ANNOUNCEMENTS June 22, 2014 Are you an African Nova Scotian who would like to participate in an interactive research project that could improve the formal education experiences of other African Nova Scotians? Are you interested in the way spirituality impacts the lives of African Nova Scotians? If so, "Set Our Spirits Free" may be of interest to you! Want to share stories of your lifelong learning experiences with others in your community? Interested in learning about the arts of storytelling, spoken word, dance, and visual arts? Want to express your lived experiences through creative ways? African Nova Scotians ages 18-­‐50 from North Preston, North End Halifax and Upper Hammonds Plains are invited to participate. For more information, contact Késa Munroe-­‐Anderson at 412-­‐3270 (call or text) or [email protected] website at The Parents of Tanique Simms Oliver would like to congratulate her on her graduation in Pharmacy Technical Program at NSCC. The graduation was on Wednesday, June 18, 2014. st
Saturday, June 21 @ 9:30am -­‐ Women of Influence is CANCELLED until September. Sunday, June 22nd @ 3:00pm The Lucasville United Baptist Church is having a Baptism where 7 converts will be baptized. Rev. S. Williams would like to invite you to this Blessed Event. Sunday, June 22nd @ 6:00pm -­‐ Cobequid Road United Baptist Church is celebrating their 112th Anniversary with the theme: “ God is able: don’t stop Believing.” A time of fellowship will follow the 6:00pm service. Please join us in celebrating the goodness of the Lord. For more information please contact Rev. Tracey Grosse at 865-­‐8253 or email at [email protected] nd
Saturday, June 22 @ 3:00pm -­‐ The SOS Rite of Passage Closing Ceremony will be at EPUBC in East Preston and everyone is invited to attend Tuesday, July 1st @ 10:00am -­‐ 4:00pm -­‐ Celebrate Canada with a taste of East Preston hosted by East Preston United Baptist Church. Come and enjoy a parade, live performances, games, traditional foods, art exhibits, and more. For more information please call 902-­‐434-­‐2640 or visit the Friday, July 4th -­‐ Sunday, July 6th -­‐ 79th Annual Baptist Youth Fellowship Conference held by Emmanuel Baptist Church BYF. We (The Provincial Baptist Youth fellowship-­‐PBYF) would like to take this opportunity to welcome our BYF groups to our annual conference. This year Theme is: “Started from Bottom now we are here; Standing on a Firm Foundation.” The Sunday 11:00am service speaker will be Pastor Lennett Anderson with the St. Thomas Album Choir and the 3:00pm service will be Rev. Wallace Smith and a combined youth choir. To register please pick up the form at the reception desk in the EBC foyer along with the BYF Annual Report Form. Please have money in no later that June 30, 2014. For more information please call Sis. Amber Grosse at 902-­‐223-­‐9079 Friday, July 4th @ 7:00pm -­‐ Corporate Night of Prayer at EBC is CANCELLED for this month due to BYF Conference. Sunday, July 13th @ 10:30 -­‐ Please note that Corporate Prayer & Communion’s schedule have been changed for this Month from July 6th to July 13th. Sunday, July 27th @ 11:00am -­‐ Lucasville United Baptist Church is celebrating their 175th Church Anniversary with the theme “Continuing the Journey.” A banquette will be held in appreciation of Rev. & Mrs. Stewart Williams’ 13 years of Christian Ministry at Lucasville UBC on Saturday July 26th @ 5:00pm -­‐ 8:30pm at the Wallace Lucas Community Centre. Tickets are $30/person. For more information please call Irma Riley at 434-­‐6995 or email at [email protected] -­‐ All are invited to join them as they celebrate this joyous occasion. Friday August 15th-­‐ Sunday, August 17th, 2014 -­‐ 161st AUBA Anniversary will be hosted by Cherry Brook United Baptist Church. The moderator is Rev. Wayne Desmond and the vice moderator is Bro. George Gray. This year Theme is “Standing, Striving, Stretching.” The Guest Soloist is Anne Johnson MacDonald. Saturday @ 6:30pm the Guest Speaker will be Rev. Dr. Tony Baker, from N.Y. -­‐ Sunday @ 2:00pm the Association Speaker will be Rev. Dr. Tony Baker, from N.Y. Please note: Saturday’s business sessions will be at Cherry Brook UBC and Sunday services will be held at Graham Creighton Junior High School, Cherry Brook, N.S.