Ysgol Glanwydden Newsletter

Ysgol Glanwydden
Medi 2014
Polisi Cydraddoldeb
Os oes gennych unrhyw sylwadau
yn gh ylch
cydraddoldeb yn yr Ysgol mae
croeso i chi gysylltu â’r pennaeth.
Bydd yr arian a godwyd gan y
CRhA y llynedd yn mynd tuag at
wersi offerynnol i blant Blwyddyn
4; gwella toiledau y babannod,
adnoddau mathemateg a
llythrennedd, byddant yn rhoi
cyfraniad tuag at gostau llungopio’r
ysgol, a gemau amser chwarae i’r
plant. Diolch yn fawr iddynt.
Clwb Celf i’r Teulu
Mae Oriel Mostyn yn cynnal Clwb
Celf i blant dros 5 oed a’u hoedolion
ar ddydd Sul unwaith y mis tan y
Nadolig. Os hoffech fwy o fanylion
am y clwb ffoniwch 01492 879201
[email protected].
Teams 4U (Bocs Anrheg Nadolig)
Byddwch erbyn hyn wedi derbyn
pamffled Teams4U. Maent yn
gweithredu ar draws y byd i wneud
gwahaniaeth ym mywydau plant.
Os ydych am wneud bocs ‘sgidiau a
fyddech cystal â’i ddod i’r ysgol cyn
12fed Tachwedd. Diolch.
Dyddiadau Pwysig
HMS—dim ysgol
i’r plant
10fed Hydref
Clic Sergeant
9fed Hydref
Noson Rhieni
(DDIM ar gyfer y
20fed Hydref
Hanner Tymor
24ain Hydref—
3ydd Tachwedd
Ffair Aeaf
Tachwedd 2014
Babanod 18/12/14
Iau 15/12/14
Neges gan y Pennaeth
Croeso yn ôl i dymor newydd. Mae’r plant newydd wedi setlo i mewn yn dda ac yn edrych yn
smart yn eu gwisg ysgol. Sicrhewch fod enw eich plentyn ar labeli eu dillad os gwelwch yn dda a
bod ganddynt fag o ddillad ymarfer corff sy’n cael ei gadw yn yr ysgol. Sicrhewch hefyd fod eich
plant yn cyrraedd yr ysgol ar amser a’ch bod yn gadael i ni wybod am unrhyw absenoldebau cyn
gynted â phosib. Diolch yn fawr.
Bydd disgyblion Blwyddyn 5 yn derbyn gwersi beicio y tymor hwn ac mae disgyblion Blwyddyn 4
eisoes wedi cychwyn gwersi nofio.
Llywodraethwr Llongyfarchiadau i Kelly Williams ar gael ei hethol fel Rhiant
Llywodraethwr. Edrychwn ymlaen at ei chroesawu i’r cyfarfodydd.
Cyngor yr Ysgol
Mae bachgen a merch o bob dosbarth o
flwyddyn 1 hyd at flwyddyn 6 wedi eu hethol i
gynrychioli eu dosbarth ar Gyngor yr Ysgol.
Dyma enwau’r aelodau newydd :Blwyddyn 1 a 2 - Daisy Mellors; Sion Bailey;
Senan Rands; Ruby Oldham; Robert Nash; Lola
Blwyddyn 3 a 4 - Thea Forbes; Elliott HughesWhitt aker; Shel don Marzolo; Al ysha
Hargreaves; Ruby Omar; Danny Mitchell.
Blwyddyn 5 a 6 - Lucas Hughes-Whittaker;
Lydia Morris; Oliver
Hughes-Whittaker; Eloise
Woosey; Molly Roberts;
Rhys Boulton.
Llongyfarchiadau iddynt.
Clwb Bowlio
Daeth cynrychiolwyr o glwb bowlio Bae
Penrhyn i gyflwyno cwpanau eu cystadleuthau
yn y gwasanaeth ar 19eg Medi. Enillwyr eleni
oedd :Ellie Hughes;
Dyl an Rogers; Adam
Parisella; Rhys Boulton;
Ethan Gale ac Ellen James.
Sialens Zip-Wire
Diolch yn fawr i bawb a noddodd y Pennaeth a
Chadeirydd y Llywodraethwyr. Codwyd £600
i’w wario ar offer tu allan i’r ysgol.
Gwobr Awyr Agored
Mae’r ysgol wedi ennill y wobr Aur gan
Bartneriaeth Awyr Agored Gogledd Ddwyrain
Cymru. Dim ond tair ysgol sydd wedi
cyrraedd y safon hon. Diolch yn fawr i Mr
Thomas am ysgogi’r plant i gymryd rhan.
Cawsant gyfle i blannu planhigion, dringo,
bwyta’n iach a chanwio ynghyd â phethau
Mae gennym ddwy iar, Lady Cluck a
Henri etta yn yr ysgol, drwy
garedigrwydd Wil a Catherine
Thomas, Winllan Isaf, Glanwydden.
