Governing Board Annual Report 2012-2013 Royal Vale School 5851 Somerled Avenue, Montréal, Québec H3X 2A5 Members of the 2012 -2013 Governing Board: Name Brandee Adler Paul Hammett Valencia Broomes Jim Pfaus Steve Cunha Rodney Fishbien Eric Assouline Dan Cohen Position Affiliation Parent, Parent, Parent, Parent, Parent, Parent, Parent, Parent, (replaced J. Purdy, second year of term) Secretary (shared) Chair Treasurer Vice-Chair; Alternate delegate, RPC Delegate, RPC elementary (2011 – 2013) elementary (2011 – 2013) elementary (2012 – 2014) elementary (2012 – 2014) secondary (2011 – 2013) secondary (2011 – 2013) secondary (2012 – 2014) secondary (2012 – 2014) L. Elmondino Kathleen Gravel Yasmine Joseph Sheila Cherenfant Sturge Stella Halaris Valerie Hatchwell n/a Jody Thompson Teacher, elementary Teacher, elementary Teacher, elementary Teacher, secondary Teacher, secondary Teacher, secondary Support staff Support staff Fozail Ahmad Katie McGirr Secondary student Secondary student Jean-François Dulièpre Karen J’bari Nathalie Lacroix-Maillette Jean Alexandre Elizabeth Lagodich Wendy McDonell-Coté n/a Albert Perez Community Representative Community Representative Secretary (shared) Ex-officio member, non-voting Guest with speaking privileges Guest with speaking privileges Guest with speaking privileges Guest with speaking privileges Guest with speaking privileges during during during during during deliberations deliberations deliberations deliberations deliberations Principal Vice-principal, elementary Vice-principal, secondary Elementary Home & School Rep Secondary Home & School Rep EMSB commissioner – Ward 3 Comments, Number of Meetings, and Attendance Royal Vale School is an Article 240 school where the specific project is that of an enriched math and science curriculum within a French immersion environment, from Kindergarten to Secondary V. Membership of the Governing Board reflects the make-up of the school with equal representation of elementary and secondary sector teachers and parents. The Governing Board’s Rules of Procedure calls for meetings to be scheduled for the 2nd Monday of the month, except where this falls on a holiday. In all, eight regular meetings were held with generally strong membership representation; quorum was reached at seven of the meetings. Both Community Representative positions were filled and Home & School representation (with speaking privileges) also continued. Royal Vale School Governing Board Annual Report – 2012-2013 Page 1 of 7 Royal Vale School 5851 Somerled Avenue, Montréal, Québec H3X 2A5 Message The 2012-2013 Governing Board continued with previous years’ initiatives to nurture academic success, to enhance the classroom experience with smart boards, new books, and materials, and to improve the Royal Vale building and grounds. Our collective goal continues to be to make Royal Vale School a “jewel in the crown of the EMSB”. We are committed to working with the administrators, teachers, staff, students, and parents to provide an environment where students are continually prepared and encouraged for success at both the elementary and secondary levels. Royal Vale is a school uniquely K – 11 which serves the entire Montréal community, with excellent initiatives to inspire and ensure academic growth and strength. If one word can describe this academic year, it is ’renewal’. A new administrative team with new Principal, Nathalie Lacroix-Maillette, new Elementary Vice-Principal, Jean Alexandre, and the moving of our former Elementary VicePrincipal, Elizabeth Lagodich, to her new post as High School Vice-Principal. The new team started early to be proactive in their approach to educational programs and pedagogical needs, parent, teacher, and staff concerns, and financial responsibilities. Initiatives have been undertaken to improve the building, including new paint and lights, new stairwell doors, new trophy case in the entrance, along with continuing work to the auditorium and outside front entrance area and back, which will be completely remodelled and renewed this summer, and will include the construction of an “outside classroom” area in back. We continue to have a superb relationship with the Borough of CDN/NDG, which is also undertaking new initiatives for the school, including interest in remodelling the unusable pool into a gymnasium. Of important note is the increased demand for student places at the elementary level. We need to continue our work to translate this into increased demand for student places at the secondary level. Renewal of the high school curriculum (including enhancing the arts