Cellometer X2 Image Cytometer Cellometer Reagents Optimized Analysis for Yeast and other Small Cells Catalog # Description CS1-0108-5ML Features of the Cellometer X2 User-Friendly Software and Assay Selection: Enhanced inter-operator reproducibility, minimal training, auto-save option Instrument Compatibility Size Unit Auto 2000, K2, X2, X1, X4, Vision CBA 5 mL each CS1-0109-5ML PI (propidium iodide) Staining Solution for staining of dead nucleated cells Auto 2000, K2, X2, X4, Vision CBA 5 mL each CS2-0106-5ML AO/PI (acridine orange / propidium iodide) Staining Solution for live/dead Mammalian nucleated cells Auto 2000, K2, X2, Vision CBA 5 mL each Cellometer Annexin V-FITC / PI Apoptosis Reagents X2, K2, Vision CBA each K183-100-N K183-25-N Cellometer Caspase-3 Apoptosis Kit X2, K2, Vision CBA each K188-100-N K188-25-N CS1-0114 CS0-0115-100ML CS1-0116 Dual Fluorescence and Bright Field Imaging: staining of both live and dead cells in yeast samples AO (acridine orange) Staining Solution for staining of nucleated cells Cellometer Caspase-8 Apoptosis Kit X2, K2,Vision CBA each CSK-0112 Cellometer PI Cell Cycle Kit X1, X2, K2, Vision CBA each CSK-0102 Cellometer ViaStain Kit for live/dead Yeast concentration including stainer buffer, fluorescent dye mixture X2, K2, Vision CBA Catalog # Small Sample Size: Only 20 µl of sample Broad Dynamic Range: Measurable concentration range of 2.5 x 105 to 5 x 107 cells/mL using Nexcelom’s proprietary de-clustering function Description Size Standard chamber thickness. Packed in microscope slide boxes. Ready to use. Case of 500 slides for 1,000 counts (10 individual boxes) 1 Case CHT4-SD100-014 Standard chamber thickness. Packed with protective film on both sides. Remove protective film before use. Case of 900 slides for 1,800 counts 1 Case CHT4-PD300-003 3x standard chamber thickness. Packed in microscope slide boxes. Ready to use. Simply Counted Case of 500 slides for 1,000 counts (10 1 Case individual boxes) See www.nexcelom.com/products for updated product selections. Image Cytometer é • Verify cell morphology and counted live/dead cells • Export cell images for presentations and publications é Pattern Recognition Software • Accurately count cells in clumps • Count irregular-shaped cells • Eliminate debris from cell counts • Differentiate cells based on size é Automated Data Management • Pre-set assays and automated reports • Archive sample images and auto-save results é Maintenance-free System • Disposable counting chambers – no wash steps • No required instrument maintenance On-Line Demonstrations are completed in just 20 to 30 minutes and provide an overview of how Cellometer works using existing images of cells that interest you. On-Site Demonstrations are a convenient way to test a Cellometer system for a specific application. An experienced Applications Specialist will arrive at your lab for a hands-on session to test your cells and show how Cellometer can enhance your workflow. Technical Seminars are an excellent way to introduce Cellometer systems to a lab group or collaborators in different laboratories within an organization. A trained biologist will discuss and demonstrate the