10 US cities 109 US cities 10 US cities Roberts, 2006 Schwartz, 2003 16 Schwartz, 2003 90 US cities 100 US cities Zeka, 2004 Peng, 2005 5 14 US cities 4 地域 5 US cities 6 US cities 20 US cities 20 US cities 90 US cities 90 US cities 88 US cities 4 US cities 3 Schwartz, 2004 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 文献 Braga, 2000 Klemm, 2003 Samet, 2000 Dominici, 2000 Dominici, 2003a Dominici, 2003a Dominici, 2003b Dominici, 2003c 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 番号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 相対リスク 8 9 65+yr 65+yr summer all seasons 備考 adjusted 6-13 地域 10 US cities 4 US cities 解析モデル GAM-str Poisson reg. Female Male 備考 8 cities (Canada) GAM-str 12 Canadian natural splines cities Katsouyanni, 1997 12 EU cities Poisson autoreg. Ballester, 2002 3 cities (Spain) GAM Hoek, 2003 The GAM-str Katsouyanni, 2003 21 EU cities GAM-str fixed random Zanobetti, 2003a 10 EU cities GAM-str GAM-str (distributed) Zanobetti, 2003b 10 EU cities GAM-str 15-64yr (distributed) GAM-str 65-74yr (distributed) GAM-str 75+yr (distributed) Simpson, 2005 4 Australia meta-analysis cities Burnett, 2003 Burnett, 2004 文献 Schwartz, 2003 Zanobetti, 2000 PM10:複数都市(全死亡) 32 31 30 29 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 番号 17 18 19 20 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 解析モデル GAM GAM-str Log-linear GAM GAM-str GLM/ns Baysian Fourier decomp & Case-crossover Poisson reg. hierarchical Bayesian Bayesian Bayesian GAM-str (distributed) GAM-str (distributed) 7 図 6.1(1) 短期曝露影響:死亡 6 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 地域 88 US cities 4 US cities 109 US cities 20 US cities 3 cities (Spain) 10 EU cities 6 São Paulo regions (Brazil) 文献 Dominici, 2003b Dominici, 2003c Roberts, 2006 Samet, 2000 Ballester, 2002 Zanobetti, 2003b Martins, 2004 死因 心血管・呼吸器 心血管・呼吸器 心血管・呼吸器 心血管・呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 図 6.1(2) 短期曝露影響:死亡 15+yrs 15+yrs 75+yr 60+yr 備考 PM10:複数都市(呼吸器系死亡) GAM-str COPD GAM-str(distributed) 肺炎 肺炎 GAM-str 解析モデル Baysian Poisson reg. Bayesian Log-linear GAM GAM-str GAM-str(distributed) GAM-str(distributed) GLM 6-14 番号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 3 4 10 US cities The Netherlands The Netherlands The Netherlands The Netherlands 地域 10 US cities 3 cities (Spain) The Netherlands 10 EU cities 2 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 死因 CVD CVD CVD CVD CVD CVD CVD MI MI arrhythmia heart failure cerebrovascular 10 15+yrs 15+yrs 65-74yr 75+yr 備考 PM10:複数都市(循環器系死亡) 解析モデル GAM-str(distributed) GAM GAM-str GAM-str GAM-str(distributed) GAM-str(distributed) GAM-str(distributed) GAM-str(distributed) GAM-str GAM-str GAM-str GAM-str 図 6.1(3) 短期曝露影響:死亡 Schwartz, 2003 Hoek, 2003 Hoek, 2003 Hoek, 2003 Hoek, 2003 文献 Schwartz, 2003 Ballester, 2002 Hoek, 2003 Zanobetti, 2003b 0.90 3 0.90 2 0.95 1.00 1 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 10 Hoek, 2003 The Netherlands 11 Schwartz, 2003 10 US cities 12 Hoek, 2003 The Netherlands 番号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 相対リスク 1.60 相対リスク 5 解析モデル GAM-str 4 11 Burnett, 2003 6 PM2.5 PM2.5 PM2.5 PM2.5 PM2.5 PM2.5 PM2.5 PM2.5 PM2.5 PM2.5 指標 PM2.5 7 8 13 14 17 20 entire Netherlands 14 EU