Reasoning about Events on the Semantic Web Ontology Summit 2014 – Track A Megan Katsumi and Michael Gr¨ uninger Semantic Technologies Laboratory Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering University of Toronto January 23, 2014 Megan Katsumi (MIE) University of Toronto January 23, 2014 1 / 15 Introduction Questions for Ontology Summit 2014 How are Semantic Web / Big Data applications using ontologies? Which ontologies are being used? What ontologies are required by these applications? If ontologies meeting these requirements exist but are not being used, what are the reasons? If ontologies meeting these requirements do not exist, how can they be designed? Megan Katsumi (MIE) University of Toronto January 23, 2014 2 / 15 Motivation The Role of Reasoning Currently, most event ontologies on the Semantic Web are employed for annotation and retrieval What kinds of reasoning is being done with these event ontologies? With all of the annotated data, there are many opportunities for reasoning that are not being addressed. Megan Katsumi (MIE) University of Toronto January 23, 2014 3 / 15 Motivation Some Motivating Scenarios Beyond annotation and retrieval: Emergency response: Are two reported incidents possibly related? Context-awareness: Are there any potential delays in my area/path of interest? (construction, accidents, special events...) Municipal planning: During which time periods are no events scheduled at the location of interest? Recreational events: Are there any scheduling conflicts between my events of interest at Festival-X? Megan Katsumi (MIE) University of Toronto January 23, 2014 4 / 15 Objective Research Questions All of these observations raise the questions: Are Semantic Web ontologies able to support non-trivial reasoning problems? If not, why? Are the existing ontologies simply not designed with enough semantics to support these applications, or have they reached the limit of what Semantic Web languages can support? Megan Katsumi (MIE) University of Toronto January 23, 2014 5 / 15 Approach Semantic Web Event Ontologies Using the reasoning abilities of PSL as a reference point, our investigation is focused on a few well known Semantic Web event ontologies: SEM Core LODE The Event Ontology Megan Katsumi (MIE) University of Toronto January 23, 2014 6 / 15 Approach Modules of the PSL Ontology Tactocc 6 Tcomplex 6 Tdisc 6 Tatomic @ I @ .. .... .. . @ . . .. . ... ..... .... ... ... .. .... Tsubactivity I @ @ @ @ Tduration 6 ... ... @ . Tocctree ... .... .... .. .... @ @ .. .... @ Megan Katsumi (MIE) state ... .... @...... Tpsl University of Toronto core January 23, 2014 7 / 15 Approach Process Specification Language PSL (ISO 18629) is a modular, extensible ontology capturing concepts required for process specification There are 300 concepts across 50 extensions of a common core theory (PSL-Core), each with a set of first-order axioms written using the Common Logic Interchange Format (ISO 24707). colore.oor .net/process specification language/ Megan Katsumi (MIE) University of Toronto January 23, 2014 8 / 15 Approach Extending Ontologies From PSL, SEM, the Event Ontology, and LODE, we created the following ontologies: psl.owl (OWL axiomatization of PSL) sem-x.owl (non-conservative extension of SEM using psl.owl) event-x.owl (non-conservative extension of EVENT using psl.owl) lode-x.owl (non-conservative extension of LODE using psl.owl) This provides us with a spectrum of ontologies in OWL and First-Order Logic to be evaluated by a set of competency questions derived from motivating scenarios of potential reasoning applications on the Semantic Web. Megan Katsumi (MIE) University of Toronto January 23, 2014 9 / 15 Approach Extending Ontologies From PSL, SEM, the Event Ontology, and LODE, we created the following ontologies: psl.swrl (SWRL axiomatization of PSL) sem-x.swrl (non-conservative extension of SEM using psl.swrl) event-x.swrl (non-conservative extension of EVENT using psl.swrl) lode-x.swrl (non-conservative extension of LODE using psl.swrl) Megan Katsumi (MIE) University of Toronto January 23, 2014 10 / 15 Approach Relationships among Event Ontology Extensions psl.clif psl.swrl psl.owl Megan Katsumi (MIE) sem-r.swrl event-r.swrl lode-r.swrl sem-x.owl event-x.owl lode-x.owl sem.owl event.owl lode.owl University of Toronto January 23, 2014 11 / 15 Approach Relationships among Event Ontology Extensions Using the relationships between PSL and the event ontologies, we can entail mappings among the event ontologies, and characterize what semantics are shared across these ontologies. We also want to use the competency questions to distinguish among the different extensions of the same ontology – what do we get from the additional axioms? What role does the ontology language play? Megan Katsumi (MIE) University of Toronto January 23, 2014 12 / 15 Approach Evaluation of Ontology Extensions Attempt to formalize the query in the ontology’s signature Definable? No (query) language restriction? Yes Yes Attempt query Case 3: retry with “normalized” (FOL) version to verify Successfully answered? Yes No Case 2: missing concepts (i.e. insufficient breadth); done Case1: done No Safety check: make sure there are no counterexamples Counterexample? Yes Axioms cannot entail query b/c it’s inconsistent with the theory Resolve issue (error in query or ontology) and retry) No Missing axioms Re-try with extended version Successfully answered? No Determine what axioms (OR: what part of the domain theory) are missing Yes Done: Original ontology: Case 5; Extension: Case 1 Are the missing axioms definable in the current language? No Case 4:Translate ontology to a more expressive language (e.g. FOL) and retry to verify Yes Case 5: Ontology (and its identified extension) cannot satisfy the requirements – insufficient scope. Add required axioms and retry to verify Megan Katsumi (MIE) University of Toronto January 23, 2014 13 / 15 Approach Possible Outcomes Successfully answers query-X? Case 1: Yes No Semantics (axioms) missing? Query not definable? Case 2: Missing concept(s) Megan Katsumi (MIE) Case 3: Language/ reasoner expressivity restrictions University of Toronto Case 4: Language restriction (axioms not definable, or necessary parts of the domain theory are not definable) Case 5: Insufficient scope (depth) January 23, 2014 14 / 15 Discussion Discussion The development of reasoning applications may serve to promote more use of ontologies on the web. We hope that the outcome of this work will also provide guidance on what is required if we want to be able to perform non-trivial reasoning with ontologies on the Semantic Web. Preliminary results indicate that the axiomatizations of the event ontologies on the Semantic Web are too weak to specify and entail competency questions extracted from the motivating scenarios. Identify techniques to prove that we have the maximal subtheory of a Common Logic ontology in a given ontology language (such as OWL and SWRL). Megan Katsumi (MIE) University of Toronto January 23, 2014 15 / 15
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