│ CONTRACT AGMEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY TFtr,SE PRESENTS: 協 o5 一 ト TIIIS AGREEIV{ENT, made this 28th day of March, 2014 at Bacolor, Pampanga by and between the DON HONORIO VENTLIRA TECTHNOLO.GICAL STATE UNMRSITY represented herein by ENRIQIfE G. BAKING, IJniversity President, with office address at Bacolor, Pampanga, hereinafter called the "Entirv-", and represented b_v ROY T. ESPIRITII, General of San Femando, Pampanga" Manager/Owner, with offrce address at City hereinafter called the "Contractor", WITHNESSETH ∩Zつ﹄ 国0鋼イ ]′ ぬ amく0︻ く> O 乙貿 フ 聯 、 RTE CONSTRLICTION, WHEREAS, the Entity is desirous that the L'.ontractor execute the the CONSTRTICTION OF GENERAL OFFICE BLIILDING (P}IASE 2), DHVTSTI, Bacolor, Pampanga hereinafter called the "Works" and the Entit-v has accepted the Bid of the Contractor for the execution and completion of such Works and the remedying of any defects thereinl \I:FIEREAS, the Works has been undertaken through Competitive Public Itidding; ︼ りFFOヽ焦ど嘔” Φ LΦ0 Σ 哺︼ つ いワ H配あ 国 。 い >〇 饂 ス“ Fお餞 一 ぁるo 2蠣︺oゝ 〓晨αO︻ ∽ ぼ〇い∪くばいZOO WHEREAS. the total amount of award for completion of the Works is NINE N,IILLION SEVEN HLTNDRED SEVENTY-NINE THOTTSAND NINE HT,INDRED NINETY PESOS E 9,779,990.00). WHEREAS, the whole Works in this PRO.IECT as covered b.v this CONTRAC--T shall be completecl within ONE HLTNDRED FIFTY (150) calendar days in accordance with the provisions of the Bid documents; NOW THIS AGREEIvIENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: ln this Agreement, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of the Contract hereinafter referred to. 2. 目︻〓ぉ0●出 餞 0⊃∽ 。 ﹁国 . O Z ∪ ラ 漱 [. ∩。 〇 目 p O り 響 亀国 8 Q 一 0 2 3●Qo“ ■ 日 鮎 o輌 ・ = , ヽm ∽お﹄ o〓︸﹂〇 ゝ〓壽餞 一 t配鮎 ︸ む一 のお >増 ⊃ oヽあ ■〓¨2 2 よ oo卜 “菫 一︻ 尋> o■28 〓 co∩ 1. The following documents shall be attached, deemed to form, and be read ancl construed as part of this Agreement, to wit: Bid Form accomplished and submitted including the following annexes: i. Authority of the Signing Official ii. Bid Prices in the Bill of Quantifies iii. Detailed Estimates iv. Construction Schedule & S-Curve v. Construction Methods vi. Project Organizational Chart vii. Person Power Schedule (a).'I-he by the Contractor viii. List of Clontractor's Personnel ix. x. xi. ′∽0´ ¨ 一 ﹁ イイ ﹂ (b) (c) (d). (e). ( l). (g). (h). (i). 0) (k). ^ ‘ ︼ Φ Z“. ∽4イ 、 Equipment Utilization Schedule List of Contractor's Equipment Units Bid Security xii. Ca.sh F low and Payment Schedule xiii. Omnibus Swom Statement Contraot Agreement DrawingvPlans lnvitation to Bid Speciflcations Instruction lo l-]itldcrs Performance Bond Post Qualification Report Certificate of Cash for Operating Expenses I Periodic Cash Flow Notice of Award to Contractor and Clontractor's Conforme therelo Other pertinent doouments as may be required In consideration of thc payments to be made by the Entitl to the Contractor as hereinafier mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants with the Entily to