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February 7—9, 2014
Earn up to 17 CME credits
Retur ning for 2014
AWR Su mmit is accepting
abstracts for Poster
Submit Abstracts at
Interesting Case s
Case Series
New Techniques
Ba sic S cience
Register On-Line at
Univers ity Hos pita ls Case Medical Center
Depa rtment of Surgery
11100 Euclid Ave., LKS-5047
Clevela nd, O H 44106 -5047
ATTN: Rita Rys
Deadline: Dec. 31, 2013
Vail, Colorado
Yuri W. Novitsky, MD
Associate Professor of Surgery
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Co-Director, Case Comprehensive Hernia Center
Director, Advanced GI Surgery / Flexible Endoscopy Fellowship
Director, Surgical Research
University Hospitals Case Medical Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Cleveland, OH
Yuri W. Novitsky, MD
Asso ciate Professor of Surgery
Case Western Reserve University School of Med icine
Co-Director, Case Comprehensive Hernia Center
Director, Advanced GI Surgery / Fle xible Endoscopy
Director, Surg ical Research
University Hospita ls Case Med ical Center
Michael J. Rosen, MD
Professor of Surgery
Case Western Reserve University School of Med icine
Chief, Division of General & Gastro intestinal Surgery
Co-Director, Case Comprehensive Hernia Center
University Hospita ls Case Med ical Center
Hooman Soltanian, MD
Asso ciate Professor of Pla stic Surgery
Case Western Reserve University School of Med icine
Director, Residency Progra m
Department of Plastic Surgery
University Hospita ls Case Med ical Center
Ajita Prabhu, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Case Western Reserve University School of Med icine
University Hospita ls Case Med ical Center
Alfredo M. Carbonell, II, DO
Asso ciate Professor of Surgery
University of South Carolina School of Medicine
Vice -Chair of Clin ical Affairs, Department of Surgery
Co-Director, The Hernia Center
Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
George DeNoto III, MD
Chief, Division of General Surgery
St. Francis Hospital
Roslyn, NY
B. Todd Heniford, MD
Chief, Division of Gastrointestina l and Minimally
Invasive Surgery
Professor of Surger y
Carolinas Med ical Center
Charlotte, NC
Brian Jacob, MD
Asso ciate Clin ica l Professor of Surgery
Mount Sinai Hospita l
New York, NY
Jeffrey E. Janis, MD
Professor and Exe cutive Vice Chair man
Chief of Plastic Surgery
Ohio State University Hosp itals
Department of Plastic Surgery
Ohio State University We xner Medical Center
Columbus, OH
Conti nui ng E ducation. Case Western Reserve U niversity School of Medi cine is a ccre dited by
the Accre ditation Council for Continui ng Medi cal Education t o provide continuing me dical
education for physi cians.
Case W estern Reserve U niversity School of Me dicine desig nates this live a ctivity for a
maxi mum of 17 .0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit sT M. Physicia ns should clai m only the credit
comme nsurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Credits earned for this
activity are eligible for Mainte nance of Certificati on (M OC) Part 2 cr edit.
Policy Disclosure. The policy of Case Western Reserve U niversity School of Me dicine CME
Program re quires that t he Activity Director, pla nning committee me mber s and all activity
faculty (t hat is, anyone in a position to control the content of the e ducation a ctivity) disclose
to the activity participants all relevant financial relations hips with commer cial interests.
Disclos ure will be made to activity participants prior to the comme nce me nt of the activity.
Case Western Res erve University S chool of M edici ne als o requires t hat fa culty make cli nical
recomme ndations bas ed on the be st available scie ntific evidence and that faculty identify
any discussi on of “off-label” or investigational use of phar mace utical pr oducts or me dical
Kent W. Kercher, MD
Professor of Surger y
Division of GI / MIS—Department of Surgery
Carolinas Med ical Center
Charlotte, NC
J. Scott Roth, MD
Professor of Surger y
Chief, Gastrointestinal Surgery
Director, Minimally Invasive Surgery
University of Kentucky School of Medicine
Lexington, KY
William S. Cobb IV, MD
Asso ciate Professor of Clin ical Surgery
Director, Surg ical Research
Co-Director, The Hernia Center
Greenville Hospital System University Med ical Center
University of South Carolina School of Medicine
Greenville, SC
The commitme nt t o exceptional pat ient care beg ins w ith revolu tio nary d iscovery. Un ivers ity Ho spita ls Ca se Me dical Cent er is the
primary aff iliat e of Case W ester n R eserve Univer sity School of Med icine, a national lea der in me dical resea rch an d ed ucation and
consi stent ly ranked among the top res earch med ical schoo ls in the country by U.S. New s & W orld Re port. T hroug h the ir facu lty
appoi ntment s at the Case We stern Re serve U niver sity Sch ool of Medic ine, phy sician s at UH Ca se Med ical C enter are a dvancing
medical care thro ugh inn ovative research and di scovery tha t br ing the lates t treatm ent options to patients.
