L^™ 22-A BUFFALO COURIEREXPRESS, Sunday, June 12, 1960 afs L/oing Five From Area to Get Syracuse MD Degrees Top Trinity Award Goes To Barnwell KODAK d u f o v t a f c e 35 CAMERA CAMERA 71 FLASHOLOER 3 9S Main St. Only PARKER aforfe A R TINS PAPER 1M I0TTER PEN Also, Honorary Degree Trinity College conferred the i honorary degree of doctor of science on Dr. Barnwell in 1953. In March. 1959, the National Civil Service League presented I its Career Service Award to •1 him for "organizing a cooperative study of the chemotherapy j of tuberculosis, saving lives and money." Later in the same year. • the Veterans Administration gave him its Exceptional Serv' ice Award. In presenting the trophy today. J. Ronald Regnier. president of the board of fellows, i cited Dr. Barnwell's national and international prominence as •'one of the great humanitarians of our times." J. Alan Davitt, director of the high school division of the Diocesan School Department, will address graduates of Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy at their graduation in Kleinhans Music Hall at 8 p.m. June 24. The diplomas will be presented by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Michael Biniszkiewicz, pastor of Transfiguration Church. Prospective graduates are: however you say i t . . . there's one way of telling him that he's the tops with you: give him a box of handsome EATON WRITING PAPER. See our selection of men's papers, styled by Eaton. Modestly priced. * 1 . •• $ 5 . Shirt Pocket 6 Transistor MOTOROLA RADIO Slips into pocket or purse easily. Ploys 100 hours from inexpensive batteries. Brings in stations loud and clear with big-speaker tone. It's the value and the gift of o lifetime. ONLY 24 95 Parker guarantees one full year of skip-proof writing on one cartridge! Geraldine D. Andrzejewska, Barbara J. Augustyn, Geraldine C. Bancerowski, Cynthia F. Bankoske. Josephine AA Bartolotta. Sylvia J. Bochenek, Diane C Boianek, Mary Ann Borkowska, Elizabeth J. Branlecka, Caroline C Buczkowski, Joan C | Buczkowski, Kathleen A. Burek. Joyce P ! Byledbal, Ann P. Canaski, Mary Jane I Czaiowska. Joanne B. Dabrowska. Diane D. Dra|em,| Judith A. Dudkiewicz, Patricia P. Faron, i Phyllis J. Fimbel, Marcia A. FranczykJ Geraldina A. Fronckowiak, Alice M. Fryczynska, Joyce M. Gelsomino, Christine Glichowska, Judith A. Grabianowski, Joanne M. Grablarz, Antoinette C. Grabowska, Maxine A. Gurbacki. Sandra J. Hoppa, Carrie Jacak, Mary Ann Jankowska, Jane J. Jaskiewicz, Regina Jerzewska, Judith M. Juchnowska, Loretta A. Jurewicz, Judith Kaczmarek. Ann Marie Kaminski, Maxine A. Kiec, Shirley A. Kline, Barbara A. Kloss, Dolores Kluck, Lidia Klukowski, Camilla Kolasa. Vivian B. Konfederath, Christine S. Kopczewska, Arlene Kopcinska, Carol Kosinska, Frances H. Kowalczewski, Susan Kowalewska, Barbara Kowalska, Frances C. Kozlowska, Elaine L. Kozuchowska, Marcia R. Kruczek, Theresa M. Kras, Carol A. Kruszynski, Camille M. Krygier, Sally Krzywicka, Martha L. Kuczmanska. Marion J. Kuiawa, Elaine Kulinska, Geraldine E. Kuras, Judith B. Kuzara, Judith A. Kwarcianiak, Mary 9nn Laskowski, Josephine A. Llpinska, Suzanne S. Lotarskl, Antoinette Lukaszewicz, Barbara A. Lukaszewska, Dorothy Ma[chrzak, Mary Ann D. Majewska, Sharon Malecka, Christine M. Malina. Joyce M. Markiewicz, Suzanne L. Marranca. Judith A. Maselka, Marcia M. Momot, Maryann H. Mondrala. Sandra M. Nagowska, Judith M. Niezgoda, Patricia J. Norek, Anne M. Nowak. Marsha C. Nowak, Rosamarie Odojewska, Nancy 01czak, Dolores M. Oley. Elizabeth L. Ostrowska, Helen M. Pachura, Carol A. Panek, Rosalie K. Panepinto, Christine M. Pawlaczyk, Barbara A. Pawlak, Betty Ann Peltz, Christine Peszko, Carolyn M. Pietraszek, E"fain« M. Plewinska, Helen M. Plochocka, Bessie M. Pierro, Sylvia M. Polakiewicz. Bernadette J. Polizzi, Eugenia Potoczna, Geraldin* T. Ptak, Doroles Pytlak, Mary Beth Rachwal, Patricia Ann Rapczewski, Rosemarie Ratka, Marilyn F. Recoski, Carol Ann Rusinskl, Eileen M. Rutherford. Barbara Rydzewski, Geraldine Rzeszutek, Judith Sams. Police 386 M A I N ST. 17 W. CHIPPIWA DOWNTOWN BRANCHES. • Um*»riily T\mnm • Slwidnn Plata • SaultnaO Plato • ThrMway PUum • HambMra 1:00— First annual Grand Island Bike Rodeo. Kaegebein and Huth Rd. Schools. 