Mr. Joshua Kui - Centennial Christian School

Centennial Christian School
3608 Sparks Street
Terrace, BC V8G 2V6
September 26, 2014
Calendar of Events
September 26, Friday
- Lost and Found – Take Day
- Scholastic orders due
- Due Date - sports fundraising /travel fees
September 29, Monday
- Early Dismissal – 2:05 p.m.
September 30, Tuesday
- The Shoreline Cleanup (Grade 4-7)
October 3/4
- Pie Day
October 9 and 10, Thursday and Friday
October 13, Monday
- Thanksgiving Day – No School
October 14, Tuesday
- Midterm Reports for High School
October 16, 17, Thursday/Friday
- PD Days – No School
October 27, Monday
- Early Dismissal 2:05 p.m.
October 31, Friday
- Purdy’s orders due
- Lost and Found – Take Day
November 4, Tuesday
- Photo retakes
November 11, Tuesday
- Remembrance Day – NO SCHOOL
November 14, Friday
- H.S. Report Card #1
November 19, Wednesday
- Report Card writing for Elementary
November 24, Monday
- Early Dismissal 2:05 p.m.
- Gr 8-12 Parent Teacher Interviews
Read the Flapper Online at
November 25, Tuesday
Gr 8-12 Parent Teacher Interviews
- No school for Gr 8-12 students
November 27, Thursday
- Society meeting
- Lost and Found – Take Day
Mr. Joshua Kui
By Gord Buxton
Another new staff member at Centennial
this year is Mr. Joshua Kui. He is our high
school math and sciences teacher.
Mr. Kui was born and raised in Fort St.
John and is the third of seven children in
his family. After high school, Mr. Kui
attended King’s College in Edmonton where he obtained a
Bachelor of Science degree and a Bachelor of Education degree
as well. And perhaps more importantly this is where he met his
wife Becky.
Besides getting married this summer, one of the most influential
events of Mr. Kui’s life was going to Hong Kong to teach English
for a year with YWAM after the first two years of his college
education. It was during this time that he found his calling for
education and made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ as
his Lord and Saviour.
Mr. Kui enjoys sports, he is a loyal Canucks fan, he played soccer
at college, and generally likes getting outdoors to hike and fish.
He also has an interest in doing photography and painting when
he can find the time.
This is Mr. Kui’s first teaching position and he is enjoying the
experience. He has been particularly impressed with the
“servant heart” attitude of his students and the strong sense of
community among both the staff and students here at CCS.
Going on the grade 11/12 class trip to Haida Gwaii has been the
highlight of Mr. Kui’s time teaching here so far.
God bless, and welcome to Centennial Christian School, Joshua!
We trust that there will be many more wonderful experiences
during your time teaching in our school community.
CCS Photos
Pie Day October 3 & 4
If you have a fun, striking or otherwise
interesting photo of CCS, please submit it to
[email protected] . Your photo may
be used on our Facebook page, website or
stationary. By submitting a photo, you
automatically give us permission to use your
photo for these purposes. You will be given
credit as the photographer.
Come on out and enjoy a
wonderful time of
The PR Committee
2013/2014 Yearbooks
If you missed getting your 2013/2014 yearbook,
come on in to the office and pick one up, $40
for his beautiful, colour book. It has pictures
from all grade levels!
Mrs. Trish Rolleman
Gift Card Fundraiser
Centennial Christian School has been
participating in a fundraiser for the past few
years. We purchase gift cards from Save On
Foods and Safeway at a discounted price. We,
in turn, sell them for face value at our school
office. They are sold in $50 and $100
denominations. This is an incredibly easy
fundraiser with very little work. All we need is
your participation! Gift cards are available any
time of the day throughout the year at the
school office.
Please stop by before you do your weekly
groceries! We appreciate you helping make this
fundraiser a huge success!
The Office Ladies
Early Dismissal
Monday will be Early Dismissal! Please pick
up your children at 2:05 pm. Thanks!
Mrs. Charlene Brown, Secretary
Students, teachers, parents,
grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends are ALL
encouraged to come out for a few hours to
make this a successful event.
Students will be peeling apples in the gym
throughout the day on Friday Oct 3. Having
extra adults in the gym at this time would be
Orders can be placed with students in Gr. 2-7
until Sept 22 or in the school office by Oct 2.