We gratefully acknowledge Bar d Davol Inc. for
their generous support. Acceptance of fundi ng
in support of t his progra m doe s not constitute
endors eme nt of a ny product or manufa cturer.
Course Description:
MD/DO Reg istra tion
$625 (by December 13, 2013)
$725 (after December 13, 2013)
Resident/S tudent
$300 (by December 13, 2013)
$350 (after December 13, 2013)
The re construction of abdomi nal wall defects re mains one of the most
challenging dilemmas faci ng surgeons. Conge nital, acquired or post traumatic de fe cts all prese nt
unique challenge s to the reconstructive surgeon. A multitude of prosthetic materials are available to i mprove outcomes in ventral hernia repair. Both synthetic and biologi c meshes hav e
revolutionize d appr oaches to the s urgical ma nage ment of abdomi nal wall reconstruction. The
surgeon ca n choose from both laparos copic approaches and open repairs or in certain cir cumstances a combination of the two. Even thoug h ventral hernia repair remains one of the most
common pr oce dures performed, there is little consensus a s to the best surgi cal technique, pr osthetic material of choice, or strategies to repair complex defe cts.
In this Summit, the partici pants will be e xposed to all as pects of routine and comple x abdominal
wall reconstructions incl uding:
 Minimally invasive hernia repairs
For complete reg istration and cours e details, please g o to:
Vail Marriott Mountain Resort
Call: 877-622-3140 (Mention 2014 AW R S umm it)
Register Online: https://re o/awrsummit
Group R oom Ra te*:
Standa rd & Lodg e Rooms:
$369 per night
Studio & Deluxe King Suites:
$389 per night
The room block a t the above group rate is limited a nd
will expire by Janua ry 10, 2014.
Early reservations are encouraged.
* Paid regis tra tion required.
Mesh positioning devices
Umbili cal and ing uinal hernia re pair
Comple x ope n abdomi nal wall reconstruction techniques
Contact R ita.Rys@ for additional information.
Laparos copy with defe ct closure
Open (traditional ) compone nt separation
Laparos copic and periumbili cal sparring component se paration
Posterior component se paration and transversus a bdomini s release (TA R)
Closure of a di ffi cult abdomen
Parastomal, flank, suprapubic and other difficult her nia repairs
Reconstructions in the setting of infection, contami nation, e nterocutaneous fi stulas and
loss of abdomi nal wall domai n
Dealing with comple x skin and soft tissue s cenarios, incl uding concurre nt pannicule ctomies, tiss ue expanders, various flaps options
Latest advanceme nt in perioperative patient opti mization and postoperative wound care
Participants will also gain an in-depth understanding of the various syntheti c meshes available,
as well as the biol ogic prosthesis a nd their potential advantages a nd di sadvantages. T he be nefit s
and limitations of the minimally invasive techniques will be e xamined. M oder n modi fications t o
the traditional lapar oscopi c ventral her nia repairs, incl uding de fect clos ure, mes h positioning
devices, a bsor bable fixation, etc. will be dis cus sed. T his s ummit will stress detailed operative
descripti ons of ea ch of the e xperts’ a pproa che s to these re constructive challenges t o provide
the surgeon valuabl e insight t hroug h video education and a n intera ctive panel of reconstructive
surgeons. This year, particular e mpha sis will be given to utilization of advanced plastic techniques in cas es of skin/ soft tissue compromise and/or loss. This compre hensive and highly
interactive reconstructive Summit is s uited for all surgeons involve d in abdominal wall reconstruction, i ncluding general, plastic, and trauma s urgeons.
