「ICEP-IHS 社ジョイントセミナー」開催のご案内 2013 年 9 月吉日 (財

「ICEP-IHS 社ジョイントセミナー」開催のご案内
2013 年 9 月吉日
IHS 社の専門家による、世界の石油・ガス探鉱・開発の最近のトレンドに関
1.開催日時 2013 年 10 月 29 日(火) 13:00 ~
2.開催場所 ベルサール八重洲
東京都中央区八重洲 1-3-7 八重洲ファースト フィナンシャルビル 3F
(セミナー会場、懇親会等:Room 2 & 3、1)
LINK: http://www.bellesalle.co.jp/bs_yaesu/access.html
Tel 03-3346-1396 (予約/お問合せの番号です)
Fax 03-3346-1399
3.プログラム 別紙「ICEP-IHS 社ジョイントセミナー」プログラム参照
4.使用言語 英語(通訳無し)
5. 費用
6.備考 セミナー終了後 IHS Energy 社主催の意見交換会を開催いたします。
7.連絡先 セミナー参加申し込みは、意見交換会の参加/不参加と併せて、
メール([email protected]、FAX、あるいは電話(03-3222-8156)で
石油開発情報センター、研究部 佐々木宛にご連絡ください。
FAX は、添付の参加連絡票ページを印刷してご使用ください。
※申し込み締め切り 10 月 18 日(金)
「ICEP-IHS 社ジョイントセミナー」参加連絡票
FAX 番号 03-3222-8162
ICEP 研究部
佐々木 行
10 月 29 日(火)のセミナーに 参加します。
意見交換会に (参加します、参加しません)。該当する方を丸で囲んでください。
「ICEP-IHS 社ジョイントセミナー」プログラム
T im e
13:35- 14:00
T it le
14:00- 14:30
The Evolving Asia Pacific E&P Landscape
E&P Landscape - Middle East
15:00- 15:15
Latin America Regional Exploration Update
North America- What's Next?
Cost inflation in upstream markets: How much control do
we have?
Syn o psis
IHS Solutions for the Energy Asset Workflow
Ar r ival & Re gsit r at io n
In t r o du c t io n & W e lc o m e by IHS an d IC EP
An overview of how IHS supports oil & gas workflows across the asset lifecycle with
information and software. Asia Pacific E&P landscape has continued to evolve with exploration gearing towards revisiting play concepts in mature basins and likewise potential in the remaining frontier areas
being unraveled. Unconventional resources have gained ground and could have significant
impact in the mid- to long term supply. Developments, which are mostly geared towards gas,
have encountered regulatory and technology challenges that needs to be addressed to fulfill
the growing demands in the region.
The region has proven to be particularly resilient to recent challenges ranging from sanctions
to civil unrest. While the flow of hydrocarbons has remained largely undiminished, it is often
within the subtle eddies of activity that significant advancements have taken place. This
presentation will highlight notable contemporary activity and seek to identify future
opportunities and industry trends.
Br e ak
A brief overview of E&P activity in Latin America, with a focus on Brazil and a look forward at
frontier plays across the region 別紙
Spe ake r
Jo b T it le
James Blanchard
Director Sales, Asia
Director, Asia Pacific
Technical Content
Tony Dimabuyu
Stuart Lewis
Senior Director,
International Regional
Steve DeVito
Senior Director, Global
Quality & Efficiency
The Land grab is over and major plays like Eagle Ford, Marcellus, Bakken, Barnett, Fayetteville, Bob Fryklund
and Niobrara are now moving towards harvesting the thousands of drill sites that are
inventoried. There are still frontier or emerging plays such as the Tuscaloosa, Eagle bine; Heath and Utica which are in various stages of exploration. Our bottom up analysis shows
production will peak in 2020 at some 5 mmb/d. But how will the US replace this production ? Can we already see the end of the renaissance? This talk will look at the Renaissance and talk
about what might extend it.
From 2005 until the financial crisis, cost inflation in the upstream industry was running at
Rob Chambers
over 20% per annum. The resulting project cost overruns became a big issue to the economic
success of the projects. While cost inflation has eased in recent years, projects in industry
hot spots continue to experience cost inflation issues due to exposure to high levels of
competition and local regulations. This talk will take a look at some of the hot spots
mentioned in the earlier talks and key cost market drivers pushing up development costs
Chief Upstream Strategist
Senior Product Specialist,
Cost & Technology Group