2014 TS Assessment Requirements - vari

April 1, 2014
Dear Supplier Partner:
Subject: Heat Treat System Assessment
Plating System Assessment Requirement
Coating System Assessment Requirement
Welding System Assessment Requirement
As per ISO/TS 16949:2009, clause, the organization shall audit each manufacturing process to determine
its effectiveness.
CQI-9 Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment. This is required for any complete heat treat
components (i.e. Riv-nuts, screws or clips) as well as partial components. Installing screws/clip/etc., into your
shipped product is considered a partial component; please ensure compliance with this assessment.
CQI-11 Special Process: Plating System Assessment
CQI-12 Special Process: Coating System Assessment
CQI-15 Special Process: Welding System Assessment
CQI-17 Special Process: Soldering System Assessment
CQI-9 are customer specific requirements for Ford, Chrysler and GM
CQI-11 and CQI-12 are customer specific requirements for Chrysler and GM only.
CQI-15 are customer specific requirements for Chrysler and Ford only.
CQI-17 are customer specific requirements for Chrysler only
These assessments are available through AIAG (www.aiag.org )
Supplier Conformity to TS-16494:
As per TS-16949, clause, Supplier Quality Management System Development.
The organization shall perform supplier quality management system development with the goal of supplier
conformity to this Technical Specification (TS 16949). Conformity with ISO 9001:2008 is the first step in achieving
this goal.
Suppliers to the organization shall be third party registered to ISO 9001:2008 by an accredited third party
certification body.
If your organization is not currently registered to TS 16949, please supply target date of registration or at least
explain how you conform to TS (checklist, audit schedule, etc.) by completing the section of the Vari-form Supplier
Contact Information and Questionnaire Form.
Please submit the attached Supplier Contact Information and Questionnaire form to the VARI-FORM (email:
[email protected]) by April 17, 2014. Failure to meet these requirements and time frames will detrimentally
affect your supplier rating.
If the component supplied does not meet any or all items then please provide documentation indicating this, this
documentation will be kept on file here at VARI-FORM
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Billie Herrington, VARI-FORM Quality Systems
Administrator, [email protected]
780 Wright Street, Strathroy, ON, N7G 4K5 • 519-245-5200 • Fax 519-245-4665 • www.vari-form.com
Billie Herrington
Quality Systems Administrator