Church of Our Lady of Angels Rev. Kenneth J. Calder, Retired; in Residence Rev. Jason N. Espinal, Parochial Vicar Rev. Richard M. Lewkiewicz, Parochial Vicar Rev. Msgr. Kevin B. Noone, VF, Pastor Deacon Edward S. Gaine Deacon Charles R. Hurley Ann O’Brien, Director of Religious Education Tele: 718-748-6553 Margaret Jones, Pastoral Care Minister Tele: 718-836-7200 ext. 112 Soraida Puente, Spanish Ministry Tele: 718-836-7200 ext. 102 Holy Angels Catholic Academy 337 - 74th Street Brooklyn, NY 11209 Mrs. Rosemarie McGoldrick, School Principal Tele: 718-238-5045 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 29, 2015 PROPHETIC ANOINTING The solemnity of today’s readings invites us into silent contemplation of the mystery of our redemption. There are so many levels on which to understand the events of the Passion. The woman who anoints Jesus acts prophetically in a way that the other disciples do not yet grasp. Anointing is for priests, prophets, and kings, and also for the preparation of the dead. It is for healing and for holiness. Her action acknowledges the imminent events of the passion and death of the Lord, and points toward his resurrection and triumph over evil and death. He is priest and victim, prophet and God, King and Lord. All these things are acknowledged in her prophetic anointing. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Rectory: 7320 Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11209 Telephone: (718) 836-7200 Website: WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM — Spanish Mass 6:30 PM SUNDAY: 7:15, 9:00, 10:30 AM, 12 Noon, 5:00 PM WEEKDAY MASSES: (M-F: 6:45, 8:30, 11:45 AM SAT: 8:30 AM) SACRAMENTS: SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 11:00 AM - Noon — 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM Thursdays before First Friday & Eves of Holy Days: 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Celebrated at 1:30 PM on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. (Next Baptism Sunday, April 12th) BAPTISMAL PREPARATION Please contact one of the priests or the deacon and schedule an appointment. Please bring child’s birth certificate to interview. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Following the 8:30 AM Mass on First Saturday of each month. DEVOTIONS ROSARY Weekdays after the 8:30 AM and 11:45 AM Masses MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA Wednesday after 8:30 AM and 11:45 AM Masses ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every Thursday following the 11:45 AM Mass Benediction at 4:00 PM in Christ the King Chapel EUCHARISTIC DEVOTION - FIRST FRIDAY Following 11:45 AM Mass — Benediction at 1:10 PM PARISH SERVICES AL-A-NON — Meets in the Pine Room on Thursday nights at 8:00 PM. Please join us. OUR LADY OF ANGELS HUMAN SERVICES CENTER AND FOOD PANTRY Located at 336 - 73rd Street. Telephone number is 718-680-6344. Hours of operation are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. (Closed for lunch from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM). OLA’S CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP Provides support and resources and meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday from 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM in the St. Joseph Center. Entrance at 336 - 73rd Street Lower Level. For more information call 718-680-6344. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Beginners meet every Wednesday from 6:45 to 7:45 PM in the Pine Room. Regular meeting follows at 8 PM. OUR LADY OF ANGELS LEISURE CLUB The Club meets Thursdays at 12:00 PM in the gym. The Club is open to all Men & Women 55 and over. All are Welcome. OUR LADY OF ANGELS LITURGY COMMITTEE SUNDAY, MARCH 29TH PALM SUINDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD (Priest Celebrant Subject to Change) SATURDAY, March 28th 5:00 Paul, Kathleen & Patricia Ryan (Fr. Espinal) 6:30 Jaime Rodriguez Tolentino - 1st Anniversary (Msgr. Noone) SUNDAY, March 29th 7:15 Joseph & Gertrude Wolfe (Fr. Espinal) 9:00 Leonard Fusco, Jr. & Gloria Fusco (Msgr. Noone) 10:30 Theresa C. Rosen (Msgr. Noone) 12:00 Mark Moghab (Fr. Lewk) 5:00 For The Parishioners of OLA (Fr. Lewk) MONDAY, March 30th 6:45 Purgatorial Society 8:30 Walter Hastings 11:45 In Memory of Angelo Tutolo TUESDAY, March 31st 6:45 Julia Hastings 8:30 Julia Goebel 11:45 Ursula & Luigi Marotta WEDNESDAY, April 1st 6:45 Peter Goebel 8:30 Fred Moghab 11:45 Nancy & Gennaro Mazzariello THURSDAY, April 2nd - Holy Thursday 9:00 AM Morning Prayer 7:00 PM Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper - Bilingual FRIDAY, April 3rd - Good Friday 9:00 AM Morning Prayer 2:00 PM Stations of the Cross - English 3:00 PM Liturgy - English 6:00 PM Via Crucis - Spanish 7:00 PM Liturgy - Spanish SATURDAY, April 4th - Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil 