Saint Elizabeth Parish 350 Reedsdale Road, Milton, MA 02186 Pastoral Staff Fr. Aidan J. Walsh, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Robert M. Blaney—In Residence Mary Shea DiCenzo Beth Peterson Laura Phelan Denise Johnson- Ilacqua Barbara Lydon Dr. George Ashur Anita Ashur Wakim Colleen Martin Virginia Connolly Business Manager [email protected] Faith Formation Director [email protected] Parish Administrative Assistant lphelan Faith Formation Administrative Assistant Receptionist Director of Music [email protected] Assistant Director of Music/ Soloist [email protected] Director of Youth Choir [email protected] Cantor/ Soloist Parish Mission Statement The mission of the Parish of Saint Elizabeth is to give witness to the Kingdom of God on earth, to support one another, and to strive for a deeper relationship with God. As a community of faith, we welcome all to participate in living out the Gospel message of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. We pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to serve better the Lord and one another. Schedule of Masses Saturday: 4:00 pm Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, and 11:30 am Daily Mass: Monday—Friday, 9:00 am Daily Rosary: Monday—Friday, 8:35 am Telephone Numbers Rectory Religious Education Fax (617) 696-6688 (617) 698-5763 (617) 698-4864 Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Sacraments Baptisms: Second Saturday at 1:00 pm and Fourth Sunday at 12:30 pm Parental instruction required for first time parents. Call Patti Reilly at 617-696-1354 Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday: 3:00—3:45 pm Anytime by appointment Eucharist Ministry to the Sick: Please call the Parish Office to receive the Eucharist at home R.C.I.A. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Please call the Parish Office at 617-696-6688 Marriage: Please call the rectory at least 6 months before the wedding date The Fourth Sunday of Advent — December 21, 2014 From the Pastor MASS INTENTIONS Prayers are requested for the people of our parish, for those who are hospitalized, for our deceased relatives and friends, and for the following intentions: Saturday, December 20 4:00 pm Thuet & Naas Family Memorial Mass Sunday, December 21 8:00 am Marion R. Hogan—Anniversary Mass 9:30 am Dr. Alfred Weber—Memorial Mass 11:30 am Harry & Mary Barone Memorial Mass Monday, December 22 9:00 am John Cornican—Mass of Healing Tuesday, December 23 9:00 am Thomas Killalea—Memorial Mass Wednesday, December 24 9:00 am Deceased Parishioners of St. Elizabeth Friday, December 26 9:00 am For the Benefactors of the Parish Saturday, December 27 4:00 pm Gerald (Sam ) Phelan—Memorial Mass Sunday, December 28 8:00 am Robert C. Green 8th Anniversary Mass 9:30 am Stephen Ilaqua—Anniversary Mass 11:30 am Thomas F. Walsh 1st Anniversary Mass Please pray for our recently deceased: Eileen Grealish St. Elizabeth Christmas Mass Schedule Christmas Eve - Wednesday, December 24th Mass at 4:00 pm—Church Mass at 4:00 pm—Fr. Curley Hall Mass at 6:00 pm— Church Christmas Day– Thursday, December 25th Mass at 8:00 am and 10:30 am Dear Parishioners, Our Christmas Pageant and our Rectory Open House celebrated on Gaudete Sunday, was wonderful. All who attended did “Rejoice”. Special thanks to Gayle Neville for hosting the Open House, and to Shelagh O’Brien, Erin Donahoe, Colleen Martin, and Anita Wakim who prepared the children for this celebration of faith. Thanks to the Children’s Choir and the parents who helped make this a special day for our children. The Advent Season is a time of watchful waiting for the Coming of Christ, and I am aware that waiting for our Church to be finished has been very difficult for some parishioners. As we prepare to celebrate Christmas this week, I am very happy to announce that our parish church will reopen on Christmas Eve. Thank you for your patience during this renovation period. As we enjoy the festivities of Christmas, may we give thanks to God for all of His blessings. I pray that all of our families will have a Blessed Christmas. Prayers and best wishes, Fr. Aidan Parish Stewardship We are the stewards and this is how we live our stewardship… The weekly offertory collection for Sunday, December 14—$6,638 As always we thank you for your generosity. The offertory is our primary