1/6 ANDEAN FORESTS: CONNECTING COUNTRIES Installed capacities, knowledge and experiences on sustainable forest management, but climate change poses additional challenges and concerns COMMON CHALLENGES Steep environmental gradients Many implementation initiatives, but also gaps in measuring the impacts of long term intervention, advocacy and environmental monitoring The need to highlight the role of Andean forests in climate change mitigation Evidence of common concern among countries on the conservation and sustainable management of Andean forests, but also limitations to measure the effectiveness of policies, practices and promising schemes High diversity and endemism Information and knowledge gaps on the dynamics of Andean forests and the relationships between species facing climate change impacts The need to highlight the role of Andean forests in the adaptation strategies of the population The need to strengthen the Andean regional institutionality capable of hosting and harmonizing the many advances, experiences and knowledge generated about managing Andean forests in the countries Variability of natural and human disturbance regimes Existing conservation efforts focused on lowland forests Changes in the Andean forests that influence in the dynamics of the Amazonian forests The need to integrate the Andean forests into the production systems BOSQUES ANDINOS ES UN PROGRAMA DE: The need to generate elements and arguments in order to build a shared vision of the value of Andean forests against climate change FACILITADO Y ASESORADO POR: 2/6 ANDEAN FORESTS: FACTS AND FIGURES The natural ecosystems of the tropical Andes are considered to be the richest and the most biologically diverse on the planet. The content of organic carbon in the soil of the Andean, high Andean and moorland natural ecosystems, is among the highest in the world. 40 The Andean forests help to protect watersheds, reduce soil erosion, prevent landslides and buffer weather events. Farming, livestock and forest fires are the main causes of Andean forests loss. The estimated total area of the andean forests in the 7 andean countries is more than 31 million people depend directly on environmental services provided by the Andean forests in The Andean forests can eventually build up between of its original area Organic carbon stocks in Andean forest soils at 3000-3300 m.a.s.l. can be 20 and 40 120 t/ha C tonnes of carbon per hectare In moors soils, organic carbon stocks can be above ground, thus being an important carbon pool. BOSQUES ANDINOS ES UN PROGRAMA DE: 5-10% covering about 11% of the total forest area in these countries. 7 andean countries 1400 t/ha C FACILITADO Y ASESORADO POR: More than Andean forests now cover million of hectares Peasant communities and native peoples living in the Andes who depend on the forests for their survival, carry out activities that are compatible with their conservation and the maintenance of their functions. Andean forests that could be affected by climate change by 2050 13-21% Rainforests 6-7% Pluviseasonal forests 4-5% Xerophytic forests SOURCES: • Cuesta, F., M. Peralvo, y N. Valarezo. 2009. Los Bosques Montanos de los Andes Tropicales: Una evaluación regional de su estado de conservación y de su vulnerabilidad a efectos del cambio climático. Quito: Programa Regional Ecobona – Intercooperation. • Pliscoff P y Luebert F. 2008. • Josse, C., F. Cuesta, G. Navarro, V. Barrena, E. Cabrera, E. Chacon-Moreno, W. Ferreira, M. Peralvo, J. Saito, y A. Tovar. 2009. Ecosistemas de los Andes del Norte y Centro: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru y Venezuela. Lima: Secretar¡a General de la Comunidad Andina, Programa Regional Ecobona Intercooperation, CONDESAN - Proyecto Páramo Andino, Programa BioAndes, EcoCiencia, NatureServe, IAvH, LTA-UNALM, ICAE-ULA, CDC,UNALM, RUMBOL SRL. 60% of available water in the Amazon basin originates in the Andes. Land use change causes between 20 to 100% of loss of soil carbon on moorland, highland, jalca and upper montane forests. • Gibbon, A., M. Silman, Y. Malhi, J. Fisher, P. Meir, M. Zimmermann, G. Dargie, W. Farfan, y K. Garcia. 2010. Ecosystem Carbon Storage Across the Grassland– Forest Transition in the High Andes of Manu National Park, Peru. Ecosystems 13 (7):1097-1111. • Zimmermann, M., P. Meir, M. Silman, A. Fedders, A. Gibbon, Y. Malhi, D. Urrego, M. Bush, K. Feeley, K. Garcia, G. Dargie, W. Farfan, B. Goetz, W. Johnson, K. Kline, A. Modi, N. Q. Rurau, B. Staudt, y F. Zamora. 2010. No Differences in Soil Carbon Stocks Across the Tree Line in the Peruvian Andes. Ecosystems 13 (1):62-74. • Coppus, R,. L. Endara; M. Nonhebel; V. Mera; S. León-Yánez; P. Mena Vásconez; J. Wolf & R. Hofstede. 2001. El estado de salud de algunos páramos en el Ecuador: una metodología de campo. Pp 219-240 in: Mena V., P.; G. Medina & R. Hofstede (eds.). Los páramos del Ecuador: Particularidades, problemas y perspectivas. Abya Yala/Proyecto Páramo. Quito. • Chimner, R., y J. Karberg. 