Bern University of Applied Sciences School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL List of Master’s Thesis Proposals International Management of Forest Industries (IMF) Topic and Further Information Geography Contact Forestry, Switzerland The Significance of Non-Timber Products in Swiss Forests Through the Ages This work would be done in tandem with an MSc student from a tropical country who would use a similar methodology to assess the significance of NTFPs and the change in their importance for nutrition, human health, and other uses. Switzerland (and Togo or Ghana) Jürgen Blaser Pre-alpine Region Tree Research Related to Climate Change Adaptation Increasing storm resistance of future forest areas. Find out whether Larix decidua (Lärche/larch) has the potential to adapt to climate change conditions in the pre-alpine and alpine regions of Switzerland, particularly in valleys with regular storm events (Föhntäler), a tendency towards future warmer climate, and exposure to stronger south winds with an increasing potential for damage. Switzerland (Bern Oberland) Hans Schaltenbrand Wood Ants and Ticks - Do They Interact? Wood ants (Formica) are red listed, mound-building forest insects. Ticks, on the other hand, are unpopular, blood-feeding parasites and vectors of severe diseases for humans. While wood ant abundance seems to decrease, tick abundance seems to increase. It is however an open question, if those two species interact. According to some field observations and experts, wood ants are potential predators of ticks. Therefore, we want to test if ant and tick density are related. The study aims to A) analyse habitat requirements of wood ants and B) test if there is an interrelation between wood ant and tick abundance. Switzerland Urs Mühlethaler Which Forests for Kindergartens? Forest kindergartens are very popular in urban areas. The city of Zurich continuously receives requests for new sites for forest sofas. The study aims to determine forest characteristics that meet the needs of forest kindergartens and localise forests with such characteristics in the municipality of Zurich. Switzerland Urs Mühlethaler How Satisfied are City Communities with Their Urban Forests Urban green areas and forest are extremely important for urban living. The project Swiss Urban NeighbourWoods analyses the need of city communities and initiates participation processes. The case studies are for example: biking vs nature conservation in the city of Baden, riding in urban forest, and equal opportunities in urban forests. A further topic within the project is, well-being in Urban Forests Alternatives to Pesticides in the Forest According to Swiss forest law, pesticide use in forested areas is forbidden. However, the law foresees various exceptions. The use of insecticides against wood-boring bark beetles on stored logs is possible even in certified forests. The thesis aims to research on different alternatives and their potentials for being put into practice in different Swiss settings. Various Cities in Switzerland Bianca Baerlocher Switzerland Urs Mühlethaler Zürcher Waldweiher – Analyse und Empfehlung zu verschiedenen Typen, ihrer Vernetzung und den Idealstandorten Im Rahmen der Master Thesis werden aussagekräftige Karten zu Waldweihertypen und Zielarten durch Kartierung mittels Orthobildern und einer Literaturstudie erstellt. Anhand der gesammelten Informationen werden die Habitats- und Vernetzungsfaktoren statistisch ausgewertet, interpretiert und beurteilt. Daraus sollen Empfehlungen zur Waldweiher-Dichte und den Idealstandorten für eine optimale Vernetzung gegeben werden. Almond Trees as an Alternative to Sweet Cherry Trees Switzerland Julia Menk Switzerland Jan Grenz The number of cherry trees that belong to old varieties and that form a traditional element of landscapes in northwestern Switzerland is constantly decreasing. Harvesting these cherries is expensive, and quality loss due to bad weather is a big problem. Furthermore, cherry production increasingly suffers from insect damage. Almond trees, on the other hand, can be grown further north now due to global warming; there are even some sites in Belgium where they thrive. The biggest risk to almond and cherry production alike is a late frost coinciding with flowering and impeding fruit set. Research question: clarify whether and to what extent almond trees can be an alternative to traditional cherry trees on sites with a low frost risk. Which varieties would be most suitable, how are consumer and farmer acceptance, how would harvest and processing have to be organized etc. If possible, some first trees (late-blooming varieties) should be planted on selected sites in the Basel Region. Basel Region Switzerland and the Trade of Commodities: What Role in the Timber Sector? Switzerland Astrid Zabel Entwicklung eines Models zur Bestimmung der Baumbiomasse auf Basis terrestrischer Laserscanner-Daten Switzerland Oliver Gardi Coppice Forestry: a