subjects and athletics) and extracurricular activities will help make Royal Vale School a first choice for potential secondary students who wish to excel in math and science within a truly bilingual environment. It is imperative that we get the word out: Royal Vale is here to stay, and the school is continuing to improve its programs at both the elementary and secondary levels! We need to become more visible to the community and the high school needs to become a solid choice for students. To achieve this, school activities and academic successes need to be publicized more efficiently and secondary parents need to be encouraged to become more involved from participation in the high school home and school association to volunteering for athletic and other extracurricular programs. This is critical if we are to build momentum at the secondary level and have the word spread to the community. We need to demonstrate that Royal Vale will provide students with a unique educational experience: emphasis on math and science in a truly bilingual setting, with the addition of strong athletics and arts-related programs. We will continue to be an inclusive K-11 school, and we will continue to upgrade our programs and facilities to entice prospective parents and students to choose us as their academic home. Royal Vale has truly become a ’family‘ of administrators, teachers, staff, students, and parents, who all give an enormous amount of time and effort to the school. The following message, noted in previous years’ reports, remains valid: “RVS continues to have enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers who help out in a variety of ways such as supporting the athletic activities of the elementary physical education teacher, painting walls around the school, helping out on school trips, sending in baked goods when requested, volunteering in the library, and being involved in graduation activities. Many of these activities are coordinated through the strong presence of the Home and School Associations. The School also continues to field a strong athletic presence at both the elementary and high school levels; extracurricular activities are enthusiastically encouraged for high school students. As a school, we must continue to support these activities and also to actively promote Royal Vale School to the outside community. Governing Board members have again worked well and together; all are dedicated to working in the best interests of the students, teachers, and school, and are respectful of each other’s areas of expertise.” Thus, we wrap up this academic year with a continued sense of renewal and continued excitement about our future. Royal Vale School Governing Board Annual Report – 2012-2013 Page 2 of 7 Royal Vale School 5851 Somerled Avenue, Montréal, Québec H3X 2A5 Issues and Actions The 2012 – 2013 year was full of changes and challenges, from ushering in a new school administration to instituting the milk program for the first time in over a decade; from submitting our Article 240 Status renewal to initiating new school security procedures in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy in Connecticut; from replacing Governing Board members to navigating how the school will take over the collection of fees for the lunch monitoring program. At the same time, we continued to consider upgrades to the academic programs to allow for more subject choice at the high school level, and continued improvement of the facilities We supported initiatives by Principal Nathalie Lacroix-Maillette and our Vice-Principals, Jean Alexandre and Elizabeth Lagodich, to combat bullying and to upgrade school security, including a potential restoration of the intercom system. We supported a speaker series for both parents and students – Concordia science faculty and graduate students gave presentations about the biology of genetically modified organisms. We will continue to encourage and participate in these educational enrichment programs for our students, parents, and staff, and to help create a solid public lecture series for the school that will enhance its stature in the community. Recurring functions and new issues were handled and discussed including, but not limited to, the items listed here below. A detailed summary of all motions is listed in Appendix A. Thus, in keeping with, and in addition to, its’ annual and regular functions, the Governing Board: Delegated responsibility to the Royal Vale Elementary Home and School Association for managing and operating the parentsponsored programmes offered in the elementary sector (article 90); Delegated