Sacred Heart Catholic Church 1220 15th Street West, Bradenton, Fl 34205 Fr. Salvator M. Stefula, T.O.R. PASTOR Fr. David Tickerhoof, T.O.R. Ron Dains DEACON OFFICE NUMBERS Phone: (941) 748-2221 Fax: (941) 748-1744 Email:[email protected] Website: CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 AM - 12:00PM / 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM Closed all day Wednesday, and Friday at Noon BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL HOURS Open during regular Office hours Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil ……………………….. 4:00 PM English…….....6:00 PM Español Sunday Schedule …….…. 8:00 AM & 10:00AM English……..12:30 PM Español Haitian Mass ……………………………………………….. please call the Office Monday-Friday …………………………………...……………. 7:30 AM English Holy Days of Obligation ….…………….…….Check Bulletin for Mass Schedule First Friday Mass ...……... …………………... ………………...7:30 AM English Adoration/Benediction ......………………………………….8:00AM-12:00PM Administration of Sacraments RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Grades 1st - 12th. BAPTISM: Classes are required. Please call the church office for more information. FIRST COMMUNION/CONFIRMATION: Children (7+) need to attend two years Religious Education. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 3:15 PM (English), Sunday 12:00 PM (Spanish) or anytime by appointment. ANOINTING OF SICK: Anytime when urgent, otherwise by appointment. MATRIMONY: Arrangements to be made at least 6 months in advance with a member of the Parish Clergy. R.C.I.A.: Christian Initiation of Adults is available. Check with Church Office. We support Catholic education. St. Joseph School …………………….. Principal Mrs. Coleen Curlett, 755-2611 OFFICE STAFF DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Alice White (941) 794-8457 YOUTH DIRECTORS Jim & Patti Varrato (941) 920-3339 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRIES Tristan Rhodes BOOKKEEPER Mary B. Suchy PARISH SECRETARY Azucena Macías MAINTENANCE Deacon Ron Dains BULLETIN COORDINATOR Vicky Helfer HOUSEKEEPER Elvira Villalobos PARISH MINISTRIES Blessed Sacrament Chapel Charismatic Prayer Group (Spanish) Choirs -- Adult, Youth Eucharistic Ministers (English & Spanish) Haitian Ministry Lectors (English & Spanish) Legion of Mary Rosary (Spanish) Sacristans (English & Spanish) Social Justice Spanish Committee Spanish Cursillo Our mission is that we are all working toward the fulfillment of Christ’s prayer to the Father, that we all may be one in Him, as He is one with the Father. We, who have been fully initiated into His Mystical Body, the Church, share in His mission, becoming true Disciples, bringing the Good News to all through celebrating the wondrous gifts of God, proclaiming the message in fellowship with each other and being of service to all our brothers and sisters in need, until He comes again in glory. June 7, 2015 Sacred Heart Catholic Church Pope Francis Prayer Intentions for June General Prayer Intention “That immigrants and refugees may find welcome and respect in the countries to which they come”. Mission Prayer Intention THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST “That the personal encounter with Jesus may arouse in many young people the desire to offer their own lives in priesthood or consecrated life”. MON. 06/08 Weekday 2 Cor 1:1-7; Ps 34:2-9; Mt 5:1-12 7:30 AM Diane McLaughlin (B-Day) — Theresa Suchala TUE. 06/09 St. Ephrem 2 Cor 1:18-22; Ps 119:129-133, 135; Mt 5:13-16 7:30 AM Fr. Sal (41th Anniv.) — Legion of Mary The cup of salvation I will take up, and I will call upon the name of the LORD. — Psalm 116:13 WED. 06/10 Weekday 2 Cor 3:4-11; Ps 99:5-9; Mt 5:17-19 7:30 AM Peter Etzell (B-Day) — Martha Etzell THU. 06/11 St. Barnabas Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 5:20-26 7:30 AM Daniel Oliva — Iliana Stokes FRI. 06/12 The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9; Is 12:2-6; Eph 3:8-12, 14-19; Jn 19:31-37 7:30 AM In Honor of St. Anthony — Theresa Suchala The Most Sacred Heart (Spanish Mass) Hernán Helfer — Helfer Family 7:00 PM SAT. 06/13 4:00 PM 6:00 PM SUN. 06/14 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:30 PM The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary St. Anthony of Padua 2 Cor 5:14-21; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Mt 5:33-37 Lois Cupani — John and Pam Cupani Dennis Pelegrin (18th B-Day) — Pelegrin Family 11th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Ez 