The Crane The newsletter of Hiroshima International School 31st May 2015 Dates to note TODAY – deadline for nominations for PTA Planning Committee for 2015-‐16 Monday-‐Thursday, 1st-‐4th June – Secondary Exams Week Thursday, 4th June – Parents’ Coffee Morning – 09:00 at HIS Friday, 5th June -‐ Sports’ Day at Coca Cola West Stadium Tuesday-‐Thursday, 9th-‐11th June -‐ Grades 6-‐10 Camp – Sandankyo Friday, 12th June – Grade 5 PYP Exhibition and Grade 5 Graduation Grade 12 High School Graduation Yesterday afternoon, HIS graduated its largest ever graduating class: eleven Grade 12 students received their HIS High School Diplomas from the School’s Director General, Mrs Susan Meiki. As well as presenting the Diplomas, Mrs Meiki also gave the Congratulation. Mr Underwood, one of the Grade 12 homeroom advisers, spoke about the class and Taiga and Sadao from the Class of 2016 provided the traditional Musical Interlude. Mr Exton wrapped up the formal proceedings with an address to the graduates, imploring them to seek out challenges in their lives and to ‘get in over their heads’. Three of the graduates have been at HIS for the whole of their school lives – fifteen years from the age of three – while others have joined in the last year or two. No matter the ‘length of service’, HIS is proud to have been part of the educational journey of these young people, and we wish them luck in all their future endeavours. Exam Week Schedule Available For parents interested in viewing the Secondary Exam Week Schedule, it is now available on the HIS web-‐ site: you can access the schedule by selecting the Curriculum tab and navigating to the Secondary page. All students have been emailed a copy of the exam week schedule: this has been sent to their HIS email account. Their teachers in each subject notified students of the exams two weeks ago, and the students should have a Notification of Exam letter that outlines the content that will be in the exam. This past week has been spent on structured review activities in each class to prepare students for their exams. Students in secondary will be assessed according to the following guidelines: Grade 6 will be tested on 30% of the material learned this year; Grade 7, 40%; Grade 8, 50%; Grade 9, 75%; Grade 10, 75-‐100%; and Grade 11, 100%. The idea of a graduated system is to allow students to build effective study habits that match their level of academic development. It also builds stamina and expectations in students by steadily prepar-‐ ing them for the IB DP examinations they will sit in Grade 12. Grade 10 students will be sitting rigorous exams to as they prepare to enter the Diploma Program. Grade 11 students will have exams that model the DP exams they will take next May. Assessment of learning will not end at the conclusion of exam week. Students will be learning additional material through the end of the year and completing end of year projects and activities planned by their teachers. Sports Day On Friday, 5th June HIS will be having our annual Sports Day at Coca Cola West Stadium (2 Chome-‐11-‐124 Kanonshinmachi, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, Hiroshima Prefecture 733-‐0036). This has always been a day of fun, competition and performance and we’re looking forward to continuing this tradition this year. This is an all day event and everyone is to meet at the stadium by 8:45: Sports Day will finish between 3:30 and 4:00 pm. School buses will run for those who normally use them, and all other students are expected to arrange transportation to and from the stadium themselves. Parents, relatives and friends are encour-‐ 2 aged to come along to support and participate in the day’s events. The morning will consist of track and field events, followed by a cooperative team challenge competition in the afternoon. Each student has now been placed in a