cities 18 Hoek, 2003 19 Katsouyanni, 2003 >65 yr >65 yr all ages 13都市(日本) 6-15 PM2.5/PM10-2.5/BS:複数都市(全死亡) 22 Omori, 2003 21 Ballester, 2002 7 cities (Spain) 12 EU cities 17 Katsouyanni, 1997 20 12 Canadian 16 Burnett, 2004 GAM GAM GAM-str GAM-str Poisson autoreg. natural splines GAM-str 6 US cities all ages 21 解析モデル natural splines 19 8 cities (Canada) GAM-str 18 15 Burnett, 2003 地域 12 Canadian 16 14 Klemm, 2003 15 Coal 番号 文献 12 Burnett, 2004 12 Traffic 11 4 Australia cities meta-analysis (Australia) 10 13 Simpson, 2005 Dirt 65+yr 備考 9 図 6.1(4) 短期曝露影響:死亡 8 cities (Canada) GAM-str penalized splines natural splines 10 penalized splines 9 9 California Counties, (CA) 8 Ostro, 2006 Ostro, 2006 7 natural splines GAM-str Schwartz, 2003 6 9 California Counties, (CA) GAM-st/p-splines 5 6 US Cities GAM-st/p-splines 4 GAM-st/p-splines 6 US cities 3 GAM-str Schwartz, 2003 2 地域 6 US cities 1 3 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 2 番号 文献 1 Klemm, 2003 相対リスク SPM BS BS BS BS BS PM10-2.5 PM10-2.5 PM10-2.5 PM2.5 指標 PM2.5 22 65+yr random fixed avg 備考 Hoek, 2003 6 GAM-str GAM-str 9 CVD 肺炎 COPD 肺炎 COPD 呼吸器 呼吸器 penalized splines PM2.5 PM2.5 PM2.5 BS PM2.5 BS PM2.5 SPM BS 指標 65+yr 備考 図 6.1(5) 短期曝露影響:死亡 CVD natural splines CVD Ostro, 2006 8 9 California Counties, (CA) Holloman, 2004 7 North Carolina Bayesian counties, (NC) The Netherlands GAM-str 6 US cities The Netherlands GAM-str 6 US cities GAM GAM 死因 penalized splines 6-16 PM2.5/BS/SPM:複数都市(死因別) 9 California Counties, (CA) 19 Yamazaki S, 2007 20 Ostro, 2006 13都市(日本) 18 Hoek, 2003 17 case-crossover The Netherlands GAM-str The Netherlands GAM-str 17 Hoek, 2003 The Netherlands GAM-str The Netherlands GAM-str penalized splines 16 Hoek, 2003 9 California Counties, (CA) 14 Ostro, 2006 GAM-str GAM GAM-str 解析モデル GAM 16 15 Hoek, 2003 13都市(日本) 6 US cities 12 Omori, 2003 13 Klemm, 2003 entire Netherlands 11 Hoek, 2003 番号 文献 地域 10 Ballester, 2002 7 cities (Spain) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 <呼吸器系> <循環器系> 解析モデル 2 7 <循環器> Hoek, 2003 Klemm, 2003 5 Klemm, 2003 3 4 Omori, 2003 13都市(日本) Ballester, 2002 7 cities (Spain) 1 1 地域 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2 番号 文献 <呼吸器> 相対リスク 19 BS BS BS PM2.5 PM2.5 SPM BS 指標 BS 20 Diabetes 脳出血 65+yr 備考 PM2.5 PM7 (multi- odds, 24h pollutant) mean, 65+yr cerebrovascula BS arrhythmia heart failure MI IHD IHD CVD CVD 死因 CVD 18 相対リスク 相対リスク 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PM10:北米(全死亡) 6-17 図 6.1(7) 短期曝露影響:死亡 PM2.5:北米(全死亡) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 図 6.1(6) 短期曝露影響:死亡 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 番号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 地域 Utah Vally(UT) St. Louis (MO) eastern Tennessee (TN) Birmingham (AL) Los Angeles (CA) Cook County(IL) Cook County(IL) Cook County (IL) Cook County (IL) Dallas (TX) Coachella Valley (CA) Ogden(UT) Salt Lake(UT) Provo/Orem(UT) Spokane(WA) 5 US cities Pittsburgh (PA) Buffalo (NY) 6 US cities Boston (MA) Knoxville (TN) St.Louis (MO) Steubenville (OH) Portage (WI) Topeka (KS) Santa Clara (CA) Fairley, 2003 Moolgavkar, 2003 Los Angeles (CA) Moolgavkar, 2003 Cook County (IL) Lipfert, 2000 Philadelphia(PA) Detroit (MI) Ito, 2003 Detroit (MI) Ito, 