17:22-24; Ps 92:2-3, 13-16; 2 Cor 5:6-10; Mk 4:26-34 All Parishioners of SHC Patricia Hurdle — M/M Harry Young Ramón Polanco — Enrique Polanco and Family Reflecting on God’s Word Today’s Gospel tells the story of the preparation of the place where Jesus and his disciples were to eat the Last Supper. During that meal, the new covenant in Christ’s blood was established as an everlasting covenant that we celebrate to this day. Today is a good day to ask ourselves just how intentional we are when preparing to celebrate the Mass. All too often, our coming to this place becomes routine and the Mass seems to pass us by. What an opportunity we miss when this happens! When we celebrate the Eucharist, we are joined to Christ, proclaiming and participating in his death and sharing in the promise of his new life. The gift of today’s solemnity gives us the chance to re-examine our own preparedness for Mass. As today’s Gospel is proclaimed, let us remember that it is at the table of the Eucharist that we can truly find transformation. Here at this table we taste newness of life. Let us pay close attention to the words and gestures of the Mass, and when it comes time for Communion, let us approach the Lord with humility of heart and offer a prayer of gratitude for this gift beyond measure. TRANSFORMATION The effect of our sharing in the Body and Blood of Christ is to change us into what we receive. — Pope St. Leo the Great June 7, 2015 Sacred Heart Catholic Church ALTAR WINE DONATION This week is offered In Memory of Hernán Helfer by Helfer Family Why Is the Responsorial Psalm Supposed to Be Sung? The psalms in the Old Testament were written as songs. Some even have notes about instrumentation. They are poetic prayers that were used in worship by the community and by individuals. As poetry they express the whole gamut of human feeling: joy, sorrow, pain, gratitude, anger, praise. The psalms teach us that there is no feeling that we cannot bring to our God. We can stand honestly before God to express ourselves and know that God listens and understands. We have the examples of the Old Testament psalmist before us. The psalms have traditionally been attributed to David, but were actually written over a period of about 1,000 years. David is considered to be the primary author and compiler. Altar Flowers This week are offered In Memory of Harold Adams by Nora Adams In Memory of Estela Marcos by Marcos Family OUR SACRIFICE Year of Consecrated Life Let us offer Christ the great universal sacrifice of our love. For he offered his cross to God as sacrifice in order to make us all rich. — St. Ephrem * * * Father’s Day Mass * * * Envelopes are available at the entrance of the Church. Please fill one out, include your donation, and drop in the collection basket at Mass or at the Parish Office during regular office hours. Peter’s Pence Collection June 27 - 28 Pope Francis continues to call each of us to be a witness of charity. “To love God and neighbor is not something abstract”, he said “but profoundly concrete: it means seeing in every person the face of the Lord to be served, to serve him concretely”. Pope Francis shows through his actions what it means to serve our brothers and sisters and give them the love of Christ. Let us follow his example of service so that all people might have the joy of receiving Jesus through our presence: “And you are, dear brothers and sisters, the face of Jesus”. The Peter’s Pence Collection unites us in solidarity with the Holy Father and his works of charity toward those in need. Your contribution allows the Holy Father to support victims of war and natural disasters and others most in need of assistance. Join Pope Francis and be a witness of charity throughout the world. Please be generous in the Peter’s Pence Collection. “THERE IS MUCH THAT WE CAN DO TO BENEFIT THE POOR, THE NEEDY AND THOSE WHO SUFFER AND TO FAVOR JUSTICE. PROMOTE RECONCILIATION AND BUILD PEACE” — Pope Francis SAVE THE DATE: Fortnight for Freedom - Bishop Frank J. Dewane is calling on the Diocese of Venice to once again join Catholic Arch/dioceses and across the United States to raise awareness for domestic and international religious freedom concerns during the fourth annual Fortnight Freedom, Sunday, June 21 to Saturday, July 4. The theme of this two week focus is “Freedom to Bear Witness” and emphasizes the link between religious liberty and service to the poor and vulnerable. The faithful are encourages to reinforce their