capabilities and advantages of Cellometer image cytometry. Call 978-327-5340 or E-mail [email protected] today to schedule a free demonstration or technical seminar. Nexcelom products are for RESEARCH USE ONLY and are not approved for diagnostic or therapeutic use. 8001236 Rev.B 5/14 © Copyright 2014 Nexcelom Bioscience LLC. All Rights Reserved. é Which Cellometer is Right for Me? Cell Imaging Unit CHT4-PD100-003 Cellometer Cell Counters, Cell Analysis Systems & Image Cytometry Nexcelom offers a wide range of Cellometer systems developed and optimized for specific applications and cell types. Many Compatible Dyes: Trypan blue, AO, PI, EB, 7AAD, AO/PI, AO/EB, Calcein AM, CFDA-AM, Calcein AM/PI, CFDA/PI Learn why thousands of users, including the top ten pharmaceutical companies, trust Cellometer. イメージサイトメーター 細胞カウンティング&解析 Cellometer Counting Chamber Fast Results: Obtain cell images, counts, size measurements, and viability calculations in 60 seconds Advantages of Cellometer Image Cytometer Cellometer ® X2 Features Automated Cell Counters For more information, visit www.nexcelom.com Image Cytometers Mini Auto T4 Auto 1000 Auto 2000 X4 (10x) X1 X2 K2 Vision CBA Vision CBA (10x) Objective Magnification 4X 4X 4X 4X 10X 10X 10X 4X 5X 10X Cell Line X X X X X X Cultured Primary Cells X X X X X X Cell / Sample Type X Algae X Platelets Low Cocnentration Cell Lines X X X X Yeast (Clean Sample) X X X X X Primary cells (Messy Sample*) X X X PBMCs, Splenocytes, Stem Cells X X X X X X X X X X Apoptosis (Annexin V-FITC/PI) X X X Apoptosis (Caspase Activity) X X X Autophagy (CytoID-green) X X Cell Proliferation (CFSE) X X X Yeast (Messy Sample) Hepatocytes Adipocytes*** X Cell-Based Assay ** X X X X X X X X X X X X YFP Transfection X X RFP Transfection X X Mitochondrial Potential (JC-1) X X Multi-drug Resistance (ABC Transporter) X X Surface Marker Analysis X X X X Cell Cycle (PI) GFP Transfection Vitality (Calcein-AM/PI) X X X Image Cytometry** X X * A messy sample is a heterogeneous sample containing unwanted cell types, such as red blood cells, in addition to the cells of interest. ** FCS Express 4 license must be purchased in order to perform Cell Based Assay or Image Cytometry analysis *** Cellometer CHT4-PD300 slides are required for cells greater than 80µm in diameter Contact us at: Nexcelom Bioscience 360 Merrimack Street, Building 9 Lawrence, MA 01843, USA Email: [email protected] Phone: 978.327.5340 Fax: 978.327.5341 ・(ビール)醸造酵母 ・ワイン酵母 ・血小板 その他小さい細胞 セロメーター X2 イメージサイトメーター Cellometer Reagents 酵母や小さい細胞の解析に最適です。 Catalog # セロメーター X2の特徴 Instrument Compatibility Size Unit CS1-0108-5ML AO (acridine orange) Staining Solution for staining of nucleated cells Description Auto 2000, K2, X2, X1, X4, Vision CBA 5 mL each CS1-0109-5ML PI (propidium iodide) Staining Solution for staining of dead nucleated cells Auto 2000, K2, X2, X4, Vision CBA 5 mL each CS2-0106-5ML AO/PI (acridine orange / propidium iodide) Staining Solution for live/dead Mammalian nucleated cells Auto 2000, K2, X2, Vision CBA 5 mL each Cellometer Annexin V-FITC / PI Apoptosis Reagents X2, K2, Vision CBA each K183-100-N K183-25-N Cellometer Caspase-3 Apoptosis Kit X2, K2, Vision CBA each K188-100-N K188-25-N CS1-0114 CS0-0115-100ML CS1-0116 蛍光2色と明視野でのイメージング:酵母サンプルの生 死判定が可能です。 