Punjab State Transmission Corporation Limited Corrigendum Department Name : Transmission system, PSTCL, Patiala Tender Specification No. STQ-4004/2014-15 Tender Issuing Authority: Chief Engineer/ TS Address Detail of Issuing Authority: Chief Engineer/TS, 3rd Floor, Shakti Sadan, PSTCL, Patiala Place : Patiala Short Description: Galvanized steel Barbed Wire of Qty. designation A-1 to be used on 220 KV/132 KV Transmission line towers 22 MT conforming to IS:278/1998, IS:280/2006 read with latest amendments, if any, and as per PSTCL’s tender specification No.STQ-4004 . Tender Publication: In leading National Dailies of India in English/ Punjabi Eligibility Criteria The supplier shall have required facility of manufacturer and testing & supply of Galvanized Barbed wire are eligible to quote as per tender documents/specification no. STQ-4004. Sale of Tender documents a. Start Date : Date of Publication b. End Date : 21.04.2014 upto11:00 hrs. Last date of Bid submission : Bid opening date Pre-bid meet date Tender Document Cost Payment mode: Payment in favour of EMD Mode of payment of EMD Payment in favour of Contact Persons name: 24.04.2014 upto 11:00 hrs. 24.04.2014 at 11:30 hrs. N.A Rs.500/Demand Draft Accounts Officer, CPC, PSTCL, Patiala As per rates prescribed in tender document Demand Draft or PEMD with CE/TS Accounts Officer, CPC, PSTCL, Patiala Chief Engineer /TS, PSTCL, Patiala. Dy.CE/ TS (Design), PSTCL, Patiala. Addl..SE/T&S-IV, PSTCL, Patiala. Contact Phone Nos. 0175-2301536 (CE/TS) 0175-2207774 (Dy. CE/TS (Design) 0175-2217703 to 07 Extn. 370 (Addl. SE/T&S-IV) [email protected] Contact e-mail I.D URL for additional Information Tender Document Attachment Tender Information Detail www.pstcl.org 1. . No hard copy of the specification shall be issued. The prospective bidders may download the specification from the websites mentioned above. The cost of the tender specification shall be submitted by the bidders in form of demand draft in favour of Accounts Officer, CPC, PSTCL, Patiala, upto the last date of bid downloading (refer due dates on the cover page of the specification /NIT , in the office of the Chief Engineer/TS, 3rd Floor, Shakti Sadan, PSTCL, Patiala. Bids of the firms which do not submit the demand draft towards cost of specification as mentioned above shall not be considered. The demand draft towards cost of specification shall be submitted in an envelop clearly super –scribed with the words, "cost of specifications against tender enquiry no. STQ-4004". The cost of bidding document is nonrefundable. 2 All the tenders must be accompanied by Earnest Money at the rates prescribed in tender document except in the case of those tenderers who are specifically exempted there under. 3.Telegraphic quotations shall not be accepted. 4 The downloading of tender documents shall be stopped 72 Hrs. or two working days preceding the due date of opening of tenders, whichever is more. 5. Negotiations, if required, shall not be held except with the lowest tenderer. 6. PSTCL reserves the right to increase/decrease the NIT quantity or to reject the whole NIT quantity without assigning any reason. 7. The offers should be kept valid for atleast 120 days from the date of opening of tenders. 8. The competent authority may distribute the quantity to be procured on one or more firms. 9. The firms indicating NIL or concessional rate of E.D & CST/VAT in their tenders will have to absorb E.D & CST/VAT upto the full rate applicable at the time of tendering. 10. Tenders received after the due date & time, even if posted before the due date of opening, shall not be entertained at all. 11. Conditional tenders will not be accepted. 12. The part-III of the tenders i.e. price bids of Blacklisted and debarred firms shall not be opened. 13. The prospective bidders are requested to visit the PSTCL website periodically even after down-loading the specification to check for corrigendum issued, if any. Dy. CE/ TS (Design), PSTCL, Patiala. Office:- PUNJAB STATE TRANSMISSION CORPN.LTD. (Notice Inviting Tenders) (CORRIGENDUM) Chief Engineer / Transmission System , Transmission System Design, 3rd Floor, Shakti Sadan, PSTCL, Patiala -147001 Tender Notice: - STQ-4004/2014-15 – CORRIGENDUM Tender Notice for Galvanized steel Barbed Wire of designation A-1 to be used on 220 KV/132 KV Transmission line towers Tender Enquiry No. / Year STQ-4004/2014-15 The quantities of Galvanized steel Barbed Wire of designation A-1 to be used on 220 KV/132 KV Transmission line towers may be read as under:Sr.No Item Quantity Galvanized steel Barbed Wire of 1. 22 MT designation A-1 to be used on 220 KV/132 KV Transmission line towers Tender Enquiry No / Year:Last date and time for Due Date STQ- 4004/ 2014-15 Revised Due Date Download of Tenders 31.03.2014 upto 15.00 Hrs 21.04.2014 upto 11:00 Hrs Receipt of tenders 03.04.2014 upto 11.30 Hrs. 24.04.2014 upto 11:00 Hrs Opening of tenders 03.04.2014 at 24.04.2014 upto 11:30 Hrs Price of tender documents:- 15.30 Hrs. Rs 500/- Note: All the other terms and conditions of the original NIT remain the same. The same may be down loaded from PSTCL web site www.pstcl.org. Dy. CE./ TS (Design), PSTCL, Patiala. . pMjwb rwj tRwNsimSn kwrporySn ilmitf tYNfr noits e'ohizvw dPqr :- mu~K ieMjInIAr /tI.AYs., tRwNsimSn isstm fIzwien, shih wzfib, ;aesh ;dB, ghHn?;HNhH;hHn?bH, gfNnkbk. tYfr ieMnkuAwrI nM: kRm nN: 1. AYs.tI.ikaU –4004/2014-15 ^ e'ohizvw AweItm r??bt/BkJhiav ;Nhb pkopv tkfJo nkc v?ihr/;aB J/^1, 220 e/a ath $ 132 e/ ath NoK;fw;aB bkJhB Nktoia s/ tosD bJh . spYsIiPkySn dw mu~l: mwqrw 22 whNohe NB 500 ru. t/otk gfjbh fwsh ns/ ;wK tYNfr dsqwvyj dI vkT[Bb'vhAr 31.03.2014 15.00 vjy q~k fotkfJIv fwsh ns/ ;wK 21.04.2014 11.00 vjy q~k tYNfr pRwpqI 03.04.2014 11.30 vjy q~k 24.04.2014 11.00 vjy q~k tYNfrW nMU Kolxw 03.04.2014 15.30 vjy q~k 24.04.2014 11.30 vjy q~k not : tYNfr noits dhnK pkeh wZdK ns/ PosK T[;/ soQk ofjD frnk. tYNfr noits nUM ivsQwr pUrvk jwnx leI pMjwb rwj tRwNsimSn kwrporySn ilmitf dI vYb sweIt www.pstcl.org qy dyiKAw jwvy [ aup mu~K ieMjInIAr /trWsimSn isstm (fIzweIn), pI .AYs .tI sI . AYl, pitAwlw [
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