means of meeting parish weekly operational expenses. If you are interested in the Electronic Giving Program, please take a form at the entrance of the church or go onto our website, click About/Electronic Giving. The Parish Office will be closed for Christmas Vacation. We will reopen January 5, 2015 The Sanctuary Light is given this month in loving memory of Anne & Walter Whelan from Julianne The Fourth Sunday of Advent — December 21, 2014 The Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Holy Day Masses will be celebrated on Wednesday, December 31st at 4:00 pm Thursday, January 1st at 9:00 am Every Christmas, we join together with family and friends to honor and celebrate our priests. The Clergy Health and Retirement Trust helps support our 628 priests, ensuring the highest quality of care and quality of life for these men who have dedicated their lives in service to our Archdiocese of Boston. This Christmas, remember the priests who were there for you and your loved ones in times of need, and consider honoring them with a generous gift. All are welcome to make a gift online at or use the in pew envelopes that will be provided. Thank you in advance for helping ensure the continuing care for all of our priests who give so much to our Church. The Grand Annual Appeal Update From the 1096 registered families here at St. Elizabeth, 175 families thus far have donated $78,358 to our Grand Annual. We are most appreciative to those families who have supported this Appeal. Please remember whatever you give to this Appeal stays in our parish to cover expenses of our day to day operation. If you did not receive a letter, you are not registered. If you would like to become a parishioner, please call the parish office to register. The Grand Annual packets are on the back table in Fr. Curley Hall for your use. Financials - Month of November Total Expenses: St. Elizabeth’s Giving Tree Thank you to all who donated gifts to our Giving Tree. We were able to help the following organizations: Bridge Over Trouble Waters Milton Residence Fund, St. Mary’s for Women & Children DOVE and Long Island Shelter. Welcome You enter this Church...not as a stranger, but as a guest of God. He is your heavenly Father. Come, then, with joy in your heart and thanks on your lips into His presence, offering Him your love and service. Be grateful to the strong and loyal ones who, in the name of Jesus Christ, built this place of worship, and to all who have beautified it and hallowed it with their prayers and praise. Ask His blessing on those who love His house of faith as the inspiration of their labor, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit, and may that blessing rest on you, both on your going out and your coming in. $41,274.74 Income: Offertory $23,629.75 Electronic Giving 2,853.25 Monthly Maintenance 2,621.00 Sacramentals 1,580.00 Religious Ed 220.00 Misc. Other Income 1,213.09 Total Income: Shortfall: $32,117.09 $9,157.65 Do you have a coat you no longer wear taking up space in your closet? You are encouraged to consider donating men’s/women’s/children’s coats, boots, hats, scarves, mittens and gloves to help the needy through the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Please use the donation bins located in the church parking lot. To learn more about this charity visit: If we have a snow storm and Milton Public Schools are cancelled, please be aware there will be no 9:00 am daily Mass. Fr. Aidan does not want anyone traveling in dangerous weather. The Fourth Sunday of Advent — December 21, 2014 Please keep our servicemen and women who are away from their families, in our thoughts and prayers. Robert Foley, Marine Lance Corporal Luke McLellan, Corporal Justin Hinds, US Army, USM Sgt Gregory Donohoe, USM Sgt. Sean Donohoe, Airman Joseph Lynch USAF, Us Army, Michael Grant, US Navy, Sgt Michael Casserly Unites States Marine, Kyle Pina USMC, Lance Corporal Nicholas Levasseur, USMC Corporal Michael Foley, USMC, Ryan Feeney US Navy, Sean Peterson, USMC in your prayers. If you have a loved one in the Military and would like to have him or her remembered in our prayers, please forward their name to the Parish Office or drop a note in the offertory or email us @ [email protected]. The William T. and Lenore Fidler School of Faith Formation Beth Peterson, Director Denise