Alarmins MRP8 and MRP14 Induce Stress Tolerance in

Cell Reports, Volume 9
Supplemental Information
Alarmins MRP8 and MRP14 Induce Stress Tolerance
in Phagocytes under Sterile Inflammatory Conditions
Judith Austermann, Judith Friesenhagen, Selina Kathleen Fassl, Theresa Ortkras,
Johanna Burgmann, Katarzyna Barczyk-Kahlert, Eugen Faist, Siegfried Zedler, Sabine
Pirr, Christian Rohde, Carsten Müller-Tidow, Maren von Köckritz-Blickwede, Constantin
S. von Kaisenberg, Stefanie B. Flohé, Thomas Ulas, Joachim L. Schultze, Johannes
Roth, Thomas Vogl, and Dorothee Viemann
Supplemental Figures
Figure S1 (related to figure 2): Gene expression in tolerance-induced human
A-B) qRT-PCR analysis of gene expression in human monocytes stimulated for 24 h
with LPS [25 pg/ml], MRP8-MRP14 complex [10 µg/ml] or MRP8 [100 ng/ml]. Results
are normalized to GAPDH and data present mean + SD (n = 4; *p < 0.05).
A) Expression of up regulated genes FPR1, RASGPR1 and Sgk.
B) Expression of endotoxin insensitive genes ID3, CLEC4E and PIK3AP1.
Figure S2 (related to figure 2): Analysis of MRP protein purities.
Human monocytes were 24 h pre-stimulated with 25 pg/ml LPS, 100 ng/ml MRP8, 250
ng/ml MRP14 or 10 µg/ml MRP8-MRP14 without (control) or after incubation for 30
min at 80°C (heat inactivation). Afterwards cells were washed, activated with 1 ng/ml
LPS (4 h) and TNF-a level were determined in the supernatants (n =3,* p < 0.05).