2003 20 US cities Samet, 2000 Dominici, 2000 20 US cities 90 US cities Dominici, 2003 Gamble, 1998 Ostro, 1999 Pope, 1999 Pope, 1999 Pope, 1999 Schwartz, 1999 Braga, 2000 Chock, 2000 Gwynn, 2000 Klemm, 2003 Ito, 1995 Ito, 1996 文献 Pope, 1992 Dockery, 1992 Dockery, 1992 Schwartz, 1993 Kinney, 1995 Styer, 1995 1985-1990 1992-1994 30df(10-8) 30df(10-8) dust storms adjusted <75yr 補完後 black females 秋季 elderly, 秋季 備考 90 US cities 100 US cities Zeka, 2004 Peng, 2005 Schwartz, 2003 Schwartz, 2003 Tsai, 2000 Tsai, 2000 Tsai, 2000 Bateson, 2004 Zanobetti, 2000 Zanobetti, 2000 Staniswalis, 2005 Schwartz, 2001 Slaughter, 2005 Burnett, 1998 Burnett, 2003 Villeneuve, 2003 Burnett, 2004 凡例 109 US cities 10 US cities New Haven Birmingham Pittsburgh Detroit Canton Chicago Minneapolis/St Paul Colorado Springs Spokane Seattle 10 US cities 10 US cities Newark(NJ) Camden(NJ) Elizabeth (NJ) Cook County (IL) 4 US cities 4 US cities El Paso (TX) Chicago (IL) Spokane (WA) Toronto(Canada) 8 cities (Canada) Vancouver (Canada) 12 cities (Canada) 14 US cities Schwartz, 2004 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Roberts, 2006 Schwartz, 2003 地域 90 US cities 88 US cities 4 US cities 文献 Dominici, 2003 Dominici, 2003 Dominici, 2003 番号 36 37 38 PM10:北米(全死亡) 6-18 図 6.1(6) 短期曝露影響:死亡 GAM-str GAM-str GAM-str Multiple reg. GAM-str GAM-str Log-linear GAM GAM-str 解析モデル Poisson reg. Poisson reg. Poisson reg. Poisson reg. Poisson reg. Multiple reg. Multiple reg. Poisson reg. log-linear log-linear Poisson reg. GAM Poisson reg. Poisson reg. Poisson reg. Poisson reg. GAM Poisson reg. GLM GAM-str 備考 GAM-str(distributed) GAM-str Poisson reg. Poisson reg. Poisson reg. Case-crossover Poisson reg. Poisson reg. Log-linear GAM GLM GAM GAM-str stepwise reg. natural splines 65+yr Female Male 65+yr Case-crossover Poisson reg. hierarchical model Bayesian summer all seasons Bayesian Bayesian hierarchical GAM-str 65+yr (distributed) 解析モデル GLM/ns baysian Fourier decomp & Poisson reg. Ostro, 1995 4 5 Klemm, 2003 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Schwartz, 2003 20 21 22 Schwartz, 2003 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 番号 文献 1 Dockery, 1992 2 Dockery, 1992 6 Cities (US) Boston (MA) Kingston (TN) Steubenvill (OH) St.Louis (MO) Madison (WI) Topeka (KS) 6 US cities 6 US cities Boston (MA) Boston (MA) Knoxville (TN) Knoxville (TN) St.Louis (MO) St.Louis (MO) Steubenville (OH) Steubenville (OH) Portage (WI) Portage (WI) Topeka (KS) Topeka (KS) 6 US cities San Bernardino, Riverside(CA) 地域 St. Louis (MO) eastern Tennessee (TN) 65+yr Dirt Traffic Coal 65+yr 65+yr 65+yr 65+yr 65+yr 65+yr 夏季 年間 備考 38 Ostro, 2006 Montreal(Canada) 凡例 12 Canadian cities 53 Burnett, 2004 natural splines Vancouver (Canada) stepwise reg. 52 Villeneuve, 2003 65+yr, dichotomous 65+yr,TEOM <65 yr GAM-str Vancouver (Canada) stepwise reg. 65+yr all ages residual oil coal related secondary sulfate >65 yr >65 yr all ages all ages montly knots 1992-1994 30df(10-8) 備考 GAM-str GAM-str GAM-str 51 Villeneuve, 2003 50 49 48 Goldberg, 2003 Toronto(Canada) 46 Burnett, 1998 GAM GLM Spokane (WA) 45 Slaughter, 2005 8 cities (Canada) GLM 44 47 Burnett, 2003 GLM 43 penalized splines GLM natural splines penalized splines