responsibility to the Royal Vale High School Home and School Association for managing and operating the high school ECA program. (article 90); Delegated responsibility to the Principal for approving extra-curricular activities that did not involve overnight absences (article 87); Delegated responsibility to the Principal to approve certain fundraising projects Re-established the B&G sub-Committee Re-established the Web sub-Committee Reviewed the Budget Building Process consultation and provided feedback. Reviewed and adopted the school’s budget. Discussed and adopted the 2013-2014 MESA Discussed and voted on lunch supervision fees Discussed the uniform Approved grade-level trips. Reviewed changes to the high school course offerings Royal Vale School Governing Board Annual Report – 2012-2013 Page 3 of 7 Royal Vale School 5851 Somerled Avenue, Montréal, Québec H3X 2A5 Sub-committees, Standing Committees and their Mandates Building and Grounds sub-committee (first established at the meeting of November 13, 2006): This sub-committee struck, at the first meeting of the year, continues from the previous years’ same-named sub-committee. When first established, it was mandated to be composed of four parents and one staff member, and it would: review the physical requirements of the school, establish priorities, and work with the administration and the EMSB towards improving the condition of the building and grounds of the school. Information regarding buildings and grounds is usually provided by the Principal and the Commissioner; Meetings held when necessary. Web sub-committee: This sub-committee was re-established at the first meeting of this current school year. It was originally established in 2009-10 to address the need for a welcoming, clear and user-friendly website in order to attract potential families and to encourage current students and parents and the school to use the website as a communications tool. Meetings held when necessary. Math and Science Curriculum Standing Committee Established at the GB meeting of September 24, 2007, this Standing Committee consists of at least, but is not limited to, one elementary math and science teacher, one high school math and science teacher, one elementary parent, one high school parent, with one a member of the Governing Board, and a member of the administration. The mandate of this Standing Committee is to: document what is the Royal Vale School math and science curriculum, highlight the components of the enrichment, and identify areas of future growth. This Committee has continued to work in relationship to its’ vision of: “To support and enhance RVS special status as a school with math-and-science focus, we aim to develop RV-Elementary Science and Technology programs and curricula, to set ourselves apart from any other public school -- to establish ourselves as unique leaders in science and technology education among public schools.” Elementary Athletics Standing Committee Established at the GB meeting of June 9, 2008, “to coordinate, review support and give direction to the Elementary Level Competitive Athletics Program”, the Committee, comprised of Elementary Phys Ed teacher, Principal, VP Elementary, GB parent rep, discusses the principles and context of elementary athletics and meets when deemed necessary. The following points have been relevant to the committee: RVS has a well-structured elementary athletics program Academics is the top priority – participation in sports means that academic performance is maintained All children have the opportunity to participate Classroom teachers and the Phys Ed teacher collaborate in the planning of the season’s athletic activities Royal Vale School Governing Board Annual Report – 2012-2013 Page 4 of 7 Royal Vale School 5851 Somerled Avenue, Montréal, Québec H3X 2A5 Informing the School Community Communication with the school community is very important and the governing board must be seen to be ‘transparent’ in its deliberations. Governing Board meetings are open to the public; parents are advised of the meeting schedule at the General Assembly and of upcoming meeting dates in the Administrative Bulletin. Upcoming meeting agendas may also be posted on the school’s website. The school’s website ( is a comprehensive source of information for parents, students, and other interested people in the community. The school has compiled a comprehensive parent e-mail list so that important information can be sent to parents in the form of attached information flyers, along with hard copies sent home. This is especially important for the high school