Rotation #1 8:30 1:00 10:00 2:30 Rotation #2 10:00 2:30 11:30 4:00 Rotation #3 11:30 4:00 8:30 1:00 Driving Directions Turn West on St. John’s Avenue from State Road 19. Turn right on Skeet Club Road across from St. John’s Community College. The gun club is at the end of Skeet Club Road. Lodging Information Palatka has several local hotels that are close to the club. The following hotel information is provided to assist you in finding a place convenient to the club: The Moorings, 133 Crystal Cove Drive, Palatka, (386) 325-1055 Budget Inn, 100 Moseley Avenue, Palatka, (386) 3251533 Holiday Inn Express, 3813 Reid St., Palatka, (386) 3252500 Quality Inn & Suites, 201 North 1st Street, Palatka, (386) 328-3481 Best Western, 119 S. Highway 17, East Palatka, (386) 325-7800 Sleep Inn & Suites 3805 Reid Street, Palatka (386) 3258889 Upcoming Shoots We wish you a joyous holiday season! Thank you for your continued support! Friday Doubles—12:30, 2:00 and 3:30pm. Saturday and Sunday—Rotations apply. PALATKA SKEET CLUB, Inc. P. O. Box 1546 Palatka, FL 32178-1546 Squad Times Palatka Skeet Club, Inc. Visit us on the Web at: The Azalea Open Feb.27 - Mar.1, 2015 March 13– 15: P.H. Parker Open April 5: State Warm Up May 22-24: Jerry Borders Open June 7: Not Too Hot Open Club Phone: (386) 325-5425 The Azalea Open, Palatka, FL, Feb 27– Mar. 1 HANDICAP TABLE General Information Events and Fees Palatka Skeet Club invites you to attend the 2015 “Azalea Open”. Please call early to reserve your shoot times - we have filled this shoot in the past and we need an accurate count for our complimentary Steak dinner Saturday night and to schedule adequate referees. We want you to come and sample our hospitality, and an accurate count ensures that we plan for you. FRI FRI SAT EVENT #2 SAT EVENT #3 12 Gauge—100 Targets 28 Gauge—100 Targets SUN EVENT #4 SUN EVENT #5 20 Gauge—100 Targets .410 Bore—100 Targets Please forward a $50.00 deposit to reserve your shoot times to help us avoid any cancellation problems that can be unfair to those on our waiting list. Once the shoot begins, there will be no refunds for guns not shot due to withdrawal. PLEASE NOTE THAT EVENTS 1-5 INCLUDE ALL NSSA AND FSA FEES. Fifty sites with water and 30amp electric hookups are available for $14 per night. Double hookups are available for $16 per night. We also have a shower room for your use. Please check in at the Clubhouse prior to parking for space assignment. Management may alter program as necessary within limits of NSSA rules. Eye and ear protection are required on the shooting field, and the immediate surrounding area. For your safety, please help us observe the 10 MPH posted speed limit. Social Saturday—Complimentary cocktails and steak dinner for shooter and guest after shoot offs. Lunch Available in the Clubhouse on Saturday and Sunday. Preliminaries EVENT #1 Targets and gauge Doubles—50 Pair Preliminaries—$41 per 100 (includes NSSA/FSA fees) Doubles—$51 per 50 pair, $8 returned to class, $2 gun champ All gauges—$51 per gun, $8 returned to class, $2 gun champ “Targets Only Available Upon Request” Gun Champ is guaranteed $10 more than highest class champ. Engraved Crystal Trophies will be awarded to HOA and all Class Champions. Concurrent All customary concurrent events apply and will be recognized as Honors Only. Please declare at registration. Options Optional class purse $10 per gun; all money returned to class. Optional HOA by class, $5. HANDICAP & OKLAHOMA’S—$10 & $15. All money returned to Shooters. Max score 100, all ties split pot. .410 28 20 12 AA 4 3 2 1 A 6 4 3 2 B 8 6 5 4 C 10 8 6 5 D 12 10 8 7 E 9 Payouts All payouts mailed to shooters within ten days. One to five shooters 100%, 6-10 shooters 60/40%, eleven and above 50/30/20%. Gun Champ comes out of class and is guaranteed $10 more than top class winner. Shoot offs Ties for all Gun & Class champs, RU, HOA, money and concurrent Champ, RU will be shot off; all others determined by long run then shot off doubles 3, 4, and 5, miss-andout by station. NSSA rules apply. Squadding Cheryl Schofield P. O. Box 490034 Leesburg, FL 34749-0034 (352) 874-1696 Email: [email protected] For RV Reservations Contact: Robby Robson (904) 254-0247 E-mail [email protected]
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