Johnson-Ilacqua, Administrative Assistant 617-698-5763 Dec 22nd Dec. 23rd Dec. 24th Dec. 25th Jan. 5th Jan. 6th Jan. 12th Jan. 12th Important Dates No classes Christmas Recess No classes Christmas Recess Youth Choir sings at the 4:00 pm mass Merry Christmas! Classes Resume Classes Resume Pat Brawley Milton Food Pantry Presentation Grades 6—10 Parent Letter to Confirmation Candidate due 9:30 am Family Mass Faith Formation Students & Youth Choir Participate No class Martin Luther King Holiday First Reconciliation 7:00pm—Church Fr. Aidan’s Retirement Party immediately following the 11:30 am mass Joe & Friends G7&8 Confirmation Retreat Year 2– Fr. Curley Hall 9:30 –2:30pm No classes February Recess No classes February Recess St. Elizabeth Confirmation Students Volunteer Day at the Milton Food Pantry 8:00 am Mom’s Prayer /Playgroup Jan. 18th We are a group of moms who support each other in our vocation as mothers. We are all striving to live our faith and to pass on this faith to our children. Our group exists to offer friendship, support and formation. We are always open to new members no matter where they are on their journey of faith and motherhood. We meet weekly on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 in the lower church hall at St. Ann’s. Children are welcome. For more information contact Jennie Risher at [email protected] or Jenny Dupill at [email protected]. Jan. 19th Jan. 23rd Feb. 1st St. Mary of the Hills School Applications are now available for Pre-k thru 8th grade. Please contact Mary Jane Campbell, St. Mary of the Hills School at 617-698-2464 for more information and for a tour and dates for their Open House. The Annual Christmas Pageant was wonderful! How blessed we are to witness the children recreate the Christmas Story and remind us of the true beauty of Christmas! Thanks to the many volunteers who organized this very special event. Feb. 2nd Feb. 7th Feb. 16th Feb. 17th Feb. 28th Please call the parish office if you would like to book a Mass for a loved one. It is almost the start of the New Year and we currently have weekend and weekday Masses available. Milton Community Food Pantry Please remember the Milton Community Food Pantry during the holidays by donating canned and nonperishable items. You may drop these off in Fr. Curley Hall. Thank you for your thoughtfulness in giving to those in need within our neighborhood. Snowbirds!!! Kindly please remember to continue your faithful financial support of St. Elizabeth Parish even while you’re away from home. One way to do this is through electronic/automatic giving. Please contact the parish office for more information or visit our website: and click About/ Electronic Giving. Have a great time! Ultra Service Center SM ARTHUR’S SUNOCO Hanley Carpentry, LLC Residential and Commercial Specializing in Custom Finish and Design Kitchens, Bathrooms, Roofs, Siding, Porches, Decks & Etc. LORRAINE FRATALIA 617-698-6708 Plumbing, Heating & Remodeling 70 River St., Dorchester Lower Mills, MA 02126 email: [email protected] Niall Hanley Tel: 617-293-9940 • Fax: 617-696-5645 [email protected] (617) 296-4100 11 Woodside Dr., Milton, MA 02186 Fully Licensed and Insured 617.325.3283 MA # 82354 Lic. #11207 THOMAS A. PICKETT, OWNER 24-HOUR NUMBER T.S. LYNCH CO. “There’s no place like home” We make it possible to stay there. 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RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INSURED SPRING & FALL CLEAN UPS WEEKLY LAWN MAINTENANCE MULCHING • WEEDING & FLOWER CARE HEDGE & SHRUB TRIMMING SNOWPLOWING AVAILABLE BOBCAT SERVICE AVAILABLE • RUBBISH REMOVAL 1-800-888-4574 617-698-3109 MILTON Patients w 617-696-4800 e Welcome FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 N N Kevin Thomas D.D.S. • Richard Thomas D.D.S. 99 Adams Street Patients ew Welcome © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. DECEMBER 15, 2014 10:30 AM ST. ELIZABETH, MILTON, MA 04-0177 Philip D. Murphy Attorney at Law Specializing in Estate Planning, Special Needs and Elder Law Law Office of Philip D. Murphy 1050 Canton Ave., Milton, MA 02186 617-273-5602 Phone 617-273-5603 Fax [email protected] TOWNE TREE & 480 ADAMS ST., PO BOX 116 MILTON, MA 02186 THIS SPACE IS TEL: 617.698.5858 • FAX: 617.698.1604 • • LANDSCAPING, INC. John J. 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