ライフスタイルを、ほんのちょっぴり、変えてみませんか - PON PON Design

ONE PAGE 2011 No.1
文字は好きな画材で好きな色に塗ってみてね。色鉛筆、クレヨン、水彩絵の具 etc. ちょっとラフに塗っても OK。あなただけのアートが完成 !
Please try to paint the character your favorite color by your favorite paintings! Colored pencil, crayon or watercolors etc.
it's OK to paint roughly! Your Original art will be completed!
ライフスタイルを、ほんのちょっぴり、変えてみませんか ?
Change Your Lifestyle, just a little ?
たり、明かりを消してろうそく 1 本で食事をするとか、たまにはテレビを消して本や雑誌を読んでみるとか、トイレを
をボーっと眺めたり ..... 何でもいいんです。ちょっとだけ考えて、ちょっとだけ生活を変えてみる。ecology もちょっと
だけ、economy もちょっとだけ。毎日生きてることがちょっとした「いたずら」なんですから ... のんびり、楽しく、
元気にいきましょう !
Our daily life, just a little change for the surroundings, the area over Japan for the world, the earth,
the universe and confident, I can become gently. For example you try to walk had to use a car when
you go out in the neighborhood today, or not work with PC all day, or to try growing plants, or to try
to start a diary, or to try to watch out for taking pictures , or to try to dine in one candle lights out,
sometimes what I read books and magazines turn off the TV, or to try to clean out the toilet, I could
also try taking a nap, to try to yell loudly at sea, going to find the new dishes, or try to fasting, or try
to go to the museum, or try to participate in a flea market, or try to watching the sunset and sunrise...
everything is okay. Think a little bit, try different life a little bit. just a little ecology, and economy too.
It is a something trick in itself that we are living every day... Relaxing, fun, and let the fine!
これはたった一枚の、あなたと共有する日常のアートです。配布も制作も自由です。みんなでいっしょに楽しみましょう !
ONE PAGE is only one piece of art is to share with you everyday. Take free & Create free. Let's enjoy together!
ONE PAGE was made by PONPONDesign. http://www.ponpondesign.com http://twitter.com/PONPONDesign