9;00 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Blessing of Foodbaskets 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM - Confessions 8:00 PM Liturgy - Bilingual SUNDAY, April 5th - Easter Sunday 7:15 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM No evening mass Dear Parishioners, My brother priests, deacons and the Pastoral Staff wish you all a very devout Holy Week and encourage your presence at all the liturgies as the Church experiences the dying and rising of Jesus. There will be a second collection on Easter Sunday for the needs of the senior priests of the diocese. I thank you in advance for your consistent generosity. The Holy Week Schedule: Saturday, March 28 5:00 pm Procession and Mass - English 6:30 pm Procession and Mass - Spanish Sunday, March 29 - Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion 7:15 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm, 5:00 pm Procession precedes the 10:30 and 12 Noon masses Monday, March 30 - Reconciliation Monday 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm Bilingual: 7:00-9:00 pm Thursday, April 2 - Holy Thursday 9:00 am Morning Prayer 7:00 pm Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper - Bilingual Friday, April 3 - Good Friday 9:00 am Morning Prayer 2:00 pm Stations of the Cross - English 3:00 pm Liturgy - English 6:00 pm Via Crucis - Spanish 7:00 pm Liturgy - Spanish Saturday, April 4 - Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil 9:00 am Morning Prayer 9:30 am Blessing of Food Baskets 10:00 am - 11:00 am - Confessions 8:00 pm - Liturgy - Bilingual Sunday, April 5 - Easter Sunday 7:15 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm No evening mass RCIA - WE JOURNEY WITH THEM Our Elect: Erwin Cuahutencos and Jessica Garcia are in their final week of preparation for the Sacraments of Christian Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. As they prepare for the Easter Vigil, please continue with your supportive prayers and greetings during this important time. Also, our Candidates have spent these many months in preparation: Jerry Aguilar, Giovanni Bonilla, Oscar Bonilla and David Collado, for Confirmation and Eucharist; Michelle Klemm to enter into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church. Please pray for them and for all who search for a deeper experience of the Body of Christ. We are thankful to those who are helping these new parishioners: Josette Khayat, Joanne Doyle, Mark Yunque, Laura Yunque, Elene Andrade, Sister Betty Schroeder, Dr. Frank Greene, Mary Lou Atkinson, Soraida Puente, Deacon Ed Gaine, Deacon Charles Hurley, Father Espinal, Msgr. Noone, Lenora Mantia and Father Lewk. BIBLE DISCUSSION MEETINGS FOR ADULTS Bible discussion meetings for adults are held every Monday from 1:00 to 2:30 PM and from 7:30 to 8:45 PM in the Msgr. Cavanagh Room. In the afternoon we will discuss Romans 7:1ff., and a topic will be the role of law in our faith. In the evening we will discuss Acts of the Apostles 3:11ff., and a topic will be the content of Peter’s preaching. All are welcome. RCIA MEETING Wednesday at 7 PM in the Msgr. Cavanagh Room. Topic: Rehearsal for the Easter Vigil. All are welcome. ADULT CONFIRMATION Classes for Adult Catholics who have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation begin on April 6. Call Father Lewk at the rectory (718-836-7200) for information and a description of what is needed. THE OLA WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB Next meeting will be Monday, April 13th, at 7:30 PM in the Msgr. Cavanagh Room. The book title is :STORIED LIFE OF A.J. FIKRY By Gabrielle Zevin BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP Night Sessions meets Friday nights from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM on the following dates: April 24th Day Sessions meets Saturday mornings from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM on the following dates: April 11th OFFERTORY GIFTS GIFT OF BREAD — In Memory of Gustave C. Von Holten GIFT OF WINE — In Memory of Gustave C. Von Holten GIFT OF CANDLES — Edna Nassan SANCTUARY LAMP — Elaine Goslee 2nd Anniversary ATENCIONCOMUNIDADHISPANA SANTAMISAENESPAÑOLENNUESTRASEÑORADELOSANGELES:ElSábado28deMarzoytodoslos Sábadosalas6:30P.MtenemoslaSantaMisaenESPAÑOL.ParamayorinformaciónhableconMsgr. KevinB.Noone.Tel:7188367200oconlaSeñoraSoraidaPuente.Tel:7188367200Ext.102. ¡TODOSCORDIALMENTEINVITADOS! BAUTISMOSENESPAÑOL:SiguientefechaparalacharlaBautismal28Marzode2015,ylosBautismos seránSábado11deAbrilala1:45PMySábado25deAbrilalas6:30PM.Paramayorinformaciónhable conMsgr.KevinNoone.Tel:7188367200oconlaseñoraSoraidaPuente.Tel:7188367200Ext.102 ”RECUERDEQUEESOBLIGACIONDELOSPADRESBAUTIZARASUSHIJOSLOANTESPOSIBLE.” SACRAMENTOSPARAADULTOS:SiUstedNOharecibidosussacramentos,Bautismo,Comunióny Con