12/28/2014 Newsletter - Goshen Primitive Baptist Church

Goshen Primitive Baptist Church
DECEMBER 28, 2014 – Since 1832 – 182 Years
307 Jameson Drive – Ashland, MO 65010
Don’t Leave Jesus In the Manger
Cell: 573-355-8085 Home: 573-657-1108
[email protected]
Upcoming Events:
01-03 – Deacon’s Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. Church
01-04 – Celebrate January Birthday’s & Anniversary’s, Carry In Lunch,
Business Conference
01-07, 21, 28 – Choir Practice @ 6:30 p.m.
01-11 & 25 – Woodcrest Bible Study @ 4:00 p.m.
01-13 & 27 – Men’s Group Practice @ 6:30 p.m. Parsonage
01-14 – Ladies Circle @ Gail Calvin’s @ 7:00 p.m.
01-18 – Breakfast With The Lord
Children’s Church
Brother Steve jingled a little
Christmas bell this morning…he
asked if their Christmas tree looks
bare without the presents to open.
Did you feel that joy of excitement
just prior to opening the gift you
have been waiting for.
Brother Steve asked what makes this
little bell ring? Yes, it’s the little ball
inside the bell that makes the joyful
noise. That is how Jesus can make us
feel if we make sure to include Him in
our minds and hearts. We too, can
make a joyful noise in God.
Don’t leave Jesus in the
manger til Christmas next
year…we all love cute
little babies but Jesus was
God’s gift to us and He
grew in stature and
strength and knowledge
and died for our sins.
Shirley Calvin, Virginia Bennett (hospital),
Patricia Baker, Earl Rippeto (Chemo)
Preston Shrum (Chemo),
Please continue to pray for our military men
and women; our nation & its leaders and one
Hebrews 10:1-7
01-06 – Ray Ash
01-06 – Steve Sapp
01-10 – Cory Blackburn
01-10 – Jackson Fischer
01-12 – Kathryn Crump
01-21 – Brenda Austin
01-21 – Brian Sapp
01-22 – Chris Bennett
01-24 – Cray Estes
The Christmas rush in shopping is over. The perfect gift was
either found and given, or it was not found and the
imperfect gift will be returned and exchanged for
something that is more desirable. The days following
Christmas can be somewhat sad if our eyes only see the
packages under the tree and then the emptiness that is left
behind after all the wrapping paper is tossed in the
garbage. Do not leave Jesus in the manger. There was no
room for Jesus, Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem Inn; but
make sure there is a room for Him in your heart.
Jesus came to this earth in a body that had been prepared
for Him by our Heavenly Father. Hebrews chapter ten
speaks to us concerning the body prepared for the Son of
God in order that He might fulfill the will of God. Jesus did
not simply come to this earth to warm our hearts as that
little baby. He came to this earth to change our hearts
through His perfect life and His foreordained death on the
cross. “… She shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his
name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.”
(Matthew 1:21)
The perfect gift was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid
in the manger. The angels proclaimed His birth. Shepherds
left their flock in order to see this great thing which had
come to pass. Wise men traveled months in order to fall on
their knees to present gifts out of their treasures and to
worship Him from their hearts. Mary pondered all these
things in her heart as she watched the life of Jesus
unfolding before her. May we also ponder the entire life of
Jesus. Do not leave Him in the manger. Wrap Him inside
your heart. Keep Him at the front of your eyes. Present the
best gifts from your treasure to Him. Worship Him as He is
indeed King of kings and Lord of lords. Jesus is Saviour of all
His people!