natural splines 42 Ito, 2006 Washington, D.C Poisson reg. Poisson reg. 41 40 Ostro, 2006 9 California Counties (CA) 9 California Counties (CA) 37 Tsai, 2000 39 Camden(NJ) Elizabeth (NJ) 36 Tsai, 2000 Newark(NJ) Poisson reg. Fulton, DeKalb(GA) GLM 35 Tsai, 2000 GAM-str 34 Klemm, 2004 Detroit, (MI) 33 Ito, 2003 Multiple reg. GAM Philadelphia(PA) 32 Lipfert, 2000 Atlanta, (GA) 31 Klemm, 2000 解析モデル GAM-str GAM-str 地域 Santa Clara, (CA) 30 Moolgavkar, 2003 Los Angeles, (CA) 番号 文献 29 Fairley, 2003 PM2.5:北米(全死亡) 6-19 図 6.1(7) 短期曝露影響:死亡 GAM-str GAM-str Multiple reg. GAM-str Multiple reg. 解析モデル Poisson reg. Poisson reg. 8 65+yr 図 6.1(8) 短期曝露影響:死亡 GAM-st GAM Multiple reg. GAM-str stepwise reg. GAM-str natural splines GLM/ps 備考 6-20 PM10-2.5:北米(全死亡及び死因別) GAM-st GAM-str GAM-str GAM-str stepwise reg. Santa Clara County, Phoenix, (AZ) Coachella Valley(CA) Detroit, (MI) Vancouver (BC, Canada) <循環器> 24 Fairley, 2003 25 Mar, 2003 26 Ostro, 2003 27 Ito, 2003 28 Villeneuve, 2003 解析モデル Santa Clara County, GAM-st Detroit, (MI) GAM-str Vancouver (BC, Canada) stepwise reg. 地域 番号 文献 <呼吸器> 21 Fairley, 2003 22 Ito, 2003 23 Villeneuve, 2003 CVD CVD CVD 循環器 循環器,65+yr 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器,65yr 備考 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 <全死亡> <呼吸器系> <循環器系> GAM-str 7 6 US cities Boston (MA) Knoxville (TN) St.Louis (MO) Steubenville (OH) Portage (WI) Topeka (KS) Boston (MA) Kingston (TN) Steubenvill (OH) St.Louis (MO) Madison (WI) Topeka (KS) Santa Clara County, Atlanta, (GA) Philadelphia(PA) Detroit, (MI) Vancouver (BC, Canada) 8 cities (Canada) 12 Canadian cities 6 解析モデル 5 地域 4 番号 文献 <全死亡> 1 Klemm, 2003 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Schwartz, 2003 9 10 11 12 13 14 Fairley, 2003 15 Klemm, 2000 16 Lipfert, 2000 17 Ito, 2003 18 Villeneuve, 2003 19 Burnett, 2003 20 Burnett, 2004 3 2 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 1 相対リスク 相対リスク 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 相対リスク 0.50 0.70 0.90 1.10 1.30 1.50 1.70 1.90 1 2 4 5 1 2 3 3 6 8 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 図 6.1(9) 短期曝露影響:死亡 51 52 6-21 図 6.1(10) 短期曝露影響:死亡 PM2.5:北米(死因別) <呼吸器系> <循環器系> <その他> 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 PM10:北米(死因別) <呼吸器系> <循環器系> <全がん> <その他> 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 7 9 Salt Lake(UT) Provo/Orem(UT) Buffalo (NY) Santa Clara (CA) Detroit (MI) 15 16 17 Gwynn, 2000 18 Fairley, 2003 19 Ito, 2003 GLM Cook County (IL) 10 US cities Cook County (IL) 10 US cities 23 24 Schwartz, 2003 25 Bateson, 2004 26 Schwartz, 2003 22 Moolgavkar, 2003 Los Angeles (CA) 肺炎 COPD COPD COPD COPD ) -8 30df(10 30df(10-8) 65+yr 1992-1994 1985-1990 補完後 black females 秋季 Provo/Orem(UT) Santa Clara (CA) 31 32 Fairley, 2003 GAM-str GAM-str GAM-st New York (NY) 54 De Leon, 2003 PM10:北米(死因別) 凡例 Cook County (IL) 58 Bateson, 2004 Conduction disorders Diabetes Cook County (IL) 57 Bateson, 2004 Case-crossover がん 56 がん がん がん がん がん がん Case-crossover MI CHF 55 GAM Poisson reg. Dallas (TX) log-linear 53 Gamble, 1998 Cook County (IL) 51 Ito, 1996 Multiple reg. log-linear Cook County(IL) 50 Styer, 1995 Case-crossover Case-crossover 52 Cook County (IL) Cook County (IL) 49 Bateson, 2004 10 US cities 47 Schwartz, 2003 48 Bateson, 2004 循環器 MI Vancouver (Canada) 46 Villeneuve, 2003 GAM-str (distributed) 循環器 stepwise reg. 