簡便なソフトウェアと解析:再現性の強化、トレーニング 不要、自動データ保存 Cellometer Caspase-8 Apoptosis Kit X2, K2,Vision CBA each CSK-0112 Cellometer PI Cell Cycle Kit X1, X2, K2, Vision CBA each CSK-0102 Cellometer ViaStain Kit for live/dead Yeast concentration including stainer buffer, fluorescent dye mixture X2, K2, Vision CBA Cellometer ® X2 Image Cytometer for Cell Counting & Analysis Cellometer Counting Chamber 迅速な測定:細胞イメージの取得、カウント、サイズ 計測、生存率算出まで60秒以内 Catalog # サンプル容量:わずか20μl 広範囲な検出可能濃度領域:ネクセローム社独自のデクラ スター機能により、 2.5 x 105 - 5 x 107 cells/mLが検 出可能 Description Size Unit CHT4-PD100-003 Standard chamber thickness. Packed in microscope slide boxes. Ready to use. Case of 500 slides for 1,000 counts (10 individual boxes) 1 Case CHT4-SD100-014 Standard chamber thickness. Packed with protective film on both sides. Remove protective film before use. Case of 900 slides for 1,800 counts 1 Case CHT4-PD300-003 3x standard chamber thickness. Packed in microscope slide boxes. Ready to use. Case of 500 slides for 1,000 counts (10 1 Case individual boxes) See www.nexcelom.com/products for updated product selections. Cellometer Cell Counters, Cell Analysis Systems & Image Cytometry Nexcelom offers a wide range of Cellometer systems developed and optimized for specific applications and cell types. 様々な色素に対応:トリパンブルー、AO、PI、EB、7 AAD、AO/PI、AO/EB、Calcein AM、Calsein AM/PI、CFAD/PI Brewing Yeast Simply Counted Wine Yeast Image Cytometer Platelets セロメーターの利点 é 細胞イメージング • 細胞の形状や生死判定の確認 • 画像をエクスポートし、プレゼン資料や論文へ使用可能 é 細胞認識ソフトウェア • 凝集した細胞も分離して識別 • 通常と異なる形状もカウント可能 • 夾雑物をカウント対象から除外 • サイズの違いによる識別 é 自動データ管理 • 測定メニューと自動レポートを標準装備 • サンプル画像と自動データ保存 é メンテナンスフリー • 使い捨てのカウンティングチャンバーで洗浄不要 • 装置本体のメンテナンス不要 トップ製薬企業をはじめとするユーザーが セロメーターを信頼する理由を デモンストレーションで体感してください。 デモンストレーションビデオ 下記URLにて、セロメーターの使い方や測定原理の概要に ついて知ることができます。1ビデオは数分で見ることが できます。 ※英語ビデオ http://www.nexcelom.com/Support/Cellometer-VideoLibrary.html オンサイトデモンストレーション アプリケーションスペシャリストが訪問し、実際の細胞サ ンプルを用いての測定をハンズオンでお見せします。セロ メーターが細胞カウント作業をいかに簡単で正確なものに するかを体感することができます。 ご用命は トミーデジタルバイオロジー株式会社へ 電話:03-5834-0810 E-mail:[email protected] Nexcelom products are for RESEARCH USE ONLY and are not approved for diagnostic or therapeutic use. 8001236 Rev.B 5/14 © Copyright 2014 Nexcelom Bioscience LLC. All Rights Reserved. é Which Cellometer is Right for Me? Features Automated Cell Counters For more information, visit www.nexcelom.com Image Cytometers Mini Auto T4 Auto 1000 Auto 2000 X4 (10x) X1 X2 K2 Vision CBA Vision CBA (10x) Objective Magnification 4X 4X 4X 4X 10X 10X 10X 4X 5X 10X Cell Line X X X X X X Cultured Primary Cells X X X X X X Cell / Sample Type X Algae X Platelets Low Cocnentration Cell Lines X X X X Yeast (Clean Sample) X X X X X Primary cells (Messy Sample*) X X X PBMCs, Splenocytes, Stem Cells X X X X X X X X X X Apoptosis (Annexin V-FITC/PI) X X X Apoptosis (Caspase Activity) X X X Autophagy (CytoID-green) X X Cell Proliferation (CFSE) X X X Yeast (Messy Sample) Hepatocytes Adipocytes*** X Cell-Based Assay ** X X X X X X X X X X X X YFP Transfection X X RFP Transfection X X Mitochondrial Potential (JC-1) X X Multi-drug Resistance (ABC Transporter) X X