Pie day will be Oct 3 from 10am – 8pm and Sat
Oct 4 from 9:30 - 2
The money raised is going towards Technology
Upgrades in the school.
If you have apples to donate or questions
please contact
Darlene Cooper @ 250-635-8131
CCS Hearts & Hands
Annual Fall Clean Up
What a difference one
evening makes!
Last night, 70
willing volunteers
gave their time and
skills for the annual
Fall Clean up. Within
an hour and a half,
weeds were pulled,
siding was washed, the
parking lot swept, gardens spruced up,
gutters cleaned, light bulbs replaced and
much more. It's so amazing what so many
willing volunteers can do in such a short time,
proving once again that "many hands make
light work". Thank you to all of you!
Mr. Peter Roukema, Principal
Welcome New Families!
Welcome to the start of a new school year! We
are happy to have many new families and
students join us. We would like to officially
welcome the parents and students through this,
our weekly Flapper.
Neil Strain
Jenny Albert
Jasmine (8)
Dorian (4)
Scott and Theresa Alexcee
Paige (7)
Savanah (K)
Megan Angus
Emma (K)
Andrew McMillan and Jocelynn Aster
Amy-Lynn (2)
Rick and Nicole Boehm
Corben (5)
Gracie (4)
Rheanna (4)
Aulden (3)
Natalie (1)
Jodi and Tracey Braam
Kaylyn (1)
Chad and Siobhan Buhr
Aedin (8)
Emma (6)
Isabella (4)
Cheryl Campbell
Trinity (7)
Victoria Carter
Grace (11)
Hannah (8)
Dave and Wanda Clunas
Liam (10)
Tracey Davidson
Grace (5)
Mike Euverman
Brandon (6)
Sean (4)
Kris and Amanda Falk
Kailey (1)
Steve and Karen Hawyes
Kyle (8)
Nic and Kayley Heijnen
Naveed (K)
John and Stacey Kennedy
Maggy (10)
Renie and Rizalina Labrador
Nagel (5)
Vincent (9)
Ian Mackenzie and Christine Zimmerman
Abigail (K)
Brooke Perkins
Max (K)
Gordon and Darbee Roberts
Alixander (4)
Gordon (2)
Georgina Robinson
Jill (K)
Troy and Alisia Thomas
Troysia (10)
Todd and Charla Wilkins
Trace (K)
Sheldon and Connie Yasinchuk
Nickolis (10)
Welcome also to all our new students from
families already in Centennial and students
returning to Centennial.
Nina Fourie (K)
Lynnie Lombard (K)
Dawson McGee (K)
Arianna Tanguay (K)
Joshua Bowen (1)
Jachin Johnson (2)
Elijah Bowen (6)
Mercedes Trigo (9)
Miranda Valmonte (10)
I hope and pray that we may all grow and learn
together this year.
Mr. Peter Roukema, Principal
New Parent Orientation
Ashley and Giselle
It was good to see share CCS' mission and
vision with so many new
parents Wednesday night. We are thankful
that we could spend this time with you and
hope that you will all soon feel very much
part of the CCS community. Thanks for
coming out.
Ashley and her wonderful High School friends
will be selling cookies that she and Giselle
have helped bake. Monday’s will be chocolate
madness and Tuesday will be gingersnaps.
$.50 or 2 for $.75.
Mr. Peter Roukema, Principal
Student Council
Just a reminder that Monday’s the start of
Monday – Jersey
Tuesday – Cowboy
Wednesday – Potluck + 80’s
Grade 8 – Salad
Grade 9 – Dessert
Grade 10 – Sandwiches
Grade 11 – Soup
Grade 12 – Drinks
Thursday – Wacky Tacky
Friday – PJ Day
Student Council
Parking Lot
As the start of a new
school year it is good to
remind each other of
safe parking lot
practices. Please help us
keep the parking spot for
disabled people open by not stopping in that
spot. Also please avoid dropping your
children off at the front steps of the
school. Thank you for your cooperation.
Mr. Peter Roukema, Principal
Mrs. Marybeth Esau and Ms. Rayna Braam
Hot Lunch Thursday
Ever wonder about our hot
lunch and what it is like?
Here was yesterday’s tasty
and healthy lunch!
Don’t forget to have your
hot lunch forms in by
Tuesday for hot lunch
October 2nd which will be