REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH AUSTRO CONTROL GmbH LUFTFAHRTINFORMATIONSDIENST AUSTRO CONTROL GmbH AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION SERVICE Wagramer Straße 19 1220 Wien AUSTRIA Wagramer Strasse 19 1220 Wien AUSTRIA Phone: +43 (0)51703/2051 Telefax: +43 (0)51703/2056 AFTN: LOWWYNYX e-mail: [email protected] AIC REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA A 6/16 4 AUG This AIC includes 2 pages and 2 attachments. Introduction of SAXFRA / Slovenian Austrian Cross Border Free Route Airspace 1. Introduction The purpose of this AIC is to provide information concerning the implementation of SAXFRA (Slovenian Austrian Cross Border Free Route Airspace) within the Functional Airspace Block Central Europe FABCE. SAXFRA will be implemented by AIRAC 10 November 2016. 2. Objective In line with the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 716/2014 requiring FRA / Free Route Airspace to be implemented by the 1st of January 2022 and the European Network Improvement Plan (ERNIP) Austro Control and Slovenia Control have launched the cross border free route project SAXFRA. In SAXFRA operators will be able to flight plan user preferred trajectories in the applicable area. Therefore SAXFRA will meet Union-wide performance targets related to safety, capacity and environment. Hence airspace user will benefit from time and mileage savings and therefore from reduction of fuel consumption. 3. Applicability The SAXFRA area of application is available H24 and is not constrained by FIR or State boundaries. The SAXFRA area will consist of those areas where the following units provide ATS: ACCs Wien (except BUDEX Area) and Ljubljana, APP units Wien, Graz, Innsbruck (East of the line 47 00 10.0592N 011 51 18.3479E - 47 25 51.0000N 011 56 24.0000E - 47 37 09.0000N 012 03 41.0000E - 47 37 58.0000N 012 09 53.0000E), Klagenfurt, Linz, Salzburg (except Königssee Area), Ljubljana, Maribor and Portoroz (see Attachment 1). As of 10 NOV 2016 ATS Routes within SAXFRA will be permanently withdrawn except for: • ATS routes within areas of responsibility of APP Maribor (MARIBOR TMA 1, MARIBOR TMA 2) and Portoroz (PORTOROZ TMA) to provide ATS without the use of ATS surveillance equipment. • A set of ATS routes within FIR Wien below 9500 FT AMSL for NON RNAV equipped flights. 4. Flight Planning and ATC Procedures Within SAXFRA aircraft shall comply with the aircraft equipment requirements in GEN 1.5. Within SAXFRA Aircraft Operators will be able to flight plan user preferred trajectories in the applicable area between a defined FRA Horizontal Entry point (E) and a defined FRA Horizontal Exit point (X) with the possibility to route via defined FRA Intermediate points (I) according the table below taking into account respective RAD (Route Availability Document) restrictions. From FRA Horizontal Entry Point (E) FRA Departure Connecting Point (D) FRA Intermediate Point (I) To FRA Horizontal Exit Point (X) FRA Arrival Connecting Point (A) FRA Intermediate Point (I) FRA Horizontal Exit Point (X) FRA Arrival Connecting Point (A) FRA Intermediate Point (I) FRA Horizontal Exit Point (X) FRA Arrival Connecting