Educational Ob jectives: A fter attending this course, partici pants will be able to:
Gain an in-dept h understandi ng of the various synt hetic, bi ologic and abs orbable mes hes
Understa nd be nefits a nd limitations of laparos copic ventral hernia re pairs
Learn about modern modifi cations a nd adj unct s to traditional laparoscopic te chni ques
Understa nd the s urgical appr oaches to the re constructive challenges
Understa nd moder n options for abdomi nal wall reconstruction and sublay mesh re pairs
Understa nd advanced te chiques of skin/ soft tissue mobilization/trans fer, e xpansion, a nd
panni cule ctomie s
Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Summit 2014
Friday, February 7, 2014
Saturday, February 8, 2014 continue d
6:00 am
7:50 am
Staying Conne cted: T he Role of Social Media in A WR
Brian Jacob
6:30 am
Yuri Novitsky
8:10 am
How Do I Get Paid? “Must K now ” Facts to Ma ximize Rei mburs eme nt
Scott Roth
6:40 am
Classifi cation of Her nias: Let’ s Speak the Same Language
Michael Rose n
8:30 am
Cost of Comple xity: Re ducing the Pri ce Tag
B. Todd Heni ford
7:00 am
Synthetic Mesh: What You Need T o Know To Make Educate d
Choi ces
William Cobb
Biologic / Biodegradable M esh Choi ces: Porci ne, Human, Bovine,
Yuri Novitsky
7:40 am
Traditional Lap VH R: Tricks, Pit falls, Contraindi cations
8:00 am
7:20 am
8:50 am
9:20 am
Synthetic Mesh in Contaminate d Field: Are You Crazy?!
Synthetic Mesh in Contaminate d Field: YES!
Scott Roth
Alfredo Car bonell
9:50 am
Discus sion
All Faculty
Kent Kercher
10:00 a m
Laparos copic Manag eme nt of Parastomal H ernias
Alfredo Car bonell
8:20 am
Novel Modi fications in Laparos copic VHR: Defe ct Closure and Mesh
Positioni ng Devices
Yuri Novitsky
4:00 pm
Enterotomy During VHR: W hat Do I Do Now?
Brian Jacob
8:40 am
Off the Beate n Path: Clever Tricks for Unusual and Une xpe cted
Scenarios in LVHR
B. Todd Heni ford
4:20 pm
Loss of Abdominal Domain: D efinition and Treat ment Strategies
William Cobb
4:40 pm
AWR in the Setting of Enterocutane ous Fistula : Shoul d I Stage It?
Michael Rose n
9:00 am
Discus sion
All Faculty
5:00 pm
Diastesis Re cti: What Should I D o?
Hooman Soltanian
9:30 am
5:20 pm
Soft Tissue Challeng es: Plasti c Surgeon Ti ps for a General Surge on
Jeffrey Janis
5:40 pm
Stump the Pr ofe ssor: D ecisi on Making in Complex Cases
4:00 pm
Open Component Separation & M odi fications
Jeffrey Janis
7:30 pm
Poster Rounds
4:30 pm
Rives-Stoppa and Posterior Component Separation
Yuri Novitsky
8:00 pm
5:00 pm
Endos copic Component Separation
Scott Roth
5:20 pm
Open Flank Her nia Repair
B. Todd Heni ford
5:40 pm
Flaps/Tissue Expander s
Hooman Soltanian
6:00 pm
PANEL: Routi ne Hernia Patient: Preventing the Comple xity
All Faculty
7:00 pm
Adjourn / Cocktail Re cepti on
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Saturday, February 8, 2014
6:00 am
Session I ntroduction / D efini ng the Clini cal Challe nge
Yuri Novitsky
6:30 am
Umbili cal Hernias —The Trials & Tribulations of Deci sion Making
Kent Kercher
7:00 am
Algorithmic Approaches to I nguinal Her nia Repair: Ope n, TAPP,
Brian Jacob
7:20 am
Evidence -Ba sed Optimal Fixation During Lap Her nia Repair:
Sutures, Absor bable Ta cks, Glue s
William Cobb
6:00 am
Session I ntroduction / D efini ng the Clini cal Challe nge
Yuri Novitsky
7:40 am
Groin Pain A fter Surgery—What D o I Do N ow?
Ajita Prabhu
6:30 am
Quality Collaboratives in AWR: What Doe s It Mean For You?
Michael Rose n
8:00 am
Treating Inguinal Re curre nce s
Scott Roth
6:50 am
Complications of Abdomi nal Wall Re constructions: Dealing With
My Own “Disa sters”
George DeN oto
8:20 am
Lap Appr oaches to Ing uino -Scrotal Her nias
George DeN oto
8:40 am
The Surgical Appr oach t o Sports Hernia : Myth vs. Reality
Kent Kercher
7:10 am
How to Re duce Seroma & W ound Compli cations: Sealants & Tal c
Alfredo Car bonell
9:00a m
Discus sion
All Faculty
7:30 am
Adjunct s to Wound H ealing: Crea ms, Dr ugs and Dri ps
Jeffrey Janis
9:30 am