The Crane - Hiroshima International School

The Crane
The newsletter of Hiroshima International School
Dates to note Please make a note of these forthcoming events: 15th May 2015 Sunday, 17th May – Board of Directors Meeting – 6pm at HIS Sunday, 17th May – HIS featured on Guru Guru School on Hiroshima TV at 16:55 Friday, 22nd May, Spring Concert – at HIS at 7pm Saturday, 30th May – Grade 12 Graduation 31st May – deadline for nominations for PTA Planning Committee for 2015-­‐16 Monday-­‐Thursday, 1st-­‐4th June – Secondary Exams Week Friday, 5th June -­‐ Sports’ Day -­‐ Tuesday-­‐Thursday, 9th-­‐11th June -­‐ Grades 6-­‐10 Camp – Sandankyo Friday, 12th June – Grade 5 PYP Exhibition and Grade 5 Graduation Spring Concert Just a quick reminder that this year’s Spring Concert is just one week away now, on Friday, 22nd May at 7pm. More information went out via e-­‐mail this week and can also be found attached to the e-­‐mail giving notice that this edition of The Crane was pub-­‐
lished. Key information: • PYP students dismissed at 13:00 and to be back at school by 18:30 • Secondary students stay at school, and therefore need both lunch and supper for that day • Dress code is in document e-­‐mailed to parents previous-­‐
ly. • The program is approximately 90 minutes long, plus an intermission. Parking will be in the school playground and will be supervised by experienced parking attendants: please car pool to school if at all possible and follow the instructions of the attendants. Thank you. Guru Guru School Hiroshima Television’s popular Sunday evening pro-­‐
gram Guru Guru School has been working with a group of HIS high school students to prepare a feature on HIS for a forthcoming program. We have now learnt that the broadcast date is this Sunday, 17th May, from 4:55pm till 5:25pm – make sure that you tune in! Grades 6-­‐10 Camp All parents of students in Grades 6-­‐10 should have received, from their secondary age students, a letter about the Osorakan/Sandankyo Camp coming up on 9th-­‐11th June. The basic program is as follows: Day Morning Afternoon Evening • Travel to Osorakan • Zipline course • Team activity Tuesday Wednesday Thursday •
Pitch tents, etc. Sandankyo Gorge hike Strike camp Team-­‐building activities •
Journal writing, etc. Sandankyo Gorge hike Pizza making Return to HIS •
Campfire It promises to be an experience that combines fun and challenge. Please complete the form attached to the letter and return it to the school office by Friday, 22nd May. Helping Nepal The people of Nepal have suffered two appalling earthquakes in recent weeks and we are looking at how we can support them in returning their lives to some semblance of normality: homerooms throughout the school are brainstorming ideas for fundraising as most relief agencies and organisations working within the country seem to want money rather than material aid. Once we have a big picture plan we will let everyone know what is happening, so that your children are not constantly nagging you for money. If you have any ideas about how we can raise money please get in touch with Mr Exton. Currently the plan is to contribute to the relief efforts of the British and Lincolns Schools in Kathmandu: both of these international schools already have partnerships in the country and are committed to delivering all funds received to those in need. Paw`s Heart Event @ HIS Last summer, many students participated in a bake sale charity event or-­‐
ganised by Ms. B to raise awareness in our school community about shel-­‐
ter animals in Hiroshima. In conjunction with this connection made with the Paw’s Heart organisation, we are happy to announce that HIS will be hosting a trial outdoor event at school on Sunday 24th May 10:00 -­‐ 3:00pm. Paw`s Heart Hiroshima Animal Protection Organisation will be leading this event and would love to meet people interested in finding out more about these animals or interested in fostering the shelter dogs in Hi-­‐
roshima City. The purpose of the event is both to spread the word about these abandoned and lost animals that need homes and to educate people about what happens when people fail to take responsibility for their pets. This charity collaborates with Hiroshima City Public Health Centre (Hiroshima-­‐shi Hoken-­‐jo) and they will be bringing along several dogs that currently reside at a shelter in town. If you would like to participate in this 2 event, please come along between 10:00 -­‐ 3:00pm to meet the organisers and some of the dogs from the shelter. A limited number of parking spaces will be available in the playground for those who wish to come along on the day. This event will include a small flea market where dog and cat food, goodies and accessories can be pur-­‐
chased, with proceeds funding medical care for dogs. The local community in Koyo are also welcome to come along. Please be aware that no food will be available at this event. Note to parents: Please ensure that you take responsibility for your children at this event and that you should be with them at all times. Students need to be vigilant, behave appropriately and ask before han-­‐
dling the dogs, as excitement or fear could result in accidents. The dogs joining the event are selected carefully: however, we urge all parents to ensure their children are kept safe during this event. More information about this charity can be found here (only in Japanese): We hope you can pop by to promote awareness for this cause. Please contact Ms B for any further queries about this event. Thank you. Sakura Medal winners You might recall that over the past few months we have been en-­‐
couraging our students to engage with high quality books through the Sakura Medal competition. All the votes are in now, from across international schools in Japan and the winners have been announced via the Medals’ website. If you want to find out about the winning books then just visit to find out. Secondary School Exams Secondary school examinations will take place Monday-­‐Thursday, 1st-­‐4th June. These examinations are simply part of the assessment approach within the secondary school and make up only a part of the overall grade for Semester Two. By Wednesday of next week the students will have received written guidance from each of their teachers about the examination in their subject. This guidance will tell them what topics or units of work from across the year will be in the exam, so that the students focus their revision on these units. There will also be review sessions in class in the week before the exams. As part of a planned approach to supporting our students learning how to manage and be successful in ex-­‐
aminations we phase in how much of the year’s material the students have to review and prepare: Grade 6 will be examined on approximately 30% of the year’s material and then this increases through the grade levels until Grades 11 is expected to be familiar with 100% of the material taught in the year. The Grade 10 examinations will cover something between 75% and 100% of the year’s materials and are set at a level equivalent to the IGCSEs formerly undertaken at the end of that year. Baker Books Order Baker Books catalogues were sent home this week: the deadline for receipt of forms or online form completion is 25th May.
