23 Apr 2014 - Forests Clearances

Agenda No. 7
F. No. 8-34/2011-FC
Sub: Diversion of 679.44 ha of forest land for renewal of Salt lease for manufacture
of salt in favour of M/s Saurashtra Salt Industries Limited in Jamnagar Marine
National Park Forest Division in Jamnagar District of Gujarat.
The present case for diversion of 679.44 ha of forest land for renewal of Salt
lease for manufacture of salt in favour of M/s Saurashtra Salt Industries Limited in
Jamnagar Marine National Park Forest Division in Jamnagar District of Gujarat was
put up before the Forest Advisory Committee in its meeting on 26th August, 2011.
The Committee observed as follows:“The Committee was informed that this is one of the several proposals of a similar
nature received in the Ministry. Apart from this there are 9 more cases of similar
nature involving renewal of lease of old salt manufacturing units of Jamnagar district
of Gujarat.
The Committee was of the view that the proposals of salt production involve large
tracts of land. There is a need to assess these cases in totality from the angle of
avian faunal and floral diversity which could be done by referring all the cases to the
National Board of Wildlife as they are in the vicinity of the Jamnagar Marine National
The Committee also felt that there is also a need to get the project assessed from
the socio-ecological angle as a large population has been traditionally dependent on
these salt production units for their livelihood. The Committee suggested the name of
Shri Satyakam Joshi, Director Centre for Social Studies for this assessment.
The Committee also felt that there is a need to assess the impact of salt panning on
the overall biodiversity of the area, including the mangroves that have come up in
defunct salt pans. Thus there is a need to get the opinion of IA division of the MoEF
on requirement of Environment Impact Assessment and CRZ notification of these
projects so that the overall impact of salt manufacture can be gauged.”
Accordingly, following were proposed:1. Referring the matter of salt production involving large tracts of land, rich in
floral and faunal diversity, in the vicinity of Jamnagar Marine National Park to
National Board of Wildlife for its opinion.
2. For conduct of Socio-ecological study by Dr. Satyakam Joshi, Director, Centre
for Social Studies, Surat on impact of salt production units on the livelihood of
local population, dependent on salt production.
3. Opinion of IA Division, MoEF on requirement of Environment Impact
Assessment and CRZ notification on these projects in Jamnagar district of
The then Hon’ble MEF has observed as follows:“FAC should reconsider the practice of directly constituting sub committees consisting
of non-members of FAC. It is not possible for MoEF to give clearance for these
Committees unless the names and backgrounds area verified by us. In this case too,
background details of the persons suggested may be put up please”.
There are eight other similar cases for diversion of forest land for renewal
of lease for manufacturing of salt. A list is enclosed below with the status in all the
In view of above, following actions were proposed:1. Since most of the cases are within 10 km. of Marine National Park of
Jamnagar, hence, the State Government may be requested to submit the
recommendations of the Standing Committee of National Board for Wildlife.
DFA is placed below.
2. Opinion of I.A. Division, MoEF on requirement of EIA and CRZ notifications of
these projects in Jamnagar district of Gujarat may be solicited.
3. On the issue of getting the project assessed from socio-ecological angle as
a large population has been traditionally dependent on these salt production
units for their livelihood, the proposal may be taken to Forest Advisory
Committee to take a fresh view on it.
Now, opinions of the above mentioned Divisions have been received as under:Sl. No.
Information sought
Since most of the cases
are within 10 km. of Marine
National Park of Jamnagar,
hence, the State Government
may be requested to submit
the Standing Committee of
National Board for Wildlife.
Information received
Wildlife Division have opined that
para 3.10 provides for applicability
of the guidelines of WL Division dt.
19.12.2012. The guidelines refer to
the requirement of reference to S/C
of NBWL for the activities requiring
EC under EC Notification, which it
seems is not the case, as clarified by
IA – elaborated on p. 8/N at ‘A’ and,
accordingly, approval of the Standing
Committee of NBWL would not be
Opinion of I.A. Division, MoEF
on requirement of EIA and
CRZ notifications of these
projects in Jamnagar district
of Gujarat may be solicited.
On the issue of getting
the project assessed from
socio-ecological angle as a
large population has been
traditionally dependent on
these salt production units for
their livelihood, the proposal
may be taken to Forest
Advisory Committee to take a
fresh view on it.
Opinion of IA Division has been taken
as below:“This has reference to the OM No. 834/2011-FC dated 3rd March, 2014. It is
informed that Salt works are not covered
under the EIA, Notification, 2006. Under
CRZ Notification, 2011, “Salt harvesting
by solar evaporation of sea water” is
permissible activity with prior approval
of State Coastal Zone Management
A study was suggested by FAC two
years back and, accordingly, it requires
fresh consideration by the Forest
Advisory Committee.
Accordingly, it has been put up before the FAC for consideration.
The detail Fact Sheet of the present case is as below:FACT SHEET
Name of the Proposal
(i) State
(ii) District
Particulars of Forests:
(i) Name of Forest Division
(ii) Forest area involved.