parents who have complained of not receiving information flyers sent home with students. Recommendations for 2013-2014 The 2013-2014 Governing Board will have at least five major tasks: to continue to work collegially with the administration, to review and approve continued initiatives to support student academic success, including the promotion of physical education and health as a means to maintain sound minds and bodies, to continue discussing ways in which to raise awareness of and to market Royal Vale to future students and parents, especially at the high school level, to work with the EMSB and the City of Montréal to secure funds for targeted improvements to the building and grounds, to improve communication with parents and other stakeholders by continually upgrading the RVS web site and using the parent e-mail list to circulate important information. The 2012-2013 Royal Vale School Governing Board Annual Report was adopted at the Governing Board meeting of June 10, 2013. James G. Pfaus, Ph.D. Chair Royal Vale School Governing Board Annual Report – 2012-2013 Date Page 5 of 7 Royal Vale School 5851 Somerled Avenue, Montréal, Québec H3X 2A5 Appendix A Motions brought to the 2012 -2013 Royal Vale School Governing Board Minutes of the Meeting of October 2, 2012 7.2 Re-establish/Establishment of Sub-Committees – yes/no (B&G, Web) (J. Pfaus) Motion by F. Ahmad, seconded by Y. Joseph, That the RVS Governing Board re-establish a Building & Grounds Committee. The sub- committee’s mandate is to review the physical requirements of the school, establish priorities and work with the administration and the EMSB towards improving the condition of the building and grounds of the school. Vote: 10-0-0 Motion by J. Pfaus, seconded by R. Fishbien: That the RVS Governing Board re-establish the Web Committee. Vote: 10-0-0 7.3. Meeting Dates for the Year Motion by V. Hatchwell, seconded by F. Ahmad, Whereas the RVGB Rules of Procedure call for meetings to be held the second Monday of each month, at 7:00 pm, in the RVS staff room, That the RVS Governing Board will schedule their meetings on the following dates, and that this schedule be posted in the school lobby as well as on the school web site. 7.6. Vote: 10-0-0 Delegation of responsibility to Principal to approve day trips from school (article 87) Motion by V. Hatchwell, seconded by J. Pfaus, That the RVS Governing Board delegate to the Principal the responsibility to approve day trips from school 7.7. Vote: 10-0-0 Partial delegation of responsibility to Principal to approve certain fundraising projects (article 94) Motion by V. Hatchwell, seconded by Y. Joseph, That the RVS Governing Board delegate to the Principal the responsibility to approve minor 7.8. Vote: 10-0-0 Approval for PELO for 2012-2013 Motion by B. Adler, seconded by F. Ahmad, That the RVS Governing Board allow PELO to integrate into the school day programs and to extend fundraising projects. for the full 2012-2013academic year with parent funding supplementing the period before October and after April. Vote: 9-0-1 7.9 ECA Coordinator-financial responsibility-approval Motion by V. Hatchwell, seconded by B. Adler, That the RVGB allow money from Fund 3 to cover the cost of the ECA Coordinator’s salary. Vote: 10-0-0 7.11 Milk Program Motion by V. Hatchwell, seconded by B. Adler, That the RVBG use its allocation for the Milk Fund, and that a distribution plan be enacted to distribute the milk to students who want it. Vote: 4-3-3 7.12 Special Education Technician - extension of hours to service the High School Motion by J. Pfaus, seconded by V. Hatchwell, That the RVSG approve up to $11,000 from Fund 5 to cover the extra 10 hr/week for the special education technician at the high school. Vote: 10-0-0 7.14 High school uniforms Motion by S. Cunha, seconded by F. Ahmad That the RVGB extend the contract with Loft for 1 year. Vote: 8-1-1 Minutes of the Meeting of November 5, 2012 As quorum was not reached, there were no minutes. Minutes of the Meeting of December 7, 2012 6.2 6.3 6.4 Update of our MESA and approval of updated document Motion by V. Hatchwell, seconded by B. Adler, That the RVS Governing Board approve the MESA document for submission to the EMSB. Vote: 12-0-0 Bill 56 and its repercussions Motion by J. Pfaus, seconded by S. Cunha, That the RVS Governing Board approve the Safe School Action Plan. Vote: 12-0-0 Course Selection in arts for elementary 2013-14 year. Motion by J. Pfaus, seconded by R. Fishbien, That the RVS Governing Board adopt the course selection plan as presented. Vote: 12-0-1 Minutes of the Meeting of February 