3 Young Americans Workshop June 19th to 21st, Aster Plaza As most of you already know, the Young Ameri-­‐
cans workshop is coming to town again this year from June 19th to 21st, and as usual it looks like a lot of HIS students will be taking part. Thanks to all who have signed up. We were taken by surprise again at the speed with which the elementary section of the workshop sold out: all places taken in 6 and a half hours!! This is testament to the popularity of this event among those who have taken part in the past. The Young Americans Show, which is the culmi-­‐
nation of the efforts of all the workshop partic-­‐
ipants, will take place on Sunday June 21st from 5pm to 7pmat Aster Plaza (Dai Hall). Since there will be a large number of HIS stu-­‐
dents on the stage, and in all likelihood some with starring roles, we would love it if the community would come along to the show to cheer them on. Teachers, students, parents, board members, friends are all welcome! Tickets are available in advance for ¥1000 through any of your friends whose children are taking part in the workshop in some way, or on the day at the door if it doesn’t sell out in advance. You may also let me know if you would like tickets. In recent years, the workshop has coincided with Japanese school exam dates, so word of mouth has not yet spread so fast among secondary students, which leaves us with a few spaces left in the secondary sec-­‐
tion. If anyone new to HIS in the secondary classes would like to be a part of this fun experience, or there are still some students thinking about it, you are not too late! If you would like to know more, please contact me at [email protected] with your questions, or send an empty e-­‐mail (no subject, no message) to [email protected] (to apply in English) or [email protected] (to apply in Japanese) to get the application process started. Some information for those signed up: if you are registered as a host family, there will be a Host Family Briefing in a couple of weeks, where we will share details and hints about the Home Stay process and tips to help you have a successful host family experience. If you have experience and would like to come along and share it with first timers, you would be very welcome. Date: Sunday May 24th, 5pm Place: Aster Plaza, Daikaigishitsu B (4F) We look forward to seeing you all at Aster Plaza with the Young Americans! Jackie Ikegami 4 From the PTA PTA か ら の お 知 ら せ Main Points: • FINAL PTA meeting at HIS -­‐ Thursday June 4th, 2015 PTA ミーティング(最終) 6 月 4 日木曜日 HIS にて • Sports Day Potluck, Friday June 5th スポーツデイ ポトラック 6 月 5 日 金曜日 • Farewell BBQ, Tuesday June 23rd, Seseragi Park 年度末お別れバーベキュー 6 月 23 日 火曜日 せせらぎ公演にて We hope you are all enjoying the lovely spring weather. The year is drawing to a close soon, so we would like to let you know what we have planned over the final weeks. すでに夏の気配すら感じられるこのごろですが、みなさまいかがお過ごしでしょうか? 今年度も
ただきたいと思います。 FINAL PTA MEETING 2015, at HIS on Thursday June 4th immediately after Mr Exton’s coffee morning PTA ミ ー テ ィ ン グ (最 終 ) HIS に て 6 月 4 日 木 曜 日 Mr Exton の コ ー ヒ ー モ ー ニ ン グ 終 了 後
す ぐ The final PTA meeting of 2015 will be held immediately after Mr Exton’s coffee morning on Thursday, June 4th at HIS. At this meeting we hope to review the year briefly, share the financial report for 2014/15, and share the results of the surveys we sent out to the whole community, including all the students, asking for feedback about HIS Carnival, and how it compares with International Festival. We plan to conduct the election of the candidates for next year’s PTA Executive Committee, so if you are thinking about coming forward, Mr Ex-­‐
