lItE(rc'n+E fiOgtf Lt(D. tO/ o Jt. Secretary/ Sentices-f, OFFICE ORDER NO. 1{7/ BEG.I "atiafal DATED: 22.08.2014 The following postings & transfers is hereby ordered with immediate effect: Sr. No. 1. 2. Name & Emp. lD Er. Sukhjinder AE against AEE/ DS Singh (1091241 S/D Fatehpur Rajputan. AE/ SPH, Nagar. Kumar 08234) Er. Mohinder Singh (108086) Er. Balkar Singh (104066) 5. 6. Remarks Addl. SE/ Disposal, Vice note 2 below ({ 4. Proposed Postinq Singh Addl. SE Mankotia (104557) (On Leave) Er. Avtar Er. Vijay 3. Present Postinq Er. Nachattar Singh Ghahal (10s2271 PSPCL, Patiala. Joginder AEE/ SPH, Joginder tlagar. AEE/ O&M, RSD, Shahpurkandi. AEE/ DS S/D, Sudhar. AEE/ UBDC, AEE (On reappointment vide O/O No.489 D5888tS-2nA dated 04.08.{ 4 AE (On Leave) AEE/MHP Talwara Vice Sr. No. 4 Against a vacant post. Malikpur. Against a vacant post. Against a vacant post. AE against AEE/ Tech Against a vacant post. Unit-|, CMC (Spl.), Ludhiana. Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Copy of the charge report may be sent direct to Dy. CE/ lT (A&PM) and Jt. Secy./ Services-|, PSPCL, Patiala. The posting and transfer of Er. Mona Goel (Emp. lD 106567), On Leave under transfer as Sr. Xen/ Disposal, Patiala appearing at Sr. No. 01 of O/o No. 111l BEG-I dated 15.07.2014 is hereby cancelled. The condition imposed on the promotion of Er. Jagjit Singh (SC) (Emp.tD 1Og4G3) through note No. 14 at Sr. No. 28 vide O/o No. 101lBEG-I dated 30.06.2014 is hereby withdrawn. The condition imposed on the promotion of Er. Krishan Gopal (Emp. lD 109393) through note No. 13 at Sr. No. 06 vide O/o No. 100/ BEG-I dated 30.06.2014 is herebywithdrawn. The condition imposed on the promotion of Er. Prem Chand (Emp. lD 109080) through note No. 17 at Sr. No. 34 vide O/o No. 1731 BEG-I dated 17 .10.2013 is hereby withdrawn. The compliance of these orders by the above officers may be made latest by 29.08 .2014. This has been issued with the approval of Competent Authority. Jt. Secretary/ Seruices-|, PSPCL, Patiala. Endst. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. No. 5770Gt58706 t EB407/ L-08/ 2014 Dated: 22.08.2014. A copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information and further necy. action:DGP/ V&S PSPCL, Patiala; CMD/PSTCL Patiala; Chairman/ PSER C # 220-2Zl Sector-34-A chandigarh; secretaryt BBMB sector 1g-A, Madhya Marg, chandigarh. All ElCs/ GMs/ CEs in PSPCL/ PSTCL; OSo (T) to CMo, pspdL, patiata; Chief/ Admn. PSPCL Patiala. FA&CAO/ Procurement; Chief Auditor; CAO/AO (P&A Section I & lt), pSpCL, patiala. All Dv. CEs/ SEs in PSPC_L/_|9IC! Dy.CEs/ SEs (T) to Directors pSpCL/ pSTCL; Personnel/ Technical/ HRD/ lT PSPCL Patiala; Admn. psTcL patiala. All. Addl. SEs/ Sr. Xens in pSpCL. '/9int Secys./ Dy. Secys. S-ll, S-lll, Tech-l !o_ lV, Computerization, personnel, Legal, RTl, under secy./ secret (Gazetted), Liaison, pspcl, patiala. AM/ HR/ Supdt.l Gazetted-l to V pSpCL, patiala. The officer under posting & transfer at his present place of posting/residential address. Jt. Sec rehryl Services-l PSPCL, Patiala.
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