2008. Long-term carbon accumulation in two tropical mountain peatlands, Andes Mountains, Ecuador. Mires and Peat 3 (4):10. 3/6 ANDEAN COUNTRIES: KEY FIGURES VENEZUELA 30,4 million 2,7 million 916 445 km2 47 632 75011 ha 1 359 401 ha ECUADOR 39,6 %31 5,2 Mt 24,19 % 61 80018 ha/yr 410 01025 GgCO2eq 15,7 million 6,1 million 283 561 km2 11 307 6279 ha 2 734 921 ha Population in the Andes2 10,6 million 9,4 million 1 098 581 km2 57 196 0006 ha 4 186 939 ha 8,4 Mt 38,22 % +74 26016 ha/yr 59,623 GgCO2eq 3,5534 tCO2eq/person 40,1 million 5,3 million 2 780 400 km2 31 443 8735 ha 4 073 880 ha -15,35 %27 Total area of primary forests4 Andean forests area12 National rate of deforestation Contribution of Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (national) to Total National Emissions GHG emissions Emissions per capita 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BOSQUES ANDINOS ES UN PROGRAMA DE: FACILITADO Y ASESORADO POR: 11 12 The World Bank 2013 (data.worldbank.org). Most recent National Census data. 2002 Official Census. Including people living in the Andean areas/regions of Chile. They can be partially degraded, but not completely deforested. It excludes plantations. Secretary of Environment and Sustainable Development. 2005 National Report. First National Inventory of Native Forests. Native Forests Project and Protected Areas. FAO. 2010. National Report Bolivia (Plurinational State of). Evaluation of Global Forest Resources 2010. National Forestry Corporation. 2011 Cadastre of native vegetation resources of Chile. 28 pp. Ministry of the Environment and IDEAM. 2010 Annual Report on the Condition of the Environment and the Renewable Natural Resources in Colombia - Forests 2009. Ministry of the Environment. 2012 Deforestation Baseline (2008) of Continental Ecuador, Quito-Ecuador. Ministry of the Environment (MINAM) - Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MINAG). 2011. El Peru de los Bosques (73 pp). MINAMB. 2014. Area covered by forests in Venezuela. http://www.minamb.gob.ve/files/ planificacion-y-presupuesto/IndicadoresAmbientales.htm It includes the following types of forests according to the ecological systems classification by Josse et al. 2009: High Andean Forest, High Montane Forest, and Montane Forest. The sources used for: Andean Patagonian Forest, Andean Thorny Forest, Andean Sclerophyllous Forest, Andean Deciduous Forest, Andean Conifer Resin Forest, and Andean Evergreen Forest were; for Chile: Pliscoff Luebert P and F. 2008, and for Argentina: 9 million km2 of the Earth’s surface, equivalent to 24% of the planet coverage37. 48 %28 17,4 Mt 7,32 % 205 00015 ha/yr 85 33122 GgCO2eq ARGENTINA Biomass carbon stored in above and below ground13 Percentage of Andean forest cover compared to total native forest in the country National territory area 26,8 Mt 9,77 % 310 34917 ha/yr 180 00824 GgCO2eq 4,2535 tCO2eq/person BOLIVIA CHILE Total population1 (inhabitants) Montane forests around the world cover 48,3 million 34,5 million 1 141 748 km2 69 394 8128 ha 6 780 134 ha 14,45 %30 26,4 Mt 8,71 % 163 30019 ha/yr 134 57026 GgCO2eq 5,736 tCO2eq/person 17,6 million 3,63 million 1 382 555 km2 13 804 8687 ha 5 276 120 ha -32 %29 MOUNTAIN FORESTS OF THE WORLD COLOMBIA PERU 30,4 million 9,4 million 1 285 216 km2 73 294 95810 ha 6 380 371 ha 39 %32 15,9 Mt 2,85 % 288 00020 ha/yr 139,52 GgCO2eq 29,2 Mt 12,96 % 301 50014 ha/yr 238 70321 GgCO2eq 6,533 tCO2eq/person Secretary of Environment and Sustainable Development. 2005. National Report. First National Inventory of Native Forests. Native Forests and Protected Areas Project. 13 UNEP-WCMC http://carbonbiodiversitycalculator.unepwcmc.org/data#carbon 14 Department of Forests, Sub-Secretary for the Environment and Sustainable Development of the Nation 2012. 15 Rate 2005-2010: Map of deforestation in the lowlands and Yungas of Bolivia, Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza (Friends of Nature Foundation) (FAN-Bolivia). 16 CONAF 2012. The numbers correspond to increasing forest area and not to forest loss. 17 Rate from 1990 to 2010; Ministry of the Environment - IDEAM 2014. 18 Rate from 2000 to 2008; Ministry of the Environment - Socio Bosque (Forest Partner Programme) 2013. 19 Rate from 2005 to 2010; MINAM DGOT 2012. 20 FAO 2013. 21 Argentina’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC. 2007. Reference year for the National GHG Inventory: 2000. 22 GHG Emissions Inventory of Bolivia. Ministry of the Environment and Water of Bolivia. 2002-2004. 23 Chile’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC: 2011. Reference year for the National GHG Inventory: 2006. 24 Colombia’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC: 2007. Reference year for the National GHG Inventory: 2004. 