Last Weeks Bulletin - Sacred Heart Parish

Sacred Heart Parish
58 Church Street, North Attleboro, Massachusetts 02760
Mailing address: 14 Park Street, North Attleboro, Massachusetts 02760
Office: (508) 699-8383 FAX: (508) 695-5248 Faith Formation: (508) 695-3283
E-mail: [email protected]
Welcome to Sacred Heart
Welcome to our Parish! If you are visiting the North Attleboro area we hope your stay is enjoyable. If you have recently moved to
our area, we welcome you to join our parish family. Please introduce yourself to our clergy/staff after Mass on any Sunday.
Welcome Packets containing parish information and registration forms may be found in the information racks at the doors of the
church. To join our parish, please complete the confidential registration form and return it to the parish office. New Parishioner
Orientation is scheduled on a regular basis. You will receive an invitation to one of these Sunday morning sessions through the mail.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the parish office.
Parish Staff
Rev. David A. Costa, Pastor
Rev. Kenneth Sicard, OP, Weekend Assistant
Rev. Gabriel Pivarnik, OP, Weekend Assistant
Rev. Deacon Joseph E. Regali, Deacon
Sister Kathleen A. Corrigan, SUSC Pastoral Associate
Mrs. Monica T. Forte, Administrative Assistant
The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on a monthly
basis. First time parents and new parishioners seeking
Baptism are asked to participate in a Baptism Preparation
session which is held on the third Sunday of each month.
Registration packets are found at the entrances of the
Mrs. Michele Dillon, Faith Formation Coordinator
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Mrs. Linda Nolin, Confirmation Formation Coordinator
Mr. Dean G. Demers, Custodian
Adults, baptized and non-baptized, interested in joining
the Roman Catholic Church, are invited to participate in
the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults process. For
more information, please contact the parish office.
Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School
57 Richards Avenue
North Attleboro, Massachusetts 02760
Phone: (508) 695-3072 Fax: (508) 695-9074
E-mail: [email protected]
Couples seeking to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage
should contact the parish office at least nine months
prior in order to begin formal preparations. Please make
sure you check the availability of the church before
making any further plans.
Sunday Mass
Sacrament of the Sick & Pastoral Care
Mrs. Denise Peixoto, School Principal
Mr. David G. D’Amico, Music Director
8:00 a.m., 10:15 a.m., 5:00 p.m.
Daily Mass
Monday & Wednesday @ Sacred Heart Chapel
8:00 a.m.
Tuesday & Thursday @ Saint Mary Chapel
7:00 a.m.
Pastoral Care visitors regularly visit our sick, elderly, and
homebound parishioners. Those desiring to celebrate
the Sacrament of the Sick should contact the parish
office to arrange a visit from the parish priest. Those
homebound or elderly parishioners desiring to receive
the Eucharist should contact the parish office to arrange
pastoral care.
The Baptism of the Lord
Mass Intentions
Sunday, January 11: The Baptism of the
8:00 a.m.
10:15 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
Catherine Landry
Requested by Gloria Gaskin
Donald Henry Achin, Sr. –
1st Anniversary
Karen Achin – Birthday
Requested by Polly Achin-Alcott
For the People of the Parish
Monday, January 12: Weekday
8:00 a.m.
William H. O’Neil - Memorial
Requested by Ray & Camille Gingras
Wednesday, January 14: Weekday
No Mass or Communion Service
Sunday, January 18: Second Sunday in
Ordinary Time
8:00 a.m.
Evangeline & Samuel Gledhill
Requested by Lillian Labrie
Catherine Landry
Requested by Mildred Badger
10:15 a.m.
Laura Jeanne Marcil
Requested by Patricia & Walter Cwyar
5:00 p.m.
For the People of the Parish
Weekly Stewardship
December 28, 2014 $7,949.00
January 4, 2015 $6,090.00
Today we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. The US
bishops’ pastoral on stewardship reminds us that Baptism
gives all of His disciples a share in His priestly work and
calls them “to offer up the world and all that is in it –
especially themselves – to the Lord of all.”
