A Sanctuary of Welcome For All People PRAYER AND MINISTRY CONCERNS December 28, 2014 Please pray for: Chuck & Shirley Anker; Rhonda Barber; Andrew Bayley; Sue Boing; Tony Burgess; Becky Carter; Patsy Coble; Ann Cooper’s mother, Marga ret Surles; Chad Culver; Veda Doss & George Fitzpatrick; Sharon & Carl Duke; Buddy Estes; Kevin Frasier & grandfather, Jack Urbancyzk; Frizz Gray; Fafar Guillebeaux; Marilyn Heard & family; Chris�na Hegelson’s father; Cubiedean Hickman; Nancy Hutcheon; Romie Jernigan; Eddie & Ruby Johnson; Irene Levya; Will & Ruth Liddell & Ruth’s sister, Kathy Holdridge & family; Kathy Manning & Harry Truslow; Eliseo Mar�nez; Ma� Mauldin & his mother, Linda Mauldin; Arelle Middleton & her mother, Sandra Van Embricqs; Joe Miller; John Morgan, Martha & Kim Morgan & Nan Morgan’s father, John Morgan; Pam Nowell; Willarean & Glen O’Rourke; Bill & Wanda Oswalt; Tommy Pa�er son; Sandi Robinson; Ted (Edward) Rodman & Karen Rodman; Starla Schroll; Anita & Amelia Sherman; Teresa Shippen; Jane & Dan Sims; Jodie Sims & part ner, Susanne; Laura Sims; Tyler Sims; Kathy Smith; Pam Tidwell & her mother; Frances Vaughn; Booth Wilson; Lynda Yassim Fran Sims, Barbara Sims’ mother, is in ICU at Jackson Hospital Amanda Carter underwent vocal cord surgery Martha and Kim Morgan, Kim is dealing with some unknown pain issues Mike Keeling’s Aunt Elizabeth, who suffers with lupus Jennifer Mathis, recovering from knee replacement surgery For the challenge of growing rela�onships; rela�onships ending (death, sepa ra�on, and divorce) and new rela�onships beginning For those who struggle with issues of iden�ty, depression, and addic�on For the owners and staff of the Vaughn Road Preschool and the children and families they serve The Board and volunteers who serve Good Samaritan Ministries � Refreshments in the Narthex � Immanuel warmly invites you to refreshments in the narthex following the service. Join us for coffee and conversation. Immanuel Presbyterian Church First Sunday a�er Christmas December 28, 2014 For Silent Media�on: Living God, moved by the coming of Christ to our lives, we seek to be your people. Help us to live in faithful covenant with you and with one another. Let the peace of Christ guide us, and let Christ’s message in all its richness live in our hearts, that we may praise you without ceasing. Amen. Gathering Around the Word Prelude Introit Welcome and Concerns Remembering Our Bap�sm Call to Worship Let us sing praise to the God of all crea�on. Let us sing praise to the Spirit who gives life to all. Let us sing praise to Jesus, our Christ, in whom the fullness of God was pleased to dwell. We sing with the faithful of all ages, races and tongues. Come, let us worship, for the child who is born is God-with-us. *Opening Hymn: #133 O Come, All Ye Faithful ADESTE FIDELIS Call to Confession God comes to us even when we are distracted by our celebra�ons and con sumed by an abundance of material goods; even when we are forge�ul and unforgiving. Yet God yearns to renew us and restore us to life as it is meant to be. Let us come to God in prayer. Prayer of Confession Eternal God, who can make all things new, we humbly bring before you the record of our lives and the reali�es of our world. Where life has been good to us, do not let us take more credit than we deserve. Where we have been good to others, help us to forget all thoughts of honor and re ward. Where we have fallen short, forgive us and free us from brooding over what is past. In your mercy, cleanse us of all unrighteousness; guide us by the light of your truth, fill us with your love, and lead us in right paths for your names’ sake. Amen. * Those who are able, please stand Assurance of Forgiveness While our lives and world do not now fully reflect God’s purposes and God’s ways, we are not le� alone to figure it all out. God comes to us in ways so simple and so profound – extending grace, offering newness of life, leading us towards pathways of jus�ce and peace. In Christ we find wisdom and life. Thanks be to God! The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you. Please turn to your neighbor and offer a word of peace. Response to Grace When God Restored Our Common Life RESIGNATION When God restored our common life, our hope our liberty, at first it seemed a passing dream, a waking fantasy; a shock of joy swept over us, for we had wept so long; the seed we watered once with tears sprang up into a song. Proclaiming the Word The Word with the Children A Reading from the Hebrew Scriptures: Isaiah 61.10-62.3 The Psalter: Psalm 148 page 692 pages 582-583 A Reading from the Epistles: Gala�ans 4.4-7 A Reading from the Gospels: Luke 2.22-40 page 189 page 59 Sermon Sealing the Word *Hymn of Response #158 Born in the Night, Mary’s Child MARY’S CHILD Invita�on to the Table Prayer of Communion Let us pray: God of light, in whom there is no shadow, your gi�s to us are from the very beginning of �me. God loves the world and has done so from the beginning, and will do so long a�er our �me is done. God’s love is uncondi�onal and everlas�ng. God’s love permeates all our being and lasts long beyond our celebra�ons. We trace the story of your great love back through the stories of Moses leading the children to promise: In the desert, you gave the gi�s of manna and of living water to the weary pilgrims whom you led by a cloud in the daylight and a pillar of fire in the * Those who are able, please stand night. You sent the blessing of a promised child born to Abraham and Sarah, a child of laughter to secure a future. You saved the crea�on and placed a symbol of promise over Noah. Our ways are not your ways; you sent the light of the world in the form of a �ny child, fragile and vulnerable. Jesus