D e p a r t m e n t of P u b l i c W o r k s a n d H i g h w a y s ( D P W H ) Contract XD: Contract Name: 14KF0030 Rehabilitation of Barangay Road at Sltio Taluntunan, Brgy. Pugaan, Illgan City Contract Location: Brgy. Puga-an, Iligan City NOW THIS CONTRACT AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: 1. In this CONTRACT AGREEMENT, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to. 2. The following documents shall be attached, deemed to form, and be read and construed as part of this CONTRACT AGREEMENT: Bidding Documents for the Contract (Annex "A") (I) 12) (1) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) General Conditions of Contract Special Conditions of Contract Drawings Specifications Invitation to Bid Instructions to Bidders Bid Data Sheet Supplemental/Bid Bulletins (Addenda) b. CONTRACTOR'S Calculated Bid in the Form of Bid including its Technical and Financial Proposals, with addendum showing corrections, if any, made during the Bid evaluation to arrive at the Calculated Bid (Annex "B") c. CONTRACTOR'S Letter of Intent for Eligibility and Contractor's the DPWH Registry (Annex "C") d- Notice of Award of Contract and the CONTRACTOR'S "conforme" thereon (Annex Information from "D") e. Performance Security (Annex *E") f. Credit Line or Cash Deposit Certificate (Annex °F") g. PERT/CPM diagram and bar chart with S-curve (Annex "G") 3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the ENTITY to the CONTRACTOR as hereinafter mentioned, the CONTRACTOR hereby covenants with the ENTITY to execute and complete the Works and remedy any defects therein in conformity with the provisions of this CONTRACT AGREEMENT in all respects. 4. In consideration of the execution and completion of the Works by the CONTRACTOR, the ENTITY hereby covenants to pay the CONTRACTOR the unit prices in the CONTRACTOR'S Calculated Bid, as applied to the actual quantities accomplished as certified by the PROCURING ENTTTY under the provisions of this CONTRACT AGREEMENT, at the times and in the manner prescribed by this CONTRACT AGREEMENT. DPWH-INFR-64-101005 Page 2 of A D e p a r t m e n t of P u b l i c W o r k s a n d H i g h w a y s ( D P W H ) Contract ID: Contract Name: 14KF0030 Rehabilitation of Barangay Road at Sitio Taluntunan, Brgy. Puga-an, Iligan City Contract Location: Brgy. Puga-an, Iligan City IN WITNESS whereof, the parties thereto have caused this CONTRACT AGREEMENT to be executed the day and year first before written. Signed, sealed, delivered by MUSTAPHA p, PERON, QIC-Assistant PiStfiCt Engineer Signed, sealed, delivered by FAHOEL M.G PIMPING/Manager Binding Signature of the PROCURING ENTITY -- i i ( | r i-i r i. i i. BAC-Chairman Binding Signature of CONTRACTOR |i. Approved this 2 9 t h d a y o f August, 2014. APPROVED: DPWM-INFR-64-101005 Pageof 4 D e p a r t m e n t of P u b l i c W o r k s and H i g h w a y s ( D P W H ) j <H § < s ~Z ffl o- fg O £ Contract I D : Contract Name: 14KF0030 Rehabilitation of Barangay Road at Sltlo Taluntunan, Brgy. Puga-an, Iligan City Contract Location: Brgy. Puga-an, Iligan City II 11 3 REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) 2 )S.S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BEFORE ME, as t h e Notary Public f o r a n d w i t h i n t h e City of Iligan, personally appeared MUSTAPHA D. D E R Q N , QIC-Assistant District Engineer, representing t h e REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ( D e p a r t m e n t of Public Works and Highways), with Residence C o m m u n i t y Tax Certificate No. 2 0 4 2 7 5 0 6 issued on January 0 7 . 