REFLECTION Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY 28 DECEMBER 2014 Mission Statement “We, the community of OLPS, strive to follow Christ and be His witnesses, reaching out to all through love and service.” My son, take care of your father. (Sirach 3:12) Have you heard of the “sandwich generation?” It doesn’t have to do with food; it’s the situation many adults find themselves in, sandwiched between children and aging parents who need their care. In fact, a 2013 study found that in the United States, one in seven middle- aged adults provide financial support to their parents and their children, and almost three times that amount provide emotional support. So how does God make us holy in the midst of these pressures? Don’t forget, our relationship with God, though personal, is meant to be lived out in community and not just individually. And the first and most important community is the family! It’s precisely through the ups and downs of family life that God forms his character in us. It’s a give-and- take; sometimes it’s our turn to give, and other times to receive. If you’re on the receiving end, let people care for you! Chances are you’ve given much to your family over the years. Remember: as you receive, you are also giving a gift. You are giving them the chance to show their gratitude and to grow in becoming more like Christ. Taking care of your needs could be a pivotal experience in their relationship with God. It’s also a great way for you to grow in detachment and humility! If you’re being called to give more, try to see in each needy family member the Christ child himself. How would you love him? What would you give to him? Believe that in loving and sewing your family, you are loving and serving Jesus—and that he will bless you deeply for it. On this feast day, God wants us to know that we can all become holy families. Through his grace, your family can become more of a living reflection of his love and life. Your actions in caring for each other and receiving that care will actually enflesh his love in the world. “Father, pour out your grace and make every family a living icon of your love.” [Reprinted with permission of ”The Word Among Us”] Mandarin Speaking Community 圣母圣诞堂2015年华文儿童少年要理班招生 2014年12月28日-圣家节(乙年) 5.45pm-6.45pm 永援圣母堂华文成人慕道团 1)2014年12月28日 集合地点:圣母圣诞堂A座2楼要理老师会议室 讲题:和好圣事-持续的悔改与归依 联络人:潘爱云 9630 6475 谢美萍 9722 8213 讲员: 陈丽玲 2)2015年1月4日 廖丽莲 9119 2848 开课日期:2015年1月10日 上课时间:星期六 年级: 幼儿班(K1和K2),小学至中三 普世基督徒默祷团体2015年1月份默祷聚会 讲题:病人傅油圣事-体验基督的治愈 讲员:陈丽玲 地点 日期 时间 时间:早上9点正 地点:本堂活动中心四楼礼堂 Verbist Hall 天使之后堂(5号课 1月5日 天主之母日华语弥撤 日期/时间:2015年1月1日, 早上10时 室) (一) 天主圣三堂(19号 1月6日 地点:圣亚纳堂 主祭:张思谦神父 信仰培育小组与圣经协会联合主办 圣经系列课程 《列王纪与卢德传》 课室) (二) 圣十字架堂 (St.Michael讲 1月9日 上课日期/时间:2015年1月2日,9日,16日,23 堂) 日,30日 讲员:郑权辉老师 地点:CANA, 55 Waterloo Street 报名:孙秀华(98753088),杨玉花(96970408 截止日期:2014年12月15日 学 费 : $ 6 0 / - ( 优 惠 价 ) $ 7 0 ( 截 止 日 期 后) (五) 和平之后堂(达味 楼4.2号课室) 1月12日 圣伯纳德堂(礼 堂) 1月14日 31 Siglap Hill, Singapore 456085 Website: Facebook page: MASS SCHEDULE Weekday : Saturday : Saturday Sunset : Sunday : (Confession before Mass) 6.30 am (on Public Holiday 8.00 am) & 6.00 pm 6.30 am (on Public Holiday 8.00 am) Novena 4.00 pm 4.45 pm & 6.30 pm 7.30 am (Mandarin); 8.45 am; 10.30 am; 12.15 pm & 6.00 pm PRIESTS & DEACON (Vicar) Rev Fr Gregoire Van Giang Tel: 6445 6092 Rev Fr Bruno Saint Girons Tel: 6444 3242 Rev Fr Charlie Oasan Tel: 6241 8905 Rev Deacon Clement Chen Tel: 6241 0953 PARISH SECRETARIAT Agnes Chan Tel: 6241 9565 Andrew Foo Fax: 6241 5874 CATECHETICAL COORDINATOR (Children & Teens) Nancy Chan Tel: 