Point (A) FRA Intermediate Point (I) Remark Flight plan direct or via one or several intermediate points. Filing of LAT/LONG shall only be used to indicate a change in speed or level along the trajectories between defined SAXFRA significant points. Filing of bearing and distance related to SAXFRA significant points is not permitted. -1- AIC A 6/16, page 2 Segments between the significant points shall be defined by means of DCT (direct). Within SAXFRA there is no limit on the maximum DCT distance. Flights shall not be planned closer than 3 NM to the published SAXFRA border. Except for DCT segments defined in RAD Appendix 4, ATS Routes and SIDs/STARs: entry and exit from SAXFRA shall be planned using the published FRA Horizontal Entry and FRA Horizontal Exit points only the planning of DCT segments across the SAXFRA borders (cross border DCT) is not allowed the planning of DCT segments that are partially outside the lateral limits of SAXFRA (re-entry segments) is not allowed the planning of DCT segments closer than 3 NM to the SAXFRA border is not allowed Flights may be planned through AMC manageable RSAs (Restricted Airspaces) according AUP/UUP (Airspace Use Plan/ Updated Airspace Use Plan) and the rules laid down in RAD Appendix 7: Flight plan filing through active Danger Areas and Restricted Areas is not permitted. Flight plan filing through active Military Training Areas is permitted. In case crossing is not possible airspace users shall expect tactical re-routing/vectoring by ATC. Maximum route extension will be approximately 5 NM. Flight planning shall follow the ICAO semi-circular rules as described in ENR 1.7. Flight planning for IFR flights within controlled airspace shall be executed in accordance with Slovenian Austrian Cross Border Free Route Airspace (SAXFRA) including Lowest Available Level (LAL) - Index Chart (see Attachment 1). SAXFRA chart assists airspace users to file according SAXFRA rules. Lowest Available Level (LAL) is a layer on the SAXFRA chart which enables airspace users to file the FPL ensuring obstacle clearance and to remain within controlled airspace. Flight planning for IFR flights out of controlled airspace is permitted in accordance with local regulations. Flight rule changes shall be indicated by reference to significant points (nav aid or waypoint). 5. Contact Details For further information concerning this AIC and SAXFRA you may contact: Mr. Kristian Wollner Austro Control GmbH Wagramer Strasse 19 1220 Wien AUSTRIA TEL: +43 (0)5 1703 2012 FAX: +43 (0)5 1703 2006 Mobile: +43 (0)664 964 85 92 E-Mail: [email protected] 6. Attachments Attachment 1: Free Route Airspace Index Chart; Slovenian Austrian Cross Border Free Route Airspace (SAXFRA) including Lowest Available Level (LAL) Attachment 2: SAXFRA List of significant points AIC A 6/16, Attachment 2, page 1 SAXFRA LIST OF SIGNIFICANT POINTS DESIGNATOR COORDINATES ABETI N47 40 39.77 E017 00 46.23 ABIRI N46 45 45.01 E014 58 03.26 ABISO N46 15 44.61 E014 21 08.13 ABLAT N45 23 25.56 E013 37 34.14 ABLOM N48 04 03.24 E017 05 15.73 ABRUK N47 22 59.27 E015 00 23.87 ABTAN N47 06 49.00 E014 29 44.00 ADAMA N47 59 16.00 E017 20 29.00 ADLET N48 34 03.36 