REPUBLICOFTHE PHILIPPINES OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE 05,201'4 February REVENUEMEMORANDUMCIRCULAR NO. V- VO14 SUBJECT : CLARIFYING THE ISSUES ON THE REGISTRATION AND COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS OF MARGINAL INCOME EARNERS PURSUANT TO REVENUE REGULATIONS NO. 7. 2012 TO : All Internal Revenue Officers and Others Concerned This Circularis beingissuedto clarify the issuesand reiteratethe registrationas well as compliancerequirements of MarginalIncomeEarners(MIE) pursuantto Revenue -2012. (RR)No. 7 Regulations MIE asdefinedin Section3 of the sameRR provides: " Marginal Income Earner - shall refer to those individual whose businessdo not realizegrosssalesor receiptsexceedingP100,000in any I 2-monthperiod. " i' The individual referred to in that section is an individual not deriving compensation as an employeeunderan employer-employee relationshipbut who is selt: employedand derivinggrosssalesor receiptsnot exceedingP100,000in any 12-month period.Moreover,the activitiesof such MIE should be principallylbr subsistence or livelihood. The MIE, as herein defined,shall include but not limited to agriculfural growers/producers (farmers/fishennen) sellingdirectlyto ultimateconsumers, smallsarisari stores,small carinderiasor "turo-turos", drivers/operatorsof a single unit tricycle, and such,but shall not includelicensedprofessionals, consultants,artists,salesagents, brokers and others similarly situated,including all others w}ose income have been subjectedto withholdingtax. REGISTRATION AND COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS The incidenceof being a MIE as requiredunder RR 7-2012coversthe following privilegesandminirnumregistrationandtax cornpliance requirements: 1. Registrationwith the Bureauusing BIR Fonn 1901 with the tbllowing minimal documentary requirements : i. /i. \,/ hV \\l SwomStatement of Incometbr the year(Annex"A"), and NSOCertifiedor LocalCivil RegistryBirthCertificate; V z. Exemptionfrom the paymentof Annual RegistrationFee(ARF); 3. Registrationof Books of Accounts (e.g. two-columnjournal or other simplified books for daily expensesandrevenues); invoicesas prescribedunder RMO 4. Issuanceof registeredprincipal receipts/sales 12-2013; 5. Filing and Paymentof Annual IncomeTax Return using BIR Form 1701 similar to any other self-employedindividuals;and Tax). 6. Exemptionfrom paymentof businesstaxes(i.e. VAT or any Percentage The BIR District Office, upon evaluationof applicationfor registration,shall issue the Certificate of Registration and shall iikewise ensure compliance with the registrationof books of accounts,and issuanceof Authority To Print for their Principal Invoices. Receipts/Sales All internal revenue officers and employeesare hereby enjoined to give this RevenueMemorandumCircularas wide a publicity as possible. IIENARES H-2 $s8b[grwBffi #f,fr(,0 RECEYVKW 0208e2
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