GAMHOF is a virtuall Hall of Fame reco ognizing, honoring g and celebratingg German contribuutions to the makiing of America. _____________ ______________ _________ NEW WS ALE ERT _____________ ______________ _________ For more Information:: Ralf G. Bahrr, 561.702.97 700 [email protected] November 2014 TER, KISSIN NGER, EARHART, FRE EEH, and ZE ENGER INDU UCTED PRECHT Governor Pataki, Dr. Ruth Westh heimer, Hon n. Otto Oberm maier, broad dcasting icon n Rita Cosbyy speak On Octob ber 15th, the e German-American Halll of Fame (G GAMHOF) ccelebrated itss most successfful Induction Ceremony and a receptio on to date. T The event to ook place in New York's Donald Trum famed an nd glamorou us Trump Tower, owned by GAMHO OF inductee D mp and his family. Hundreds of friends of o GAMHOF F in attendan nce were tre eated to a vissit by formerr Governor o of New York George Pataki early in the evenin ng. The Gov vernor praise ed the effortts of GAMHO OF and he noted the gre eat contributiions to the Republican R G Governors A Association b by inductee Heinz Prechter. The e Governor also a thanked d GAMHOF F Founder and d Board Cha airman Bill Hetzler for f contributions to his administration n as a memb ber of the Governor's staff. Emceein ng the event once again n was Emmy y Winning TV V and Radio o Host Rita C Cosby. The Hon. Kai Henning,, German De eputy Consu ul General brought the G Greetings of the German n Governmen nt. The Ente ertainment fo or this evenin ng was prov vided by Awa ard Winning Singer and Songwriter Tomacze ek Bednarek k, received by b all with gre eat applause e. Inducted at this gala reception were: w nowned therrapist Dr. Ru Dr. Henrry Kissingerr, who was represented r by world ren uth Westheimer. A refug gee from Na azi persecution, Dr. Kiss inger was an n esteemed Harvard professor and authorr, but becam me best know wn as the US S Secretary of State in tw wo presiden ntial administrrations. The e Kissinger and Westhe eimer familie es both emigrated from G Germany to tthe Washington Heights neighborhood in northe ern Manhatta an. Dr. Kissiinger was la auded by reception n mistress off ceremonies s Rita Cosb by. The Hon norable Louis J. Freeh, the Fifth Dirrector of the e FBI and a fformer Fede eral District C Court Judge, was w recoverin ng from a se erious auto accident a at th he time of th he ceremonyy and unable e to join us. He H was repre esented by his h colleague e at Pepper & Hamilton LLP,, forme er Federal prosecutor Joseph Guccione. G Also A praising g Judge Free eh in his laud dation was fformer US Attorney for the Soutthern Districtt of New Yorrk Otto Obe ermaier, him mself a Germ man - Americcan. “EDUCAT TE and CELEBR RATE” Offiice: 445 Park Avenue, 9th Floor, New York, New w York 10022, Phhone: 212. 226.11605, Email: info [email protected] The Germ man‐American Ha all of Fame is a No on‐Profit Organization under Sectionn 501 (c) 3 of the IR RS registered in th he State of New Yo ork. All dona ations are tax ded ductible to the exteent provided by law w. G immiigrant and exxtraordinaryy entrepreneur, who began The late Heinz C. Prrechter, a German installing sunroofs in cars while in college. He H develope ed this intere est into the A American Sunroof Company y in Los Ang geles, with eventual cum mulative earn nings in the b billions of do ollars. Mr. Prechter''s widow, Waltraud Prechter, a gen nerous supp porter of GAM MHOF, acce epted the induction n honors on behalf of her late husband. Mr. Precchter was lau uded by his son, Paul oming from many statess. Prechterr. Family me embers and friends f of the Prechters attended, co The late aviation pion neer Amelia a Earhart, who w was laud ded by GAM MHOF Genea alogist Bria an Anderss son. Ms. Earrhart earned the admirattion and affe ection of all A Americans w when she became the first wom man to fly so olo across the Atlantic Occean. In a remarkable effort to circumna avigate the globe g in a Lo ockheed 10 Electra E aircra raft in 1937, Ms. Earhartt's airplane disappea ared in the so outh Pacific. She was declared d to b be officially d deceased in 1939, but her final fligh ht and demis se continue to t generate investigative i e reports and d questions to this day. Nearly 27 70 years afte er his death, John Peter Zenger re mains rightffully credited d by historian ns, press fre eedom advoc cates and po olitical scienttists as the ffather of the First Amend dment to our Constituttion. An imm migrant from Germany, Zenger Z was a printer, publisher, edito or and journalist in New York Y City. His s famous ac cquittal in a 1735 1 libel ca ase involving g then-Goverrnor of New York William Cosby C (no re elation to ourr MC) expan nded the abillity of news o organization ns to write an nd comment freely on th he actions an nd initiatives s of public offficials. GAM MHOF Genea alogist and former Commission ner Brian An ndersson prrovided the llaudation of Mr. Zenger.. A well-received segm ment of the GAMHOF G prrogram invol ved announ ncements of the 2014 GAMHOF Scholarship Essay contest winnerrs. Three co llege and three high sch hool winnerss were ann nounced, in each e catego ory. GAMHO OF Chairman n William He etzler presented a prize e among college essay ys to the Fam mily of Stefa an Hugel, a Bucknell Un niversity stud dent whose Long Island Fa amily has lon ng been invo olved in German-Americcan activitiess. The GAM MHOF Induc ction Ceremo ony and rece eption was e enjoyed by a all attendeess, and was an important financial bo oost for the German-Am merican Hall of Fame. ------------------------------- Dr. Ruth Westheimer accepting a the GA AMHOF inductioon certificate for D Dr. Henry Kissingger Gamhof News Alert 11-2014 Inducction GAMHOF is a virtuall Hall of Fame reco ognizing, honoring g and celebratingg German contribuutions to the makiing of America. _____________ ______________ _________ Ms. Waltraud Prechter P acceptiing the GAMHO OF induction cerrtificate for her late husb band Heinz C. P Prechter Form mer Federal prosecutor Joseph h Guccione acce epting the GAM MHOF induction “EDUCAT TE and CELEBR RATE” Offiice: 445 Park Avenue, 9th Floor, New York, New w York 10022, Phhone: 212. 226.11605, Email: info [email protected] The Germ man‐American Ha all of Fame is a No on‐Profit Organization under Sectionn 501 (c) 3 of the IR RS registered in th he State of New Yo ork. All dona ations are tax ded ductible to the exteent provided by law w. certificate for the e Honorable Lo uis J. Freeh GAMHOF Gene ealogist Brian An ndersson accepting the t GAMHOF ind duction certifica ate for Amelia E Earhart GAMHOF Gen nealogist and fo ormer Commissiioner, Brian An dersson accepting the e GAMHOF indu uction certificate te for John Pete er Zenger Gamhof News Alert 11-2014 Inducction
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