Surface Marker Analysis X X X X Cell Cycle (PI) GFP Transfection Vitality (Calcein-AM/PI) X X X Image Cytometry** X X * A messy sample is a heterogeneous sample containing unwanted cell types, such as red blood cells, in addition to the cells of interest. ** FCS Express 4 license must be purchased in order to perform Cell Based Assay or Image Cytometry analysis *** Cellometer CHT4-PD300 slides are required for cells greater than 80µm in diameter Contact us at: Nexcelom Bioscience 360 Merrimack Street, Building 9 Lawrence, MA 01843, USA Email: [email protected] Phone: 978.327.5340 Fax: 978.327.5341 and Other Small Cells 一般的に、醸造工場で使用されている酵母は非常にクリーンです。これらの酵母はセロメーターX1およびX2カウン ト可能です。細胞濃度や生存率は明視野および蛍光測定によって算出することが可能です。 明視野での酵母の濃度測定 é シングルセルカウント デクラスターカウント 鎖状セルカウント é 明視野と蛍光による酵母の濃度&生存率測定 酵母の生存率と生育能 é Propidium Iodide (PI)に よる生存率測定 明視野で全細胞数を、蛍光で 死細胞をカウントし、生存率 を算出します。 é é Yeast Vitality Analysis é Sperm Analysis é 2色蛍光による生存率測定 酵母サンプルとアクリジンオレンジ(AO)・プロピ ジウムアイオダイド(PI)混合液とを1:1で混合し蛍 光染色します。染色後すぐにセロメータX2で測定 し、酵母の細胞濃度と生存率を算出します。生細胞は 緑色蛍光、死細胞は赤色蛍光で検出されます。 é Oxonolによる生存率測定 明視野で全細胞数を、蛍光で 死細胞をカウントし、生存率 を算出します。 Yeast Cell Cycle Analysis 酵母の細胞周期解析 Performance of the Cellometer X2 Image Cytometer 8.00E+07 6.00E+07 FEATURES Dual FL/BR Channels Easily Edit and Import Assays Concentration Dynamic Range Figur e1 depicts the dynamic range for cell concentration measured by Cellometer X2. This data set was taken on a concentration series of cultured yeasts. y = 1.0059x R2 = 0.99961 7.00E+07 5.00E+07 Images for Data Verification Cell Size Histograms 5 – 5 x 10 7 cells/ml Samples from 2.5 x 10 can be counted without further dilution. 4.00E+07 3.00E+07 The %CV at each concentration was below 10%. 2.00E+07 1.00E+07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.00E+07 4.00E+07 6.00E+07 Expected Value (Cells/ml) 8.00E+07 Figure 1.Table of results for cell concentration dynamic range Viability Dynamic Range The viability dynamic range is 0 - 100% for Cellometer X2 Image Cytometer using dual fluorescence AO/PI stain. Consistency and Repeatability The results indicate the accuracy of the Cellometer X2 instrument in assessing the viability of AVE 1.32E+07 78.1% STDEV 7.69E+05 2.2% yeasts using AOPI for cell viability. Yeasts CV(%) 5.84 2.78 were tested at 24 sample replications. The Figure 2:Table of results for cell concentration and viability using acridine orange (AO) and viability average was calculated and propidium Iodide (PI) plotted. The results show theeliability r and accuracy of the Cellometer X2 in measuring cell concentration and viability of yeast cells. Cellometer X2 Average Live Cell Concentration Via Fluorescence Viability Cellometer Performance ASSAYS Performance of the Cellometer X1 Image Cytometer Concentration (Cells/ml) Cell Cycle Analysis Using Propidium Iodide (PI)を用いた細胞周期解析 一般的な パン酵母をNexcelom Bioscience社のCell Cycle Staining Kit で染色し60分インキュ ベート後、セロメーターX2で細胞周期を解 析を行いました。左図はPI蛍光強度をヒスト グラムで示しています。DNA量から活動期の ポピュレーションが示されます。 Cello from meter Nexcel X2 om Imag Bioscie e nce Cytom eter Viability forYeast Analysis by Dual Fluorescence Yeast Chain Yeast & Small Culture Analysis Other Platelet Analysis Small Cell Small Concentration and Viability Analysis Cells Concentration (Cells/ml) 醸造工場で用いられている酵母 7.0E+07 酵素蛍光染色による生存率測定V 6.0E+07 5.0E+07 酵母サンプルとCarboxyfluorescein-AM を1:1 で混合し酵素蛍光染色した後、セロメーターX2で 生存率を算出します。