E014 17 57.42 ADOMO N45 58 16.44 E014 38 42.11 AKIMA N48 24 47.38 E013 18 37.49 ALIVO N45 31 24.38 E014 44 20.64 AMADI N48 05 28.74 E012 54 49.65 ARGOM N45 47 40.39 E015 25 38.52 ARLON N46 24 49.76 E015 01 47.15 ARMIX N45 28 56.86 E014 16 04.36 ARNOS N46 32 28.52 E013 34 09.52 ARSIN N47 34 01.96 E016 45 13.48 ARTUS N47 29 51.33 E012 16 12.96 ASKOD N47 23 08.01 E015 52 16.66 BADIT N48 09 52.00 E012 50 04.00 BAGSI N48 03 28.15 E014 17 22.98 BARPI N45 35 08.90 E013 31 22.31 BARUG N47 53 48.57 E015 21 19.93 BEDOX N46 15 57.74 E015 49 34.44 BEGLA N47 49 50.56 E017 06 51.94 BERTA N46 26 58.95 E014 37 30.85 BIRGI N47 20 52.00 E011 55 26.00 BUGEV N45 27 56.05 E013 46 24.39 BUMUK N47 24 08.25 E013 30 23.65 BUSET N45 30 06.38 E014 13 26.99 DEGUM N46 27 57.11 E013 41 57.40 DETSA N46 48 09.00 E012 16 52.00 DEXIT N48 45 46.00 E013 42 33.00 DIMLO N46 41 00.56 E016 25 21.80 DIPSA N46 36 34.58 E014 55 20.08 DITIS N48 53 52.88 E015 06 58.90 AIC A 6/16, Attachment 2, page 2 DESIGNATOR COORDINATES DIVAL N47 33 17.67 E016 07 46.71 DOL N46 05 02.90 E014 46 42.87 EBITI N46 03 35.71 E014 59 07.89 ELKAT N46 59 27.62 E013 54 19.82 EPODO N46 11 45.57 E014 04 37.30 EPOLA N47 29 47.92 E014 53 15.59 ERANI N47 44 01.89 E012 57 10.92 ERKIR N47 32 16.00 E012 00 32.00 ESEGA N48 17 47.20 E013 10 53.29 ETAKO N45 39 07.82 E013 52 42.69 EVAXI N46 46 36.00 E013 31 11.00 FMD N48 06 18.41 E016 37 45.35 GAMLI N47 54 24.00 E014 46 44.00 GASNA N47 53 59.00 E017 07 59.00 GBG N46 53 13.16 E015 48 01.15 GEDSO N47 04 50.00 E011 52 13.00 GEMKA N45 28 13.08 E014 12 15.21 GESGI N47 50 07.54 E016 26 06.57 GIMBO N48 43 31.31 E014 46 32.99 GIMIX N46 31 22.76 E013 42 50.69 GIRDA N45 28 32.07 E014 08 02.23 GISPO N48 05 55.67 E016 07 46.32 GOLVA N46 42 31.57 E015 39 08.54 GOMIG N48 08 19.92 E012 41 41.29 GORPA N45 46 23.07 E015 21 11.67 GOTAR N46 59 52.37 E016 13 29.15 GOTRU N48 43 42.88 E014 27 16.59 GRZ N46 57 19.32 E015 26 57.95 GUKTU N48 10 05.87 E016 45 37.68 ILB N45 33 56.11 E014 10 15.11 INGID N47 16 06.73 E013 41 06.67 INLOX N47 11 51.95 E014 45 21.40 INPUL N47 50 25.00 E012 44 30.00 INSAX N47 00 56.00 E016 04 51.00 INSEL N47 09 20.00 E012 24 19.00 IRLIX N46 25 21.02 E015 41 39.44 KANIN N46 26 25.67 E013 37 43.28 KFT N46 35 51.30 E014 33 44.35 AIC A 6/16, Attachment 2, page 3 DESIGNATOR COORDINATES KIRDI N48 12 27.64 E012 49 17.95 KLAGY N46 30 51.48 E014 46 30.61 KOGEX N47 06 47.69 E015 17 13.41 KOVEL N48 42 03.25 E015 35 49.50 KOXER N48 07 39.00 E017 02 54.00 KUBUD N46 03 33.00 E013 36 11.00 KUMOM N47 33 28.11 E012 22 18.15 KUVEX N47 54 30.00 E017 26 15.00 LADAG N48 35 20.33 E015 02 27.98 LAMSI N48 39 12.07 E013 35 00.39 LANUX N48 53 17.18 E015 36 56.84 LAPNA N46 32 07.79 E015 31 13.55 LATLO N47 41 01.61 E012 48 24.25 LEDVA N48 43 43.64 E016 47 21.10 LEOBE N47 21 49.28 E015 01 37.07 LETLI N45 38 09.12 E015 20 57.69 LIMRA N47 54 39.53 E014 26 52.02 LIVDU N47 52 49.48 E016 04 51.84 LNZ N48 13 46.96 E014 06 11.36 LOKVU N48 52 28.98 E015 50 05.99 LUGIM N48 11 08.23 E015 06 32.48 LUMUS N46 35 24.37 E014 09 22.68 LUPIX N46 04 05.79 E014 45 35.13 MAGAM N45 58 21.61 E015 42 10.55 MALUG N46 42 22.00 E012 35 51.00 MAREG N48 11 25.76 E016 58 08.72 MASUR N48 31 12.35 E015 26 21.45 