OUR PRAYERS FOR THE WEEK Let us pray to God, who knows us better than we know ourselves, and understands our world. Lord, we know we are called to be the body of Christ; make us worthy of that calling, fervent in all our prayer and worship, loving, faithful and honest in our lives, so that the whole Church displays what God is like. Draw us closer: closer to the heart of God. We pray for the grace and wisdom to care for this world we have been given as our home; for perception in the difficult decisions, and commitment to justice and peace. Draw us closer: closer to the heart of God. We pray for the homes of this parish, whose hopes and struggles, sorrows and fears are already known to you. May each household be blessed as we pray, and may your love fill each life. This week we pray for our Parish Families: Joy Dando, Pat & Alan Dawson, Margie Dawson, Rosemary Dickinson and Glenys Dickson. Draw us closer: closer to the heart of God. We pray for all who do not yet know you, and all whose hearts are poisoned with hate or weighed down with despair. May your light scatter their darkness and bring them hope and healing. In our parish we pray for: Victor Hull, Graham Gibson, Vida Pietersen, Phyllis McKenzie, Gloria Van Eeden, Mbali Kunene, Eunice Duckitt, Valerie Peckham, Revds Dave & Margie Silva and Brian Blows, Friends of the Parish: Cornelia Nel, Julie Kelly, Ricky Barron, and Michael Bester. The Frail: Thelma Rafferty, Pat Hooey, and Alma Easton Draw us closer: closer to the heart of God. We pray for those who have died to this life and are born into your heaven; comfort those who miss their physical presence, and bring us all to share in the fullness of your life. We remember with thanks the Years mind of: Doris Wood, Helen Parkhurst, John Dunn, Arthur Hawley, Geoffrey Brown and Frank Aitken. Draw us closer: closer to the heart of God. R.I.P. Malcolm Chatterton: Rest eternal grant unto him, O Lord, may light perpetual shine upon him. We give you thanks for all that points us towards the beauty of your love, and draws us closer to you. Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. NOTICES Do you need prayer? A member of the Prayer team is willing to pray with you in the fellowship room after the 08:30 service. Gary is available to pray with you at any time. In response to our financial appeal we have received 164 pledges to date. Of that number 62 have increased their contribution, 58 remain unchanged, 8 have decreased their contribution and 7 new planned givers were added. We thank all those who have responded so generously to our Stewardship appeal. Thank you to those who have responded to the ministries in our parish. We continue to encourage all parishioners to participate in the ministry groups so that we may truly become a body that fully exercises and exemplifies God’s gift to the God’s church. Due to the added responsibility placed on the office to remind ministers at our Eucharistic Services of their Sunday duties, we in future encourage all participants in our worship to please take responsibility for doing their duties. We will no longer be contacting you for duty. If in any doubt please contact the office concerning your duty. Please check for your post on the trolley at the back of the church as you leave this morning. On the 1st of February the Diocese will observe Education Sunday. We will at that service be praying for Educators and learners. Please encourage Educators and learners that you know to join us in this act of worship. On Sunday the 25th January after the 8:30 service, we will be celebrating the milestones of two family members of the parish. Althea and Jerry Higham their 50th anniversary and Jean Hulls 80th birthday. We have all been invited to join them for a special tea. The next Messy church takes place on the 28th January at 17:00. Gary would like to meet with all ministers who have offered themselves for ministry through the various groups. Co-ordinators must please arrange these meetings in consultation with Enid. THE WEEKLY PARISH DIARY Monday 19 January 08:00 Morning Prayer 19:00 AA and Al Anon Tuesday 20 January 08:00 09:30 09:00 19:00 Morning Prayer Service at Chartwell Social Art Group SA Anonymous Wednesday 21 January 08:00 Morning Prayer 17:00 Parish Council Meeting Thursday 22 January 08:00 Morning Prayer 09:00 Holy Eucharist 19:00 AA Friday 23 January 08h30 Seniors Exercise Sunday 25 January 07:00 08:30 Eucharist Service Eucharist Service Any prayer requests can be passed on to THE PRAYER CHAIN via either Enid in the Church office 031-765 5941 (between 08h30 and 12h30) or via Jean Gallie on 031-765 5155 PARISH CONTACT DETAILS: P O Box 148 Hillcrest 3650 031-765 5941 031-765 5077 [email protected] www.holytrinity.co.za 18 January 2015 2 SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY nd Rector: Rev Gary Thompson 031 765 2578 HOLY TRINITY Readings for the week 082 442 3241 Vision : To express the love of Christ within and through our Parish Ministry. : Church Wardens: Peter Craig Harold Walker Alternate Warden: Clive Dunn Youth Worker Khethiwe Myeza 082 896 3516 076 055 4240 1st Reading Psalm 2nd Reading Gospel 031 776 3463 031 765 5941 Parish Ministries: Banking Details: Hillcrest Anglican Church Nedbank Hillcrest Branch 1338 26 Account No. 1338 034 057 Pg 207 Pg 958 Pg 877 Collect Audio Visual Nigel Combes 031 762 1176 Companionship Glenys Dickson 031 767 2213 Environmental Maggie Fleming 031 765 7157 EWG Lynette Reynolds 031 716 8161 Flowers Margaret Vorwerg 031 765 4390 Food Parcels Rosemary Dickinson 031 765 2782 Garden Jill Howard 031 765 1061 Hospital Visitors Elaine Hutt 031 765 2188 Lay Ministers Sue Yates 031 765 4272 Martha’s Friends Ann Maud 031 765 2111 Morning Women’s Guild Jean Hull 031 765 4650 Musicians Matthew du Sart 082 526 3518 Music Group Pat Dawson 031 765 8013 Prayer Chain Jean Gallie 031 765 5155 Publications Enid Vreedenburgh 031 765 5941 Recorder Cheryl Chaplin 031 765 7426 Readers Sue Yates 031 765 4272 Sacristans Brenda Saville 031 765 1111 Sides people Errol Hicks 031 716 8872 Tea Pourers Sheila Farmer 031-763 3512 Warwick Link Rosemary Combes 031 762 1176 Young Moms Gloria van Eeden 031 767 1015 Office hours Monday - Friday 08h30 -12h30 Parish Administrator: Enid Vreedenburgh 1 Samuel 3: 1-10 139: 1-6, 13-18 1 Corinthians 6: 12-20 John 1: 43-51 Insistent God, by night and day you summon your slumbering people: stir us with your voice and enlighten our lives with your grace that we may give ourselves fully to Christ’s call to mission and ministry, through Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. PRAYER FOR AFRICA God bless Africa, Protect our children, Transform our leaders, Heal our communities, Restore our dignity, And give us peace for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen Morning Prayer Psalm 6 Isaiah 47:1-15 Hebrews 10:19-31 Evening Prayer Psalms 7 Genesis 13:2-18 John 5:2-18 Thank you for coming to worship with us this morning. We would like to get to know you! Please introduce yourself to the priest or sidesperson before you leave.
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