ROYAL WEST ACADEMY Minutes of the meeting of the governing board of Royal West Academy held on Thursday, October 16, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the library of Royal West Academy, 189 Easton Avenue, Montreal West. Present: Deidre Dimock Michael Mendelson Kirk Kelly Ryan Ortiz Sandy Roy Jan Mateus Lori Rinaldi Rachel Copnick Phillip Renninson Tony Pita Chantal Juhasz Jeff Bateman Nathalie Cheff Nijad Dahdah Mikaela Mailly Michael Delis Regrets: Patricia Taylor Andrea Dillon Lindsay Heckersbruch Daniel Dupuis Jessica Fogel One member of the public was present. 1.1 Welcome by Principal 1.1-2 Introduction of Members and Guests 1.2 Adoption of the Agenda After several additions were made to the agenda, it was moved by K. Kelly, seconded by J. Bateman and unanimously resolved that the agenda be adopted. Vote: 14-0-0 1.3 Adoption of the Minutes of May 26, 2014 It was moved by M. Mendelson, seconded by M. Delis. Four (4) members abstained and it was resolved by the remaining ten (10) members that the minutes of the meeting held on May 26, 2014 be adopted as circulated. Vote: 10-0-4 1.4 Election of: 1.4-1 Chairperson T. Pita called for nominations for the role of Chairperson of the Governing Board of Royal West Academy. K. Kelly was nominated for the role and was declared Chairperson by acclamation. 1.4-2 Vice-Chairperson K. Kelly called for nominations for the role of Vice-Chairperson of the Governing Board of Royal West Academy. M. Delis was nominated for the role and was declared Vice-Chairperson by acclamation. 1.4-3 Treasurer K. Kelly called for nominations for tTreasurer of the Governing Board of Royal West Academy. M. Mendelson was nominated for the role and was declared Treasurer by acclamation. 1.4-4 Secretary K. Kelly called for nominations for the role of Secretary of the Governing Board of Royal West Academy. No nominations were put forward. A motion to table nominations for the role of Secretary until the next Governing Board meeting was put forward by P. Rennison, seconded by J. Mateus and unanimously resolved that the motion be adopted. Vote: 14-0-0 1.5 Community Representatives Dr. Mahesh Sharma and Dr. John Simms were recommended as community representatives, as they have been in previous years. A third community representative, Ms. Elise Bryan-Bains, was mentioned, in the situation that either of the other two were unable to continue in their role. It was moved by J. Bateman, seconded by P. Rennison and unanimously resolved that the motion be adopted. Vote: 14-0-0 1.6 Annual Report for 2014-2015 The annual report for 2014-2015 was presented by K. Kelly. The adoption of said report was moved by L. Rinaldi and seconded by M. Delis. There was one (1) abstention and the report was resolved by the remaining thirteen (13) members to be adopted. Vote: 13-0-1 1.7 Operation 1.7-1 Internal Rules of Operation It was moved by D. Dimock, seconded by M. Delis and unanimously resolved that the internal rules be adopted. It is to be noted that the internal rules are to be consulted first, and if there are any issues that cannot be settled therein, the EMSB Governing Board Manual will be used as a secondary reference. Vote: 14-0-0 1.7-2 Conflicts of Interest No conflicts of interest were acknowledged by those attending the meeting. 1.8 Dates and Times for Meetings The first Wednesday of every month was adopted as a guideline for scheduling meetings. The dates agreed upon are listed below: November 5, 2014 January 14, 2015 December 3, 2014 (tentative) February 11, 2015 March 11, 2015 May 25, 2015 April 8, 2015 June 3, 2015 (if needed for budget approval) 1.9 Reports 1.9-1 Principal’s Report The Principal’s Report was presented by T. Pita. His report included the following points: Current enrolment is 882 722 applicants for Secondary 1 for 2015-16 for 175 places, second highest number ever Successful railway crossing safety presentation from AMT Grade 7 Meet the Teacher night was held Sept. 10 Open House was held Sept 15 with a large turnout Start of Year Celebration was held on Sept. 19 Thanks from RWA to the Foundation for its hard work Many building improvements have been undertaken 314 new lockers Beautification grant of $10,000 for the Park’n’Lot $200,000 masonry project funded by Material Resources Wi-Fi upgrading – 15 access points increased to 40 New mobile MacBook Air lab with 30 machines Computer lab 206 to be updated with graphics and 3D programming CEGEP information evening for grade 11 and 10 students and families to be held on October 21 Terry Fox run was held on Oct 9 Grade 8 students raise over $10,000 each year for Cancer Research Bantam Girls Cross Country League champions Debate team has been very successful at recent events- 2nd Place finish at Selwyn House Thanks to J. Bateman for his taking on interim duties as Vice Principal Congratulations to L. Heckersbruch and J. Fogel who are expecting babies RWA’s 240 status has recently been approved by MELS for the next three years Math 426 success rates on the Uniform Exam have increased from 80.2% in 2012 to 96.98% in 2014 It was moved by M. Mendelson and seconded by M. Delis that all day trips in Montreal and surrounding areas be approved by Governing Board. The motion was resolved unanimously that the trips be approved. Vote: 14-0-0 1.9-2 Regional Delegate No report was presented. 1.9-3 Commissioner Commissioner was not present at meeting. No report was presented. 1.9-4 Student Leadership Association The SLA Report was presented by the co-presidents, R. Copnick and M. Mailly. Their report included the following points: Grade 7 Orientation took place on Aug 27 Welcome Back BBQ was held on the front field on Sept 12 Start of Year celebration involved SLA and prefects. Open House Dance will be held on November 7 and will have a 90s theme Continued discussions with Home & School regarding new PE shorts 1.9-5 Foundation Report RWA Foundation Report was presented by K. Kelly. His report included the following points: Start of Year Celebration Thanks to L. Rinaldi Thanks to SLA Total cost $10,500; total revenues $10,700 Approximately 800 people attended Hockey raffle to start in November. 4,500 tickets available @ $40 each Play at the Segal Centre in April 2015 Travesty to be directed by RWA graduate Jacob Tierney $60 per ticket with $30 going to the Foundation $19,000 in donations to Auditorium fund was raised through start of the year donations from 106 families Phone campaign to sell chairs for auditorium will begin shortly Aimed at recent grads and upcoming grads $250 to purchase a chair with your child’s name going on a wall-mounted brass plaque Goal is to purchase 325 chairs in total 1.10 Correspondence No correspondence to discuss 1.11 Question Period Observation made by member of public. 1.12 Varia 1.12-1 Debate Team Trip Request It was moved by J. Bateman, seconded by N. Cheff and unanimously resolved that the trip request for Ottawa be approved. Vote: 14-0-0 1.13 Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. on a motion by J. Bateman. ________________________________ Chairperson _________________________________ Principal and/or Secretary
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