明視野で全細胞を蛍光で活性 酵母細胞を検出します。 Concentration Dynamic Range Figur e3 depicts the dynamic range for cell concentration measured by Cellometer X1. This data set was taken on a concentration series of cultured yeasts. y = 1.026x R2 = 0.99482 4.0E+07 5 – 5 x 10 7 cells/ml can Samples from 4 x 10 be counted without further dilution. 3.0E+07 2.0E+07 The %CV at each concentration was below 10%. 1.0E+07 1色蛍光イメージングモード X1 X2 ○ ○ ○ ○ 2色蛍光イメージングモード PIによる生存率 How It Works 全血中の血小板自動カウント 0.0E+00 0.0E+001.0E+072.0E+07 3.0E+07 4.0E+075.0E+076.0E+07 7.0E+07 Expected Value (Cells/ml) é 明視野イメージングモード ↑ 酵母の解析 SET UP ○ ○ AOPIを用いた細胞濃度および生存率 ○ Yeast AOPI Viability Yeast AOPI Viability Small Chain east Y Culture Platelets Windsor Ale Rehydrated Small Cell Concentration Wine east Y Rehydrated PI Viability Yeast itality V CFDA AM Sperm Yeast Cell Cycle ○ 酵母細胞周期 ○ ○ デクラスター認識および鎖状細胞の識別 ○ ○ 平均直径およびサイズ分布表示 ○ ○ 新規細胞パラメーターの作成 ○ ○ Viability Dynamic Range The viability dynamic range is 0 - 100% for Cellometer X1 Image Cytometer using PI stain. Assay ○ CFDA-AMを用いた生育能 Figure 3.Table of results for cell concentration dynamic range Cellomete r® 蛍光による結小板濃度の測定 Bioscience社のCalcein 血液サンプルをNexcelom AM Vitality / Viability Kit で20分インキュベートし て染色します。血小板と白血球が緑色蛍光を発する ので、サイズで識別し血小板のみをカウントしま す。 Pipette 20 µl of Cell Sample Insert Counting Chamber Select Assay & Click Count Get Results Consistency and Repeatability The results indicate the accuracy of the Cellometer AVE 4.07E+07 69.0% X1 instrument in assessing the viability of STDEV 2.28E+06 2.5% yeasts using PI for cell viability. Yeasts CV(%) 5.61 3.64 were tested at 24 sample replications. The Figure 4 . Table of results for cell concentration and viability using bright-field and Propidium viability average was calculated and iodide (PI) plotted. The results show theeliability r and accuracy of the Cellometer X1 in measuring cell concentration and viability of yeast cells. Cellometer X1 Average Total Cell Concentration via Bright-Field Viability In general, yeast strains used in the brewing industry are very clean. They are counted using Cellometer X1 and X2 Image Cytometers. Concentration and viability are measured using Cellometer bright field and fluorescent images. 酵母や小さい細胞用セロメーター X2 8.00E+07 Yeast Concentration Measurement by Bright Field Analysis 機能 X X Concentration & viability using AOPI 解析 X Cellometer software for analysis of clumpy and irregular-shaped cells X X Mean diameter and cell size distribution X X Cell type wizard for creating new cell type parameters X X The %CV at each concentration was below 10%. 2.00E+07 1.00E+07 2.00E+07 4.00E+07 6.00E+07 Expected Value (Cells/ml) Cellometer X2 Average Live Cell Concentration Via Fluorescence Viability AVE 1.32E+07 78.1% STDEV 7.69E+05 2.2% CV(%) 5.84 2.78 7.0E+07 Concentration (Cells/ml) Vitality by Fluorescent Enzymatic Stain Yeast samples are stained 1-to-1 with Carboxyfluorescein-AM fluorescent enzymatic stain for 45 minutes and then analyzed for vitality using Cellometer X2. Bright field images are used for total cell count and fluorescent images are used to measure the active yeast cells. 