Open letter to US Army convoy Commander (Commanders)

Lt.Colonel Marek Obrtel,M.D., in reserve e-mail: [email protected]
Open letter to US Army convoy Commander
personally delivered March 29 2015 in Vyškov, Czech Republic
Dear sir!
I would like to use this way to deliver you my open letter in which I would like to
express my opinion on the matter of sense, legitimity and usefulness of this act – the passing
of US Army convoy through the Czech Republic.
You are coming to our country as armed soldiers of foreign country during very
extreme international situation only a few days before celebration of 70th anniversary of
liberation of our country from fascism and the end of World War II. You are coming at the
time when torches of fascism are burning again in the world, in Europe, entirely openly in
Ukraine and also in other countries, e.g. Baltic States, and the support of fascism is obvious
also in pronouncements of the highest political figures of these countries .
I am not standing against you on the street holding a banner telling you to go home
and calling you occupants. I am not throwing tomatoes and eggs on you. Because I would like
to think that the only thing self-driving you to the Czech Republic is that you want to pay
respect to more than 25 million of russian and soviet victims, 420 thousand american victims
and millions of other World War II victims. I would see such an act as more than generous
from your side even though your participation in ceremonial uniforms and without guns after
you quickly and without any problems move from Baltic States to Germany on special trains
would be much more impressive.
However, I must honestly say that many people in our country don´t think of your
passage through this land this way. They really see it more as a demonstration of your
strength and an effort to remind us „who is the boss here“. And you cannot blame them. Your
country, USA, has been responsible for tens of war conflicts, mostly artificially induced, since
the end of World War II, counting millions of dead people, mostly innocent civilians
including children. And it was a high representative of your president administration who
when asked if it was necessary to slaughter half a million of Iraqi children answered after a
moment of hesitation „I think the sacrifice was worth it.“ We are still confronted with the fate
of Serbia, more than 2000 Serbian victims of american bombing again including children.
Many more years will Serbian people suffer from diseases caused by negative effects of
depleted uranium from thousands of american bombs landing on Yugoslavia and also to the
waters of the Adriatic sea where they still remain a big unknown. Here in the Czech Republic
and in Europe there is a big problem with massive immigration of inhabitants of Near and
Middle East and African countries that were completely destroyed by the imperialistic
international politics of the USA. In the places of normally functioning states with complete
infrastructure there are „burned lands“ now where you helped forces such as the Islamic State
or Al-Qaeda, your former ally, to develop.
Since the year 2000 your country has militarily and without any reason attacked at least
six countries. Not a single one of them has experienced the proclaimed liberty and democracy,
not to mention the human rights keeping. People are rightfully asking „Who is the world
biggest agrressor? Russia which is being talked about and which has two bases in the world to
defend itself agains islamic fundamentalists...or is it your country with 700 bases all around
the world and with given history? Russia, surrounded by NATO soldiers, provoked and forced
to defend itself against US aggression or is it your country, trying to solve its internal
problems at the expense of Russia and whole Europe? “
I know you are just soldiers and you are fulfilling your superior orders as well as they
are fulfilling the orders of their superiors and those the orders of the ones with the highest
rank. And those are executing the will of US politicians and especially the handful of
financial tycoons who adjust the politics of the US for their own benefits. And this politics is
often monstrous. You are only its executors. Very often non-informed and purposely
manipulated. I heard that with my own ears many times in Bagram, Afghanistan and in Camp
Bondsteel in Kosovo where I spent a long time talking to american soldiers. Many of them did
not even know where countries like Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland or Austria were. They
knew there was Germany and then Russia. Not to mention the lack of knowledge of history
and the cause of the conflict in Serbia, Kosovo or Bosnia and Herzegovina. Or Ukraine now.
But you should know that we are Europe, our country is in Europe, our children live here, we
have our homes and interests here. The vast majority of people don´t feel threaten by Russia.
There is no logical reason for it, just demagogical cries of our corrupted politicians and a part
of community. People are afraid of war between your coutry and Russia in Europe, far from
your own territory. For your interests. Such as it ever was, except from the short period at the
end of World War II that we will remember soon.
I even try to understand you. I also am a former soldier – military doctor, lieutenant
colonel in reserve. During my 25-year career I served in highest positions in medical service
of the Army of the Czech Republic. I worked in many prestigious international teams in
Partnership for Peace and later in NATO. I am a former commander of ACR Contingent and
head of 11th Field Hospital in Afghanistan and a medical advisor of multinational brigade
commander in Kosovo. Though when I found out about the true purpose of NATO and how it
serves to the USA, how it is used to enforce their own power concerns, how much innocent
blood NATO has on their hands I decided to sacrifice my own promising military career and
left the army. When (again) purposely ignited conflict in Ukraine (which is very similar to the
one in Kosovo, the only difference being that Kosovo autonomy was accepted very quickly
and without any problem) escalated I decided to return all my NATO medals and called this
organization criminal.
I understand you, you are soldiers, you have your information amd you may be
convinced you are doing a good job, like I was years ago. As one high officer of US Army
from PSYOPS group told me when I was doubting the rightness of my doing told me „You
must think out of box“ (I tried but without any success) I am telling the same to you now.
„Think out of box, please..“ Otherwise you will spend the rest of your life in depressions and
remorse. I am a doctor and I know something about human psyche. I know how does it feel
to stand on the wrong side of barricade. But a person still have a chance to decide...
In these days you are passing through the Czech Republic to honor the memory of
fallen during World War II, the most terrible war in human history. I want to believe this.
Some people will be shouting at you, they will be calling you names and throwing tomatoes at
you. I have already written why. But there will be also people waving at you and taking
photos with children sitting on your troop carriers which will be pleasant...
I can promise you that when you will take the same way, well-known for you, on the
way back to the touching line with Russia where your coutry will initiate a conflict possibly
without a winner no one will be waving again. Because at that time even the biggest idiots
will know that to make war, let alone with Russia, in their own territory for someone´s power
interests and on the strenght of doubtuful ideology and demagogism is a damned crime and
sky-high stupidity. But it will be too late.
Dear sir, please deliver this small message to your soldiers as an experience of a
soldier who has been through something that is probabaly still waiting for many of your
subjects in their lives. All our lives are in hands of greedy tycoons and corrupted politicians
but the endless genocide on our people will be our making. Try to at least think about it. If
you fail, remember my words. As Christians (and I consider myself being one of them) we
still have prayers which is not bad either...
Best regard,
Lt.Col. Marek Obrtel,M.D., in reserve