The Crane The newsletter of Hiroshima International School Dates to note Please make a note of these forthcoming events: 8th May 2015 Sunday, 17th May – Board of Directors Meeting – 6pm at HIS Sunday, 17th May – HIS featured on Guru Guru School Friday, 22nd May, Spring Concert – at HIS at 7pm Saturday, 30th May – Grade 12 Graduation Monday-‐Thursday, 1st-‐4th June – Secondary Exams Week Friday, 5th June -‐ Sports’ Day Tuesday-‐Thursday, 9th-‐11th June -‐ Grades 6-‐10 Camp -‐ Sandankyo 2015-‐16 PTA Committee Nominations After a very successful year of PTA events and sup-‐ port for the school we are now entering the period of the year when we have to look to set up things for the PTA Planning Committee for the next school year. The Planning Committee should consist of 5-‐7 members. The procedure is as follows: • A Nominating Committee of the Principal and two members of the existing PTA Planning Commit-‐ tee is constituted to oversee the process. • Any individuals or groups who are interested in being on the Planning Committee for the next school year should let the Principal know in writing (mexton@hiroshima-‐ by 31st May. • The proposed committee is approved, or not, at a General Meeting of the PTA to be held in June. Usually, given the size of the school and the number of people interested, the process at the General Meet-‐ ing is an approval one only and not an election. At this stage of the year we should all acknowledge the huge amount of work put in by this year’s commit tee – Eriko, Jackie , Magali, Tracy, Miyoko and Takaco: they have all decided to stand down and take a well-‐ deserved rest from PTA duties. Thank you all very much for your service to the school! Spring Concert Just a quick reminder that this year’s Spring Concert is just a couple of weeks away, on Friday, 22nd May at 7pm. More information will follow shortly but parents of Primary age students should note that on the day of the concert school for EC through to Grade 5 finishes at 1pm: there will, of course, be transport home for those who use the school bus service. Guru Guru School Hiroshima Television’s popular Sunday evening pro-‐ gram Guru Guru School has been working with a group of HIS high school students to prepare a feature on HIS for a forthcoming program. They took a group of stu-‐ dents to Fukuyama for a day trip and then finalised filming in school just before Golden Week. We have now learnt that the broadcast date is Sunday, 17th May, from 4:55pm till 5:25pm – put it in your diaries! 2015-‐16 School Year Calendar The Board of Directors has approved the calendar presented to them by the Principal. The key dates for next school year are as follows: • Start of school year (Semester One) – Tuesday, 25th August, 2016 • Semester One mid-‐semester break – 10th-‐18th October inclusive • End of Semester One – Wednesday, 16th December • Start of Semester Two – Wednesday, 6th January, 2016 • Semester Two mid-‐semester break – 27th February-‐6th March inclusive • Golden Week – 29th April-‐8th May inclusive • End of school year (Semester Two) – Wednesday, 22nd June, 2016. Grades 6-‐10 Camp Just a quick advance warning about the Grades 6-‐10 Camp to the Sandankyo Gorge area that is coming up on Tuesday-‐Thursday, 9th-‐11th June. In line with the school’s new Vision – “to cultivate young people who are prepared for lifelong learning, meeting challenges and outstanding citizenship anywhere in the world” – the Sandankyo camp will aim to prepare students to work effectively in teams, develop their leadership skills and meet challenges. As with previous HIS camps there will be a focus on having fun in this ‘classroom without walls’ but there will also be a serious side, with all student activities planned to meet relevant learning objectives. There will be more information about the camp coming home next week. Japanese Language Teacher Needed (please pass on to anyone you know who might be interested) HIS requires a full-‐time teacher of Japanese language from 1st August, 2015: this position will initially be for one year as it is to cover the maternity leave of an existing teacher, but the possible expansion of our Japa-‐ nese language program means that there is the chance of the post becoming longer term for the right can-‐ didate. The ability to work in an English-‐language operating environment is essential, and experience of one or more of the IB programs is desirable. The person appointed will need to be able to work across the elemen-‐ tary and secondary age ranges. Please submit a letter of application, together with a current CV or resume to the School's Principal at mex-‐ ton@hiroshima-‐ as soon as possible: the CV/resume should contain contact details for at least two referees. An appointment will be made as soon as a suitable candidate is identified. 