commitment to prayer, to study the Church’s teaching, and to participate in peaceful public action during the Fortnight. Summer Youth Conferences - There are two great opportunities this summer for teens to encounter Jesus Christ. From July 10 to July 12, the Ave Maria Youth Conference will take place at Ave Maria University, Ave Maria, and from July 17 to July 19 the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Florida Youth Conference will be held in Orlando. Information: www.steubenvilleflorida. Com and June 7, 2015 Sacred Heart Catholic Church Mass Book 2015 Diocese of Venice Family, Faith and Fun Day If you would like to reserve a Mass Intention In Memory of a deceased loved one or In Honor of a living loved one, you have available the following dates and times. Please stop by the Parish Office to schedule the Mass. October 14 Wednesday 7:30am 23 Friday 7:30am 25 Sunday 10:00am 27 Tuesday 7:30am November 2 Monday 7:30am 5 Thursday 7:30am 6 Friday 7:30am 9 Monday 7:30am 10 Tuesday 7:30am 13 Friday 7:30am 29 Sunday 8:00am 29 Sunday 10:00am December 4 Friday 7:30am 8 Tuesday 7:30am 9 Wednesday 7:30am 11 Friday 7:30am 16 Wednesday 7:30am 18 Friday 7:30am 21 Monday 7:30am 22 Tuesday 7:30am 29 Tuesday 7:30am 30 Wednesday 7:30am 31 Thursday 7:30am The Diocese of Venice Office of Evangelization is hosting a day of family, faith and fun on Saturday, July 25 at St. Agnes Catholic Church in Naples. The day will include engaging speakers, fun activities for the whole family, and spiritual elements including a closing Mass. Cost is $50 per family and includes a continental breakfast, lunch and activities. For more information and to register go to ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TUE. WED. THU. FRI. SAT. 9:00 am 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 10:00 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 10:00 am Legion of Mary - Hall Spanish Prayer Group - Church Spanish Rosary - Chapel English Choir Practice - Church Seniors Meeting - SASH - Hall Cursillo - St. Joseph Room Spanish Choir Practice - Church Spanish Choir Practice - Hall Spanish Choir Practice - S.J. Room Children Choir Practice - Church SASH Seniors at Sacred Heart Catholic Homeschool Conference The Immaculate Heart of Mary Tampa Homeschool and Parent Conference Thursday, June 25 (12:00pm-6:00pm) Friday, June 26 (9:30am-3:30pm) St. Lawrence Parish’s Higgins Hall 5225 N. Himes Avenue, Tampa Confirmed speakers include: Dr. Ray Guarendi, Mrs. Amy Kalscheur, and Mrs. Virginia Seuffert! Admission is FREE and pre-registration is not required. Information:, email: [email protected] or call 540-636-1946 SASH will continue to meet weekly on Thursday mornings in the Parish Center, at 10AM for socialization, information and Dominos, Bingo and other activities as the members wish for the month of May, after the beginning of June we will meet on first and third Thursday, during the summer, at the same time and place. SASH will resume weekly meetings in September, after Labor Day. All seniors in the parish are welcome to attend our gatherings. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE May 23 - 24 $ 3,769.00 May 30 - 31 $ 3,548.00 Second Collection next weekend for Maintenance Fund Enjoy a Delicious Cup of Coffee and Yummy Donuts! Every Sunday in the Parish Center after the 8:00am & 10:00am Mass Our CFA assessment for 2015 is $70,000; we have $40,686 pledged so far and $28,632 paid. We are 58% of our goal. Please, we need the cooperation of ALL our parishioners to meet our goal for this year. I return a portion of my time/skills and possessions to God in a spirit of gratitude. June 7, 2015 Sacred Heart Catholic Church Intención de Oración del Papa Francisco Mes de Junio Intención de Oración Universal “Que los inmigrantes y refugiados puedan encontrar acogida y respeto en los países a los que llegan”. Intención de Evangelización “Que el encuentro personal con Jesús pueda suscitar en muchos jóvenes el deseo de ofrecer su propia vida en el sacerdocio o la vida consagrada”. Levantaré el cáliz de salvación e invocaré el nombre del Señor. ¿Por qué se supone que el Salmo Responsorial sea cantado? Los salmos del Antiguo Testamento fueron escritos como cantos. Algunos incluso tienen notas acerca de la instrumentación. Son oraciones poéticas que eran usadas por la comunidad y por los individuos para rendir culto. Como poesía expresan la gama completa del sentimiento humano: alegría, tristeza, dolor, gratitud, enojo, alabanza. Los