irmaciónodeseaContraerMatrimonioenlaIglesiaCatólicanosotrospodemosayudarle,tenemos CATEQUESISPARAADULTOS RICA .ParamayorinformaciónhableconMsgr.KevinB.Nooneola SeñoraSoraidaPuente.Tel:7188367200Ext.102. CONOZCAMOSACRISTO:EstudiodeBibliayOración,continúaratodoslosJuevesalas7:00P.Menel CavanaghRoom.Todosestáncordialmenteinvitados. ParalasparejasquedeseencontraerMatrimonio,Msgr.KevinNooneestarácelebrandoBodasColectivas paraelmesdeOctubrede2015,parejasinteresadas,puedenregistrarseenlaRectoriahastaeldía 17deAbrilde2015.ParamayorinformaciónsepuedencomunicarconMsgr.KevinB.Nooneopadre JasonR.Espinalalnúmeroteléfonico:7188367200.Ext.102. HORARIO DE LA SEMANA SANTA SABADO, 28 DE MARZO 2015. Hora: 6:30PM Procesión de Ramos y Santa Misa. LUNES SANTO, 30 DE MARZO 2015 Confesiones: Hora: 7:00PM hasta las 9:00 PM. Bilingue. JUEVES SANTO 02 DE ABRIL 2015. Liturgia de la Cena Del Señor: Hora: 7:00PM Bilingue. VIERNES SANTO 03 DE ABRIL 2015. Rezo Del Santo Viacrucis en Español. Hora: 6:00PM. Iniciaremos la procesión por la entrada de la Iglesia y haremos un recorrido por la calle 73RD,3rd Ave, calle 74th finalizando en la 4th Ave. Liturgia. Hora: 7:00PM. SABADO SANTO 04 DE ABRIL 2015. VIGILIA PASCUAL. Hora: 8:00 PM. Santa Misa Bilingue. “Hoy el cielo y la tierra cantan ¡el nombre inefable y sublime del Crucificado resucitado!” Hoy todo parece como antes, pero en realidad, ya nada es como antes. El, la Vida que no muere, ha redimido y vuelto a abrir a la Esperanza a toda existencia humana. Todo proyecto y designio humano, esta noble y frágil criatura, tiene hoy un nuevo. “Nombre de Cristo resucitado de los muertos, por que en El hemos resucitado todos”. FELICES PASCUAS COMMUNITY NOTES Gentle Yoga Classes for all ages on Wednesday mornings from 10:15 am to 11:45 am at 336 - 73rd Street, lower level. DIVORCED/WIDOWED/SEPARATED — Beginning Experience The loss of a spouse through death, divorce or separation is one of life’s most traumatic experiences; often resulting in feelings of loneliness and grief. When those feelings remain, it can be overwhelming and hard to move forward. The Beginning Experience weekend is time to focus on feel understood by peers and experience a sense of peace and a renewed hope for the future. The next weekend is on Long island on April 10-12, 2015. For information and reservations, call Mary at 516-413-6209, Jean 631-903-0973 or John at 516-822-0635 by April 1, 2015. STATE SENATOR GOLDEN ANNOUNCES FREE TAX PREPARATION SERVICE Brooklyn State Senator Marty Golden (R-C-I, Brooklyn) is announcing that he will again host the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, offeringfree tax preparation services to residents making less than $30,000 annually. Appointments will be available at his district office located at 7408 5th Avenue, on Sundays and Mondays, from February 15th through April 13th. Sunday appointments will be scheduled from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm and Monday appointments will be scheduled in the evenings from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Services will be provided by appointment only and can be scheduled by calling Senator Golden’s district office at 718-238-6044. Please join us on Saturday, April 25th for the 4th Annual Semper Fi Fund 5K Run/Walk to raise money for injured Marines. You can preregister for the event by requesting an application at [email protected]. Pre registration is $20.00 or you can register at the event for $25.00 from 8:30-9:30 AM at 101 Street & 4th Avenue at John Paul Park on the day of the event. The Run/Walk will be along the Shore Road Promenade. Every penny raised goes directly to injured Marines. Make all checks payable to Semper Fi Fund. Bay Ridge Council on Aging’s next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at St. Ephrem’s (929 Bay Ridge Parkway) Rectory Basement. Networking is at 9:30 AM - 9:40 AM. Meeting will begin at 10:00 AM. If you have any questions or need further information, please call Phyllis Lawless at 718-630-7588 Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. June 8 - 20, 2015 Catholic Pilgrimage to Rome with Papal General Audience, the Shrines of Italy including Montecassino, Padre Pio, Assisi, Lanciano, Padua, Exposition and viewing of The Shroud of Turin & The Passion Play in Sordevelo, Italy. Nonstop air from JFK. For more information or a flyer please call Cathie or Mike Milano at 1-800-773-2660. BAY RIDGE SINGLES CLUB OF OUR LADY OF ANGELS CHURCH Invites you to meet for Dinners, Brunches, Socials, walks and day trips. Ages 45 to 65. Ask for a free newsletter. Annual membership is only $7. Call Mike: 718-833-1257 or e-mail [email protected]. SAVE THE DATE Wrestling returning to Our Lady of Angels on Friday, June 5, 2015 at 7:30 PM. More details to follow.
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