I m m a n u e l N e w s May 18, 2014 Vol. 64, No. 20 (Immanuel News is a weekly publication of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Fargo, ND) ELDER: Todd Evensen-8:15; Ben Duncan -11 ORGANIST: Julie Bopp PASTOR ON CALL this week is Pastor Schulz ALTAR FLOWERS are given by Greg & Joanne Kaeding in memory of her brothers, Kevin Lahren and Roger Lahren. LARGE PRINT WORSHIP MATERIALS are available. Please inform an usher if you need Large Print. Sunday School Staff Recognition will be held today at both services. Please join us in thanking all the volunteers who help teach our youth God’s word and encourage them in their faith. Spring Sing Musical – Trapped in a land unlike his home, a young man must find his way home, but in doing so will find so much more. This is the basis of the musical ‘Out of the Wilderness’ written by Owen Duncan and Caleb Worral. The youth will be preforming the musical in a classic radio style. The performance is today at 3:00pm. There will be an ice cream social following the performance. Invite a friend, and enjoy a free show. Please join us TODAY between services for our May Voter’s meeting. All members of Immanuel are encouraged to attend this important meeting. We will be holding the annual election of officers and board members. Immanuel Lutheran Church exists to enable all people to be ROOTED IN GOD’S WORD (Information about upcoming worship services, Bible studies, membership classes, and other information that enables us to be ROOTED in God’s Word.) Stewardship Thoughts 1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” God has called us to be His own – out of love, out of mercy, out of sheer, divine joy He has chosen us. The Apostle says that God has done this that we may share in His glory and joy, that we may “proclaim the excellencies of Him” who has made us His own. And truly, this is our delight! His joy breeds joy in our hearts as well. 1 Immanuel Lutheran Church exists to enable all people to be BRANCHING OUT TO SERVE (Information regarding board and committee notes and meetings, church council and voter’s information, schedules and other information that helps us to be BRANCHING out to serve.) ASSISTING WITH WORSHIP Elders Acolytes: Usher Teams: Greeters before Service: TIME MAY 18 – EASTER 5 MAY 25 – EASTER 6 8:15 11:00 8:15 11:00 8:15 11:00 8:15 11:00 Todd Evensen Ben Duncan Rayessa, Rose Katelyn Montana Kosel Terry Fortier Russ & Monica Podoll Rod Draeger Aaron Simmons Miriam Shayla, Joshua Pedersen Hankel Dave & Rhoda Viker Todd & Melissa Evensen A Big Thank You to Sunday School Teachers and Staff who so faithfully serve our congregation, working to transmit the one true faith to our youngest members! Please be sure to thank them personally when you get the chance! Nursery Pre-K Kindergarten1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd & 4th Grade - Janet Asche and Tiffaney Wiedeman Brenda Preuss and Lori Ill Becky Duncan Jay Beam and Andrea Engebretson Dean Sonnenberg and Samantha Albrecht Donovan & Shannon Dettling, Jay & ReNae Schaefer th 5 Grade Amanda Krout 6th Grade Sue Schulz 7th & 8th Grades Adam Berge, Mike & Kristin Kaiser High School Ryan Avery Closing Music N-K - Carolyn Worral Children’s library helper - Alice Carr Secretary Louise Tegtmeier Superintendent Melissa Evensen and Patty Walla Thank you also to all helpers not named above – those who sit with young ones in the nursery, substitute in the classroom, or assist where needed, when needed! Your contributions are important and appreciated!! 2 Immanuel Lutheran Church exists to enable all people to be G R O W I N G I N C H R I S T’ S L O V E (This section of Immanuel News will inform you about upcoming events, members who are in the news, fellowship events, weekly schedule of activities, and other information that enables us to be GROWING in Christ’s love.) Sunday: 8:15 9:30 9:45 3:00 May 18 – Sunday School Staff recognition & 11:00 am– Worship (Communion 8:15) am – Education Hour am – Voter’s meeting pm – “Out of the Wilderness” Spring Sing Monday: 9:00 am – Fixer-Uppers Tuesday: 7:00 am – Men’s BC at Immanuel 8:00 am - Women’s BC at Village Inn 9:15/9:30am/1:30 pm – Ladies BC, various locations Sunday: May 25 8:15 & 11:00 am– Worship (Communion 11) 9:30 am – Education Hour SPECIAL EVENTS & LOOKING AHEAD May 26 – Office Closed; Deadline for Image articles and announcements May 29 – Parish Workers circle; 6 pm Potluck/7 pm Ascension Worship May 30 – Pastor Worral at Grace Chapel Installation of ALL officers and board members will take place Sunday, June 1, at each service. (This includes current officers and board members, as well as the newly elected/re-elected!) You need only come to your regular service; you do not have to be here for both services. Ascension Day worship begins with a pot luck meal Thursday, May 29th, 6pm with the service to follow (about 7 pm) in the celebration center. Elders will be grilling hotdogs & hamburgers! Please bring a side dish to share and join us for an uplifting time of fellowship and worship. Graduation Open House - The congregation is invited to join the Worral family upon the graduation of their son, Caleb, from Fargo North High School. Please join us on Saturday, May 31 from 1-4:00 pm at the church for some food, fellowship, and congratulations. 3 Immanuel Lutheran Church exists to enable all people to be BEARING FRUITS OF FAITH (Information about the ministries our congregation is involved in, so that we can be BEARING fruits of faith.) PRAYER CARD – WEEK OF MAY 18 THOSE WHO MOURN: Julie Cigleske, Brock & family, death of husband and father, Dirk (May 11) Greg & Joanne Kaeding, death of her brother, Kevin Lahren SHUT-IN MEMBERS: Joyce Bauch, Selma Black, Florence Brownlee, Ethel Buehl, Ron Engelking, Ben Gauger, Lyle & Lucille Glessing, Martha Gross, Elsie Johnson Tennyson, Lawrence & DeLores Koenig, Jean Krenz, Tom & Loraine Martindale, Bill Nolte, Orville & Irene Olson, Ellie Radtke, Bud Sedler, Pat Stolzenburg, Doris Speral, Dorothy Williams ILL/HOSPITALIZED/RECOVERING Clyde Ahlschwede, recovery Rick Anderson, recovery Paul Baumann, recovery Linda Lee, chronic & acute health concerns Ben Maassel, concussion recovery Dylan Berard (Dean Sonnenberg’s nephew), health concerns Jerry Brewer (Bubach’s brother-in-law), hospitalized Sue Jahnke (St. Andrew, W. Fgo), recovering Marlene Janda (Shari Soori’s mom), health concerns Tim Trautman (Steve’s brother), recovery FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES BATTLING CANCER: Evelyn Mayland, Michael Vasicek, Colleen (friend of the Roach’s), Sandy Croft (Erica Avery’s mom), Drake Dosch (great-nephew of Sandi Leikas), Janet Erickson (friend of Leversons), Roger Leonhardt (Lorinda Semanko’s dad), Parkinsons/Cancer, Marilyn Mayland (Evelyn’s sister), Adam Ressler (Les’ uncle), Rick Wiedebush (Sandi Leikas’ friend) THOSE SERVING OUR ARMED FORCES especially, James Bean, Navy; Patrick Maassel, Army; Carl Tegtmeier, Air Force I wish to extend a heartfelt thank you to my Immanuel family for the cards, calls, and especially the prayers during my recent hospitalization. God bless each of you! ~Clyde Ahlschwede 4
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