salmos nos enseñan que no existe sentimiento que no podamos presentar a nuestro Dios. Podemos mostrarnos sinceramente ante Dios para expresarnos, sabiendo que Él escucha y comprende. Tenemos los ejemplos del salmista del Antiguo Testamento ante nosotros. Los salmos han sido tradicionalmente atribuidos a David, aunque realmente fueron escritos en un período de cerca de 1000 años. David es considerado el principal autor y recopilador. — Salmo 116:13 NUESTRO SACRIFICIO Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios El Evangelio de hoy relata la historia acerca de la preparación del lugar donde Jesús y sus discípulos tendrían la Última Cena. Durante esa cena se estableció la nueva alianza con la sangre de Cristo, la alianza eterna que celebramos en este día. Hoy, es un buen día para preguntarnos cuán seriamente nos preparamos para celebrar la Misa. Demasiado a menudo venir a este lugar se nos hace una rutina y tal parece como si la Misa pasara sin pasar por nosotros. ¡Qué tremenda oportunidad dejamos pasar cuando eso sucede! Cuando celebramos la Eucaristía nos unimos a Cristo, para proclamar y participar en su muerte y compartir la promesa de su vida nueva. La solemnidad de hoy es un don que nos brinda la oportunidad de reexaminar la manera en que nos preparamos para la Misa. Al escuchar hoy la proclamación del Evangelio recordemos que es en la mesa de la Eucaristía donde verdaderamente podemos ser transformados. Aquí en este mesa gustamos de la vida nueva. Prestemos particular atención a las palabras y los gestos de la Misa y, cuando llegue el momento de la Comunión acerquémonos al Señor con un corazón humilde y con una oración de gratitud por este don inmesurable. Ofrezcámosle a Cristo el gran sacrificio universal de nuestro amor. Él ofreció su cruz a Dios como sacrificio para enriquecernos a todos. — San Efrén MISA SAGRADO CORAZóN DE JESÚS “Señor Jesús, vengo para estar en silencio ante tu presencia, confiando en que tu Corazón hablará por mí, sabiendo que todo lo que yo jamás quiera decir, que todo lo que alguna vez tenga que decir, es dicho por siempre al Padre por tu Sagrado Corazón”. — Papa Benedicto XVI Todos están invitados a asistir a la Misa que se celebrará el Viernes 12 de Junio a las 7:00pm con motivo de la Fiesta del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. * * * Misa por el Día del Padre * * * 21 de Junio TRANSFORMACIÓN El efecto de compartir el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo es transformarse en lo que recibimos. — Papa San León Magno Si a usted le gustaría recordar a su papá (vivo o fallecido) durante el mes de Junio, los sobres están a la entrada de la Iglesia. Por favor tome uno, adjunte su donación y colóquelo en la canasta de la colecta o en la Oficina de la Parroquia durante el horario de trabajo. June 7, 2015 Sacred Heart Catholic Church Año de la Vida Consagrada Colecta Peter’s Pence Junio 27 - 28 El Papa Francisco sigue llamando a cada uno de nosotros para ser testigos de la caridad. “Amar a Dios y al prójimo no es algo abstracto” dijo él “pero profundamente cierto: ésto significa ver en cada persona el rostro del Señor para servirlo, servirlo a él concretamente”. El Papa Francisco muestra a través de sus acciones lo que significa servir a nuestros hermanos y hermanas y darles el amor de Cristo. Vamos a seguir su ejemplo de servicio de tal forma que, todas las personas puedan tener el gozo de recibir a Jesús a través de nuestra presencia: “Y ustedes son, queridos hermanos y hermanas, el rosto de Jesús”. La Colecta Peter’s Pence nos une en solidaridad con el Santo Padre y sus obras de caridad hacia los necesitados. Vuestra contribución permitirá al Santo Padre a ayudar a las víctimas de las guerras y de los desastres naturales y otros más que necesiten de asistencia. Únanse al Papa Francisco y sean testigos de caridad en todo el mundo. Por favor sean generosos con la Colecta Peter’s Pence. “ES MUCHO LO QUE PODEMOS HACER PARA BENEFICIAR AL POBRE, AL NECESITADO Y A QUIENES SUFREN Y EN FAVOR DE LA JUSTICIA. PROMOVER LA RECONCILIACIÓN Y CONSTRUIR LA PAZ” — Papa Francisco Libro de Misas 2015 Si a usted le gustaría reservar una Misa en honor de un ser querido o por algún motivo especial, las siguientes fechas y horas están disponibles. Por favor, visite la Oficina de la Parroquia para separar la Misa. Octubre 14 Miércoles 7:30am 23 Viernes 7:30am 25 Domingo 10:00am 27 Martes 7:30am Noviembre 2 Lunes 7:30am 5 Jueves 7:30am 6 Viernes 7:30am 