2014 at Ilioan Citv. and FAHDEL M.G PIMPING. Manager representing ALT FAHDEL_XONSTRUCTIQN AND ENGINEERING, with Community Tax Certificate No. 14474632 issued on January 0 2 . 2 0 1 4 at Marawi Citv k n o w n to me t o be t h e same persons w h o executed t h e foregoing CONTRACT and AGREEMENT and they acknowledged t o me t h a t t h e same is their t r u e act deed for and in behalf o f t h e parties they represented. This i n s t r u m e n t consists o f four ( 4 ) pages, including t h e page, on which this acknowledgement is w r i t t e n duly signed by t h e contracting parties a n d their witnesses on t h e left m a r g i n of the pages. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my Signature and Official Seal this 2 9 t h day of August. 2014. DPWH-INFR-64-101005 Page 4 of4 D e p a r t m e n t of Public W o r k s a n d H i g h w a y s (DPWH) Contract I D : Contract Name: 14KF0030 Rehabilitation of Barangay Road at Sitio T a l u n t u n a n , Brgy. Pugaan, I l i g a n City Contract Location: Brgy. Puga-an, I l i g a n City FORM OF CONTRACT AGREEMENT THIS CONTRACT AGREEMENT, made this 29. _day of August. 2014 between REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES (Department of Public Works S Highways) represented herein by MUSTAPHA D. DERON. QIC-Assistant District Engineer, with office address at Del Carmen, Iligan City, hereinafter called the "ENTITY," and AL-FAHDEL CONSTRUCTION AND E N G I N E E R I N G . single proprietorship, duly organized and existing by virtue of the Laws of the Republic of the Philippines with office address 29 Perez Street, Marawi Citv represented by FAHDEL M.G PIMPING/Manaper hereinafter called the "CONTRACTOR"). m WHEREAS, the ENTITY is desirous that the CONTRACTOR execute the Works under Contract I P No. 14KFQQ3Q: Rehabilitation of Baranaav Road a t Sltlo T a l u n t u n a n , Brav. Puoa-an. I l i g a n City hereinaftpr called "the Works," and the ENTITY has accepted the Calculated Bid of the CONTRACTOR for the execution and completion of the Works within FiftyEi.qht Calendar Days ( 5 9 ) at the calculated unit bid prices shown in the attached Bill of Quantities and tabulated hereunder, or a total Contract price of Four Million Nine Hundred ^iqhtV-Sgven Thousa_iTd.._Th ree Hundred Seventy-Four Pesos and Seventy-Six CentavostP 4.987.374.76). Item Number PART A. A.1.I PART B. SPL-1 Description Quantity FACILITIES FOR THE ENGINEERS i Field Office/Bunkhouse 1.00 OTHER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Construction Safety and 1.93 Health SPL-2 2.00 Project Billboard SPL-3 Mobilization/Demobilizatio 1.00 n 102(2) Surplus Common 1,576.00 Excavation 103(1) Structure Excavation 22.28 104(la) Embankment from 1,199.50 Roadway Excavation 105(1) Subgrade Preparation 2,575.00 PART D. BASE AND SUBBASE COURSE 200 Aggregate Subbase 877.00 Course, t = l 5 0 m m PART E. SURFACE COURSE 3ll(l)a Portland Cement Concrete 2,160.00 Pavement, t=230mm PART G. DRAINAGE AND SLOPE PROTECTION 5 0 0 ( l ) a Pipe Culverts, 910mm 8.00 diameter with subsidiary Item 103(3) 506 Stone Masonry 5.02 Unit Unit Cost (P) Toi.il Amount (P) l.s 55,435.52 55,435.52 MOS. 16,683.94 32,200.00 each t.s 4,307.52 40,320.00 8,615.04 40,320.00 Cu.m 207.91 327,666.16 Cu.rn Cu.m 4,856.01 193.95 108,191.90 232,643.03 Sq.m 78.83 202,987.25 Cu.m 1,465.12 1,284,910.24 Sq.m 1,110.56 2.398,809.60 l.m 18,370.10 146,960.80 Cu.m 29,608.61 148,635.22 TOTAL = P 4,987,374.76 DPWH-INFR-64-101005 Page t of 4
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