BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC CHURCH, ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA 19th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - AUGUST 10, 2014 ALTAR LINENS for August 11: Marilyn Reiber MASSES FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY, AUGUST 10 - 19th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 a.m. ~ Patrick & Marie Walsh (Family) 9:00 a.m. ~ Caroline Stackhouse Weiner (Harrington Family) 11:00 a.m. ~ Robert McCarthy (Markey Family) 12:30 p.m. ~ June O’Neill (Maggie Keane) 2:00 p.m. ~ Felipe German (Virginia German) 5:00 p.m. ~ Mass For The People MONDAY, AUGUST 11 - Saint Clare 6:30 a.m. ~ MAJ Reid Nannen (Clare Atzert) 8:30 a.m. ~ John Giuseppe (Angie Giuseppe) TUESDAY, AUGUST 12 - Saint Jane Francis de Chantal 6:30 a.m. ~ Walter Stoiber (Rita & Ed Reynolds) 8:30 a.m. ~ Michael Arato (Annie & Zach D’Souza) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23 - Saints Pontian & Hippolytus 6:30 a.m. ~ Danny Horgan (Dierdre Balderston) 8:30 a.m. ~ Angelina Arato (Fran De Silva) 7:00 p.m. ~ Quigley Family Deceased (Richard & Clara Quigley) THURSDAY, AUGUST 14 - Saint Maximilian Kolbe Spec Int of Michael White (Judy White) 6:30 a.m. ~ 8:30 a.m. ~ Spec Int of June Koch (Rosalie Gilroy) 7:00 p.m. (Vigil) Spec Int of Michael White (Channy White) FRIDAY, AUGUST 15 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 6:30 a.m. ~ Mary Hughes (Dierdre Balderston) 8:30 a.m. ~ For the Welfare & Intentions of Pope Francis 12:00 p.m. ~ Charles Mitchell Knepp (Carol Anderson) 7:00 p.m. ~ Raymond & Anna Gilroy (Rosalie Gilroy) 8:30 p.m. (Spanish) Barbara Killian (Parish Office Staff) SATURDAY, AUGUST 16 - Saint Stephen of Hungary 8:30 a.m. ~ Caroline Carone (Angie Giuseppe) 5:00 p.m. ~ Lew Zager (Ellen & John Farnham) SUNDAY, AUGUST 17 - 20th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 a.m. ~ Mary Clifford (Lou Capitanio) 9:00 a.m. ~ Mass For The People 11:00 a.m. ~ Shirley K Page (Paul Page) Joseph A Bousquet II (Bruce Nixon & Cianne Fragione) 12:30 p.m. ~ 2:00 p.m. ~ Fernando Mulleda (Ana Casimiro) 5:00 p.m. ~ William Vincent (Mark L Piccolo)) Holy Day of Obligation The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Vigil Mass: Thursday, August 14th ~ 7:00 pm Masses: Friday, August 15th ~ 6:30 & 8:30 am, Noon & 7:00 pm, 8:30 pm Spanish Please join us in prayer as we ask for God’s guidance and protection of our troops, law enforcement, firefighters or anyone serving in harm’s way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ryan Barnett, Michael Bouffard, Richard W. Brown, Timothy Byrnes, Anastasia Cale, Adam Conlan, Robert Corso, Richard Demarais, George C. Fletcher, Tommy Gadell, Cheryl Hess, Frank Kitzerow, Peter Laboy, Christopher LeFon, Tim McColgan, Sam Mills, Matthew Mourning, Kathryn O’Keefe, Richard O’Shea, Gray Posey, Andy Regan, Gregory Spencer, Kelly Spencer, Sean Spencer, Packey Stack, David M. Steele, Josh Truman, Christopher Wallace. (If you have a name to be added to this list, please call the parish office.) page 2 Our Offertory Collection for July 27th was $30,306.23. This does include participants in FaithDirect. We collected $299.00 for the Poor Box; $256.00 for Building Repairs. As always, your generosity is greatly appreciated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our Sharing recipient for July 27th was Active Blessing Uganda, Aquasco MD. Active Blessing provides a haven for ex-street, ex-child-soldier & abandoned youths of Uganda. The “kids” minister to, provide safe shelter for, & train each other in work programs. They also provide & oversee the installation of safe drinking water stations throughout the community. $1,666.85 ( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Faith Direct - Direct On-Line Giving: Budget your giving by signing up. No checks to write — you direct the contributions! Please visit to securely enroll online or call, toll-free at 1-866-507-8757. Our Code is VA12. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Mon: Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Mt 17:22-27 Tue: Ez 2:8 - 3:4; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Wed: Ez 9:1-7; 10:18-22; Ps 113:1-6; Mt 18:15-20 Thu: Ez 12:1-12; Ps 78:56-59, 61-62; Mt 18:21 — 19:1 Fri: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Ps 132:6-7, 9-10, 13-14; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28 Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45:10-12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 Sat: Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 19:13-15 Sun: Is 56:1, 6-7; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Rom 11:13-15, 29-32; Mt 15:21-28 RISK JESUS 14 Saturday SEPTEMBER 27 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Join Bishop Loverde at Hylton Memorial Chapel , Woodbridge, for a unique opportunity to deepen your faith and invite a friend who is searching. Former atheist Jennifer Fulwiler and Anglican convert Fr. Dwight Longenecker will address the concerns of those who identify as “former Catholics” and “nones” (no religious affiliation), as well as strengthen the faith of practicing Catholics. Our own Fr. Juan Puigbo will also speak, and music will be provided by acclaimed singer-songwriter, Marie Miller. So take the first step — RISK JESUS, and invite a friend, family member, neighbor or colleague to join you! $25 initial registration - this includes a free ticket for a friend or family member! $10 for each additional registration. For more information or to register, visit: 19th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - AUGUST 10, 2014 Contact Susan Doyle 703-998-6100 x 102 or [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CCD REGISTRATION Forms for the 2014 -2015 school year are now available at the parish office or on-line at (Classes begin 9/8, 9/10 & 9/14) ♦ Kindergarten thru high school Sundays, 10:30-11:45 am ♦ Kindergarten thru 8th grade: Wednesdays, 6:45-8:00 pm ♦ Kindergarten thru 5th grade only: Mondays, 4:15-5:30 pm ♦ Pre-school: ‘Catechesis of the Good Shepherd’, Sundays, 10:30-11:45 am (age 3 to kindergarten, potty trained) Please register early to insure a place in a class for your child(ren) & so we can plan accordingly. NOTE: There is a 2-year sacramental preparation program required to receive First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♦ CCD Volunteers NEEDED !! TEACHERS, ASSISTANTS and HALL MONITORS needed. (All volunteers are required to complete background check forms) ♦ page 3 CALLING ALL COOKS & HELPERS! Due to the many volunteers who are on vacation this month, we desperately need help for our dinner at The Carpenter’s Shelter on Monday, August 18th. If you can provide food, or most importantly, help serve dinner, please see the sign-up at: Questions? Heidi Anderson [email protected] Save the Date for the ... PARISH FAMILY FESTIVAL !! Friday ~ September 26th ~ 5:30-8:30 pm Back Parking Lot Join us for Fellowship & Fun & Games ~ Moon Bounce, Obstacle Course, Music & much, much more! Buy your dinner from a Food Truck & enjoy it with your family & friends! See you there! Have you had CGS (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd) training? Be an assistant in our Sunday morning program. ♦ Prayer volunteers needed! Support our CCD program by praying for a class this coming year! No attendance necessary, but you’d be welcome from time to time to get to know the class. Please contact Susan Doyle to volunteer or for information. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* * Are you Catholic, but want to strengthen & inform your faith? * Do you have questions about the Catholic faith, but aren’t ready to commit to a class? VIRTUAL INQUIRY may be just for you! Email us at [email protected] and we’ll get started! PRESENCE It is difficult to be truly present to another. We speak of putting in an appearance or showing up. Even when we arrive, we are often distracted. We think ahead, or we review an unsettled past. Nonetheless, we are at our best when we truly show up. We are most fully ourselves when we are absorbed in something worthy of us: creative work, good conversation, prayer. In these instances we are wholly ourselves and wholly outside ourselves. Elijah knew this kind of engagement. He was one of God’s great prophets. In today’s first reading, he follows God’s command to journey to that most holy place, Mount Horeb. And there in great silence, Elijah encounters God. As for Peter and the apostles, they discover the presence of God after the storm at sea. They and the sea and the winds are stunned into silent reverence. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. BEGINNING IN SEPTEMBER ~ Training for all new Altar Servers will now be held on the first Friday of each month from 4:00 to 5:30 pm. All those interested should contact Fr. Shafer at least two weeks in advance of the training date. [email protected] or 703-998-6100 HIGH SCHOOL: MEDIEVAL TIMES! (with St. James) on Friday, August 29th, 4 pm to 11 pm. $$TBD Every Sunday 6-8 pm! “Open Gym” ~ Spirituality & service & fun times of fellowship with other teens & most importantly - Jesus Christ! Please come even if you haven’t been involved previously! “Grace & Grub”: Join us every Thursday morning this summer for the 8:30 am Mass; we’ll have breakfast immediately after. Mark your Calendars: FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT #2! Friday, August 22nd Email Mary with movie title suggestions or if you’d like to help out that night! ~~~ Questions? Contact: Mary Sample: [email protected] or call: 703-998-6100 x110 Page 4 19th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - AUGUST 10, 2014 Singers Wanted! ALIVE! (ALexandrians InVolved Ecumenically!) “The Infancy of Christ” by Hector Berlioz with The Blessed Sacrament Festival Orchestra Performance January 9, 2015 (Current choir membership is not necessary) ~~~ For rehearsal dates & questions, contact: John McCrary (703) 998-6100 x103 or [email protected] Nature has perfections in order to show that she is the image of God, and defects to show that she is only God’s image. —Blaise Pascal The Knights of Columbus invite men to learn about our programs & benefits. Get more info from: [email protected] ~~~ Did you know the Knights of Columbus have outstanding insurance plans for young adults, single adults & families? Just ask us - we’d be happy to help! [email protected] DOMINICAN RETREAT (A Ministry of the Dominican Sisters of Peace) 7103 Old Dominion Drive, McLean, VA 22101 We invite you to pause from your busy life, tour our web site, and consider attending one or more of the many programs being offered. www.dominican or call 703-356-4243 ~~~ “Compassion & Centering Prayer” (No previous Centering Prayer practice required) A Contemplative Day with Fr. Bill Sheehan, OMI Friday, October 24th, 9:30-3:30 ~~~ “On the Shoulders of Giants” Intensive Centering Prayer Retreat (Requires experience of at least 1 year of Centering Prayer practice) 7 pm, Friday, October 24 to 11 am, Wednesday, October 29th Directed by Fr. Bill Sheehan, OMI LOCAL TELEVISED SUNDAY MASS ~ WDCW-50 ~ 10:30 –11 am WMET 1160 AM - Catholic Radio Station. CATHOLIC NEWS ON YOUR SMARTPHONE Get the latest news on local parish activities, Catholic Schools and the latest happenings with Pope Francis and the Vatican delivered to your inbox. Visit to sign up for the Arlington Catholic Herald’s e-newsletter, and don’t forget to find us on Pinterest, Facebook, YouTube & Twitter ...YOU CAN GO TO MASS WHILE ON VACATION! Visit or call 1-410-676-6000 Visit: 703-837-9300 ALEXANDRIANS HELPING ALEXANDRIANS! 5 OF 7 PROGRAMS ENTIRELY STAFFED BY VOLUNTEERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Assist needy families on a FOOD DISTRIBUTION SATURDAY AUGUST 30th ~ 8 am - 11:30 am Spanish & Arabic/Farsi SPEAKERS needed to volunteer! Church of the Resurrection - 2280 N. Beauregard Street Pack grocery bags, assist clients, carry groceries to cars, etc. Teens, adults, accompanied children & families welcome to help! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ALIVE! Family Emergency Program (FEP) needs a permanent, every Thursday morning volunteer to pack groceries for delivery to families in need. WHEN: Thursdays - 9:00 am - Noon WHERE: First Christian Church, 2723 King Street, Alexandria 22302 WHAT: Pack grocery bags. Must be able to carry a bag of groceries up 4 or 5 steps to the staging area for pick-up by the delivery drivers. CONTACT: Linda Coleman 703-837-9300 Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington Our lot is empty! Donate Your Used Car to the Catholic Charities Car Ministry. If you have been thinking of replacing your car, consider donating. We take used vehicles in good running order & give them directly to needy families. In return, you will receive a tax deduction for the full Kelley Blue Book value or your car. We have a long waiting list. [email protected] or Brian O’Connor at 703-841-3898 ~~~ Support Mothers in Need! The Catholic Charities Baby Closet can use: Diapers in sizes 1-6, Similac baby formula & baby shampoo. NEW baby clothes also needed. Bring donations to The Chancery Office, 200 N. Glebe Rd, Arlington, VA 22203 ~~~ Help a New Refugee Family! Help Migration & Refugee Services (MRS) by donating new or gently used household items such as flatware, dishware, cookware, alarm clocks, cleaning supplies, wastebaskets, trash bags & personal hygiene items. NOTE: No used clothing or linens can be accepted! To donate, contact: Beth at (703)778-9126 or [email protected] Mom’s Ministry ALL moms (new, experienced or soon-to-be!) & children are welcome. Visit: “Blessed Sacrament Moms” on Facebook for details on upcoming