1:00—Flag Day observance. Old Ft. Niagara, J. Pierre Sevigny, associate minister of Canadian national defense, speaker. 2:00—Commencement, State University College of Education at Buffalo, Kleinhans Music Hall. 3:00—Commencement, University of Buffalo, Lockwood Memorial Library. 3:30—Commencement, Canisius College, college campus. * * * 9 *^ X W Q W * - SAVE 5% C & •ring Your Room •Is* Into Our Showroom* SEE WHAT PLAYTIME H A N 30 FREE CARTAGf FREE MUSIC Days Rental 6 EXTRA USSONS ONLY $25 NEAL-CLAf K-NEAL I • 1 651 M IN |I3 vou'Ri BUYING: $ 39 BUFFALO CEILING CO. Open Men., Thun Evei. Siowrooms 1741 Hertel Ave,—Open Eves. Met. t Tiers. AT. 2 5 3 5 - W A . 4700 * L8 SiT. R *"TM 0 " i BJ^B - F O B . FACTORY a f : W I W l S » f l l l h W i . i & J S ^ . ^ ^ . * N© fust. Mux or Dust— Imfollotion of Callings It Our Butintu STARTING TOMORROW AT BOTH BIG STORES Thruway Plaza Downtown Buffalo en's Tropical Suits Open a Charge Wash 'n Both Stores Open Mon. 'til 9 P.M. Account. 90 * Days to pay. No Carrying; Charges. Wear Fabrics Men . . . now's the time to bin' w h e A ' o u save substantially on fine quality tropical suits at this low, low sale price. A great group at savings you can't afford to miss . . . in easy-carejlvash and wear fabrics that launder easily, dry quickly and need little orfco pressing. *5o% Dacron Polyester452 rayon blends in checks, stripes, splash weaves and houndstooth checks. Beat summer heat at the start of the leason and pocket the difference in price in this special purchase bargain p ' e n t . Come in tomorrow, take your pick. Regulars, shorts, longs. Buy n 4 ' ! Save now! Also black tropical clerical suits at tins sale price. ThrifJ Basement, Downtown. Also Thruway Plaza. EN'S CORD SUITS ale! Sale! :> Cool, comfortable cord .suits in a fine blend cotton-rayon and chromspun. The tailoring, the quality and the coolness all ntribute to your best appearance and summer comfort and we've a special pri if you shop now during our Thrift Basement Sale. Smart shades of light blue, dark blue, olive, light gray, charcoal and brown. Thrift Basement. Both Stores. Free Parking 2 hours at Vendome Garage, Eagla Ramp, Mohawk Ramp with Kleinhans purchases of $1 or more. Dad's Day Gifts by Famous Amberley at Money-Saving Prices Record BURGLARY — Delaware Park Caddy House, entered by removing screen and bars from side window sometime Friday night or yesterday morning, $15 In candy, pop and peanuts taken. BURGLARY-401 Massachusetts, tavern owned by George Ray of 1013 West Ave., entered sometime Friday night or yesterday morning through side window, $350 taken from cabinet. BURGLARY-68 Maple St., residence of Mrs. Beatrice Fredericks, entered by slipping lock of rear door sometime Friday night or yesterday, morning, table model television and radio taken. BURGLARY-782 Ellicott, residence of Louis Beer, entered Friday night or yesterday morning through cellar door, loss undetermined. BURGLARY-154 Genesee, Abbey Television Store, entered Frldey night or yesterday morning by forcing rear door, I two radio phonograph* valued at $238 taken. m wmmmmmmmmi. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com *t*i _ atg^wf;^:! •4&m&mzL-ss/&zr.