2 Unauthorised Absences from School and Make-‐up Days in June One of the things noticed over the Golden Week holiday was the high level of unauthorised absences in the part-‐weeks before and after the Golden Week break, as families took unofficial extensions of the holiday. An unauthorised absence is one taken without good reason such as illness, etc. Days taken for family rea-‐ sons – extended holidays, etc. – all count as unauthorised absences even when the family has given notice to the school. As in all such schools, HIS policy is that students should not be absent from school during term time for such reasons. Unlike many schools, we do not expect parents to ask permission to keep their children off school: it would be a nonsense to believe we can give permission to parents about their own children! However, we do insist on being given sufficient notice of any absences: in a situation where paired and group work is common and where teachers expect a sequence of learning to carry on, such ab-‐ sences are disruptive to the learning of not just the absent individual but also their classmates. As you will be aware, the School’s Board of Directors has decided to schedule two ‘make up’ days on Mon-‐ day/Tuesday, 22nd/23rd June. Normal schedules will run on these days and all students are expected to attend: these days will, of course, count for attendance/absence purposes and the end-‐of-‐semester reports will be issued on the final day of the semester or upon the resumption of school in August. From the PTA PTA か ら の お 知 ら せ Year End Celebration 年 度 末 パ ー テ ィ ー As in previous years, we plan to get together immediately after school on the last day of term as a chance to say our farewells before the long summer break, as well as to wish those families who are leaving us at the end of this year all the best on the next step of their journeys, wherever they may be going. More details will follow soon but for now, please mark your calendars for Tuesday June 23rd, and plan to attend if you are still around! 例年同様、今年も今学期末の最終日の学校終了後すぐに年度末パーティーを行いたいと思ってお ります。長い夏休みに入る前のしばしの別れの前に、そして、今年度いっぱいで HIS を去られる お友達やご家族の皆さんの前途を祝して、みなさんで楽しい時間を過ごしませんか? 詳細は日を追ってお知らせいたしますが、この日、6 月 23 日火曜日の予定は空けておいてくださ いね。 Feedback for the Carnival カ ー ニ バ ル の フ ィ ー ド バ ッ ク Before Golden Week we asked for your help in filling out a Google form to give us your feedback about the HIS Carnival. It appears the link to the form did not work properly. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. We have sent the link to you again by e-‐mail, so if you could take a few minutes to fill it out, we’d be very grateful! ゴールデンウイーク前の Crane で、HIS カーニバルに関しての皆さまのご感想をお聞きするための オンラインによるアンケート(Google フォーム)へのご記入をお願いしましたが、この Google フォ ームのリンクがきちんと機能していなかったようです。ご不便をおかけしまして、申し訳ありま せん。E メールにて皆さまにリンクを再送させていただいておりますのでご確認のうえ、今一度 、アンケートのご回答にお時間をいただけますと幸いです。よろしくお願いいたします。 Here is the link again in case you did not receive the e-‐mail. If it does not when you click on it, please try cutting and pasting it into your browser. 3 万が一 E メールをお受け取りになられていない方がいらっしゃいましたら、以下のリンクをお使 いください。クリックしてもリンク先にジャンプしない場合は、リンクをインターネットのブラ ウザに『コピー&貼り付け』してお試しくださいますようお願い申し上げます。‐ PTgazvs/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link We would also like to welcome the new families who have joined HIS recently. Please let us know your e-‐ mail address ASAP by sending an e-‐mail to pta@hiroshima-‐ , telling us your and your child’s names and grades, to make sure we can keep you connected to what is going on! この度新しく HIS に入られましたご家族の皆さま、ようこそ HIS へ! PTA からのお知らせを漏れ なくお届けできるよう、至急、皆さまのお名前と E メールアドレス、お子さまのお名前、学年を PTA まで( pta@hiroshima-‐ )お知らせくださいね。 Thank you! よろしくお願いいたします。 From the PTA team. PTA チームより Hiroshima International School 3-‐49-‐1, Kurakake, Asakita-‐ku Hiroshima 739-‐1743 tel. (082) 843 4111 fax. (082) 843 6399 www.hiroshima-‐ 4
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