MATIG N48 03 30.93 E013 32 29.38 MAXUR N45 44 45.27 E014 54 37.12 MEDEL N48 12 26.00 E013 40 13.00 MIKOV N48 47 05.08 E016 37 15.61 MILGO N47 18 06.16 E015 05 29.94 MODRO N46 03 37.56 E014 22 03.47 MODSA N47 38 30.00 E012 13 56.00 MORED N47 52 34.87 E013 00 55.64 MOTIX N48 19 06.60 E014 35 08.32 MOVOS N47 54 40.60 E016 26 14.08 MUREG N46 42 24.25 E015 48 28.98 AIC A 6/16, Attachment 2, page 4 DESIGNATOR COORDINATES NAKUM N46 43 30.09 E014 21 04.72 NANIT N47 23 34.87 E012 20 47.17 NATEX N47 44 49.00 E017 30 00.00 NAVTI N48 46 10.60 E016 12 18.21 NEMAL N47 55 05.00 E013 29 54.00 NEMEK N45 34 28.80 E015 17 52.92 NIDLO N46 48 15.03 E015 59 44.16 NIGSI N47 22 09.00 E016 02 10.00 NIPEL N46 29 22.10 E014 01 57.35 NUBRA N47 44 35.05 E013 56 16.49 NURMI N47 40 10.00 E014 56 10.00 OBEDI N47 19 40.43 E013 19 47.09 OBUTI N46 22 41.89 E016 16 26.58 OGODI N45 58 29.07 E013 53 43.67 OGRUB N47 54 56.92 E013 55 48.12 OSPEN N47 29 07.05 E015 31 38.71 PABSA N48 31 41.77 E013 44 17.30 PENEP N46 07 58.97 E014 17 55.49 PEREX N47 38 22.30 E013 14 37.53 PESAT N47 42 53.75 E017 03 11.37 PESUT N46 14 14.91 E013 42 58.33 PETOV N46 18 34.83 E015 58 34.20 PIKIT N46 26 13.45 E014 20 46.23 PISAM N48 53 34.49 E015 23 13.66 PODET N46 10 16.95 E015 37 36.47 PUBEG N47 30 40.48 E015 39 43.18 RADLY N46 38 48.69 E015 12 33.03 RASTA N47 29 43.54 E013 22 52.92 REDBU N47 57 21.19 E012 49 05.62 REKLU N48 35 15.00 E016 56 16.00 REKTI N46 35 04.34 E013 53 50.81 RENKA N48 35 05.43 E013 30 18.81 RIFEN N45 51 04.00 E013 35 23.00 ROKSA N45 29 42.06 E015 00 25.73 ROLBA N45 50 24.72 E015 39 18.19 ROPAG N47 12 49.04 E015 47 57.72 ROPUS N46 05 28.94 E014 11 31.09 ROTAR N45 15 46.00 E012 59 44.00 AIC A 6/16, Attachment 2, page 5 DESIGNATOR COORDINATES RTT N47 25 51.32 E011 56 24.19 SABAD N45 27 57.14 E014 52 02.93 SASAL N47 17 05.38 E016 28 27.54 SBG N48 00 09.30 E012 53 33.94 SETAL N47 13 54.00 E014 15 32.00 SIMBA N48 13 48.55 E013 00 56.94 SITNI N48 03 15.22 E014 50 04.61 SNU N47 52 29.55 E016 17 18.37 SOGTU N46 31 11.73 E014 21 56.59 SOVOX N45 58 06.00 E013 35 50.00 STEIN N47 25 39.41 E016 35 58.95 STO N48 25 01.69 E016 01 06.94 SUBEN N48 26 11.12 E013 20 12.16 SUNIS N47 08 30.76 E016 20 58.60 TAGAS N48 02 38.35 E015 39 14.30 TEKNO N47 37 25.59 E017 24 32.07 TIBRO N46 13 06.00 E013 28 22.00 TISKO N46 40 56.98 E015 59 30.87 TISMA N46 54 31.73 E014 09 34.66 TITIG N48 03 32.00 E012 33 34.00 TIVAP N48 43 44.75 E014 23 38.23 TOVKA N48 16 12.56 E016 55 34.76 TRAUN N47 58 29.00 E012 35 15.00 TUTIV N45 42 30.69 E013 49 36.11 UMBIL N47 21 11.95 E015 36 04.21 UMVEG N47 12 41.83 E011 53 47.66 UNKEN N47 49 18.42 E012 36 03.59 UPETA N46 03 16.74 E014 05 53.72 URAVA N46 24 58.25 E013 31 56.30 VALLU N46 17 29.72 E015 20 10.74 VAMET N46 46 25.92 E015 18 27.72 VANAX N46 02 28.02 E015 43 53.17 VAROB N47 37 34.63 E012 32 19.05 VATET N47 36 03.43 E014 01 59.23 VAXIS N47 05 59.01 E013 37 50.89 VEKEN N46 33 49.03 E013 22 46.00 VELOM N48 13 15.96 E013 29 57.87 VENEN N48 33 59.59 E014 32 28.84 AIC A 6/16, Attachment 2, page 6 DESIGNATOR COORDINATES VERDA N47 32 00.00 E013 20 00.00 VILAK N46 41 47.01 E013 54 52.72 WGM N48 19 25.88 E016 29 27.43
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