循環器 45 循環器 44 GAM 循環器 循環器 循環器 New York (NY) GAM-str GLM 循環器 循環器 CVD CVD 43 De Leon, 2003 Detroit (MI) log-linear Multiple reg. GAM-str (distributed) CVD CVD CVD CVD CVD CVD CVD CVD 死因 CVD 42 Buffalo (NY) 41 Ito, 2003 Cook County (IL) Cook County(IL) 10 US cities Coachella Valley(CA) GAM-str Phoenix (AZ) Cook County (IL) 40 Gwynn, 2000 39 Ito, 1996 38 Styer, 1995 37 Schwartz, 2003 36 Ostro, 2003 35 Mar, 2003 34 33 Moolgavkar, 2003 Los Angeles (CA) Salt Lake(UT) 30 Poisson reg. Coachella Valley (CA) GAM Ogden(UT) 解析モデル Poisson reg. 29 Pope, 1999 地域 Dallas (TX) 28 Ostro, 1999 番号 文献 27 Gamble, 1998 6-22 図 6.1(9) 短期曝露影響:死亡 GAM-str (distributed) Case-crossover GAMstr(distributed) GAM-str 呼吸器 stepwise reg. 21 Villeneuve, 2003 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 GAM-str GAM-st 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 20 Vancouver (Canada) Ogden(UT) 14 Pope, 1999 呼吸器 Coachella Valley (CA) GAM 13 Ostro, 1999 Poisson reg. 呼吸器 Poisson reg. Dallas (TX) 呼吸器 呼吸器 循環・呼吸器 循環・呼吸器 12 Gamble, 1998 log-linear Multiple reg. Case-crossover Log-linear 循環・呼吸器 循環・呼吸器 循環・呼吸器 心血管・呼吸器 心血管・呼吸器 死因 備考 心血管・呼吸器 呼吸器 Cook County (IL) Cook County(IL) Cook County (IL) Poisson reg. Bayesian Poisson reg. 解析モデル baysian 11 10 Ito, 1996 Styer, 1995 8 20 US cities Samet, 2000 Bateson, 2004 7 Elizabeth (NJ) Newark(NJ) 6 4 4 US cities 109 US cities Camden(NJ) Tsai, 2000 3 地域 88 US cities 5 Dominici, 2003b Roberts, 2006 2 番号 文献 1 Dominici, 2003a 75+yr <75yr all ages black females 秋季 65+yr 75+yr <75yr all ages 1992-1994 補完後 1985-1990 秋季 ) -8 30df(10 ) -8 30df(10 備考 Fairley, 2003 Ito, 2003 Ostro, 2006 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Multiple reg. 解析モデル Poisson reg. Vancouver (Canada) GAM-str GAM-str GAM-str GAM-str acute LRD COPD COPD COPD COPD COPD COPD COPD COPD 肺炎 肺炎 肺炎 肺炎 肺炎 肺炎 肺炎 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 死因 循環・呼吸器 循環・呼吸器 循環・呼吸器 呼吸器 ) -8 30df(10 TEOM, dichotomous, 65+yr 1992-1994 夏季 年間 備考 6-23 図 6.1(10) 短期曝露影響:死亡 stepwise reg. Santa Clara (CA) GAM-st Detroit (MI) GAM-str 9 California Counties natural splines (CA) penalized splines 地域 Newark(NJ) Camden(NJ) Elizabeth (NJ) San Bernardino, Riverside(CA) Montreal(Canada) 6 US cities Boston (MA) Knoxville (TN) St.Louis (MO) Steubenville (OH) Portage (WI) Topeka (KS) Moolgavkar, 2003 Los Angeles(CA) Klemm, 2003 6 US cities Boston (MA) Knoxville (TN) St.Louis (MO) Steubenville (OH) Portage (WI) Topeka (KS) Goldberg, 2003 Klemm, 2003 10 Villeneuve, 2003 11 9 5 6 7 8 番号 文献 1 Tsai, 2000 2 3 4 Ostro, 1995 文献 Fairley, 2003 Moolgavkar, 2003 Mar, 2003 Holloman, 2004 natural splines 解析モデル GAM-st GAM-str GAM-str Bayesian PM2.5:北米(死因別) 凡例 9 California Counties penalized splines (CA) Montreal(Canada) log-linear 51 Ostro, 2006 52 Goldberg, 2006 Montreal(Canada) GAM-str GLM/ns GAM-str penalized splines 50 Goldberg, 2003b GAM-str GAM-str stepwise reg. 48 Goldberg, 2003a 49 Goldberg, 2003b Detroit (MI) Vancouver (Canada) penalized splines Coachella Valley(CA) GAM-str San Bernardino, Multiple reg. Riverside(CA) 地域 Santa Clara (CA) Los Angeles (CA) Phoenix (AZ) 7 North Carolina