team colour. Please make sure they are wearing their school team colour tee shirts. Things the students should remember to have with them: • appropriate sports attire • healthy snacks • HIS team colour • lunch (picnic mat if desired) • T-‐Shirt • water bottle • running shoes • sunscreen and hat In the event that bad weather causes the cancellation of the Sports Day there will be a standard teaching day at HIS and buses will run as normal. Information regarding any such decision will be communicated by e-‐mail to parents and posted on the school’s website and Facebook page. If you have any questions please contact Mr Bartelink or the school office. Sakura Medal Successes The medal-‐winning authors are not the only prize-‐winners in the Sakura Medal; this books’ competition, run by international schools in Japan, also awards prizes to students, and two HIS students have been on the winners’ lists this year: • Nowa O’Connell was awarded third place in the book trailer con-‐ test, High School Section B. • Seiko Yonemata was awarded a Silver Medal for his book review in Japanese! Congratulations! Parent Volunteers Needed for Washing Week! We still need parent volunteers as well as teachers to make Washing Week happen. HIS graduates or G12 siblings that are home from university are more than welcome to volunteer as well! We would be interested in incorporating other activities from your experiences as a parent or university student that would be relevant to preparing students! We would like to target the week of 1st June or 8th June for these activities. If you are interested in volunteering to help, please email Ms. Pechhold (jpechhold@hiroshima-‐ as soon as possible with your area of interest and availability during the weeks of 1 June and 8 June. We anticipate this will be a fun experience for students and the parent volunteers. Plus, it is a great way to bond with G12 before they travel off to university! From the PTA Main Points • Congratulations! • New PTA team still needed! PTA 新役員 募集中 • Next and Final PTA Meeting PTA 最終ミーティング 3 • • Sports Day Potluck スポーツデイ・ポトラック Year End BBQ 年度末バーベキュー CONGRATULATIONS!ご卒業おめでとうございます。 The PTA team would like to join with all the parents of the students of HIS in congratulating the graduates of the Class of 2015. We will miss you in our community and wish you all the very best on your new adven-‐ tures! 保護者を代表して PTA チームから 2015 年度の卒業生とご家族の皆様へこれからの新たな旅立ち に幸多いことを祈念いたします。 PTA 2015/16 来 年 度 (2015~ 2016 年 )の PTA 役 員 Just a reminder that Mr. Exton and the Nominating Committee are looking forward to hearing from all in-‐ terested persons for next year's PTA Planning Team. The Planning Team can have up to seven members, so don't be shy, there is plenty of room for you and your friends too!! The deadline for nomination is today, May 31st, with the election to be held at the final Coffee Morn-‐ ing/PTA meeting on June 4th . Any questions please contact Mr. Exton or Tracy ([email protected] or on LINE or FB). We are looking forward to some fun new events next year! Exton 校長先生と推薦委員は、次期 PTA 役員に手を挙げてくださる新チームのメンバーの皆さん をお待ちしています。役員の定員は最高 7 人です。お友だちも一緒に役員になってみませんか? 5 月 31 日(今日!)の締め切りを迎えてからは、6 月 4 日のコーヒーモーニングと PTA ミーティン グの際に投票を行います。質問等ございましたら、Exton 校長先生、または、Tracy まで(E メール [email protected] 、LINE、FB を通じて) ご連絡ください。心よりお待ちしております。 FINAL `PTA MEETING for 2014/15, at HIS, June 4th 10:00am (approx) 2014~ 2015 年 度 の 最 終 PTA ミ ー テ ィ ン グ 6 月 4 日 木 曜 日 午 前 10 時 頃 よ り HIS に て Another reminder that the final PTA meeting of 2015 will be held immediately after Mr Exton’s coffee morning on Thursday, June 4th at HIS. At this meeting we hope to review the year briefly, share the financial report for 2014/15, and share the results of the surveys we sent out to the whole community, including all the students, asking for feedback about HIS Carnival, and how it compares with International Festival. We also hope to conduct the election of the candidates for next year’s PTA Executive Committee. It will be very difficult to run events without a leadership team in place, so we hope some of you are thinking about who you could enjoy working with as next year’s great team to keep up the good work and traditions of the school! We also hope to set aside some time for general discussion among the membership, and if you have any-‐ thing you would like to add to the agenda, please let us know in advance and as soon as possible. As al-‐ ways, if you are unable to attend the meeting, but have anything you would like us to share there, please let us know in advance. Thanks for all your help this year! 先週もお知らしましたように、2014~2015 年度最後の PTA ミーティングを、6月4日(木曜日) の Mr Exton のコーヒーモーニング終了後すぐより HIS にて行います。 このミーティングでは、簡単な今年度の振り返りを行うとともに、会計報告、および、先日行い ましたカーニバルに関するアンケートの結果を皆さまと共有させていただきたいと思っておりま す。また、上記のように、PTA 次期役員の選出を行う予定にしています。さまざまなイベントを 計画・実行していく上で、リーダーの役割を担うチームの存在は不可欠です。みなさん、自分た 4 ちのチームを作って、楽しく学校の仕事や恒例の行事を楽しく計画しませんか? ぜひご検討くだ さいますよう、心よりお願い申し上げます。 また、通常のように話合いをする時間も設けたいと思っておりますので、取り上げてほしい議題 がありましたらできるだけ早く、必ずミーティング前までに、お知らせください。ミーティング に参加できないけれどもミーティングで共有してほしいことがある方も、同様にお知らせくださ いね。 今年度も皆さまには多大なるご協力をいただきましてありがとうございました。 SPORTS DAY POTLUCK Friday June 5th ス ポ ー ツ デ イ ポ ト ラ ッ ク ラ ン チ 6 月 5 日 金 曜 日 As we mentioned last week, we will be having a potluck table at lunchtime at Sports Day. If you prefer to eat your own lunch that is of course also fine, but if you feel like participating, please bring a dish to share and put it on the table. No need to make enough for the whole school; we suggest that you bring enough food in total to satisfy your own family’s hunger. If everyone does this, we should all have plenty to eat. 先週もお知らしましたように、スポーツデイの日、昼食の時間にポトラックテーブルを用意しま す。自由参加ですので、ご自分のランチを用意して自分たちだけで食べていただいても、もちろ ん OK です。ご参加希望の方は何か一品をお持ちよりくださいね。大量にご用意いただく必要は ありません。自分の家族で食べられる分量をご用意くださいね。 FAREWELL BBQ, Seseragi Park, Tuesday June 23rd 年 度 末 お 別 れ バ ー ベ キ ュ ー 6 月 23 日 火 曜 日 せ せ ら ぎ 公 園 に て Just a reminder to mark your calendars for the year end BBQ party on the last day of school, Tuesday June 23rd. Details below: こちらも再度のお知らせになりますが、学校の最終日、6 月 23 日火曜日に年度末バーベキューパ ーティーを行います。忘れずに皆さまの予定に組み込んでおいてくださいね。詳細は下記の通り です。 TIME 時 間 : As soon as possible after school 学校終了後すぐ PLACE 場 所 : Seseragi Park, Yagi せせらぎ公園 in 八木‐13-‐25+Kawauchi,+Asaminami-‐ku,+Hiroshima-‐ shi,+Hiroshima-‐ken+731-‐ 0102/@34.4704285,132.4852753,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x355a9c10833e70f1:0x1706bbe957d 8f05e?hl=en FOOD & DRINK 食 べ 物 &飲 み 物 : Bring your own! Potluck BBQ party*. 各自で自分の BBQ 用の食べ物 ・飲み物持参してください。 * If you have a grill you could bring and share, please let us know. (pta@hiroshima-‐ If no-‐one brings a grill it may be a potluck picnic! バーべキューグリルをお持ちの方で貸していただける方は、ぜひ pta@hiroshima-‐ までお知 らせくださいね。 WHAT 何 か す る ?: nothing planned….hang out and chat with friends. There is a river running through the park, into which children are prone to jump. A spare change of clothes and a towel may be useful! 5 特に何も計画していません。一緒におしゃべりを楽しみましょう! 小川が側を流れていますので 、子供たちは飛び込んで遊びたがると思われます。着替えとタオルがあるといいかもしれません ね。 BYO EVERYTHING ( seats, picnic mats, tables, lanterns and lights, plates, cups, cutlery, food for grilling, etc etc, and please be prepared to take your own garbage home with you). 必 要 な 物 は す べ て お 持 ち く だ さ い ね 。 (敷物、椅子、テーブル、ランタン等の明かり、お皿、 コップ、お箸等、バーベキュー用の食べ物、などなど。また、出たゴミは必ず各自でお持ち帰り くださいね。) * Alternative plans will be announced soon for the eventuality of bad weather. Please watch this space. * 悪天候の場合の代替案は、改めてお知らせさせていただきます。毎週 Crane をチェックしてく ださいね。 We look forward to seeing you there! せせらぎ公園でお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。 From the PTA Team 以上、PTAチームからのお知らせでした。 Hiroshima International School 3-‐49-‐1, Kurakake, Asakita-‐ku Hiroshima 739-‐1743 tel. (082) 843 4111 fax. (082) 843 6399 www.hiroshima-‐ 6
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