OCEAN TTP Ltd. Class I-CHF Managed Futures

Managed Futures Strategie
Investment Strategie
Ocean TTP strebt mit seinem eigens entwickelten Trading Programm TTP (Take The Points) langfristig eine
zweistellige Nettorendite an. TTP ist das Resultat von über 11 Jahren intensiver Entwicklung und Verbesserung
von zwei unabhängigen Trading Programmen. Es basiert auf einer Formel, welche die kommerzielle Angebotsund Nachfrageseite in über 15 verschiedenen Rohstoffmärkten misst. Der einmalige Ansatz des Programms führt
zu tiefer Korrelation gegenüber allen Anlageklassen wie z.B. Aktien, Obligationen, Rohstoff- und Hedge Funds.
Zusätzlich investiert Ocean TTP in einen oder mehrere Fonds, dessen Manager langjährige Erfahrung und einen
ausgewiesenem Track Record vorweisen können.
Rendite Ziel
8 - 12% netto für den Investor, nicht korrelierend zu
allen übrigen Anlageklassen
Risiko (Volatilität)
8 – 12% (entspricht ca. 65% Risiko bei Aktien)
Monatliche Renditepublikation
Monatlich am 20. jeden Monats
Monatlich am 25. jeden Monats
Min. Investment
CHF 25’000.-
Management Fee: 1.5% p.a. von NAV
Performance Fee: 15% (Quartal Highwater mark)
The information contained in this term sheet is a summary and extract of the Offering Memorandum.
Although we have taken professional care in gathering and regularly updating the information contained herein,
we do not assume any liability in the case of incorrectly reported or incomplete information. This term sheet does
not constitute a prospectus or an offering of any kind; we therefore kindly ask you to consult the Offering
Memorandum, which is available upon request.
The content of this documentation is for information purposes only and constitutes neither a request, nor an offer,
nor a recommendation to buy or sell the described investment instruments or to perform other transactions of any
kind. The information in this documentation is not intended for persons and/or organizations that are subject to a
jurisdiction or legal provisions prohibiting the subscription (or buying) or redemption (or selling) of any shares of
the described investment product whether on the basis of domicile, nationality or for any other reasons. As units
described in this document may be purchased privately and upon request only application to the Swiss Federal
Banking Commission for authorization is not necessary and, therefore, has not been made.
Please be aware that investment funds involve investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal
amount invested. For detailed description of the risks in relation to the described investment products, please see
the Offering Memorandum. Furthermore, we recommend you to consult your bank, investment and/or tax adviser.
Past performance is not indicative of future results.