•:Mmm^-m^m:< Heart of Mary Graduation Set June 24 Daddy, Father. Newest Hammond Lowest Price Terms to I Years P.M. Buffalo Pastor To Ordain Son 6 0 |ON H A M M O N D E X T R A V O I C E ORGAN] TODAY'S CALENDAR •jMcioJ to r»# courter-Mxyrea* i University, is married to the SYRACUSE, June 11—Five former Miss Margaret M. Bank, men from.Buffalo and Western of Ransomville and will become New York will receive the doc- associated with Cincinnati 10.) tor of medicine degree tomor-[ General Hospital. Scrivani, also row from the State University a Niagara graduate, will go to the University of California HosUpstate Medical Center pital, San Francisco They are: Yung is a graduate of the UniWilliam B. Kreraer, son of versity of Buffalo and will inMr. and Mrs. Bert Kremer ' tern at Akron (CO General HosGabbey Rd., Corfu; Roger S Kushner, son of Mr. and Mrs pital. • • + • Abraham R. Kushner, 1218 Wyoming Ave., Niagara Falls; James P. Moore, son of Mrs Dr. John B. Barnwell William N. Moore, 2493 Lin. . . honored by Trinity mood Ave., Niagara Falls; Joseph V Scrivani son of Mr. and A Buffalo pastor will ordain Mrs0 Vincentv e Scrivani. 2750 his son to the United Church of .Ji ! ,.A ,; N i a * a r a Falls. Christ ministry next Sunday and Donald J. Yung, son of Mr. night. ?*n(L XJrf," r £ s c a r W - Y u n g o f The Rev. Charles O. Bayard Undernill Rd., East Aurora. 0f Grace Delavan Church, E. Kremer, a graduate of the Delavan and Moselle, is the pasUniversity of Buffalo, will serve tor. His son, Richard D. Bayard, ms medical internship at Duke graduated from School 23 and Special to Th* Courier-Ixprest Hospital, Durham. N.C. Rush- i Technical High School here, HARTFORD, Conn., June 11 ^ • ^ j r e c e l v e d h l s bachelor Franklin and Marshall College of arts degree from Cornell Uni- and Eden Seminary. The Eigenbrodt Trophy, the The ceremony will take place I highest award given to a Trinity University H o s p i t a l , Indian-,at ? 1 I 2 ! ta G r a c e D e l a v a n I alumnus by his fellow alumni, apohs. He is married to the Church former Miss Ruth Brickman of Richard Bayard will serve as I w a s Presented by the college's Syracuse. assistant pastor of St. John's [board of fellows today to Dr. Moore, a graduate of Niagara i Church in Richmond, Va John B. Barnwell who recently retired as assistant chief medical director of the Veterans Administration in Washington. Dr. Barnwell, a brother of Mrs. Thomas Cook Brown of Buffalo and a son of the Rt. Rev. Robert Woodward Barnwell, late bishop of the Episcopal diocese of Alabama, was graduated from De Veaux School, Niagara Falls, in 1913 and from Trinity in 1917. After serving as a captain of field artillery in World War I, he entered the University of Pennsylvania Medical School from which he was graduated in 1923. At Trudeau Sanatorium Dr. Barnwell interned in Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, and was resident physician at Trudeau Sanatorium, Saranac Lake, from 1926 to 1928. In 1928, he was appointed to the University of Michigan Medical School faculty and placed in charge of the tuberculosis unit of the University Hospital. When Gen. Omar N. Bradley and Gen. Paul R. Hawley reorganized the Veterans Administration in 1946. Dr. Barnwell was called to Washington to head the tuberculosis division. Successful development of use Precision miniature with electric-eye control of streptomycin in VA hospitals under Dr. Barnwell's direction, The amazing electric-eye exposure control on this precision was recognized by the National 35mm camera gives you correct exposures automatically. You Tuberculosis Assn.'s award of just aim and shoot! Mokes superb color slides . . . brilliant the Trudeau Medal to him in 1950. In 1956, he was appointed color snapshots . . . crisp Wack-and-whites. Manual control assistant chief medical director for flash, fast f/2.8 Ier»v easY,-!oading, single-stroke film of VA. advance. A camera that gives you new creative freedom. CEILINGS INSTALLED Your First Lesson FREE1 ••an mmm
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