操作方法 Automated Platelet Counting in Whole Blood Consistency and Repeatability The results indicate the accuracy of the Cellometer X2 instrument in assessing the viability of yeasts using AOPI for cell viability. Yeasts were tested at 24 sample replications. The viability average was calculated and plotted. The results show the reliability and accuracy of the Cellometer X2 in measuring cell concentration and viability of yeast cells. Concentration Dynamic Range Figure 3 depicts the dynamic range for cell concentration measured by Cellometer X1. This data set was taken on a concentration series of cultured yeasts. y = 1.026x R2 = 0.99482 6.0E+07 5.0E+07 4.0E+07 Samples from 4 x 105 – 5 x 107 cells/ml can be counted without further dilution. 3.0E+07 2.0E+07 The %CV at each concentration was below 10%. 1.0E+07 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 1.0E+07 2.0E+07 3.0E+07 4.0E+07 5.0E+07 6.0E+07 7.0E+07 Expected Value (Cells/ml) Figure 3. Table of results for cell concentration dynamic range Cellometer® SET UP Viability Dynamic Range The viability dynamic range is 0 - 100% for Cellometer X1 Image Cytometer using PI stain. Assay Yeast AOPI Viability Fluorescence-Based Platelet Concentration Measurement A blood sample stained using the Calcein AM Vitality / Viability Kit from Nexcelom Bioscience is incubated for 20 minutes. Both platelets and white blood cells produce green fluorescence. Cell size gating is applied to exclusively count platelets. 8.00E+07 Performance of the Cellometer X1 Image Cytometer Yeast AOPI Viability Small Chain Yeast Culture Platelets Windsor Ale Rehydrated Small Cell Concentration Wine Yeast Rehydrated PI Viability Yeast Vitality CFDA AM Sperm Yeast Cell Cycle X X 3.00E+07 Cellometer Performance X Yeast cell cycle Samples from 2.5 x 105 – 5 x 107 cells/ml can be counted without further dilution. 4.00E+07 Figure 2: Table of results for cell concentration and viability using acridine orange (AO) and propidium Iodide (PI) X Vitality using CFDA-AM 5.00E+07 Viability Dynamic Range The viability dynamic range is 0 - 100% for Cellometer X2 Image Cytometer using dual fluorescence AO/PI stain. X X é X 6.00E+07 Figure 1. Table of results for cell concentration dynamic range é Viability using PI 酵母の細胞周期 解析 X2 X Dual fluorescence imaging mode 精子解析 é Single fluorescence imaging mode 酵母の生育能解析 é é Bright field imaging mode 小さい細胞の濃度・ 生死判定 é Cell Cycle Analysis Using Propidium Iodide (PI) Standard baker’s yeast stained with the Cell Cycle Staining Kit from Nexcelom Bioscience are incubated for 60 minutes before using Cellometer X2 to analyze the cell cycle. The plot shows the yeast population that is actively dividing. Their higher DNA content is measured using PI. 血小板の解析 é Yeast Cell Cycle Analysis é Viability by Dual-Fluorescence Yeast samples are stained 1-to-1 with a mixture of acridine orange (AO) and propidium iodide (PI) dual-fluorescence stain. Yeast concentration and viability are obtained immediately after staining using Cellometer X2. Live yeast cells fluoresce green and dead cells fluoresce red. 小さい鎖状酵母の 培養解析 Concentration Dynamic Range Figure 1 depicts the dynamic range for cell concentration measured by Cellometer X2. This data set was taken on a concentration series of cultured yeasts. y = 1.0059x R2 = 0.99961 7.00E+07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2色蛍光で酵母の 生死判定 é Viability Measurement by Oxonol Bright field images are used to obtain total cell count, while fluorescent images are used to count dead cells. X1 細胞サイズを ヒストグラム Yeast Viability and Vitality Viability Measurement Using Propidium Iodide (PI) Bright field images are used to obtain total cell count, while fluorescent images are used to count dead cells. Cellometer Yeast Analysis 画像でデータを 検証 Chain-Forming Cell Count é Yeast Concentration & Viability Measurement by Bright Field & Fluorescence 解析プログラム を簡単に編集・ インポート é De-clustering of Yeast Cells 2色蛍光/BR é é Single Cell Count Performance of the Cellometer X2 Image Cytometer Concentration (Cells/ml) Yeast Used in Brewing Industry サンプルを20μl 充填 スライドチャン バーを本体へ挿入 Assayを選択し、 カウントボタンを クリック Cellometer X1 Average Total Cell Concentration via Bright-Field Viability AVE 4.07E+07 69.0% STDEV 2.28E+06 2.5% CV(%) 5.61 3.64 Figure 4. Table of results for cell concentration and viability using bright-field and Propidium iodide (PI) 結果 Consistency and Repeatability The results indicate the accuracy of the Cellometer X1 instrument in assessing the viability of yeasts using PI for cell viability. Yeasts were tested at 24 sample replications. The viability average was calculated and plotted. The results show the reliability and accuracy of the Cellometer X1 in measuring cell concentration and viability of yeast cells. In general, yeast strains used in the brewing industry are very clean. They are counted using Cellometer X1 and X2 Image Cytometers. Concentration and viability are measured using Cellometer bright field and fluorescent images. Cellometer X2 Image Cytometer for Yeast & Other Small Cells from Nexcelom Bioscience Yeast Concentration Measurement by Bright Field Analysis é é Images for Data Verification Cell Size Histograms Small Chain Yeast Culture Analysis é Platelet Analysis é Small Cell Concentration and Viability Analysis é Yeast Vitality Analysis é Sperm Analysis é Viability by Dual-Fluorescence Yeast samples are stained 1-to-1 with a mixture of acridine orange (AO) and propidium iodide (PI) dual-fluorescence stain. Yeast concentration and viability are obtained immediately after staining using Cellometer X2. Live yeast cells fluoresce green and dead cells fluoresce red. Yeast Viability Analysis by Dual Fluorescence é Viability Measurement Using Propidium Iodide (PI) Bright field images are used to obtain total cell count, while fluorescent images are used to count dead cells. y = 1.0059x R2 = 0.99961 7.00E+07 6.00E+07 Yeast Cell Cycle Analysis Figure 1 にセロメーターX2で酵母の希 釈系列を測定したグラフを示します。 4.00E+07 2.5 x 105 – 5 x 107 cells/ml の範囲で は、希釈することなくカウントすることが 可能です。 3.00E+07 各濃度のCV(%)は10%以下でした。 