January Memorials
Host: George E. Landry
Requested by the family
Lamps: Susanne Wignall
Requested by the family
Prayer Requests
In your kindness, please pray for: Yvette Boehling, Frank
Giacoppo, Tom Warren, Teresa Sarrazin, Judy Leaden,
Marilyn & Ernie Buck, Jim Rasicot, Lucille Paquin, Zoe
McMorran, Jim Leaden, David McInerney, Alice Duphily,
Ernest Goulet, Richard Soares, Florida Riendeau, Kevin
Dunphy, Karen McCusker, Irene Vandal, Barbara Paquette,
Hugo Collamati, Phillip Fote, Yvonne Goulet, Raymond
Goulet, Rolande Poirier, Bernie Poirier, Yan Perez, Kira
Corning, Sharon Shaw, Madeline Lander, Dale Vose, Gail
Blais, Gertrude (Gert) Roy, Maria Meier, Rev. Robert
Blake, Ron Deschenes, Mark Johnson, Theresa ThompsonHines, Karen Ryan, Richard Bonenfant, Mary Bonenfant,
Brian Kenney, Kevin Garvey, Ron Sylvain, Diane Higgins,
Jill Danko, Mark Vose, John LaRose, Jack Bush, Lillian
Stewardship Reflection for the Feast of the
Baptism of the Lord
John the Baptist, in his role as a wandering
prophet, drew large crowds. He declared it was not
enough to be born Jewish; everyone needed to repent and
be washed clean of their sins. When he baptized Jesus
(Mark 1:7–11), the appearance of the Holy Spirit that
followed showed who Jesus really is. It marked a new
reality. Baptism is now a symbol of death and rebirth to
new life, while the gift of the Holy Spirit confers power
on believers to live as children of God.
After Jesus’ resurrection, the apostles continued
to baptize and confirm in his name. Think about this! God
has given us the means to live as God’s own sons and
daughters, with the hope of eternal life. Our response
requires effort, persistence, sacrifice, and selflessness. The
enemy of the life of faith is not unbelief, but apathy. We
get tired of trying. But a life with Christ says if not now,
when? If not you, who else?
Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
Sacred Heart #0909
January 11, 2015
SMSH Fund Raising Goal
Saint Mary – Sacred Heart School
As you read in the parish bulletin and heard announced at
all Masses, our parish school, Saint Mary-Sacred Heart, has
been given a wonderful opportunity. An anonymous
alumnus of the school has challenged our school
community to raise $100,000. He will match this total
amount, dollar for dollar. This generous alum believes his
years at Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School contributed, in a
major way, to the man he is today. He would like to show
his gratitude by assuring the stability and growth of our
school, not only for present students, but for generations
to come.
Open House & Registration
As of this past week, we are a little more than half way to
our $100,000 goal. There has been a remarkable response
to this challenge. Many, many thanks to all those who have
given to this most worthy project. With this gift and
challenge, we have been given a unique opportunity to
develop and advance our school’s campus, facilities, and
programs. There is still time to help us reach our goal.
Please consider making a tax deductable donation to the
Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School Growth Fund. Your
generous gift will allow us to continue the mission of
Catholic education, forming our children in faith, morals,
values, and academic excellence. For your convenience,
donation envelopes may be found on the information tables
at the doors of the church. You may drop your donation in
the collection basket or you may send your gift directly to
the school office: 57 Richards Avenue, North Attleboro,
MA 02760. Thank you, in advance, for supporting the
mission and ministry of our parish school. May God bless
your generosity!
Knights of Columbus
The Thomas P. McDonough Knights of Columbus Council
#330 thanks all of the parishioners that donated
clothing during our recent coat drive. Due to
your generosity we were able to provide warm
clothing to local families and individuals in need
through the St. Vincent de Paul Society's local
"pantry". The Knights wish all of you a Happy and Healthy
2015 and please remember we are always welcoming of
men who might be interested in joining our growing
council. We meet in the parish hall of St. Mary Church on
the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm. If
interested or if you have any questions please call George
Devlin at 508-643-4676.
Our parish’s Catholic elementary school,
Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School, will hold
their annual Open House and Registration
on Sunday, January 25, from 1:00 to 3:00
The program will begin in Sacred Heart Church with brief
introductions and presentations.
Various displays
highlighting the faith formation, academic program and
extra-curricular activities of the school will be arranged in
the church’s meeting room. Tours of the school will be
conducted. Students, faculty, and parents will be
available to share their experiences of our school and to
answer questions.
Registration materials will be
We encourage our parish families to consider a Catholic
elementary education; an education that provides a strong
moral, faith, and academic foundation for our children.