Valid Alternative Forest Management Option for the Future in Switzerland? Considering economic situations and challenges posed by climate change. Literature studies, interviews, and some comparative analysis with field observations. Switzerland Jürgen Blaser Drought Stress of Trees in the Urban Area of Bern Drought stress tolerance of different tree species under the aspect of climate change. Switzerland Jürgen Blaser Potential of Invasive Tree Species Under the Aspect of Climate Change Risk assessment of the potential invasive behavior of new tree species in the city of Bern under the aspect of climate change. Switzerland Jürgen Blaser Forestry, International Comparative Analysis of the REDD+ Strategies of Member Countries of Desk Work (2-3 the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Case Countries TBD) More than 20 countries have embarked in major analysis of deforestation and forest degradation and proposed REDD+ strategies for this purpose. What are these strategies and what can be learnt from the initial implementation of these? Forest Concession Management Under REDD+: A Land-use Form with Congo or Future? Gabon Based on a thorough analysis of existing forest concession schemes with a focus on Africa, assessing social and economic feasibility of integrating forest concessions in national REDD+ schemes (case example). Silvicultural Analysis of 20 years of Forest Plantations in Liberia Liberia Based on existing data sets and some new assessments in the field, the existing planted stock will be assessed from a silvicultural and economic viewpoint. Coppice Siliviculture and its Importance in Climate Change Adaptation Macedonia Oak and Beech coppice forest management systems will be analysed in view of alternative forest management systems to respond to climate change challenges. Macedonia Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainability of Private Forests in Upper Bregalnica, Macedonia Small private forests plots in state forest dominated mountainous regions of Eastern Macedonia. Interaction between Sheep Grazing and Forest Landscape Conservation in Eastern Macedonia Socio-cultural and biodiversity study to better understand and value of the interaction between sheep breading and forest management. Analysis of the Wood flow (from Forests to End Use) in Eastern Macedonia Ecosystem Services in the Upper Watershed of Bregalnica – Their Potential and Economic Valuation Jürgen Blaser Jürgen Blaser Jürgen Blaser Jürgen Blaser Jürgen Blaser Macedonia Jürgen Blaser Macedonia Jürgen Blaser Macedonia Jürgen Blaser 2 Dynamics of Cloud Forests in Northern Andean Forests under Consideration of Climate Change Based on an initial study in the framework of a B.Sc. Thesis, in-depth silvicultural analysis of forest dynamics of natural mountain forests. Regeneration of Okoumé (Aucoumea klaineana) after Certified Logging Operations Silvicultural analysis with considerable field work. Waldinvestitionen: Ansätze zur monetären Bewertung von Waldflächen Venezuela Jürgen Blaser Gabon Jürgen Blaser Global Oliver Gardi Gezielte Stammholzproduktion einheimischer Bäume in Tanzania Erarbeitung eines Konzeptes für eine gezielte Stammholzproduktion einheimischer Bäume in Tanzania vorbereiten. Inhalt der Master Thesis ist die Bestandesaufnahme vor Ort, sowie die notwendige Literaturarbeit zur Ausarbeitung des Konzeptes. Schnellwachsende Bäume zur Holzkohleproduktion in Tanzania Im Rahmen der Master Thesis soll eine Bestandesaufnahme schnellwachsender Bäume, welche zur Holzkohleproduktion als Zwischen- oder Unternutzung in Nutzholzbeständen in Tanzania wachsen gemacht werden. Gleichzeitig wird auch eine Literaturrecherche durchgeführt. Advances in Wood-fuel Technology and Potential for Technology Transfer to Developing Countries Potential of Geographical Indications for Forest Products Tanzania Oliver Gardi Tanzania Oliver Gardi Not Defined Oliver Gardi Not Defined Astrid Zabel Not Defined Astrid Zabel Not Defined Astrid Zabel Wood Production in Times of Energy Transition Exit from nuclear and fossil fuel energy toward a post carbon society is a major topic in sustainability fields. An analysis of the situation in Switzerland is of great interest. A case study could analyse the meaning of wood as energy source in cities. The contact to the city department will be provided. Urban Areas Switzerland Bianca Baerlocher Resiliency as Indicator for Sustainability How can we measure the resilience of a forest and use it as an indicator for sustainability. How is the resilience of natural resources combined with other systems such as the human system? Case study in a defined area and contact to experts will be provided. Last Updated: 26.03.2015(RJL) Switzerland Bianca Baerlocher Comparison of Forest Encroachment Rates with Different Land and Tree Tenure Systems Effects of WTO Regulations on the Forest Sector Cross-Cutting Questions and Others, Switzerland 3
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