St. Stanislaus Kostka St. Mary Bowlus Upsala CATHOLIC CHURCHES St. Edward Elmdale St. Francis of Assisi St. Francis MASS SCHEDULE The Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 CLERGY Father John Odero e-mail: [email protected] Canonical Administrator 320-584-5313 (Rectory) Fr John's Office Hours:Tues & Wed~10am – 12pm; Thurs & Fri~12 - 2pm (Outside these scheduled hours feel free to make an appointment) Father David Grundman Parochial Vicar e-mail: [email protected] 320-746-2231 (Rectory) 320-309-4174 (cell) Sister Mary Ann Capizzo 320-573-2203 Sister Mary Pat Burger St Francis Rectory CENTRAL OFFICE Monday–Friday: 9am-1pm; 2-6pm PO Box 249 Upsala MN 56384 Elaine Lampert Office Manager Diane Lange Office Assistant Central Office: 320-573-2132 Fax: 320-573-9133 Central Office e-mail: [email protected] Web-Site Diocesan web site: Birthline Hotline: 1-800-786-0200 St Cloud Chancery 320-251-2340 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Cindy Fussy, St. Stanislaus gr 1 - 10: 320-584-5982 Beth Lange, St. Mary/St. Edward gr 1 – 6: 320-630-8390 Tammy Lange 320-573-4108 Carolyn Kokett 320-573-4239 St. Mary/St. Edward gr 6 – 10: Nancy Young, St Francis gr 1 - 6: 320-746-8122 Chad Koopmeiners St Francis gr 7-10 320-293-7092 Mary Jane Boeckermann St Francis gr 7-10 320-573-2681 Chantelle Frie, Confirmation Coordinator: 320-573-2507 email:[email protected] RECONCILIATION SCHEDULE (Before weekend mass) Sat 4:15–4:45pm/7:15–7:45pm; Sun 7:15–7:45/9:20–9:50am PRAYER LINE: Karen Liebsch 573-4127; Ruth Shodeen 573-4404 Judy Theisen 573-2933; Joyce Koopmeiners 573-2728 Ministry to the Sick and to those who cannot get to Church: Holy Communion can be brought to you or a loved one at home, please contact Sr Mary Ann 573-2203 or the Central Office 573-2132 SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Sacrament of Marriage: Couples need to begin preparations with the priest at least six months in advance and MUST call the Central Office to meet with the priest before setting a date. Parish and Diocesan Marriage Preparation Classes are required. Sacrament of Baptism: Call Central Office for arrangements. REGISTRATION New parishioners: If you wish to become a member of our Four Parish Community, please call the Central Office. Young adults: Claiming yourself as a “Dependent” on your tax forms, you must re-register with your parish separate from your parents. Please notify the Central Office. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bulletin announcements due by 8am Thursday Submitted after deadline may not get into the upcoming bulletin. Remember in prayer all who are deployed and so honorably serve our country: Alec Griffith Please call the Central Office to add the names of loved ones in active service Jim Atkinson, Darwin Binek, Jeff Czech, Dan Fruechte, Catherine Hartung, Ramona Heurung, Jack Kloss, Kim Koehn, Virginia Koopmeiners, Mary Lange-Klisch, Ralph Lange, Jeanette Lashinski, Irene Notch, Judy Pangrac, Sharon Prokott, Deacon Jerome Roth, Mark Schumer, Don Wensmann Please contact the Central Office if you are in need of prayers; pre-surgery anointing or when you or a family member are hospitalized Eucharistic Adoration St. Stanislaus Saturday 6am – 10pm St. Edward 12 noon–9:00p.m. First Friday of month St. Mary 12 noon–6:00p.m. First Wednesday of month St. Francis 7am – 9pm Second Tuesday of month January 12– January 18 Monday: 1/12 No Mass Scheduled Tuesday: 1/13 St. Mary 6:00 p.m. Wednesday: 11/14 St. Francis 8:00 a.m. †Paul Gerads – SF Society ††Pete & Warburga Hoeschen Edna Boeckermann Thursday: 1/15 St. Edward 8:00 a.m Friday: 1/16 St. Stanislaus 8:00 a.m. Good Health-Leonard & Joan Czech ††Felix & Martha KuklokJoe & Theresa Scepurek Saturday: 1/17 St. Anthony, Abbot St. Edward 5:00 p.m †Mary Ann KorollGreg & Renee Wensmann St. Mary 8:00 p.m. People of our Parishes Sunday: 1/18 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Stanislaus 8:00 a.m. †Deceased Relatives & Friends Margie & Punky Benusa St. Francis 9:30 a.m. Prayer for Peace in our World St. Francis 10:00 a.m. Special Intention Jake & Judy Gerads Ash Wednesday ~ February 18th 7:30am – Bowlus; 9am – St Francis 6pm – Upsala; 8pm – Elmdale RELIGIOUS FORMATION/YOUTH NEWS January 14 * St. Francis: Class 6:30-7:30 Grades 1-6 * St. Stanislaus: Class 6:30-7:30 Grades 1-6 * St. Mary, St. Edward Class 6:30-7:30 Grades 1-6 Class 7:30-9:00 Grades 7-10 Youth Group/Bible Study meet Wednesday's 8pm Jan 14-North Prairie ~ Jan 21-Elmdale Jan 28-Upsala ~ Feb 4-North Prairie Mass Intentions are needed for ALL PARISHES. Weekends are filling up fast! Have a wedding anniversary or other special event, please call the office ASAP to get on the parish calendar. Taking down Decorations: Bowlus: Monday January 12th at 9am St Francis: Monday January 12th at 10am (Pizza lunch for all who can help at St Francis) Elmdale: Monday January 12th at 1pm– Upsala: Monday January 12th at 10am Please come and help if you can. Many hands lighten the work load! Upcoming Events Confirmation St. Mary Cathedral 2pm – Jan 25th Valentine Mass & Meal ~ St. Mary – February 13th 7pm St Mary Quilt Bingo – February 15 St Francis Matching Grant Breakfast – February 22 STEWARDSHIP: Time, Talent, Treasure ST. FRANCIS of ASSISSI St. Mary: Adult $1530; Loose $63; Youth $1.12; Choir $150; Christmas Youth $.41; Solemnity $613; Loose $54.25; - $2,411.78 • St. Edward: Adult $1380; Loose $44; Youth $2; Visitor $17; Fall Collection $150; Solemnity $185 $1,778.00 • St. Stanislaus: Adult $1453; Loose $40; Youth $7; Votive $45; Assessment $415; Christmas $40; Solemnity $382; Loose $54 - $2,436.00 • St. Francis: Adult $513; Loose $380.75; Funeral Lunch $15; Franciscans $277; Christmas $150; Solemnity $1290; Youth $5 - $2,630.75 Liturgical Roles for Sunday, Jan 18th Eucharistic Ministers: Mary Jane Boeckermann, Arnie Dobmeier(c); Lector: Rosie Thell; Servers: Michael Lehner ~ Anna Lehner; Gifts: Tom & Jeanette Gerads; Greeters: Dennis & Nancy Young family; Ushers: Mark Moorman – Syl Tschida • FOUR SAINTS NEWS Fr. David back from Retreat Thanks so much for all your prayers for me this past week while I was on retreat. I did a 'silent retreat' at Clare's Well in Annandale and had my own little hermitage. The Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls makes this available for everyone not just priests. I will write more about my experience in next week's bulletin. Glen Campbell...I'll be Me private screening Sunday January 18th at 3pm Upsala High School Auditorium. Reception before screening 2-3pm. Complimentary tickets can be picked up at the Parish Office during office hours. Tuesday the January 13th at 8:45am: Volunteers Of America Senior VP, Wayne Olson (formerly of Upsala) will be speaking to Ron Specker on the Community events show on KLTF AM960. Wayne will go a little more in depth about this screening. Thursday January 15th at 8pm: This Documentary has been nominated for a Critic's Choice Best Documentary award, which will be on the Arts & Entertainment Channel. Reminder: Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday, January 13, 7am -9pm, Benediction at 8:45pm. What a great way to start the new year by spending time before the Lord in silent prayer! All are welcome to stop in throughout the day! Journey With Jesus to Calvary - Anyone interested in becoming involved in the play put on by the St. Francis Parish, please contact Jane Keppers (320-232-3290) or Audrey Pflueger (573-2192). We have some openings for actors, back stage help and can always find a place where we could use your talents. Meetings to occur