11, 2013 5.5 6.1 Management & Educational Success Agreement (MESA) Motion by J. Pfaus, seconded by R. Fishbien: To adopt the 2013-2014 MESA as presented. Vote: 11-0-0 Criteria for Selection of Principal Motion: by D. Cohen, seconded by R. Fishbien: That the Royal Vale School Governing Board adopt the Criteria for Selection of Principal as presented, with the addition of “Be sensitive to the diversity of the school community.” Vote: 11-0-0 Royal Vale School Governing Board Annual Report – 2012-2013 Page 6 of 7 Royal Vale School 5851 Somerled Avenue, Montréal, Québec H3X 2A5 Minutes of the Meeting of March 18, 2013 No Motions Minutes of the Meeting of April 22, 2013 5.3 Lunch Supervision Fees Motion by S. Cunha, seconded by J. Pfaus: That the elementary lunch supervision fee be collected by Royal Vale School instead of by the RVS Elementary Home & School Vote: 1-5-6 Following further clarification, a second vote was taken: Vote: 6-5-1 Minutes of the Meeting of May 13, 2013 5.1 Lunch Supervision Fees Motion by S. Cunha, seconded by V. Hatchwell: That the motions and votes for item 5.3 of the meeting of April 22, 2013, be rescinded. Vote: 11-1-1 Motion by J. Pfaus, seconded by E. Assouline: That as of September 2013, the school manages the lunch supervision program and collects $220.00 per student from K to 6, with a subsequent decrease in the Elementary Home & School fees of $220; that the school makes no changes to the quality of service of this program and maintains the current ratio of monitors to students; that a clear breakdown of fees, and budget and financial statements be presented by the Elementary Home and School in the 2013-2014 school year. Vote: 10-1-2 (Vote held by secret ballot) 6.4 End-of-Year Volunteer Reception Motion by S. Cherenfant Sturge, seconded by D. Cohen: To approve a maximum amount of $350 from the general fund in order to buy refreshments for an End-of-Year Volunteer Reception to be held in June. Vote: 13-0-0. 6.6 Grade-level Trips for High School Motion by J. Pfaus, seconded by Y. Joseph: That the RVS Governing Board gives approval to move forward and organize and promote the high school grade level trips, with destinations and tentative dates as presented, awaiting final specifications when available. Vote: 13-0-0 Minutes of the Meeting of June 10, 2013 6.1 Adoption of School Budget Motion by xx, seconded by xx: To adopt the 2013-2014 school budgets as presented. Vote: Motion by x, seconded by x: That the RVS Governing Board approves the rollover of funds remaining in the school accounts to the 2013- 2014school budgets. Vote: 6.2 Approval for Third-Party Events Motion by x, seconded x: Be it resolved that the RVS Governing Board approves the request by the Principal that the Elementary and High School Home & School Associations, and Hozek events operate in school in consultation with the Principal. Vote: 6.3 Delegation of responsibility to Royal Vale Elementary Home and School Association to manage and operate the parentsponsored programs (supplemental, language arts, Pelo, instructional programs) (Article 90) Motion by x, seconded by x: Be it resolved that in conformity with Article 90 of the Education Act, the Royal Vale School Governing Board (a) delegates the responsibilities of managing and operating all the parent-sponsored programs (lunch, compulsory enrichment program, extended Kindergarten program, Language Arts, Hebrew Studies and after school instructional programs) offered at Royal Vale Elementary School to the Royal Vale Elementary Home & School Association, and (b) delegates to the sub-committees of the Royal Vale Elementary Home & School Association the responsibilities of fulfilling their mandates as described in the job descriptions of the Royal Vale Elementary Home & School Association’s Constitution. Vote: 6.4 2013-2014 GB Elections and Curriculum Night Motion by x, seconded by x: To approve Xday, September x, 2013, as the date for Governing Board Elections and Curriculum Night. Vote: 6.5 Date for September meeting for 2013-2014 Governing Board Motion by x, seconded by x: To approve Monday, September 23, 2013, as the date for the first meeting of the 2013-2014 Governing Board. Vote: 6.6 Adoption of 2012-2013 Annual Report and Financial Statement Motion by x, seconded by x: To adopt, with the current motions included, the 2012-2013 Annual Report. Vote: Motion by x, seconded by x: To adopt, with the current expenses included, the 2012-2013 Financial Statement. Vote: Royal Vale School Governing Board Annual Report – 2012-2013 Page 7 of 7
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