6241 8047 YOUTH COORDINATORS Tamara Emir Tel: 9686 8706 OLPS Church Autogate closure time St Stephen’s School (car park timings) Adoration Room Mass in Adoration Room Intercessory Prayers Columbarium Christian Meditation Charismatic Prayer Meeting Charismatic Mass Infant Baptism Migrant Mass Bahasa Indonesia Mass Bahasa Indonesia Praise and Worship Tagalog Mass Rosary Recitation Divine Mercy Devotion St Pio Devotion Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 12.30 am - 5.30 am (daily) 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm (Saturday); 8.00 am - 1.30 pm (Sunday) Daily 7 am to 12 Midnight; Saturday Vigil until 6 am Sunday Every first Friday of the month at 10.00 pm Every first Thursday of the month at 8:00pm-9:00pm in Adoration room Opens daily 7.00 am to 7.00 pm Every Wednesday at 8.00 pm in St John & St Luke Rooms Every Wednesday 8.00 pm in Verbist Hall (Level 4, by lift) Every last Wednesday at 8.00 pm in Verbist Hall Preparation 2nd Sunday at 3 pm; Baptism 3rd Sunday at 4 pm Every 2nd Sunday of the month at 12.15 pm Mass Every 1st Sunday of the month at 3.30 pm Mass Every 3rd Saturday of the month at 3.30 pm in John Paul room Every 4th Saturday of the month at 8.00 pm Mass. Mon - Wed; Thursday (intentions for Priests) at 5.15 pm Every Friday after morning Mass in church hall and at 5.15 pm. in church Every 23rd day of the month at 6.45 pm (after the 6 pm mass). MARRIAGES: Application/Booking for Wedding in our Parish should be made at least six (6) months in advance. This would give the couple adequate time to attend Marriage Preparation Course (MPC) or Engaged Encounter Weekend (EE). Application forms available at the Secretariat. Booking is confirmed only when full contribution is received six (6) months before the Wedding Date. No Weddings during Lenten Season. 晚上8 点至9 点30 分 (一) (三) 主持:周怀兄弟 形式:圣言(聆听,反思,回应),默祷操练,专题 分享 联络:吴淑鸾97850863 Mass Readings (28 Dec 2014 – 4 Jan 2015) 28 Dec (Sun) Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph - feast Gen 15:1-6,21:1-3; Ps 104:1-6,8-9; Hebr 11:8,1112,17-19; Lk 2:22-40 or 22:39-40 29 Dec (Mon) 5th Day Within Octave of Christmas 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 95:1-3,5-6; Lk 2:22-35 30 Dec (Tue) 6th Day Within Octave of Christmas 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 95:7-10; Lk 2:36-40 31 Dec (Wed) 7th Day Within Octave of Christmas 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 95:1-2,11-13; Jn 1:1-18 1 Jan (Thurs) Solemnity of the BVM Mother of God - solemnity Num 6:22-27; Ps 66:2-3,5,6,8;Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 2 Jan (Fri) ss Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzan, bishop, doctor - memorial 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 97:1-4; Jn 1:19-28 3 Jan (Sat)Most Holy Name of Jesus 1 Jn 2:29—3:6; Ps 97:1,3-6;Jn 1:29-34 or Phil 2:1-11; Ps 8:4-9; Lk 2:21-24 4 Jan (Sun) Epiphany of the Lord - solemnity Is 60:1-6;Ps71:2,7-8,10-13;Eph 3:2-3,5-6;Mt 2:1-12 PARISH BULLETIN - 28 DECEMBER 2014 FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH INTERCESSORY PRAYERS MASS IN ADORATION ROOM Fr Gregoire, Fr Bruno, Fr Charlie and Deacon Clement wish all our parishioners A Blessed and Holy Christmas and A Happy New Year!! Intercessory Prayers is on 1 Jan 2015 (Thurs) at 8pm-9pm at the Adoration Room. All are welcome to come and pray for our church, families, our priests and all those in need. Mass in the Adoration room is on 2 Jan 2015 (Fri) at 10:00pm. All are welcome. NEIGHBOURHOODS OLPS CANTEEN CAFÉ Our canteen