SMSH continues a parish ministry that was begun 91 years
ago. With a remarkable history, we look forward to a
future filled with promise and possibility. Come and join
in this exciting time!
More information concerning our parish school may be
found at the school’s website:
Baptismal Preparation
Our monthly Baptism Preparation session will be held
Sunday, January 18 following the 10:15 a.m. Mass.
(Approximately 11:30 a.m.) The meeting will take place
in the chapel. First time parents and families new to the
parish are required to attend a Baptism Preparation session
before a baptism can be scheduled. Pre-registration is also
required. Baptism information packets are available in the
information racks at the side front doors of the church.
Please send the completed registration form to the parish
office. For more information, please see Deacon Joe after
Mass today or call the parish office.
If you would like to schedule a Mass intention in
remembrance of a family member or friend for 2015,
please call Monica at the Parish Office (508-695-6161 will
reach her directly). Monthly memorials for the host, wine
and lamps are also available for many months of 2015.
Please contact Monica for more information regarding
availability. Thank you.
Sacred Heart #0909
The Baptism of the Lord
From Father Costa
Faith Formation News
Baptism Congratulations
The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord concludes the
Christmas season. On this feastday, we pray for all who
were initiated into our Faith here at Sacred Heart during
the past year. May God’s grace continue to work within
them as they grow in faith, hope and love.
Annalee Violet DeBalsi
Dakota Liberty Halloran
Madison Rileigh Pierce
Ryan Christopher Cote
Kevin Matthew McGrail
Sophia Renee Gould
Lucas Patrick Moran
Abigail Rose Friedman
Elizabeth Patrice Mason
Charlotte Mae Kenny
Brenna Lynn Laferriere
Cayden Vance McIsaac
Tyler Mark Cormio
Lucas Paul Gunning
Teagan Elizabeth Silver
Rylan Chase Avila
Cameron James Freeman
Rylee Brooke Demers
Dylan Michael Denoncourt
Guliana Katherine Proia
Ashlyn Jeannette Connell
Claudia Loretta Goncalves
Zoe Allison Blanchette
William Joseph Connolly,IV
Desmond Armand Long
Gianluca James Santoro
Jackson Parker Flanagan
Hayley Tess Farias
Michael Jerome Paulhus
Jeremy Dufault
Bruce Davis
Melissa Davis
Paul Gilpatrick
Thomas Nelan
Daniel Powers
We also take this opportunity to offer sincere thanks to
Deaon Joe, his wife, Joanne, the members of our Baptism
Preparation team and the members of our RCIA team for
their work in preparing our families and adults for the
Sacraments of Initiation.
**Grade 2 First Reconciliation Parent Meeting for all grade 2
parents of both parishes will be this Sunday morning
January 11th at 9am immediately following the 8am Mass
at Sacred Heart Church. This meeting will be held inside
Sacred Heart Church. One parent should attend this short
meeting. This meeting is held during the faith formation
class time-faith formation students should attend their
Please keep our second grade students and their families in
your prayers as they prepare to receive the
Sacrament of Reconciliation. They have been
working with their parents at home and their
catechists in the classrooms together for this special day.
We have six First Reconciliations for both parishes!
Grade 6 class will meet Monday afternoon/evening
January 26th at Saint Mary’s parish hall.
Grade 7 class will meet Monday evening January 12th at
6:30pm in St. Mary’s parish hall.
Grade 8 class will meet Sunday evening January 11th at
6:30pm in St. Mary’s parish hall.
There are No classes Sunday January 18th &
Tuesday January 20th due to the
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday.
The next family Mass class is Sunday January 25th.
There are No classes for grades 1, 2 & 3 on
Sunday January 25th and Tuesday January 27th
due to the family Mass.
Grades 4 & 5 will meet for class on
Tuesday January 27th.
Confirmation Formation
Thought for the Week
“Jesus came to save us: let us not reject this
marvelous gift!”
~ Pope Francis January 6, 2015
Confirmation 1 & 2 will meet on January 11th from 6-8 in
the Sacred Heart Parish Hall. The Pro Life
Ministry will be presenting information to both
classes and we will be holding our annual Baby
Shower. Students should come to the class bringing a new
baby item (ie: diapers, bottles, clothing, etc.)
Sacred Heart #0909