soon. Performances - Palm Sunday weekend, March 27-29. ST. STANISLAUS KOSTKA Liturgical Roles for Sunday, Jan 18th: Eucharistic Ministers: Todd Kedrowski, Judy Waletski-S(c); Gifts: Mike & Diane Reis; Lector: Joanie Fussy Greeters: Punky & Margie Benusa; Servers: Lucy Thelen ~ Allie Thelen; Ushers: Jason Thelen ~ Alfred Trettel ST. MARY Birth Line Donations will be taken now through the end of January 2015. The Guardian Angel Youth Group has collection baskets at St Mary, St Edward, and St Stanislaus Liturgical Roles for Saturday, January 17th: Eucharistic Ministers: Karen Liebsch; Servers: Mason Lange ~ Michael Lange; Lector: Kim Koehn; Gifts: Tom & Jan Kilian; Greeters: Rollie & Joan Johnson family Ushers: Matt Ripplinger ~Aaron Ripplinger CUF Matching Grant Breakfast Sunday, February 22nd St. Francis of Assisi. Mark your calendar! COMMUNITY NEWS Bible Study Our study of Acts will resume Tuesday, Jan 6th after the 6pm Mass at St. Mary's. Our next lesson is Session 11. Meetings every Tuesday for 10 weeks. Questions call Tom Kilian at 320-232-5705 MCCL Quilt brought in $143 this year. Thank you to all who bought tickets. I would like to thank my family & friends for the prayers, visits to the hospital and home, food, and help I received after my surgery. Special thanks to Fr. John for the home visits. God Bless you all. Millie Gerads Knights of Columbus Exemplification St. Gregory the Great Council 12604 will host an exemplification in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree of Knighthood at St Mary's Upsala Sunday January 18th beginning at 9am with registration, 1st degree ceremony at 10am, 2nd degree at 11am, with 3rd degree immediately following. Lunch will follow the 3rd degree ceremony. Open to all Catholic men age 18 and over. A great opportunity for those in need of their 2nd, and/or 3rd degree, or for anyone considering becoming a new member. Info or to register, please contact Grand Knight Rob Schumer 573-2918; email [email protected] ST. EDWARD Liturgical Roles for Saturday, January 17th: Eucharistic Ministers: Diana Trettel, Don Biniek(c); Servers: Katlin Welinski ~ Anna Blonigen; Lector: Tracey Hartung; Gifts: Dean & Jackie Wolbeck; Greeters: Raymond Kokett ~ Sally Schleper; Ushers: Jim Bartkowicz ~ Jim Czeck Are you thinking about doing something for yourself to enrich your faith journey? Koinonia is a community experience in Christian living designed especially for adults 20 and older. It is a Catholic Retreat program sponsored by the St. Cloud Diocese. Fr. David Maciej will be the Spiritual Director. The next retreat will be held on January 23-25, 2015. We still have room for you. The weekend starts at 5:30 pm Friday and ends Sunday evening about 5pm. Applications can be downloaded from the website: or call or email LeRoy and Mary Lou Raden (320) 293-2080 [email protected] to get an application. Cost of the weekend is $60. Full or partial scholarships are available for those in need. The Art and Heart of the Spiritual Journey Retreat January 26 (9:30am) – January 30 (4pm) St Francis Convent Little Falls. Hosted by the Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls. More information or to register by January 9th contact the Franciscan Life Center 632-0668 or [email protected]; Benefit Breakfast and Auction for Jeff & Brenda Deters, parishioners of Holy Cross in North Prairie, Sunday March 1st Royalton Legion. Jeff was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in September. To make an auction donation or help in any way please contact Marv & Rita Trettel 632-5679 helping hands – holdingford 320-746-9960 *Exercise every Wednesday 9:15am City Hall; *Line Dancing every Wednesday 10:15am City Hall; *Exercise Class Fairview Apt main lobby Mondays
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