will be closed on the weekend of 27/28 Dec 2014. CAFÉ is coming to OLPS….. Watch this space and notice boards in the weeks to come. DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION There will be no Divine Mercy Devotion on Friday, 2 Jan 2015. CHARISMATIC RENEWAL No Charismatic Prayer Meeting on 30 Dec. FESTIVAL OF SENOR SANTO NINO Celebrating the First Festival of Senor Santor Nino de Cebu in Singapore. This will be held on 11 Jan 2015 (Sunday) at 2:00pm at OLPS church. Celebrant: Fr Charlie Oasan. Concelebrant: Fr Tito D. Soquino. Fellowship & Sinulog dancing after Mass. Novena Masses will be celebrated from 2-10 Jan at 8:00pm. Visit for more info. Organised by Church of St Ignatius Bible Apostolate, lectures on the Book of Genesis by Msgr Ambrose Vaz will be held at 120 King’s Road Level 2 Annex Hall from Jan 15—Apr 23 (every Thursday) at 8pm-10pm. No pre-registration required. Enquiries: [email protected] BIBLE COURSES The Neighbourhood groups will commence the Year 2015 with a combined dedication Mass on Thursday, 1st January 2015 at 6:00pm. All NCC members are encouraged to come together as one family to pray for God's blessing and guidance. Bedok Reservoir/Kaki Bukit: Rosary and fellowship on 3 Jan 2015 at 7:00pm at Philip and Pauline’s home, Blk 109 #02-342. All are welcome. FAITH SYCAS YOUTH MINISTRY INFANT BAPTISM THE NEST IN THE NEW YEAR The Nest is closed for the year but we’ll be back in 2015 serving up new yummy things and we’re even bringing in a breakfast menu for Sunday mornings so come check us out, chill with us and make some new friends at The Nest! See you in January! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND LOVE THIS YEAR! WE WISH EVERYONE A BLESSED CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! INFANT BAPTISM 18 JAN 2015 The next Baptism of Infants will be held on Sunday, 18 Jan 2015 at 4:00pm in Church. Preparation briefing for parents and godparents is on 11 Jan (Sun) at 3:00 pm in Sts. Joseph & Mary’s room (3rd level). NOTE: Registration form must reach secretariat by 4 Jan 2015 GOOD OL TIMES Good OL Times - December 2014 Issue The Good OL Times December Issue is here! If you did not manage to get a copy, you may refer to the online version at the Good OL Times' Archives at (go green, save paper). If you've liked the stories and wish to join the team as a writer, designer, or editor, do feedback with our team by email to [email protected]. CATHOLIC EDUCATION CONFERENCE All are welcome to the 2015 Catholic Education Conference organized by Archdiocesan Commission for Catholic Schools. The One Day Conference is on Monday, 16 Mar 2015 at 8am-5pm at St Gabriel’s Secondary School. Theme: Character of Catholic schools (explore the character of Catholic Schools and exchange ideas on forging Catholic ethos in them). Keynote Speaker: Fr Christopher Gleeson, SJ Australia. Register online at http:// by 13 Feb 2015. Registration fee: $30/- Organised by Bible Apostolate of the Church of the Holy Spirit—Book of Deuteronomy by Fr Valerian Cheong will be held every Thursday from 22 Jan-26 Mar 2015 from 9:45am-11:45am at Church of the Holy Spirit room 03-02. To register call 82288220 or email [email protected] St Mark’s Gospel (Full of Faith, Passion and Choice) conducted by Fr Eugene Vaz. Every Tuesdays from 20 Jan to 5 May; Morning session 9:30am-11:30am or evening session 7:45pm-9:45pm at CAEC, 2 Highland Road. Contribution: $100. To register: call 84332683 or online: or email [email protected]
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