25 Ecuador’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC: 2011. Reference year for the National GHG Inventory: 2006. They cover 1/4 of the total area of mountain ecosystems in the world. They are home to 1/8 of the world population. 26 Climate Change Planning Project (PlanCC Project) - Ministry of the Environment of Peru. 2014. 27 Argentina’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC. 2007. Reference year for the National GHG Inventory: 2000. 28 GHG Emissions Inventory of Bolivia. Ministry of the Environment and Water of Bolivia. 2002-2004. 29 Chile’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC. 2011. Reference year for the National GHG Inventory: 2006. 30 Colombia’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC. 2007. Reference year for the National GHG Inventory: 2004. 31 Ecuador’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC. 2011. Reference year for the National GHG Inventory: 2006. 32 Climate Change Planning Project (PlanCC Project) - Ministry of the Environment of Peru. 2014. 33 Official data of national population by 2001 (National GHG Inventory by 2000). 34 Department of Climate Change CONAMA, Chile. 2010. Reference year: 2006. 35 Colombia’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC. 2007. Reference year for the National GHG Inventory: 2004. 36 Climate Change Planning Project (PlanCC Project) - Ministry of the Environment of Peru. 2014. Reference year: 2010. 37 Price, Martin F, Georg Gratzer, Alemayehu Lalisa Duguma, Thomas Kohler, Daniel Maselli, and Rosalaura Romeo (editors) (2011). Mountain Forests in a Changing World - Realizing Values, Addressing Challenges. Published by FAO / MPS and SDC, Rome. 4/6 ANDEAN FORESTS: FAVORABLE CONDITIONS FOR THEIR MANAGEMENT FAVORABLE CONDITIONS BY COUNTRY Growing database and information on the condition of Andean forests, their composition and structure, sources of threats to their existence and opportunities for their management and conservation considering climate change. New legal frameworks on ecosystem services for the forestry and environmental sectors providing greater clarity on rights of access, use and tenure of forests, goods and associated services. Development of an institutional framework to strengthen the sustainable management of Andean forests. Promotion of national and subnational financing alternatives for the conservation of Andean forest ecosystems. Organized popular groups close to Andean forests: community councils, municipalities, irrigation committees, conservation committees, etc. CHI COL VEN ARG CHI COL Great experience gained through the implementation of management initiatives and research on forest systems in Andean areas. A juridical-legal framework underpinning the protection of biodiversity, ecological processes, protected natural areas, and promoting the sustainable management of the Andean forests. The subnational or decentralized governments include aspects of conservation and sustainable management of Andean forests in their development and land use plans. Advances inthe design and implementation of national forest monitoring systems and permanent forest inventory. Growing concern among the rural population to cope with the effects of climate change and the role of Andean forests in the production of water. Implementation of forest certification schemes that promote forest conservation in the countries. ECU VEN Consolidated infrastructure for teaching, training, research and extension. Publishing, in authorized magazines, the results of research carried out in Andean forests of these countries. BOL COL ECU PER ECU CHI COL VEN Financial support (public / private) to projects in the areas of science, technology and innovation. PER COL ECU BOL ECU VEN PER Experiences in popular participatory planning processes and self-management of resources, oriented to social infrastructure. CHI BOL ECU VEN Organized social base aware of the importance of safeguarding the Andean forests and moorlands; ecosystems which are managed by grassroots organizations. COL PER CHI PER BOSQUES ANDINOS ES UN PROGRAMA DE: FACILITADO Y ASESORADO POR: Design and updating of policy instruments in relation to climate change management. COL PER A growing social network with an increasing number of financial services for the rural sector. A great deal of research and highly recognized academics in sustainable management and conservation of moorlands and high Andean ecosystems. Extensive financial and technical support from (bilateral and multilateral) international cooperation. COL PER BOL COL ECU PER Implementation of new financial mechanisms for the conservation of Andean forests (voluntary markets, conservation agreements, payment mechanisms for ecosystem services, REDD+). Voluntary forest certification systems with experience in certifying groups in Andean forests. ARG Applied research and methodological development of activities related to the management and conservation of Andean forests facing climate change. CHI COL PER Presence of Model Forest projects