betts Dylan Jimenez Lily Lopez Bryan Mickelson Peyton Rebman Victor Schuett Colton Wray Austen Hacker Adam Kendall Khloe Lundy Dublin Powe Brooklyn Rundle Reese Widhalm Dylan Jocyel Gomez and David Gomez, children of Roberto Gomez Marin and Maria del Rocio Ramirez Sutton Rocco Jackson, child of Jeffrey and Storm Jackson Lila May Murphy, child of Jon and Katie Murphy Scarlett Mia Ortíz, child of Jesús Ortíz and Tania Garcia Lillian Rose Oskorep, child of Michael and Betsy Oskorep Consider Serving as a Eucharist Minister Eucharistic Minister Formation is scheduled for Tuesday, May 19 at 7 PM in the church. Anyone who is interested in being part of this rewarding and inspiring ministry is invited to attended either one of these formation sessions. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Carlson at [email protected] or Kathy Gulvas at the Parish Office at 815-385-5673 or [email protected]. Do You Have a Graduate You’re Proud Of? If you have a graduate in the family that you’d like to include in our May 31 bulletin, please provide the grad’s name and school to Anne West at 815-3855673 or [email protected] no later than Wednesday, May 27. Montini Catholic School and Marian Central Catholic High School graduate names will be provided by the schools. Our recent First Communicants were invited to take part in a May Crowning ceremony held after the 10 AM and the 12 PM Mass last Sunday. The children processed in and a “crown” wreath of flowers was placed on the statue of the Virgin Mary next to the tabernacle. Page 8 The Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry, IL Grief Support Group Meets Weekly Vocations Corner Have you or a loved one experienced a recent loss in your life? Perhaps you are grieving a death, going through or recently been divorced, working through unemployment or finding your family size changing as your children grow. Grief occurs throughout our lives as we encounter losses and sometimes it helps to share our feelings, as this strengthens the Body of Christ. Catholic Charities has an ongoing support group that meets on Tuesday mornings at 10 AM at 5141 W. Bull Valley Rd. (on Holy Apostles campus) The group is led by a therapist and trained facilitator. There is a $5.00 weekly charge and refreshments are served. There is no need to preregister. Please consider attending this very supportive group. If you have any questions, call the Catholic Charities office at 815-344-6956. At this time, there is no childcare available. What the Saints Have in Common Women’s Retreat Offered The Rockford Diocesan Council of Catholic Women invite all women to their 3rd annual retreat on June 26—27 at the Bishop Lane Retreat Center in Rockford. The theme is “Resting in God” with speaker Rita Van Wassenhove. God designed us to need a “recharge” in an atmosphere of unhurried quietness. An unrested soul becomes impatient, demanding, irritable, selfish and unable to be of service to the Lord. Come for a time of rest and renewal. The cost is $85 for single rooms; $62 for a shared room. Call Pat Wightman at 815-548-2415 for more information. Catholic Leadership Seminar Offered Become the best leader possible at home, at work, in your community and in your parish by learning how to Lead Like Jesus. Attend a Catholic Vision for Leading Like Jesus Encounter on Friday, June 19, at Bishop Lane Retreat Center, 7708 McGregor Rd., Rockford, from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. The cost of $79 includes all materials, lunch and snacks. For more information or to register, call 815-965-5011 or email bishoplane@rockforddiocese by June 11. Try a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Deepen your communication, strengthen your relationship, rekindle your romance and renew your sacrament by attending the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend on June 12-14 in Brookfield, WI; July 31-Aug. 2 in Madison, WI; or Sept. 11-13 in Crystal Lake IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit or call 888-574-5653. For a fin de semana en Español in Chicago on June 5--7; Sept. 4—6 or Nov. 6—8, contact Andres y Maria at 630-229-2600. I’ve been blessed to attend three confirmations recently. Within the ceremonies, each of the confirmandi were anointed with Chrism oil and called by the saint name that they picked for the occasion. As the Bishop read name after name after name at one of confirmations, I began to think about how diverse and unique each of the saints truly are. Each of them were called by God to a specific task, which they of course carried out to the best of their ability, hence becoming saints! As I thought more and more about it, I realized that despite the diversity of vocations that the different saints were called to, there are three things that they all have in common: 1) They wanted to do God’s will. 2) They put God’s desires before their own. 3) They relied on God’s grace and power to fulfill His plan for them. This is precisely what we are all called to do. We are called to walk in their footsteps. Each and every one of us ought to have a desire to do God’s will, and to put His desires before our own. We should do this out of love for God, but knowing that it will bring us joy as well is a nice little incentive! Carrying this out is, of course, easier said than done which is why we need to call upon the power of the Spirit that we were given in our own confirmations! Do this, and years down the road, maybe someone will pick your name, as their confirmation saint name! Fr. Keith Romke, Diocesan Vocations Director St. John’s Rummage Sale St. John the Baptist Parish invites all to their Rummage Sale in the parish hall at 2302 W. Church St., in Johnsburg. Sale dates are Thursday, June 4, 2 to 7 PM; Friday, June 5, 8 AM to 4 PM; and Saturday, June 6, 8 AM to 1 PM (Bag Sale). MASS SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 18: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Acts 19:1-8/Jn 16:29-33 Acts 20:17-27/Jn 17:1-11a Acts 20:28-38/Jn 17:11b-19 Acts 22:30; 23:6-11/Jn 17:20-26 Acts 25:13b-21/Jn 21:15-19 Acts 28:16-20, 30-31/Jn 21:20-25 (morning) Vigil: Gn 11:1-9/Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39 Day: Acts 2:1-11/Gal 5:16-25/Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15 For complete daily Mass readings, visit the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website, On the home page, just click the date on the calendar for that day’s readings MASS CELEBRANTS FOR MAY 23/24:*: Saturday, May 23: 5 PM—Fr. Rubén Sunday, May 24: 8 AM—Fr. Paul 10 AM—Fr. Paul 12 PM—Fr. Rubén 5 PM—Fr. Diego *Subject to changes in priests’ schedules.
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