Basic information from the call specifications:
To promote excellence in basic research. To support young excellent
Eligibility Requirements:
Scientists of following disciplines who are working at Czech research
institution, or will be employed at the institution from the beginning of
the project; topic of research is chosen by the applicant.
Supported disciplines: medicine and biology
social science and humanities
technical science
physical science
agricultural and environmental science
Funding Duration:
2 or 3 years
1st January 2015
Call for proposals:
Deadline for sending:
26th February 2014
9th April 2014
The project is proposed by one PI. If the person already participates in a GAČR project for excellence,
he/she may not submit a project to this call.
One person may participate in only one project proposal in a position of a PI or a co-PI .
This person may not participate in any other proposal of GAČR calls for 2015.
An applicant mustn’t be older than 35 years at the time of the call beginning (26th February 2014) and it
mustn’t be more than 8 years from the completion of his/her doctoral degree (maternity leave is not
The applicant has to complete at least 6 months internship abroad (outside Czech Republic) before the
end of the call.
All co - investigators - research team members also mustn’t be alder than 35 years at the beginning of the
Eligible costs: All costs must be specified in the proposal and it must be clear from the proposal, that
these costs are reasonable and necessary for achieving the project scientific goals.
Eligible costs are:
a) Personal costs of the PI and his/her team
Salary limits:
PI - maximum 63 000 CZK
Team members in category A - maximum 54 000 CZK (university: professor, associate professor.
Other institutions: lead researcher)
Team members in category B - maximum 39 000 CZK (other researchers)
Technicians and administrators - maximum 28 500 CZK
b) Consumables - office or laboratory material
c) Travel costs
d) Subcontracting and services
e) Overheads - up to 20% of the project budget without expenses on investments
Investments - tangible assets (ex. equipment, machinery, etc.) over 40 000 CZK and intangible assets
(ex. software, database, etc.) over 60 000 CZK are eligible costs. For precise calculation of allowed
expenses and its description please contact research and development office at your faculty.
Project application:
The project proposals must be prepared according to the GACR Guidelines and submitted by the
GACR on-line system. The on-line application form is available on the web site
The application must be submitted to the GACR office through Information system of data boxes
till the end of the deadline.
The proposal is send by the institution (university) not the PI personally!
The web page is Czech only. The application form can be found in the right corner
”vstup do webové aplikace GAČR” . The application itself is in English! – registration. The
financial parts are in Czech.
Project application has the following parts:
PART A (formal information)
It is a form for the basic formal data: name of the project, length of the project, name of
the PI, his/her address, key words, etc.
summary of the project in Czech language and in English language. Cannot be longer
than 1100 characters.
Abstract is a very important part of the project. GAČR uses a SciVal – Reviewer Finder application to
identify foreign opponents. This application works on analysis of key words used in the abstract. Please
pay a special attention to this part to be well formulated, focused, clear and understandable.
Goals of the project:
Goals of the project in Czech language and in English language - 300 characters.
PART B (financial issues)
1) PART B-finanční prostředky celkem:
Overview of the total budget of the project, including
breakdown per years.
2) PART B-rozpis finančních položek:
in Czech language
Information on the amounts of following categories
1: personal costs
2: material costs
3: consumables and other non material costs
4: overheads
Again breakdown per year is requested.
3) PART B-osobní náklady:
detail information on the personnel costs – e.g. amounts of the salaries for
the PI and his/her researcher team (including technical and administrative
staff), information on the workload for each of the member of the team,
4) Part B – zdůvodnění finančních položek:
in Czech language
Detail specification/description and justification of the budget for the first
year of the project realisation:
PART C1 (The project proposal)
In English language.
Maximum length is 10 A4 size pages. The minimum font size allowed is 11 points. The minimum line
spacing is 1. If the project exceeds the page limit it will be automatically rejected. This part is inserted
into the application form in PDF format of maximum size 3MB.
In this section, it must be clearly presented goals and objectives, and given sufficient information to
assess the proposal, in accordance with the basic criteria for evaluation of project proposals (see project
evaluation), and in particular:
a) a summary of current knowledge in the field of science (state-of-the-art);
b) statement of the nature of the grant project, its objectives, types of solutions, timetable
phase and solution;
c) a justification of need and necessity of addressing the issue in a given time (i.e. timeliness of solution);
a description of the proposed conceptual and methodological procedures necessary for grant project and
to achieve the expected results and their analysis;
d) the characteristics of the expected outcome of the project;
e) proven PI's cooperation with foreign research institutions;
f) information on the PI's institution – presence of all required instrumentation facilities, which are
necessary for achieving the project scientific goals; the possibility cooperation within the institution,
h) justification of the participation of the team members, defining their share in the solution of the
scientific project;
i) references to sources of information used.
All the points above are only indicative and can be adapted according to the specific needs of the grant
PART C2 - expected results
Both parts are filled-in in English language.
Short, structured CV and overview of the scientific activities in the area of the proposed
scientific project over the past 5 years. The information is given for the PI and coPI(s).
Maximum length per person is 2 pages of A4 format. The minimum font size
allowed is 11 points. The minimum line spacing is 1. If the page limit is exceeded
the project will be automatically rejected.
This document will be inserted in PDF format - maximum size is 1MB.
a) Full bibliographic data for eight major results of his/her scientific and research activities
(e.g. periodical publications, monographs, granted patents which are originators, etc.),
which he/she considers essential. For each results indicate the number of citations excluding
auto citations detected using the Web of Science. For each article in the impact journal indicate
the last valid impact factor.
b) Total number of results in last 5 years defined in the currently valid methodology
for evaluation of research and development.
c) Total number of citations, including auto citations for all his/her work according to the Web of
Knowledge, ERIH, SCOPUS.
d) H-index according to Web of Knowledge.
PART E (Information on the PIs involvement in other project)
Provide information about all projects financed by the public resources in which the PI
is involved at the time of the relevant deadline for project submission. It must be stated what role
has the PI in such projects . The same information must be given also for any ongoing PI’s
Project evaluation:
Evaluation and selection is based on the following criteria:
Appropriate technical and institutional facilities of the research institution(s) for the project
Scientific excellence of the PI, co-PI(s) and the team members.
The quality of the proposed grant project:
a) the objectives of the project, whether defined clear objectives of the project, their level of
difficulty, relevance, originality and feasibility;
b) the proposed solution of the project - how the applicant intends to achieve the scientific
objectives and results (clarifying concepts, preparation and adequacy of the proposed
methodology). Furthermore, the adequacy and composition of the team;
c) outputs - an overview of the expected publication activities and other types of
d) international cooperation – assessed is the involvement of foreign institutions
in solution of the project; mutual co-use instrumentation, the use of complementary approaches
and methodologies;
e) an assessment of previous cooperation of the research institution and the PI with GA CR.
Are you interested?
1. contact research and development office at your faculty. They will help you with the
financial part of the form. They will send the FINAL version by the system of data box.
2. find someone to help you with the czech parts of the form - ex. your czech colleague or a
PhD student
3. any questions: Contact research and development office of the university :
Alice Navrátilová, [email protected], 549 49 7216