in areas of major Andean forests with organized local stakeholders and strengthened social infrastructure. Open to establish public-private partnerships at all levels to create new ways to invest for the conservation of Andean forests. CHI ECU CHI COL CHI CHI BOL COL Accumulation of valuable experiences at the local level that promotes appreciation of the native Andean forest. Governmental financial and/or investment mechanisms that support the actions performed by peasant families aimed at the conservation and sustainable management of Andean forest ecosystems. CHI Has implemented Forestry NAMA. REFERENCE: Baseline Document for the Andean Forests Programme: Conservation of High Andean forests facing climate change: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. 2013. 5/6 ANDEAN FORESTS: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Andean forests are extremely important for the strategic environmental services they provide. 40 million people are directly dependent on the provision of environmental services of Andean forests. ANDEAN FORESTS: WATER AND CLIMATE CHANGE The links between mitigation and climate change adaptation in the Andean forests are based on the ecosystem services that forests provide, the initiatives to improve forest governance, the national and international policies, the financial instruments that support conservation and the sustainable management of forests. Future changes in the amount of rainfall and its seasonality will affect ecosystems by increasing soil drought and reducing water retention capacity of soil and, consequently, this could increase flow variability. In the long run, changes in the volume of glaciers could cause considerable changes in the seasonal hydrology patterns of glaciers downstream. Changes in coverage and land use may result in the modification of water yield. ANDEAN FORESTS: CARBON AND MITIGATION POTENTIAL Andean forests, moorlands and wetlands contain important global carbon stocks. These stocks are as large as, or larger than, those of the Amazon forests. This is due to high carbon stock in the soils of these forests. Climate change could jeopardize the capacity of Andean forests to supply climate regulation services. ANDEAN FORESTS: BIODIVERSITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE Changes in temperature may reduce the area of distribution of ecosystems which would result in a decrease in the number of species. A drop in biodiversity due to a reduction in the area of the ecosystem would be expected, but also an increase in the number of species due to higher temperature. Along with climate change, variations in the climatic niches extensions of the Andean biomes are also expected as these would tend to show an upward vertical displacement. BOSQUES ANDINOS ES UN PROGRAMA DE: FACILITADO Y ASESORADO POR: HYDROLOGICAL SERVICES • High water production • Water regulation • Reduction or prevention of sedimentation SOURCES: • Vuille, M. 2013. El cambio climático y los recursos hídricos en los Andes tropicales. IDB Technical Note; 517. • Cuesta, F., Bustamante, M., Becerra, M.T., Postigo, J., Peralvo, J. (Eds.) 2012. Panorama andino de cambio climático: Vulnerabilidad y adaptación en los Andes Tropicales. CONDESAN, SGCAN, Lima. • Quintero M. ed. 2010. Servicios ambientales hidrológicos en la región andina. Estado del conocimiento, la acción y la política para asegurar su provisión mediante esquemas de pago por servicios ambientales. Lima, IEP; CONDESAN (Agua y Sociedad, 12; Serie Panorama Andino, 1). 6/6 ANDEAN FORESTS: WORK IN PROGRESS Impacts of implementing conservation measures, sustainable land management and incentive schemes on these forests and the environmental services they provide. Analysis of the design and operation of incentive schemes and financing mechanisms for the conservation of Andean forests environmental services. Current and future water availability and water use demands in the Andean basins. Monitoring to assess current and future Andean forests contributions to the provision of water under different land use and climate change scenarios. Inclusion of Andean forests in national and subnational monitoring and reporting systems of land use. BOSQUES ANDINOS ES UN PROGRAMA DE: Incentives to increase contributions from the private sector with high potential of impact on the conservation of Andean forests and their services. Deepen the knowledge of the impacts of land use change on the flow of carbon and biodiversity in the Andean forests. FACILITADO Y ASESORADO POR: Contribution of natural and assisted regeneration of Andean forests to carbon balance. Making carbon stocks and fluxes in the Andean forests to understand the role and contribution of the Andean forests to climate regulation. Estimates of carbon emissions and specific contributions of these forests to the countries’ national GHG inventories.
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