Chronicle Special Edition 2014-15

St. Edmund’s Chronicle
St. Edmund of Canterbury Catholic Church
213 Nelson Road, Whitton, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 7BB
Tel 020 8894 9923 email: [email protected]
Priest in Charge: Fr Nigel Griffin
Parish Safeguarding Representative: Vivien Rimmer.
If you have any concerns about Safeguarding of children and vulnerable people in our parish call 07532 259339
SUNDAY MASS: (Vigil Mass) 6.30pm
9.30am Family Mass
11.15am Sung Mass
6.00pm Mass
MASS THIS WEEK: Please check times on door
Confessions: Saturday 11-11.30 am (after Novena)
(and on request)
Divine Office: Psalms Week 1/2
28th DECEMBER 2014/4th January 2015
We meet in Christ’s name from many different backgrounds and circumstances to acknowledge our complete
dependence on him and to receive from him the strength we need to serve him faithfully in the world.
Iraqi Christians In Need (ICIN)
Charity Number 1119427
St. Edmund of Canterbury
Sunday 11th January 2015
An important pastoral letter from the Cardinal
will be read at all Sunday Masses on 27th/28th
December. Printed copies are available in church.
The letter, together with a new document on the
family from the Catholic Bishops of England and
Wales is available online at
NEW YEAR EVE MASS A midnight Mass for the New
Year will be held in the Presbytery. All welcome.
Organ Recital
In Aid Of
Iraqi Christians in Need (ICIN)
supporting refugee families in Northern Iraq
played by Carl Bahoshy (UK-born pianist and
organist of Iraqi Catholic heritage)
TUESDAY 20TH JANUARY 2015 7.30pm We will be
having a guest speaker – Mary Crowley – from
Westminster Diocese, who will give a short talk to
parents/carers. There will be FHC business after the
meeting, so it is important that as many
parents/carers attend this, even if only one can
attend. Please do your best to come. The children will
not meet again until Saturday, 31st January at the
usual time. A reminder will go into the Chronicle. The
FHC Team wish all the children, parents/carers a very
Happy and Peaceful Christmas and New Year. FHC
Works by
Bach, Boëllmann, Messiaen, Vierne & Widor
ICIN, a UK-registered charity founded in 2007, was initially set up to
provide medical care & primary & adult education to widows &
other disadvantaged Christians displaced in Iraq, Syria & Jordan.
Now, all help is directed towards supporting the 120,000 displaced
Christians under the care of the Catholic Chaldean, Syriac and
Orthodox churches in Erbil, northern Iraq, with all aid channelled
through the local church.
St Edmund’s Whitton is part of WRCDT Charity No.233699