9 Lunes 7:30am 10 Martes 7:30am 13 Viernes 7:30am 29 Domingo 8:00am 29 Domingo 10:00am Diciembre 4 Viernes 7:30am 8 Martes 7:30am 9 Miércoles 7:30am 11 Viernes 7:30am 16 Miércoles 7:30am 18 Viernes 7:30am 21 Lunes 7:30am 22 Martes 7:30am 29 Martes 7:30am 30 Miércoles 7:30am 31 Jueves 7:30am FOTOS DE LA CONFIRMACIÓN ¡Ya están listas! Usted puede pasar a recogerlas en la Oficina de la Parroquia en horario de trabajo. Para mayor información llame al 748-2221. Bautizo Las Clases de Bautizo son el Primer Viernes de cada mes a las 7:00pm en el Salón de Conferencias. El Bautizo es el Sábado a la 1:00pm. Se realizarán Bautizos en las fechas que se mencionan a continuación: Junio 13, Junio 27. No habrá Bautizos en Julio. Agosto 15. Septiembre 12. Octubre 10. Noviembre 14. Diciembre 5. Por favor, visite la Oficina de la Parroquia para separar la fecha de Bautizo de su niño(a). Usted debe estar inscrito y ser miembro activo de la Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón por lo menos tres meses, completar el proceso de inscripción del Bautizo y atender la Clase de Preparación Bautismal. RIFA MESA PARA JUGAR DOMINÓ (Pro-Fondos CFA, 2015) ¡¡¡ Compre su Boleto !!! y tenga la oportunidad de llevar a casa una mesa en fino acabado en caoba para jugar Dominó. El Sorteo se realizará el 12 de Junio June 7, 2015 Sacred Heart Catholic Church Immaculate Heart of Mary Mary---Blessed --Blessed Sacrament Chapel Our Sacred Heart Chapel is open during regular Office hours for your prayers and requests in the presence of Our Most Blessed Sacrament. You may write your intentions in the book at the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Church. Nuestra Capilla está abierta durante las horas de oficina, para que usted pueda orar y hacer sus peticiones ante Nuestro Santísimo Sacramento. Usted puede pedir oración inscribiéndose en el libro que se encuentra a la entrada de la Iglesia. THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST THANKSGIVING The word “thanksgiving” most often calls to our mind the holiday in November. But as early as the middle of the second century Justin Martyr referred to the blessed bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper as “food we call ‘thanksgiving’ ” (in Greek eucharistia). The Thanksgiving we celebrate in the autumn is at times marked by a sort of proud societal self‑congratulation and the consumption of food until we sink into an inert stupor. The “thanksgiving” that we call our Eucharist is just the opposite: we are led to it by an acknowledgment of our own failings; we remember our humble place in the scheme of things by giving praise to God alone. While the food of Christ’s body and blood fills our spiritual hungers, it also creates in us a greater hunger. We are not sent to our spiritual sofas to let the Lord’s Supper settle; we are sent to be living signs of that thanksgiving for the world by looking out for the poor and powerless, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, speaking out against the self‑righteous. In short, the hunger created by our doing in remembrance of Christ must lead us to living in remembrance of him. ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS El Día de Acción de Gracias que celebramos en el otoño a veces se ve marcado por una especie de orgullo y autofelicitación por parte de nuestra sociedad, por no hablar de comilonas que nos llevan hasta el estupor. Pero la “acción de gracias” que en griego se llama “Eucaristía” es al revés: lo que nos lleva a ella es el reconocimiento de nuestras faltas; recordamos nuestra posición humilde en el universo alabando a Dios y a nadie más que a Dios. Es verdad que el alimento del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo sacia el hambre de nuestro espíritu, pero también es verdad que ese alimento crea en nosotros un hambre más intenso aún. Al terminar la Misa no nos envían a un sofá espiritual a sentarnos en lo que la Cena del Señor se nos asienta en el estómago; más bien, nos envían al mundo a ser signos vivientes de esa Acción de Gracias, ayudando a los pobres y desvalidos, alimentando a los hambrientos, cuidando a los enfermos, protestando contra las actitudes farisaicas. En fin, el hambre producida en nosotros al hacer el Memorial de Jesús nos tiene que impulsar a vivir “en memoria de él”. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Please support your bulletin by placing ads for your home business!!
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