counties(NC) 9 California Counties(CA) 6 US cities Boston (MA) Knoxville (TN) St.Louis (MO) Steubenville (OH) Portage (WI) Topeka (KS) 9 California Counties (CA) Montreal(Canada) Montreal(Canada) 40 Klemm, 2003 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Ostro, 2006 36 37 Ito, 2003 38 Villeneuve, 2003 39 33 34 Ostro, 2003 35 Ostro, 1995 32 Ostro, 2006 番号 28 29 30 31 夏季 1992-1994 TEOM, dichotomous, 65+yr 年間 30df(10-8) 備考 糖尿病 65+yr 心不全 65+yr chronic coronary artery disease congestive heart failure Diabetes IHD IHD IHD IHD IHD IHD IHD IHD 循環器 循環器 循環器 循環器 CVD CVD 循環器 CVD 死因 CVD CVD CVD CVD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Katsouyanni, 2003 Lyon (France) 12 EU cities Birmingham (UK) Rome (Italy) Helsinki (Finland) 3 cities (Spain) The Netherlands Coalbasin (Czech) Erfurt (Germany) West midland(UK) Rouen (France) LeHrvre (France) 21 EU cities 21 EU cities Athens Barcelona Basel Birmingham Budapest Cracow Erfurt Geneva Helsinki London (UK) Zmirou, 1996 Katsouyanni, 1997 Wordley, 1997 Michelozzi, 1998 Ponka, 1998 Ballester, 2002 Hoek, 2003 Peters, 2000 Stölzel, 2003 Anderson, 2001 Zeghnoun, 2001 地域 図 6.1(11) GAM-str Poisson reg. Poisson autoreg. Multi-linear GAM Poisson reg. GAM GAM-str Poisson reg. GAM-str GAM-str GAM GLM 解析モデル 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 6-24 地域 Lyon (France) Madrid Milano Paris (France) Prague Rome (Italy) Stockholm Tel Aviv Teplice Torino Zurich 10 EU cities 10 EU cities Athens Budapest Lodz London Madrid Paris Prague Rome Stockholm Tel Aviv 10 EU cities 10 EU cities 10 EU cities Rome (Italy) PM10:欧州(全死亡) Forastiere, 2007 Zanobetti, 2003b Zanobetti, 2003a Katsouyanni, 2003 番号 文献 短期曝露影響:死亡 fixed random avg <65yr Combined all ages 0-64yr 65+yr 備考 GAM-str(distributed) distributed distributed Case-crossover GAM-str GAM-str(distributed) GAM-str 解析モデル 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 London (UK) 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 Bremner, 1999 番号 文献 相対リスク 15-64yr 65-74yr 75+yr 35+yr 備考 相対リスク 0.90 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.10 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 Ballester, 2002 12 EU cities entire Netherlands 14 EU cities 14 EU cities Barcelona Valencia Marseille Dublin London (UK) Bilbao Athens Poznan Paris (France) Birmingham Wroclaw Lodz Ljubljana Cracow 7 cities (Spain) 6 Katsouyanni, 1997 Hoek, 2003 Katsouyanni, 2003 Katsouyanni, 2003 5 地域 Coalbasin (Czech) Erfurt (Germany) West Midland(UK) West Midland(UK) London (UK) 4 文献 Peters, 2000 Stölzel, 2003 Anderson, 2001 Anderson, 2001 Bremner, 1999 3 14 15 16 GAM Poisson autoreg. GAM-str GAM-str GAM-str 解析モデル Poisson reg. GAM-str GAM-str GAM-str GLM 13 17 19 20 0-64yr 65+yr Combined avg fixed random 備考 18 22 23 指標 PM2.5 MC0.01-2.5 PM2.5 PM10-2.5 BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS 21 PM2.5/PM10-2.5/BS:欧州(全死亡) 6-25 図 6.1(12) 短期曝露影響:死亡 番号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 24 25 26 番号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Lyon (France) Paris (France) 3 cities (Spain) 10 EU cities Birmingham (UK) The Netherlands Barcelona (Spain) The Netherlands Zmirou, 1996 Dab, 1996 Ballester, 2002 Zanobetti, 2003 Wordley, 1997 Hoek, 2003 Sunyer, 2001 Hoek, 2003 35+yr,odds 15+yrs 15+yrs 75+yr 備考 all ages 0-64yr 65+yr PM10/13:欧州(呼吸器系死亡) 死因 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 Poisson reg. 