BHARAT COKING COAL LIMITED A Mini Ratna Company (A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited) Office of the General Manager Eastern Washery Zone P.O.Sudamdih,, Dist. Dhanbad.-828126, Dhanbad. JHARKHAND, Ph: 0326-2383207, 2383207, 3208 Ref.: BCCL/GM (EWZ)/F- Coal Trans./14 Trans./14-15/ Time extension/7336-80 dt. 18.12-2014 18.12 Time Extension Notice Due date of submission/ opening of Notice Inviting Discount Bid No.: BCCL/GM/EWZ/Disc. Bid/F- Coal Trans./14-15/7064-7109 Trans./14 7109 dated 02.12.2014 is hereby extended as here under: Availability of bid documents documents:: Bid documents comprising of this notice along with respective bill of quantities for the above may be collected from the office of the Office of the General Manager, ger, Sudamdih during working hours on any working day free of cost from 18.12.2014 to 27.12.2014,, except Sunday & holiday or it may be downloaded from BCCL website. Last date of receipt of discount bids: bids Up to 31.12.2014 at 12.30 PM. Place of submission of discount bids bids: Office of the GM of Eastern Washery Zone, Sudamdih. Date of opening of discount bids bids: The discount bids shall be opened at 1.00 PM on 31.12.2014 in the office of the GM of Eastern Washery Zone, Sudamdih. All other things of NIDB will ll remain the same. Dy.GM/ HOD Distribution: EWZ, Suda Sudamdih Director (T) P & P, BCCL,Koyla Bhawan,Dhanbad. CVO, BCCL, Koyla Bhawan,Dhanbad. CGM (Ws), Washery Division, BCCLBCCL With a request to display on Notice Board. GM (CMC), GM (Admn.)Koyla Bhawan -With With a request to display on Notice Board. GM (Ws), WWZ, Mahuda- With a request to display on Notice Board PO (SCW/BCW/MCW/DCW/PCW/Madhuban) (SCW/BCW/MCW/DCW/PCW/Madhuban)- With a request to display on notice board Inspector, CISF, EWZ -With With a request to make their presence at the time of opening of discount bid/tender. 35 No. SOR Registered contractors as on date – by regd. post.. However, BCCL management is not responsible for non non-receipt receipt of this notice by any contractors due to postal delay. All Areas of BCCL - with a request to display on Area Notice Boards. Note: Details of Discount Bid ma may also be obtained from website of BCCL at BHARAT COKING COAL LIMITED A Mini Ratna Company (A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited) Office of the General Manager Eastern Washery Zone P.O.Sudamdih Dist. Dhanbad.-828126, JHARKHAND P.O.Sudamdih, Ref.: BCCL/GM (EWZ)/Coal Coal trans./ 14-15/Corrigendum/ dt. 27 27-11-2014 CORRIGENDUM The following are hereby amended against LOA No. .: GM(EWZ)/ GM(EWZ)/Coal transportation/LOA/2014-15/6396 15/6396-404 DATED : 31.10.2014 Existing Entries: “You are requested to furnish Performance Security/ Security Deposit in the office of the General manager, EWZ, Sudamdih in the form as per the conditions of SOR 2013 2013-15 and subsequent ammendments, for amount of ` 308698/- (i.e. 5% performance security of award value) within 28 days of the receipt of this letter of acceptance to enable the Zonal management to issue a formal Work Order and/ or sign the contract” To be read as: . “You are requested to furnish Performance Security/ Security/ Initial Security Deposit in the office of the General manager, EWZ, Sudamdih in the form as per the conditions of SOR 2013 2013-15 and subsequent ammendments, for amount of ` 61740/- (i.e. 1% performance security of award value and balance 4% of the amount amount shall be recovered @5% from the running bill, till the amount thus recovered covers the 5% of the awarded value or 10.00 (Ten) lakhs whichever is lower)) within 28 days of the receipt of this letter of acceptance to enable the Zonal management to issue a formal Work Order and/ or sign the contract” All other things of the above referred LOA will remain the same. Dy.GM/ HOD EWZ, SUDAMDIH Distribution: Director (T) P & P, BCCL, Koyla Bhawan,Dhanbad. CVO, BCCL, Koyla Bhawan, Dhanbad. CGM (Ws), Washery Division, Dhanbad. GM (CMC), BCCL, Dhanbad. PO (PCW) AFM, W.D. CM (CP), EWZ FM, PCW M/s. Rawani Roadways 36 Godhar, Katras Road, P.O.P.O. Kusunda, Dist- Dhanbad- 828116 BHARAT COKING COAL LIMITED A Mini Ratna Company (A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited) Office of the General Manager Eastern Washery Zone P.O.Sudamdih Dist. Dhanbad.-828126, JHARKHAND P.O.Sudamdih, Ref.: BCCL/GM (EWZ)/Coal trans./ 14-15/Corrigendum/ 14 15/Corrigendum/ dt. 06 06-12-2014 CORRIGENDUM Thee following are hereby amended against Work order Ref. No. .: BCCL/GM GM (EWZ)/Coal transportation/2014-15/6788-96 DATED : 18/19.11.2014 Existing Entries: “2. 2. The management of Bharat Coking Coal Ltd. having decided to award the work in your favour,, the work is awarded to you for a period of one year from the date of issue of LOA or date of award or actual start of work whichever is later on the following terms and conditions: ” To be read as: . “2. 2. The management of Bharat Coking Coal Ltd. having decided to award the work in your favour, the work is awarded to you for a period of one year from the date of issue of LOA or actual start of work whichever is later on the following terms and conditions:” All other things of the above referred Work Order will remain the same. Dy.GM/ HOD EWZ, SUDAMDIH Distribution: Director (T) P & P, BCCL, Koyla Bhawan,Dhanbad. CVO, BCCL, Koyla Bhawan, Dhanbad. CGM (Ws), Washery Division, Dhanbad. GM (CMC), BCCL, Dhanbad. PO (BCW) AFM, W.D. CM (CP), EWZ FM, BCW M/s. BKB Transport Pvt. Ltd.
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