5.00E+07 2.00E+07 1.00E+07 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Yeast Viability and Vitality Viability Measurement by Oxonol Bright field images are used to obtain total cell count, while fluorescent images are used to count dead cells. Easily Edit and Import Assays Chain-Forming Cell Count é Yeast Concentration & Viability Measurement by Bright Field & Fluorescence é De-clustering of Yeast Cells Dual FL/BR Channels 細胞濃度の測定範囲 8.00E+07 FEATURES é Single Cell Count セロメータX2の性能評価 Concentration (Cells/ml) Yeast Used in Brewing Industry 2.00E+07 4.00E+07 6.00E+07 Expected Value (Cells/ml) 8.00E+07 Figure 1. 細胞濃度の測定可能範囲 生死判定の範囲 AO/PIを用いた2色蛍光染色によって、セロメーターX2で0 - 100% の範囲で生死判定できます。 セロメーターX2 蛍光による細胞濃度測定 整合性と再現性 AOPIを用いた生死判定の正確性をFigure 2 に示します。24回繰り返し測定し、生存率の 平均を算出しました。 この結果から、酵母の細胞濃度および生存率 をセロメーターX2で測定した時の信頼性と再 現性が示されました。 生存率 AVE 1.32E+07 78.1% STDEV 7.69E+05 2.2% CV(%) 5.84 2.78 Figure 2: AO/PI染色による細胞濃度と生存率の測定結果 セローメーターの性能 Yeast Cell Cycle Analysis Single fluorescence imaging mode 7.0E+07 Vitality by Fluorescent Enzymatic Stain Yeast samples are stained 1-to-1 with Carboxyfluorescein-AM fluorescent enzymatic stain for 45 minutes and then analyzed for vitality using Cellometer X2. Bright field images are used for total cell count and fluorescent images are used to measure the active yeast cells. How It Works X1 X X X Automated Platelet Counting in Whole Blood Concentration & viability using AOPI SET UP X Yeast AOPI Viability Cellometer software for analysis of clumpy and irregular-shaped cells X X Mean diameter and cell size distribution X X Cell type wizard for creating new cell type parameters X X Fluorescence-Based Platelet Concentration Measurement A blood sample stained using the Calcein AM Vitality / Viability Kit from Nexcelom Bioscience is incubated for 20 minutes. Both platelets and white blood cells produce green fluorescence. Cell size gating is applied to exclusively count platelets. 3.0E+07 2.0E+07 各濃度の %CVは10%以下でした。 1.0E+07 3.0E+07 4.0E+07 5.0E+07 6.0E+07 7.0E+07 生死判定の範囲 PIを用いた蛍光染色によって、セロメーターX1で0 - 100% の範囲で生死判定できます。 Assay Yeast AOPI Viability Small Chain Yeast Culture Platelets Windsor Ale Rehydrated Small Cell Concentration Wine Yeast Rehydrated PI Viability Yeast Vitality CFDA AM Sperm Yeast Cell Cycle X X 4 x 105 – 5 x 107 cells/mlの濃度範囲では サンプルを希釈することなく測定することが 可能です。 4.0E+07 (Cells/ml) Figure 3. 細胞濃度の測定可能範囲 Cellometer® X Yeast cell cycle 5.0E+07 Expected Value X Vitality using CFDA-AM y = 1.026x R2 = 0.99482 6.0E+07 0.0E+00 1.0E+07 2.0E+07 X X 細胞濃度の測定範囲 Figure 3ではセロメータX1で酵母希釈系 列の細胞濃度を測定した時の濃度範囲を示 しています。 0.0E+00 X2 X Dual fluorescence imaging mode Viability using PI セロメーター X1の性能 é Bright field imaging mode é Cellometer Yeast Analysis ASSAY S Concentration (Cells/ml) Cell Cycle Analysis Using Propidium Iodide (PI) Standard baker’s yeast stained with the Cell Cycle Staining Kit from Nexcelom Bioscience are incubated for 60 minutes before using Cellometer X2 to analyze the cell cycle. The plot shows the yeast population that is actively dividing. Their higher DNA content is measured using PI. Pipette 20 µl of Cell Sample Insert Counting Chamber Select Assay & Click Count セロメーター X1 明視野での細胞濃度測定 AVE 4.07E+07 69.0% STDEV 2.28E+06 2.5% CV(%) 5.61 3.64 Figure 4. 明視野とPropidium iodide (PI)による細胞濃度と生存率の測定結果 Get Results 生存率 整合性と再現性 Figure 4ではセロメーターX1を用い、PIで 酵母の細胞濃度と生存率を24回測定した時の 正確性を示しています。
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