is the Light of Lights; full of grace and truth, he revealed your glory on earth. We thank you, O God that you sent Jesus. Help us to receive your gi�s with joy and humility. As we receive the offering of this bread and cup, may we open our hearts to receive your love and grace in Christ, and to receive the love and support of one another. Be born among us here, that we may live into the reign of your jus�ce and the fullness of your love through the presence and power of your Spirit. Amen. Communion of the People Responding to the Word Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer Call for the Offering The Offering *Doxology OLD HUNDREDTH Praise God whose dawn transfigures night, Whose Daystar shines for us on high, Whose Spirit brings into our sight The hope which to our world draws nigh. *Affirma�on of Faith A Declara�on of Faith Chapter 4.1 God sent the promised Deliverer to the world. ... We affirm that Jesus was born of a woman as is every child, yet born of God’s power as was no other child. In the person and work of Jesus, God’s own self and a human life are united but not confused, dis�nguished but not separated. The coming of Jesus was itself the coming of God’s promised rule. Through his birth, life, death, and resurrec�on, he brings about the rela �onship between God and humanity that God always intended. Bearing the Word *Closing Hymn: #123 It Came Upon the Midnight Clear * Those who are able, please stand CAROL Announcements Choral Benedic�on *Blessing and Charge God of love and birther of hope, dismiss us now in peace, according to your Word. Our eyes have seen your salva�on, which you have long ago prepared. You have prepared your salva�on in the presence of the peoples, every where; May we go forth shining, to be a light of revela�on for the glory of all. Amen, and amen. Postlude * Those who are able, please stand SPECIAL NOTES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Designated Monthly Mission Offering for December: PCUSA Christmas Joy Offering Study opportuni�es available for adult learners during the Church School hour: Peacemaking Class (Library): Can I Get a Witness? by Brian K. Blount Pastor’s Class (Sanctuary): This I Believe Discussion Group (CE Building): On a chosen topic SUNDAY to SUNDAY Today, December 28—First Sunday a�er Christmas 9:30 a.m.—Worship 10:45 a.m.—Fellowship 11:00 a.m.—Church School Wednesday, December 17 5:30 p.m.—Prayer group 6:30 p.m.—Choir prac�ce Sunday, January 4—Second Sunday a�er Christmas 9:30 a.m.—Worship 10:45 a.m.—Fellowship 11:00 a.m.—Church School Finance & Stewardship Update, 2014 Tithes and undesignated gifts received December 14 — $2,611 Tithes and undesignated gifts received month-to-date — $10,684 Tithes and undesignated gifts received year-to-date — $223,486 Monthly mission offering received December 14 — $20 Monthly mission offering received month-to-date — $280 Monthly mission offerings received year-to-date — $10,720 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Per capita gifts received December 14: $0 Per capita gifts received year to date: $720.34 Per capita assessment for 2014: $2,528.82 (Or $13.38 per person) Elise Morgan Memorial & Hymnal Fund: $3,465 NPR: $288.50 Sara Bayley Memorial & Playground: $10,805 Youth Fundraiser: $1,198 Ronny Pinkard Memorial: $100 Pastor’s Continuing Ed:: $500 Building Use (sacred harp): $101 Pastor Liturgist Ministers Director of Chris�an Educa�on Musician, Music Ministry Coordinator Rev. Elizabeth O’Neill Gwen Gray All the members of the church Phyllis Ward Michael Keeling Elders: Class of 2014 Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Youth Elder Deacons: Linda Carter, Tom Rodman, Mary Wisdom Carol Gundlach, Linda Jenkins, Kelly Moody Gwendolyn Gray, Tom Perrin, Peggy Shippen Ma�hew Carter Donna Baker, Hatcher Jackson, Leslie Prim, Anita Sherman The name Immanuel is a compound of the three Hebrew words, with us God, and is used by the prophet Isaiah in 7.14 and 8.8, and by the gospel writer Ma�hew in 1.23, who quotes Isaiah 7.14 in reference to Jesus Christ. The name Immanuel expresses our two-fold convic�on that in Jesus Christ, the living God is with all people and that all people are therefore welcome in this community of Chris�an faith. The life, death, resurrec�on, and reign of Jesus Christ tear down every wall that divides people — racial and ethnic, ideological, age and gender, health and disability, even walls of opinion — every wall. At Immanuel Presbyterian Word and Sacrament are held together. The reading and proclama�on from the Word prepare us to gather together as Immanuel’s family around the LORD’s table and to partake in the gi�s of bread and cup. As the pastor comes forward to greet you, please rise and come to the table, take a piece of bread and dip the bread in the non-alcoholic wine, taste, and see that the LORD is good. This is the church’s ancient prac�ce of “in�nc�on.” If you are unable to walk, please no�fy the pastor or an usher; and you will be gladly served. Immanuel Presbyterian dis�nguishes between �the and offering. Tithes are mon ey and service for Immanuel’s current opera�ng budget. Mission Offerings are forwarded to the designated mission recipient each month. Both �thes and offer ings are given in thankful response to God’s gracious love. Undesignated gi�s are allocated as �thes to help meet opera�ng expenses. For mission giving, please indicate “Mission” on your check or envelope. Immanuel Presbyterian Church, PCUSA 8790 Vaughn Road Montgomery, AL 36117 (334) 260-0567 1-334-260-0567 www.immanuelpcusa.org Church Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Closed Mondays 24 Years of mission and ministry
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