Joe and Deb Bennett, Howard Boone, Joel Bos, Danae Brinks, Terry

Please contact Pastor Jeremy with your
prayer request by calling 669.1213 x124 or
by email to [email protected].
▪Steve Roon will begin chemotherapy and
radiation on Monday, September 15. The
treatments will last for six weeks. Please
continue to pray for a miracle of healing
and restoration. Updates on Steve can be
found on his Care Page: http:/
▪ Sara Belke, daughter of Doug and Leeann,
will have surgery on Tuesday, September
16, at Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital to
close her tracheotomy and to perform a
graft to close a hole in her ear drum.
▪ Vicki Zandstra was informed by her
doctor that lymphoma has returned in
her right eye. Doctors began a treatment
of chemo injections and will begin
radiation treatments if the lymphoma
does not diminish over the next 30 days.
▪ Jack Kalee had back surgery in Hudson, FL
on Wednesday, September 10. Doctors
were encouraged by the initial results of
the procedure.
▪ Susan Stepanek returned home on
Tuesday, September 9, after
rehabilitation following a stroke.
▪ Mary Engelsman had successful hip
surgery on Monday, September 8. She is
recovering at home.
▪ Faith Smit underwent extensive surgery
at Blodgett Hospital on Monday,
September 8, to address problems with
her ankle and foot; doctors inserted
titanium supports and additional
hardware. Post surgery, doctors
discovered an infection in the tissue
around the surgery site. Faith has been
placed on an antibiotic treatment and
doctors remain concerned as they
continue to evaluate the infection.
▪ Will Smit has experienced a significant
drop in his infection level—praise God.
Doctors will continue to evaluate
progress as they await the upcoming hip
▪ Chloe Smeckert, daughter of CPT Andrew
and Holly Smeckert, has returned to the
hospital following an increased fever.
Chloe continues to recover from A.L.L.
(Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia). Please
pray for ongoing healing.
▪ Kevin and Reese Tornga upon the birth of
their daughter, Rylee Grace. Rylee was
born on Wednesday, September 10, with
Clubfeet; this condition was verified in an
earlier ultrasound. Additional test results
are pending regarding her overall health.
▪ Rich and Judy Walkotten who will be
celebrating their 55th Wedding
Anniversary on Monday, September 15.
▪ Ken and Carol Klomparens who will be
celebrating their 55th Wedding
Anniversary on Thursday, September 18.
▪ Mike DeVries (Christian) upon the
passing of his 25-year-old nephew, Tim
DeVries. Tim passed away in a motorcycle accident on Thursday, September 4.
▪ Joe and Deb Bennett, Howard Boone,
Joel Bos, Danae Brinks, Terry Brinks,
Hannah Bruins, Lyn Bruins, Carol
Dekkinga, MaryLou DeWent, Al Dykstra,
Bonnie Elzinga, Jordyn Engelhard,
Bethany Fik, Anabelle Graham, Amanda
Hanges, Kenny Hook, Lora Jacobsma,
Ken Jeltema, Steve Jurgens, Mary Lou
Karel, Deb Karsten, James Katje, Belle
Kooman, Ed Mulder, Jarod and Caleb
Mulder, Gordon Nederveld, Ben Presler,
Helene Roskamp, Eris Timmer, Jake and
Jenn Tornga, Gene VanderArk, Jack
VanderHulst, Tessa VanderWal, Lewis
VanFarowe, Linda VanGeest, Stephanie
Veldman, Michael Visser, Micaela
Wilken, Sue Wynsma, Cynthia Zuidema
▪ Jo Baareman - Railside in Byron Center
▪ Harriet Bird - Brookcrest
▪ Nick Borst - Home
▪ Ardith Bos - Home
▪ Betty Brouwer - Oakcrest Jenison
▪ Paulette DeBoer - Cambridge Manor
▪ Cory Dirkse - The Laurels
▪ Marian Elenbaas - Oakcrest Jenison
▪ Virginia Gessner - Waldon Woods
▪ Sue Hoekstra - Brookcrest
▪ Yvonne Jeltema - Allen Springs
▪ Shirley Jurries - Oakcrest Jenison
▪ Art and Elaine Kerkstra - Waterford
▪ Betty Klooster - Sunset Manor
▪ Les Kooienga - Providence Zeeland
▪ Neil and Marilyn Lampen - Warm Friend
▪ Helen Nyenhuis - Sunset Manor
▪ Lois Sterk - Royal Park Atrium
▪ Marilyn VanderLaan - Home
▪ Joyce VanTubergen - Sheldon Meadows
▪ Millie Vissers - Home
▪ Lillian Wabeke - Willowood Manor
▪ Jeannette Wiersma - Cambridge Manor
▪ Jean Wilson - Cambridge Manor
▪ Doris Zuidema - Sheldon Meadow
▪ SA Jacob Brandt (Navy)
▪ PFC Kaleb Fais (Ntl. Guard-Reserves)
▪ PVT Brad Gerrits (Marines-Reserves)
▪ SGT Ryan (Abby) Holmes (Ntl. Guard)
▪ PVT Zach (Sarah) Miedema (Army)
▪ PV2 Ethan Mueller (Army)
▪ SPC Justin (Jessica) Mueller (Reserves)
▪ CPT Andrew (Holly) Smeckert (Air Force) FRIENDS OF FELLOWSHIP:
▪ SGT Scott (Spenser) Van Lente (Reserves) ▪ Norm Brown, Brad Burton, Tiffany
Bystra, Lori Fenstermaker, Sandy
Gramquist, Clinton J. Harris, Kent Ippel,
Barb Jones, Robert Kaat, Lauryn Kieft,
▪Families considering/pursuing the
opportunity of adoption; those struggling Naomi Koons, SGT Josh and Jessica
with marriage; those struggling with drug Longstreet Family (Army), Everett and
Diane Marshall, Becky Meeuwenberg,
and alcohol abuse; those enduring
Conor Ott, Jerry Peck, Ally Roberts,
chronic pain; those battling illnesses and
Kristen Slotman, Dean South, Matt
diagnoses that have minimal treatment
Spohr, Kerri Tanis, Dr. Chris Thede, ND2
options; young adults who are struggling
Tom Thocher, Kim Troost, Matt
to make decisions involving tremendous
VanDam, Brian VanEnk, Marybeth
temptation; those struggling with
VanLeeuwen, Collene VanNoord, Alana
pornography and sexual addiction; those
Vazquez, Bryon and Mindy Vosburg
struggling with suicidal behavior.
Family (Navy), Kim Wagner, Randy
Walcik, Bella Ward, Kara Westra, Katie
Whitmyer, Paula Williams, Evin Wilson