ton and the nominating committee would be pleased to hear from you as soon as possible. We also hope to set aside some time for general discussion among the membership, and if you have any-­‐
thing you would like to add to the agenda, please let us know in advance and as soon as possible. As al-­‐
ways, if you are unable to attend the meeting, but have anything you would like us to share there, please let us know in advance. Thanks for all your help this year! 2014-­‐2015 年度最後の PTA ミーティングを、6月4日(木曜日)、Mr Exton のコーヒーモーニン
グ終了後すぐより HIS にて行います。 このミーティングでは、簡単な今年度の振り返りを行うとともに、会計報告、および、先日行い
す。また、次の PTA 次期役員の候補者の選出を行いたいと思いますので、役員への立候補を検討
してくださっている方は、至急、Mr Exton と推薦委員にミーティング前までにお知らせください
ね。皆さま、役員への立候補をご検討くださいますよう、心よりお願い申し上げます。 また、通常のように話合いをする時間も設けたいと思っておりますので、取り上げてほしい議題
いね。 今年度も皆さまには多大なるご協力をいただきましてありがとうございました。 Sports Day Potluck, Friday June 5th
ス ポ ー ツ デ イ ポ ト ラ ッ ク ラ ン チ
5 6 月 5 日 金 曜 日 As has been our tradition for some years, we will be having a potluck table at lunchtime at Sports Day. If you prefer to eat your own lunch that is of course also fine, but if you feel like participating, please bring a dish to share and put it on the table. No need to make enough for the whole school; we suggest that you bring enough food in total to satisfy your own family’s hunger. If everyone does this, we should all have plenty to eat. We are sure it goes without saying, but if you plan to let your children eat from the potluck table, please contribute something. Store bought is of course also fine, but why not show off your culinary expertise and make a fun day of it?!?! ここ数年の恒例になってきておりますが、スポーツデイのお昼の時間にポトラックテーブルを用
もちろん OK です。ご参加希望の方は何か一品をお持ちよりくださいね。大量にご用意いただく
必要はありません。自分の家族で食べられる分量をご用意くださいね。 Farewell BBQ, Seseragi Park, Tuesday June 23rd 年 度 末 お 別 れ バ ー ベ キ ュ ー 6 月 23 日 火 曜 日 せ せ ら ぎ 公 園 に て As the year draws to a close, it’s time to start thinking about saying “farewell” and “ see you soon” to those we will not see for a while, so why not come along to the year end BBQ party on the last day of school, Tuesday June 23rd, and enjoy a final get together with your HIS friends before the holidays? 今年度も終わりに近付き、「最後のお別れ」と「夏休みの間のしばしの別れ」をしなければなら
ない時期がやってきてしまいました。学校の最終日、6 月 23 日火曜日に行う、年度末バーベキュ
ーパーティーに参加されませんか? ぜひ HIS のお友達と一緒に夏休み前の最後の楽しい時間を過
ごしましょう! TIME 時 間 : As soon as possible after school 学校終了後すぐ PLACE 場 所 : Seseragi Park, Yagi せせらぎ公園 in 八木­‐13-­‐25+Kawauchi,+Asaminami-­‐ku,+Hiroshima-­‐
8f05e?hl=en FOOD & DRINK 食 べ 物 &飲 み 物 : Bring your own! Potluck BBQ party*. 各自で自分の BBQ 用の食べ物
・飲み物持参してください。 * If you have a grill you could bring and share, please let us know. (pta@hiroshima-­‐ If no-­‐one brings a grill it may be a potluck picnic! バーべキューグリルをお持ちの方で貸していただける方は、ぜひ pta@hiroshima-­‐ までお知
らせくださいね。 WHAT 何 か す る ?: nothing planned….hang out and chat with friends. There is a river running through the park, into which children are prone to jump. A spare change of clothes and a towel may be useful! 特に何も計画していません。一緒におしゃべりを楽しみましょう! 小川が側を流れていますので
ね。 BYO EVERYTHING ( seats, picnic mats, tables, lanterns and lights, plates, cups, cutlery, food for grilling, etc etc, and please be prepared to take your own garbage home with you). 6 必 要 な 物 は す べ て お 持 ち く だ さ い ね 。 (敷物、椅子、テーブル、ランタン等の明かり、お皿、
くださいね。) * Alternative plans will be announced soon for the eventuality of bad weather. Please watch this space. * 悪天候の場合の代替案は、改めてお知らせさせていただきます。毎週 Crane をチェックしてく
ださいね。 We look forward to seeing you there! せせらぎ公園でお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。 From the PTA Team 以上、PTAチームからのお知らせでした。 Hiroshima International School 3-­‐49-­‐1, Kurakake, Asakita-­‐ku Hiroshima 739-­‐1743 tel. (082) 843 4111 fax. (082) 843 6399 www.hiroshima-­‐ 7