CITY OF BELMONT Expression of Interest Artwork Opportunity GUIDELINES & APPLICATION FORM FOR THE EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR ‘ARTWORK OPPORTUNITY FOR THE CITY OF BELMONT’S RECONCILIATION ACTION PLAN 2015 - 2017’ The City of Belmont is seeking artwork from Aboriginal artists from the Belmont area. The artwork will reflect the City’s Reconciliation Action Plan’s: Vision Statement and Noongar Whadjuk Country, specifically the Belmont area. The artwork will be used for the purpose and promotion of the City’s Reconciliation Action Plan. Please read below for further information including the selection criteria and Terms and Conditions. The City’s Reconciliation Action Plan 2015 - 2017*: Vision Statement: Build meaningful and mutually respectful relationships focussing on trust and understanding. Work in partnership with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities to develop and plan initiatives that may affect Aboriginal communities. Empower Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities to create more ownership for initiatives that are occurring within the Belmont area. Two way communication between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities and staff to assist with planning, implementing and evaluating the City’s Reconciliation Action Plan initiatives. Celebrate, recognise and promote Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal cultures, heritage, traditions and wellness within the Belmont area. Create opportunities for Aboriginal communities to participate within the City’s initiatives, operations and employment. Create a harmonious, fair and equitable City enhanced by mutual respect and strong relationships between Aboriginal peoples and the wider Australian community. *The final draft of the City’s Reconciliation Action Plan 2015 - 2017 is currently being reviewed by the City of Belmont’s Council. Selection Criteria The following criterion is applicable for this artwork opportunity and must be addressed when completing this application form: 1. The applicant must be a resident of the City of Belmont. 2. Applicants must be Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander (i.e. you identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and are accepted by the Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander community). 3. The artwork reflects the City’s Reconciliation Action Plan 2015 – 2017: Vision Statement as stated in this application form. CITY OF BELMONT Expression of Interest Artwork Opportunity 4. The artwork should be reflective of Noongar Whadjuk Country, specifically the Belmont area. 5. Provide an interpretation or a story of the artwork submitted and describe how it reflects the City’s Reconciliation Action Plan 2015 – 2017: Vision Statement. 6. Provide a scanned or hard copy piece of artwork (please refer to Terms and Conditions below). 7. The application must be submitted on this ‘Expression of Interest Application Form’ or via an online form located on the City of Belmont website. Terms and Conditions for this Art work Opportunity: 1. Applications must have been created within the last twelve months and be the artist’s original artwork. 2. Applications are limited to ONE piece of artwork. 3. The maximum size of artwork pieces will not exceed 1mx1m (including frame). The weight must not exceed 15kg. 4. The artist must provide to the City of Belmont visual documentation in the form of high resolution jpeg images. 5. The images must be of professional quality and suitable for publication purposes. 6. Artists are responsible for insuring submitted artwork. 7. Artwork must be clearly marked on the top left reverse with a title, artist name, address, and a current contact phone number. 8. Two Dimensional artworks only. 9. All artwork must be finished and dried at the time of submission. 10. Applicants are to allow reproduction of their work for publicity and promotional purposes for the City’s Reconciliation Action Plan 2015 - 2017. This will include and not be limited to posters, media releases, adverts etc. 11. The selection panel’s decision is final and the winner will be notified by 27 February 2015. 12. All applicants will be contacted and notified of the result. Unsuccessful applicants will need to collect the artwork by 27 February 2015. Artwork not collected by this date will become the property of the City of Belmont. Application Closing Date The deadline for online and hard copy applications is 5pm, Tuesday 23 December, 2014. ‘Guidelines & Application’ forms are available from the City of Belmont Civic Centre and the Ruth Faulkner Public Library located at 215 Wright Street Cloverdale or alternatively the City’s website at Enquiries can be directed to the Aboriginal Engagement Officer, Linda Loo, by phone on (08) 9477 7447 or by email [email protected]. CITY OF BELMONT Expression of Interest Artwork Opportunity EXPRESSION OF INTERE ST APPLI C ATI ON FORM Details of Artist (PLEASE PRINT) Surname: ________________________________________________________ Given Names: _______________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ Telephone (Hm) ______________________ (Mob) __________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________ 1. Interpretation of the Artwork piece Please address the above selection criterion. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Acknowledgment of this Artwork submission I have addressed the selection criterion and accept the Terms and Conditions of this application for the ‘Artwork Opportunity for the City of Belmont’s Reconciliation Action Plan 2015 - 2017’. By signing this form, I acknowledge that if my application is successful, the City of Belmont will use my artwork for promotional and marketing purposes for the City’s Reconciliation Action Plan 2015 - 2017. Signature: ____________________________ Date: __________________________ The deadline for online and hard copy applications is 5pm, Tuesday 23 December, 2014.
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