execute and complete the Works and remedy any defccts therein in conformity with the provisions of this Contract in all respects. The Entity hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects wherein, the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of this Contract al lhe timcs and in the manner prescribed b-v this 4 Contract. That the Entity hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion o1'the Works at the unit prices agreed in the Tender, at the time in the manner prescribed by the Contract and specified in the Bid. It is understood that the quantities listed in the Proposal do not govem final paymont; hence paymenl to the Contractor will be made only for acrual quantities of contract items performed in accordance with the plans and specifications and accepted by the Enlity. ) 巳昴 国 . い ンO “ つ いつ [ ︼oF F O ヽ o¨● 樹 ︸´ 囀 ﹂oにoり メ“ ta ヽ 0〓ooυ∽ o■ ‘ O ゝ一 壽 ヽ 一 配〇い0<配いZ00 CONS′『 Rt(ll` 10N01` Bacolor. Pam GEN皿 ばヽLO「 FI(]E BUILDING(PHASE 2),DIIVTS【 tlni Cost Ihsff,ption Itcm No. l El∝ tlcal Wor愚 m Plumbing 』 Tilewrtrks Pahting │ ) 74,07000 1036890(,t) そill al 197,90000 197,90000 2,787,10000 278710000 』 』 (Pcsos 74,07000 l ヽ Total Cost 1,036,89000 1,835,93000 1 1684100(, 1,513.00000 all 証 Ceilng Worlis ′ 0 ∽8 一 0つ∽ 〓︻I υ芍一 ^ ∩。 ﹁∩ O Z 同百くm O 国つ 0 嘲巨z国 ^m ●ョヽ 一 t“ヽ 笏漱﹄ o4︶﹂o ゝ ●一 ∽b >t ⊃ oおあ ﹁鵞 ¨禽 ●´ E co> o●odo〓 Co∩ 〓 ooい o﹁ 8 名 03 ︻ コ ヽ o‘ いo o嗅 瑯 Qo配 「 & Windou,s ab● catcd Matcllals 1 7 Qty N{ob ization / Dcmobilization Doors R Unlt 1, aJ 1,835,930()0 1 1684100() 1,513,0()000 1,166,69000 1,166.69000 1()Iヽ I′ 9,779,99000 ` だ ヽ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties thereto har,'e caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year f,rst before written. DON HONORIO VE… A RTE CONSTRUCTION TECI― INOLOGIC′ 也 STATE LDaVERSITY Bacolor,Pampanga Ctt of San Fcmalldo,PamparEa Bv: BAKNG,Ed.D. ROY T.ESPIRITU Gcncral ⅣIanagcr/0恥ncr WITNESSES: ´ ・ ︶ O ACKNO恥 アLEDGELIENT , ∽崚りC〓ヽ Republic ol the Philippines .) Province of Pampanga / h,lunicipality oJ BEFORE ME, Sr.S. 日 O Zく ∽Zく 、 public in and for the Philippines, personally appeared ENRIQUE G. BAKING, President of DF[\,'TSU, with Residence Certificate No. 3!-5454 issued at Bacolor, P4lqpangA on lanUaty 10, 2014 and ROY T. ESPIRITU, General Manager / Owner of RTE CONSTRUCTION with Residence Certificate No. 29026782 issued at Clity of San Fernando, Pampanga on Janu4ry- ,7. 2014 known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and who acknowledged to me that the same is their free voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein stated and for entities they respectfully represent. a notary ≧ 聴一 IN WITNESS W}{EREOF, I seal to this have hereunto set m.v hands and affix my notarial instrument this day of at the ぉ暉FOヽo“塵配Σ ﹁﹄ ocoO p 卜型 ︹ 圧あ 国 . い >〇∝ スm 〓“魚0磐υooのo題こ〇、﹁“飩 一 配〇卜0くばいZ00 . ︹。 ﹁国 ぃ OZ 認 くm t厨 餞 ∪⊃∽ 日︺c層2 国 ヽ七河 飩 一 ヽm 3璃Q3︼ 配 〓﹄o fЪ 黎 f QΦ む一 ∽ 8>﹁⊃ 髯コ∽囀鵞¨29出oo↑ “L一 CO> 〇■98〓 Co∩
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