呼吸器 Poisson reg. 呼吸器 GAM 呼吸器 GAM-str 呼吸器 GAM-str(distri.) 呼吸器 GAM-str(distri.) 呼吸器 Multi-linear COPD GAM-str COPD Logistic reg. COPD GAM-str 肺炎 解析モデル GLM 図 6.1(13) 短期曝露影響:死亡 地域 London (UK) 6-26 番号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 4 5 6 7 8 図 6.1(14) Birmingham (UK) Rome (Italy) The Netherlands The Netherlands The Netherlands The Netherlands Helsinki Helsinki 15+yrs 15+yrs 65-74yr 75+yr <65yr 備考 all ages 0-64yr 65+yr 循環器 IHD 35+yrs MI arrhythmia HF cerebrovascular 脳卒中 65+yr,暖季 脳卒中 65+yr,寒季 CVD CVD CVD CVD CVD CVD CVD 死因 CVD PM10/13:欧州(循環器系死亡) Poisson reg. Poisson reg. GAM GAM-str GAM GAM-str GAM-str(distri.) GAM-str(distri.) GAM-str(distri.) Multi-linear Logistic reg. GAM-str GAM-str GAM-str GAM-str Poisson reg. Poisson reg. 解析モデル GLM 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 短期曝露影響:死亡 Wordley, 1997 Forastiere, 2005 Hoek, 2003 Hoek, 2003 Hoek, 2003 Hoek, 2003 Kettunen, 2007 Kettunen, 2007 Lyon (France) Helsinki (Finland) 3 cities (Spain) The Netherlands LeHrvre (France) 10 EU cities 3 Zmirou, 1996 Ponka, 1998 Ballester, 2002 Hoek, 2003 Zeghnoun, 2001 Zanobetti, 2003 2 地域 London (UK) 1 文献 Bremner, 1999 0.80 5 0.70 4 1.00 3 1.20 0.80 2 1.40 0.90 1 1.60 1.00 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 文献 Bremner, 1999 相対リスク 1.70 相対リスク 相対リスク 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 2 3 4 5 10 11 12 13 London (UK) London (UK) London (UK) 7 cities (Spain) entire Netherlands entire Netherlands entire Netherlands entire Netherlands entire Netherlands Helsinki(Finland) 14 16 17 18 CVD CVD CVD CVD CVD MI arrhythmia heart failure cerebrovascular 脳卒中 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 COPD 肺炎 死因 15 20 21 65+yr,暖季 65+yr,寒季 65+yr,暖季 65+yr,寒季 all ages 0-64yr 65+yr all ages 0-64yr 65+yr 備考 19 23 BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS PM2.5 PM2.5 PM10-2.5 PM10-2.5 BS BS BS BS BS BS BS 指標 22 24 6-27 PM2.5/PM10-2.5/BS:欧州(呼吸器・循環器系死亡) GLM GLM GLM GAM GAM-str GAM-str GAM-str GAM-str GAM-str Poisson reg. GLM GLM GLM Poisson reg. GAM GAM-str GAM-str 9 London (UK) London (UK) London (UK) Paris (France) 7 cities (Spain) entire Netherlands entire Netherlands 8 解析モデル 7 地域 6 図 6.1(15) 短期曝露影響:死亡 <循環器> 8 Bremner, 1999 9 Bremner, 1999 10 Bremner, 1999 11 Ballester, 2002 12 Hoek, 2003 13 Hoek, 2003 14 Hoek, 2003 15 Hoek, 2003 16 Hoek, 2003 17 Kettunen, 2007 18 19 20 番号 文献 <呼吸器> 1 Bremner, 1999 2 Bremner, 1999 3 Bremner, 1999 4 Dab, 1996 5 Ballester, 2002 6 Hoek, 2003 7 Hoek, 2003 1 25 26 27 1 3 4 地域 Santiago (Chile) 2 5 7 8 解析モデル Poisson reg 6 Inchon (South Korea) Inchon (South Korea) Hong, 1999a 11 12 13 16 17 18 27 Simpson, 2005 25 Morgan, 1998 26 Hales, 2000 Kan, 2003 Tsai, 2003 Aunan, 2004 Yang, 2004 Simpson, 1997 文献 Wong, 2001 Kim, 2003 Ha, 2003 15 番号 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 14 20 21 22 Shanghai(China) Kaoshiung (Taiwan) (China) Taipei(Taiwan) Brisbane region (Australia) Sydney (Australia) Christchurch (New Zealand) 4 Australia cities (Australia) 地域 Hong Kong (China) Seoul (South Korea) Seoul (South Korea) 19 6-28 PM10:中南米・アジア・オセアニア(全死亡) 備考 all ages male female 65+yr all ages >65yr all ages 65+yr 高濃度地域 all ages 65+yr 6-64yr <6yr 10 図 6.1(16) 短期曝露影響:死亡 GAM GAM Mexico City (Mexico) Pois/ns Bangkok (Thailand) Multivariate Pois O'Neill, 2004 Ostro, 1998 GLM São Paulo (Brazil) 9 Gouveia, 2000 Castillejos, 2000 Mexico City (Mexico) GAM 文献 Ostro, 1996 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 15 Hong, 1999b 番号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 相対リスク 24 25 26 27 meta-analysis GEE 濃度は推定 解析モデル 備考 寒季 Poisson reg. GAM(distribut GAM 2-64yr 65+yr GAM case-crossover odds meta-analysis case-crossover odds 濃度は推定 GEE 23 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 番号 文献 1 Borja-Aburto, 1998 2 3 Cifuentes, 2000 4 Castillejos, 2000 5 Castillejos, 2000 6 Cifuentes, 2000 7 Castillejos, 2000 8 Castillejos, 2000 9 Venners, 2003 10 Omori, 2003 11 12 13 相対リスク 2 3 4 6 解析モデル GAM 5 8 >65yr all ages 65+yr >65yr 65+ yr 備考 7 図 6.1(17) 短期曝露影響:死亡 GAM Santiago (Chile) GAM Mexico City (Mexico) GAM Mexico City (Mexico) GAM Santiago (Chile) GAM Mexico City (Mexico) GAM Mexico City (Mexico) GAM Chongqing(China) Pois 13政令都市(日本) GAM Sapporo Sendai Chiba 地域 Mexico City (Mexico) 1 10 11 13 14 15 17 18 Kyoto Osaka Kobe Hiroshima 18 19 20 21 4 Australia cities 25 Simpson, 2005 (Australia) Fukuoka Sydney (Australia) 24 Morgan, 1998 19 23 Kitakyushu Nagoya 17 22 Kawasaki Yokohama 地域 Tokyo 16 16 15 番号 文献 14 Omori, 2003 12 21 22 meta-analysis GEE 解析モデル GAM 20 6-29 PM2.5/PM10-2.5/SPM:中南米・アジア・オセアニア(全死亡) PM2.5 SPM PM10-2.5 PM10-2.5 PM2.5 PM2.5 指標 PM2.5 9 23 25 濃度は推定 備考 65+yr 24 PM2.5(推定) PM2.5 指標 SPM 9 10 11 12 13 14 番号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 Kaoshiung (Taiwan) Tsai, 2003 5 7 9 死因 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 8 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 case-crossover 呼吸器 Poisson reg. Poisson reg. GAM GAM Multivariate GAM 解析モデル Poisson reg GAM GLM GLM time series 6 10 11 12 13 Wong, 2002 Kim, 2003 Kan, 2003 Wong, 2002 Tellez-Rojo, 2000 26 Kim, 2003 27 Kan, 2005 20 21 22 23 24 25 文献 Aunan, 2004 Yang, 2004 Simpson, 1997 Morgan, 1998 Hales, 2000 17 番号 15 16 17 18 19 16 15 14 19 20 21 Seoul (Korea) 北京(中国) Seoul (Korea) Shanghai(China) Hong Kong (China) Hong Kong (China) Mexico City (Mexico) Taipei(Taiwan) Brisbane region Sydney (Australia) Christchurch (New Zealand) (China) 地域 18 6-30 23 24 GAM GAM Poisson reg. GAM GAM Poisson reg. time series 解析モデル meta-analysis case-crossover GEE GEE 22 PM10:中南米・アジア・オセアニア(呼吸器系死亡) 2-64yr 65+yr odds 寒季 65+yr 60+yr 65+yr, 65+yr, 備考 図 6.1(18) 短期曝露影響:死亡 Seoul (Korea) Seoul (South Korea) Hong Kong (China) Hong Kong (China) Wong, 2001 Wong, 2002 Kim, 2003 Ha, 2003 (South Korea) Bangkok (Thailand) Inchon 2 Ostro, 1998 Hong, 1999a 1 地域 Santiago (Chile) Mexico City (Mexico) São Paulo (Brazil) 6 São Paulo regions Mexico City (Mexico) 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 文献 Ostro, 1996 Castillejos, 2000 Gouveia, 2000 Martins, 2004 Tellez-Rojo, 2000 相対リスク 26 27 odds 濃度は推定 濃度は推定 備考 肺炎 SARS 5d avg COPD 65+yr, COPD 65+yr, COPD COPD COPD 肺炎:イン フルエンザ 死因 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 呼吸器 25
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