events, which include: * Mom’s Mass - Suspended for the summer ~ Come join us again this September! * Mom’s Faith Share Groups - (forming) Weekly Gatherings to share fellowship & faith Contact: Kate McAleer 202-779-3979 19th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - AUGUST 10, 2014 The Legion of Mary ~ Prayer and Spiritual Works of Mercy The Legion of Mary is seeking men and women who desire to grow closer to Jesus. The Legion of Mary sanctifies its members through prayer and works in union with Mary, Mother of God, under the guidance of a priest. Our chaplain is Fr. Dyer. Thursdays ~ 6:45 pm ~ Meeting Room (Parish Library) “Bought with a Price” Bishop Loverde, recognizing the increasing problem of pornography in our society and the great need to protect our families from its impact, has issued a new edition of his 2006 pastoral letter, Bought with a Price. “Since I first issued this letter nearly eight years ago,” he writes, “the porn epidemic engulfing our families, marriages and communities has reached pandemic scale.” This new edition features a Forward by popular speaker and recovered porn addict Matt Fradd, practical takeaways, a Study Guide for individuals, groups, and families, and a ‘Plan of Life.’ Copies are available at the Parish Office or can be downloaded from the above address for free. Also available on Amazon Kindle at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Learn more about just who is promoting sexual exploitation at PORNHARMS.COM/DIRTYDOZEN or contact: 202-393-7245 or [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Augustine’s Brothers Men’s Purity ‘Augustine’s Brothers’ is a support/accountability group for men who struggle with pornography. With the help of God’s grace and the support of other men, it is possible to be free from the chains that keep us from becoming the men God intended us to be. For more information, call Tim at (727) 207-2856 or by email: [email protected] We have partnered with Stewardship: A Mission of Faith and Lighthouse Catholic Media to bring you a new ChastityProject Program filled with life-changing materials. A large variety of books, booklets and CD’s are available on the topics of Chastity & Purity in relationships and marriage the way God intended them to be. See the display in the Gathering Space. There are several ways to become involved & join the Mission! * Please join us in prayer. Prayer is KEY to the success of the ChastityProject Program. * Take full advantage of these resources. We pray that your lives now and along your journey towards God in the future will be fully blessed. * Consider making a donation to Stewardship: A Mission of Faith to help ensure the success of this program so that it can continue to draw people closer to Christ. Be the FIRST to know ~ ... about events like the Diocesan Men’s & Women’s Conferences, retreats & MORE! For news about marriage & family, & tips for making Catholicism a part of your home, LIKE us on Facebook: page 5 Respect Life “When the sacredness of life before birth is attacked, we will stand up and proclaim that no one ever has the authority to destroy unborn life.” ~ Pope Saint John Paul II ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rosary for Life: Each Saturday ~ 9 am * Meet in the Gathering Space ~ Pray in the Daily Chapel *2nd Saturday of the month ~ following 8:30 am Mass Meet at clinic - 2839 Duke St near Ireton H.S. (approx. 9:15 a.m.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Helpful Resources: (Virginia Catholic Conference) (NationalCommittee for a Human Life Amendment) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Stand in the Gap” ~ Monthly Holy Hour Pray for an end to abortion & the healing of our culture. Prayer can change hearts & transform our nation. 2nd Tuesday of each month ~ 7:30-8:30 pm St. Mary of Sorrows Historic Church, Rt. 123 & Fairfax Station Rd, Fairfax Station, VA 22039 Info: 703-841-2755 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gabriel Project: Gabriel Project (GP) provides financial & spiritual assistance to pregnant women in need. It not only provides funding for prenatal care, but GP pairs trained volunteers (Gabriel Angels) with women in need of spiritual and emotional support during their pregnancies. If you know someone who can benefit from GP services, please contact us at (703) 841-3810 or go online at: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Project Rachel: Do you know someone who is carrying the grief & sorrow of past abortion? Share the good news of God’s merciful love. Project Rachel can make a confidential referral to a priest and/or counselor: (888) 456-HOPE or ~~~ “Come Back Home” A 3-minute video message from our Bishop. All can participate in this prayer effort to set suffering souls free. Visit: “Get hold of yourselves! It is I. Do not be afraid!” Uncertainty can sometimes bring fear along with God’s call to consecrated life or priesthood. What is needed is trust. If you are discerning your vocation, call Fr. J.D. Jaffe at 703-841-2514 or write: [email protected] Page 6 19th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - AUGUST 10, 2014 LINE DANCING ~ Has resumed! Join us on Mondays, 1:30-2:30 pm, Quinn Hall. Call parish office for more information. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the Parish Center ~ TUESDAYS ~ CANASTA group meets 10-12 pm & 12:30-3:30 BRIDGE group meets 11 am - 3 pm Stella Perry (703)751-8429 or Ann Corro (703)370-3664 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Catholic Charities ST. MARTIN De PORRES SENIOR CENTER 4650 Taney Ave, Alexandria, VA Mon - Fri, 9 am - 2 pm St. Martin De Porres Center has a great activities — bridge, indoor exercise classes, informal presentations, live music, wellness programs, parties, dancing and more! Come and make some new friends! We also serve a nutritious breakfast & lunch. Visit or call (703) 751-2766 for information about transportation & lunch. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VOLUNTEER at St. Martin de Porres Senior Center! Questions about what to do? Ready to volunteer? Contact Kathryn at 703-751-2766 or [email protected] (20’s/30’s single or married) Our Young Adults Ministry Group supports parishioners desire to enter more deeply into a relationship with Christ through fellowship and formation in the Catholic Faith. Our ministry is founded on five main pillars: faith, fellowship, fun, food & philanthropy (service.) MEETINGS: Thursdays at 7:00 pm - Parish Center Trinity Room (Braddock Road building with wheelchair ramp out front) THIRD THURSDAYS: 7:00 pm at Samuel Beckett’s Irish Pub in Shirlington (upstairs) for faith discussion, fellowship & food/drink specials. INFO? email: [email protected] Blessed Sacrament 39 + Singles Group Contact: Mary Terlep at 703-820-4058 or [email protected] PRIME-TIME SINGLE CATHOLICS PTSC) PTSC is a club organized to serve the needs of single Catholics, age 40 & over, who are free to marry by Catholic standards. Come share in Christian fellowship through our fun & interesting religious, social & recreational activities! prime-time-single-adults For more information, please call John McBride 703-820-9196 or email: [email protected] The Victim Assistance Ministry is a program of outreach to victims/survivors of childhood sexual abuse by clergy, religious or lay employees of the Catholic Church, as well as those abused through incest, by acquaintances, or through violent attack. For more information about services offered through the Victim Assistance Ministry, visit our website You may also contact the Victim Assistance Coordinators, Pat Mudd or Adlin deCardi, 703-841-2530. All calls are confidential. Separated? Divorced? Widowed? The “Rebuilding Program” of the Arlington Diocese Office for Family Life helps people of all faiths who are separated, divorced, or widowed and want to move on with their lives. Contact: Joe Walker 540-628-0601 or [email protected] Visit us on the web at Are you UNEMPLOYED ? Are you “UNDER-EMPLOYED” ? “Christians Are Networking” Jobs Ministry Wants to Help! “CAN” provides a venue where job seekers can prayerfully receive free professional career counseling & take advantage of networking opportunities with other professionals. Join us every Thursday evening ~ 7 - 9 p.m. St. Martin de Porres Center, 4650 Taney Ave, Alexandria, VA 22304 For more information & details about CAN, Contact: Elizabeth Lucas 703-683-7704 or [email protected] The ST. PADRE PIO PRAYER GROUP of Northern Virginia ~ Meets at 3 p.m. on the 4th Sunday of every month in the Daily Chapel. Need more info? Contact: Art 703-931-0497 or [email protected] ~~~ THIRD ORDER FRANCISCANS The “Saint John the Beloved Apostle Fraternity” meets the 2nd Saturday of the month at St. Mary’s Lyceum, 313 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA. Practicing Catholics wishing to join, contact Art Scarano at 703-931-0497 or email: [email protected] for details. Married? Engaged? “Spousal Prayer” by Deacon James Keating A beautiful book on the power of prayer in marriage. Copies available at the parish office.
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