Diversion of 679.44 ha of forest land for
renewal of Salt lease for manufacture
of salt in favour of M/s Saurashtra Salt
Industries Limited in Jamnagar Marine
National Park Forest Division in Jamnagar
District of Gujarat.
Jamnagar Marine National Park Forest
679.44 ha
(iii) Legal status/Sy.No.
Reserve Forest (Preliminary declaration
made u/s 4 of IFA)
(iv) Map
Topography of the area
Density of vegetation
Enclosed (p. 13/c).
The proposed area is open with high
wind velocity suitable for wind energy
The area is largely blank however
mangrove and other species are found
in areas used as reservoir. The common
species encountered are Avicenia marina,
A. alba, Rhizophora sp. Ceriops tagal etc.
Halophytes include Salvador asp. Sued
asp., Salicornia and Prosopis juliflora etc.
(p. 76/c).
No tree felling is required.
No. of trees which will be affected
Brief note on vulnerability of the
forest area to erosion
Whether forms part of National
park, Wildlife Sanctuary,
Biosphere Reserve, Tiger
Reserve, Elephant Corridor, etc.
(if so, details of the area and
comments of the Chief Wildlife
Warden to be annexed)
Whether any rare/ endangered/
unique species of flora and fauna
are found in the area. If so details
archaeological/ heritage site/
defence establishment or any
other important monuments is
located in the area.
Whether any work of in violation
of the Forest (Conservation) Act,
1980 has been carried out (Yes/
No). If yes details of the same
including period of work done,
action taken on erring officials.
Whether work in violation is still in
It does not form part of any National Park,
Wildlife Sanctuary, Biosphere Reserve,
Tiger Reserved, Elephant corridor etc. but
the boundary of the Marine National Park
is less than 1 km. from the proposed site.
Cost of the project
Cost Benefit Ratio
Rehabilitation of Oustees
a) No. of families involved
b) Category of families
c)Details of rehabilitation
State Government
Division/ District profile
Total Geographical area of the
Total Forest area/Divisional
Forest area
Total area diverted
since 1980
Total compensatory afforestation
stipulated in the district/division
since 1980 on
(a) Forest land including penal
compensatory afforestation
(b) Non-forest land
Progress of Compensatory
Afforestation as on date
(a) Forest land
(b) Non-forest land
Local labour will be employed in the
process of salt production.
All have recommended the proposal.
P. 17/c
P. 19/c
P. 20/c
14125.00 sq. km.
Jamnagar – 923.77 sq. km.
Jamnagar -9848.51 ha in 23 cases
12361.32 ha
709.00 ha
12361.32 ha
705.58 ha
Other remarks:
1. The proposal is for diversion of 679.44 ha of forest land for renewal of salt
lease for manufacture of salt in favour of M/s Saurashtra Salt Industries, Village
Chudeshwar, Jamnagar district of Gujarat.
2. The lease has been in operation prior to enactment of Forest (Conservation) Act,
1980 and thereafter the lease was renewed by the Govt. of India which expired
on 31.07.2003 and the user agency has again applied for renewal on 23.02.2005
to the Forest Department for 20 years i.e. from 1.08.2003 to 31.07.2023.
3. The user agency has already paid all the amount for compensatory afforestation
in 1358.88 ha., which is double the area of proposed lease i.e. 679.44 ha and
also paid the interest amount as prescribed in the GoI letter dated 10.12.1997,
during the first renewal.
4. The proposed land is Reserve Forest (Preliminary declaration made u/s 4 of
IFA) vide Govt. of Gujarat Notification No. AKH-134-76/FLD/1675/80208/P dated
5. No violation of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 has been reported.
6. User agency has not submitted any undertaking regarding deposition of NPV
however State Government of Gujarat has submitted that as this is a case of
renewal of old operational lease NPV is not required to be deposited but also
stated that the conditions stipulated by MoEF with regard to deposition of NPV
will be final.
Site Inspection Report:
Site inspection report has been submitted by the Regional Office, Bhopal.
Legal status of the land is Reserve Forest
The salt production from this area will around 75000-80000 tonnes per annum.
Flamingos, Black Necked Crane, Painted Storks, Spoonbills etc. were found to
be in plenty in the intake pond where salinity is low.
The report mentions that some permanent structures have been constructed on
the site which is a violation of the FCA 1980.
The Regional Office proposes that the renewal should be for 20 years w.e.f.
The report further says that nearly 60-80 ha of land is not being used by the user
agency and regeneration of mangrove species was observed in this area. This
area can be surveyed and handed over back to Forest Department. [Details on
Map (p. 86/c)].
The proposed site does not form part of any National Park, Wildlife Sanctuary,
Biosphere Reserve but the boundary of the Marine National Park is less than 1
km from the proposed site.
In view of the above facts, the proposal may be submitted to the FAC for its
consideration and taking further view on the matter.
(B.K. Singh)
Director (FC)