Mae tìm o blant
c ym r yd
c yf r i f o l d e b
amdanynt a bydd
y wyau ar gael
o’r swyddfa am
Ethos yr ysgol
Y llynedd edrychwyd ar ethos yr
Ysgol. Dosbarthwyd holiadur gan y
cyngor cyn gwyliau’r haf a dyma’r
canlyniadau :- 98% yn hapus yn yr
ys g o l ; 9 6 % yn t e i m lo ’ n
ddiogel; 85% yn teimlo eu bod yn
cael eu trin yn deg; 78% yn meddwl
fod yr ysgol yn edrych yn daclusach
o ganlyniad i ymgyrch ethos y
llynedd; 80% yn meddwl fod yr ysgol yn edrych yn fwy ddeiniadol;
86% yn meddwl fod mwy o waith y
plant ar waliau’r ysgol.
Clwb 100
£25 A+ R Scott
£10 L Hargreaves
£10 J+JA Lewis
£5 SJ+G Roberts
Mae’r cylchlythyr hon a llawer
mwy o wybodaeth am yr ysgol
ar ein gwefan—
Ysgol Glanwydden
September 2014
Equality Policy
If anyone has any comments to
make with regards to equality issues
in the school you are welcome to
contact the Headteacher.
Message from the Head
Welcome back to a new term. The new children have settled in well and look smart in their school
uniform. Please ensure that you put your childs’ name on the label of their clothes and that they
have a PE clothes bag which is left in school. Please also ensure that they arrive at school on time
and that you notify us of any absenteeism as soon as possible. Thank you.
Money raised by the PTA last year
will go towards instrumental lessons
for Year 4 pupils; improve the
infants toilets; mathematics and
literacy resources and games for the
children to use during play time as
well as contributing towards the
school’s photocopying costs. Many
thanks for all their hard work.
Activities / Service
Year 5 pupils will receive cycling lessons this term and Year 4 pupils have already started on their
swimming lessons.
Family Art Club
Oriel Mostyn are holding an Art
Club for children over 5 years old
and their adults on one Sunday a
month until Christmas. For more
information phone 01492 879201 or
email [email protected].
Teams 4U (Christmas Box)
You will by now have received a
Teams4U leaflet who operate across
the world in order to make a
difference in children’s lives. If you
wish to make a shoebox please
bring it to school by 12th
November. Thank you.
Important Dates
Staff Training Day—
no school for children
10th October
Clic Sergeant
9th October 2014
Parents Evening (NOT
nursery class)
20th October
Half Term
24th October—
3rd November
Winter Fair
November 2014
Infants 18/12/14
Juniors 15/12/14
Governors Congratulations to Kelly Williams for being elected as a Parent Governor.
We look forward to welcoming her at the meetings.
School Council
A girl and boy from each class from Year 1 to
Year 6 have been elected to represent their
class on the School Council. Here are the
names of the new members:Years 1 and 2 - Daisy Mellors; Sion Bailey;
Senan Rands; Ruby Oldham; Robert Nash;
Lola Berrington.
Years 3 and 4 - Thea Forbes; Elliott HughesWhittaker; Shel don Marzolo; Al ysha
Hargreaves; Ruby Omar; Danny Mitchell.
Years 5 and 6 - Lucas Hughes-Whittaker;
Lydia Morris; Oliver
Hughes-Whittaker; Eloise
Woosey; Molly Roberts;
Rhys Boulton.
Congratulations to them
Bowling Club
Representatives of Penrhyn Bay Bowling Club
came to our service on 19th September to
present trophies in respect of competitions they
held for junior members. This years winners
were :Ellie Hughes;
Dylan Rogers; Adam
Parisella; Rhys Boulton;
Ethan Gale and Ellen
Zip Wire Challenge
Many thanks to everyone who sponsored the
Headteacher and Chairman of the Governors in
the above challenge. They raised £600 to be
spent on outside equipment in the school.
We have acquired two hens at the
school and have named them Lady
Cluck and Henrietta Many thanks to
Wil and Catherine Thomas, Winllan
Isaf, Glanwydden for donating the
hens. A team of children have taken
for looking
and the eggs
are available
fro m
t he
office for a
School Ethos
We looked at the school ethos last
term and following a questionnaire
distributed by the school council,
here are the results :98% of
children felt happy in school; 96%
felt safe; 85% felt they were treated
fairly; 78% felt the school was tidier
following last years ethos campaign;
80% felt the school looked more
attractive; 86% were of the opinion
that more of their work was being
displayed on the walls.
100 Club
£25 A+R Scott
£10 L Hargreaves
£10 J+JA Lewis
Outdoor Award
The school has won a Gold Award from the
North East Wales Outdoor Partnership. Only
three schools have reached this standard. Many
thanks to Mr Thomas for instigating this award.
The children were given an opportunity to grow
plants, climb, learn about healthy eating and
canoeing amongst other things.
SJ+G Roberts
This newsletter and much more
is available on the school website by visiting: