Department of Physics, Universitty of Coloraado at Denveer Physics 1052 (Generral Astronom my) Experim ment #4 — Orbital O Velo ocity of the E Earth Usingg Stellar Speectra xercise you will w find the orbital veloccity of the E Earth by meaasuring the D Doppler shiftt in In this ex the spectrum of the star Arcturus. Among thee very brighhtest of stars,, shining witth a soft orannge light, Arccturus lights northern sprring skies. While W orbitinng the Sun, thhe Earth mooves towardss the Arcturus half of its orbital period d and it movees away from m the star reest of the perriod as shownn in figure. When W the Earrth is moving g towards an nd away from m the star, thhe observed llight is respectiv vely blue-shifted and red d-shifted . (a) Earth mooving away Arrcturus Sun (b)) Earth moviing towards The phottocopied figu ure (taken from SKY AN ND TELESC COPE) below w displays tw wo spectrogrrams of the staar Arcturus taaken six mon nths apart. The T top and tthe bottom sspectrogramss are of a referencee light sourcee at rest with h respect to the t telescopee. Corresponnding to eachh of the referrence lines is a dark line in the star spectrum, displaced slightlyy to the rightt (red-shiftedd) in a, and tto the left (b blue-shifted)) in b. Select lin ne 1 and meaasure the displacement of o it in a andd b to tength of millimeteers. One wayy to do it is to o use a straig ght edge to connect c matcching referennce lines as sshown in thee figure on thhe lower rig ght corner on n the next paage. The shifft are shown by filled recctagles (red iin a and bluee in b) in the figure.Meassure the shiftts with a scalle estimatingg to tength a tength of m millimeter. A magnifyiing glass would be handy y. Try to be as a accurate aas possible. T The measureements give the shift Δ in i mm for th he line. Draw w a table sim milar to one sshown below w and note doown the measurem ments. Repeat the processs for lines 1, 1 3, 5, and 7 and enter innto the tablee. line original o no. waavelength 0 angstrom 1 426 60.48 shift Δ Δ spectrum spectrum s a mm b mm shifft Δ spectrum spectrum m a angstrom b angstrom m vr c 0 spectra a spectra b Department of Physics, Universitty of Coloraado at Denveer Physics 1052 (Generral Astronom my) Fig: Sp pectrum of Arcturus, A wheen the Earthh is at (a) andd (b) positioons. The meassurments you obtained are a in millim meters in papeer scale. Theese are not inn the angstroom scale in which w the thee reference wavelengths w are measureed. You needd to convert your measurem ments to the angstrom sccales. By thee way, 1 angsstrom = 10-110 m. To do thhis, measuree the distance between linees 1 and 7 in n millimeterss with the saame accuracyy mentionedd in the previious paragraph h. Divide thee difference in actual waavelengths oof line 1 (42660.48 angstrooms) and linne 7 (4307.91 angstroms) by the distaance between n lines 1 andd 7. i.e., Conv version Facttor (CF) 4 - 42260.48 4307.91 angsstroms /milllimeter It serves as the conveersion factorr to obtain th he shift in waavelengths inn angstrom ms. Multiply the numberss you have in n the third coolumn and ffourth coulumn in mm of th he above tablle by the CF F and write ddown the resuults in fifth and sixth colum mn of the tablle respectiveely. The new nubmers aree the shifts in angstrom. a Now N we know w the shift in n spectrum ddue to the rellative motion between b sourrce of light (A Arcturus ) an nd the obserrver on the E Earth. Now you u can use thee Doppler’s effect e Eq.(6.3) from youu text book too find the relative velocity between b the Earth and th he star. vr c 0 m/s is the speeed of light and a 0 is the wavelengthh of where c = 300000 km correspon nding reference line. These values fo or line 2, 3, 44, 5 and 6 arre respectiv vely, 4271.16 6, 4271.76, 4282.41, 4 429 94.13, and 42299.24. a b Department of Physics, University of Colorado at Denver Physics 1052 (General Astronomy) You can use above formula for both red-shift and blue-shift. Find the average vr from the second last column of the table. Let’s denote this number by vrr. vrr = ……. km/s. It represents the average relative velocity obtained from the red-shift in the spectrum a. This velocity is related to speed of the star and the speed of the Earth by vrr vStar vEarth . Similarly, find the average vr from the last column of the table and denote it by vrb = - ……. km/s. Notice there is negative sign. We are adding this negative sign here for convenience. Actually it should be with the numbers in the last column of the table because the shift Δ is negative for the blue shift. Usually displacement in the right is taken as positive and in the left is taken as negative. vrb vStar vEarth . Our goal is to find vEarth , the orbital speed of the Earth. We can obtain it by eliminating vstar from the above two equations. Please show the mathematical steps involved in the elimination process. I am writing the result below vEarth vrr vrb . 2 Now plug in the values of vrr and vrb you found above and find vEarth . Remember to include –ve sign in vrb. This speed is obtained by assuming that the Arcturus is located at ecliptic plane (In actuality, Arcturus lies at 31o latitude.). To get the true orbital value you need to divide above result by 0.86 because it is equal to cos31o. Compare your final result with the actual value of the orbital velocity of the Earth found in book or internet. Don’t forget to discuss the possible sources of error in the experiment while writing the conclusion section of your report.
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